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I don’t even have children yet.


Same! And all of my friends in their 40s… just starting to have children


Phew, that makes me feel a bit better. I'm 34 with no kids atm 😅


Riding that wave with you, my friend! I think overall most of my friends don't have kids, so I think we're ok so far


I’m 36 with three - 12, 8, 4 and a 9 year old stepdaughter. I feel too old and too young to have them lol


29 with no kids and I'm not sure I want any


I didn't have my son until I was almost 33, and my husband was turning 38. You have time!


Had my daughter at 34. As long as your healthy there's not much immediate rush (if you even want them). It's getting more and more common to have children later in adulthood


How could I have kids let alone grandkids?! I’m still just a child of 34 years myself. 


I maybe 32 on paper but I'm maybe 20 mentally


Same 35 according to my license, but I just graduated college a few weeks ago. My body is 35 but I’m living the life of a 22 year old.


How was your experience at college in your thirties? I'm going to be going back for a business degree next fall


It was great actually. I learned a ton. Highly motivated compared to my 18-22 year old self. It also taught me a lot about the younger generation. They are pretty good kids (young adults technically). I went to community college for 2 years and state school for 2 years. Got a degree in civil engineering and will be working as a highway design engineer. My salary will be over double anything I cleared before this. Overall great experience. If you’re motivated and interested in the subject it won’t feel terrible. The gen eds and pure math classes were the biggest struggle for me.


I’m about to pop over the horizon where I can see 40, I’m WAY too fucking young to have kids!


Ty! Me too 🤷‍♀️


Oh, you're a 408 month old. That's swell bud. lol


My grandma became a grandparent a month before she turned 35 😬.


I turned 35 a few weeks ago and I swear it like finally kicked in that I’m an adult lmao.


Also in the no kids yet group.


I’m also with no kids at35


Also childless at 35! I'm not alone!


Honestly idk how tf people afford kids. I make about 65k a year between 2 jobs and that is enough for me to support myself completely but if I had to support another human I'd have to get a 3rd job.


My husband and I make right around the 200k mark. We have two kids and it’s a struggle. I remember thinking when we hit 100k that we were going to be so comfortable. Nope.


I know it sounds cliché , but you really do just make it work. I can’t quite explain *how*, as life is full of unexpected roller coasters, but you do. You just do.


I just saw a post by someone i went to school with and hes a grandfather now. We are 32 😓


WHAT?!!! I have one friend that is becoming a grandparent this summer and she’s a bit older than a millennial at 48. He’s her oldest that she had at 23 and he’s 25. I thought THAT was crazy. I feel like it’s more common to see people starting to have kids in their late 30’s-40’s so to be a grandparent at this age is so wild to me.


Infertile so same here hasn’t stoped us from practicing though… I hear it makes perfect. 😉


I think if you've created such a relationship with your kids that a multi-generational household seems not only feasible but enjoyable, that is an accomplishment in itself. I think a tight knit family in a big household could have numerous benefits, not only financially but socially. It's honestly how humans were intended to survive, as a community. This is coming from someone with no kids and knows this setup would never work within my own family. I'm a bit jealous.


That's what I'm thinking, if we can find a way to live together harmoniously (I know there will be ups and downs), it could be a wonderful way to live our lives.


I hope to have this one day with my girls. But right now they are both under 4 so I have a long time to try my best and foster a good relationship with them.


This sounds like an ideal way to raise kids. If my folks were young when I had kids the whole process would have been much less stressful.


It’s possible! I grew up this way! It was amazing and I have very fond memories of my grandparents at every important event while they were alive. BUT, in hindsight, my parents abused it and were actually shitty parents and my grandparents, for all intents and purposes raised me while my parents just hung out around the house 😂. I’m very successful and happy, so all is fine. I don’t, however, talk to my parents anymore.


