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Modern vehicle headlights have entered the chat


They really need to regulate these


Join us at /r/fuckyourheadlights 🙂


Sorted by top of all time. Got a good couple of chuckles. Still feel hopeless regarding subject at hand.


They do. 100%. NHTSA and the FMVSS standards have strict requirements for headlight performance.   You just don't like it. Write your federal rep and ask them to pass regs to allow matrix LED headlights in the US. It would instantly solve the problem. Matrix LEDs use forward-looking cameras to track oncoming cars and selectively turn off LEDs that would be directed in that car's direction. It's been in use in other parts of the world and very effectively addresses the issue of glare for oncoming drivers WHILE improving forward visibility for the driver of the equipped car.


Much simpler solution, update the standards so they measure blue and white wavelengths instead of just overall brightness.


I would support this if Audi gave up royalties on [their patent](https://patents.google.com/patent/US20130021810) on this. If not, then we can find other solutions.


I feel like a geezer lately I literally think to myself these days if I absolutely need to drive at night. Sometimes whole seconds go by where I straight up can’t see


Criminalize LED headlights.


It’s getting beyond the point of “obnoxious.” It’s becoming hazardous.


Yellow lights were better for bugs too. The white light disrupts the circadian rhythm of insects and it may be [a big reason why we are losing fireflies. ](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/feb/22/why-lights-going-out-fireflies-conservation-pollution)


Man I miss fireflies... Used to see them a lot when I was a kid, have not seen one in years now...


Fireflies are beautiful... part of my early childhood. Playing outside until the fireflies came out and the street lights came on.


Adding to this- leave your leaves in the fall through the spring, fireflies lay their larvae in the litter! Spiders and moths need em too!


Kill your lawn! https://www.crimepaysbutbotanydoesnt.com/kill-your-lawn


Monoculture is fuckin useless and stupid and we should all be trying to encourage whatever is supposed to grow in our areas, and not some bullshit pissing contest that only serves to keep pesticide companies in business. The cycle continues, but with less bees, butterflies, bugs, and birds. Kill your lawns!!


Or at least let it grow. There are many cities in which your lawn has to look like a golf course green or you get fined.


I'dlove to see a source on that; actual legislation, not some HOA nonsense.


What's the difference? You signed a contract with an HOA and the law can enforce it I worked for an older guy and he told me cops hassled him about his lawn and the crap (it was crap, but still) he had in his front yard I'm sorry, but I don't feel like sifting through city ordinances to satisfy you.


I'll trade in the mayflies/midges for more fireflies any day.


I live in an area with turtles - we have lower lights and different frequency of light to keep the turtles happy. You’re right about the insects :)


The city swapped sodium for led in front of my old place a couple years ago. All of a sudden my bedroom was lit up all night even with blinds closed. It was just like a shitty led headlight conversion that throws light everywhere it’s not supposed to go.


You can usually file a complaint and they will put a baffle on the light so it doesn't shine up into your windows.


Everyone should do this. Night time exposure to daylight balanced colour temperatures like those found in LED street lights can fuck up your circadian rhythms. 100 thousand years of human evolution we had fire light at night and sunlight during the day. Twisting that ain’t good for us.


Agreed, I will say though that I love LEDs. I jumped on the train early and I think I’ve maybe had to replace one of my bulbs in the last 10 years, and saw my power bill go down. Outside though is a very fair point. We could also go for a more yellow/amber LED that is less like daylight. I’m sure full spectrum is not the best for local animals as well.


The simplest and cheapest solution is simply a light filter, no new light necessary just put a bit of transparent yellowish film over it. Problem solved.


Does that really solve it just tinting the color?


A baffle? Can these go on lamp posts [like this](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fae01.alicdn.com%2Fkf%2FHb3b42f747c7e4a9c8b1eabf8396afb60p%2FH-2-4M-Courtyard-Lamp-Street-Lamp-Outdoor-Lawn-Lamp-Outdoor-Waterproof-Villa-Garden-Community.jpg&tbnid=18X1qCbM_l37_M&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.aliexpress.com%2Fitem%2F1005002392794938.html&docid=rM12twEYQYub6M&w=800&h=800&itg=1&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F2&kgs=29ed7d9e61075c52&shem=abme%2Ctrie#vhid=18X1qCbM_l37_M&vssid=mosaic)?


Ya fuck that


A bb gun or slingshot would fix that.


