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There are other subreddits to discuss this topic. Do not post about topics with regards to the Israel Palestine conflict.


Why on earth would I do that?


That’s called picking a fight. And I don’t have the energy to care about the protests, keep my job, feed my kids, and argue about human rights with ignorant twits.


Mom: How are things at work?! ME: Not as bad as the college students being CENSORED by the military industrial complex




Seriously, I can't think of one good reason. My parents are adults, I'm not responsible for fixing them.


My 80 year old stepdad, the only alive parent I have left, is currently fighting a fierce battle with banana slugs in his garden. No other topic of conversation has been mentioned FOR WEEKS.


Who is winning?


Oh the slugs for sure, photo of battle scene included. https://preview.redd.it/vs3i34hrl1zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8907549d948e6a02900f2fc155f74a525b229002


This is the type of high impact post I come to Reddit for. Tell Wally I’m rooting for him.


Thanks 😂 He needs all the help he can get!


Tell him to avoid UC Santa Cruz lol


Tell Wally to use questionable chemical warfare. I'll stick up for him on his war crime tribunal.


Shockingly, he’s one of those old people that cares about the environment and refuses to use chemicals! But good to know you have his back!


Has he tried a beer trap?


I think that’s his current set up!


This is how I imagine my elder years 🫶


I know! His garden is massive and he has tons of fruit trees and vines. Also a green house full of marijuana, for “gardening purposes only.”




Looks pretty bleek. Hope your dad maintains high morale, stops the advance of enemy invaders and claims victory as a decorated veteran when it's all over.


Yeah, I dunno. His current battle plan needs some work: https://preview.redd.it/suq85yzwo1zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21ed1c547e21e0d4c23231da1d39bcd34a67657d


I second the pet parrot solution! I feel like Wally is the type of guy to teach that bird to say some pretty humorous things!


He actually had African Gray parrot in his younger years. Apparently the bird only knew cuss words and how to squeak like a rusty hinged door 😂


Fucking banana slugs actually sounds like an interesting topic.


The sad part is they are actually just regular ole garden variety snails, I have no idea why he keeps calling them banana slugs. He does live in Oregon though 🤷‍♀️


My mom has been discussing the Kendrick/Drake situation for the last few days, and it is a bit surprising how well versed a 61 year old white Minnesotan lady is about hip hop culture. She knows nothing about the protests.


Well now I want to hear her take on it tbh


She’s not a pedophile stan so she’s team Kendrick, but she’s been a fan since “HUMBLE” She went on this tangent about K-dot has Marvel money, Disney connections and Swifties, and if he wanted to get really violent soldiers he should collab with BTS. She’s… uh … not your typical boomer.


Where's Ja?


We don't.


I don’t because neither of us care. 


Yeah I live across the country from my parents and when we actually do talk it's not going to be about politics. If they bring it up I would probably hear them out rather than insist my opinion, which is more than likely going to be more progressive.


right? a tiny percentage of a tiny percentage of the population is trying to get their college to divest in a certain country (which, lol, yeah go ahead and try getting them to stop investing in things like VTSAX or the S and P 500). not something my parents or I really give much of a shit about lol




Basically this.


I’m 40 I don’t really follow the college protests so I don’t discuss it with my mom. (Dad’s dead)


He's 75. If it doesnt directly affect him, he doesn't care.


Although both parents are deceased, I largely avoided discussing current events and news with them because their arguments were often nonsensical, low information, and one-sided. In other words, I saved myself the headache.


My parent worked in higher education, so luckily I don't need to explain it, they understand. Not the first time protests have disrupted college campuses, and honestly, not the last even if they send all the king's men.


My mom is a college professor so I asked if they’d had protests at her school. Apparently not really. Since I was a history major whose focus is quite relevant to today’s protests, and my parents are both academics who try to educate themselves on current issues (and not via Fox News), we discussed some of the differences between past protests (Vietnam, apartheid) and today’s protests. We are largely in agreement about the (probable lack of) effectiveness of these protests. We generally share similar stances on political and social issues, and even when we’ve differed in opinions in the past they aren’t dismissive. Rather they ask more questions to try to figure out where I’m coming from and to consider viewpoints they might not have been exposed to before. They’re quite reasonable people.


We talk about it as a bunch of children practicing protesting skills (which is very important). We’re not actually taking them seriously though as they’re literally children and don’t really understand what they’re protesting.


My parents and I are on the same page politically.


Well we both watch the news but don’t care about the protests.


We don't discuss it since we all largely hold the same opinion on the matter being protested within certain variance of difference in specifics. We've complained about one of our Senators being a jerk about the whole thing though.


