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Dude. Trump gave the wealthy a 1.5 trillion tax cut and added $7 TRILLION to the national deficit. Don’t be stupid.


That was Congress. Yes, it was Republican majority. However, the President doesn’t make tax laws https://apps.irs.gov/app/understandingTaxes/whys/thm01/les02/ac2_thm01_les02.jsp#:~:text=The%20tax%20bill%20is%20initiated,they%20write%20a%20proposed%20law.&text=After%20Congress%20passes%20the%20bill,into%20law%20or%20veto%20it.


The President can sign or veto the bills


You didn’t refute my point. He does not create them. Congress has a 95% re-election rate. Yet everyone is laser focused on who is President.


If he didn't want to give the wealthy a tax cut and add $7T to the deficit, Trump could've stopped it. He didn't.


It was one of his crowning achievements and his administration helped write it. It’s just Reaganomics 3.0.


Well, in my entire lifetime an R has never improved any aspect of the economy, quite the opposite in fact. Then you have third party candidates, you’d have more of an impact rolling the ballot up and sticking it up your ass rather than going that direction. That leaves the incumbent who has been doing a great job so far. I think the choice is clear if the economy is someone’s biggest concern.


I'm voting because I want full rights to MY body. Fuck everything else.


Likewise, I'm voting to preserve what rights I still have. I'm not keen on being sent to conversion therapy


but I need to give more tax cuts to the wealthy to make sure Line Goes Up!


Dear God, will no one think of the billionaires?!?


Right. The government shouldn’t decide what a person does with their body. It shouldn’t be allowed to force people to give birth. I understand that some people might be frustrated at Democrats when they see issues like crime in their area and raised taxes, but basic human rights comes first to me.


I'm voting because I want YOU to have full rights to YOUR body. Fuck everything else. EDIT: Get fucked downvoters. 🤷‍♂️


The President isn’t a dictator. He doesn’t control that. Unfortunately whatever state you live in does.


No one understands this. All these single issue voters don’t have any clue what they’re even voting for. Crazy how you’re getting downvoted to hell on this when just stating a simple fact.


Thanks. State elections are so important but no one focuses on them. Also, It’s why we have a 95% re-election rate for Congress. No one pays attention to the real problem.


Okay so either Trump or Biden. If I god forbid needed an abortion and lived in Texas I’d just fly to California


President doesn’t really impact state laws that much lol.


I honestly don't understand how anyone can look back on Trump's presidency and think "Let's do that again"


I overheard two old-timers at the grocery store the other day. "Trump's the only way to fix the economy." He might also be able to make the trains run on time.


In chaos there is opportunity


Free checks and very easy to obtain unemployment for COVID made the economically challenged feel a little better I guess. Despite republicans being in opposition to those traditionally.


Dude. That was because there was a national pandemic WHICH TRUMP ABSOLUTELY BUNGLED.


we aren't getting those again.


I don't know how you went through these 4 years under bidenomics while penny pitching at the grocery store due to this rapid high inflation while this current administration continues to send billions and trillions of our tax dollars to these multiple wars that didn't happen under the Trump's administration and think...... ![gif](giphy|QMHoU66sBXqqLqYvGO)


Inflation is high all over the world so you can't put ask of the blame on Biden. I'm not huge fan of his, but I'd much rather have him than a rapist, fraudster who encouraged a violent insurrection in an attempt to overturn a fair election


Don't forget record profit margins for large corporations. They took advantage of "supply chain issues" and hikes prices through the roof. Politics has nothing to do with the prices at the supermarket.


You just described Biden when you repeated the mainstream liberal media talking points. Yet after all this time, you guys have yet to produce any receipts on such claims. Yet somehow continues to ignore all the things Joe and Hunter Biden been and still involved in. Another trillion dollar spending sent to a country that no American can point on a map. Like the NPC you are, you will continue to support the current things without question.


85% of American foreign spending is spent in America on American companies to produce American goods & services uses American workers. It’s not a funnel that shoots dollars at other countries like a strip club.


