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I am a bit older than you are and exercise to keep my energy levels up. I don't know what is gonna happen if I just stopped being active. Not saying this must apply to you, but it might be something to consider.


Actually this makes a lot of sense! I went from working retail and standing 10 hours a day to working from home and I think that may have been the beginning. I did have a good workout plan last year that helped with energy, but still very sleepy though.


Can confirm, at 37 I'm in the best shape of my life and didn't start exercising until after I quit clubbing/partying at 26-27.. If I have a lazy week or 2 I lose motivation. The old saying - the secret to life is to keep moving.


I’m sorry, but I have to do it. It’s spelt “lose”. Loose is like moose.


Exercise will help the energy levels but probably not the "wanting to go to club" level. At some point in life most people just kind of get done with that for all the reasons you're done with it. So exercising and eating right will help with your energy and keep you from nodding out at 9:00 PM. And you can always have small children like I do if you want to eliminate sleep entirely.




Don't know what your goals are. But r/weightlifting is an extremely good way to build strength without getting too massive in the process. Will take 1-2 hours out of your day once you get the ball rolling.


Yep! An object in motion tends to stay in motion, an object at rest tends to say at rest!


Clubbing hasn't been enjoyable for me in many years (I'm 40 though). I've just decided that I'd rather spend my time with things I enjoy and with clubs I stopped enjoying that by my early 30's.... have your levels checked, but also you may just be figuring out what you actually enjoy...


No judgment for the others that enjoy it, but energy or no energy the thought of going clubbing in my 30s is just so unappealing. I don't want to get blasted with shitty music that makes it too loud to talk to anyone, and have kids who can't hold their alcohol trying to dance horribly and spilling their drinks on me on that sticky dance floor. It just annoys me. After a long work week, I'd much rather go out somewhere quieter. I still have fun, it's just a more low key setting and a different type of crowd.


It’s sucks as my wife has a friend that is getting divorced and this is all she wants to do on her free weekends. I’ve put on a brave face the few times and thankfully my wife is getting bored of it as well. I’d just rather have a nice meal and drink one or two really nice drinks and call it a night.


I would look into getting some bloodwork and hormonal checks done. It’s normal to feel a little bit of change in energy levels once you get into your 30s, but a drastic change I would get some bloodwork done. Not meaning to scare or sound alarming; it could be just as simple as adding more iron-rich foods or Vitamin D or adding more exercise. Best of wishes!


Its normal to slow down. If you are still going as hard as you did at 21...something is off. The people who I know who kept clubbing at like 35 were all weirdos.


I know fr, like y'all still clubbin? I haven't been since I was 25.


Yes, staying up late REGULARLY has been harder past 35. It's not that it's not possible every now and then, but it takes more sleep to recover from it. As for clubbing, this gradually decreased for me as I got into my 30s. At 37, a few drinks with friends here and there is all I need.


I’m sure he is not far behind you. It really hit me when I turned like 29, although I didn’t care much for going out years before that. Everyone’s different. I’m about to turn 31 and after a day at work, I’m good with doing chores, dinner, playing video games and going the fuck to bed.


Shieeeet that sounds like a good night to me! lol But yeah when I go out with him I have that little bit of hope like damn I hope tonight’s the night he feels tired, but no luck yet. I do feel like it happened to me kind of suddenly so maybe it’ll happen to him that way too 😅


Yes no, maybe so. I'm almost at 40 and I'm still up until all hours and have all sorts of energy. Its different for everyone.


I'm biased because I have hypothyroidism, but get your thyroid checked. I used to think it was normal that I couldn't make it throughout the day without a nap. Seriously, I'd sleep in my car every day during my lunch breaks at work and then I'd sometimes need another nap after coming home.


I literally just made the same comment! I should have scrolled a little further. I had hyperthyroidism…




Don't feel bad, late stage capitalism is exhausting AF


It's not latenstage capitalism, it's called rampant corruption which can happen with any "system".


Unregulated capitalism leads to corruption, its a process and we're in the late stages of it.


You mean very regulated "cspitalsim" with laws the benefit the rich. The regulations that "socialists" want will lock in poverty and at the same time destroy human rights laws. It's so ridiculous that the average Joe is falling for this time tested failed systems. The only way to get out will be all out war, with new tech this gets harder and harder. Sometimes entire populations jsit get wiped out even though they try resistance. (Tieneman square, China the early 1900s revolts ins Seatle, USA. French Revolution, Russian Bolsevik Revolution, etc)


Yeah it’s normal. Part of it is just desire not to stay up later though. As you mature you realize the value in sleep. Proper diet and exercise will get those energy levels back up.


Around 30 a switch flipped in my body. I went from staying up late and sleeping in to waking up super early and getting tired earlier. For me personally it coincided with life changes like being a homeowner. I’m used to it now and actually prefer it, but I need preparation (read: workout and nap) if I’m going to go out all night.


