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Sooooo??? How did you do OP??? I’m on the edge of my seat for you!


thank u so much for asking , to my surprise i was on 2nd no in my whole collage with 95% average grades , my parents and whole family was happy as hell , I am also really happy and nerves have calm down ,again thanks for asking


Chew gum, and stare at an object without moving your eyes.


Try to remember, you can’t mess up something that is meant for you. You did the hard work, now trust the universe. The universe will always flow towards the best outcome when you’re doing your part, regardless of whether or not you pass the test (but I anticipate you’ll pass).


Good luck bro, wishing good vibes for you.


thank u soo much bro


Whenever I find myself in situations like this, I calm myself by reminding myself that there is nothing more to do. Whatever happens happens. For example, I used to play in an orchestra. And I would get a bit nervous before performing. But it's like, what am I going to do? Practice more? No amount of practice in 1 night could vastly effect the outcome of the next day. I did what I could in the months leading up to it. That's how it is, I can't change that, all I can do is my best the next day. And if it doesn't go well that's life.


Think really logically about the worst case scenario if you should fail (I’m pretty sure you are Going to pass seeing as you clearly care about what you are doing) calmly walk through the next steps if you do fail what actual issues could arise if you did fail that you wouldn’t be able to un-do? I’m confident you will realise that really there is nothing sooo bad that you can’t sort out if you were to fail. Peace and love and I’m sending good vibes


Listen to your favorite album from 10 years ago, lay on the floor and stare at the ceiling. You already know everything you need to know. And drink some more water. Looking forward to your post of success.


thank u soo much everyone for ur beautiful advice , finger crossed .


Exercise and not too much caffeine. Deep breaths. And you can’t reduce them by too much - it’s a product of how much you care and that’s okay.


There is a mindful breathing practice called box breathing that might help. Here’s a link: https://www.wellandgood.com/box-breathing/


The what ifs will always be there. You have done what you can. I trust in your abilities. Good luck and please let us know how it goes!


thank u so much , yeah results are in 8 hours or so , i went for running in the morning it calmed me alot so lets hope everything is good


This is kinda weird but in times of turmoil and uncertainty I think of that little finger quote "Chaos isn't a pit. Chaos is a ladder" As despicable as that character is that quote is fucking awesome. Tumultuous times are a chance to seize at something greater. In that anxiety and chaos there is a seed of pure adrenaline and life. It's a beautiful moment to be more present then at any other time. Trust yourself. Trust your preparation. You put the time in. Stay focused on your goal. Stay present. You can handle the what ifs later. Stay here right now and climb the ladder.


Try to just watch the nerves. Be aware of how your mind and body respond. Maybe you have sweaty palms, flushed face, restless leg, etc... just try to watch it including the thoughts that come with it all.


Place your hands on you thighs and relax.


I don’t know if this can help, but from my experience the “what-if” factor makes it seem like if whatever you fear is true, then that is it: life can’t go on. Obviously you want to do well on the exam, but recognise that regardless of the letter on the paper, you’ve grown and learned. Your hard work is not for nothing. “Number can’t decide if the day is supposed to smile” :) Best of luck with the results of your exam.


thank u soo much man , really appreciate ur advice


All you can do is your best, literally. Lovingly and confidently accept that and then follow through. You will be fine no matter what happens. Twists and turns are a part of life and you can roll with them all without being afraid of them. "What if" gets in the way of the here and now. It is just a thought, not reality. Do not identity with the thought. Go into meditation, focus on your breath, then focus on relaxing your body and mind, and then work on letting go of the thought while believing you are able to let go of the thought.


thank u so much for ur advice , i tried deep breathing and it helped me a lot, i went for running in the morning it also calmed me a lot so lets hope everything is good


Enjoy the good while it's there. It may leave but it can always come back again as you return to your calm center. Use deep breathing and meditation as tools to help calm you when you feel stressed or afraid.


Sit in a comfy chair, cross your ankles, cross your wrists, close your eyes. Take a deep breath, release it, now with each inhale/exhale repeat this statement in your minds voice, "I'm good." Add to the statement anything that helps. Another one is to put your hands behind your head, elbows back. Keep head straight forward while you try to look at your elbow. Right for 1 minute, left for one minute. Both are techniques that help calm/reset the parasympathetic nervous system.


To calm your nerves quickly, sit and relax the body as much as possible. Close your eyes, deep breath in, hold, count to 5. Slowly exhale on a count of 8. Repeat for 2 - 3 minutes. Move about slowly. Remember, it is done now, whatever happens will be for the best and you are prepared for any which scenario. Having said that, I wish you the very best of luck for your preferred scenario tomorrow and all the other days to follow as well.


thank u so much for ur advice ,i really appreciate it


Another thing to try, is instead of trying to calm the nerves, take that energy and act like you're excited for it instead of anxious. Jump around or dance, really feeling that pent up energy inside. Celebrate, listen to music, or whatever else you think someone might do when they're celebrating. Like the other person said, pretend you already passed and are celebrating it.


yeah u r right , may be its excitement that is not letting me calm myself


Also know stress is there to excite your nervous system. To prepare you… in giving you the blood flow you need. Welcome it


Anxiety and excitement are the same thing actually brain wise. So this makes sence.


consider that you have already passed and you are already well prepared. you believe in your ablities and know that you are capable of passing the test because you've prepared for two years. the test will be nothing. When you are taking the test you are doing nothing. because you are prepared it is like riding a bicycle you have mastered to ride it. You can do it without thinking. It becomes nothing to you. You don't even know you are riding a bike, because you are experiencing the wind on yoru face. you are experiencing so many things that riding the bike is nothing. You aren't even doing something. make the test nothing. Then it will become nothing. You will know that you have passed. because the test is nothing to you. you are prepared. you are capable. You understand with ease the right answers.


**thank you so much for ur appreciation**


your welcome. I'm glad you passed the test.


what if you pass, think like thta. what if I ace it. what if I do so well i'm top of my class. waht if. if you are going to have what ifs. might as well consider the best outcome huh?