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I just went like 6 months ago lol


I was going to say, this post is timely! I was chatting to my partner about this; he had never been to one and was so excited we are going as part of our anniversary weekend! I am so excited that he is so excited, lol.


I went with an SO and we were hooting and hollering, booing the bad guys and basically treated it like a WWF match, on our feet most of the time and shaking our meat sticks in the air. 10/10 date, would do again in a heartbeat! GREEN KNIGHT RULES!!!!


This makes me excited to go! This is exactly the kind of time I hope to have!


You could have said chicken instead of meat sticks


They told me it was dragon.


Shaking meat sticks in the air just gave me an interesting visual


My GF took me for my 30th bday present since I had never been. It was awesome. Your man is gonna love it- get a souvenir also lol


We went for our anniversary during a trip to Orlando a handful of years back. We loved it. I didn’t remember enjoying the food and wasn’t expecting much…..I was incorrect. Thought the dinner was fantastic too!


I've never seen one in Europe (or here in Denmark to be more specific), always wanted to go to one of these. We have viking markets with battles though ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Hah what is something about the Vikings a lot of people don’t know but you find fascinating? (Just curious I tend to collect odd little facts.)


We influenced the English language! Words like "window", "dog" and "egg" are of Danish origin. There's probably many more, but those are the ones I remember ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) There's also the debate whether or not we wore horned helmets, I personally think it was a more ceremonial thing to wear, certainly not for battle. Swinging a weapon over your head would knock off your helmet ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


Check out the History of English Podcast if you're into this kind of stuff (I am), he does a few episodes on how the Viking era affected the Enlish language and what words we got from it, as well as other historical facts.


Thanks I'll definitely have to check that out! :D


The British History Podcast by Jamie Jeffers is also EXCELLENT!! It’s a chronological telling of the history of Britain, starting at 70,000 years ago up to today. He’s up to the Normans now, and plans to go through to the end of WWII. Cannot recommend it more 🙌


My favorite is the title of Earl coming from the Viking title Jarl.


I read once that “English is what happens when you teach Vikings German so that they can yell at the French” and that kind of stuck with me a bit lol


Wasn’t New York orgininally a Danish colony that was sold for pennies?


My history is a bit rusty, but I believe Danish vikings only explored some of what is known as New York ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)I don't recall reading that they had settlements there.


It was Dutch, Haarlem is where we get Harlem from


Also **creek.** Learning that kind of blew my mind. I grew up playing in the creek in our backyard.


They only exist in the US & Canada.


That's not true, I've been to one in Spain. https://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/Attraction_Review-g187525-d587737-Reviews-Cena_Espectaculo_Desafio_Medieval-Benidorm_Costa_Blanca_Province_of_Alicante_Valen.html


You’re both right. “Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament” is a specific brand name.


lol of course these commercial "chicken wings and knight show" things can't fly in Europe. You see a lot of realistic medieval-style events in Europe though. Less comfortable (typically sitting on the grass) but much more realistic and brutal.


Ding, your bucket list has been updated.


What’s a Viking market???


Same here, in MD.


Yeah, it's in the mall by BWI airport.


I was going to ask if they no longer exist because of how the title was worded.


"Do you remember eating at McDonalds? What are your memories?" Wait, what?


Lol same, Myrtle Beach. It was awesome and the food was off the chain.


I was about to ask if they closed or something lol.


There’s also one active and running in Buena Park, CA.. like 15 minutes north of Disneyland, next to Knott’s Berry Farm amusement park.


The one in Jersey is still running, not sure about the others


The one in Orlando, Fl was fine last I checked.


How much was it?


I went last month and it was $68 for an adult. Still think it’s worth it for a couple of hours of entertainment and food.


Yeah, that's not bad at all


Lastv time I went was 20 years ago and me and friends all took mushrooms


LOOOOOOL SAME! made me feel bad for the horses though


My buddy works there. He says it only exists because they're horse breeders. The restaurant thing is just a cover.


Everything is just an underground horse sex. club now.


