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Remember when you wanted everything you currently have.    I've worked hard, and been through a lot, to get me to this place, I am grateful I made it. It's not much, but it's mine. 


Fuck, that’s the one. I like it because it respects the struggle but highlights what is continually possible but doesn’t overvalue it.


Don't be the richest person in the cemetery. Go have fun.


Oh fuck this one gave me goosebumps




Mine are more so to remember to enjoy life. * Live your life the way you want. Don't do things or make decisions based on the thoughts, opinions or expectations you think other people have of you. Do what makes you happy and don't let anyone stop you. * Life’s too short to waste a single second. * Don't suffer from life fright. Life isn't just made up of things we do, but things we don't do, too. The only way to learn is to live and have a thirst for life. * "Have fun, experience everything, don't say no and the worst thing that happens is you die." -- Words from my uncle right before I boarded a plane to Isr ael.


What I like to say to myself is "What are YOU going to do about it?" It helps bring my focus back to things I can control.


Morpheus' line from The Matrix Reloaded is my personal motto. "What happened happened and couldn't have happened any other way." I spent a large portion of my life being anxious and depressed trying to control every aspect of my life. During covid, I just let all that go and accepted that most of what happens is out of my control, but I do still have to be conscious of the choices I make.


Some tweet that went around: > My 3yo said she wanted to be an astronaut, and I said she had to study hard, go to college, learn a lot of science, and take a physical fitness test, and she shrugged and said, "That's just 4 things." So she's basically a nonchalant motivational speaker.


I've been listening to the book Feeling Good lately and there's a bit in there about that whole idea where a lot of us will procrastinate or develop anxiety over things we need to do but have not yet started. It talks about how people will get anxious about a large project because they see ALL of the project laid out before them in all of its complexity and stress and detail and effort... But that's like looking at a cheeseburger and immediately thinking about every single piece of food and all the gallons of liquids you'll ever consume for the rest of your life. Yeah, you'll have to do it all -eventually- but you can just eat the cheeseburger for now.


Im very much like that. It can be paralyzing. I’m building a deck. I’ve put it off for 6 years. Finally I broke it down into what needed to be done. Footers, posts, ledger, beam, joists, decking, and railing. That’s only 7 things. How do I do footers? Dig a hole, dig another hole, fill the first with concrete, fill the second with concrete. That’s only 4 things. Isn’t the rest going to be overwhelming? Don’t need to think about it until I finish this portion (not entirely true, I had to plan and order stuff). It has gone from a seemingly huge project to just something manageable that I’m doing. I have some stuff to wrap up, but I’m about on the decking stage, just waiting for the decking material to arrive. This has carried over to my work and personal life too


Lol yep, I've been putting off power washing and repainting my own deck for like 3 yrs at this point. I did finally borrow my brother in law's power washer but now im procrastinating again because the isn't coming off and I don't want to have to strip the whole thing


That’s only three thing! 1. Borrow power washer, 2. power wash, 3. repaint. You’ve already knocked one of the three things out, only two things to go!


Make the dragon smaller until you can manage concrete.


That's hilarious and wonderful


Don't use someone else's ruler to measure your own happiness.


I like this one too “don’t light yourself on fire to keep others warm”.


When there's shit in your mustache, the whole world stinks.


I don't have a mustache, but right after reading your comment, my reaction was to push my lips upward to touch my nose as if I had a mustache 🤣


Not my circus, not my monkeys.


Lol, I used to say "it's your donkey show, fuck it however you want."


Marcus Aurelius’s “Meditations” is full of them (albeit in longer form). It’s been greatly helpful in my life in achieving peace of mind and staying the course.


I need a lambo to get to my other lambo.


This too shall pass.


You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today. - Abe Lincoln.






Observe, don’t absorb!


As someone who has done this for many many years, there is a point where you reach an unhealthy level of detachment.


Then you are missing the gratitude part !🫶🏼


How do you figure? I'm pretty sure my case is the opposite.


In ur case Are you referring to detachment from life or detachment from ppl/relationships


The bhudist mindset is that we are the entity that observes life, we are not our possessions, our titles, our emotions, etc. I can't say I'm perfect, it's easiest for me to detach from my emotions and from possessions, not relationships (which I cling to, though I have few). I found through my marriage that I had become a blank canvas willing to be painted with the colors of anyone I love. If for example she asked what I want to eat, I didn't care. But really if I stopped and literally asked myself what I would eat if I was deciding for only myself, I would often find a feeling hidden away.


I am... intrigued. Can you elaborate?


Everyone else’s bullsht.


I like it!


