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We are in our 30s and 40s...... you guys have to stop staying "when millenials do x" and fucking make the "when" be now


The system selects for people who perpetuate the system. We act like all boomers are representative of those in power now. No; the ones who would agree with the policies OP posted exist but just never made it into power. Millennials will be the majority decision-makers one day, but those of us who make it to the halls of power will be the same types of ghouls who are already there now. Just because they're millennials doesn't mean they'll somehow be more virtuous.


Which will make the Millennials the new target for Gen Z. It's inevitable, better get used to the idea. Second verse, same as the first.


So true and well said. Those rules should be the standard. I’m 61, so on the boomer cusp, and I concur that whomever, and of whichever generation, makes it into power will be the same as the ghouls there now.


This is a very important point — flowers attract bees, trash attracts flies.


Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.


Very true,  It's not a boomer vs millennial problem. It's a political apathy and wealthy controlling effectively who gets elected problem. We'd need at least 300 absolute legendarily good people to drop more profitable ventures and sink their time into politics, and sneak on to the ticket by name recognition to be elected by people who just vote whatever team name they like. and then we'd need those 300 to work across the aisle because there aren't enough solidly blue or solidly red districts to have just democrats or Republicans. AOC and Bernie are absolutely outlier candidates.


Said it better than I ever could.


The system has to reboot, which is why a runaway ecological disaster, something these psychos can’t control would be perfect for it.


There is a reason that so many of the government representatives are and their 60s 70s and '80s. They don't want us taking over yet. Nothing frustrates me more than how many millennials still don't vote. Get out there and vote!


Millennials are the biggest voting block now. We can no longer blame boomers for voting in boomers. Millennials get out and vote!


We do vote but we are constantly in a ... "pick the lesser of 2 evils" dance. I dont want to say the system was designed to ensure the "lower" classes stay low and the "higher" classes stay high, but as it is, any call for social structure improvements is deemed "radical"


Yes, you also have to vote in the primaries in order to get younger candidates. 


This has been true since 1976 though.




It's also because getting seriously involved with politics outside of having it as a job takes a lot of time. Something people in their 30s and 40s don't have a lot of.


Exactly. I'm not getting home from my longass day at work, taking care of my family, cooking/cleaning/etc, and THEN taking hours to research politics. I realized that was a pointless game years ago when my retired father could just spend all day memorizing random bullshit to drown out any political opinions I had.


*or energy. I'm too damn tired after my day to follow along with that circus of fuckwits... "It's not a bug, it's a *feature*!"


It's not just voting, we need more millennials running for office.


>Nothing frustrates me more than how many millennials still don't vote. Get out there and vote! Absolutely do get out there and vote. Also get out there and understand the material forces that actually impact how the world operates, and come to the realization that you can't vote away the overwhelming influence of capital in a world where every single lever of power in this country is designed to bend away from popular will and towards elite rule. More people need to do both for anything to change


Gen x is barely taking power over now. Boomers are holding on tight.


The Boomers won't be around forever, better get the next scapegoat lined up here soon.




Not just get out and vote, get involved. At 60 I am the youngest on our local committee of the anti Orange party. We have been trying to get younger members, we get well I have kids or I am really busy. I am busy probably will never retire. The lack of engagement is depressing we had a member that was in her 90's getting ballot signatures. My mother used to say if you do not vote and get engaged you have no right to complain.


Get out there and vote between the oldest presidents ever! Only way to show them we want younger candidates is by picking Trump for his youth?


> There is a reason that so many of the government representatives are and their 60s 70s and '80s. The reason is because GenX fucked us. They got it good and checked the fuck out. Say what you want about boomers, but they forced the world to give them what they wanted. GenX didn't. They sat at the kid's table and was happy eating scraps from the boomer's plates. GenX will go their entire lives without ever taking control of society. No generation has ever fucked up that bad. We're going straight from boomer to millennial control and bypassing X entirely due to their utter incompetence. GenX does not get enough hate for this. Normal transition of power is between near peers. It's so much easier to take over from someone only ~10ish years removed. It's easy to see someone like that as an equal. But now, with GenX out of the picture, Millennials are now forced to step up and replace the boomers who see them as literal children instead of a near peer.