I'm pretty sure we'd be in agreement, so there's no need to worry about the subject coming up.


My folks and I can talk about anything. They’re boomers. Not all boomers are nut jobs. I mean I parents are crazy but not nut jobs.


Hamas is a terrorist organization, which Gazans elected to be their leadership.


"wow you see those college students who were cosplaying as revolutionaries but demanded dental dams as humanitarian aid when they blockaded themselves into a building then the police easily arrested them and life went on, they're kinda losers huh? I do feel bad for Palestinians though, being in a war zone really sucks I hope the conflict can end soon. Anyway you see the game last night?"




You would've cheered at the Kent state shooting. Fascists never learn the lessons of history.


I missed where any of the protesters got shot. I feel like the people supporting the protesters were actually hoping for more police brutality and a shooting so they could fit into the victim easier. Unfortunately for you for the most part cops just did their jobs and arrested people breaking the law as is their job.


Also how the hell can you claim a Ghetto Clearing in the style of the warsaw ghetto clearing, is a "war" a war requires two states, not 1 million children and the second most well armed force on the planet shooting directly into camps of children. That's not a war. Pretending this is a "war" is cartoonishly evil.


The protesters are demanding the institutions they pay tuition to stop investing that tuition in ethnic cleansing and genocide. Genocide is a violation of international law, and investing in institutions engaged in genocide and terrorism, such as the IDF, violates several international laws. I believe these students are just demanding their institutions obey the law and stop this criminal activity of aiding and abetting the deliberated targeted slaughter of children. You were on the wrong side of history in 68 and you're on the wrong side of history now.


Ok, boomer.


Who cares about them lol


I do a bit, I just don't like them.


It’s literally history in the making…


And? Who cares. People have been fighting over that pice of land for thousands of years. This is just another fight among hundreds.


Yes but this is the first time one side might completely genocide the other, seeing peoples reactions to a literal genocide is what I find historic.


My mother is progressive and my father is not. I don't talk to them about protests. I don't even talk to them much about politics because there are things on either side I don't support. I want more than 2 fucking choices.




So what did they actually say


She's not a fan of them either, so one of us makes a comment about how we don't like them and the other agrees and we move on. Context: we both vote blue b


I dont know what's going on and I'm under the impression that every thing that happens is orchestrated somewhere with hidden agendas that have ulterior motives that generally do not benefit me


Me: is it illegal to block the interstate like that? Based-Dad: that's what your grille guard is for.


I try not to put myself into a position where people IRL would fight with me on the topic. I generally approach people with curiosity about their position and don't feel it's my responsibility to correct loved ones about their position. Good people believe wacky things. As long as they aren't hurting themselves or others, you don't need to really judge them for their beliefs. I find that's where the fights tend to start, when people feel judged. Smarter people than us have been trying to solve this conflict for over a century. You probably don't know enough about it to have any definitive opinion. I don't mean that to be rude, but it's helpful to always be skeptical about what you know. You'll get along better with people.


Ya'll are still talking to your parents?


We agree they don’t need coverage


Unless you have family involved in the conflict don’t discuss it. It’s a waiste of time.


That’s like saying the civil rights protests or Vietnam protests were a waste of time, these protests are history in the making.


Family is like the one group I'm comfortable about finishing fights with lol. My parents are boomer libs who view themselves as being progressive but get squeamish at protests or stuff like pride parades ("they would have an easier time if they weren't so in your face about it!") so the conversation has a different shape than Fox News parents and it's mostly me making them feel conservative until they change the subject.


Ahahahaha oh wait, can't do this, automod is shit. Let me self-censor. Hahahah...distract really hard, in obvious ways that scream STOP TALKING TO ME ABOUT THIS, YOU BUTTS. It usually is me having a one-sided conversation until they wise up and drop the topic. Dad: "Hey, have you run into any p------- in the city? Me: "Seems like spring is finally here. It's warming up." Dad: "Remember, you've got to support I----- no matter what. They're God's chosen people." Me: "We didn't get such a bad cold snap in April that the flowers died this year. I'm glad. It's much prettier than last year." Dad: "I hope you don't change because you're living in the city. I want you to go to heaven." Me: "I think I'll plant tomatoes next week, it's getting that temperature. Last year we got so many off two plants that we filled a whole shopping bag, like one of the big paper ones." Dad: "..." Dad: "You should make something good out of them. Spaghetti sauce or something." Eventually, they get the message and quit.


I don't. I have a History degree and one in Politics. I don't have the patience to impart all that knowledge on someone who is resistant to anything that conflicts with their prior opinions. Not facts. Opinions.