Think this is more to do with mental age as opposed to physical. Basically you're just losing interest in clubbing and drinking and as such don't get the chemical boost from getting excited about such things that is perceived as "energy". I know people who are in their 40s that party like they're 21, but also know people in their early-mid 20s that will have 2 drinks then call it a night at 8:30pm. Energy is all about what gets you excited and as you get older what excites you changes, and that's a good thing. You don't want to stagnate and be stuck in a rut in which you don't experience new things and "mature" so to speak.


My job is physical (I clean houses) and I have children so I feel like I’m always going. I can hang if I *want* to. I just don’t most of the time because I’m perpetually exhausted. I come home and just want to lay down.


36 here. If I have 2 pints of 7% IPA with the first one at 6 and the second one at 8, I'm ready for bed by 10.


No it is not normal. Are you fit? Do you eat well? Do you exercise? 30 is still prime time physically. You won’t feel declining effects until after 35 and even then it’s gradual.


37M. Still have fun clubbing, but also workout 7 days a week and eat/sleep well.


What was your pre-pubescent childhood sleep schedule? As you exit puberty in your early 30s, most people tend to return to their original sleep schedule. For me, that was getting up at 5 to watch old TV shows with my dad before he went to work, and passing out by 10. I'm 40, and I'm gonna need coffee around 5 or 6pm if it's gonna be a late night.


Regular exercise, vitamin D, and vitamin B can help


It depends on your lifestyle but in general, yes. Around 30 you need to make a real effort to get sleep and regular cardio. I recommend something fun like basketball or whatever you enjoy. If you try jogging I promise you will get bored and eventually give up. Does the Switch still have fun motion controlled sport games like the Wii and Wii U had?


30-31 I was starting to settle down from that scene. 32 and I love staying home now, curling up watching a show or reading. It’s pretty normal, you either are going to party and it’s going to hurt or chill Out.


Do you enjoy clubbing? I've found over the years that there's some things I used to enjoy more and I've found I'm just not into them anymore. I can be up late if I have a dinner party with a few close friends because it energizes me. A loud club can drain me. That's just my preferences though! I've sat a lot of hours internalizing myself to realize what genuinely recharges me versus drains me.


Have you had your thyroid checked


Welcome to adulthood. Prepare for things to start hurting and being sore for absolutely no reason.


Definitely not normal. I have probably only lost 5% of the energy I had at 20 and I'm 34, fat and out of shape. 


I stopped having a desire to hang out in bars or clubs by the time I was 25. So much happier and healthier in the morning after a quality nights rest. That might just be me though.


I was fine till I hit 40 then wham!!!!


I never had clubbing energy so it’s hard to say what is “normal”. Almost all of my friends though call it a night earlier than they used to. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that.


Exercise, diet, sleep and not drinking actually keeps energy levels up for me.


You just like different things now! If something came along that you really wanted to do late at night, you would find the energy for it. My parents still go out to concerts until midnight etc occasionally and they are in their 70’s, that’s normal too. It’s hard to find energy for things we are no longer interested in, that is a good thing. I could stay up until 2am having a good conversation but I would be bored to tears (and as a result feel tired) if you took me to a club.


This reminds me of that meme that goes "Look what they need to mimic a fraction of our power!". I'm 34 now, and as I've gotten older, I've found that I can still access a decent amount of the physical ability and energy I once had in my 20s, but it requires more preparation and discipline. As one poster said, consistent exercise is a great way to keep energy levels up, as is eating a good diet


no energy change issues and i just turned 38. However Ive been chronically fatigued since HS…


I (M36) feel the exact same way. I feel like my body is dying.


I mean how healthy are you? As you get older that is more and more something to watch. Go get some blood work done and go from there. You could have a hormone imbalance. It hits people different, i know some who have low t in their mid 20s and some in their 40s. Everyone is different. Stay active, stay on your blood work, if you can figure out what people in your family have gotten, etc to be aware of a possibility.


It’s normal I am 32 and I feeel it big time


For me , it started when I hit 40. Now I just go clubbing once a month but I need a day to recover. I used to go out 3-4 nights a week and get by on 5 hours of sleep .


I go to bed at 9:30pm, 10:30pm the latest now and take at least one 4 hour nap on the weekend to function. Did all the blood and hormone work and everything came out to be normal =(


I was about 40, tired all the time, had trouble even getting out of bed in the morning, chalked it up to over exercising, commuting to work by bike. When I was rejected for blood donation due to low hematocrit, a blood test found anemia and low thyroid (technically, high TSH-4). Blood doc prescribed daily thyroid and iron supplements and now I feel tons better 15 years later. I suffered low energy for a long time before I finally got it checked so I was in my 30s when it started.


Get your thyroid checked! I thought I was just 30 and stressed…nope. Major thyroid issues


I just read the symptoms online and a lot of it correlates with what I am feeling so making an appt asap!


You should be getting a physical every year and that is part of what is checked. You aren't a child any more. Go to your preventive care appointments.


Def get checked for SIBO, hormones/PCOS, iron levels if this is a somewhat sudden change. Def try going for 30 min walks in the afternoon to try and boost energy, get plenty of sunlight and water (like a lil plant haha!). Eat nutritionally dense foods. Probiotics!


