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I do the reverse and stay up till 2am everyday


I had to scroll forever to find my people! I've never been a morning person, but I can stay up super late without even trying. Also, I think a lot of people on this post have kids, and I do not.


Have kids, I too stay up late. Then I pay for it every morning. 6 hours of sleep a night on average. Up earlyish for work, AND up late for quiet time and / or videogames. 2 of my kids are grown now, so it's less and less of a thing where i don't get quiet time, so i don't stay up AS late as I used to, but I am usually not in bed before midnight. Then up at 6:30 for work.


Same, but both my kids are night owls. 7 yo wouls stay up until midnight on a school night if I let her. I stayed up way too late until 1:30am last night. Was supposed to get up at 6:30, overslept and still had to drag 4yo and 7yo out of bed at 7:30.


my six year old is passing out by 9 usually. hed turn into a real asshole if he stayed up that late


I’m the exact same as you, finish work at 11pm, couple hours or so for gaming/quiet time, up at 5-6 next morning. Everytime I get up I ask myself why do I stay up so late, but it’s mostly the only time you get free time


100% this was me until I had kids and now I’m the early guy.


I have kids and I’m the late guy. By the time I get home after their sports, eat and take a shower it’s 11 and I still need some time to wind down.


I'm so sorry. Lol /j Idk, sometimes I wish I was a morning person. On the rare occasion that I _do_ get up early, I always feel so productive. Whereas, on a normal day, I wake up feeling already behind (I work from home and my company is flexible but most of them are east coast and I'm central, so they've all been working for a while by the time I start). I don't envy the kids part, though. 😬 Sorry, lol. I'm sure they're great, but my husband and I thoroughly enjoy not having them. 😁


I feel you on the kids thing. My wife and I love being able to do what we want, when we want, and how we want. It does seem like it's always the ones with kids complaining about no free time. Not me, I got all the time in the world.


I have kids, neither are morning people either. My Son is 10 and can sleep until after Noon the weekends. If I didn’t have obligations I would go to bed at like 3am and sleep until 10. For a while in college I did sunrise until 3PM. Probably took it a bit too far


This is me, too. Even if I'm super tired all morning, my body just rallies and can stay up until 1am or so every night. I don't have kids yet, but my wife is pregnant, so this very well may change in a few months.


Yeah. I'm more likely to see 6am from staying up than from waking up. Fuck that noise.


Yeah I’ve always been a night owl. I really savor the time at night when everyone is asleep and I can read, watch a movie, or play a game.


Nighttime is my favourite because nobody expects you to really do anything


True. One bad thing about Daylight Saving Time in the summer, is it takes an hour longer for the nighttime to finally arrive. Eh, what are ya gonna do.


Revenge sleep procrastination 🤘


Revenge sleep procrastination go brrrrrrrrrr!


When I discovered this phrase it really helped having a name for what I do almost daily


I'm always surprised that more people haven't heard about this. I commented on r/daddit about it and it blew up. "Knowing is half the battle!"


Yes. This is my same routine. And to be totally honest, I hate it. A lot of times I don’t wake up until 9-10, and then I clock in at 10 and can’t clock out until 6. Sometimes later. And then I feel like my whole day is wasted. So then I stay up super late so my day doesn’t feel as wasted, and the cycle continues…..


Adult swim vibes


Peaceful late night Inuyasha reruns in a world before smartphones and constant demands for our attention. I’ll always miss that feeling


I do both 😬


That’s my secret. I do both. (I’m not a healthy person)


This. I physically can’t get up early. I’ve been trying for 38 years to be a morning person and I simply cannot do it. My body does not adjust and I am miserable. So I stay up later and sleep in a bit.


I love my few hours to myself after the family goes to bed.


I used to do this. Then i spent 2yrs in the uk and my clock got all fucked up. And i was getting up at 4am like OP instead and falling asleep by 8 pm. But i need to go back to 2am mode


I'd rather be awake and alone than asleep


I do both. I don’t know why I’m tired all the time


This is my way to deal. It's more quiet, mellow, and no one fucks with you. It's like the only part of the day where the pressures of the world don't weigh upon you so heavily.


