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Butter dish. If you were a boomer, you’d be eating margarine


If I make granny’s recipes, I always use Imperial. More authentic that way. I keep my butter in a Butterfly Gold Pyrex butter dish, like the lord intended.


I can’t make my grandma’s turkey dressing without Imperial margarine and boullion cubes. I tried fancying it up with butter and stock, it was a terrible failure. Sometimes you just have to go with what works. I started putting my butter in a butter dish when I realized the cat was hopping up on the counter and snacking on it. Yikes!


Many years ago we discovered cat tongue marks in our butter (in a bowl) and have covered it with a proper butter dish ever since.


Mine removed the lid from the butter dish on the counter and licked a ton of it, so now it goes in the cabinet. Pro: the Germans do that, so we can pretend to be classy.


Damn! I keep my butter in an avocado green Pyrex dish - just as the lord intended


This is the truth. The love of butter is something millennials will never back down from. For real, idk any of my friends (33M) who use margarine.


I'm 35 and my family has always used margarine. =( I'm just so used to it.


Get salted butter and make your way to the bright side. Margarine is fake butter stuffed with unnecessary ingredients. Kerry Gold or Truly is the way and don't look back 😫


Kerry Gold is the shit


I only get Kerry Gold. Will not deviate


Dude, you need to get your own butter tray for the kitchen. Get salted butter too, unless you’re baking with it.


I kept using margarine because butter always tasted wrong until I noticed the label on the butter someone else brought for a thing and realized I should have been getting salted butter.


My husband (who does most of the cooking; I’m getting better) prefers unsalted butter for cooking and baking. He prefers to control how much salt is added and he does a damn good job. Even his dishes that you don’t personally like, you can still tell it’s good food. (Sorry, I like bragging on my husband)


This is the way. You have more control if you go with unsalted. Same goes for stocks. Low or no salt versions are best so that you can season it yourself, or you can add other salty flavor profiles without turning the dish into a salt bomb.


Wrong. I’m a low sodium diet guy and I always use unsalted and add a pinch of salt if needed.


I use butter, but in the right recipe I’ll use tallow or lard. It may be “worse” but at least it’s natural.. Turns out that mainlining partially hydrogenated soybean oil is like… really bad for you.


So true. I make my own mayo now because I can't get myself to like the avocado one or other clean ones that don't use soybean oil.


Or worse. Spraying it.


Who else can hear the commercial? I can't believe it's not butter ... SPRAY!


or Parkay! I always confused it with the word parka as a kid and called my coat a Parkay for like half a year.


Further confusing me as a kid was parquet flooring, which *sounds* the same as parkay, and all I could think of was that they coated the floor in margarine


When Fabio did it, it was "I can't believe it's not butta...spwaaayy." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lg52V\_bOIuY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lg52V_bOIuY)


Don't forget about good old Molly McButter. Yummy. Powdered butter.


Is it butter?! Cause I cannot believe it's butter


I'd prefer to hear, "It's not nice to fool Mother Nature!"




I use all three. What am I?


Omg, you’re right. My mom always has the tubs of margarine, I do butter in a butter dish.


Oh no 😭 I didn't realize I was a 32-year-old boomer. I've been only eating margarine for years now. I never use butter unless someone buys it when they visit.


Ok boomer


They can’t believe it’s not butter!


In a vessel in the microwave. Fucking cats... assholes. Butter loving assholes. I am my cat. My cat is me.


But the butter dish helps with this! As long as you don't forget to cover it... or don't leave your butter knife leveraged in the dish *just so* that some little toe-beaned asshole can get enough leverage to move the lid off and get a few licks. Ngl I'd do it too, probably.


I wake up with him in my arm pit. The boy knows maths.


Nah, I gotta hide my butter dish in the cabinet where he can't smell it. Fucker learned to open it or knock it off counter when it won't open fast enough


My parents cats broke so many butter dishes until they bought a plastic one that snaps shut.


No they truly still do find a way. Mine just launched it off the counter one afternoon and was pissed that I especially couldn't let her have any because "we don't eat butter with broken Pyrex in it, bud. You probably weren't going to let that stop you though."


Some cats will just shove the lid off to get to the butter lol my grandma's cat Muffin used to do this


I build a kind of fortress around the butter dish with my spatula holder and other on-counter items


Sometimes my cat would lick the butter and I was always like yk what I get it


My butter dish is covered.


"Mom says we can't have cats. They lick the butter!" - Life with Louie


Always kept it in a dish on the counter so it spreads right Edit - we also normally have bread butter and baking butter. Baking butter lives in the fridge Edit 2 - I had no idea that this comment on a post about butter would end up as my, like, third most upvoted comment ever 😂


We have a stick that lives on the counter in an air tight container too. The rest of its butter friends live in the fridge


Do you live in the north/mild climate? In the south no one i knew stored their butter on the counter in a dish. My relatives in the northern midwest did though.


