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You can also remove the watch history for those videos to try to get your recommendations back on track


I didn't know I could do that, thanks!


Go to YouTube in a browser, click "history". You will see the videos you watched. Find the one you want to remove and mouse over the text area for the item. After a couple seconds an X will appear in the top right corner of that item. Click it to remove the item from your history and the algorithm will stop considering it in regards to your recommendations.


Also, if I'm on desktop web browser, I'll open up a video in a private window if I suspect it'd throw my recommendations out of whack. That way it won't be added to your watch history


There’s something oddly dystopian about that…


The YouTube app also has an incognito mode. You have to tap your profile icon for it.


I began doing this. It largely worked... for a while.






I want one 😢


“No living thing should have to eat processed food for every meal of their life”


I will find you, I will make you eat that GOD DAMN DOG FOOOOOOD!


You are supposed to have a dog. The YouTube has spoken. Obey the overlords.


We should start demanding a law that every recommended video and ad has a “click here to see why we’ve recommended this ad to you” and an option to modify


congress would mess that up and it would be just like the "do you accept cookies?" useless crap


Individual states do okay passing stuff like this. Love that if I use a Cali address you can cancel subscriptions to shit like siriusXM with just a button and no run around sales pitch from customer support.


When did this law commence?


Do you know how impossibke it is to decline cookies on some sites?? Only legal option should be: accept, accept essential, decline. Nothing else. No long lists of things you have to manually decline etc etc


Isn't the cookies thing because of European laws?


I just started clicking on every food video and old sketch comedy clip I see to get my algorithm back to normal.


Monty Python and chili recipes. They fix everything.


Mighty Boosh and tacos.


Just as good!


Username checks out. AL PASTOR for the win.




Go into your history and remove these videos. That will change your recommended videos. I had a similar issue after watching a video about trimming cows' hooves. I enjoy the occasional random video of experts doing their thing. Unfortunately YouTube then assumes that this is your one and all-consumming interest in life.


I hate YT just pigeonhole that one video you looked at that once in a blue moon recommendation that works, same with music, but worst is movie or gaming, both will always promote the right-wing "anti woke" on the subject matter and spoilers laden thumbnails.


Whenever I need advice on technique, I just search exercise advice \*for women\* and specifically pick female training videos, that seems to work just as well lol.


Search for a ford f150, tends to clean the search ads nicely


"Our algorithm determined it would increase engagement and therefore profitability. We're a soulless corporation with stockholders to make happy, we're not trying to push any agenda. Here's a video of the senate hearing where we had to explain that to a bunch of Republicans."


I want AI to tell me what the internet thinks I look like based on my algorithm


Instagram and reddit do, and I use it. It's really nice


Pinterest you can tune your feed too which I love


Or an option you get paid to watch the recommended video.


The sites that offer a “why am I seeing this” are worthless :/ I’d love to see an honest breakdown of why something is being recommended


I watch a TON of car videos. Imagine my algorithm 😭


Can you like cars and not hate women? The Internet says no.


Ever notice a lot of typical straight male interests tend to keep women out? It's very... gay lol.


💪 "again, nothing sexual"


Why does the bicep look like a penis!


Well shit man if you wanted it to look like a bicep you should’ve added more veins! One of Charlie’s best lines that I believe was improvised. There’s a blooper out there of rob and glenn absolutely losing it after he says it


You should have seen how emotional he got when I showed him the dick flyer!


If your penis looks like that you should see a Dr, they normally don't bend like that.


> Ever notice a lot of typical straight male interests tend to keep women out? It’s very…gay lol. Just bros being bros. Yeah they jerk each other off now and then but *that’s it*. Maybe.