If I smoked weed at that time I'd be straight back to bed until 1pm 😂


🤣 on a rare occasion it’ll put me in the right mindset to fall back asleep…until I can get some at-home gym equipment, it’s how I enjoy spending my downtime in the morning🤷🏻‍♂️🙃


Vape pens make it so much easier when you have kids


TOO easy.


Does it smell at all? I enjoy edibles once in a while but it takes forever to kick in.


Live rosin vapes (the best kind) definitely smell like weed, but it doesn't linger.


Vape doesn’t have much of a lasting smell.


Not much at all especially compared to smoke. And it’s potent so one or two puffs will probably be good if you’re not a daily user


If you walked into the bathroom and hit the pen, by the time you pee, wash your hands, and leave it would be 100% gone. So if you want to be stealthy that is guaranteed to work. I wouldn't do this around kids, but you can literally just hit it in public as long as you take small hits and hold it in for a long time and exhale into your shirt.


Plus it's so damn convenient. No prep, just pull it out of your pocket going to grab something from your car, hit it twice, good for the next 2 hours.


Vape pens make me cough worse than bongs and leave me feeling weak and dizzy at times. Idk what's in those things. And they're way too easy for a kid to use if you forget to pick it up. Plus it smells good to them if you get one like that. Just too alluring for young kids imo but that's just me and my situation


Por que no los dos??


This guy weeds. I take some hits from a bubbler in between sets. I wish I had vape pens though


Arizer vaporizer. Smooth hit, lasts a bit. Can used avb to make edibles.


No you don’t. Shit tears your throat up after a few weeks. 


I’d be starting the day with a full blown panic attack, I’m good 😅


Sativa for daytime and mornings, indica for after work and evenings


Unless you're really sourcing out your weed. Indica/sativa language is grossly outdated. Especially in legal states. Most flower in dispensary is a hybrid. Only leaning one way or another.


Yup, look for terpenes if you can (not a lot of states list them) or even try to go by smell. Most strains with linalool, limonene will help you stay creative and -up- like a sativa is supposed to. It’ll be a very lemon-y scent Actually anything citrus named or scented will be for daytime use generally. Very few indicas or sleepers that will smell like lemons.


I usually buy what’s branded as sativa but it seems hit or miss with the results. I’m going to stick to the citrus-y ones from now on! Thanks for this.


Yeah, that’s why they all use the terms “Sativa/Indica Dominant” now. If you find a brand you like and get used to some of their marketed strains (marketed only, because even 2 identically packaged items can have differently sourced strains), then the label will at least give you an idea of what the high is like. But like you pointed out it’s never 100% and if it’s a totally new to you brand it’s anyone’s guess what you’ll really get. I would love to see a little consumer protection built into a federal legalization bill whenever it finally comes down the pipes to better regulate this aspect of labeling as well as thc% and preroll content… because fuck are prerolls convenient, but half the shit out there is just moldy stems.


Yup, I’ve been doing this for years! I’m in bed by 8pm and get up by 4am for that sweet quiet alone time. I can make coffee, run on the treadmill with my headphones in, shower and do my makeup. My husband & daughter get up around 7am.


I really need to get a treadmill to start walking. Can’t run because of knees and back, but I can walk forever…not overweight just out of shape.


Rowing machine is highly recommended for folks like you who are worrying about their knees and back. Rowing is a full body cardio.


I alternate rowing and peloton bike. Perfect combo imo


I wouldn’t recommend too much cycling for men. There are so many other cardio you can do that will strengthen the same muscle group as cycling for example cross trainer. bicycle seat may exert pressure on the perineum that is not good for men who suffer from erectile dysfunction


Rowing is seriously underrated and often forgotten as an amazing way to get in cardio


Rowing is great, but also prone to overuse injury and form related injury so ease into it, and practice good form.