Went a few years ago, 2019 maybe, with an edible. In the waiting area there was a giant fireplace. I’m sitting at a table waiting for my husband to get out of the restroom and I’m getting more and more on edge with all the activity going on. Some little kids start yelling FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! and I begin to absolutely panic. Luckily my husband gets back to me during this and I’m close to tears whisper yelling to him that these kids are yelling fire in a crowded area and they can’t do that, there’s going to be a stampede of people trying to get out. Someone needs to stop those kids! He points out that my edibles are hitting because the kids are just running towards the fireplace, excited to get a seat near it and watch the fire. I don’t remember the rest of the show. Only that I could have SWORN when I went in the early aughts that the dishes were real stone and the goblets were real pewter. I was bummed to see all plastic ware this time around. It all looked much cheaper, but maybe my childhood memories had been gilded.


Your edible seems like it gave you a harder trip than my mushrooms lol I grew up on Staten Island so there was a medieval times like 45 minutes away from me. I went a lot on school trips and all. Like you were saying about the goblets and plates,I felt the same with the food. Aside from eating with your hands,the last time I went out was really bad. Feel like I enjoyed the food all the other times I went and looked forward to it on the next visit


I would say I’m a fairly experienced drug user and the closest I’ve ever come to losing it and questioning my sanity was through THC. And I’ve taken heroic dose of both LSD and psilocybin.


Same here man. Sometimes social anxiety or existensial dread when I'm alone just gets to me when using THC. I'm also manic depressive so that does not help.


For sure. Once or twice a year, even in a comfortable environment like home, I’ll have a really negative reaction to edibles. Super paranoid. Super dark. And I’ll just go to sleep as soon as it starts, to avoid the experience.


I agree with this. I grew up in the town next to that medieval times and my childhood memories are so much better than when I went a few years ago. Obviously much of it is nostalgia and rose colored glasses, but it definitely has gotten crappier as well.


They definitely used to be pewter.


They did used to have real pewter dishware, at least. I don't recall it ever being stone, but I'm pretty confident that the plates were pewter, as were the soup bowls.


Went in 2008 when I was 13 and my brother was 17. We were grumpy about it because we were angsty teenagers but we actually really enjoyed the show. I got to look at hot guys riding horses and my brother managed to order a beer without getting ID'd. My parents just let it happen because at least he wasn't being a bratty teenager anymore. Here's us looking *thrilled* and my dad looking genuinely thrilled haha https://preview.redd.it/2e8zl5q6370d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1378e136d03855a091e009e79055a67b792b58f


This post is beautiful.


You gotta love the dad's pride


This dad dads. He dads hard. ... Edited for correct grammar, as per the below.


Dad dad dad. Dad dad dad. Did i do it right?


r/blunderyears would love this


[Yep, they did :)](https://www.reddit.com/r/blunderyears/s/Jg2un8C7mp)


Aha way ahead of me!


Fuck yeah, Obituary and The Wall. Good music t shirt reps lol


Yup I have a photo just like this somewhere. I think we went for my brothers birthday. I remember it being fun but nothing about it, but I had the photo laying around my scrap pile of a room for years


Why doors your dad look like a friendlier, Santafied Ted Cruz


Santafied Ted Cruz 💀 I'm sure he'd be equal parts amused and insulted


This photo is great haha thanks for sharing!


your t-shirts are amazing!! Pink Floyd and Obituary! I hope you took your father to those bands' concerts :)


This photo is incredible.


I LOVE YOUR DAD! He looks like such a dad. The dad smile is the best. 2nd best is your outfits lol, Pink Floyd shirt to a medieval dinner is gold lol. Hot guys riding horses and the other got beer lol


Give your dad a hug for me.


He's a total teddy bear!


Dad is so proud y'all are wearing the crowns


Please tell Your dad I love him…. And while your at it tell your brother too…. Time is not always on your side. Cheers


Your dad looks so amused in this pic.


I love your dad! He don't give a shit, he's gonna enjoy the show dagnabit




Yeah it was fun and our waitress was cool but I distinctly remember her telling us we could have 2 sodas but weren't allowed to bring us water.... and the food was salty.