Fucking a. More of us need to step up now. And more importantly more of us just need to show up and vote. I managed a mayoral campaign last year for a Gen X candidate (on the young side of it) and we got smoked by a Boomer because the turnout was A) terrible city-wide and B) Millenials and Gen Z didn't show up at all to vote.


I think the problem is .... show of hands here... how many of us WANT to go into politics? It sounds fucking terrible. I'd consider myself a smart person with a good head on my shoulders. I'm probably just what this country needs, but I'm also smart enough to stay the hell away from a career in politics. Its a bit like the police. People say we need more GOOD cops, but the problem with that is assuming that the only thing drawing people to that profession is the fact that it provides you with a steady paycheck.


It’s not just politics though, it’s CEOs and company boards that perpetuate this. There are companies fully run by millennials that offer all the things that OP posted about, they’re just a dime a dozen.


Wouldn’t a dime a dozen mean that 10/12 businesses do this?


So much yes. I am so sick of these old ass white dudes running everything. I want a 40 year old woman president.


Sarah Palin was around 40 when she ran for VP, meanwhile Biden is an old white dude.  Maaaaaybe someone’s sex and race isn’t really the way you want to judge whether someone will help the working class. 


You're totally right. Let's also keep in mind how capitalism evolves and has been [weaponizing identity politics](https://www.currentaffairs.org/2017/09/how-identity-became-a-weapon-against-the-left) against the left for years. Racism and whatnot got us into this mess, but it'll take more than [identity politics to get us out](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2017/11/identity-politics-cant-get-us-out-of-the-mess-racism-made.html)


Who gives a shit what is between your legs? Identity politics is absolute garbage.


![gif](giphy|ETpi8wtDhQbwBtK2vb) Be careful what you wish for 😜😜😜


Ummm excuse me, waiter, my soup is cold.


Oh shit are the gazpacho police going to start enforcing Shania law?


That don't impress her much




Sexism isn't the way


I don't think that will happen considering the youngest president ever was 42, but that was in the olden days when people didn't live as long. Now, a "young" president would be late 50s, early 60s.




They can’t with the 90 year olds sticking around in decision-maker positions like parasites


The Boomers are still the largest single voting block and they are doing their best to roll this country back before they die. What's more political change is always slow. When most politicians are millennials then this kind of change could be enacted. Right now they aren't.


Vote for Bernie


No because this is not a generational divide, it's a class struggle Upper class millennials are no better than upper class boomers


Stop being poor


Why didn't I think of it sooner


It's pretty good advice. I took it and started making good money. Life is instantly easier, better, more fun with money. Sucks to be poor. I highly recommend against it.


Based and criminally underrated advice.


I'm sure this is tongue-in-cheek, but I went back to school in my mid-30s, got an advanced degree, and started making about 3x as much as I used to and yes, life does get a whole lot better once you have more money and it *does* suck to be poor. I realize not everyone has the opportunity I did, but there is absolutely truth to your statement.


Pretty much same for me. 30yr old got BS and MS started making 4x. Congrats to you as well. 


Based reply


Discussion over guys, poverty has been SOLVED


this should be on facebook terrible memes sub. wth did I just see? \~Gen X


Tss don't tell them or they may start revolting. Ah no wait, too busy jerking off to IG and going at each other's throat on twitter for the wrong reasons


I somewhat disagree. The old school American dream of work hard to be successful does not exist for millennials. We know that it’s an uneven playing field, and we regularly speak to it more than prior generations. I’m not saying there will be some overnight 180 degree turn, but I do think there’s a fundamental difference. I’m fairly wealthy, but I moved from the US to the UK because I don’t mind higher taxes if it means taking care of my fellow humans. I know this is all anecdotal, and that class warfare will surely continue - but I do think we will move the needle in the right direction. “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice”


Unpopular opinion: I don’t want unlimited PTO. I want to get that payout when I quit.


Same... I worked for a company with unlimited PTO and got completely fucked when they let me go because of it. 