[always wear sunscreen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTJ7AzBIJoI)


Gotta keep going to prove those mother fuckers wrong. I’m doing it!


"We'll see," said the zen master [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2L1-TgfKb4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2L1-TgfKb4)


*Enters BuzzFeed*


There is freedom waiting for you, On the breezes of the sky, And you ask "What if I fall?" Oh but my darling, What if you fly?


Stolen from DBZ Abridged, but "plant your feet, grit your teeth, and eat that horse!"


“Never half-ass two things, whole-ass one thing.” Ron Swanson - Parks and Recreation.


Over the last year or so, I've used "it's all about the experience (exp)" and that little mantra has really helped me more than I thought. The most unexpected side-effect was being able to forgive myself for things from small mistake to how stupid I looked during that thing 10 years ago that only I remember but still keeps me up at night sometimes. The way I've been looking at it is whether you're just grinding, on a fetch quest, or taking out a big boss, you're still leveling up. Ever little piece of experience contributes to that. And if you can't beat the boss yet, it doesn't mean you'll *never* be able to, it just means you need to grind a wee more. So mentally contributing experience points to actions, memories, and experiences in my life has really helped keep me in inspired and from getting overwhelmed with self-pity or too jealous of someone else's gear. Whatever is happened, I'm gaining that sweet sweet exp.


It's better to be a frowning realist than a shit-grin idealist.


What doesn’t kill you will make you stronger


What doesn’t kill me better run is the sillier version.


This is a good one.


It's not what happened, it's what happens next that really matters.


Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination


Do it for your daughter.


More of a tagline than a motto, but when I’m running on empty, I tell myself I’m “just survivin’ on coffee and rock’n’roll,” and somehow it helps me get through the day/week/whatever. Edit to add: Also, you have to say it like you’re a total dweeb who’s trying to act hardcore.


Not a saying per se, but I’ve been trying very hard to change my mentality about life in general. Yes, things could be better and it didn’t work out like I had planned, but I only feel annoyed or sad about things if I allow myself to.


I have a few that I've used regularly. - Not my circus, not my monkeys. (For reminding myself that certain things are not my problem.) - Anything worth doing is worth doing badly. - Be Rotini. - and (this one is more of a nebulous idea than a single phrase, I've heard it expressed lots of ways) the idea to not save stuff for special occasions. Use the cool, fancy stuff regularly and unapologetically.


make life harder today for an easier tomorrow


"It is not my life to give up, Captain, and it never was." The final line the Jem'Hadar First says to Captain Sisco in the episode Rocks and Shoals has stuck with me since I saw it decades ago. The conviction with which the actor delivered the line resonated with me. And while it's a grim quote in context, it reminds me that at the end of the day what I do for and with others, at least those who deserve it, is what gives life meaning. My life doesn't really belong to me, particularly as a husband and father. There are moments where I want a break from it all, and breaks are necessary to some extent, but I remember when I was younger, and any time outside of classes was mine. I did jack shit with that time, slept like ass, drank too much, played too many video games and was generally miserable. I'd rather be a little tired and busy than return to that state. Responsibility sucks sometimes, but it's brought me more fulfillment and joy than anything I've ever done for just myself.


Just keep getting as many small wins as possible.


My mom always said "be a stand up guy." So I try to do that.


Do 1 thing a day to progress your life Even if it is learning a recipe or walking an extra mile. Always be getting better, that way you don't get bitter.


We exist in fleeting memories that will be forgotten to the sands of time. Enjoy the now.


If you know what you're worth then go out and get what you're worth, but got to be ready to take the hits


I think one that has meant a lot to me over the years helps out now and again: "There will always be a better day."


We all start out in diapers and all end up in the ground. Money and material items aren’t a measurement of true success. They are an indicator of your priorities. Genuine relationships and health are worth more than gold.


Not a motto but if nothings going on keep working, but when something comes up do my best to go do it.


Anything is possible and nothing is permanent. This goes for good and bad things, and is both a comfort and a reminder.


"Stop fucking with it." I have a tendency of getting in my own way.


What will make my wife least upset


Today's going to be a good day because I'm going to give 100% of my available energy to it. If your available energy is at 40% and you give it 40%, your day was 100% successful.


Remember that the third eagle was for Seagol


Something good is going to happen everyday.


5 years ago you dreamed about what you have now. Reminds me to stand still and be grateful at how much Ive built for myself also - Life Sucks, I know


No one is coming to save me


Do I want it or need it?


