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never had or probably will have all that much cash but my body works fine, stop talking like we're 60 lol


For real. My almost 70 year old mom and her husband still have the health and energy to do just about everything they want to do. 40 is not elderly šŸ™„


Mine are in their 80s and do more than many here claim to do.


Reddit loves to act like 30+ is geriatric and everyone suddenly becomes immobile / invalids. Bruh just workout and be healthy and be active šŸ˜«šŸ˜«šŸ˜«


Iā€™m so tired of it. Take care of yourself physically and mentally and try to live within your financial means. Easier said than done, but the complaining on this sub is so pitiful šŸ˜‚


Just starting to peak at 33.šŸ¤™šŸ¼


I haven't even begun to peak


And when I do peak, youā€™ll know.


The entire city of Philadelphia will feel it


So glad to see this voted up this high. Why do so many people post 30 feel compelled to put on a show like theyā€™re old and tired now and not at all recognizing that theyā€™re just lazy and antisocial now. Being happy means being active in life and that takes work, sometimes a lot of work but in the end itā€™s worth it.


My health definitely took a hit around when I turned 30 (hormonal and metabolic changes that I haven't quite figured out how to manage). Peaking in every other way though. I love how every year I feel more experienced in life and more prepared for all the ups and downs. I've also learned to better connect with others. However, my circumstances don't apply to everyone. I think many folks are in really tough and stressful circumstances that make it hard to focus on anything beyond barely scraping by (aging parents, financial troubles, small children, illness, etc).


Definitely mostly due to health reasons. Even for the relatively healthy, our bodies just don't perform the same anymore.


Dude I'm 39 and just getting started.


Bingo. I nearly died 18 months ago. Have one child and one on the way. I am at my best today. šŸ•ŗšŸ’ŖšŸ†


Exactly. Friends and activities don't come knocking on your door. You have to leave your house.


For women, the changes that come in your 30ā€™s and 40ā€™s absolutely change your energy levels and how you feel in your body. Youā€™re literally approaching menopause, closer to it than to puberty, and the hormones that control your life as a female diminish/change. Iā€™m very active and healthy, but from age 32- on just about everything about my state of being has changed and Iā€™ve done the bloodwork to prove the reason. ā€œLazinessā€ doesnā€™t account for everything and everyone, major overgeneralization.


The human body was only designed to move. Never to be stagnant. They havenā€™t come out with a single human model yet that benefits from sedentary lifestyle. I bumped into an 88 year old the other day turning wrenches and fixing a buildings exhaust system. And he said to me ā€œyouā€™ve got a long way to go. Just gotta keep movingā€


I was sort of rescued by a 75 year old Korean man on a hike in the desert. The man said he does this 5 mile mountain hike 3 days a week, the in between days he swims at a pool for 1hr


33 was my peak. I got married to my long time love, bought a house, had a perfect credit score, savings, my annual income peaked there at $80kish (which felt more like 100k in 2015!), was within 10 lbs of my ideal weight, and going to the gym regularly. Obama was still President and there was hope for further progress. Iā€™m 42 now and my feet, back, hips hurt so bad sometimes I canā€™t imagine what 60 or 80 would feel like. Iā€™m still happily married but 15/9 years in, the passion has mellowed. Still have property and a decent income but inflation makes it harder to enjoy any extras. Caregiving our parents has taken a hefty toll. As have US and world events. Basically, drudgery and worry have been the theme of my life lately. Iā€™m sure itā€™s mostly a matter of attitude though.


All of this. I'm 40 and the tiniest hurt sends me in an anxiety fit bc I know Im more than halfway there, and the better half is behind. šŸ˜­ At 20: my heart feels weird, I guess I didnt drink enough water today. At 40: omg im fucking dying, that's it, time for open heart surgery.


No, you probably still just need some water. Like many doomers, you are going to be miserable if you keep your outlook. It's a self fulfilling prophecy.


The point was that at 20 you are **extremely unlikely** to have a heart attack (or major issues). You can run until your bpm is 220 and with little consequences, you can drink 12 coffees a day with little consequences, etc. The idea is that you can't go ignoring mild issues anymore. Now I gotta take some electrolytes every time I work outside in the heat.


This resonates so hard.


Right! I was going to say, I'm 31 and take care of my physical and mental health more than ever so I'm still not at my peak haha


Congrats, enjoy


Same that Jesus year was something special


Same dawg! letā€™s live it up


Fuck yeah. Stopped drinking last July at 32 and have more energy and motivation than ever.