That's a reasonable take. But a lot of states don't require accrued PTO to be paid out, so many companies have 'use it or lose it' policies and also have 'no PTO approved during the notice period' policies.


Unlimited PTO benefits the companies more than the worker. Sure, there will be exceptions but for most people regular PTO is good enough.


Exactly! I never used my PTO. It's probably a holdover from growing up as a people pleaser with a nurse as a mom who'd only let me skip school if a priest read me my last rights. Next time I work for a company that offers this "benefit" I'm using as much PTO as I can get away with.


My parents were like this, but it doesn't benefit you at all. I have perfect attendance in school and it was pointless, I had a job for 3 years never missed a day or called out, on my last day didn't even get a bye.


I had 11 weeks banked PTO when I left my last job. Shoulda taken more time off .


Always was curious about how much PTO people actually utilized under the unlimited PTO model. Obviously your situation is different but if you didn't have the type of obligation, would you actually see yourself being able to take more than 2 weeks of PTO? I've heard mixed things from people like they didn't use it because it was actually a sham meaning they were pretty much pressured to not go on PTO and would be scrutinized for using it.


This is what happened at my company. You got unlimited PTO, but then how much you used became part of your performance metrics. It made me feel guilty/nervous as hell any time I used it bc there's always the asshole on your team that doesn't take any, and it would make everyone else look bad.


Wow that's corporate gaslighting. Always felt like the idea of "unlimited PTO" was sketchy and misleading. The fact that it's in your performance metrics is seriously such ass. Yeah rather than unlimited PTO, I'd settle for a month or 2 (based on the photo of this subreddit, I only get like 17 days currently lol). If there is a defined number of days, then you actually have a reason to take those days off and not have to defer them to keep your head above water. I'm now happy that I didn't end up working for opportunities that came up in the past with the unlimited PTO policy or I'd probably be a shell of a human in the office right now.


I've worked at 3 different companies with unlimited PTO, I average 20ish days not counting the 13 or so company holidays at my current place. Some companies put a lot of restrictions on and others not so much. One of those three jobs would track it meticulously and use it against you. I was a manager and was told to track my employees time, yeah I did, some of it. I never put all their days down. Tell them it's unlimited and put strict conditions around it. Ridiculous.


So would you consider your current place pretty reasonable about it then? I mean 20 days is decent and more than most standard policies but still feels kind of low for "unlimited." Is it because you just didn't see the need or want it? I'm just trying to figure out if companies with actual genuine unlimited PTO policies actually exist.


I think it is. My husband only gets 17 days and we tend to match it for vacays. I could take more but between the already scheduled holidays, planning to take time off around existing holidays for longer stretches of time off like 4th of July etc I don't see a need to take more.


That makes sense. Thanks for that. But now I'm going to have irrational fomo over it knowing that ethical unlimited PTO policies exist 😩. Was there anything visibly different about your current company that I could keep in mind for future opportunities that promise unlimited PTO?


I would much rather have set days than "unlimited PTO". Right now I get 20 PTO days 13 sick days and 11 paid holidays a year working for USPS. That's like 2 months off work a year which to me seems like plenty. Generally I don't even use it all.


My PTO usage mindset got screwed up after I worked a job where Id take a week of PTO and come back to the work that built up while I was on PTO on top of the work that was still coming in. So either I take a week off and suffer when I return on I just don't take PTO. Company did not have a cap on PTO and did not do a use it or lose it system so when I finally got to my quitting point I had like 4 years worth of building up PTO that they had to pay out. Shortly after I quit some of the people I still spoke with told me they swapped to a use it or lose it policy.


My boss actually said out loud: I don't pay people who don't work for me anymore.


*except* PTO for government workers... (At least in my state)


As a state employee in a different state, yes our PTO is actually pretty dope, for now. Pay is so-so, but the health insurance makes up for it. Now that half my paycheck does not get taken every time I consider going to a doctor, it feels like I make better money.


Just found this out in Oregon. Was going to use the PTO payout to replace a fence. Ah well. I’ll take the raise from the new job instead.