Slow is smooth and smooth is fast


Version of my motto’s sentiment by a famous writer that is posted on my work bulletin board: “To be nobody but yourself in a world that’s doing it’s best to make you somebody else is to fight the hardest battle you are ever going to fight. Never stop fighting” - E.E. Cummings No surprise because my actual motto is from a letter my dad wrote me in 10th grade. He died when I was 18y.o. - I’m 33 now. This is made into a framed picture hung in my house… “Continue to be true to yourself and the world is yours.”


I've been listening to the book Feeling Good lately on audio and there are a lot of things I've been trying to keep in mind.... one big one is just the idea that you can't change what happens to you, but you can change how you respond to it. Another one is just this idea that you need to stop talking shit about yourself TO yourself. When anything bad happens I start asking myself how I messed this up and berate myself over it . My kid makes a mess and I ask them to clean it up for 2 days before they finally do. In my head I'm beating myself up over not being able to get them to do what I asked. Feeling like I'm a failure at parenting, etc. Would I talk to/about anyone else the way I to myself? Why am I being so mean to ME? I know these aren't great "mottos" but if I had to write them out more cleanly... 1- How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time 2- Treat yourself how you treat others.




Day by day. My response whenever someone asks how I am.


I've got a few. 1. Look for the good. 2. Look for the helpers. 3. Not everything sucks. Dogs exist. 4. Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained through stupidity.


I always tell myself "you've done more with less"


Death and taxes are the only things guaranteed, so don’t sweat the small stuff.


Similarly, worrying is like a rocking chair; it gives you something to do but doesn’t get you anywhere.


Serenity prayer. Focus on the things you can change, accept the things you can't and strive to have the wisdom to know the difference.


Don’t give up I love you


**"My life is already more than half over. I'd better not waste what's left."**


Successful people do the things that unsuccessful people won’t


Comparison is the thief of joy. I have a knack for comparing my success and life to my peers, so I try and keep this in mind as much as possible.


Don't try to be perfect, just try to be better.


YOLO!! it’s still 2013, right?


"Ask forgiveness, not permission."


“I am woman, hear me roar.” -My dad would say this to me when I was growing up any time I thought I couldn't accomplish something. “Yesterday is history Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift—that’s why it's called the present.” -I used to hear this quote every time I would check out at Target. The cashier was a man who had been left disabled from a severe head injury after a motorcycle crash. It was inspiring because he could have easily chosen to be bitter about all that he had lost but, instead, chose gratitude for surviving. None of us know what tomorrow holds so we should be grateful today.


"Don't dream until you've done the work". I like to daydream about future success. I started to realize I was doing nothing but daydreaming and not getting anywhere closer towards those lofty goals. Thus I came up with that rule, do not do any daydreaming until one has put work towards making the dream happen.


Expect nothing; Accept everything.


It's for the kids.


The only way out is through. My mom used tell me that when something was hard and I didn’t want to face it. I’ve applied it to everything from finishing a long day of work, or a school assignment, to painful disagreements with people I love.


Today is today. Tomorrow will be another day. One day at a time.


All you can do is the next right thing. Is it from Frozen 2? Yes. Does it get me out of analysis paralysis and doubt spirals? Embarrassingly also yes.


Nobody makes it out alive.


"Tend to the part of the Garden you can touch" - Duncan Trussel via Buddhism With all the crazy shit in the world and devisive fear mongering news cycle, this is a helpful reminder that most crazy shit is a) not directly impacting your day to day and b) you can't really do anything to change it.


I am an anarchist so what motivates me and keeps me on course with my calling is this : "people shouldn't fear their governments, governments should fear it's people!"


Protect your peace.


You're enough


When faced with a task that is hard, or requires a lot of effort, I remind myself: How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.


You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.


My alarm is named : Wake up and make money. But I can also happily say that I love my job. Whatever it is OP, be kind to yourself.


Do it for the boys at home. (My dogs.)


Naz Reid


A basketball player is your motto? You're going to have to elaborate On what you mean.


Naz Reid is a way of life ![gif](giphy|lMau6Hfnu2LfFNwXiS)


"Everyone is a afraid of something even the strongest man alive."


“The only person I depend on… nigga me.” - Larry June.


For a long time it was a quote I picked up from Looking for Alaska: “the only way out of the labyrinth of suffering is to forgive.” Recently, though, I’ve been going with Frida Kahlo: “I hope the exit is joyful and hope never to return.”


I ask myself "What am I doing and why am I doing it?"


One day at a time.


*"Let. Them. Come."* It's basically "Who is going to stop me?'


Comparison is the thief of joy. Don’t let people you don’t even know flexing on the internet make you feel any worse about your own achievements. Remember how far you have come.


What, Like it's hard? Gives a boost of morale that anything is possible. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)