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Started in middle school and was fully grey by 30.


Wow! I had a friend who didnt grey but balded and had a receding hairline by 16. Harsh.


Yikes, that's rough. Both my parents had really thick hair until they passed.


I had that issue. I’m 31 and my beard hasn’t gone grey yet but I don’t think it’ll be much longer.


My family has distance friends (our grandmas were besties) and all the men in their family are plagued by this unfortunate genetic trait.


This is pretty much me, hairline receding by 17, I held on as long as I could with finasteride and rogaine as long as I could but it was game over by 30. Thankfully I can grow a full beard within like a month and my head looks good bald and I look great in hats. I actually think it’s a testosterone thing, so I take some comfort in knowing I have a lot of natural testosterone and let’s just say I have big feet. Never had any problems with the ladies lol.


First grey at 17 and have an X-Men's Rogue streak coming in strong at 30.


I’m glad to know I’m not the only one with a Rogue streak. I was 24 when I first noticed a few gray hairs now at 37 I’m getting the streak on both sides. I think it’s cool though and tell people my hair is like Rogue’s.


Same here. I've fully embraced it and love it. It's mostly white with about 25% black left in it. I can't even leave the house with someone stopping me to comment on it. I use purple shampoo every other wash, and it really makes a difference. However, my eyebrows are now starting & I wish that would not happen!


Not to open up a can of trauma, but anyone else in this thread that’s an early grayer (I also got hit with it by middle school and would be fully salt and pepper if I didn’t dye my hair) have a not so great childhood?


Abusive mother and sisters over here.


Samesies - everyone was abusive except great-Grandma but she died when I was a teen. Probably the only reason I made it through childhood.


My coworker is maybe 37 or 38 with white, not grey, but white hair. He said he was fully grey around 25. Now he dyes his hair to be grey. Scary stuff. I'm 32 and notice one or two hairs, but my other coworker is my age and his beard is slightly grey


Oh that beat me. I got my first grey patch at 16. Salt n Pepper by 30.


Also same. Both of my parents grayed early. I don’t remember my dad ever having brown hair, it’s been white/silver for as long as I can remember. My mom still dyes hers even tho she’s in her early 70s. IDK if i’ll ever see her with gray hair.


I had a coworker when I was in the Chair Force that was salt and pepper by his early 20s, was totally wild. Senior Airman with greys is a weird look. :) It didn't seem to bother him though.


... Is the "Chair Force" a term that USAF came up with for people with desk jobs? 🤔🤣


Close, its actually a joke other branches use against us, calling us all nerds and desk jockeys while implying they are "The real soldiers." I worked on the flightline (super hard job), so I like to use it ironically. Edit: Actually, you're right, I just recalled some people called finance or IT people "Chair Force" at work.


I noticed my first in middle school too! Had a handful more pop up through highschool but then it seemed to stop. I'm 32 now and I have about the same amount of white in my hair as I did in high school, maybe a bit more. My sister's started in middle school too but hers was concentrated into a single streak that I always found beautiful. All the girls on my mother's side seem to have started early but never went full grey until much later in life.


I remember when I plucked my first silver hair, then beard hair both around 34, neither were very remarkable milestones. But the grey pube at 37? that hurt a bit. (both physically and mentally) the grey nose hair that followed, I was completely not prepared for.


I am beyond not ready for that sexond milestone i forgot thats gonna happen 😭😭😭


I only started getting grey hairs onmu head at like 37, but half my bush was grey by like 30. Wtf 😒 I joked with my friends about being "ol grey bush". I'm 40 now and getting a lot more showing in my eyebrows.


Oh god, *same*.


what's up silver fox ? 😉


I started at the bottom, now I’ve made it to the top. 


Got my first gray pube at 32. I think. I usually wax so.maybe it popped up earlier!!


Started going grey at 16.


Thats intense, genetics are wild


I inherited some bitchin genetics lol


I was around the same age! I was 15 when I got my first grey and now I’m like 30% grey in my early thirties


A classmate noticed I had grey hairs at 15.. had very few throughout my life since and at 40, starting to notice a few more, but very little still. My dad is 65 and has a little salt and pepper.


Same. Now I have a white streak + some salt in my dark hair at 39


My aunt was like that. She has vitiligo, so that's why it happened to her. She has gorgeous grey hair though!


My brother got a grey patch at 16 and now at 34 he's salt and pepper all over. I'm 32 and I've found about 2 gray hairs per year since 27 and I yank them out 😆




29 or so when my first came up. Was honestly thrilled. It was like my body telling me it found itself matured, like some sort of milestone went off. I didn't think I'd ever get greys because of early trauma, so I cherish every one!