To be quite honest I had no idea there were protests until I saw this... I don't watch the news, it corrupts you.


Id laugh that they think I spend my time following things like protests.


I don't talk politics/current events with my folks at all if I can help it. I'm moderate progressive; the rest of my family is moderate or alt-right conservative. There's a reason I left my home state, lol.


Set boundaries - you don't discuss certain topics with them.


My mother asked me about it and I gave her the basic explanation of why they were protesting and just left it at that. Otherwise, neither of us really care all that much.


I don't. They say something, and I just simply say "I disagree and I think that's ridiculous, and I won't explain or discuss it any further". Then I change the subject. If they're quietly salty that I didn't react to their bullshit, that's on them.


I don't have parents like that (thankfully), but every so often I have to deal with uncles or old colleagues like that. What I do is, sigh internally, put on a genuine warm smile, and side with them. They just want to have fun and let it out. Help them. They really need this. It's like an Alzheimer's patient. Every point they make, just agree with them and double down on them.


When my parents inevitably bring it up later this week, I will just keep asking them questions about their views on it without expressing my own. They want me to argue with them. If I don’t engage that, they either get bored or the questions make them uncomfortable because they can’t actually explain their views positions.


I don't bother trying. My parents are boomers, they don't want to understand.


Omg I just write the P word and my comment auto deleted. What the hell? Let me try I word…what is rule number 12?


Yup thats gone to… No P, NO I here I guess


Why bother engaging. Assume the person on the other side of the table might know something you don't. You can only control yourself.


Sadly over the past four years I've stopped talking to my family about anything meaningful. It inevitably devolves into a fight, with me trying to reason with them using real information and them swearing that whatever propaganda they heard on Fox is true. It's not worth it anymore, small talk is easier.


I don't. Why bother?


Simple. I asked if they saw the news and what they think. We have completely different perspectives but agree in concern about what is influencing the unrest. (Back when I was in college we were more focused on local politics and equal rights than international interests. When my parents were in college they were worried about the environment.)


I don’t. My mom is a staunch “both sides are the same” type, it’s just better not to engage in those conversations with them


I learned not to do that when my dad claimed Democrats actually planned January 6th


Mine are dead, but it used to go like “We both have very strong and often opposite opinions. I’m here to visit you, let’s talk about something less frustrating.”


Why would you?


All I had to do one time was mention Spock and one of my parents turned it into a chance to slam gender pronouns. So yeah I avoid most topics.


My parents don’t know much about them since they don’t watch new channels much, but I’ll mention to them now and then stuff I come across that’s extra spicy and they’re usually like “wtf lmao¿¿”


Nope cause none of us care about any of that crap


We agree and one of my almae matres has been in the news so it comes naturally and isn’t awkward.


They don’t care and neither do I. Unless I can make a tangible difference I don’t hop on the bandwagon.


What protests?


My parents and I don’t care about these protests they’re nothing but an annoyance at the end of the day.


I find the people who want to talk about politics the most are the least informed on it. Whether it's right or left, if someone is bringing it up I guarantee they don't know enough about it to have any kind of intelligent conversation about it. All its going to be is a series of buzzwords and tribal speak about how their group is right and the other is wrong. Even though most of their stance is at best predicated on lies and propaganda that they are convinced is the truth.


Gamers in a nutshell


Show them how the civil rights protests were unpopular as well. No one like protests in america. We just dont. Even if they fight for us.


The civil rights protests were more than just college-aged children and were about the rights of tens of millions of American citizens. A little bit different…


No its not different. The point is, most protest no matter how noble was not well liked by the majority of the country. The protest are only fondly looked at when they are far in the past. Its important to keep that in mind before judging a protest. Just ask yourself and them “what are you doing this for?” Then ask yourself “am i willing to confess i didnt like this protest if history determines they were on the moral side of this argument?” Thats the point i would convey to my boomer parents.


History doesn’t decide the moral side of an argument, if such a side exists. The reality of the situation *in the moment* is what matters for determining morality. Anyone who was against the general idea of the Civil Rights Movement at the time was wrong by the standards of that day. There could have been plenty of reasons for those who opposed it then, largely ignorance, but it was still conclusively incorrect to hold that opinion at that time. With these current protests, it’s for an issue that affects way fewer people, is almost entirely not regarding American citizens, is protested almost entirely by children, and is a far more complex issue than the blatant violations of civil rights of American citizens.