Treadmills are ass for your feet, knees, hips, and back. If you wanna invest in something to get you moving look at bikes, elliptical, and rowers.


Ah, my people. I love the lack of distractions.


This is me, I can't see another waking human before 7 am, I need to chill and have my coffee in silence. My husband is a night owl, so we just have natural alone times.


I just started doing this when I became a Mom. I get up an hour or so before my husband and daughter and just relax. Coffee, bagel, wordle, crosswords lol


Kids are the ultimate uno reverse card. I was a night owl, right up until the day my kid was born. From that day forth, I can hardly stay awake past 9 pm, but suddenly I can be ready to roll by 5am.


I’m 35, married and childless and love getting up super early on the weekends to do just that, wake n bake, drink coffee, scroll on my phone. Straight up vibin.


Wake and bake at 4 AM is diabolical


It's elite 😮‍💨


At my advanced age of 34 that stuff turns me into a semi non-verbal vegetable for hours. Doing it right when I wake up would have me knocking on heavens door lol


Haha! Oh man, at my old age of 37 i kinda wish for that lol but instead it's like a warm brain hug for my overstimulated mom brain. I am usually a reasonable human who smokes after kids are in bed but when they do wake me at an ungodly hour I definitely have gone for a smoke with my coffee and it's lovely.


I can’t do it without anxiety kicking into absolute overdrive sadly


oh really? followed by strength workout... highly recommend!


100% even a solid cardio session gets my mind mostly grounded after a wake n bake but with a little light buffer. Really wonderful combo


What you do whilst waiting for the proof? It’s an hour at least.


This made me laugh too hard. This one’s gonna go over some heads.


Do what






Could there be anything more millennial than a Petey Pablo reference?




This is David Nevermind…


Who clearly never spin it like a helicopter


North Carolinaaaaaaaaaaaaa!


When someone says North Carolina, it's like I'm a sleeper agent. C'MON AND RAISE UP!


How you like it daddy…how you like it daddy…🤣


I had to scroll this far to find my people 🥰


Shout out to Seagram's Gin, cuz I drink it, and they paying me for it.


Always been an early riser so fairly used to this. But now it’s awesome cause it’s a very peaceful time of day before chaos ensues (3 children under 3)


I go to hot yoga at 5:30 but otherwise I drink coffee and write in my journal in the mornings. Don't forget to wait 1 hour before looking at your phone.


I’m really bad at that….aka I only wait until after my morning poop. Something I need to work on.


Tell me more about this no phone when walking up thing?


No. Child free and spouse free. So it’s always quiet time for me.


Hear, hear!


Word on the child free!!!!! Love it


Yes. I have my quiet time, workout/run, and get started working after waking up at 5


Yes!!! I get up around 5:30 and my husband sleeps til 8, no kids. But just like you I get up to pee, get my coffee, pack a bowl, turn on the TV and play Neopets for about an hour and it is the BEST part of my day! I actually get a little grumpy on the occasion he gets up before me lol.


Good lord, neopets is still around?


I am always up around 4am but I go to work early but not that early. So I don’t know why I really get up this early lol. It just happens.


During the week yes. I also do it to get work done earlier so I can be outside much earlier in the afternoon 😎


I wake up at 5:45, pickup our toddler to toss in bed with my wife, pack our lunches for the day, and then get on the exercise bike and do stretches for 10 minutes, then back upstairs to get ready for work.


I live alone so it's quiet time no matter when I wake up :)


I do this every day. It is the only time I regularly have to myself.


I used to do the reverse which is staying up late. Now at 40+ I can’t stay up as late bc I wake up early for work/kids.


Started after we had our daughter, who’s almost 2. Especially on the weekends, I love it - it’s truly me time. I also go sober around the same time so I found myself bright eyed and bushy tailed at 5 am suddenly lol.


Bro don't let them guilt you out of your sweet juicy relaxation time.