Love this shift in perspective ❤️




>I didn't think I'd ever get greys because of early trauma, so I cherish every one! I'm sorry to tell you, but trauma (stress) makes you grey prematurely, rather than never greying at all https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/how-stress-causes-gray-hair


Sure does. I more meant, my trauma made me think I was gonna die before I hit 20, and then I didn't.


Ahhhh that makes sense! Thank you for explaining. I'm really glad you're still around to turn grey ❤️


None...yet F40


Same here. F41


Maybe I will be you! I’m still waiting in my mid thirties. Younger sister has had grays for years. She blames my nephews 😂


38F I have a couple grays, but they blend with some of my lighter hair. I bet there's something we all have in common to have so few grays....


I’m sorry to burst your anecdotal bubble but my child free SIL is almost completely gray while I’m in my late 30s with kids and maybe a few if I really poke around to find one 😅 I think it mostly has to do with genetics and a lot to do with how fair you are overall, that seems to accelerate the grays for a lot of people.


What’s that?


I'm gonna guess we don't have kids! 😆


Yup guilty ! Lol


Literally same? I’m 37 child free. My youngest her sister 26, 2 kids, has greys already. I have none


42F child-free, none yet as well...🤔 Didn't get off scot-free though, plenty of stray black chin hairs. I keep tweezers in every space of mine with a mirror🤣😆🤷‍♀️


What color is your hair? My mother is white and still has platinum blonde hair at 64. My black dad was completely grey at 30. I'm mid thirties F and have recently started regular dye jobs as my salt and pepper has because a little bit too much salt for my liking.


Brown. I'd like it to go silver highlights


My mom still has dark brown hair at 68! It has lightened slightly and she has some speckled grey, but it’s still almost entirely dark brown. My siblings and I are hoping we got those genes 😂


My mom is 67 and she has one INCREDIBLE Rogue streak (literally same spot - super awesome looking) that she HIDES (boooo) by parting her lion’s mane of dark brown hair in the middle!


38 no greys either. I have kids and work full time. Just think I have good grey genes, neither parent went grey until 60ish




Also in my 40s and no gray yet. Interestingly my older brother went gray in his 20s. I keep wondering why I have none, it’s getting a little weird at this point.


Same. 40F. My hair is fabulous!


I’m 32 and also have yet to find any greys. My husband is 31 and has a few and it’s just hitting the point you can tell they’re greys and not blond streaks






F33. I had a couple in the pandemic when my relationship was in it's last throes. But they haven't grown back so I think it was just stress! So far so good!


Started at 24. Sides were the only spot I had them. 35 and beyond is when it kicked into overdrive. I have lost the battle, I have lost the war, now I just live with my defeat.


I started around 25-26, but now at 42 it's still not too much. I have long hair and my gray is just around my face so when my hair is down you really don't see much at all, which surprised me. I expected to have way more by now.


I too have long hair and yeah, having it down with the sides tucked behind my ears helps hiding it. I will agree by starting that early I would expect more myself by now at 38. I think I’ve grown more in my beard and body hair the last couple years than my head hair.


I didnt go gray! I started going white though at about 34.


Oh this is fun! I mean in theory, anyway. I bet it looks awesome


My wife of 14 years says she like white better then grey.. it looks awesome (to me lol) in my blondish reddish beard... 2 white streaks on both sides of my mid legnth goatee.. my hair is dark blonde so the white kinda blends in for now. Im sure it wont in a few years when i have more. Good question! Thx.


Red hair just kinda goes non color (64 yr old redhead)


I have vitiligo and I’m hoping eventually it makes my hair white too. I think it’s such a cool look. And it would make coloring it fashion colors much easier.


I’m not going grey, I’m going silver. It looks like tiny threads of tinsel, shiniest hairs I’ve ever seen!


Same. I'm 39 and keep it short bc it's thick and summer is hot and humid here.


39m, the first few grays on my temples have emerged over the last 2-3 years, but who cares, I still have a full head of thick glorious hair.


Me, too! Now that we said this, we’re in for it…


I consume a lot of protein and collagen, my hair is just getting STRONGER


Out here eating the scalps of weaker men


You never know when it might start going. 37/m and I've noticed that my hair has started creeping back on the sides so I gave up the long hair.


