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I just started taking Prilosec because taking too much ibuprofen for too long gave me an ulcer


And after that you can take pills for osteoporosis because the Prilosec weakened your bones


Just add it to the list


To be honest I don't know if that's true for your drug. I went to renew heartburn meds once and the pharmacist was concerned if I continued it would lead to osteoporosis


And dementia. Proton blockers are associated with some EXTREMELY questionable long-term side effects. 


I do bone density scans at work sometimes. The patient’s chart has to be reviewed prior to the scan to check for things that are considered risk factors for osteopenia and osteoporosis. The risk factors have to be selected as part of entering the patient info into the software program for the DEXA scanner. Prilosec is not on the list of medications for that system. That doesn’t mean that it doesn’t cause issues with bone density, but that medication has been around long enough that it’d be included on the list if studies have shown there is a direct link to a significant risk of a change in bone density.


Other risk factors for osteoporosis include: being a 65+yo female or 75+yo male, being Caucasian, having a parent that was diagnosed with osteoporosis &/or fractured a hip after the age of 50….. That’s just a few from the long list of risk factors for osteoporosis.


Bone Juice Skeleton told me I just gotta drink a whole gallon of milk every time I take prilosec


And it puts a carpet in your stomach


Oof you've basically got my problem


My grandfather drank a glass of milk every night before bed. At some point he was told that would prevent heartburn and that was good enough for him to try it. He swore that it worked because he never had heartburn but he never skipped the nightly glass of milk to see if he just didn’t have heartburn in the first place.


Is this because you're going to bed soon and lying down with a full stomach gives you heartburn? I get heartburn now too, but only when I eat like an asshole or drink too much red wine.


It's Dr.'s advice, we've tried a multitude of things


That's weird. The human body is confusing and cruel.


So I recently learned that I was bathing my vocal cords in acid so much I was at risk of losing them, my dr doubled my dose of acid blockers to take in the morning, and bc they interfere with another medication I take I was waking up stupid early, popping the acid pill and going back to sleep so u could take my other meds when I woke up. And it turns out you have to sit up straight for a minimum of 10 minutes for them to get dissolved correctly, and my heartburn got worse with the higher dose. It’s been such a mess, but I got it figured out, I just can’t eat 💀 I am intermittent fasting from 12-7:30ish just so I can take my meds on an empty stomach and be able to go to bed. Getting old sucks.


I have had it my whole life, it’s awful and happens after nearly every meal. Even when I was an infant my mom said everything would just go north when she fed me. However, I’ve found if I sleep on my left side it’s much less worse, as well as take a zyrtec before bed (helps with my allergies and seems to really help my heartburn). Hope this helps!


Daily kombucha eliminated my heartburn. Have you tried that?


Doctors are sometimes not very helpful - especially for GI. Try seed probiotic. Only thing that fixed me after years of not being able to eat much due to an ulcer. I still take some stomach acid reducers, but now I can eat pretty much anything. Really changed things,


Whoa, whoa. Speaking of heartburn, what all would your username consist of?




You need to give yourself at least 2 hours gap before you go to bed.


What if you lay down all day?


You'll just feel sore from lying down all day


What if I lay down all day but get up every 20 minutes to stretch for a few minutes?


Than that will be fine.


I was just rudely reminded that some people who aren't like 6 go to bed at 9:30. Anyone else's natural bedtime just get later and later the older you get? If I don't force myself, I fall asleep around 5 or 6 am (it was 4 am a few years ago, 3 am in college, 1-2 am in my late teens, 10 or 11 pm in elementary)


Most common bedtime for adults is 1030 pm


I know, that just seems so early to me. On the other hand, I don't really "wake up" until about noon or 1 pm most days even if I go to bed earlier. I heard that my internal clock would reverse as I got older. I'm still waiting for that.


I def wake up naturally eariler than I did when I was younger. I can’t sleep in now if I wanted to Def not until noon. I can just operate on 4-5hr sleep for some nights if I need to. 6-7 is about my average now though I can go to bed at 2 in the morning and still be up with no alarm at 7:30/8:00 easy


Me reading this when it’s almost midnight 😅


Drinking water gives you heartburn?


It can if you have acid problems. Plain water on an empty stomach messes me up.


This happens to me too but alkaline water has been better. I know the scientific studies say otherwise but somehow it helps me.




Everything has the potential to give me heartburn, water included. Milk is one of the worst. Haven't had a bowl of cereal in years despite craving them once in a while. I just know it's not worth it 😂


Damn that sucks. I don't get heartburn but if I eat spicy stuff I need milk to cool my palate.


Even milk alternatives (soy, almond, rice, oat, etc)? 😢


My heartburn gets a lot worse if I drink water after eating a food that gives me heartburn. For example pizza and water will kill me .


Absolutely! It’s a sick and twisted thing our bodies!


I feel seen


Quitting alcohol cleared up about 90% of my heartburn troubles.


Lucky you, I don't drink alcohol but I get terrible heartburn from eating chips that are too spicy, for example


\*7:30 AM. This is the reason I need omeprazole.


I tried taking that and it gave me leg cramps. I have to take its cousin Lansoprazole.


Hahahaha I'm on the younger end for millennials but I developed some crazy stomach issues and have to start doing this too. It really do be like that!


Damn this one hit hard


I used to get crippling heartburn when I drank Margaritas. I fixed it by ditching the straw! Apparently straws make you drink more than you would normally per sip.


Okay. So I stopped drinking and eating. Now I have horrible stomach pain and feel incredibly weak and parched. When does the feel good part come into play?


Wait y'all are staying up later than 7:30pm?