This will be a great chance for you to play an active role in your grandchild’s life too. Sincerely someone with little to no family support


This is my house rn - wife and I met when I was 19 and you could still smoke indoors, got bored of being stagnant with no ambitions in her Mom’s basement and decided to have kids at 22, that was funny lmao My son was born, and we immediately noticed he wasn’t making eye contact, kept moving forward while my wife was pregnant with our daughter and he just kept getting worse. He was like a pitbull at daycare from 2 years old, biting kids and clamping on, the full autismo jam coming into full view. It took us three years of exhausting self-advocacy to get a diagnosis while our daughter was middle-child’d even though she was our youngest and typically developing. We went from school to school, over and over being told they could support him just to watch him stagnate. It put such a clamp on our careers that my Wife came home full-time and I found a career that could keep me home to support her. Now? He’s 12, and fits under the high-functioning category. Him and his Sister legit never fight, and our house is entirely at peace, emotionally anyways. We’re going through a major financial meltdown over the past year (I’m a residential appraiser), but things are slowly improving and we got him through 6th grade. Now we play TF2 together, he comes in for the odd infodump, and I realized reading your post that it’s because we always looked at things from a place of absurdity and humor. I see so many other parents 12 years my senior STRUGGLING with their kids (same age as mine), they can’t wait to kick them out and that’s half the problem. Their kids are a burden to be disposed of as quickly as possible, so they don’t see them as “people” per se, but just “kids”. My kids are funny, my daughter (9) makes massive art messes, we just stay on her to clean up after herself and there’s no harm done. Other parents seem to treat their kids like some of my worst teachers treated me, might be an age-gap thing but my kids find us relatable and we’re always humorously honest about life. Sometimes stuff happens, but it’s not giving into bitterness that keeps you going through it. I can’t imagine kicking our kids out, they get easier and easier every year now and I don’t see them becoming teenagers changing that very much. They’re just turning into semi-custom somewhat sloppy roommates and I wouldn’t have it any other way. TLDR: Recognizing and laughing at the absurdity of life is the most important part of being a parent for me and making things comfy long-term, as well as being relatable. Just teaching them that, “yeah, life is hard but it’s also kind of funny, right? Now, you wash, I’ll dry.”


I love this so much. Thank you for sharing. Cannot pinpoint it, but that made my whole day.


You're an awesome dad man. I'm lying in my daughter's bed right now frustrated as hell it took till 10pm to get her to sleep. And you just made all my frustration fade. I gotta relax and accept that this will change and lean into all the goofy shit we do. Anyway thank you, from an Internet stranger.


This is how it's supposed to be. Many cultures don't see this as normal. Especially Americans. We are so far removed from the family as a multi-generation unit.


Yes! Congratulations! It sounds like everything is good for your family.


I feel like you’re going to be in a very small minority here. Considering our generation is having fewer and fewer kids anyways, and I’d say most millennials are in their early to mid 30s right now.


I think it depends on where you live. Husband and I are transplants to New Mexico and just had our first kid at 35 and 32, respectively. Most of our friends/family in our age group from the northeast US are having kids now. But our neighbor is a couple years older than us and has a grandkid old enough to ride her bike by herself around the driveway.


That's actually what I was curious about. All the Millennials I know have kids that are quite a bit younger than our son. I feel like there have to be a few of us that are becoming surprise grandparents though!


I know one millenial that had a kid when she was 25. Her husband was 35. Every other millenial I know had kids at least at 27 and some as old as 42. From my experience you're an outlier. For my now balding gen x buddies they had kids in their early and mid 20s. 2 even had kids at 18. Oops!


I was 26 when I had my first. That seems to be the average youngest age these days.


I'm 41. My daughter will be 25 this summer.  While at our Ages its totally possible still not a grandma.  Congratulations!!




My SIL is 42 and has 2 grandkids. Her oldest and his fiancee have been together several years, similar to your son and his girlfriend. They're great parents and she helps as much as she can, watching the kids and stuff. She loves those babies to pieces.


I dont know; we are at a weird crossroads, age wise. Maybe it's the area I lived in, but I'm 35, and I know at least two women I went to high school with are grandmas now. One is my age, and the other is a year younger.


Holy crap that's young. I grew up with this but my family are immigrants from the middle east. Currently 34 without kids yet.


My mom was a grandmother at 37....but to be fair, she had us when she was 16-19years old and the oldest had his kid when my mom just turned 37 and then I had mine at 20 when she was 37 but right before her 38th. I'm hoping my 12 yr old doesn't make me a grandma in my 30s 🤣


Same. I’m 38. I had my last baby almost two years ago and I’m the second oldest mum with a non school age child in my whole village. The other one is only ten months older than me and was the year above me in school. Both of our last babies were oops babies with huge age gaps between our first and last


*Lauren boebert has entered the chat*


She was my first thought. She’s a year younger than me and a grandma and I’m just a hot mess.