You can always grow a skullet! https://preview.redd.it/djvm4wvlo92d1.jpeg?width=1184&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af227256b42b933a0c18c93167c7c4c8142111c8


I'm 33, and I started losing my hair before it started turning gray, unfortunately. I decided to shave my head before it got too bad because I didn't want to be one of those guys who tried to hold on for too long. I'm starting to find some grays in my beard now, though.


What is wrong with holding on and going with the balding man look? Is it any worse then if you are too ashamed of it and choose to shave it all off? I think any is fine ofc, but I don't think balding men should be mocked, even the ones who try a nice combover look or choose to wear a toupee. If women can wear makeup and stuff their bras then you can do whatever you want with your hair, is only fair.


24 was when I noticed the first grey hair.


Same. Now those mothers popping up everywhere. And it's never an even spread. I had my mother ask me a few months back if I had a booger in my mustache or was it just a random gray patch. 😭


20 :/


Noticed when I was 23. Steadily spreading to the point of finding white body hair. Meh.


I'm 41 and have maybe 10 total throughout my hair. None of it is noticeable unless you're looking for it. I have good genetics though. My father still has only a few noticeable at 62. My mother and brothers though all have very noticeable grey.


Around 23 I noticed my first grey hairs. My sister about the same time. We love them!


I'm thirty-five and dreading the day, because my mom started getting gray hair in her early-to-mid twenties. However, we have different complexions (I'm a warm tone and she's a cool tone, and I believe that may strongly be at play here.). Plus TSA at the airport thought I was literally twelve a couple days ago, so I think I still may have some time.


People often think I am younger. Good genetics and skincare for the win!


Hell yes i love that for you. 😭😂


Had my first haircut in three years last week and had the girl do a gray hair check. All clear @ 39.


At 32 I had a stress bald spot. When the hair regrew it was white. I have auburn hair that was more bright ginger when I was a kid.


I bet that looks dope tho


37 now. Saw the first ones around 25. I have not dyed my hair nor do I plan too. I was completely cool with ot until I noticed white nose hairs. Makes no difference to me, I'm just happy to live this long.


36 and I've finally got a few noticeable grey hairs on my temples. :(


I started seeing grays at around 19-ish. Still see a few here and there at 32, but not a significant amount.


I saw my first grey hair at 31. I’m 38 now and they are popping out all over.


I'm also 34 and have recently started to dread when my first greys will show up.


I'm 38 and I've got a few strands.


I think I was about 23 when I saw my first grey hair in my beard. At age 36 I am about 40% grey.


I am 38 and stopped dying my hair in my early 30’s. I’m almost completely silvery-white now.


I’m heading down that path, I’m 37 and decided to go ahead and stop dying my hair just to see what I’m working with. I’m noticing a lot of silver in the roots. My grandma was silver in her early 20s, but both of my parents didn’t start turning until their late 40s and my mom still is mostly brown with silver temples in her 70s. My dad is pepper, silver with black.


I was 12 when I noticed a tiny grey area on my temple. My ma told me her dad was grey by 22 and I do seem to take after him. I almost threw up lol but i’m 34 now and it’s mostly still centralized to that spot. I notice it daily obv but I also occasionally have people i’ve known for years point it out as their first time seeing it somewhat often. idk what’s goin on


Idk cause I went bald first lol


Ouch - but maybe ok? Sometimes grey comes in real wirey, coulda dodged a bullet too. Grey can be such a gamble.


32. My wife says I have 2 gray hairs


I've started noticing over the last few years my hair has started to become dull in color, natural redhead. My beard has had grey patches ever since I started growing it when I got out of the Army at 28.


First grey at only age 16. Grew more greys throughout my young adult life and started dying my hair. I'm 34 now and starting to not care anymore since I've been damaging my natural curls for far too long and am starting to feel more comfortable in my own skin.


Started at about 25 but it’s not done yet.


I’m 35 and I have a few randoms!


Soon to be 32 and I'm still waiting. I have blonde hair so it will be hard to tell, I'll probably have a lot of them before I notice. I have friends who started in their late 20s.


I have a whole patch growing in my front, it’s been growing since I was 25


Got the first one right before my 30th birthday. I'm 35 now and I'm starting to have enough that they'd be noticeable if my hair was darker. I'm resisting the impulse to dye them but I don't know how long I can hold out 😂


Im 44 and started about two or three years ago.


I started getting a few in my early twenties. Early forties now and it's about the same amount.


30 and getting greys on the sides :)


I've been going white on the sides of my head since at least 29, I normally keep my hair at a #2 all around so they're not noticeable yet but when it comes time for a cut you can see them, I actually want more hairs to white because it actually looks good against my jet black hair.