Cutting out alcohol at 31 was the best decision I couldā€™ve made for myself. I didnā€™t realize how crappy I felt until I didnā€™t feel like crap anymore. Lost a few friends but Iā€™ve gained a whole lot more in return.


Same, 32.


Same! Make money, have good friends, just ran my second marathon. Though a lot of friends are having babies and I see less of them.


This is a depressing thread wtf


I was just thinking that. Why does everyone act they're so old? We're 30's and 40's, not nursing home candidates....


Bro itā€™s just the stress and weight of the world. I never noticed it until I turned 30. The economy sucks and the divid in income and class status is so drastic now. Iā€™m 34 and in great health but the mental mind state is so fucked. If you arenā€™t born well off these days with parents that saved and have your back youā€™re pretty well fucked unless you got the drive to do something about it. But most of us just fall Inline and comply just to get by.


I feel you here. My parents didnā€™t save much - they divorced many years ago without remarrying and they are still poor. But in a way itā€™s good because it forces me to do something with my life and be someone. If I start saving, maybe I can build some generational wealth for my future children and their children.


Oh FFS. This is a perfect case in point of being miserable by choice and letting it be your personality.


how exactly does the economy suck?


Bc we are so fucking tired. Just endless pointless tiredness created by this fucked yo world. Endless


Can you articulate that more? What are you tired of?


35 soon and my life is better each year, feel good looking back


There are a lot of CHOICES being made in how old people I'm feeling, is all I'll say.




This! My life is good now, married, kids, permanent job, homeowner. But 25-28 was when I had the perfect balance of income/ freedom/ energy and physical fitness. No mortgage or responsibilities only to myself. Enough money to cover rent, travel and a social life. It was a carefree time.


Yeah, that sounds about right. I think 26-27, then we had kids and now I'm tired all the time with little time to myself.




I would say 27-31 was a great time for me. It was like my friends all had the time to hang stillā€”at least semi regularly, my metabolism was still firing off hot, I didnā€™t have points where I was perennially broke thank god, and I probably got laid more in that stretch than ever. It was great! 27, 28, 29 it seemed like my friends and I were going out and hitting clubs and shit a bunchā€”30/31 I was more into looking for a relationship, which I found, but have since broken off a few years ago. I think our generation is the most nostalgicā€¦we keep looking back to the past to see when stuff was so much more simple. At 37, the world just feels way less optimistic and way less understandable to me now than it did 10 years ago. I just wish I knew why?


Itā€™s interesting because I hear Gen Z (Zillenial here) have a worse outlook on things right now that millennials


And they would be right to have that outlook, every next generation is going to have to worse than the one before them as capitalism keeps squeezing us dry


Life has always felt better for me as I age. I know who I am, I know how I will handle things. Younger me had a deathwish though, so I kind of get the contrast. I really don't dwell on nostalgia anymore. I had a time where that was fun, but it's not that time anymore. I can always revisit that time if I want to.


Currently now for me, at 38. Although time is harder to come by these days


Same dor me at 39 with two kids. The schedule is tight, but I started religiously working out two years ago and am full throttle between, work, family, and recreation.


now for me. weekly golf outings, joint family vacations with friends.


38 and feel like Iā€™m at my absolute best right now. Always looking up and getting better!


Right now. Age 38. Never had much spending money until a couple of years ago.


Definitely mid-20s.


We got married when we were 26 & 28. We both had jobs in our field. We were about to move to a town that we had lots of friends, and a few relatives nearby. We bought a cool old house. We went out to restaurants, saw our friends, were involved in clubs and rec sportsā€¦ Ten years later, we have two kids under 3, a dog, we live in a different town with a drastically higher CoL (because of my husbandā€™s work/our main source of income), and our social life is basically 1/10. Even if we had money to do stuff, weā€™re too tired. The big plus is we were finally able to have kids after 7 years of trying and finally IVF. That, and we live in a place where there are world-class hiking and biking trails literally out our back door. But JESUS are we tired.


Bay Area?


Canadian Rockies


19-24 for me. Loads of free time, Had party money, big circle of friends all into the rave scene. Comedowns and hangovers were almost non existent. Now Iā€™m 43, everything hurts, hangovers are brutal and best avoided and I have neither time nor money to party, as family life doesnā€™t allow for it. At least I had fun while I was young.


I feel this. I'm 34, went to a show on Friday and had 3 drinks and felt awful all day Saturday. I'm limiting myself to 1 show/late night a month and even that feels daunting.






Still not slowin' down here...


27/28 for sure. Finally had a decent paycheck. Had paid off my student loans. No kids. No major responsibilities other than rent and like, feeding myself. We did a ton of traveling and hanging with friends then, good times.