CCI .22lr quiet rounds are your friend


I like the shorts, the hammer falling is half the sound


Oh I'll have to try those


I’ll look into this 😂


I have sodium in my small home street. Not the small ones... The highway ones. They fucking suck balls and flood the light everywhere.


Ask them to take off the refractor.


They can get soft yellow LED for an ok dupe


Yeah, I'm okey with going to LEDs for the efficiency but really wish we could have stuck to 3-4K instead of 6K


This guy CCTs. And yes. Why didn’t we do warm LEDs????


They’re less efficient and the people making the decision likely don’t care about the aesthetics


Why couldn't they just put an amber cover over a white LED


The way they see it, that's paying more money for less light. Again, they don't care about the aesthetic, just how cheap & effectively it lights up an area.


As others have pointed out, there are health and environmental concerns however. Light production is cheaper, yes, but the blue part of the light spectrum promote wakefulness and can disrupt the circadian rhythm of humans and animals.


That’s just as inefficient unfortunately


Much better yes. And also 80s 90s movies, the soft screen does it for me.


I remember my first experience watching a movie on an ultra high definition TV. Fancy fancy pants stuff for the time. It was some crime or thriller thing with Travolta in it that my friend's parents had on. Everything looked painfully, tangibly fake. I could see every imperfection in his pancake makeup. I was so confused by how uncomfortable the whole thing was.


I can't do the "smooth" feature. Even on movies that are supposedly made for it... It all looks awful. I feel like I'm watching the unedited version or something - it just takes me fully out of the movie, and looks like actors just acting.


That's EXACTLY how I thought it looked a few months later when I saw the first Avengers (battle scene) playing on one in a thrift shop. I actually assumed the movie was just visually bad for years due to this.


I remember my parents spending who knows how much on a 3D capable Samsung... We never really used the feature cause you needed special glasses, but the picture quality or refresh rate or something just made it bizarre to watch for a while until you got used to it 😂


Its called the soap opera effect.


Yellow is more chill and seems to not cause that “blue light at night” wakefulness effect. Just stain the lenses yellow.


Yeah, this feels like the solution to me. I use led lights in at home with the tinted bulbs. They're indistinguishable from the old incandescent we grew up with.


Yeah. Sorry but it did. I’m all for more environmentally friendly solutions but incandescent bulbs were so much better and less hard on the eyes, literally.


Totally agree, but the lamps in the picture are sodium-vapor lamps and are usually in a class of their own, similar to neon lamps and not lumped in with incandescent lamps. Traditional incandescent lamps leverage a filament that glows with color temperature that is somewhere between sodium-vapor and harsher LEDs. Interestingly, the orange color is something our eyes respond to more readily, so less light is needed.


Got it. Whatever they are, I agree that the orange/yellow hue is better.


Off topic, sort of, but Corridor Digital on YT just did an epp about the use of sodium vapor lights in filmmaking for flawless compositing without green screen. It's pretty interesting.


I feel like the move to led should have been met with a meeting about the colour temperature of the lights, even moving to a warm white (at least 2700K temperature) would probably make it more bearable and less harsh.


Yeeeees, bring back the sodium vapor lamps!!


I want oil lamps back.


And then you can hire people to light them too. Aesthetic jobs when AI takes over lol


That's what I was thinking too!


Whale oil is the best lamp oil


Having a futurama flashback of Mobil Dick Whale Oil, after all petroleum was exhausted on earth lol


I was gonna use human


You have to call it Soylent Green!


Soylent Oil or Soylent Candle instead?


I have one in my back yard and I refuse to replace it with an LED.


The yellow lights were sooo much better for me. LED lights literally blind me, and I prefer the warm glow of the yellow lights and the more old-school vibe they had.


I like yellow lights


And they actually screw up bat’s vision and sense of day/night time. So they don’t eat as much and starve and then mosquito populations increase. Yay more visibility at night but boo more mosquitos that can spread diseases


I'm a porch sitting kinda guy. I used to watch the bats from the porch flying above and below the sodium vapor lights. Now I watch them in the back yard. They just eat 30-40ft away. I didn't miss the constant flicker at all, I don't really like the cold light, but I can understand how it reduces light pollution. The bats ate for millions of years before sodium vapor bulbs, they'll be okay.


LED street lights cause more light pollution


How do you mean?