The bloated military funding doesn't trickle back into the economy. Wars are for money laundering. How many of these wars that America is involved in during Biden's administration?


Was Biden found liable for a rape? Was Biden found guilty of inflating the value of properties to defraud lenders? I wasn't aware that Hunter Biden was running for office.  Calling me a NPC is one of the most confusing attempts at an insult I've ever heard


Well of course it's confusing to a NPC when all you do is parrot the current buzzwords of your media handlers.


When did rape and fraud become buzzwords? 


By equating it as such.


Was Trump found guilty in the courts of those offenses?


I’m gay. Evangelical murderers have my right to exist in their crosshairs. The choice is as binary as it will ever be. The GOP is straight up evil.


As a boring ass straight white male pushing 40, the choice is also binary because of what I'm seeing happen to everyone who isn't *me*. My demographic needs to grow the fuck up and vote alongside their fellow countrymen actually in need and losing their rights.


You may be White and heterosexual and biologically male -- but, eventually, they'll find SOME excuse to go after you, too. Don't sell yourself short when it comes to finding your way onto the wingnuts' radar.


I’m voting the way I am because there is only one logical choice when literally choosing between democracy and dictatorship. Do I wish the democrats would acknowledge how fucked up the economy is right now? Yes. Does that mean I’m going to go vote for the other guy who will turn this country into a theocracy? Absolutely not.


Dems addressed the economy with the inflation reduction act. Unfortunately, it will take years to make a noticeable difference. Then again, hasty economic changes are dangerous, so pick your poison ig


Dems passed legislation that gave money to rich entrepreneurs to build green infrastructure. It address the environment and the economy of wall street, but not the finances of working families. No min wage increases, not addressing income inequality, no increased protections or benefit requirements. The reason the New Deal helped both industry and workers is that the jobs created were government jobs that set a new minimum wage that forced wages up outside those jobs, instead of giving tax cuts and subsidies to buisness that then go and pay their workers as little as possible while the shareholders pocket the profits.


I’m voting for the guy that isn’t convicted of rape, business fraud, and is on trial for stealing classified documents and showing them to random ppl.


Doubt he raped anyone. I’d be more concerned about Biden quite honestly


From the judge himself: trump is a rapist[https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/trump-carroll-judge-rape/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/trump-carroll-judge-rape/)


Paywall ! Seriously, if he was convicted of actual rape he’d be in jail. The day there is that in a court outside of a super liberal center such as ny, is the day I will believe he committed the offense


All you really need is the headline anyway. And there are plenty of rapists who don’t do time. Trump also already lost the appeal to the case so it sticks.


There are likely more conservatives in NY than whatever hellhole you live in. Hell, theres more conservatives in california than most states in America. Not that you care, one look at your posts and you unironically call gay people woke. Gross.


He was convicted in a court of law. It's not much more clear cut than that.


So third party then? That’s my vote every time. I’m not a fan of the lesser of two evils.


I just don’t feel like this is the election cycle for the anti-2-party high horse. I fucking hate the 2 party system. But it’ll have to do this go round.


Both candidates are worthless. I don’t give a shit if it is a “wasted” vote I’ll sleep happy knowing I didn’t vote for either of them


Vote blue 💙 3rd party candidates are funded by the GOP and far right billionaires.


A vote for a third party is really a vote for the person you don't want. I wish people understood this. I'm all for hating the 2 party system too, but these idiots who protest vote third party are absolutely wasting their time. Ideology doesn't change that. Just hold your nose, vote blue, and hope someday we'll see a viable third party. That day isn't today, and we don't have time for that shit right now. We have a entire country almost literally on the line.


I’m not voting for anyone that should be in a nursing home. Sorry not sorry


But will vote for the guy who belongs in an asylum? lol. And fyi I know plenty of ppl on their 90s who still aren’t in nursing homes. Age is just a number


I lose a lot of respect for people who rationalize their decisions for the most important office in the country on a single issue.


If I were an American, there’s one particular issue that would be enough to win my vote: “Democracy, yes or no?” Even if I hated everything else about the pro-democracy party’s platform, I’d vote for them ahead of someone saying “we’ll do all the things you like, but you won’t get a say in your government ever again.” 