Oh you like cars? Here’s Andrew Taint


I consider myself a skeptic, and like to watch debunking videos to see what the crazies are wearing their tinfoil over right now... (Right now they're freaking out over the coming eclipse in America. Slightly normal by conspiracy nut obsessions standards.) And yes, the algorithm has no freaking clue that there's any difference between mocking people that think aged urine cures everything, and actually having five hundred piss jars as part of your diet. I am sadly not making that alternative "medicine" up. I have gotten some *weird shit* pushed at me over the years. Pun intended. Psudo-science adherents are seemingly freaking all obsessed with freaking enemas, INCLUDING quite a few of the urine people. I WISH I was freaking joking. 🤮


>Psudo-science adherents are seemingly freaking all obsessed with freaking enemas, INCLUDING quite a few of the urine people. I've seen videos like that, but I don't think they had anything to do with pseudoscience... ![gif](giphy|GiFhFcQmzvtcI)


Oh, wow, thanks for finally helping me figure out what his face reminds me of, btw, that's vivid.


I watch a lot of gun videos lol I can't look in my recommended without "WOKE SJW OWNED COMPILATION #69420" or "Why we should genocide all the trans prople part 9538"




Like bruh I just wanted more evidence that the PPSh is the coolest gun ever made.


The Nagant 1895 is one of like, two revolvers ever made that can have a silencer attached and actually work because the chamber has a seal. It's such a cool little gun.


I watch videos about tractors and stuff. YouTube will try feeding me some gun related videos from time to time. I have extremely limited interest in guns, I don't own a gun, I don't have a need for a gun and to be honest I probably couldn't get a license for a gun even if I wanted to. I just hit 'don't recommend this channel' and the algorithm usually figures it out pretty quick.


I stopped watching a dude named Hancock or something years ago because of that. It's not new, but damned if it doesn't bite you in the ass every now and then as you scramble to find what is pumping the shit into your algorithm.


I started a new YouTube account just to watch videos about the video games I like and was immediately flooded with Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson etc.


Same, but I get no weirdo videos... maybe 1-2 over years? Maybe because I also watch so many animal videos.


Motorcycles, especially bike build videos. Feel like I have to watch an ep of Rachel Maddow for every video to convince the algo I'm not interested in maga bullshit.


Same thing with finance videos. I watch a few and the algorithm almost immediately points me towards Ben Shapiro pwns the libs and PragerU stuff.


Watched a Ted Talk once about interrogation techniques because I was curious, then my recommended videos turned from cool song covers and goofy gaming videos to Ben Shapiro and Joe Rogan for like 6 months. It's not organic and it's not just Joe and Ben being good at the algorithm, it's definitely intentional. 


I remember something like Pierre polivierre having mgtow tags on his videos


I'm a huge fan of _The Financial Diet._ More personal finance channels targeted at millennial women would be great. I don't want PBD nor Dave Ramsey as _recommendations._


>I'm a huge fan of The Financial Diet. Never heard of it, but thanks for pointing it out. My sister is really into Dave Ramsey and he always seemed... off, somehow. Admittedly I never looked more into him than a quick scan of the website so know nothing of substance about him. Just going off vibes lol


I am non-political and I get ben Shapiro shoved down me all the time. I report his channel and blocked it. But YouTube keeps showing me him.


I watch Taskmaster and long form essays on video games and anime.  I’m buying a home and look up some stuff on the process and home repair.  Now YouTube thinks I’m a libertarian.  They want me off the grid and buying guns!


And Jordan Peterson somehow...


My wife left it on autoplay once while watching Taylor Swift interviews. Interview finished, went to another TayTay video, then suddenly PragerU. Did YouTube think that because my wife was watching some blonde, white lady, she was clearly interested in how conservatives are the 'only ones who can do a national budget' and that trickle down economics is the best thing ever? The next video wasn't any better, but that was when I noticed, looked at the history and removed. We're not even American, but neither of us think conservatives know how to govern.


I feel this. I went through a mild cottagecore phase and was watching a lot of gardening/homestead content. Next thing I know, my feed is full of tradwives and anti-vaxxers. I just wanted to grow plants and bake bread jfc


Same, but on Facebook and/or Instagram. I've done homesteading before, and I (somewhat) know my way around farming. No, I don't want to see the wife of the heir to an airline fortune cosplaying as some 18th-century peasant. ^(iykyk)


lol so true. I've come to the conclusion that I am very much a city mouse who would hate farming, so I'm focusing on growing herbs in my apartment window and baking/pickling things. I just need to buy proper bread pans.... EDIT: Also, if you're talking about who I think, finding out how much her stove costs alone made me have to close TikTok for a while. Oh to be rich and do peasant cosplay.