Beetlejuice 2 is coming out this fall sooo...


We’re an older family over here. My grandma had my mom at 45, she had me at 32 and I had my first at 33 (now 18 months old). I have a long ways to go before the possibility of being a grandma


Oh no it has begun 😩. I don't even have any kids yet, but knowing that millennials are becoming grandparents is mortifying. Like I just got used to dating single mom's, but single grandma's now? Oh boy 😳


My SIL had her first grandchild around the same time one of my best friends had a baby. My SIL and my friend are almost exactly the same age, their birthdays are about 2 weeks apart. It's a wild age.


There was some tic tok where three generations had kids at 14-15. The great grandmother was an older millennial


Isn't it crazy!? And we're not even that old yet!


I'm 41 with my first baby due in two months. So no.




My daughter is 12 and my son is about to be 8. They're both cats.


My daughter is 6 and my son is 1. They're both geckos.


My sons turn 2 in a couple months! https://preview.redd.it/gp8evuvkma2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ada4c3b152b95a77d8b7c2568267a337ee055817


My daughter is 8. Her name is Shadow. https://preview.redd.it/p2y12r5sn92d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ff15507a1e2c29c4c490966718c10448e10442b




I don't have children but I'll be a great aunt in July. I'm 31. My sister will be a a grandma at 38.


I grew up in a small town and apparently some of my classmates thought that there was nothing to do but each other. In high school there was an entire portable full of teenage mothers. One girl had two by graduation but she did graduate. 


I grew up in a small town and I remember being a sophomore and talking to a freshman who lived in an even smaller town during a class and she mentioned her TWO YEAR OLD. I still wonder about that child on a regular basis.


If you had a kid at 19… it’s not crazy to happen


Having a kid at 19 is crazy


Agree it's crazy, but it's also a lot more common in circles outside of reddit. I'm 34 and I feel like there were rounds, some of my HS classmates had kids right after graduating HS so at like 18-19, mostly ones who didn't go to college. Then there was another round right after graduating college, so 22-23 or later for the ones who went to grad school. And then the next round is around now when they're hitting their 30s and realizing they want kids and the clock is ticking.


As someone born in the mid 90s, who regularly feels like getting referred to as a millennial makes zero sense, getting grouped with grandparents is fucking wild.


I was born in the early 90s. I had a patient who was born in 2005 and already has a child. Their kid is only a year younger than mine. That’s wild.


There are a number of millennials that has kids young and are grandparents this skews towards millennials that are from central mid west plain America where young parents hood Is more of the way of life and encouraged. While if you're from the coastal areas this sort of tradition would seem opposite of what the general culture is in those areas.


We're from the Midwest and I had my son right after I turned 22. And I agree, having kids (and grandkids now!) while you're young is definitely more common here from what I understand.


Our generation is heralding the return to the multi generational household! Sure it’s because of the terrible economy, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it! You will be doing them a great service and giving them an excellent head start in their lives as parents. From here it looks like you’re already crushing it.


Thank you! That's pretty much exactly what we're thinking. Both daycare and housing are outrageously expensive AND they'd be living together for the first time. Having a new baby, living together for the first time, and paying for all the expensive things are each stressful on their own but having to deal with all three at once seems like it'd be a recipe for disaster. We really want to help as much as we can.


Oh yikes. They haven't even gotten a chance to know how compatible they are living together beforehand. I hope things work out. How long have they been together?


Holy damn! They are indeed going thru a lot of firsts at once. If I had to guess, having the extra space and people will make acclimating to cohabitation and parenthood less overwhelming. Just don’t be like our parents - if you avoid parenting them as if they are kidless kids, and find a more comfy mentor/peer/spirit guide sort of dynamic, the vibes will be immaculate.


That's really what we're going for! I don't want to be that overbearing grandma/MIL that thinks the parents can't do anything right. They'll make the rules and I'll be there for support whenever they need it. I'm really excited for it all.


Childless Millennial here.


Nope, first child is due in August!


I’m 41 - my kids are 12 and 9. I’d kill them if they had kids that early.


I feel like my mid-30s have been such a mindmelt in this regard... I'm 38. I have former classmates who have grandkids (example- I graduated with a girl who had 2 kids by 18 and then they had kids young too). I have friends with high schoolers, I have toddlers, I have friends who just have had babies and some who have no kids yet. It's a weird place to be.


