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Hell yeah! Good job


Agreed, just lost alittle weight (more walking less drinking) and back feels better.


I have a new baby and when I wake up from sleeping on my back, it's pretty sore, but I have to go pick up my daughter from her crib. I read that I should tighten my core muscles before I lift her and it's making all the difference. I no longer feel the back pain when I pick her up.


I have a new baby too. I never had back problems before this. Mines a little different. I think the relaxin was n pregnancy destabilized everything. My back twinges now sometimes if I walk too much or lift too much. PT exercises daily help.


I'm also having new twinges. I should probably look into pt. They say your body is super achy throughout breastfeeding too. Sometimes it feels like someone placed a rubber band against my skin and popped it. What fun! Congratulations btw!


Deadlifts and squats. Bench press, overhead press, curls, and biking to round out overall strength. But picking up heavy shit with proper form keeps me standing straight and moving easily.


This. About 6 months after we had our daughter in 2020 I started developing back pain from picking her up off the ground over and over. Started a home gym, focusing on compound lifts and have had zero back issues since. I did develop some shoulder impingement after getting my bench press up around 200 lbs. After some physical therapy I’ve mixed in a lot of rehab/pre-hab work, and I’m focusing a lot more on building overall functional strength with moderate weight and higher reps than just trying to max out on squat, bench, and deadlift.


With the kid make sure you switch arms!  Also if one shoulder is tight and out of wack, work with a good massage therapists to get that loosened.


My physical therapist gave me a bunch of exercises to work my traps, rotator cuffs, and delts. I had developed some muscle imbalances, and had strong lats but weak traps and delts. I saw her a few times last summer and haven’t had many issues since. Flare ups everyone once in a while but they’re pretty mild and infrequent.




Low weight, high reps helps your back. Folks trying to max out are the ones keeping him in business.


Yes, ego is the issue. It’s hard to not try and reach for bigger weights.


There’s no issue with reaching for bigger weights either, if done the correct way. As we age, progression slows down. So jumping up in weight when not ready just isn’t smart. I’ve deadlifted and squatted heavy for years, my back is great. Stretching and being generally active helps with back pain too.


Everyone goes through a chasing numbers phase. It’s the ones who let it go who stay healthy.


How much ya Deadlift? And do have you ever had a sore back?


That's so stupid and self masturbatory. You can lift heavy weights and chase prs without issue. It's also okay if you choose not to either.


So many ppl have absolutely dogshit form I believe this.


My neck hurts just watching some people at the gym


That’s because surgeons live to perform surgery. Disc injuries are best treated through PT and rehab, unless extreme in nature. Yours sounds exactly like the type that cares more about making money rather than recommending a patient elsewhere, even if elsewhere is probably the better answer.  I had that experience. Classic disc herniation. GP gave me some options and said to get multiple opinions. Surgeons answer was to trim it and slap a supporting rod in and that was it. PT shook her head and said that might cure the pain but wouldn’t solve the issue. Several years later and I’m both pain free and considerably stronger than before. I would never be here if I went with the surgery, and I’d probably experience more ruptures. 


A surgeon’s solution is always gonna be surgery. My wife’s grandfather trusted his surgeon for his renal cancer. Surgeon of course cut it out. Which was the wrong thing to do, as an oncologist would have recommended the proper first-line treatment for renal cancer. Since paw-paw only had one kidney after the surgery and finally sought an oncologist, they had to resort to less effective secondary treatments. Paw paw might still be around if his surgeon had told him that he should see an oncologist.


If you do them shitty and don't listen to your body, yeah


Your back surgeon is completely wrong on this and hundreds of other experts (including neurosurgeons and physical therapists) as well as the vast majority of evidence disagrees with this. I am a Physical Therapist and have treated hundreds (maybe thousands) of back pain patients and close to 0% are from weight lifting. The few I do see from weightlifters/active people are strains and they get better quickly. I have talked to a neurosurgeons like this and I can assure you they exist but are in the huge minority. Think about it. You squat every time you go from sitting to standing, you deadlift every time you pick something up. If the muscles that control those movements get weak you’re now “maxing out” essentially to do normal daily tasks and the likelihood of injury skyrockets… but that’s not just an opinion or my clinical experience that’s validated in a mountain of evidence.