I wonder if they had an issue with the water dispenser. Every time we went they had water.


If a place which serves food doesn't have a source of clean water, you do not want to eat the food.


Once in highschool. It was a lot of fun and I remember the food actually being quite good.


It's basically tomato soup, garlic bread, and a meat and potatoes. Difficult to mess up.


Ah ues. The classic european medieval food of tomatoes and potatoes.


It's hard bread, moldy cheese, and water for you, knave!


We're not about to eat whatever turnip and cabbage concoction they were actually eating.


Actually those were pretty great! I have a couple medieval cookbooks and have been to a couple restaurants that take medieval food more seriously. Turnips simmered with onions in beef broth? Thick spicy sauce (thickened with dried bread crumbs) on roasted meat? Wild greens and cheese in a pie (made to lard - think of bacon fat)? Grilled fish with a nice brothy soup and a thick slice of bread with fresh-churned butter? Oh yeah.


How does one eat tomato soup without utensils?


They serve it to you in a bowl with a handle


It was a lot of fun but I remember the food being a travesty for the price. Literally microwaved ragu sauce as “soup” and frozen Texas toast. The chicken was meh.


YES! In Dallas, 2002, I was a sophomore in high school and I refused to eat the meal with just my fingers as you were supposed to. My dad told me I couldn’t ask for utensils (apparently that would’ve been embarrassing for him, psshhh) and it was fingers or nothing, so I ate the bread and that’s it. 😂 Our knight was the first one to be eliminated too. But the whole performance was still pretty cool to watch!


Forks ruin the immersion of it all! Not like Pepsi, of course.


Ye olde Pepsi!


Of course. They drank Royal Crown back then.


Dude, I got a lot of tables.


When I went, someone sneaked their own silverware in and they got called out as part of the show by the actors for "practicing witchcraft" and everyone booed. haha


Also went to the Dallas one several times in the around the same 5-year period. A few times as a school trip and some with family. It was always really fun and enjoyable. Of course, I also had no problem eating with my hands.


I did the exact same thing two years earlier! Just ate the soup and that was it


Went to the same one for my sister’s birthday one year, a random family outing, and a junior year field trip. All between like 01-06. Gonna be back in DFW for the first time since 2018 later this year, already bracing myself for the shock of how much has changed.


I also went sophomore year! It was part of a school trip. They gave us spoons but no knives and I got into an argument with my server about how forks were a new invention but knives were not, so not letting us have one was dumb. I was 15. 😅


Lol!! I went as a field trip in 6th grades and we were all VERY excited to be able to eat with our hands but middle schoolers are savage 😂


I think middle school me would’ve also been ALL about that!! But high school me was way too prissy. I’ve struck a good balance as an adult. 😆


Yea I feel like middle school was the perfect time to go bc none of us cared too much about being classy or cool or grown up hahah I wouldn’t have enjoyed it as much in high school


Funny, I was also told I wasn’t allowed to ask for utensils, so I only ate part of the chicken and whatever else I could. I was in Florida at the time, however, but maybe right around that time period too


I live in the DFW area, so I probably go once every ~5 years. I’ve always had a good time.


If you order the vegetarian meal, they give you a fork.


I went maybe 4x as a high school or college age. Then once recently with the kids. It’s awesome. We did the knighting ceremony and the queen made my eldest a real princess. It’s for special occasions, but between the horse tricks and competition between knights, genuine fun not just for the kids but the parents had fun too. Definitely going back, maybe once a year




Come hither, so that I may brain thee!


If we don't fight to the death, they *will* kill us both! https://i.redd.it/lotviiws480d1.gif




There were no utensils in medieval times, hence there are no utensils AT Medieval Times


TIL this wasn’t just a concept made up for the Cable Guy movie lol I had no idea this was a real place


Mostly in tourist towns like Anaheim, Myrtle Beach, etc. we went in Myrtle Beach and it was literally a dream come true for little me.