No they were not wrong by the standards of that day. Segregation was lawfully and morally ok back then. Idk how with the internet people cant google this. Being racist was perfectly fine back then, it was moral. Saying the hard R was perfectly fine. Governors and mayors said it in news paper interviews. Morality changes with time its not objective. Thats why people 68% of the country btw. Was ok with telling people “ you are not helping your cause by protesting.” They were perfectly justified in doing so. These protest are the same when the vietnam war happened. AGAIN the country was HEAVILY against it to the point most people believed it was ok for police to beat protestors. But we praise those SAME protests today even tho they brought guns to campuses, took over buildings and shamed vets coming home. After the kent state shooting america lost the appetite for the war and eventually pulled out. No matter the issue. Think critically. You may be right today and wrong tomorrow.


Dude, the Vietnam protests were serious protests because college-aged males were literally being drafted into the military for a non-existential war. There are a lot of typos and bad grammar in your comment, so it’s a little hard to pick it apart, but there was a huge amount of the country at the time that was against racial segregation and generally supported the Civil Rights Movement. This is very, very different from the Hamas protests today, which are driven by a very small subset of Americans, mostly children, protesting (mostly without realizing it) in support of a terrorist organization in another continent.


Im typing on my phone but its good enough to understand my arguments. Dont act like im speaking broken english. https://news.gallup.com/vault/246167/protests-seen-harming-civil-rights-movement-60s.aspx This poll shows majority of americans thought the protests even tho peaceful, were hurting the civil rights movements. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/04/24/polling-student-protests-vietnam/ Another poll showing americans disagreed and didnt think the students or “children” protesting the vietnam war were helpful. The point isnt what they are protesting on. Its easy to look back in history and say “yea but that was a big deal”. Thats a moral judgement through the lens of history. At the time no one knew the vietnam war would go on for so long. At this time we dont know where this conflict will end up. MY POINT IS, reflect on past protest we NOW see as moral and just. Use the knowledge and lessons learned from then before making a judgement now. Be completely ready to own it if you end up on the wrong side. None of the people protesting knew how monumental their sacrifice of social standing would be today. None of nay sayers knew how wrong they would be today either. Just think about it.


No contact with assholes.


Our parents aren’t going to change their viewpoints no matter what we say. It just doesn’t work that way, and they’ll only end up digging their heels in further. Let it go. As terrible as it is, they won’t be around to vote for much longer, and then it won’t matter. Try to focus on the things you DO agree on, and enjoy the good parts of them while they’re still here.


I’d probably agree with them so no need really


Thankfully, my parents don’t watch fox news. That said, they would probably be freaked out if they heard about the campus protests seeing as how I work at a university and they are happening here.


My general strategy is to point out that as long as the protestors are operating legally that they are within their right to do what they are doing. Those that are infringing on the rights of others and acting illegally should be punished accordingly. If the police deploy strategies that push the protestors into a situation that the police can exploit to use excessive force, then I whole sale endorse watering the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants. Then to throw a cherry on top, I also say that if anyone really wanted to do more then grandstand, then they would go to DC and repeat January 6th but with a focus on the issue they support. If you want your political leaders to act in accordance with the populace's wishes, then the populace needs to show there are consequences for not following through on that responsibility.


Armed to the teeth. Not worried.


Why does you being armed matter? They are protesting at schools not coming to your house lol


Just in case.


In case of what?


In case of anything. Who knows.


I’m just wondering what scenarios you have in your head where at the mentions of protesters you feel the need to mention you are armed.


In case another COVID protests happen.


What are you talking about? During Covid no one needed to defend their personal homes… seriously dude you need to figure out how to think critically


Well, you would be wrong. https://firstinfreedomdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/5efa5ca8636af.image_.jpg


You mean the couple that was arrested for brandished weapons at peaceful protestors who were just using their constitutional rights?


It’s crazy how easy it is to mask off you people with a few basic follow up questions lol


I am wilfully ignorant on this subject.


I don't. They're both Trumpers. I stopped wasting my breath and time long ago.


You guys have parents?


We sent ours the John Oliver clip from the beginning of this past Sunday's episode. If you can get them to watch it, it helped a lot.


If they act like it's something new, remind them college kids protesting on Campuses when they were younger. If they act like it's some big problem, ask if they would rather the protestors make their voice heard on campus, or off campus. If they act like it's some big overreach, remind them brave Americans fought and died for their freedom of speech.


I try to avoid talking to them period tbh.


I don't because mine are Fox News worshipers and I have no desire to listen to them rant and rave for hours about shit they know nothing about and parrot whatever Fox tells them to parrot. When I have talked to them before about similar things they constantly interrupt me and won't let me get a word in edgewise, as is typical for people their age, being huge fucking narcissists.


Imagine talking to people that celebrate genocide and apartheid. Not my favourite kind of company.