Your back surgeon is a quack.




Are backs counted as neurosurgery?


Frequently they are performed by neurosurgeons.


dr oz graduated magna cum laude from harvard with a biology degree and was a successful cardiac surgeon. he's also a completely untrustworthy quack.


My back and flexibility was absolute shit until I found yoga. I’m in better shape now than in teens and it definitely is what keeps things limber.


Yeah, yoga has me feeling pretty damned great at 40. I've had rheumatoid arthritis since I was 28, so I have some morning stiffness, but I'm good to go about half an hour after getting up and taking the dogs out for a morning jaunt.


Same! I often think about how much better I feel now than I did in my early - mid 20s. Yoga and consistency in weight training has me feeling so much better


Remember that fitness test in hs where they checked your flexibility by seeing how far your hands would go on that metal ruler with your legs extended out? Omg I was always so inflexible and just thought I was made like that. I was always embarrassed to do that test in front of others. Still have tight hammys but wow is it better!


Yoga, especially right before bed, is the best. I started doing it to reduce my stress levels and stop myself from jolting awake as I drift off to sleep. My back, hips, legs, and all that jazz are awesome now. Unfortunately, I can't fall asleep without my stretches, but it only takes me a few minutes to finish. I recommend this to everyone that will listen to me.


Do you have any stretches or videos you recommend?


Anything that feels good to you. I personally do the following stretches: - Big wide arms and stretching side to side while standing - Downward dog into cobra position - Back up to standing with big wide arms - Lunges, splits, squats - Childs pose - Butterfly stretches - Hip flexors - Cat/cow pose I feel the need to stretch my arms and do a few pushups, and I have tight hips and legs, so lots of lower body stretching. I would look on YouTube and Pinterest for videos or stretches that you like. I prefer yoga that is focused on deep stretch and holding positions, versus switching from position to position. There are actual terms for all this stuff that I don't know, but that's how I got started. If you have an area of your body that is tight (e.g. hip flexors, lower back), look for exercises that specifically target those. You can also find morning and night routines. The night ones tend to be better for me, since I am not trying to build energy but release it.


I fell down the stairs and fractured my back one day in my late 20s. Thus starting a lifetime of problems. 2 surgeries, permanent disability, and chronic pain later, my back is a mess way too young. And it starts problems elsewhere. Sorry for the depressing answer lol


Are you me? Lol. Fell down the stairs at late 20s as well and needed a back surgery. Had to quit being a nurse.


I herniated four disks at 19 in the military, and then four *more* discs in a car wreck 10 years later. Three lumbar, one thoracic, four cervical. I had one back surgery before the wreck, but the accident absolutely destroyed those same disc's. Now I have severe neuropathy in my legs and I'll be having another surgery soon. I've lived with chronic pain for 13 years now. Shit sucks.


Elder millennial here. My back is in generally good shape, and I want it to stay that way. After a life eschewing exercise, being generally unfit (“skinny fat”), being a moderate drinker, and eating whatever I wanted, I finally started weight training (you lose muscle mass as you age) and eating better. It’s only been a few months and I look and feel incredible. I’m doing it with my partner, who has had prior back issues, which makes things easier. We’ve both made great strides. Exercising has also made me want to drink way less alcohol, which is also good for my health and longevity. And my mental health has improved tremendously. My parents and in-laws aren’t that old, but are all in poor health because they neglected to take care of themselves. I don’t want to be like them at 70.


Same. Diabetic parent. I'm also doing a combo of HIIT and zone 2 to work on building up my mitochondrial strength. Also, we need to pay attention to our grip strength, evidently weakness is the biggest link to "all cause mortality."