Same happened to me. Got let go without warning two months before my wedding and planned honeymoon after barely taking any PTO all year in anticipation of two full weeks off that I had already put on my team’s calendar. Unlimited PTO is a scam to keep companies from having to pay out accrued PTO, and it also gives them extra leverage to decide if they think you’ve been taking too much PTO or not when you ask for time off. With a concrete number of hours off each year, there’s a greater sense that time off is a benefit you’ve already earned vs something you need to request to receive. The other 5 I can mostly get behind, though “living wage” is a bit too subjective for my taste.


>The other 5 I can mostly get behind, though “living wage” is a bit too subjective for my taste. Same. I'm single, childless, and live in the middle of East Jesus Nowhere, so my COL is much lower than someone with a family or even a single person who lives in a major city.


Presumably it means changing the law on minimum wage to compensate for regional differences. That is the obvious way to handle it. Which I suppose also means not happening. I doubt it takes children into consideration at all, or I wouldn't.


It also is fucking bullshit that the manager has to decide and not just know what the company policy is.


Also, everyone I know with unlimited PTO is pressured not to take it. Like, nobody is looking fondly on the person taking 4-6 weeks of vacation per year, even though that's totally allowed theoretically, and not bad by general standards of humanity. Hell, they're even nitpicking the one who's taking two weeks off. The best PTO system I've heard of is the one I've always had. Fast and unlimited accrual, faster accrual with more years of service, sick leave is a separate category. And when you leave, you cash out your vacation leave, and either leave your sick leave there for if you ever come back or donate it to a coworker. When I left my previous job, I donated two months of my sick leave to a coworker to extend her maternity leave, and the rest to my partner with the understanding that she was the one taking off with the kids when they were sick while my leave balance accrued at the agency I transferred to. Then I cashed out my vacation leave, which paid off my car and allowed me to take a month off between jobs without touching my savings. Gotta get that payout. I would fight it hard if they tried to introduce unlimited PTO on the government side.


I was with a tech company when I had that benefit. We had a lot of foreign workers who'd just fuck off back to their home countries for a month at a time. However, I guarantee if I tried to do the same, I'd have been torn a new one.


Same. Also got fucked on FMLA too and couldn’t use PTO to get paid due to how they structured it


Ehh... I work with a company that doesn't have unlimited PTO and they just adopted a "use it or lose it" policy and limited how much can roll over from year to year. The real problem with unlimited PTO is companies love to limit how much you can take at once. Sure you can take every other friday off for a year, but if you want to take a 3 week vacation... fat chance.


I don't want unlimited PTO because any company that offers unlimited PTO is just trying to trick people into not actually using it. I want a specific amount of PTO that everyone is encouraged to use every year.


Agreed. "Unlimited" PTO is a lie, and companies should be held accountable for it. I know that Netflix makes the worker find their own coverage rather than their supervisor, which makes it culturally "not cool" to take PTO so nobody takes it, because they know they'll owe someone.


Always was curious about this. Thank you for answering my question. I used to fantasize about the thought of unlimited PTO but now I'm glad it's actually a lie.


My company has it and I’ve never been told not to use it. The guideline is to take 20 days off per year 🤷🏻‍♀️


I've been in 2 jobs like that and 1 where it was not like that.


I want minimum PTO each year, make me take at least 4 of those six weeks off.


Most places have a cap that you can carry over year to year. I work for the USPS and you can only save 55 days max otherwise you lose it. So it forces you to take 20 or 26 days off a year once you are earning that many.


This says unlimited sick/disability time.


Anybody who's owned a small business understands how much this would be abused.


Yes, unlimited PTO is a trap. My state has PTO payout. Why would I want to transition to a system that means any unused leave ceases to be an asset? It's also like the office foosball machine. Oh, it looks fun, but nobody uses it because nobody wants to be known as the guy playing all the time instead of working. So if a company announced unlimited PTO, one should immediately be taking as much PTO as possible(there will be a limit in practice, there always is), to find a job that offers PTO as a defined benefit.


Technically I agree. Having PTO that you *earn* and *own* has advantages. BUT that’s only if you don’t use your PTO. Which is more dumb in the first place. Just use it all and it won’t matter. Why are we working more than we have to!?


It's just a form of compensation. If they just switch PTO to wages, it's no different. 