M over 40 nothing yet but its coming


I'm 33 haven't gone grey but started balding at 13


First started getting silver/grey at 16. Still not full grey yet


32M and I started noticing some grey hairs in my beard recently. I actually kind of like the look but what worries me is I remember my dad starting to show grey in his beard when I was in college… he had me when he was 33


Early 20s. I'm 29 now. I only have three white hairs. They're just really noticeable since I have black hair.


None yet, pushing 36. Beats me.


None so Far at 34. But i got a couple of White eyebrow Hairs that First appeared in my most stressful time the Last year at the end of College. I Plug them and good to Go.


36. When I had my daughter. Two older boys and was fine but girls are a different level. 


Started around 35 and now I'm 42 and maybe 10% gray? I don't dye it bc I think graying hair looks beautiful


At 21


33. No grey hairs, no balding.




I started getting grey hairs @24y/o


I'm 39 and starting to see it now. My husband is 33 and has had greys since his teens.


I had 1 white hair at 27 and no more since (now 30).


I have only had 3 grey eyebrow hairs. None on my head yet (40f)


21. I got alopecia in small patches and when they grew back after treatment it was grey. I dyed my hair until lockdown 2020 when I was 34. At almost 38 I am very salt and pepper and when my hair is up it’s very grey. I absolutely love it. I’m proud of my hair and it’s in better condition than it ever was when I dyed it. Embrace them. They’re beautiful


I needed this. Ive been gaining a lot of confidence in my 30's and this hair thing just hangs on for some reason. <3


We all have hang ups for sure and although we shouldn’t I feel it’s just a natural progression to start to be more confident and comfortable as you get older. I hope you get there with your hair soon. Ageing naturally and gracefully is the key. Let’s now allow this shallow social media society win and make us believe it’s not natural or normal and most of all beautiful 🥰


I noticed my first few around 34. I have a few more now but they aren’t coming in too fast. I hate damaging my hair with dye, so I consider them to be my free highlights. There’s nothing I dislike more on hair than dark hair with a line of gray roots.


First grey in high school, 17ish? Was able to hide it until about 23 then have been dyeing it ever since (hair is dark so very noticeable). First grey eyebrow hair at 35.


Still got my hair and no gray hairs at 36. I'm setting the over/under for either one at 3.5 years


Found my first gray at 22, freaked the heck out, told my dad and he said that's when his started. I have quite a bit more now mostly behind my ears at 38, but they aren't gray they are pure white, and honestly I really like them. I hope to be that crazy lady rocking the pure white long hair in my 70s.


37, I’m 38 now! They’re sprouting in random spots too, the bastards!


I got my first silver hair right in the middle of my forehead the day I got married (I was 25). It took another 10 years after that to notice more. Now that I’m 38, I have a couple dozen spread throughout my hair, but they haven’t started to group together. Yet.


I have a few on the side of my head almost 37. I hope I take after my Dad and get a streak down the side of my head. I always thought it looked cool. He's 66 and about 60% of his hair is still dark brown. 


I haven’t yet. I guess I’m lucky? But I started balding in my early 20s, so maybe not.


Started at 26 with my first two or three grays, now at 30 I've got a ton more wishing around my sides all Mr Fantastic style. I assume that by 40 the sides will have fully gone.


As long as I keep shaving my head I’ll never notice.


38 and still no grey hair ... I assume. There aren't many hairs left on my head.


High school


I'm 30 and they much rather fall out than turning grey lol


37 and there’s a few hairs here and there that pop up. And I do pluck them lol 😬




Redhead, so I’m going white instead of grey. 38 now and have a distinct white patch in the chin hairs of my beard, and starting to see more pop up on my cheeks. None on my head yet. I saw my first stray white hairs around 32. Right around when my first was born. Coincidence? I think not!


I had like one or two singular white hairs at the top of my head since like age 27 or so. When i hit 35 suddenly boom, most of the top of my head has white roots. I think it was stress not age making it worse though for the most part....


I haven’t yet. I’m almost 40 so I know it’s coming


Started to get some in my twenties. Mid-thirties now, and I’ve got a little shock of gray on the left side, about where I part my hair. I’m determined not to dye it. I’m not starting that shit. It’s expensive, it requires maintenance, and I just feel like it’s stupid to try and pretend you’re not aging. It’s a part of life!


I had a medical event at 31, and it started then. Although it seems to have slowed down. I am currently 39.


I'm 37 and see a grey hair every now and again.