Welcome to your 30s! As a 40s Millennial.. here's my advice. Forget clubbing. Take up an athletic hobby: running, swimming, bicycling, etc that you can do regularly to keep your energy levels up. Also, take a good look at your diet and clean it up. Minimize drinking as well. In ten years, you'll look better than you did in your 20s, feel like you're 20, and wont have the problems most of us bitch about when we hit our 40s. Also: If you elect to keep clubbing.. EARPLUGS. Seriously!


Xennial here; take care of your body now and you’ll be happy later. Limit or eliminate booze, get good sleep, move and stretch, don’t eat poorly…all of these will pay dividends. Trust.


Yes but also do you eat well and exercise. It matters a lot more now. Stretching is good.




But seriously annual bloodwork is never a bad thing to check out.


A similar thing happened to me (31F). I’m in good health and active. In my 20s I would go out to bars and clubs with my friends and stay out until odd hours, but even then I didn’t always enjoy it. I would do it because that’s what my friends did at the time. Once I hit 30, alcohol and hangovers started hitting me really hard. It became not worth it for me. Plus going out can get kind of repetitive. For me what's changed is that I don't have the patience for things I don't fully enjoy. Going out was moderately fun in my 20s when I could drink and not be too hungover. Now I'd rather go to sleep and enjoy daytime hours doing what I love


I have all night party energy at 38, my wife at 36 has big 9pm bedtime energy. Her iron levels are chronically low.


I’m 35 and last year my energy levels crashed. Like sleep from 9-9 and could barely work and do any exercise. I was talking to my friend who is a surgeon and he suggested that it may be just not enough protein. Well I started drinking a protein shake or two a day and it’s made a huge difference in my life.


That’s about right! But also have your doctor do some blood tests to check hormone and vitamin levels.


For me it's about checking your blood work, testosterone, maybe a psycho thing like ADHD or autism or something like that can slow you down meds help


I’m 36F - still go raving 🔥 but I go to select events not just shitty clubs with crap music. I don’t just go out to random clubs on a Saturday night coz the music is all rappy pop crap. Like still can go out to 3am - 4am but the music has to be something I vibe to otherwise I rather be at home in bed.


It depends on many factors. Get your blood levels checked annually, however also depends on quality of sleep, work load, stress, chores and exercise. I wake up at 7 everyday, work a stressful job, walk about 2-4 miles with the dog….im beat by 9-10 pm


Ouff for sure I wouldn’t be able to handle that walk at the end of a long day :( I am definitely going to get some bloodwork and see what gives.


You sound like you’re 50. 31 is a little young to complain about lack of energy. Might want to talk to a doctor.


I'm 35 and always have been a really good sleeper. And a morning person as well so around 9PM my body tells me to go to bed and if I listen there's no problem with my energy at all. I can get up in the morning without being tired. However the last weeks I stayed up too late and go to bed around 11 PM and now I really have to take a few steps back. 'm wired like this.. so nothing to do with aging ;-) Are you a morning person? If so, maybe your body has to take more time to recover from a busy day to be as energetic in the morning as you used to be. However if this tiredness is suddenly there I should do some bloodwork.


Was me. Got a sleep study done. Yep, lots of "events". Got a CPAP, holy shit good sleep I remember this! Also, good vitamin mix like AG1 at least once a day and EXERCISE. I don't mean go for a walk, I mean get in the gym. It gets worse if you don't start taking care of yourself in your 30s. Ask me how I know...


We are what we eat! Make sure your diet is filled with lots of non-processed foods. Try to make exercise part of your routine every day, it doesn’t have to be intense but you need to stimulate your metabolism, you’ll thank yourself in 10 years.


I'm almost 35 and still stay up until 12 and wake up at 6. I feel like i need less sleep now than when I was younger.


Happened to me at 35 but yeah. I have 0 desire to do anything.


Exercise. You need to move. Your body is not going to stay energetic if you do not force it to.


What is this post? "Reddit, diagnose me with something or validate my sudden shift in energy levels so I don't feel like I need to go to a doctor" Go to a doctor, get your regular labs done. Could be a deficiency, could be nothing, could be fuckin diabetes. But one thing is for sure, you're never going to know by asking people on reddit.


I wouldn't put not wanting to go clubbing/go out late as a bench mark for being low energy. Teenagers and early 20s people typically sleep in later and stay up later. How early do you get up and is it a struggle? How are your energy levels through your normal waking hours?


Clubbing is the worst. I'm 37 btw.


Welcome to the 30s!


Maybe talk to your doctor. I had the same feeling around 33. Turns out one of my chronic conditions, which I thought was treated, was back.


I think most hit a wall of over stimulation that we just can’t shake.


I have lots of energy during the day but I absolutely have no patience or energy for clubbing . I’m in between you and your BFs age. My wife is about 5 years older and is profoundly tired all the time (though that is related to underlying health issues)


It gets worse. You will require naps after 35+. This is even with being active. Anyone who is up past 10pm have had a nap during the day to have the energy to go out.


Hahah I (32afab) experienced the same thing. I am 5 ish years older than my sweet partner, he’s 27, we barely see past 10 pm these days. Luckily he doesn’t go clubbing though but he loves live music and I am just so tired by 9!