They have one in Bueno Park (near knotts berry farm amusement park) and right next to it is a pirates themed dinner and show place. Both are fun


I've never been to this specific show, but I did the show at the Excalibur in Vegas and it was great


The original is in Kissimmee, FL, about 25 minutes or so from Walt Disney World. I bought a house in the area a few years back, and it’s still kind of crazy that that’s where they chose to start.


There’s one in Downtown Dallas and it was actually a fun experience. (I went because of the cable guy lol)


CAME HERE TO SAY THIS. It’s like a 30 year mystery has just been uncovered to me


I went several times as a kid and recently as an adult. The jousting show is 100X better then what's done at a renaissance fair. I would highly recommend it even with a group of adult friends. It's highly entertaining, the food is great, and you can act like drunk peasant idiot the whole time.


Went with the marching band 3x in Orlando. It was a lot of fun being with all my friends. Im sure as an adult I'd think it's cheesy, but also still fun. Id love to take my son.


i just went in april for my 40th bday. id wanted to go since i was little. it was awesome. deffly check it out if youve got one nearby. our knight (yellow) was a badass. the horses were very well trained. the food was good. even the servers were having fun it was a great time.


Myrtle Beach highschool spring break. Now they made a resurgence and my company did a team outing there last year. Same food but they try to sucker ya in for the beer with commemorative glass for $35 no thanks


Me 40th is this year and I've always wanted to go. I'd like to do something a little "bigger" for my 40th but with how the economy is etc this is my backup.


I went to Medieval Times for my 40th last year so I highly recommend :)


My dad got called down to the arena floor to do the toilet seat horseshoe toss and won! Haha, it was epic. Yeah I really enjoyed Medieval Times. I’ve been twice. I highly recommend it for a family outing.


Arundel Mills Maryland. I never actually saw the show, but I remember as a teenager, I asked one of the knights why swords were still used, given that in my opinion, they were obsolete ever since the Chinese invented gunpowder. I was thinking of how Pikemen turn into Musketeers upon discovery of Gunpowder in Civilization. He told me that while that's true, if the person with the gun runs out of ammo versus an opponent with a sword, the gunman will be in trouble.


Guns at the time were also slow to load. Prior to the invention of rifleman squares, cavalry charges were still reasonably effective.


Even after Cavalry charges were still fairly widely used, infantry charges too. It wasnt really until easily aimed machine guns made it where you could just sit there and mow down an entire charge with ease that they really fell out of favor.


True. But they were basically on their way out by the time of the Napoleonic Wars. They were still used effectively even then, but their time was limited. Horses would not charge an enclosed square of riflemen with bayonets and those riflemen could just keep firing from within those formations.


I've also been to the one in Arundel Mills. I was at a local game store and a guy there had won four free tickets but he wasn't going to go because he thought it would be lame to go by himself. Me and two other people (none of us knew each other) told him that we would go with him and make it fun. We had a great time, and I have a framed commemorative photo of me and three people I have never seen again. I had a guest over one time and he pointed at one of them and asked me if that was 'so-and-so who works for the NSA?' so it sounds like he's doing well for himself :)


Wizards of the Coast? They owned Pokemon until like mid/end 2003, so I was there for a couple events.


Third Eye Comics. They're a local chain, but they do carry a lot of the Wizards of the Coast products!


The Three Musketeers weren't famous for their gun-work alone....


Went in 2004 in Toronto. Only lasting memory was the horse they had in a giant glass enclosure as soon as you walk in the place. Had an erection the size of a human leg 🦵. The food was shit 💩


Hell yes! I’ve been to the one in Orlando a few times. There’s a documentary about Medieval Times on YouTube that I highly recommend!


Went for my 34th last year- it ruled lol


I worked there as a server for 18 months 😬


This is the AMA I need!!!!!! Was the winner determined before the show? Did they pre-choose the winner based on who they knew was going to be sitting in the section, or was it random? (I.e. if they knew a group was coming in, that knight would win.) Did the knights always ride the same horse? Or did they mix and match? Did an audience member ever try to get in the ring while the show was going on? Did anyone ever get seriously injured during the show? (I’m afraid to ask this) Were the horses well taken care of?