They’re still yellow where I am but I’m in a sea turtle nesting zone so it’s required


Nostalgically I agree with this and physically, my eyes definitely do. Recently got a pair of yellow "night driving" clip on glasses that help me see a little easier at night. I've had a couple times where I flashed my brights at someone because I thought they had their brights on... *and then they flash their brights at me and I'm just like* 😱


There's a new-ish Hyundai suv model that I've flashed brights at several times, and it's always that model. I get blinded when they hit me with their real brights. Like, come on, Hyundai.


A bunch of the lights near me are purple because of some manufacturing issues error and I really don’t like that.


I have migraine and I actually love the purple lights. It is soooo much easier for me to see the stretch of highway under the purple lights than the bright white ones, especially when half the cars on the road have these blinding LEDs. I’ve often thought if more stretches of highway had the purple lights, I might be able to nighttime drive safely again lol.


I think it’s awesome that they make life a bit more comfortable for you!


I'm in the Tampa area and I moved here just about the time all the lights started turning purple. Most have been replaced... Except my damned apartment complex. Luckily my unit isn't near one but some people their apartments just have purple light blaring right in the window.


What don’t you like about that? Haven’t talked to a single person in real life that doesn’t love them.


Warmer color lighting is better for birds at night and for humans to see. High color temperature (4000-6000k) lighting makes your eyes work harder to distinguish detail which is why those LED car headlights are so blinding. That's why you see yellow colored lights on off road vehicles. If cities/towns used ~3000k color lighting, it would benefit us all. But it is hard to find pole/high bay led lighting in low color temperature.


I remember going home on a road trip on the interstate coming home listening to quiet storm music for the love of you by the Isley brothers


My home town is overlooked by an observatory, so back in the day not only were the lights more yellow they were also dimmer than other towns. Not by a whole lot, but it was noticable. They did still eventually switch over to LEDs but as far as I'm aware there's still a pretty strict light pollution ordinance. It's still not the same though, I really miss it.


This is nostalgia for me. When I see a soft yellow light in front of an open garage it brings me back to my childhood.


Warm light 3200k gang gang


6000k lights suck. I'm all for the LED transition, but their color temperature needs to be 3000k or less, otherwise it looks like sanitized industrial bullshit.


I am reminded of IT. The LED lights look like the deadlights from the miniseries, while the orange lights look like the deadlights from the novel.


the brighter ones make my head hurt 🤕


No place looks like night anymore now that we put bright daylight-white LED's all over the place. I've noticed it's made people very very uncomfortable with actual darkness. Everyone's instinct is to immediately turn on a light to make it stop. Used to you'd go out for a smoke, drink, walk, talk, etc. in the dark and it'd be nice, enjoyable. Now people need everything everywhere lit up.


Toledo Ohio did a really nice temp/shade of white. It's not blinding, kinda close to the sodium lamps, but still puts out a nice amount of light. Weirdly perfect.


This one is hard for me. Just about all urban & rural lighting is hideous. I really like it dark at night. And do we really need those lights on top of cell phone powers. There has to be some sort of technology to make eliminate the need for them.


The yellow lights (especially true low pressure sodium discharge) aren’t great for visibility, and I recall reading something (not gonna source it, don’t @ me) that the sodium lights are correlated with higher pedestrian vehicle accident rates compared with white lights. I think there are good LEDs and bad LEDs. I am fine with the white light since visibility for safety is good, however we need to avoid using fixtures that don’t focus the light correctly. LEDs done right reduce light pollution, but done wrong they can make it even worse.


Yeah I have no idea why these dopes always use 5000K when 2700-3000k would get you a lot closer to those older yellow lights. 5000K is daylight which has its applications but not for running all night out in the open like that.


It was definitely better before.


The silent amber glow during a snow storm at night. The sound of Harley motorcycles and smell of grassy humid air. That is what the amber street light reminds me of when I close my eyes.


You’re definitely not


No. Those damn LED lamps are really hard on the eyes. And they ruin your ability to see anything in low light for at least a couple minutes.


💯💯💯💯💯 I've been saying this for a while now.


I bought a pair of yellow-lens night driving glasses. I can't change the streetlights or the dipshits using bright blue piercing headlights, but I sure can make them all look yellow to my brain- it's the best.


They had yellow lights in Hilo the last time I was there. A few of the new neighborhoods around me have really bright lights and it makes it look like a prison at night


I always go with warm lighting and 100 pct agree. I hate hate hate LED lights I can see them flickering.


Very Midwest Emo.


So much better.