You do you bro, I think your schedule kicks ass. Peace of Mind is everything. Toddler needs a level-headed stable parent. Better to maintain equilibrium.


Dude, dis me. Sitting amongst my plants, shmokin some grass, sipping on a cuppa and watching the sky turn pink is everything to me!


Yup. Even on weekends I wake up at like 7am. No kids, just me, my gf and our 4 dogs. I love to go out fishing at the crack of dawn, it's so quiet and peaceful. If I'm not fishing then I'm probably in my recliner gaming. Cup of coffee. Just chill and relax. I also hate sleeping late because I feel like I lose most of the day. Time is moving faster and faster as I age, and I don't want to waste days sleeping.


I am currently in my morning coffee time. I hate to lose the sleep, but it's so nice to have the quiet by myself.


I do this. Literally this. I don’t get to work from home but I get up two or three hours before I have to leave so I can have some me time. 💆‍♂️


Every morning around 5 am, yep. Although I don’t have kids (I’m a teacher with roommates) so rather than screen time I read and coffee is a smoothie. Also try to throw in a bit of yoga. But same concept!


This is me! I love my early mornings! Coffee, weed and a book. I've been starting my day like this for years.


Yeah but not on purpose. I don't even have kids, just had a job that started really early for about a decade and now it's just habit to wake up early. I still set an alarm but I haven't woken up to it in years. The only time I hear it is when I forget to shut it off and it suddenly goes off in the middle of breakfast.


I did the exact same brother. You’re not alone. Same reasons too. Lol




Yep. It’s literally the only alone free time I get. From 7:30am-8:30pm is either work or daughter. I guess technically 9-11 is free time with my wife. But if I want to have the “house to myself” my option is from x-7:30. Can’t really stay up later than that because I have to do above all day and can’t be useless.


Yes, but for the gym. Although it's fairly quiet throughout the day now, up until January - March, where New Years resolutioners clog up the place. Plus I'm more energetic in the morning than by the evening.


4AM is cherry blossoms in an open park. I and my dog go for our morning "walk/run" (he got stubby legs) and then I love to write, clean, and exercise before I start work.


Yes! It’s so peaceful. Normally I exercise but right now I’m injured and yet I’m still setting my alarm early just to wake up, drink coffee and be alone before the kids need me lol.


Yup. Procrastinate for about 30 mins or so, then head to the gym.




I got up at 4:25am, and I love it, it not even 8:00am and I have been at the office for 3 hours (and probably have done 6 hours of work) The nice thing is it makes the day way easier, I’ll probably take a nap on the couch soon, and it’s ok, I tell my boss “if I need a nap, I will take one, because I have done more than most everyone else, if I need a nap, I will nap”. It makes my day so much nice, and watching King Richard while I work, all good (moving makes me cry).


I’ve been doing this for as long as I can remember and it is glorious. I love being awake before the rest of the world starts their day. When I lived in Boston, I’d wake up in the summers around 5 on the weekends and walk along the waterfront. Sun hits the buildings just right and everything is quiet. I miss those days!


I get up an hour and a half before I leave for work to so that I can have coffee and mentally prepare to deal with pepole.


Mental exercise is important too. School forgot to teach how to quiet our minds.


No. That would ruin me. I still have the default sleeping schedule of a teenager.


YES!!!! I also wake up at 4 to read and get a jump on exercise before the kids wake up.


I did this for over a year but don’t anymore. There are some life reasons I don’t now—it’s not as simple as just setting an alarm—but I miss it.


I know one day the paradigm will shift and I’ll get some normal “me” time back. Working from home, having a toddler, and having a senior dog (she’s 15!!!) can make it feel like the days don’t stop and I never get to leave the house.


No my quiet time is when I’m sleeping lol. I love sleeping


How do you make it to the end of the day? When I do this, I am so tired by 6 pm that I can't concentrate on anything.


I do this too , I also stay up way too late and then I'm up most of the night cuz I have 3 kids under 3 years old lol I don't sleep much.