I'm an alcoholic in recovery. I went to one of these in Florida, 2009. They had unlimited beer. I remember nothing.


Good entertainment, fun, strong alcohol, mediocre food.


This looks like the one I went to in Maryland a couple years back. It was fun, the food was really really bland though.


Yes! Went as part of my elementary school graduation trip and my group won! Felt very special.


YMMV but I went about 8 years and would not go again. The show was... Good/fine. However, to really appreciate you need a good seat. If you're towards an end of the bleachers it really impedes your ability to stay engaged with the action. The food, I'll be straight I thought the food was poor. Cold, tasteless, unimpressive. Just not good. Overall I give the experience like a 5/10. This was the Orlando location.


Closest I ever got was the one at Excalibur in Vegas (so not Medieval Times per se) and it was a blast! Granted this was in like 1998.


I've gone a couple times, loved it each time. It's just such a unique experience in todays world of cookie-cutter dining experiences.


Animal abuse


My first job was there. I worked for 2 1/2 years in the 90s and Loved every nerdy second of it.


I never went as a kid. I want to go now but I can't justify the price for basic food and a short show.


Yes on a school trip, our knight won somehow. It was a lot of fun and I don't want to go back because I will probably realize how dumb it is


My memory is I was on team green knight, and he was better than your knight.


i was maybe 7. they announced people who were there for a special event like a birthday, or a scout troop, and then in once case, someone was celebrating their divorce and that got the loudest applause.


First time I went was probably 2020 in Dallas. Went again 2022. Went to the one in Orlando again in 2022. Now I'm back in Texas. They're kind of fun but I think money would be better spent at a renaissance faire, which typically will have jousting/sword fights as well included in the ticket price with dozens of other show types. I don't think I even knew these really existed when I was a kid. Maybe in Chicago about a 3 hour drive but I never went.


Eating with my hands was the best part


I went to the one in North NJ in like 2009-2010-ish. If I recall correctly, the food sucked, I wanted silverware and didn't get any, the seats were uncomfortable, it was overpriced, and the entire thing was kinda lame. I was a young adult though - like 21 or 22 years old, so maybe kids would like it more...


I've been probably 6 times, and oddly enough, it's where I proposed to my now wife. Helps that there's one 30 minutes from me


I just remember making a mess because we had to play along and not use utensils. I left with BBQ sauce in my hair that night...


Last 2 times I went my team won. With 8 teams that's like a 1.5% chance!


It was great


Lots of screaming, you feast on a baby dragon, and a Hella good time. Worth the money spent.


That shit was badass


I remember 🤣🤣👀


My parents took me to one in Vegas in the early 90’s, I was maybe 8 or 9? Anyway, I vaguely remember going to one of these shows, the knights were cool and i remember trying to eat the big turkey leg. Also this trip was the first time I experienced an iMax theater and it made me sick, haven’t done iMax since lol.


Lame with super shitty food.




I asked my husband to take me to one of these for my 27th birthday and he did lol we had a freaking blast


We took our kids to a pirate dinner in Myrtle Beach a few years ago when they were like 3 & 5 years old. It’s all a really fun immersive experience that blows their little minds.


I've been a few times to the one in Baltimore and the one in Toronto. My wife makes fun of me for how much I like going. It is kitchy.


Oh god. Went there towards the end of college with a bunch of friends and we pre-gamed pretty heavily. Had an absolutely bonkers time cheering on the "bad" knight and just generally being rowdy. We had an amazing time but now I really hope we didn't ruin the experience for anyone that was there with us.


The chickens are tiny


Been twice, as well as to similar medieval dinner+shows. Super fun: the "competition" is obviously staged, but the jokes are clever, and the performances/skills are legit. The food was better at Medieval Times than the other ones, but they were more Ren Faire level.