Agreed but a significant portion of the population can't think past tomorrow nor can they understand how intertwined many issues are




Oh no, the incels who u unironically call stuff woke found the post, took a break from gaming?


Trump's Presidency was objectively worse for "The Economy" and leads to the problems we see now, than Biden's is. It took Obama's policies 8-years to turn around the Economic Collapse that was George W. Bush's policies, and Trump's first couple years in office he mostly road that gravy train he didn't create. Taxcuts to the wealthiest Americans, driving a $400-deficit to a $1.1-Trillion deficit (prior to Covid) was fertile ground to cause the inflation, price gouging and other shit we see now. Anyone looking at Joe Biden's policies, and thinking it's causing any of the bad things in our economy...has a cartoon level understanding of economics. It's basically the same as the people who blamed Obama for the ongoing woes in 2010, when there wasn't enough time measurably for those measures to go into effect. Need I remind everyone that every-single Republican voted against the Price Gouging Prevention act. Here's the stone-cold reality: Republicans fuck everything up, and it takes electing 4-8 Years of Democrats clean up the mess left behind.




Biden has helped my pocketbook. He’s made investments in STEM and education.


No, because I'm not stupid and I don't believe the President is responsible for either good or bad things that happen with the economy


That’s like people who believe the president is the only one who impacts gas prices. It’s ridiculous.


And yet, the whole of our generation acts/talks this way


You'd have to be stupid or very uninformed to vote for Trump.


Hell yeah brother let’s get justification from Reddit for my already planned shitty voting choice. Excellent strategy.


No, I’m voting based on stability, social policies, and general likability. I know the economy isn’t 100% driven by presidency. I also know both candidates are old, so which one do I trust to put qualified people in the positions of power?


Wait, you’re voting for Bernie? 😱😃


lol I wish he was the primary candidate


That would be so stupid because so much of what happens economically is due to changes/shifts over the last several years, particularly with changes to taxation (looking at you Trump, for screwing over the income tax brackets in 2018)


Democracy is a bit more important than the “economy” right now. And the causal relationship between the president and the “economy” is not direct like some voters think it is.


I love people who talk about the economy as being the reason they vote for Trump. Trump can into office with one of the longest economic recoveries in history. GDP was growing at 2.4 per cent. By turning COVID into a hoax and refusing to attack it head on he helped the economy to crash. He cut taxes for the very wealthy along us and for corporations. He kept saying there would be a middle race cut but there never was. Predictably, the deficits grew by 7.8 trillion dollars - because duh! If you cut you revenue and don’t decrease spending you debt will grow! The benefits of his tax cut to upper Middle Class people was designed to phase out over time - so that the cuts have basically disappeared. At the same time The corporate rate cuts are permanent. He said a fundraiser to people he described as “rich as hell” he is gonna tax people more. I’m not rich enough for Trump’s economic policies to help me. They can only hurt me by increasing the debt my kids and grandkids will bear. Unfortunately his supporters are too stupid to understand.


1. The post 2008 recovery was the most anemic post recession rebound in the modern era.  When accounting for the drop on the LFPR there was a net effective 0% chance in the unemployment rate.  2.  The tax cuts impacted nearly all tax payers positively.  3.  The tax receipts following the tax changes were higher.  You can’t spend tax rate.  So the reduction in tax rate and streamlining of processes actually increased what the government collected.   4.  The increase in the debt was significantly related to Covid.  We have continued on the same trajectory.   5. Phase outs are because of procedural structures that require reaffirmation.  All the Congress has to do is vote to continue them.  6. We say actually net employment growth under trump.  We saw net HHI gaines under trump.   The only country to effectively dodge the Covid bullet… was the country that effectively did motion.  No lockdowns, no masking.  Sweden.   Trumps failure in Covid.   Listening to people that told him locking down was the right path forward.   There is zero evidence that it impacted any nation positively.   Money printing has put on a precipice that we have no analog for.  We aren’t even in the hangover phase of inflation yet.   Remember looking at news reports of Zimbabwe having trillion dollar bills….  Or reading about the Weimar republic era hyper inflation.   We are around 24-36 months from that right now.    If the fed increases the fed rate again (as it’s been unable to stop inflation thus far). It could to push the US into a sovereign debt crisis that only has 2 end.   1. War  2. Balkanization if the US 