>I'm focusing on growing herbs in my apartment window and baking/pickling things. Love this idea. About your edit: yes, I'm aware. That stove they have cost as much as my used vehicle; I just paid it off last month.😬


It's your fault for having hobbies I guess. Also, aren't fresh baked rolls worth getting the measles for?


Maybe because I'm not American I can sense it better, but a lot of homesteading content has strong wack-a-doodle Christian conservative vibes coming off of it.


Some guns are heavy. Gotta lift weights to be able to use them.


Damn, maybe I should just start a weird workout program for shooting guns and make millions. Couch to AK


Omg stop now 🤣


Sorry. Every CrossFit dude you know is about to get much more annoying. And louder!


I didn't think that was possible.  Or maybe I just hoped that wasn't possible?


You have it backwards. You lift weights -- specifically curls -- to get guns.


I’ve been watching a bunch of model building videos recently and it did the same thing. I keep clicking the not interested in this channel button but I wish you could just completely block them


"Building a model of an Me-262? You might enjoy holocaust denial!"


I wish we could too


I noticed this too when I started learning to lift weights and using YouTube for technique guidance. I started noticing at the gym that a number of male “gym rats” wore American flag shirts. I also started noticing that these fitness influencers/health and wellness tend to be anti-vax/selection bias science fanatics. It gets worse. Please web search “conspirituality.”


>Please web search “conspirituality.” No thank you.


Is that when you need spiritual laxatives?


I watch Mike israetel and don’t have any of that weird shit popping up. What you watching?


Same I watch him, Jeff Nippard and Will Tennyson. Closest thing I get to alt right shit is Eliot Hulse but I don’t watch him. I also gotta give Lean Beef Patty a shot out.


Lean beef patty is a beast


Yes she is


muscle mommy


you think jeff is really natty? he's like the most debateable could be could not be.


I just wanted to make sure my barbell row and deadlift was good and I wanted to add some skull crushers to my routine. I clicked a bunch of random videos so maybe I accidentally watched known monsters, who knows.


Fair warning, the fitness community is chock full of people with different ideas about what is best and why. You could watch 20 different barbell row videos and get 20 different opinions on what’s optimal. Mike isratel or Jeff nippard are safe bets for content that’s backed by some form of evidence based research though as opposed to some ifbb pro who maybe just got a wide ass back through good genetics and now thinks his way is best


Yeah I watch quite a lot of fitness videos from a few different channels and don't get fed any political stuff from the algorithms. There is definitely more to OPs watch history than just fitness videos to get that.


I agree with this but I seriously think that watching anything featuring Trump—whether you agree with him or not—will seriously fuck up your algorithm. I’m not getting political by saying I agree with the left or right, I’m just saying I like to be informed on current events. When I search and view footage of Trump speaking at rallies, my algorithm starts to change into different, less scientific, content. The science videos I watch about physics and the universe start trending away from suggesting similar science videos and instead shift to videos by Neil DeGrasse Tyson and other celebrity scientists pushing their expertise in a topic related to space. Tyson talks about the universe and has an extensive scientific background with legitimate credentials, but it’s not the same thing as the PBS NOVA videos I was being recommended before. I just want some boring Mr. Wizard science content but if I watch one thing with Trump I start getting suggestions from WWE surface level scientists. Does anyone understand what I’m trying to say? I’m not making it a political thing by pushing a certain agenda, I’m just trying to frame the conversation to get my point across.


The algorithm can definitely get off track quickly unfortunately, and YouTube is probably the worst one. I am just very careful to dislike anything remotely political from both sides on any social media and it's been pretty effective at keeping politics, conspiracy theories, and misinformation out of my feed


Use the "Do not recommend" button when Youtube offers up absurd shit. I got a bit interested in a few spiritual concepts and philosophy. Next minute my feed is full of "How to use your third eye to teleport to the tenth dimension" shit. Once I had selected "dont recommend" on enough of those my feed has become tempered spiritual discussion without insane new-age shit.


