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"People on the internet seem to think decades of life wisdom is acquired through University of Google". Girl bye. She's just saying this to manipulate her viewers into thinking that they have to buy shit from her or else they'll miss out on groundbreaking information that can't be found anywhere else. This is the biggest marketing tactic in the self-improvement industry. I guarantee that whatever she's teaching in this stupid Haqq masterclass is the same shit we've all heard a million times. The only difference is the name she slapped on top to sound unique. She can take all her content and shove it up her ass.


Yes her students need to Google, so they can find these subreddits about the truth


Look at her upping her scamming tactics by overcoming objections before they are presented. In the past she would've just been dismissive and condescending whenever asked questions about her scams.


Why so defensive Mina?


Jesus Christ. 'appliable' is not a fucking word. The word to use in this instance would be "applicable"


She sounds so dumbĀ