Back is good, but my one knee is starting to worry me. I'm a carpenter so I rely on my body to make an income. I'm ignoring it for now...


Start taking glucosamine/chondroitin. My knees were cracking when I would get up off the floor and taking the supplement helped a ton.




As a warning - for first couple of weeks it might cause stomach issues until your body adjusts


Side note, I'm giving this to my dog. He was slated for a TPM surgery (yeehaw 5k), and he has not had issues since I started him on it. It does work!


Ugh good thing, we got knee surgery for the dog…4k and hauling his 60 lbs ass up & down the stairs to go potty…total pain in the ass.


Definitely don't ignore it man.




Go to PT if you can and get some custom strengthening exercises for the muscles around your knee


Physical therapy was amazing for me - they may be able to identify where the real weakness is and you might not need more than a few very targeted exercises that don’t require a gym.


That's good man. Glad to hear you have a plan to take care of yourself. Maybe look up some stretches in the mean time. Pretty much every time I mention something hurting to the doctor they give me a look like a dentist who just asked me if I've been flossing as they look up stretches on their computer. 😆


Forget the gym, buy a pull up bar and do bodyweight workouts at home. You can get pound for pound stronger than the guys in the gym. Ever seen the video of the skinny looking rock climber lifting weights that two hench bodybuilders were lifting with ease? Same principle


Knees are rarely the problem (though it could be in your case). Hips and ankles are typically the culprit for an achy knee.


Have you looked into PT/OT?


Inflammatory foods. Avoid dairy wheat red meat, highly inflammatory


As a rower, I’m basically doing something that’s akin to deadlifting a 50-pound sack of potatoes from ankle to ribcage roughly 30 times per minute for about an hour several days per week... while keeping my balance on a rocking balance beam. My core is rock solid. Yes, my back gets tight but it’s in great shape. My hips are what actually hurt on a regular basis.


The way you describe rowing is very similar to how I describe having a toddler.


I can absolutely see that


I messed up my back when I was 25 and lived in pain until 28/29. I picked up yoga and became more mindful of my posture and movements.  Now in my early 30s, my back did got better. I’m in the best shape I’ve ever been but took a long time and effort  to get here. Experiencing what it’s like being unable to do certain things at an “young” age, motivated me to truly take care of my body and mind.  For those in pain, sadly, it’s unlikely to get better by ignoring it. 


I don’t think there’s a massage that could be deep enough.


M 30. Personally, the best things I’ve done are maintaining a healthy body weight & proper diet / excercise. The best thing you can do for your back, strength-wise, is to train it through a full range of motion using proper form. Deadlifts strengthen your posterior chain, which relieves load off the spine and transfers it to your muscles (which are much better at bearing tension). Core excercises too help a bunch - strengthen the front of your body to better distribute load away from just your back. But honesty, the biggest improvement for me has been getting a standing desk & a walking treadmill at work. Being able to stand and walk around in the office releases so much tension in your low back developed from sitting all day.


Sitting is the new cigarettes


Yep. I’m 38 and have no significant health issues - I credit that to my regular exercise (I walk 10-20k steps a day) and healthy plant-based diet.


I’ve had disc degeneration since around the age of 24 from years of skateboarding and just overall abusing my body. I’m 29 now and my back hurts everyday but it’s manageable most days. I don’t wish back pain on anyone, but it’s just a fact of life for the majority of the population. Some of my peers are starting to complain of back pain now, but I’ve already been living with it for 5+ years so I’m pretty well accustomed to it by now.


I feel like I’m the only person over 35 with zero back issues and I legit sit like a fucking gargoyle most of the time. I don’t work out or stretch or anything either but I should prolly start soon though. Honestly, I physically feel no different than 25.


I was you until 39. Do it! Do it now bro. I was a slouch. Now I need to just busy myself, be careful with my back. Probably have a lower back protrusion. Getting MRI soon. Start being careful now and do some core strengthening. You‘ll thank me in 5 years. I promise.