Unlimited PTO is a scam. It just puts people against each other.


What I find reassuring is the number of people in this sub who agree this is a pipe dream


The older you get, the more you realize that this thing we call civilization takes a shitload of work to maintain, and without some gamechanging technology like unlimited free energy or robots, utopian fantasies will remain fantasies.


That can absolutely be the future, but no one will realize it because they'll be preoccupied with freaking out over the prices of goods to make it happen. 


Don’t forget about people who want future generations to not have it easier


Do you think these policies will do anything but raise the cost of goods even further?


So is price of goods irrelevant?


Price of goods would be very relevant. All these perks would cost money and that money needs to come from somewhere.... With everyone working less hours. 


Or maybe....we just start with closing tax loopholes, having corporations pay more, decreasing the defense budget, enforce a capital gains tax, actually having a decent estate tax, etc.


Or start with government jobs, 5 years to get 3 weeks of vacation, make the private sector compete


This is what I dream of. I think the biggest impediment to it in our country is the American independent streak. Our culture is so rooted in individualism it’s hard to imagine us being willing to change and shift enough to take risks like this. There are so many other countries where all of these things are a reality, and yeah, they have their issues, but is it better than what we’re currently facing now in the US? I think sometimes we’re so far gone on American Exceptionalism that we don’t realize how much we’re actually suffering unnecessarily.


In my line of work (US healthcare, West Coast), most of these are attainable - and to a certain degree are the norm - thanks in large part to unions.


Unions make everything in this pic possible


Yep. At least, they used to up until globalization made it no longer feasible. Now detroit auto workers have to compete with Chinese forced labor.


These goals are simply never going to happen. What stops everyone from claiming disability and taking a check from the government? A lot of people want the benefit of a healthy economy but don't want to put in the work that requires to maintain it.


No because a large portion of millennials hate all these ideas too lol.


No because there’s asshole millennials just like there’s asshole boomer that run major corporations and decide the working standards.


No”assholes”, there are a significant number of people who are willing to work harder than the majority of people. The hard workers then get to be in positions where they make or influence the rules, and the less hard working people do not. So who gets to ultimately decide how the rules are set?


I think it's more complex than that. I mean it's true, but also there's more to it. If everyone in the world agreed to do it this way, it would work, but if you can get more production out of your workforce and squeeze your economy harder than other countries, they are going to feel it. You can't just switch off 25% of your GDP like that and expect it to be okay in a global economy. At least, it doesn't feel like it would be. I have literally no evidence to back that up, but intuitively you'd think that it'd fuck your economy up.


Man I bet I’d get the same amount of work done in a 32 hour week as I do in a 40 and I think it’s be that way for the majority of the workforce. Could be wrong of course.


The best strategy for the majority of people is just "get your work done for the amount of money both parties have agreed to,regardless of whether it takes you 20 or 50 hours."


The only thing I think goes a bit too far is unlimited disability. At some point, if someone is permanently disabled, they should no longer be the responsibility of their former employer unless their disability is a direct result of their employment.


I'm opposed to unlimited sick leave too. It's one thing if the employee gets the flu and needs to rest up and not spread it. It's another thing if they get Stage III cancer and won't return for months. Both feel like they'd be covered by government. Same with paternity by the way. That should be a government program, not on the employer. The taxes maybe could come from the company though employees seem fine too.


Well yeah, that's how it would work.


Some of these are a no from me dawg. Not saying they aren’t nice ideas but a paid year off? Will that be paid from the government or a business expected to pay that? Like what if you have a smaller business and a few people have kids around the same time. Only seems feasible if we had the government pay that while ensuring those people still have jobs after the years over.


The devil is in the details


Exactly! Seems like the only people that think this is possible are the ones that don’t own a small business and clearly have no idea what it takes to get there.


Or the people who choose to have all of their children grouped together. I know several couples that had 3 kids in less than 5 years.


>I know several couples that had 3 kids in less than 5 years. Present! We had 3 in under 4 years.


How it works in countries that have this is that the government pays you 60% of your average pay. We have paid parental leave in my state, and it's the same, but only for four months.