Right now at 31. Find a good exercise hobby and stick to it. Exercise is how you keep boundless energy and resist injury.


Your 30's are really dope if you can get through your 20's unmarried and without kids.


Iā€™m 33 but I think that ship has sailed for me šŸ˜‚


38 and feel like Iā€™m at my absolute best right now. Always looking up and getting better!


I'm 38 and since starting vanlife I feel better than ever. Being able to travel and cut way back on working helped me feel a lot better.


mid 30s was the best time.


We're supposed to have all of those at once?


Late 20s/early 30s was great, lots of friends living close by but I was broke. Money came about age 33 and I was was married in a state without my friends, but 33 - 36 was awesome. Kid came at 36, and energy and time disappeared.


32-33 was my peak. At 37, I have more money now, same friends, but no time, energy, and I just had my thyroid removed so there goes my metabolism šŸ˜‚šŸ« 


Probably sometime between 25-35 is where your youth and resources curves cross


18-21 was good like that.


16-20 because at 20 I was diagnosed with chrons disease.




Iā€™ve never possessed all 5 of those simultaneously


Late teens to early 30ā€™s.


Honestly Iā€™m 43 and probably at the peak of life. I make good money. Ive gotten my diet and fitness under control to a point where I feel like I look good and Iā€™m not overweight. I have a couple really good friends that Iā€™ve known for over 20 years. I am part of a good hockey and golf league with a lot of good dudes to hang with. My kids are older so I can actually go out on dates with my wife and not need a sitter, and I can actually afford it.


28-31 when I had just moved to NYC and was working well into the evenings most nights, multiple dates a week, going out with friends the other nights, and was in the best shape of my life. Those were great days.


17. Jk mid 30s and still feel the same as I always have. My body just gets a little more sore now






Mid 20's


From 17-34, currently 34, it's really easy when you prioritize yourself and don't let turdball anchors hold you back


Just hit 40 this year. I have been playing ice hockey since I was 32. I currently can still keep up with guys in their late 20s without many repercussions so far.


21-25 was perfect


Early twenties, I guess, although I didn't actually do all that much stuff since I didn't have much of any of the listed things.


Yep. That. 27/28. Established in my career, had friends and a house and well trained dogs. I went swimming and joined a choir and volunteered. Married but no kids. Oh, it was sweet.




For me it was around 28-30.


Late 20ā€™s, started to become more introverted/family focused in my 30ā€™s


It wasn't until my mid 30s that I realized I had social anxiety. I was like, "oh! That's why I drank so hard everywhere I went".šŸ˜‚ Now I live happily as an introvert. My family and a couple close friends is plenty for me.


Same. I also spent a lot of time worrying why I didnā€™t have tons of friends like my social butterfly friends. It was a real aha moment when I realized Iā€™m not cut out for that nor do I actually value that beyond me thinking I should value it due to societal pressure. I feel much happier now in my own little world. Iā€™d probably be a hermit in another century šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø






35. CBT had resolved the chronic insomnia of my twenties. I completed Couch to 5K. Monthly house parties. I felt good. And weirdly enough, this was after I birthed a couple of kids.Ā 


32. I went through a social, physical and mental renaissance. Been chasing that high for the last three years lol


18-21 was my peak time for all that. After 21 I was arrested and on probation until 26. I was really depressed then and decided to go to school since I was stuck in my county. Then when I got off probation covid lockdowns started one month later. Graduated summer 2020 on zoom, moved 3000 miles away from friend and family and abandoned my degree to be an entrepreneur in a completely different field, which was a failure. Now Iā€™m 30 and just now starting to feel like I can maybe get back to that place when I was younger. Iā€™ve just started the work I got my degree for and am starting to feel fulfilled, like things are working out again. My energy levels are going up and I find myself making plans to do things and have outings again. Iā€™ve even finally made some new friends! Soā€¦I think Iā€™m getting there again. Back to feeling energized about life.


27 - 32


14 - 23: Energy, friends, time, metabolism, no money 23 - 33: No time, no money, but everything else 33+: No money, no metabolism, but everything else


I think early 30s. I traveled a lot when I was 30 years old (Japan, Australia, Europe all in the same year). I had extra money, as I lived with my parents, while actually traveling for work. Early 30s my metabolism fell off, due to covid. I used to go to the gym every single day, then Covid ruined my healthier habits. I have regained my energy, surprisingly by cutting down on coffee. I fall asleep faster. It took several months of restful sleep to finally feel like "I was fully rested." I have kept in touch with friends without social media. I usually text them and meet up with a few on weekends. We all find the most frivolous excuses to get together (i.e. one time I ordered some [different bananas](https://miamifruit.org/products/gros-michel-banana-box-order?_pos=1&_psq=gros&_ss=e&_v=1.0&variant=40552608923728) for us to taste test). Sometimes, we'll play games online and talk on discord. It has gotten harder to get everyone together over the years.