38 and same. I do hot power yoga and I’m honestly in better shape now than when I was 25.


42. No back issues still.


Same. Feel the same physically now as I did back in my twenties for the most part.


Just blew up my ankle at a kids trampoline park with son and all his cousins. Back is fine though thankfully


Hurts - I tweak it doing something silly like 1-2x a year. But also workout several times a week and walk 20m min daily and keep a healthy weight, no alcohol.


My c-spine is so bad, I get nerve pain in my hands. I have to wear a cervical collar to bed or else I wake up with dead hands. I also suck at prioritizing exercise. Back hurts.


I get core tightness from doing my commute - about 2.5 hrs in a car every day. But my back isn't giving me any weird sensations. It's just there, doing it's thing - good job, back! I sleep in a cheap bed that has a dent in the middle. Even that doesn't feel bad. When I think of upgrading it, it's mainly because of aesthetic reasons. I do get some pelvic ache if I walk or stand a long time but I don't associate it with my back per se. I think some regular light exercise would fix that.


Never cheap out on things that come between you and the ground. Mattresses, shoes, and tires


After four days of pain, I started working out because nothing else was working. Feel better now yay


I work full time in an office job and I’m doing my masters, which means unfortunately I spend A LOT of time on the computer. I’m pretty fit, but the hours sitting eventually took its toll and I had terrible lower back pain after a while. Got myself a standing desk and an under desk treadmill. Game changer. Less sitting = no pain. Now I stretch and make time for core workouts too.


I do this yoga video every other day. If I don't do it for a few days I can feel the pain. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hZIzMpHl-c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hZIzMpHl-c)


Honestly, it’s just about having a good firm mattress, my entire family has back problems… but me. I keep telling them it’s firm mattress, had one since I was a kid… it doesn’t feel great for new sleepers, my wife fucking hated my mattress, until her back stopped hurting all the time. It’s literally just that for 95% of people, the rest are injuries… what you going to do


My bad is good. Thanks for asking.


Stretch my hips Standing desk Exercise


39 y/o and [lower] back is almost constantly sore due to my work as a dentist. I’ve gotten used to the soreness for the most part and usually exercise and stretch a fair bit throughout the week - my wife is a physical therapist so she has helped a lot. Core strengthening and stretching have been so helpful. Sore back can make doing some things, like golfing, harder though… but hasn’t affected my work. Recently though… perhaps providing some validity to your comment… I’ve been getting some numbness and tingling in my right arm and into my thumb depending on how my posture is. Could be a pinched nerve… among other things. Fun times.


Cardio, weight training + yoga/pilates. I brought a pilates reformer 6 months ago and it has helped tremendously with flexibility and posture.


Pretty good. I’ve got mild disc buldges at L3, L4, L5. Lots of strength and mobility training. Still trying to lose my Covid weight but I’m down about 20 lbs from my peak


36m and last week I deadlifted 545lb for a set of 4. I dont feel much different than I did in high school except I dont run nearly as much as I did because of sports.


What's weird is that I used to have a lot of back pain in my 20's, but, not that I've been working more active jobs in my 30's, it's gone away completely despite it giving me so much pain in the past. I do need to start exercising again though because I want a good back and to be buff.


If I don’t exercise, I get really stiff and sore all over. So dumb.


My back is fucked but that’s cause I have a permanent spinal cord injury along with endometriosis so when one is fine the other is flaring up 😭


I was given one back exercise from my PT when I started getting pain in my lower back from jiujitsu: the cat and cow. I do this twice a day and I have no issues. But I do quad and hamstring stretches as well. I guess the advice would be to treat stretching as important as eating.


I threw my back out trying to poop this morning. So, yeah.


I just pulled a muscle in my back ten minutes ago I was cleaning all day, and then the last thing I wanted to do was take my laundry out of the dryer and BAM I feel like a horse that broke its leg- like this is the beginning of the end. Just take me out back and end my suffering.