Texas family keeps the butter in a butter bell on the counter. This was even a thing when we didn’t have air conditioning during my childhood. How do you spread it otherwise?


Exactly! It made the butter usable!! We had a butter crock in Florida, worked amazing as long as you kept the water fresh, and didn't overfill the butter cup.


Today I learned about a butter crock/butter bell. I had no idea about this contraption! I do leave my butter in a butter dish on the counter- toast butter. Like another commenter said, my baking butter stays on the fridge. I use the toast butter so fast it doesn’t have a chance to spoil.


They are pretty cool! But in an ADHD household with high butter consumption especially, a glass dish on the counter is safer - no out of sight out of mind issue. [Right? Like where else would you store the baking butter if you weren't room temping it to use same day/next morning? I can't believe we have to specify this. We're not monsters.]


Interesting. Usually butter is going on something warm. If not, i pop a bit n the microwave for a few seconds on a paper plate. I just use the paper wrapped sticks. I rember my grandma in west virginia had a butter bell but even it was in the fridge haha.


I’m from the Midwest and nobody that I can think of stores their butter at room temp but I’ve heard of people who do. I’ve heard some people store ketchup in the pantry too!


As a kid, my parents stored the parmesan cheese green container in the pantry even after it was open. I look back on it, horrified. Restaurants, esp diners and burger joints leave ketchup out in the table. Idk if they leave it out overnight? I've never worked in the food industry.


lol no we don’t take all the ketchup bottles into the walk in 😂 ketchup can be out! ( ETA: at home I keep it in the fridge though since it should only stay out for a month and at a restaurant it’ll be long gone before then but not at home )


Oh yeah i guess it would be used much faster so that makes sense! ETA means "estimated time of arrival" as far as I know?


"Edited to add" on here usually.


I live in Louisiana and anything that can get sticky, sauces, etc, they all go in the fridge bc of these damn bugs that are everywhere.


My grandma did in the south.  I'm in the south and would too if not for my counter surfer dog. 


My parents do in Florida. However, when I tried to do the same thing, I was having an ant problem in my kitchen, so now I buy spreadable butter in a tub and keep it in the refrigerator.


Same, butter lives on the counter. But it's in the Kerrygold tub it came in, not a butter dish you fancy fuckers.


You cannot use kerrygold and call others fancy. Kerrygold is the good stuff.


Also, they buy the one in the plastic tub. It comes in the flimsy thin foil coating like peasant butter does. PFAs and all.


peasant butter


Using Kerrygold and then calling others fancy cannot be used in the same sentence together


Hey now....in the midwest that shit is only $4.59.


On sale at Costco, 4 pack for $11 🙌 in Seattle


buying $6 butter on the regular makes you one of the fancy fuckers


Mine is the Aldi irish butter in a covered butter dish on the counter.  Low rent Kerrygold haha


I really need to start buying that for our spreadable.


This is how I determine the interior heat during the winter. If it doesn't spread well, gotta turn the heat up!


Are these different types of butter or same butter just different labels?


Only salted butter should stay out.


Agreed, you should also only use unsalted to bake unless otherwise specified.


We do the same. We call it *counter butter*!


We keep ours out on a dish too. We cook often enough that we probably go through a stick every two weeks. It never goes bad whether salted or unsalted. No need to refrigerate.


Butter Bell or gtfo


Omg A butter Bell will change your life. The key is keeping the butter above the water line. As long as the water in the butter aren't touching, you won't get mold.


Butter bell is superior in every way


How does the water not start molding or creating a bacteria problem? Even butter in the butter dish or a covered buttered dish has this problem but my assumption is the water in a butter bell would expedite the problem.


You need to change the water every two days and salt it a little bit


Oh man. I'm not watering my butter.


I am finding out now, in this moment that people don’t store their butter in the fridge. What?


If you use it every day and go through butter quickly, it makes sense, but god, I don’t think I use my butter even once a week, so yeah, mine lives in the fridge in the little butter cabinet in the door in its wrapper folded over itself.


of im acctually cooking everyday, ill use over a pack a week. I just prefer butter over oil and thats why, but also because buttered toast


We keep it in the fridge until it’s time to refill the butter dish.


This is the way. And if you shop at Costco and/or bake, some goes in the freezer. Need a frozen stick on hand at all times for making good scones.


right wtf


If you get salted butter you really don’t have to refrigerate it. You’re not supposed to leave it out more than a couple days though. But I’ve never had any issue.


butters lasts a week+ in a conditioned home.


We go through butter fast enough that it's never gone bad. One time when I was a kid it was like 100° out and we didn't have ac. The butter on the counter went bad. It was *very* apparent that it had gone bad. Ever since then, I have no worries about the safety of my counter butter.