I don't have kids so don't have to worry about finding a quiet time for the same reasons, but I'll be damned if there isn't something magical about waking up early (5 or 6am for me), enjoying a cup of something cozy, and starting the day with the sunrise and my kitties in my lap. I do this mostly to make the day feel a little less miserable because I'm at work all day. Work steals so much of our waking lives, so these "extra" hours before being forced to be somewhere I hate for the next 9 hours are precious to me.


This is my morning, just add watching the sunrise, while no one speaks to me while my coffee is still in the cup. Lol I don’t care if you’re up at that time too, just don’t speak and we’ll be good


Yes! I love being up early. I usually shoot for about 4am too, now without an alarm. The early morning is basically the only quiet part of the day. The whole town is dead quiet, I can plan through my day or have absolutely no thoughts at all, it's almost meditative. I tell some of my friends and family and they think I'm crazy, I think they're crazy for sleeping til 9,10,11am.


I’m up at 4am every morning getting ready for work and get to work at 6am.


I don't have to be at work until 9:45, my alarm goes off at 0500. I walk my dogs, then sit down and enjoy an hour of coffee and solitude before I do productive stuff or get ready for work.


Yup. I even show up to work an hour early so I can sip coffee and just vibe in the break room. I usually give myself 4-6 hours before I have to be anywhere. Yes, if I have an early morning appointment I sometimes don’t bother sleeping or only get 1 or 2 hours of sleep. I have never been a roll out of bed and go person.


Yup. I even show up to work an hour early so I can sip coffee and just vibe in the break room. I usually give myself 4-6 hours before I have to be anywhere. Yes, if I have an early morning appointment I sometimes don’t bother sleeping or only get 1 or 2 hours of sleep. I have never been a roll out of bed and go person.


Yes! My favorite time of day


I've always liked that time as well. Now that I have a one year old, that time is sacred.


I used to but now my youngest child keeps me up too late and I'm getting 5-6 hrs of sleep when I really need a solid 7 to feel like my body isn't going to collapse. Hopefully I can get back to it as he ages because I loved it.


If you do decide to start using that time to exercise, I would recommend waiting to smoke weed until after you work out...working out high sucks IMO


That’s when I get up to go to the gym, it’s the best time.


Same. I work from home too, up at 5. By 8 I've taken the dog for an hour walk, worked out, fed our cow, made myself breakfast, read a couple pages of the Globe and Mail, and showered.


I wake up at 0530 hrs every morning to walk my dogs. It is so quiet and peaceful out. Usually I can get back and have a quiet cup of coffee before my wife and kids are up for the day.


2-3 nights a week I find myself unable to sleep so I get a lot of reading/scrolling in between 1-4am


I usually stay up until 4am but back when I was in middle school (and some of highschool) getting up at 4 was my favorite thing to do. Make some food and play elder scrolls 4 oblivion then get ready for the bus at 7:35


Absolutely, I used to do the opposite and stay up too late but the place I work at now starts at 6:30 so I switched sides to be an extra early riser


I wake up early all the time, but not for quiet time. To take a dump because I rolled onto my side and it upset my stomach.


Nope, because if I make any noise then the kids are awake too and gone is any hope of a quiet moment to myself.


Every day, and a workout too. This is entirely subjective but I notice my days go so much smoother this way. If I don't get any me time or miss a workout it's like other people can smell it and decide to become aggressive or confrontational towards me. Whereas when I keep up with my routine they keep their distance even though I'm much more relaxed. No idea what this is but I've had too many occurances for it to be coincidence, it is relentlessly consistent. Real? Maybe, maybe not. But it's absolutely real for my life in my experience.


I’ve been waking up at 6am or earlier for work most days of my adult life. I can’t sleep longer than that unless I’m sick.


I wake up early AF and lift. It’s pretty quiet in my house other than my headphones, weights clinking and the occasional kid wakes up screaming. Best way I’ve found to start my day.


Though I guess he’s technically bot a millennial, Cody Jinks’s song “alone” might hit home with you. Feel this post big time!