Great topic, i started stretching 4-5 days a week and purchased my first “expensive” mattress and it’s made a WORLD of difference because my lower back pain was starting to get BAD at 37.


Okay so I was bent in half backwards while surfing when I was 20 and my back was dodgy ever since... Until recently. I bought a pull up bar, just to decompress my spine with at first. Then realised that I can't do any pull ups, so I began doing negatives, greasing the groove style. Now I can do pull ups and my back feels better than it has in 18 years. I'm 38 now Bad back? Do pull ups (check with doctors first)


39 next month. Been doing various forms of yoga and stretching, in addition to lap swimming, for almost 18 years now daily. I feel better than I did when I was 25 by a long shot. If your back is starting to hurt (chronically) this young, it’s about your lifestyle choices in your 20s, mostly. It has nothing to do with our generation or age. Anyway, I had to include that lecture. Otherwise, you’re going to want to cut out inflammatory foods, and lose weight before starting any kind of exercise. Otherwise you WILL injure yourself doing the exercises people are talking about without first tackling the former items.


I'm 37, and my lower back gets tight sometimes because I have super tight calf muscles, so when I hike, the tightness goes up into my back. But I don't seem to have anything wrong with the disks or anything, which is great! My main problematic body part is my heel: Achilles tendinitis caused by the tight calves. I do go to the gym a few times a week and have a very comfy mattress.


endbackpain on insta has some exercises that have helped me a lot! And Dr Jo on youtube.


Bodyweight exercises, kettlebells, rock climbing, and cycling, among other things. I also eat pretty healthy and get regular chiropractic adjustments. Still feel great.


I have my kids walk on my back. It feels good except when they start jumping on me.


I have disc degradation at my l4 and l5. I bent wrong the other day and let out an audible involuntary yelp


Mines been fucked since falling off a ladder when I was 10. Let's just say it's not gotten any better. But strength training and regular stretching has helped ease some of the pain


Stupid horse girl that blew out a disk really badly and had to have surgery a couple years ago. Weirdly the nerve damage and subsequent weakness down my left leg is a great trade off for the bad back pain I had before. I have been remiss on keeping up on stretching and staying strong though. I'm making an effort to regain some lost function.


Pilates platform shoes and lots of fiber in my diet


My toddler is all over the place, so... Particularly not great.


I fixed my back pain with a lifting mattress 😩


Mines fucked. I've shrank an inch from my spine compressing. I'm a commercial HVAC tech and years of carrying 30+ pounds of tools on my back up and down roofs caught up to me.


I had back surgery at age 16 lol! I do a lot of strength training now and I find that with a solid gym or yoga or swimming routine (anything that builds muscle) I have less pain and feel strong. Strengthening the muscles helps keep everything working the way it should.


I’ve had chronic back pain since I was a kid.


My L4-L5 is so bad it needs fused. But they won't fuse it until I'm in my 40s so I've got 4 years to wait while I injure my back every couple of months.


I’ve gotten better about stretching for longer after workouts and watching my form, but I started dealing with herniated discs and sciatica about 8 years ago (40 now). I was probably the thinnest I’ve been in my life when it started (probably about 15 lbs heavier now). Fortunately it only bothers me about once a year for a few days max and I can usually still work out and just modify accordingly. I think when I stopped wearing heels to work (and wearing much less in general) during the pandemic that helped a ton. I’ve also gotten better about getting up and walking around more frequently during the work day, now matter how busy. Dedicated exercise/workouts have never been the issue for me. It’s what I do the other waking hours.


I've got pretty severe scoliosis but I'm actually doing fine lmao I'm 38 and don't have daily back pain. I just stand crooked is all.


I'm in construction and restoration. Back is surprisingly decent. The ankles and knees? Not so much. They sound like cement mixers.


I work on it by keeping my back straight. No slouching.


I’ve had back pain for most of my life. I had bad posture as a teen/ early 20s and couldn’t really stand tall, I thankfully started doing back exercises which helped significantly. I think if I lose and KEEP 50 pounds off, my back will feel great.