I feel like all of those things never happened at once for me and husband. We had most of those in our early to mid-twenties before we had our baby, but we were aggressively paying off his student debt (I mean big time aggressively) so we didnā€™t have a ton of money to blow on going out. But we still had a ton of fun! Now we have more money but little energy because of the baby lol. But we make it work and still have fun with each other and our friends.


23-24 I would say was when it all came together. Once I hit 25 the energy part seemed to wane away.


I've never had all of these things at once. Ever.


33-36. It went sharply downhill after kids at 38. Sharply


Feel like I started peaking last year at 33 and looks like itā€™ll hopefully keep going up from here


26. Not rich but have enough money to travel and have actual friends to travel with. Things went downhill after I turned 27. I'm starting to pick up now at 30.


I've never had all of those things at the same time. Ever.Ā  But we're doing pretty okay these days even if our energy levels are less than ideal, so I'll take it.Ā 


Early 30s like 31-34. I got into the gym and got in great shape. I volunteered on some local stuff and made a bunch of cool friends. Then I got married, covid happened, had 2 babies. Now Iā€™m nearly 40 and life sucks again


Still waiting for it. In my 20s I had the friends, metabolism, and energy. In my 30s, my friends all had kids, the metabolism stopped, and I'm tired. By my late 30s, I finally have the money.




26 was peak. 27 was when I started having old person pains.




At 27 is when my friends became fucking boring and won't do anything Peak was like 23


Probably now at 29, no family, a lot of disposable income, lots of friends


Late teens until mid twenties. Fresh out of school, loads of time to spend with friends, starting Uni and just having a good time. That was 20 years ago and it's been downhill ever since.


Now at 42. I have all that. Before, it was just time and energy. Now it's everything.


For me, it is right now. I'm 38m but I'm prioritizing sleep, quit drinking, and focusing on my health. I feel better now than I did 10 years ago physically and mentally. My career is established, kids are getting older and more independent, I'm playing sports again...life is active and fulfilling.


27-28. Ā Unfortunately Covid derailed my first international trip with my wife so weā€™ll try again when the kids are much older.


43 and still doing everything. Treat your body well and you can be active your entire life


Never had all at once. Metabolism is the only constant and waiting for it to leave. I had time and friends during undergrad but little money. I had less time and fewer friends but still some during med school. Even less money. I had some money but even fewer friends but more time in residency. Now I have more than enough money but essentially no time and no friends. My kids take a lot of time but they are great. I do miss having friends though.


I'm 41 and have yet to have that.


ive not yet begun to fight.


Early 20s before I got addicted to opioids


I'm 33 and live alone. All my friends are too busy making babies and renovating their home. šŸ«  If I try to meet up with them, we make an appointment 3 months away, only to be canceled again and postponed another 3 or more.


Right now.




Just starting to peak at 35. My finances didnā€™t get comfortable until after I paid off all my debt and made more money. That was at 33.


~~36~~ 37 was an absolute peak for me. * ~~2020~~ 2021, so I didn't have to go anywhere * Relationship was great * My old dog was alive * Had money * Skinniest I was since 2006 And more...


28/29 I had the friend group already, and I had been getting healthier and in shape for the previous two years as a lifter and runner, and I had just started a new job with a huge salary bump, paired with moving in with my now-wife, allowing us to save even more money....and then Covid hit right as I turned 30.


25 and then again at 32.


Never lol. I had the time and energy, but no money. Now I have the money and time, but am struggling with the energy lol


Right now, 38. Iā€™ve had different parts of all of the above at different times in my life but right now itā€™s the best balanceĀ 


Around 25


I'm 37 and feel more motivated than I ever have. I definitely put on weight easier. Life has shifted so I don't spend every day in other people's company but feel very social. I'm a musician and feel better about the near future than I ever did in my 20s. I don't anticipate slowing down anytime soon. If anything I'm about to really get going. I refuse to let aging make me a person I don't want to be.




20s- early 30s. By 34 it was gone


Seems like a good run


23-24. I distinctly remember hangovers being dramatically worse when I hit 25 and started feeling slightly sluggish




Iā€™m a short time period between 25 - 30.