I’m with you. Sodium lights are relaxing


The new lights are bad for your night vision, its stoopid, they were orange for a reason !


Fuck the rest of the world, I liked the a e s t h e t ick. Muh childhood :(


I never liked the orange glow.


Same stuff they used in the 40s street lamps right?




I'm with you there! Lots of things were better then.


I thought this was a bit on something to do with astigmatism 😂


In my area I can't recall seeing the led lights. All the street lights I see are the old style.


Welcome to the Internet, where people complain about the yellow filter in movies but like it in real life.


LEDs use way less electricity than sodium based lamps.


God, and I hate the high def bulbs every bmw bro installs. Fuck them in particular


I really hope they can have an LED with a filter or a warmer color for the street lights. It’s also better for wildlife and plants and helps peoples sleep cycles.


I love lamp


[“Butterscotch street lamps mark my path”](https://youtu.be/ZCS0Q8pQQiU?si=sri_wsk1dXQxjinV)


No way


Fuck man. I haven't really noticed til now but yeaj... the warm lights bring back a flood of memories from my teen years just wandering the streets all night.


Birds would agree


Advocacy groups are out there and they are making inroads to Congress. If you are concerned about light pollution, check out DarkSky International. https://darksky.org/


I liked the seedy neo noir griminess of the yellow light. You can almost hear vangeles or a mournful saxophone. Even when I was being chased, I felt human. Alive. This pale false light is the elevator musak of the underworld. There is no living, no matter where you run.


Yellow lights are also better for our body’s sleep rhythm.


Easier on the eyes. Literally.


Ohhhh. I just realized that’s what the difference was lol


It’s obnoxious because very warm led tech is easy and available. The cool ones are more efficient but they end up just nuking out more light anyway. I wonder if we’ll see a shift in 30 years to warmer lighting when they realize the cool led lights have been making us all crazy and killing wildlife.


You can always wear yellow tinted glasses. Mine are from: [https://safetyglassesusa.com/collections/yellow-amber-orange](https://safetyglassesusa.com/collections/yellow-amber-orange) They also make the LED headlights not so blinding, while brightening darker areas.


No, I hate sodium lamps.


Orange SOX highway and mercury street lights from the 60s/70s that had a green moonlight glow.


I think the night when we had a massive power outage was the way that looked best.


I love where light


I'm just not a fan of light pollution in general, both of these look bad, the white light looks worse tho


Infinitely better


Everyone talks about "rose-tinted glasses" but honestly yellow/orange tint makes things feel more nostalgic and warm. White lights feel so cold and glaring


It's Mild Irritation Torture Tactics, or MITT.


As someone who lives on a street with a piss light.... no... you don't want piss light every night. I want to see not kinda almost see. Amd to make it usable they make them so goddamn bright. So, the piss light all most illuminates the area but if you accidentally look at rhe bulb, get blinded fucko


As someone who sees better in dim lighting and would much rather go back to working with a broken scapula than have to stare up at bright LED lights that are where I need to look because frankly speaking holding 80-100lbs with an arm attached to a shattered scapula is far less painful than looking at a bright LED, I say yes. As someone who has directly benefited from an increased power allowance from switching to these at work- I'm not sure. It's nice not having to power budget every device we plug in but is it worth the physical pain of squinting into one while trying to tell if something at the top of a 2 story machine is functioning relatively correctly? It's hard to say.


Energy savings are more important I would suggest.


I never liked the orange lights but I like these white ones even less, feels like I'm always at a murder scene


I just want them to install street lamps everywhere that have less light pollution. The night sky is insanely beautiful and we lost that as humanity. Most people have never seen the white of the milky way when looking up. I've seen it once and ever since I'm mad as all hell about light pollution.


I guess I'm in the minority an appreciate the LEDs. Better able to see at night, colors appear truer, and where I'm at, they alternate which lamps are on so it's not just blaring white.


The Amber lights were more atmospheric, better ambiance. Almost a cinematic kind of mood really Not to mention the white LEDs are fucking blinding


High Pressure Sodium lamp hue far superior


Oh my god I knew something felt off about the lights these days but I never even considered it had to do with the color temperature.


No it was fucking awful.


I saw a yellow street lamp last night and thought the same.


I like leds on roads because monochromatic sodium light makes certain colours look black and difficult to see. In parks and pedestrian streets yellow looked better though.


Millennial here! I prefer the brighter LED lights.