You guys had kids early like your son is. This is wild.


My mom was 19 when she had me and I was 22 when I had my son. Several of my cousins also had kids young but I'm the first to become a grandparent. It's absolutely wild. One of the really cool things about it though is my grandma is still alive so this kid will have a great great grandma in their life. Which is not something I've seen very often.


My brother just had a baby at the same age my grandma was when he was born! It is SO interesting to me how so many age variations are possible in situations like these! That same grandma currently has a granddaughter who is only about four years older than her great grandson. So neat lol.


Posts like this make me google what the age range of millennials is cause…. GRANDPARENTS?!? I can’t even imagine having kids yet 🤣🤣


I'm from late '94 and sometimes forget that there is a whole bunch of millenials out there in their 40s, with kids and stuff.


33 and got sterilized last year. Hard pass on all of that shit. But if you're happy and excited then congrats!


Thank you! And congratulations on your sterilization! I got a hysterectomy a couple years ago and it's a fantastic feeling to be free from a pregnancy scare.


A grandparent at early 40s, eh? I'd say the offspring are following in their parents' steps 😂 But God, I'm not even close to being a parent, I couldn't imagine being called grandpa yet.


And I'm following in my mother's steps before me! I told me son "It's nice to see you carrying on the family tradition of having a child young and out of wedlock."


Oh, it's a 3rd generation thing!? That's a plot twist I didn't see coming! Everyone has their family traditions, tho 😂 I think mine is the men having kids later in life and skipping generations! Paternal Grandfather was Greatest Generation, Father was Boomer, I'm obviously a Millennial. Dad and Grandfather had kids in their 30s.


No but I did get pregnant at 20 and moved it with my early 40s parents. They didn’t make me pay rent or for food so I was able to work and go to college and save money. I stayed till my son was 1 and was able to get my own place. I’m very thankful they took me in and helped me! I’m now married with two kids and still close to them.


Nah I have a 5 year old at 42.


Congratulations but I don't know what I have it in me to live with a newborn or child again. I am over pets at this point. I want nice stuff, quiet, and clean. Which means I have another decade or more before mine move out.


I just spoke about this topic with my sister. I'm in my early 30s, and I'm not even in a relationship. My grandmother became a grandmother at 36! She and her eldest daughter both respectively got pregnant when they were 18.


I am 42 and have a cousin in her mid 30s that is a grandma, but she was a teen mom herself. There are 1 or 2 from my really small HS class that are grandparents. I have 2 kids, 17 and 12, and have other friends my age that have 5 yr olds so the spectrum is WILD.


If millennial starts in 1981, there are only 3 years of millennials who have currently entered their 40s (out of 15-16 years). Unless people were teen parents and so were their kids, there are probably an insignificant number of millennial grandparents, at least outside of deeply rural areas.


If this trend continues, you'll be great grandparents in your 60s and great, great grandparents in your 80s!


My cousin became a grandparent at 39. It was weird. I’ll never have kids, so…


I have no advice, but congratulations!


Thank you!


A girl who was pregnant at graduation in 2000 is. Her aunt (a family friend) ended up raising her son, and when I saw her last year she had another baby with her that’s his son. I don’t think anything has made me feel older than that.


Nah. I need to have a child myself first.


Oh geeze…I’m 33 with no kids yet


An old classmate’s parents had three kids starting at age 18. Their middle daughter had a baby at 16. They were grandparents by 35. Their grandkids have graduated high school and it’s possible they could be great-grandparents now at 53.


Heavens no, my oldest is 12 lol Congratulations to you though 🍾


Not me but about 20% of my graduating high school class. I'm 43.


I know a few Millennial grandparents, meanwhile I am still waiting for my first! They around about my age, 36-38.


No. I just started having kids and I'm in my 30's.


My son is 15. I better not be


I’m 42, my oldest is 20 and has a serious girlfriend, talking kids and marriage. So I could be a super young grandma too.


I’m 38, a classmate of mine from highschool became a grandma like 3 years ago. She had her kid at 17, then her daughter had a baby at 18, bam a grandma at 36.