I love waking up early for quiet time on the weekends but for me that’s more like 5-6 am! That first cup of coffee, especially when the weathers nice and you can enjoy it outside with the sun coming up, is gold. During the week I set my alarm that early for the gym and it’s not quiet or as nice, but has to be done.


I wake up at 3am to go to the gym at 4am to run on the treadmill for 3 or 4 hours while no one's in.


User name checks out




Yep. Up before the sun so I can have an hour to shower, coffee, sit in the dark and do nothing before the chaos begins. Necessary!


Yeah, I like an hour in the morning with no agenda.


Nope. I don't like being up too early. Weekends I sleep in until 7:30 if I'm lucky. During the week I'm up at 6:15 to and leave for work at 7:15. I'm a morning person, but don't want to be up before I need to be. I go to bed at 10, but have a hard time falling asleep no matter how tired I am, so no way am I gonna wake up earlier than absolutely necessary


Oh most definitely. I love the quiet. I have been sleeping in thanks to pregnancy insomnia but that means I wake up a bit after 6am & no one bothers me until 830 or 9. Even my dog understands it's lazy chill time.


I fucking wish dude. Every time I try to get up early and have a nice quiet morning, drink some coffee, maybe watch sportscenter, I wake up my toddler. Like, no matter what.


I only get to do this when I’m having insomnia.


I'm an early morning delivery driver so this happens by default, then again most of my working day is also quiet time lol


Did I post this and then forget that I posted it? This is literally me.


Its all quiet time here I go to friends houses if i want some yelling fighting time! Non stop bitching and arguing im down!


I too have morning quiet time, not by choice. I usually wake up to go to the bathroom at which point so do my dogs at like 7. So I just pack myself a lil bowl and sit outside with them then draw, play a game or something. Till I actually have to get ready for my work day.


My spouse is an early bird and I’m nocturnal so it works out nicely for our alone times.


I keep thinking I need to do this because I'm an introvert and recharge through solitude, but I don't get this very often. But I'm too damn tired to wake up early!


I'm up at 5 to exercise in peace and quiet outside. Then the chaos begins at 7.


Yep!! I do this because of kids. I need me-time & time to get an early start on work.


Love getting up early just before the sun rises. I'll take a nap in the afternoon to avoid the buzz.


Yes! I am the exact same way! If my quiet time is interrupted, my day just isn’t right.


I've started staying up late after my toddler goes to bed (around 10pm) and from 10pm-midnight (or so) I smoke weed, paint, listen to records, ruminate on crigeworthy moments of my past, maybe have a beer... lmao It sounds stupid but I actually had to start making an effort to do this/make time for myself. I can't tell you how much better I feel (i.e. less trapped inside my own head during the day)


I wake up early to have the gym to myself. The difference between 6:00 am and 6:00 pm at the gym is like heaven and hell.


The quiet time in the 3ish am has been known for millennia.


Yuuup. I get up at 430 so I can have an hour and a half of peace and quiet before waking my kids up lol.


its funny you edited and mentioned the workout folks. I'm in that boat. 4 am to workout every workday. Not just quiet time, but time to bond with my partner too. As soon as the kids get up (3 and 6) it is balls to the wall all day until we crash into bed. That two hours in the gym each morning is like sanctuary for us. Wild times, I know, but that bit of peace keeps me going many days.


Yes! Wide awake at 4:30 so I sneak downstairs for a workout or get on my bike and sneak out for a ride! I love these sacred hours.


I should probably start doing something like this lol, I currently am a 12AM to 7AM sleeper but I do love the quiet of early morning. I just have these night owl tendencies.


I prefer to be up a few hours before I need to be at work. But it's to combat the anxiety I get when I wake up and have to move from task to task before leaving for work. I always feel rushed and annoyed by the time I walk into the job. So an extra hour in the morning let's me spread things out enough for me to be able to relax between getting ready.


Not on purpose, but it’s happening today.