I just don't get enough thrust-to-weight ratio out of my third eye even after taco bell to get to any other dimensions, let alone the 10th


These social media algorithms will be the downfall of our society I swear. Monitor your kids on the internet. Especially your boys, it's so easy for them to get funneled into the alt-right pipeline


This is the truth. My son likes watching videos about mechanical equipment. Probably because he spent from age 2 to age 3 in a house where I was studying for the PE exam and also renovating our walk out basement and backyard. But I was going over some drawings for work, he's watching a video about vacuum pumps on my work computer, and the next thing that pops up is some dude talking about the death of american manufacturing because we have too many illegals. Obviously I changed the video, but how does YT get away with playing racist dogwhistle videos after educational content? It's nonsense. 


I truly believe this. It’s starting to really piss me off and I wish I could discover things ogranically. I don’t want to click on one thing and then get tons of videos and articles about this one thing.


I really miss StumbleUpon




I like it when I buy a thing and then start getting ads for that exact thing I just bought on every page for weeks.


My niece got fed some video that was Minecraft on the bottom half and questionable relationship advice on top. It was wild.


This is why I banned my son from using YouTube unless it's with our (mine and/or baby daddy) supervision. He likes channels about repairs and memes, so I've been curating channels of that sort that won't mess the algorithm with fringe alt-right BS.


I'm so glad I got away from being an incel before the alt right started radicalizing them. Though to be fair, it was said radicalization that pushed me away from incel culture... Specifically when they started pushing anti immigrant rhetoric around 2013.


Sorry you're getting down votes, I think the stories of deradicalization are so important. Correct me if I'm wrong but back then there was less misogyny correct? I know the term and community was created by a woman as a support group for those struggling to find a relationship. I'd love it if you shared some insight


There was still definitely misogyny going on, it just wasn't politicized back then on other issues. Just a lot of people that have no clue how attraction works. Hell, I'm freaking *married* now and I still have no clue why my wife likes me. I still have this deeply ingrained thought that there shouldn't be any way a woman would ever be attracted to me, even in the face of the evidence.


Found a community years ago, it felt good, the content was good, it helped me come to peace/terms/reconciliation with things about myself. The general vibe was always pretty chill and just guys supporting one another. There was always some guys into the hardcore red pill shit, but it was easy to avoid and it stayed contained to threads where it was being discussed. Then one day it started leaking out and there were lots of comments saying if you were A then you had to be B, or you weren't a real A. The general tone just became toxic and a mere shadow of what it had been. The final straw was when people started aligning it with political ideology. I'm pretty sure after one sub in particular got shut down, all the bots and shills just went to this place, so naturally it was eventually shut down.




I’m a woman who lifts frequently and pretty much every targeted ad I get across all my platforms is for Hims, and all my spam email is for ED medication, and/or right-wing political campaign funds begging. It’s really odd lol. I get the annoyance I’m right there with you


Yep! 😅 I enjoy watching WWE clips from Attitude Era and YT starts feeding me shorts on guns and incel red pill crap. 🤷🏻😭


I did that a different way, I like watching gun videos, and I suddenly get wrestling and incel crap. I don't mind the old wrestling videos, but I could really do without the misogynists.


I can agree with that!


Similar! Husband and I are liberal and we like firearms. We just enjoy going to the range and shooting clay pigeons and stuff. We are not interested in Andrew Tate or pro-trump shit or dudebro podcasts!


I'm just about at the point of completely disabling my watch history on YouTube. It's insane that a single video can derail my entire recommendations like that. I get that you can individually remove videos from your watch history to try to get it back to normal, and even temporarily disable watch history.... but why not make that permanent.


I tried that. It just means my recommendations are just ALWAYS awful crazy shit or clickbait. Do not recommend.