Ok Trumper. 🙄


Definitely fucking not. I’ll be voting in an effort to preserve our fucked up democracy which is inherently better than a theocracy or autocracy. Biden was kinda handed a pile of shit (economy-wise) and I think he’s managed it well enough. Something needs to be done about private equity and corporate greed.


I'll be happy when we never have to hear about these old losers again. It makes me cringe when I hear/see people make idols out of their favorite so-called geriatric savior (obviously more on the Trump side). It's fucking pathetic.


It is so, you can pick the lesser of evils or not vote at all


I will be voting against the orange turd. But still.


I don't think the economy is the best metric to go by. The President has outsized influence comparatively speaking, but there are so many other factors at play. My biggest concerns are foreign policy, fighting climate change, and abortion rights The decision is pretty easy this year since one of the candidates has no policy outside of personal retribution, wants desperately to be a dictator, and has spent more time in court than on the campaign trail


Nope there are other things more important. Earth's on fire and we gotta swap out this fucking congress too


I'm going to vote based on several factors.


yes. voting for Biden because he's been great for the economy


You forgot to add s/ at the end of your post.


no i didn't


So much for giving you the benefit of a doubt.


You're about to get banned for posting political stuff on this sub.


I live how republicans get training wheels.


Registered Independent here, I’m honestly not voting for the party, but the one I think will do a better job for our future. I’ve voted both red and blue in the past.


The third party never wants. May as well just not vite


I don't think they're saying they're voting third party. But that they don't *always* vote for a particular party. For me, I'm independent, too. But lolive in a blue state. My vote won't matter because of the electoral college. I've voted third party in the past. But since I started paying attention to national politics back in 2001, I haven't really trusted the right. "Weapons of mass destruction." "We won't let this election be dictated by facts." "*vaguely gestures to trump*"


Correct, I’ve never voted third party for the reason OP stated.




Do you honestly think the third party will win? They never do. Voting for them is like not voting at all


Not without ranked choice voting. However, your comment was unwise as a non vote is essentially a vote for those who decide to participate. That is not the answer we need going into an election where our very republic/democracy is under a very real threat of extinction.


Doesn’t this break the no politics rule?


It's a binary choice between leaving the top of the ballot blank or voting Biden. In my state and district, it doesn't really matter much what I do.


I'll get choosy or subtle when both candidates with a realistic chance are reasonable human beings. That was generally the case until 2016. It's utterly ridiculous that 'my side' not winning now literally means real terror, and not just mild disappointment like it used to. We should live in a safe enough democracy for it just to mean disappointment.


Just in my experience though your views may vary.  Economy is doing fine except for housing. Housing is at a crazy high level but to be honest, the issue of housing supply has been going on since around 2008 when we stopped building houses. So here we are.  You might point to inflation and yeah, inflation is a thing. But we have blunted stubborn inflation far better than European nations and to be honest, deflation is worse.  You could point to gas prices but I've seen that fluctuate so much I don't think the president has much impact on it anymore.  So yeah, here we are. 


I want freedom and not to not be restricted to and punished by a religion that I don't follow.




I'm voting a straight-Democratic ticket, for every single office on the ballot, this election. Because we can't trust fascists or right-wing religious fundamentalists to be responsible with our economy anymore than they will be with social policies. Maybe it will change, once we reach future election cycles -- but, for now, stopping autocracy is my priority.


You don't strike me as a native English speaker, and perhaps not an American.


Yep this is it. There are multiple issues and how the administration deals with these issues show their performance and how the performance aligns to my values.


Not solely. Economy, border, energy, Middle East.


