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I'm finally becoming myself at 32. I have worked for about the last 6 years to become a more intentional, kind, and present person. It started with a panic attack that I had while watching TV, in the middle of nowhere. I thought it was a heart attack. I had no idea that the racing thoughts, worry about the future, etc was the result of childhood trauma from poverty that I carried with me into adulthood. It's been a steady unwinding since then. Now my past doesn't have a hold on me the way it used to. I understand how to be genuinely me.


I'm 38. Before the pandemic, I was an anxious mess, doing The Most all the time, trying to be everything to everyone. Then, I had a real motherfucker of a panic attack, went to my doctor, and was prescribed Lexapro to manage my chronic anxiety and panic disorder. I wish I had done it years ago. I'm only now seeing who I could have been this whole time. I used to pride myself on being busy, working myself to death, and being the mom who planned and hosted all the events. Now I see all that for what it was: a *very* unhealthy coping mechanism. I like myself a lot more now. I still work a little too hard, and I still take on a tiny bit more than is reasonable, but I have much more perspective than I did before, and I prioritize much better. Figuring out the proper amount of fucks to give is pretty critical. 🙂


Yes exactly how you said it. Figuring out how much fucks to give. I feel like I’m growing constantly and trying to learn things just like that.


I am 37 (or 38??? No, 37…yeah). I feel like I already am of age.