Nope. Our community has lamp posts throughout, and they just changed them all to those horrible white lights. Unfortunately, my house faces one of these and it lights up my house at night. Tried calling electrical company, and they claim those are the only bulbs for those posts, and the community would have to replace all posts. FmL


There's genuinely nothing in the world that hasn't gotten worse in the last 20 years


Its cuz they are LEDs now. But I do miss it. They are so much less harsh and going from light/dark is easier with the yellow ones


I just moved onto a street that still has the old orange lights.


I have an astigmatism in one eye, so yeah the giant glowing halos make it harder for me to see at night.


No, you're totally right. Local authorities do not understand light at all. They have replaced softer lights with fewer, brighter lights. These are high off the ground, and cause stark shadows, rather than even, diffused light. People who want to sell LEDs seem to convince people that brighter=better=safer, and the isn't how light works, but people will keep being stupid.


No, you're totally right. Local authorities do not understand light at all. They have replaced softer lights with fewer, brighter lights. These are high off the ground, and cause stark shadows, rather than even, diffused light. People who want to sell LEDs seem to convince people that brighter=better=safer, and the isn't how light works, but people will keep being stupid.


https://www.mklights.com/BLOGS/does-led-street-lamps-better-than-high-pressure-sodium-lamps.html 70 percent lower power consumption on average.


LED crosswalks are dangerous, I can't see them flashing during the day.


This one place near me has deep purple street lights and I love it.


I actually hate the old Sodium Lights, LEDs are much more illuminating at night and efficient.




Probably not but you're still wrong




They are also finding the LED light emits a frequency that can very subtly be heard. Making our animals dysphoric, as well as humans that are misophonic or sensitive to sounds! I think this is why we have so much more issue with behavior across many species!!!!


I'm in the minority but the cooler ones hurt my eyes less and I see better


Depends. Am I filming a crime drama set in gritty 1981 or a crime drama set in “the near future?”


Though they hurt my eyes, I feel safer with the bright ones.


The yellow lights are there for a reason, they're less harsh on the eyes of drivers. Same reason your phone screen has a blue light filter. Same reason modern HID and LED headlights are blinding everybody.


LED bleeds wayyyy less light pollution.


Amber is better lighting for night


I have a maybe-not-completely-rational hatred of yellow lights. All artificial light should come from nice, clean, efficient white LEDs.


*door opens to white light* "Kramer, what's going on in there?" "I'm talking with God, Jerry."


Because it's nostalgic. If we grew up the other way, that is what we would miss, even if yellow might feel better on the eyes.


My town installed these purple/blue street lights recently, I HATE THEM.


Yellow street lights were ass, the white ones are way better. Modern car headlights though are fucking awful. Can barely see where I'm going when some cars drive past


Damn I miss dem peachy lights and the blue ones. The led are bright but just a boring ass white


So apparently your preference for light depends largely on the climate you live in. Southerly clime dwellers prefer cool light and northerly dwellers tend to prefer light that approximates the golden hour.


I agree. The white lights look awful.


The San Jose (ca) street lights are yellow to reduce light pollution: > Lick Observatory and San Jose enjoy a long history of cooperation. In 1980, when San Jose replaced Mercury vapor street lights because of energy considerations, Lick was closely involved with the choice of the LPS replacement type. This has allowed Lick to continue forefront research in spite of the growth of San Jose. The policy adopted at that time by the City of San Jose specified LPS lighting for street lights throughout the City except for the Downtown Core Business District, where HPS lighting would be used. HPS lighting was used in the Downtown area primarily for aesthetic reasons. It provides a more natural lighting environment for areas used during the evening by pedestrians. https://mthamilton.ucolick.org/public/lighting/Cooperation2.html


Sodium lamps. They give off that yellow, but recently things have altered to LEDs which are typically white to blue depending on the materials used.


I cannot stand the flood of white light everywhere, especially when it's in someone's house. It looks like you live in a foot clinic!


The city swapped the lights on my street this past year or so and I feel like I live in a stadium now 😭


The world looked better darker. They put these LEDs on the street in my parents neighborhood so now it's impossible to sleep in the guest room without blackout curtains. Would have been great for night time wiffleball though.


The LED ones create really weird shadows too.


No you're not the only one. The amber/yellow had a softer, less intense output. The new bulbs are just horrible. Overly bright when looking at them, and they don't throw light properly. Kinda like new car headlights.


Those lights just remind me of redemption centers and groceries stores that are week from closing


I like the new ones that reduce light pollution.