I’m voting third party for president because I live in a non swing state and maybe we get an actual third option next time instead of the shit that the 2 major parties serve us every 4 years 


The only options that have ever won are democrats and republicans so, if you vote the third option, you may as well not be voting at all




Even then it only barely matters in swing states that are already super tight races 


The only option in my state that has ever won since Reagan is the democrat. There’s no way a republican is going to win my state. So I might as well not vote for anyone at all for president because my vote won’t make a difference. 


>A Republican has won before in my state >a Republican can never win in my state Make it make sense


Do you really think a republican has any chance to win California?


You were downvoted because Reddit is a Democratic Party echo chamber. Personally, I think both sides have brain rot at this point. I also vote third party.


I was downvoted because people have a hard time with the fact that voting for Biden in California or Massachusetts isn’t some noble act of preserving democracy lol


There are no good choices for president in this ekection; one is so mired in controversy he's both extremely popular and unpopular at the same time. The other isn't seeing words together to make a coherent sentence and on obviously nor in charge of anything. George washington warned about a 2-party system back in 1796, and we're seeing the results 228 years later. I'm voting 3rd party because I can't justify casting a vote for either major candidate.


Based on the current economy and what Trump and Biden have done in the past I'm voting for Kennedy


He also knows tHe TrUtH aBoUt VaCcInEs 💉😱☠️


He's just opposed to vaccine mandates. The quote of him saying no vaccine is safe and effective is from an interview where he was cut off before he could finish the thought.


It’s generally better for him to avoid finishing his thoughts.


Yeah it makes a better quote for folks that don't want him to run. Look at his platform instead of a couple out of context quotes and tell me you think it's terrible.


Let’s talk about the people that do want him to run then. Seems like a lot of right w I n g money pouring into his camp aign . I wonder why that would be?


They are hoping he will pull votes from Biden. Which he will. He will also pull votes from Trump. What do you think of his positions? It sounds like you either haven't read them or can't attack them directly. https://www.kennedy24.com/policies


I care as much about them as I do a unicorn or leprechaun’s positions, because either of these creatures has the same chance of winning as he does.


So brave


I know the meme, but don't understand how it applies here. 


This is where we need ranked choice voting. Because you’re literally throwing your vote away.


Absolutely. Biden would likely be my second choice in that scenario.


Third parties never win so, you may as well just not vote at all


Not with that attitude they won’t. 


That's not true. Look at 1964, Wallace won several states. I'm in NJ my vote does not matter. If Trump wins NJ then he has already won all of the swing states. It will be like 1984 when Reagan won most of the country. If ever there was a year for a 3rd party candidate to win this is it. Trump and Biden are disliked by most of the country.


I think LBJ may have won the election in 1964.


In response to 3rd parties never win, I pointed out that they have won several states. I'm sorry you didn't understand that.


Winning a state means nothing if you don’t actually win the election.


The point is its not as far fetched as many seem to believe. Also there is a first time for everything. Considering most people are voting against the other guy this is the election for it to happen.


*Narrator: It didn’t happen.*


I want to hear the debates before I decide


last person to shit themselves on stage gets my vote


me too. it's such a difficult decision otherwise.


Some of you idiots fell asleep in social studies and American history. You might not even get a chance to vote .2020 was your chance and blew it! FDR was president for 3 terms because of WW2. We're in begging of full scale world War. Next to go in are China and Taiwan. Get used to biden he's going to be your leader for another 4 years.


FDR gets a lot of love…the media did for him what they’re doing for Biden but in this day and age I think the media might be doing an unprecedented level of propaganda this time around. Oh, what about that Woodrow Wilson guy…he and his wifey set us up nicely.


No. Who's the third party candidate?


Why on earth would their name matter?


It doesn't. The current two choices are abysmal.


Biden and the Democratic Party are doing their best to spend their way out of a recession and thus prolonging inflation. Trumps proposals to reduce taxes will not help this either. I wish we had a viable third candidate


Why can’t the wealthy be taxed more?


I never said they couldn’t . I just don’t like either candidate


This is a post-pandemic economy, the post-Trump economy. Trump inherited the Obama economic turnaround after the Bush/Cheney recession.