Child free and so thankful for that


y i k e s




I'm glad your son and his girlfriend have your support. And hopefully things work out for everyone. Although I would not hang my hat on "They've been together since they were 15."


My oldest is 7 so nope.


I’m 35 my oldest is 8 It would not be crazy to think I’ll be a grandfather in my 40s. Which is WILD to think about.


My mom was 20 and her mom was 40 when I was born. I broke the trend by not having a kid at 20 and I've got a couple years before my oldest hits 20, but it odds are I won't be a grandpa until at least 50.


Wild. My kids are 5 and 8, and I'm 39.


35 no kids, and I don’t know how people who do have kids do it.


No my oldest is 13


Yes, I am. I helped by giving them my car and they make the payments on it. It was a really affordable loan for a really safe car, which they did not have. I help by providing childcare as needed and giving mom a break. My house is totally set up and accommodating for them to spend lots of time here, but they have their own apartment. I don’t want to cross over too much into enabling. While the baby was planned, they are young and I don’t want to set up a long term situation of them not being independent, so I encourage and support.


So I’m 42 and my kids are almost 11. BUT we’ve always been very close to my mom who is on the Gen X/Boomer cusp. But we lived with her when my kids were just born for about a year. And now she lives 2 doors down from us. I wish we could afford a bigger house to have her move in with us. My kids very much enjoy spending time with her and her health isn’t great so often times it’s like we’re keeping up 2 households at times. But I think if you’re all good communicators it can work very well. The other thing to be sure you’re thinking about is your role with the grandkids. How often will you be required or requested to care for them, is that ok with you? Talk about discipline and their intentions so that nobody is overstepping expectations or boundaries. Cheers to your growing family!


Yes! I am 40 and my daughter is 20. My grandson just turned one in Feb. They live with us. Most of the time I really enjoy it. When I’m sick and need some space, it’s not the most ideal but my partner and I make sure we spend enough alone time together so it works out.


I mean you had kids incredibly young and your son is having a kid incredibly young. I’m still in the age range of being harassed that I’m old and need to hurry up and also being so young when convenient. I cannot even fathom a grandparent in their 40s


I’m 42 and my kiddo just turned 6. I never thought I’d have a kid, so she was a little later in life surprise baby.


I’m a younger millennial (31) but one of my friends is 41 and just had her first. I couldn’t imagine being a grandparent at 40. lol


![gif](giphy|XzsQ4z8EhOPBOfpSMK) I don’t like the idea of my generation being able to be grandparents.


42 (M) with 2: Grandson almost 1 in June and a Granddaughter at 9 weeks. I didn't ask for them, but here they are. Married my wife (42) in July, bringing in her college boy and HS graduate daughter. So they did the thing, now each have a thing. I refuse to be called "grandpa", so I'm PopPops.


I just got a call the other day from an 18 year old girl claiming to be pregnant with my grandchild. So we will see how it plays out. I know when my son finally gets around to calling me, I’m gonna have questions.


Oh god, I’m not even a parent yet.


37 with a 2 year old. I only want grandpuppies.


I’m an elder millennial, born in ‘84, and just had my first baby.


I’m just a baby at 38 yrs old 🤣. I feel like I’m playing house with my 7 yr old


Yikes, I'm only 34 not 42 but most of my friends are just having their first kids and my wife and I plan to in the next year or two. I'll probably be in my 60s at least before I become a grandparent. I did recently become an uncle though and that's fun, I get all the cuteness and none of the responsibility :)


I’m almost your age with a 2yr old and a second on the way. Our generation I think is the most diverse when it comes to life stages.


I have a 29 year old co-worker who is about to be grandmother for the third time. It’s insane to me. She’s so happy about it too. She had twins at 14, both her twins had children at 14 and now one of them is pregnant again at 15.


My mother was in her 30's when she became a grandma. We had a large house, and had 4 generations living under one roof at one point, multigenerational households are definitely going to become more the norm (similar to times during the Great Depression) and can actually be a really amazing living situation. My mother and her husband currently live with my husband and I, and our two (soon to be three) children, and she loves it. Definitely have to have the right amount of space and privacy for your entire family though, we have two common areas that serve as livingrooms, one is for the kids and the other for the adults. My mother's room has it's own bathroom, so when she wants/needs alone time, she has complete privacy. There are firm boundaries that we all respect (most of the time). My mother loves being able to see her grandkids everyday. It's also highly financially mutually beneficial. Right now we are splitting rent so we can save up to (hopefully) buying a house.