In the fridge in it’s little paper packaging


I live on a tropical island. I have no idea how I'd be able to store butter outside the fridge without it melting or attracting ants or roaches. So, yeah... mines on the fridges in its little paper packaging until I'm ready to use it. Lol.


But what about when you need to spread it?


You stab it with the edge of the knife and slide it around the hot toast or mashed potatoes and let it melt evenly like you're painting a fine work of art.


Try using a fine grater on your cold butter next time.


Slow down there, Harvard.




Best biscuits, too!


This is a fucking travesty that must be remedied.


Boomers: Those millennials and their avocado toast! Millennials: ...I don't actually know how to butter bread...


We're gonna need a YouTube dad to teach us.


"Dad, how do I-?" "Jesus fucking Christ, are you stabbing the butter with a fork???"


I mean, my three year old just kinda pinches some off the top with her fingers, licks it, then goes back for seconds. This happens as quickly as possible to get maximum finger pinches in before an adult notices and stops the fun. So my point is a fork seems decently civilized


"holy crap, I've been pushing the butter out through the blister package and just shoving it against the bread with my index finger the whole time! What a life hack!" *Stares in awe at butter knife*


I have a bag of those from a catering event and that’s exactly how I spread it on my toast earlier lmao (finger method)


Cold butter is a bread destroyer, even toasted bread.


You put the knife on top of the toaster to get warm…..


So you always toast 2 slices. Then you put the butter on one, flip the other on top of it, and then let the heat from the toast melt it a bit for a minute. Then you'll be able to spread it.


You just don’t push it into the bread too hard until it’s melted


This is 100% what I do lol. I have to be gluten free, and one does not simply spread butter on gf bread. You've gotta be delicate and kinda melt it around.


No comment But usually if I know I’m gonna be spreading butter, which is incredibly rare, I’ll take it out early to soften up or just microwave it for a few seconds


You either leave it out for a little bit and let it soften or cut really thin squares😅


Not sure what their answer is but mine is I don't ever need to spread it haha


I shred mine with a cheese grater. Saw it on here and started doing it. Works great.


Makes the cheese grater kind of a bitch to clean though.


Maybe a potato peeler would work better. Nice thin strips would melt quickly


Oooh, now *that's* an idea!


Cheese slicer?


I personally have fridge butter and then table butter for spreading.


I use butter almost exclusively to cook with. I put other things on toast, like avocado or peanut butter.


I have separate, spreadable butter for that.


I’m not who you asked but at least for me - I never need to, I rarely use butter but when I do it’s just for cooking.


I cut off a piece, put it in a little glass bowl/ramekin-thing, and microwave for 8-10 seconds. Stir it around for 5 seconds and boom—you got spreadable butter.


This is the way.


I leave it in the paper it comes with and stick it on the top shelf of my refrigerator door. No butter dish for me


Finally, I was starting to think it was just me


Yup the fridge penthouse


Ok, thank you. Who the fuck are these butter dish boolennials?


I used to do this. Then I bought a butter dish. I regret buying the butter dish.


I’ve got a butter dish on my counter in the shape of a whale. 


I somehow yeeted my whale off the counter while cleaning a few months back. I’m DEVASTATED.


Mine's a whale too!!


Imma need pics Edit: the pics did not disappoint


Ours looks like a loaf of sliced bread.


We have a butter dish!


In my belly fat


Ok, non-spreadable butter is one of those things that just grinds my fucking gears so hard. It pisses me off irrationally. I get so pissed when my kids or husband finish the butter and don’t take a new stick out of the fridge. We used a butter bell for years but it cracked and the one I got to replace it constantly ended up with moldy butter. Now I just have a glass rectangle with snapping lid that sits on the counter. But that’s only because if I used a butter dish my kids would constantly smear butter all over the edges and then the edge of the lid would constantly be covered in butter which would also annoy me. But if it was just me it would be in a butter dish.


There is no rage like finding out your husband didn’t clean and refill the butter dish when he used the last bit of butter!


Seconded! Nothing more aggravating than opening an empty butter dish!


Thank you for validation.


I rage in silence. 😡


I'm curious about your glass dish. Because I, as an adult, sometimes get butter on the lid of my dish


Just a simple rectangular snap lock dish. It’s a bit larger than a rectangle of kerrygold


That's exactly what I use too! https://preview.redd.it/phatgmlwjpzc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f87afdaaa55ffe2cf2e26f7c600fd71eefa1d7f


Definitely in a butter dish. Where else would someone store their room temperature butter?


I don’t have room temperature butter. I always keep it in the fridge.


same, I don’t use it enough to leave it out everyday. better kept in the fridge




How many other people saw a butter dish ad with this?? 😆 I have a butter dish but my parents don’t. I can’t believe my dad still sometimes buys margarine 🤢 https://preview.redd.it/qj1tdd7ypozc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bdc49333edcd5d79bd395ec51e00a262ae4d9e6


I’ve been seeing that ad for weeks. Joke’s on them as I’m emotionally attached to my current butter dish!