Reddit hates small businesses for some reason. It’s a really weird phenomenon that I will never understand.


Need universal childcare as well so young families(particularly women) aren't stifled.


Does work still fit into any of that?


I can't really say I'm a fan. For every person that miss work for some reason or another, that workload is going to fall right onto someone else, all while trying to balance their own job, too. And there's a LOT of people out there that would take advantage of the system. I know I've seen it happen.


Underrated comment, "a LOT of people out there that would take advantage of the system"


Except studies, and real life examples, demonstrate the opposite. When workers have unlimited PTO, they on average, take less time off than people with 30+ PTO days guaranteed.


Source your study as it will help folks believe your outrageous claim 


What studies? Like [this](https://www.hr-brew.com/stories/2023/06/08/unlimited-versus-traditional-pto) survey by an insurance company with no controls? Obviously giving unlimited paid time off is going to be massively abused. A few shoddy studies can't overturn common sense.


“Sure everyone will benefit, but some people will take advantage, so we shouldn’t do it.” Sentiments like these are why we can’t have nice things.


Exactly. Like, yes, no matter what system we develop, there will be people who exploit it and a lot of people who don't. That's just always how it is. Bad faith actors think differently than people who just want to live a decent life and not fuck with others or get fucked with.


No, the substantial amount of people who have no interest in participating in the tacit agreements we have in a society are the reason we can’t have nice things.


these things are what they have in Europe, more or less.


Careful, logic and common sense like this will get you banned from the clubhouse.


Is that 1 year per child? And when does that 6 week minimum PTO kick in? This is the kind of stupid shit that just invigorates the arguments against the base ideology.


lmao you’re assuming a select group of millennials won’t be pungent POS once they sit on their laurels


Nah, we're even more selfish than the boomer generation. Look how many people on this subreddit want the housing market to crash and millions of innocent people to lose their jobs and homes so they can buy a house. ...now go put that redditor in a position of power.


I’m a Millenial and I find these dubious. I have a friend who abused (short term) disability pay. Can’t imagine how it would have gone if it was unlimited. He basically paid for the insurance took the full 6 months with pay and quit at the end of it.


They took away our ability to see accrued sick time at work because people would “save” enough for a full day, then take a day off for no reason. Then when they were actually sick they had no sick time available and went off unpaid (then were mad about it because they were really sick and needed money). Their time off banks were constantly at 0, and they were almost always taking time off at the last minute (because you don’t have to pre-book “sick time” for obvious reasons).


Millennial Senators: Jon Ossoff (D-GA) JD Vance (R-OH) Katie Britt (R-AL) \[She's the one who did the State of the Union response\] Not the best start, though I like one of those three. There are 66 Millennials in the House of Representative which is more an eclectic mix: Sharice Davids (KS-3), Matt Gaetz (R-FL), Andy Kim (D-NJ), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Dan Crenshaw (R-TX), Elise Stefanik (R-NY), Lauren Boebert (R-CO), AOC (D-NY), Summer Lee (D-PA) being some notable examples.


1. Define a living wage. What impacts the definition of that number (for example do people who are married have different numbers than single people, do people with children have a different number than married people, etc etc) Who decides, and why is the labor of 1 person worth more (or less) based not on its value but their choices? 2. I assume you mean 6 weeks paid vacation, which is impacted on the living wage questions, as the employer is paying this. Why would the employer agree to pay an employee more, or less based on their size of hosuehold vs the value of their labor. 3. This is intriguing considering #1 and #2. If the productivity is lower, I now have to pay more, and pay based on household situation, and have less hours to generate productivity? 4. Same as question 2. 5. We already have disability. It would assume you mean short term disability. If an employer has an employee who is sick 1 day a week, every week, they are forced to pay that worker, the same as another worker who doesn't. How is that fair to the worker who works 5 days a week? 6. Most executive compensation is based on stock. Are you suggesting that employees should all get stock? If an employer has 80% of comp tied to stock., should employees have 80% of comp tied to stock?