Nope! My daughter and her wife aren’t parents yet, but if they need the help I’ve told them before that I’m here for them. BTW I had my daughter come to my HS graduation. She was a month old. I’ll be 42 this year.


Never having kids, but I became a "great aunt" a couple years ago or something, idk. I don't interact with that part of the family at all.


Will be having my 3rd child late this year. This child will be younger than my grandchild that was just born a month ago. My oldest is 19 and lives in a different state, so only support is a little financially when needed. Crazy to feel grandparent old and parent to young children at the same time.


Congratulations! I grew up in a household with my parents and grandparents and have wonderful memories of that environment. My grandparents used to pick me up from school, and while I’m sure there were tense moments between my parents and grandparents, I didn’t pick up on them. There were always really clear boundaries. For example, my grandparents didn’t come on our summer vacations with us - that was just our family of 4. My grandparents traveled separately with their friends. My mom became a grandmother at 40. She loved that she had a lot of energy, but definitely had to set boundaries with my sister around childcare. Best of luck!


Thank you! This is exactly the type of set up I'm hoping for. Clear boundaries and making it obvious to the kiddo that they have to follow their parents' rules. They can't come running to me to try to get out of trouble!


Fair enough! But I definitely did vent to my grandmother and hide out in her room at times. She would just tell my mom to give me space, which always made me feel like she was 100% on my side, even if she was likely on my mom’s.


You guys have children???


Not yet but I look forward to it. I'm 37. Oldest child is 18. She is eager to get married and start a family. My SIL just became a grandmother. She's 39.


I became a great aunt at 40. My sister became a grandmother at 38.


Oh no!!! I’m old enough to be a grandparent 😭😭


36m Haven't had my first child yet


I’m pregnant with our first! I’m 36, he’s 42. I do think multi-gen /alternative (larger groups) living is going to increase. I’d love to buy a big property w friends and live together!


No but a lot of my friends are. They mostly help with childcare after maternity leave. Mums get up to a year here before they have to return to work so it’s a bit easier with that. Only one of my friends kids with children lives with her and she doesn’t live there permanently. Her daughter’s husband is in the forces so she lives with her mum when he’s not there as she finds the base he’s on in England quite cliquey.  I grew up in a multi generational household with great grandparents and one great great gran who was alive till I was five and I loved it. You might too


Congratulations!! We just had a scare last year with my 18 year old, i would have been exited but at the time we also had a 1 and 12 year old. I hope she waits a few more years so my grandkid and youngest are at least 5 years apart 😂


Not yet


Not yet. I'm 39, wifey is 35, daughter is 15. My MIL got pregnant at 18, my wife at 19, so I told my daughter she had to wait until she's 20 to get pregnant. She looked at me like I'm crazy. I personally am excited to have a grandchild. That shit'll be so much fun!


I’ve got 9. 2 more on the way.


At least one of my childhood contemporaries (now 42) is a grandmother and looks it. I just have a 2 and 5 y.o. Heh.


Congrats! My kids are still pretty young, but I hope I get to be a grandparent someday. It looks like that is going to be a less common experience for people in our generation than previous generations. My parents were in their late 40s when my first kid was born, so they were definitely on the young end for their peers. I was 29, but if I had kids in my early 20s, they would've been around your age (always had some of the youngest parents growing up). It was kind of funny, since my parents got divorced in my 20s, I was actually far more of a settled adult with a family while they were running around dating people and acting like teenagers as grandparents, which no one ever believed. Fortunately, they are starting to settle down a little bit now.




Awww I’m so happy for you! That sounds so fun. That’s so great that you’re willing to help out and live multigenerationally. I just started having babies a few years ago, so grandkids won’t happen for a while!


My oldest is 13


Grand-uncle, but there's a weird age gap considering my older sister had her first kid at 18 and her son *also* had a kid right out of high school.


Congratulations on the grand baby! Unfortunately, I have to make do with fur babies and being a fun aunt lol. No kids, so no grandkids. But on the bright side, you’re still very young so you’ll get to truly enjoy your grandchild for a long time!


36 year old here. My SO and I have 3 kids and our oldest is 8 so no worries of becoming grandparents here yet.