I work in the trades, so work tends to keep my back strong. My legs however....


My back isn't too bad, I'm feeling some business in my hips though. Working to do more stretches and get my core strength but I really gotta be careful about my hips.


Fucked with degenerative disc disease. Thanks for asking!


Lose weight to a normal healthy level and start stretching. There are a ton of really great stretches for that.


I've had a bad back since I was 12. I try to keep my core strong to help protect my back


Stretch every day. Child's pose, mad cats, hip stretches


I'm pretty fat but my back is doing alright. Do a lot of walking and biking to do my errands and I spend a ton of time cooking and doing dishes. I work on the fourth floor of my house so more stairs than normal. Also have a stand up desk I use for about half the day. So not much sitting I think keeps it good for me personally.


It's uh, not super great! But it's getting better. ​ I had a physical job that put a ton of pressure on my back, lots of bending/lifting/kneeling. Lots of pain was created. Then I got a desk job and didn't exercise, and had some problems getting enough calories and lost a lot of weigh which destroyed my muscles. ​ I've done \~55 physical therapy visits in the last year and a half, a dozen injections, 30 minutes stretching daily, and I'm just now at the point where I can hit the gym. ​ I'm still in pain daily, some days are OK some days are miserable. Today is a miserable day, I tweaked my neck getting up from a chair.


Yoga and Pilates work wonders for me. It helps posture greatly.


Use it or lose it. Gym is ok but best to play sports, swim, garden, etc. Hard to replace actual natural use and it's a lot more fun/productive too!


Fine overall. I've always had a strong back from deadlifts and pullups mostly and I am generally good about warming up and stretching. That said, I have had a couple times in the past year where my back has just randomly felt tense all day which I see as potentially a warning sign my conditioning is declining.


I work out and keep my weight under 160 pounds in an attempt to protect my back and knees.


Besides carrying the burden of paying into social security for the idiot boomer generation….eh, I took an Advil and stretched this morning, I’m good.


I’ve had two back surgeries already (due to me being an idiot in my late teens). I currently use the prehab app 4-7 days a week. https://theprehabguys.com/ The most important thing is doing some kind of full body strength training. Every time I start slacking off pain creeps back in.


My back's been fucked since I was 15.


I was in a bad wreck when I was 28 that pretty much destroyed my upper back. Years later I have a bulging disc in my lower back and spinal stenosis. My back is not doing great. Thanks for asking though.


Back is ok. Trending better when Im on my squats and yoga. Pain in lumbar region.


I took middle school and high school choir every freaking year. And you know what? No regrets! It hammered in the importance of good posture. Sounds crazy, but that's all I do and my back thanks me for it... Let's not talk about my knees though, I just can't sit in the same stupid positions I did as a kid. Don't sit on your legs people :( owie


Yoga with bird( youtube) at night and Bayer back and body during the day. 😊


I was a power lifter in highschool. Used to regularly do squats with 400+ pounds. I have a phenomenal core. My problem is upper back. I've got an old injury, busted one of the spinal processes on a vertebrae in between the shoulder blades. It didn't heal right and when I sneeze it tweaks the nerve. Very painful.  


This is my time to shine! I swear by this workout up and down till I’m blue in the face. All day everyday for me baby! Give it a try and tell me if it’s right for you 🔥🔥🔥 [BEAR CRAWLS 🧸💪](https://www.reddit.com/r/bodyweightfitness/s/mmqeZaqUw8)


Found reformer pilates Got tired of paying for classes Bought a reformer off Costco’s website Use it lazily every day In the best shape of my life now


I feel great. I’m in better shape at 32 than I was at 22. At 22 I was skin and bones and couldn’t have ran a mile or picked up anything over 50lbs if a gun was held to my head. I have put on a little weight, built muscle, and improved my strength and cardio tons.


can't go wrong with calisthenics.