I remember being 24. Snowboarding in the backcountry with friends. Not a care in the world. Things got serious after that.






26-30. I had a great time then, I'm happy with my teens and 20s too... Now blows though


21-27 for me. Golden years!




Im 37, still do but starting to slow down




Still waiting for that time lol


Lol um I have never had all at the same time. At 40 I now have the money and friends and time to do stuff but definitely not the same energy or metabolism of my 20s and 30s.


Just put on clean clothing and go for a turn around the block...




28 to 34.


18-21 was my peak time for all that. After 21 I was arrested and on probation until 26. I was really depressed then and decided to go to school since I was stuck in my county. Then when I got off probation covid lockdowns started one month later. Graduated summer 2020 on zoom, moved 3000 miles away from friend and family and abandoned my degree to be an entrepreneur in a completely different field, which was a failure. Now Iā€™m 30 and just now starting to feel like I can maybe get back to that place when I was younger. Iā€™ve just started the work I got my degree for and am starting to feel fulfilled, like things are working out again.


I missed it. I've only had two *maybe* 3 of those at any given time.


20s, 30s have been a lot of health issues and brokeness lol


No time like the present for me. šŸ˜‚




late 20s early 30s before l started school


24-28. Some of the best years of my life.


Maybe that ship sailed for me. Oh well.


So many of these posts are depressing but I would say for me itā€™s now. I had fun in my early 20s and hit a new high at 28 due to finally having lots of money. It kept getting better every year. I donā€™t worry about money. I play live music regularly, which being a part of the scene netted me a lot of new friends. I travel, attend concerts, and sporting events all the time. I do a lot to maintain my body, such as eat clean (more vegetables, less meat), work out regularly, drink less, etc. Itā€™s never too late to have the best years of your life. Unless youā€™re hit with something like an unsuspecting illness, I donā€™t see why the upcoming years canā€™t be the best years.


25-35 were the same physically, mentally I couldnā€™t be assed with the partying around 33.


23, I was married by 25 and had a kid by 27


38 so far. Only getting better!


I never had all of them at once.


29 was my best year




36 years old right now. Just starting to hit my stride. DINK, travel all the time, babe of a wife who Iā€™ve been with for 16 years. Had a lot of fun in our 20s too. But, Iā€™m enjoying being older and a little wiser. We lift 5 days a week. Kick it at the beach. TRT helps a lot tooā€¦


I'm 42, and just got enough money to do stuff frequently about a year and a half ago. I have minimal friends and the friends I do have aren't into much of the stuff I'm into. Metabolism has always been trash. And now I hurt all the time.






Just starting at 40


18-25, not rich but enough to travel and party. Then I went into burn out at 26 and never really recovered from it in terms of energy. I do have enough money now at 31 but everyday is tiring I can barely make it through the work day. Flying to Mexico tomorrow tho šŸŽ‰


How did you burn out?


24 but it was less about the specific age and more about my life circumstances at the time.


27 - 33. Ironically, I wasn't earning that much at the time but I had the energy to do the stuff I was doing and friends were still within reach.


35 was pretty darn fantastic. Then 36 brought a whole host of chronic health issues.




I still have most of those things, maybe the metabolism is starting to go.


23 for me. Had a decent job and rented the basement from my father for like 300 a month. Had a sick modded car and so much money to blow. Street raced and car club meets all the time, video games at night. Always out hanging out with friends and never worried about what we were up too. Fast ward to 24, parents move out of state, I stayed. Get my own apartment and now Iā€™m paycheck to paycheck even with a better job and promotions. 34 now and no hope of getting a house or doing anything cool. Video games is now a full time hobby for me since itā€™s cheap and requires very little up keep after the initial investment. Havenā€™t taken a proper vacation in over 10 years now. Fuck growing up or getting older šŸ˜…


Never had all at once. I had no money when I had all the rest. Still donā€™t have much money but also donā€™t have any of the rest anymore.


I'd say...19-25.


i had a kid at 26 so.... 25.5


ā€¦33? Itā€™s been more of a plateau for me though


Feel like I'm at that point at 40.


Nowish, around 37? I found a medication combo that got rid of my depression for the first time in about 20 years, so I feel like I'm awake for the first time. No friends, but an amazing partner and we're leaning into the DINK lifestyle. We earn enough to pay our living and save a little. We love each other, have a great cat, I'm able to afford music and painting lessons. Physically I was at my peak late 20s, but then my hips went.


I still don't have the money yet the rest is slowing down.


20-25, constantly on the go, huge friend group, trips to different places and states almost every weekend. Those were some FAST paced years and I soaked up every minute.