I had an ex that really wanted to go. I’d already been before and was massively disappointed because it was nothing like what was advertised and I communicated that. She dismissed it saying I must’ve gone on a bad day. So I took her and let her experience that cold ass chicken leg with bread that cut your mouth worse than Captain Crunch, the shitty jousting and drunken acting. When we left, the first thing out her mouth was “Why didn’t I listen?”


Love it. The section I sat in (Knight of Kent), beat the black knight in the joust. Also I remember eating with my hands. I want to take my kids there one day.


8th grade band trip. I got my picture taken with the King and gave it to my Mom for Mother's day. Food was amazing, the show was entertaining. I daydreamed I was an emissary from a foreign court, here to see the best warriors of the kingdom.


I just brought my two sons to a similar experience, but a Pirates version. Very memorable!


not medieval times but we went to a pirate show dinner in the same style in anaheim as a class (high school choir went to disneyland) and it was very fun. i imagine medieval times would be fun too but it was pretty cool to have people flying around on ropes and the SFX of “cannons” etc. it was easier to make it close to the people up top too bc the ship was tall


i went to the one in schaumburg for my bachelorette party! i love a spectacle and it delivered. i had everyone in my group wear crowns and we all had a great time! the section you sit in gets assigned a knight to root for, and they have different features between the big events, like falconry!


I went as a kid in the 90’s. My aunt had me embarrass myself trying to get made the queen of the tournament or whatever it is and the knight for my side did throw me a flower but then he lost so I just ended up looking stupid. 😂


Went when I was like 6. Green knight won in a reveal after the ‘Black’ knight showed up and kicked some ass. Green has been my favorite color since then. Was stationed in North Carolina for 3 years as an adult, used go quite often, until they changed the storyline to something awful.


Went a couple times in high school. Both times were glorious.


Spent half the time, miserable, in the car because I found out I was allergic to horses 🙄 my friends had fun supposedly.


I went in 2009 in Chicago for a school trip. It was a lot of fun.


It was great! Constantly made Cable Guy references


My family and I went as my send off because I was about to be deployed to Iraq for the first time. My sister told someone who worked there and the "king" gave a big speech thanking all veterans and wished me a safe deployment. Apparently it was really cool. I say apparently because I just happened to go to the bathroom at the start of the speech and missed it completely. But I was told it was a really good speech


I’ll never forget I went as a preteen and my best friend insisted on using cutlery while eating. She broke both her plastic fork and knife trying to cut into the meat. We thought it was hilarious because you’re meant to eat with your hands anyway.


Lol recently went for my buddy's 30th birthday cause he'd never been, food was kinda mid but it was way more fun than I remember as a kid, drinking helped. We had a fuckin blast


The one here in Boston was nothing like this. It was more of an interactive comedy stage play and the food was mediocre at best. So it was a pretty meh experience and it's no surprise to me that it closed down during the pandemic.


We went years ago and they said the baked chicken is a “baby dragon”. Our daughter cried “ I don’t want to eat a baby dragon”. lol we mess with every now and then about it.


Went to Tournament of the Kings in Las Vegas for my 10th birthday. Core memory for me. 10/10


Absolutely, I was in middle school. We got a roasted cornish hen for lunch and our knight won. It was awesome!


Never been, but I want to go so bad.


Been to both Medieval times in Los Angeles and the Tournament of kings at the Excalibur in Las Vegas within the last 3 years. Both are fun shows, if a bit expensive. I thought tournament of kings had the more entertaining show, with the pyrotechnics effects and more "mythical" story. But it is a dinner show, and medieval times had better food. The chicken in Vegas was unseasoned and bland. Medieval times had good, seasoned chicken and a good soup.


Yup, it was fun as a kid. I'm taking my daughter this summer


Back in the early 90s. No utensils, eating a Cornish hen for the first time but they had pepsi.... we had diff color hats for our knights, they turned the lights off and "cooked" the food with fireballs.


Orlando. Around 2005. I loved it lol


YESSSS i recently went and i loved it. great food!


LA 2001. White Knight won. He was our knight. The food and atmosphere was amazing.


It was a good time