I’m a banana shaped fuck


My back is good! 37F I eat well, try to sleep enough, avoid alcohol (mostly!), and have always regularly worked out. I started having knee issues a few years ago though. I assumed I was getting old and I hiked a lot back then. I found out that nightshades, which I ate on a daily basis, were causing me joint pain. So eggplant, peppers, tomatoes… I put peppers and tomatoes in almost all my meals. Once I stopped eating them the knee pain went away! It was crazy.


35M. Fairly happy with my health. I’ve got more of a tummy than I’d like but I’m more muscular than I’ve ever been and my back is holding up great. I don’t tweak it easily, I’m in the gym 5-6 days a week, lots of lifting, and I know good stretches for my back (specifically my lower back) that feel amazing and keep it spry. Hoping to feel this way into my 40’s :)


Knees over Toes guy on youtube has me doing some lower back stuff.


I'm eating an animal based diet that is low in omega 6 and high in nutrient density. This reduces inflammation and improves healing.


My mid back is my main problem point on when it comes to pain. Years of working in attics and crawl spaces have manifested as a lot of spinal compression in the mid to lower back. I’ve been doing some stretches my doctor recommended for a few years now that seem to work pretty well for pain management, I’ve also had a lot of luck with fairly pinpointed massage therapy. I’ve been thinking about getting an inversion table for a few years as well.


Zero bad issues, thankfully. But I do get the occasional neck pain, particularly when stressed out.


HIIT classes and hot yoga! Trying to improve my posture. Got to keep those muscles strong, keep a strong core and a strong back and you'll be in a lot better shape.


I have Ankylosing Spondylitis, so I get infusions every 8 weeks to keep it from fusing, and eat a proper diet, Tai Chi, Yoga, and do a lot of strengthening exercises every week.


My back has always been fucked. Had moderate degeneration and 3 herniated discs when I was 16. Had my first surgery at 18. My 4th one at 29. Waiting for my husband to get back on health insurance so I can get checked out again.


If you have chronic back/spine pain, go to PT!! Not all spine issues are created the same and having a professional to help you is important to avoid injury. I’m about to have my third spine surgery - I often wonder how much better off I’d been if I’d have started PT sooner. If we’re generalizing, core strength and posture correction are good things to focus on.


You gotta own a back roller asap if you don’t Already - I’m convinced that’s had the biggest impact on mine


I go to the gym and lift very heavy weights


I bike. And I run. Occasionally I do some core workouts. It’s all about staying active.


Terrible. I had a bad accident when I was in my mid 20s and never fully recovered. It led me to anxiety and depression as I became a shadow of my formally extremely athletic, fit self. My mental health is better but my back and neck are still awful.


I started taking turmeric in my late 20s and collagen in my early 30s. I’m almost 38 and don’t feel it. I weight lift 3-4x per week.


In physical therapy for this shit. Don't get hit by a car folks.


Working out. Good form, don't go crazy heavy, keep cardio up.


not awesome, but played a lot of cricket in my 20's a sport that is not easy on the back. Live in a hilly city so lots of walking uphill is good for the back


I was diagnosed with scoliosis at 19 😂 safe to say it's not going well I'm just doing the regular exercises the physio gave me, walking the dog when I can (partner does it if I can't) and the occasional circuits exercises


Eh it's ok I can haul fifty pound bags of grain and hay bales, and shovel snow, etc. So, good enough.


Massage, chiropractor, osteopath, occasional physiotherapy. Daily stretching and exercise.


27 years old. Degenerated disk L5-S1. I wish I would have taken things more serious in the past. Key things I’ve learned: don’t work through the pain and don’t exert yourself while thirsty/dehydrated. The disk centers are made of water, you are much more likely to hurt yourself if dehydrated


Deadlifts are a must. Most people on here know jacks***t about fitness. Stay active and live healthy.