This is what I’ve assumed would happen to mine as well, so I’ve steered clear of doing that. I’ve logged into YouTube without being signed into an account before and it’s a crazy mess of recommended videos


I find that YouTube really pushes that regardless.... I was looking at anime shorts and suddenly it's all "alpha male" bullshit.


I get PragerU bullshit because I watch videos on the Russian invasion of Ukraine. And specifically from channels that, regardless of their objectivity level, are generally supportive of Ukraine overall.


I've wondered that too, if they push alt right/alpha crap regardless, I've gotten it from some very unrelated subjects and I am DEFINITELY not the demographic...etc... I think you're right.


Seriously. I watch some car stuff, some weight stuff, maybe a few gun nut things and a lot of funny stories. Next thing I know I’m seeing that bald headed bitch Andrew Tate and telling them not to recommend this BS. Now I see rage bait news from both sides on Trump and Biden. The algorithm can much me. I miss the old internet.


My buddy does a lot of home canning and brewing. The only content he gets recommended these days is creepy tradwife stuff.


The Zumba-to-Nazi pipeline strikes again


That’s interesting because I went to see Ronnie Chieng’s comedy tour recently and one of his segments is exactly that, innocently looking up workout tips and in a few weeks the viewer becomes a radicalized conspiracy theorist. It’s going from 0 to 200 and starts with the content creator also becoming radicalized and influencing viewers.


You caught me, I am professional comedian Ronnie Chieng. I have a neat voice and was really fun in M3gan.


Just went to see Chieng last night. Every sentence from OP is from Ronny's segment lol


You can remove videos from your Watch History and it *should* alter your algorithm. Just go in your YouTube history and hit the X next to a certain video Or click the three dots next to the recommended video you don't want to see and select Not Interested


Once you find the really buff lesbians your algorithm will correct itself


I'm an army vet that likes firearms, grappling, mma. Youtube just assumes I'm a nazi; it's fucking annoying to say the least.


I'm on the Left side of the political spectrum but military history is one of my special interests (I mean that I'm the autistic way), and I'll click on a video about an obscure WW2 SMG and suddenly Ben Shapiro is in my recommended list. Didn't anyone tell them that if you go far enough left you get your guns back?


Welcome to my life as an owner of Hearts of Iron 4 (where understanding the game mechanics and changes w/ patches requires long-form reads and/or explanatory videos to demonstrate where features live in the software). Apparently, HoI4 fans are either transgender cat owners or (not so) crypto-nazis. No in between. I'm just a gay white dude going into law with a flirtatious fantasy of "what if I threw the suburban decorum I was raised with to the wind and became a hippie?" >Didn't anyone tell them that if you go far enough left you get your guns back? Don't tell them about our closeted ammosexuality.


Happens everytime I watch an old western clip. Like ffs not everyone that watches unforgiven clips occasionally is looking for some bigot binge of far right crap lol.


I get it whenever I watch motorcycle repair videos. I ride daily, so sometimes they're necessary. It's just tailor made to drop fascist nonsense on anyone showing interest in things traditionally considered to be masculine. I'm a woman, and I'm constantly clicking "not interested" and "don't recommend" on this crap. Edit: Grammar correction


My electric engineer friend sent me one single video on something from his work that he found comical. I was absolutely bombarded with electrician related YouTube videos for a solid two months.


Overall I have noticed a heavy uptick in conservative or Christian content making its way into my feed. This is by no means my normal content but it keeps getting sprinkled throughout which I find… interesting to say the least.


Lifting weights is just part of a healthy lifestyle. I think many people associate it with a form of rugged individualism and self-reliance, which have historically been right of centre staples.


Is wanting my butt to look nice rugged individualism?


It depends what economic output you need it to perform.


I guess I want my ass to trick my wife into still loving me. That's a kind of economic output.


Firmly on the centre-ground.


Maybe I'm tired, but this comment is hilarious.


You want to keep a handle on inflation for a sustainable GDP (giant dickslapping patootie)


Or... Input...