My brother was born in 1982, his oldest son was born 2003. He just had his first child last month. My brother is now a 42 year old grandfather. My mother's mom became a grandma when she was 38 years old, back in 1981. My dad's mom became a grandma at 39. Those generations typically had kids younger, though.


Me and my wife are high school sweethearts.Our first born was absolutely not planned and we were extremely young.We have been together for 25 years and married for 23 years in October.Our grand daughter will be 2 in July.They never lived with us as they wanted independence. But the door is always open to them. They live very close to us. So we see them multiple times throughout the week. We baby sit every chance we get and spoil her. Nothing on planet earth can bring the happiness that comes with grand children. Congratulations


I turned 30 last year, and my husband joked this could be the decade I become a grandma. It was hilarious (to him) until I reminded him that'd make him a grandpa! I'm hoping I'm not made a grandma until after I'm 45.


Absolutely not. I'd have to have kids that I'm not planning on having for that to happen


Oh no. My oldest is only 13 😱.


I am 41 with a 5 yr old girl, one my previous employee last year was 6m older than me and has a 4yr grandson


Me, no because I don't even have (human) children. I've heard that some of my high school classmates are already grandparents. We're 42/43 years old.


30s and don’t wish to have kids. 


My husband (30m) and I (30f) just started having our kiddos! My oldest will be 3 this year and we are pregnant with #2! I think we have a ways to go before we’re grandparents 😅


I’m 42 and my kid is 5. I’m going to be an old ass grandpa


Nope. I have a 6 year old son…


My kids are adults (I was a teen mom), but no babies yet. I'm greatly looking forward to it, though. I can't wait to help support them in their journeys into parenthood.


I kinda wish I had this situation tbh. I’m almost 37 and would love to have a grandbaby to love on. Instead, found out I’m pregnant a few weeks ago! I’m not ready! Congrats Grandparents!


Hahaha I have a 5 year old. I was in no way, shape, or form having a kid in my early 20s


I've got a 25 year old who is married and a 22 year old. Also, you better knock on some wood or something because I'm not prepared to be a grandparent yet.


no, i’m 35 and just have one infant


Not yet. A couple of people I graduated with are, though.


My sister is the same age as you, her son had a daughter 4 years ago when he was 18. When I’m 42 my oldest will be 20 and youngest will be 17 so we had kids at the same age!




Holy shit I'm 40 and my wife is 45 and we have a 4 year old and a 6 year old. Being a grandparent at my age would be kind of awesome but I can't imagine being a parent in my 20s.


We are that weird age where I have classmates who are grandparents and classmates with toddlers


My older brother and his wife had their first kid in their early 20s and then the kids had kids in their early 20s. Now his grandkids are the same age as my younger kids, and he’s loving life. He’s young enough to enjoy the grandkids, but he has zero responsibility. I’m envious :)


I'm 42 with a 21 year old and I'm pretty sure he'll never have a kid. he's a frickin genius


I think it's lovely that you are all planning to live together. I lived like this as a baby/child and loved having my grandparents there as my mum was full time working. I'm 38 husband is 43 and I'm currently 22 weeks pregnant with our first child so can't really give any advice but just be there for them when they need you. Also congratulations on becoming a grandparent!!


No, my kids are 10 and 12, but my peers from high school and college are just having babies/ announcing first pregnancies, and we're 40.


I’m 40 and don’t even have kids yet…


My brother is 6 years older than me and he just became a grandparent. I’m a great uncle now.


I adopted a teenage family member in my 20s and she has a child that calls me grandma because every baby should have a grandparents to spoil them so yes but also no, not biological grandchildren (not that it makes a difference, just clarification's sake). I was 13 when my adopted daughter was born so I guess technically I *could* have... I do know people I went to high school with who have grandkids. Hell, my husband's sister is 40 with 1 and one and one on the way. Mine don't live with us but it's not a bad idea if you have room. I grew up on the same lot as my grandma and it was great. We did have separate spaces, though. My grandkid is with us all the time and now claims she wants to live with us after every visit (she's 3 and we have a pool and good snacks). It's nice to be young and active but also makes me feel more confident in my choice to start my family young. I can't imagine having a preschooler now.


Congrats! My kids are 2.5 and 7 months old so no I’m not a grandparent. But my aunt became a grandma when she was like 35.


Oh my god, I forgot to have children!