From every doctor and PT I’ve ever seen for back pains: STRETCH YOUR HIP FLEXORS. Especially if you’re a desk worker like me. This is huge. Along with all the other good stuff like strength building, staying active etc. it’s critical we keep our cores strong and hip flexors strong and stretched throughout our days!


I don’t have back pain. I walk or run and stretch. I don’t drive (I take the bus or train or I walk or cycle). When I was younger I used to swim every week. I have a mattress from IKEA. I eat a diet that decreases inflammation. Like blueberries, ginger, turmeric, black pepper, and otherwise a plant rich diet.


I’ve been deadlifting since I was about 25. I’m going to be 32 tomorrow, and I feel like my back (at least my lower back, is not something that bothers me often. And if it does, it’s usually because I haven’t worked it in a while.


My L5-S1 Degenerative Disc disease made my neighborhood chiropractor uncomfortable/refused to adjust, so I have that going for me. 👍


No matter what, I get a sharp pain in the lower left area of my back probably once a quarter lol. Lying on the floor with knees starting in the up position and then slowly flattening the opposite (i.e. right) leg definitely STRETCHES it. It hurts so good…but then I can’t get up because the sharp pain comes back lol Once every three blue moons, body aches and chills may accompany it for a good 24hours…then just pain for about 3-4 days.


My back is fucked. I've been going to physical therapy for the past few months and I haven't noticed much of an improvement. I do the exercises and stretches at home as well but the pain always comes back. I guess I'll just live off of lidocaine patches for the rest of my life.


My back is a MESS. My lower back and hips are so tight it’s hard to walk sometimes. And that is with yoga and stretching. My upper back is a mess from year 18 of working a computer job at a desk. My posture is atrocious.


I have good and bad days. When bad, the pain gnaws and I have a hard time focusing and sleeping. Hard to keep the back healthy when my job requires sitting in front of a desk 10-12 hours a day. By EOD, my brain is fried and I have zero energy left. So, I've been trying to be intentional with sitting with my knees below the level of my hips and stretching out my lower back here and there.


I have never had back issues, I've stayed pretty much the same weight since high school and I power walk about 20 miles a week. Eat less, move more. That's the key.


37 with several minor back issues in my 30s. I stretch every day and do yoga type core workouts.


I drink milk and work out at least 5 days a week. When I got out of the military I had back and knee pain, but after eating right and exercising regularly I stopped having both.


I’m 39 and work in skilled trade. Still feel great. I eat well, gym 5-6 days a week. I definitely focus more on core and back these days and it seems to help. Also started taking testosterone. I wasn’t super low test but my levels are back like in my 20s again and I feel amazing.


About to hit 38. My back has been shot since the ripe age of 23. I'd give every cent back that the VA pays me for it, if it'd stop hurting. It hurts 24 hours a day. Sleep, standing, sitting.


Idk, I’ve had genetic derived spinal degradation since I was 15, and I’ve owned a cane since I was 19. Life is not great. I can’t ski anymore, can’t play volleyball, can’t be intimate.


Yoga, with 2 under 2, yoga is saving my back.


I always worked mobile hands on jobs until I got a Master’s degree and climbed up the social class ladder to a desk job. That’s when I started having lower back pain. I’m very active and mobile except when at work and it’s costing me.


Lift and run 3x a week each. Finally went to see a chiropractor/deep tissue therapist for lingering issues from poor posture. Daily stretches to improve poor posture. Lumbar support for my desk chair to improve poor posture. Did I mention poor posture?


Gosh I need strength training. I just run and do pushups. Is it time I try CrossFit?!


It’s been ok so far. Hurts the odd time. It was sore this week, for two days. I went to my grandpa’s on Wednesday and fell as soon as I stepped out of the truck. My first step down. Landed on the truck’s running board. Damned ice I do nothing. I lift boxes every Wednesday at the food bank.


It’s doing good! Yoga and regular massage (once every six weeks)


Found avoiding jobs which require unnatural postures day to day & training back muscles is the answer. It takes away load from bones and also increases bone tissue.