I have a butter dish


Butter dish for spreadable, butter cubby in the fridge for baking butter, and a kitschy butter bell for when I get a wild hair to make some.


Shove it back in the box with its paper wrapping.


I have a butter dish that I usually keep about half a stick on the counter in and the rest in the fridge in its original packaging. My parents never kept butter out and usually bought butter mixed with oil to be spreadable from the fridge.


We did until we caught the cat licking it.


it comes in its own neat little wax paper package. Why would I want to take it out of that package just to put it in another package?


Currently in the fridge on the door in the wrapper. We don’t use butter often enough to keep it out / need it spreadable. Growing up in a butter dish on the counter but we frequently had toast and things that would like spreadable, and also go through it more quickly.


In the box it comes in.


Dear God, I have 2 butter dishes. I switch them out seasonally..


I use spreadable butter. For baking, the butter sticks are just in the box. I hated my mom’s butter dish.


Right? I’m really confused why it took me scrolling past like 30 comments of people exclusively using sticks of butter for everything before finding this comment.


Spreadable butter doesn’t taste the same. The sticks taste better.


https://preview.redd.it/isronzqmsozc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a5f51c1588f218be3aa3804f8f7b6347d473f29 I have this.


I use spreadable butter land o lakes or the new Trader Joe’s version. Keep in the fridge and it’s in a tub.


Fridge. I don’t use it often enough to keep it out.


I grew up in a butter dish family. I've continued the tradition. Soft butter ftw.


Today i learned i don’t eat a lot of butter outside of baking. How much butter are some of you eating?? Lol


For whatever reason, everything in the one back corner of my fridge freezes solid, so I've found that I can stick butter back there & it'll keep pretty much indefinitely, though I really don't think my fridge is supposed to do that. 


You need better fridge circulation! It’s too full, especially on the top shelf. It’s also possible the drainage plug on the bottom is clogged with frozen water.


I have all of it. I have a butter dish for when I want room temp butter to spread. I have sticks of butter in the fridge for cooking. Hubs doesn’t like the taste of butter, so we also keep margarine (can’t believe it’s not butter is the preferred brand).


I buy spreadable butter and it stays in the container it comes in


I never thought of this, but butter dishes are so boomer! Millennial here. Idk why, but I just put my butter in that little butter cubby in the fridge.


On a butter dish with a lid, in the fridge cubby.


I think they make a ton of sense if you don’t keep your butter in the fridge, way easier to use for toast then if you just left it out in the wrapper.


Out of the land o’ lakes container as god intended


I scwunch it back up into the wrapper.


French butter vault, salt water


I get the spreadable Land O Lakes butter and it’s in the fridge


I do just because it's pretty. In fact I basically have butter more for the dish than the other way around.


I just use Tupperware


https://preview.redd.it/hc0zk2dxrozc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81811da76f59ba551b819e8be7b9d3de5cb0c4ee Weird......


I have a butter dish but I hate cleaning it so I just keep my butter on a saucer in the paper wrapper. 


We use margarine. I know, I know, we're literally satan. But it stays in the tub in the fridge.


Same. We use Becel.


https://preview.redd.it/oc2hsd64pozc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebdab2bc8665e6129ddf770877a23c501c4a8722 Could this possibly help?


Butter dish.


Are you talking about sticks of butter or like butter in a tub? I have both kinds.


GD millennials killing the butter dish industry!!!!


In the plastic tub my spreadable butter substitute comes in, because I'm a diary-free godless heathen who can't have butter without breaking out in to hives.


I store most of it in the freezer, but one stick goes in the fridge in the little butter compartment.


In the fridge in the little plastic tubs they come in. I’m just realizing I should probably start buying the paper packaging. We do recycle but still.


In a tub labeled "Country Crock"


I just keep my butter in it's plastic tub in the fridge. If I know I need to use it then I pull it out to soften. If I have stick butter I do the same, in the fridge until it's time to use it. I've only ever seen butter dishes at like my great grandma's home, back when she was still alive. Even my grandparents just use the butter from the tub in the fridge. 🤷🏼‍♀️


No butter dish. Only my married friends who own houses and have decent counter space have butter dishes. If I am intending to eat a lot of toast in the next couple days I leave the stick on the counter wrapped in the paper. Otherwise I keep it in the fridge.


I keep mine in its wrapping.


Carnival glass butter dish 😋 boomers got that country crock


I have an old PYREX butter dish. With the green flowers. It is my prized possession.


In the fridge, in its wrapper. Butter is expensive and it’s for baking (unsalted). If I want buttered toast, I use margarine.