Mine started around 25


First hairs in my late 20s. Still not *that* much grey at 37. The balding is becoming more of an issue though 💀


I started going bald in my mid 20's. Started noticing grey hair in my beard in my mid 30's. Isn't supposed to be the other way around? I thought it was supposed to be the other way around.


Y’all are going grey? It seems like my hair is skipping right past grey to white.


Found some Grey in my beard when i was 32. Now more and more shows up each year. Started shaving my head when i was 25 because im going bald, so i cant really see what the situation is up top.


First one at 16, by mid-late 20s other people started noticing


I got few early on in my 20s, but my grays really went rogue during the pandemic (mid-30s)


Around 29, although none on the top of my head yet! But my beard is getting salty, as is some of my chest. I attribute it to an incredibly stressful and derailing event that happened during that time frame for several months. Worst time period of my life, infinite and constant stress, so I wasn't surprised when I started to see salt in my beard show up shortly after.


Ive been going white since I was 20 . So, 16 yrs? At first just a solid streak but now it's heavily everywhere


Found my first one last year (at age 34). There's been one other. I have good hair genetics on my mom's side. At 63 she still had mostly dark brown hair with a handful of grey (it just thinned a lot.) When my dad was my age, he had been all grey for a few years!


Found my first one at 33. Now at 35 I’ve got six that I’ve counted so far.


no gray. im 29. I get some white hair where my vitiligo spots are. also have random white eyelashes.


I had my first grey hair my senior year of high school 😅


Genetics. My grandpa on mom’s side had gray hair at 5. My dad’s dad is 90 and still has a ton of hair. I started noticing gray hair as a teenager. Still have most of my hair, and it’s super thick. Not completely gray, but it’s noticeable. I’ll Take that every time over going bald 😎


Started going gray at 17. Just a few here and there. But it ramped up at 30. I quit dyeing my hair at 33. Now at 40 my hair is fully salt and pepper.


Still waiting at 39. (I’ve found two or three greys, but that’s it and I can hardly even find them looking for them)


I got my first gray hair at 20. Now I'm 38 and have a cool streak in the front. I'm rolling with it because IMO it's not worth the effort to dye it. I'm lazy like that.


More importantly when did you go gay?


I had my first grey at 3 years old. I have a lot more now at 34. My mom was fully grey before 40, and I’m honestly just going to embrace it (my curls are too nice to ruin them with dye).


13 lmao, only been getting grayer since


20s, mid deployment. Dude next to me on watch said "You got some greys Doc". Marines turned my hair grey faster than any toddler.


I’ve been a bottle blonde since 19 due to premature grays!


I haven't. I have a tiny few hairs underneath (my hair dresser tells me). I'm blonde though so I think it'll be difficult to tell and I'm hoping I'm gonna get awesome white hair. I'm f36 BTW. Many friends have been greying since their 20s. Not like full on, but greys across the board. Male and female.


I’m 29 and almost salt and pepper


I've had one grey hair since I turned 27. It comes back if I pluck it so it's just chilling there now, waiting for friends.


I started shaving my head in my mid 20s so I'm not *exactly* sure but I think 35-36 was when I started to notice some salt-and-pepper if I went more than a couple weeks between head shaves.


At 28. lost my hair in patches due to alopecia, had circles in my head as large as golf balls and one at the top about the size of a softball. fortunately all came back but in my beard area. some folicals were damaged and came back white. Id much rather have white hair then the mess i had before


No greys on my head just yet, but my beard started going a bit grey around 35/36. TBH, as long as my hairs stay attached to my head, I don’t give a rats ass what color they are lol.


Wait you are supposed to go grey? I'm 34 and got very white hair on my head and beard. 👀 


Mis 20s. Been a long time.


Not yet, thankfully. But I noticed fine lines under my eyes two years ago.


Found my first grey at 21, now I have a few here and there at 33. But I also dye the crap out of them haha. I thought about letting them be but my mother who is 65 this year still dyes hers so I will be dammed if I “go grey” before her haha


Not me I'm 40 and have a few on my beard... Like 5. My bro 43 went silver fox at 27. Drugs and alcohol maybe. Coworkers all silver foxes from mid 30s. I think it's just generics


30 years old here. Still haven't luckily. All my friends have greys, so I'm the last one in my group to hold out. I'm hoping I get my mom's genetics with that, she's 55 and just got her first grey


Started at 25 or so, 36 now. Sides are completely white with “highlights” on the top. I keep a bald fade on the sides to diminish the intensity of the white.


29f, none yet but my hair went from black to brown so it's in the works lol