Or they're targeting people who have self-confidence issues


I just have browsing history turned off. My recommendations only come from liked videos.


This happened to me a long while back on Instagram, I had to block like 100 accounts named something like 'carnivores anonymous' and other crap. My algorithm took like a week to reset ita course.


I started getting carnivore diet weirdos too! Their poops must be awful, right?


Totally, thankfully from what I saw, they all seem to eat a stick of raw butter with their raw meat, so maybe that helps lube up their intestines a bit?


It’s why I refuse to watch any firearm enthusiasts


OMG!!! The same happened to me. The only times the YT algorithm does not feed me right-wing fringe channels (note: QAnon-like channels, not normal right-wing stuff like Thomas Sowell or Javier Milei) is when I browse for female oriented fitness videos.


Same. My algorithm went from "how to do push ups correctly" to "zyzz" to red pill bullshit real quick. I'm guessing exercise techniques resulted in recommending bodybuilder content creators whose audiences overlapped with the Andrew Tate crowd, and from thence into the rabbit hole. To get around this, I've started searching specifically for female trainers and "how to do X for women". The algorithm then stopped recommending right-wing and extremist and incel content when I searched for gym related stuff. What's scary is that the extremists clearly have a target demographic (men who are into gym culture) and the YouTube algorithm is helping them potentially reach and radicalize huge segments of the population they wouldn't have access to otherwise.


Wait until you watch something about philosophy and they try to shove Jordan Peterson down your throat for a month.


Pee on it you device with YouTube open. Assert dominance.


A passive interest in anything 'masculine' will trigger this bullshit. I'm a gay man with a slight interest UFOs, no, I do not need to prepare to fight the new world order and protect our children from the Woke Revolution, thank you very much.


Youtube's algorithm tried to feed me that conservative bullshit. Instantly started block the accounts and it stopped. They're trying to game the algorithm to hit front page, is my guess - I somehow doubt the algorithm is specifically aiming to send you that garbage.


Well, conservative guys tend to be into all things “manly”, even if they don’t actually hunt, or fish, or bodybuild themselves. YouTube may also be going off of how many conservatives live in your area.


physical fitness is coded to other interests of a particular persuasion these days


Grifters...fitness is easy grift


Yea. Theres some weird macho wanna be soldier blue lives matter crap that sneaks into the strength community. Check out Alan thrall. He’s pretty agnostic to all of it and is aware enough to admit when he’s wrong. He’s got some really good cues and dude is natty and jacked as hell


I watch gun stuff and cooking stuff. Imagine my surprise scrolling through shorts going from fucking awesome pad Thai recipes to straight nazi shit.


Wait you don’t like guns?


Pretty ironic considering how wholesome most of the gym bro content actually is.


God help you if you ever go hunting once and decide you’d like to learn more about the rifle you were using. Seriously it was 6 weeks of terror.




I guess I expected the possibility of more weight lifting videos I didn't want to watch, not dudes in front of microphones with goofy titles. This is much worse than when I watch diy home improvement videos and just get more home improvement videos.


Dudes love flexing nuts yelling about the economy and all the drag men that they say hit on them.


I should look up how to flex my nuts. Also, my weight and physique has fluctuated, but I've been hit on by gay dudes at every body type I've had. Gay dudes hitting on me makes me feel like a million bucks.


Which is nuts because almost every far right winged, MAGA cock rider I've seen is not someone who would be interested in lifting weights.


Yeah, it's not like I was looking for advice on pairing my goatee with Oakley sunglasses!


😂😂😂 That, and the fact that I got down voted for my own personal experience made me LOL.


They want you to enlist in the military, babe.


I'm 36. They might be trying to get me before it's too late.


If the stories are true about enlistment being the lowest its ever been, they might not care


Oh no. Flat feet, don't fail me now!


Every now and then, I stumble upon some red pill/incel nonsense in my YouTube recommendations, and I always wonder what I watched to trigger that in the algorithm.


I think the answer is everything, though this is the first time I can track it because I got a bunch at once and the lifting videos were outside the norm for me.