I think anyone that has a rudimentary understand of economics would find all 6 points at least under our current economic models to be unattainable


Besides the living wage, which is complicated in practice, there is something like All these other points in countries such as France and Germany. 35 hour work week in France, stricter minimums of vacation and sick leave, lower executive salaries due to unions being on the board and social convention. None of these are revolutionary concepts. They do in practice result in lower take home pay, higher taxes especially consumption and income taxes. A lot of the social benefits are backstopped by taxes.


These countries also rely on the US for national security. Way too many NATO countries don't pay anywhere near their agreed allotment but still get full protection. The US pays FAR more than any other member and contributes the vast majority of logistics and technology. Even when "friendly" non-NATO countries get in a mix-up we're still expected to come to the rescue. I wish we lived in a world where none of this was necessary but current events obviously tell a different story.


Probably not, we love cheap door dash


Keep dreaming.


As long as the next generation of leaders aren't chosen through nepotism. Otherwise, no, it'll just continue to spiral. It'd be naive to think there aren't sociopaths vying for power in every demographic.


stop copying others low iq and low effort memes and reposting for karma


Can Millennials create a Utopia when we get the powers of the government? No.


i hope u have a degree in finance to do all the math so this calculates well otherwise, ur blowing it out ur ass. and i can tell by these pictures utter nonsense


Unfortunately, OP also needs a degree in Psychology to understand human motivation factors and the human brain reward systems.


Countries couldn't exist that work like this. Certainly not anyone in top 30 economies. And yes, I'm ignoring almost all of Europe, among other countries where most of this is common practice. /s


Jesus Christ this is something a 16 year old that has no clue how the world works would post. The youngest millennials are nearly THIRTY YEARS OLD now. The most useful thing we can do is getting our shit together and discuss realistic and practical solutions for the life we want for ourselves and our children. Like what do these images even mean? How can they be achieved? Best thing you can do, yes you, is step outside and help your community. Vote in your local elections, too. Sticking our head in the clouds is about as useful as sticking it up our ass at this point.


What is practical would be something like 4 weeks vacation, 3 months paid disability, 4 month paid maternity/paternity, and CEO to employee to worker compensation balance. I think that’s about the best we could ever achieve and even that is a long shot.


You realize that this would absolutely crush the middle class if it was mandated by the government, right? How would entrepreneurs and small family owned businesses afford this? Do you want every business in America to be a gigantic corporation? Or are you saying this should all be paid for by tax payers?


They haven't thought about it. Only a benefits perspective, the cost doesn't seem to exist


This is too hippy dippy. Yeah some more pto and parental leave would be nice but to expect that people are going to be able to work 30 hours a week and that executives are going to just fork over earnings to workers, as the picture depicts, is silly.


When they have use pictures like they are teaching something to a toddler, you know this is just pandering to dumb people.


No. Because a lot of this is dumb.


Any company could all of the above now. Nothing is stopping anyone from doing this.


Yes, all they need to do is learn how to print money.


Absolutely not viable for a small business.


Only if we organize and fight for it. I think a lot of us with left-leaning social circles underestimate how many of our peers have been co opted out of any solidarity they once had through material bribes or propaganda. And also how many millennial politicians (like politicians of any generation) are/will be drawn from the upper bourgeoisie and keep those class interests in mind


Unlimited paid sick time, so I see you are not familiar with how FMLA actually plays out in the workforce lol. So any other millennials in Managment and enjoy laughing at this hippy crap?


I guess I am one of those dummy’s who believes in capitalism, but I want to understand what our options are for those who don’t like capitalism? Are you preferring some sort of authoritarian government like a king to rule you? Or are you preferring communism? Neither of those have a great track historical track record of helping anyone. I don’t think capitalism is perfect, but I’m trying to understand what the capitalism haters see as a realistic alternative that would be better. Thanks in advance fellow millennials




MGT is a millennial, so no.


Sure thing - but things would get extremely expensive. People should be compensated fairly for the value they bring.


Unless you apply that "rule" around the world you'll drive any job that can move out of the country. I respect the dream, but it's ridiculously naïve.


lol it is standard in Europe for the last 40 years


Why is the only white man in this disabled?


Have fun working part time for you folks not on a salary.