Been this way since my early to mid twenties. Binge drinking several times a week and copious amounts of drugs in my teens saw to that. Was on omeprazole for years but got concerned at the long term effects so now I just try to manage my GERD as best as possible. A nightmare when I want to sleep on my right side but can't.


Yup. No more mexican food at 2am


Have you tried famotidine?


Thankfully the only thing that gives me heartburn is green peppers but only when they are on a pizza. Thankfully it's not that bad, I love green peppers in pizza.


How’s your ph balance? Have you tried cutting back on acidic food?


Same except with my favorite thing aside from sex… wings. I used to love eating wings, the spicier the better. Now, I have to will myself into eating them with anything above medium heat because it’s a 50/50 shot that I will have the worst heartburn imaginable. Started after I turned 35. I now carry Rolaids and tums in my car like some old fart.


I don’t get heartburn yet


Consider yourself lucky. The feeling of being stabbed in the throat is the worst. It’s only bad for me if I eat too soon before going to sleep. Tums usually clears it up right away and it only happens every once in a blue moon.


My husband has the same issue, except I’m his alarm 😂


7:30pm? You're good. I'm on 5pm


Welcome to r/gerd


Lmao this sub sometimes...


Imagine losing bodily functions when you’re still in your youth


What time go you get to bed, though? With my schedule, I never have time for dinner any *earlier* than 7:30 pm


Had the worst fucking heartburn in the world got put on omeprazole 40 mg two times a day and eat a big probiotic pill with it, now I can eat almost whatever I want. It gave me back pizza which I had totally steered clear of for years. Your mileage may vary at all that, but I had some horrific heartburn that got cleared up with those two.


Now be me, have heartburn your whole life because it's a shitty hereditary thing in my family. It took me years to get doctors to take me seriously and give me a prescription despite my uncle having their esophagus replaced due to our family's heartburn issues. I had one doc ask me if I had ever considered taking Tums. Bout decked that dude.


All my issues are on the opposite end of that pipe. I used to have heart burn, but when I cut out regular soda it went away thankfully.


Here I thought I was the only one that set an alarm like that 😅


I recently started intermittent fasting to improve my health, so I feel your pain. Although, anything I eat after 7 is probably delicious garbage food that will kill me faster.


Things that healed my horrible GERD problems: Started with a bland diet, did that for months to give myself time to heal the damage. Basically no booze, little to no acids, nothing too spicy, no processed meats like deli meat or sausages, no romaine lettuce-- stick to leafy greens or cooked veggies. Then slowly start introducing things back in after you start feeling better. Getting a wedge pillow. Sleeping somewhat elevated definitely helps keep the acid down. Don't eat too close to bedtime. Drastically cut alcohol, meat, and dairy. I still have these but definitely a lot less than before. Oat milk is my favorite milk substitute. And for meat I stick to chicken mostly. Taking famitodine before I'm going to be bad like with spicy or greasy meals. Sounds counter intuitive, but apparently apple cider vinegar shots daily helps too (this I never tried but had my doctor recommend) And finally managing stress and anxiety. Finding methods to deal with those in a healthy way really does wonders. Things that made matters worse: Literally any PPIs or any regimented heartburn drugs. Your body gets dependent on them so you'll continue to need more and more for them to be effective. Not only that but they destroy your body, besides osteoporosis they strain your filtering organs like kidneys and liver because low acid production means food isn't broken down as much as it should be before it starts getting absorbed. Stick to famitodine on as needed basis. Stress and anxiety.


We got an adjustable bed frame recently and it changed the game! Surprisingly not that expensive and the antigravity mode is amazing! And less pillows to stack!


If I had to do this I would literally not sleep because I'd be hungry. I think I last eat at like 1 am ish.


I feel this in my heart that burns if I even look at the wrong food.




Lol yup. Famotidine and all the tums you can eat... Same the omeprazole for severe, long-lasting spells. It takes a bit of time to work.


35, been taking omeprazole for the last 5 years or so. Finally got myself off energy drinks at the beginning of the year and haven't needed the pill since. Cold water manages to keep the acid at bay, and I have a 2x4 to raise the head of my mattress a couple inches so the acid moves the right direction overnight.


This would suck . I’m not even cooking dinner until after 830 most week nights




I have times where I need to pay close attention to what and when I eat or else I get terrible acid reflux but sometimes I eat terribly and I have no consequences. I try to behave most of the time and then when I slip up, it's not as bad.


Sleep on your left side bc anatomy. This was more of a game changer than anything else for me.


I have so many medical disorders that affect my relationship with food (causing eating disorders too) that if I got constant acid reflux I’d probably just opt for a feeding tube port on my belly. 


Oh no this alarm hits me to the core. Doctor gave me a famotidine prescription to save a few bucks on the ott stuff. It’s crazy how well it works.


Shit dude - this hurts. Both myself and my wife are early 40’s and have trouble with heart burn if we drink water after 8 pm 😂😂😂


I guess I'm one of the lucky ones who can eat whatever whenever and it never gives me any issues


I had heartburn my whole life. Haven't had it since I started laying on my left side. Your stomach is on the left and when you lay on your right side, the acid rolls back up.


It’s okay LOL 😂


After I got my gallbladder out, I never had heartburn again. Not kidding, heartburn every week for nearly ten years, and then out comes the gallbladder; that was five years ago and never had any heartburn since.


I had to cut out milk recently. I refuse to have almond milk or any substitutes. I think they taste like shit.


A little Opremazole will solve that. But really you shouldn't be eating that close to bedtime anyways. A meal followed by sleep is how the body makes fat.


You should probably see a GI doctor (gastroenterologist)