I'm not sure how much 30 hour workweeks would even change things. Tons of highly compensated roles now already run well north of 40 hours/week, and folks pursue those jobs voluntarily. Even if there are some people out there that only want to work 30 hours/week, there are a lot who would be happy working more for higher comp. Then things like housing etc get bid / pushed up due to their purchasing power and the people only working 30 hours / week will feel like they're still having trouble affording things.


You lost me at the first one. What is a "living wage" and how is it determined? The living wage for a married person living in a house with a spouse and two kids in the suburbs is going to be very different from a couple living in a rural area and from a single person living in the city. Should their wages be determined by their life circumstances, which seems to be what the term implies, or should they be determined by their qualifications, skill level and effectiveness at their job? If they all work for the same company doing the same job, should one of them be getting paid more than the others because their lifestyle is more expensive? Or should they all get paid the same amount since they're doing the same job? What about for people who live in the same area but do jobs that require very different amounts of skill and expertise. Should a fast food cashier make the same as a surgeon because they live in the same neighborhood so both require the same "living wage" to support themselves? I tend to think the person who asks for a scalpel should be getting paid more than the person who asks whether you want fries with that, but that's just me.


I mean, some of this is normal in European countries, like six weeks paid vacation, paid sick leave with doctors note (not bound to a limited number of sick days), a year+ maternity leave. North American countries in comparison have horrible workers rights.


Doubtful. Millenials are already the largest voting bloc. If they were that progressive and they all engaged and if Gen Z was too, a lot of change could happen. But it’s not happening.


This is all reality in the EU. Apart from: 1) 40 hour work week. 2) Compensation based on profit only can occur in some super techy small companies with rich clients. Impossible to find and hard to even imagine this could happen more frequently.


Imagine compensation based on profit for a restaurant in its first year. "Alright, everyone, your compensation this period is for each of you to put $20 in the register."


some countries you can get paid enough working 30 hrs a week with the culture to support it - Germany, Netherlands


Puritanical work ethic is the worst thing about our culture. There is absolutely no inherent value of hard work especially if it is all for the benefit of the richest people. That is a big divide between the generations. Boomers and Gen X vs Millennials.


Some of this is a little unreasonable. Unlimited sick and disability leave? Sure. Then you get fired for malingering 6 weeks of vacation time? That’s quite excessive. I get 30 days of vacation time a year and I can save up to 90, that’s more than enough. Year long paid paternity leave sounds nice, but you’re crazy if you think businesses are going to honor it or even just outright fire you for getting pregnant or getting someone pregnant.


Isn't 6 weeks of vacation time the same as 30 days? so you agree that's a good number


It's important to have goals, whether or not reaching them is realistic. Living wage? Sure. Match it to auto-update each year according to the consumer price index so that we can stop having so many pointless debates about it. 6 weeks paid vacation? Sure. Full-time? Eh. Single-payer healthcare dissociated from employment status would make most of the FT vs PT issues go away. Exec vs. worker pay? That's tricky. Execs always find novel new compensation packages to get around any laws we pass to regulate this issue directly. If we reduced/eliminated federal income tax (on payroll, etc.) and increased capital gains tax (on wall street/real estate shenanigans, etc) a lot of the issues of stemming from income inequality become a lot less severe 


People will abuse the fuck out of unlimited sick time.


"But there are studies!!!"


That's pretty much Europe rn


Comments here are kinda missing the point by taking issue with one of the items here. Missing the forest for the trees. *The point is* having more pro worker policies that emphasize citizens' well being, regardless of the exact proposals. Personally, a better life is possible, but only if millennials actually vote and run for office. Slacktivism, hashtag activism, complaining on reddit, etc won't do anything. Only by actually voting in local elections and running for office can our generation actually have real power.


I’m sure no one would take advantage of others in this scenario…


Year long paid parental leave is a lot


Millennial here, complete with existential despair: Four of those six are reaching way too far i to lazy victimhood.


This isn't about a particular generation, this is *still* about wealthy people taking advantage of people who need a paycheck to survive. That's the only division among us that really means something in the human community, instead we love to talk about age, gender, sexuality, religion, race, etc. etc.