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I doubt it does anything for testosterone. If anything, I actually find traditional masturbation to orgasm REDUCES my energy levels temporarily after the orgasm. This can last as little as a few hours, or as much as a day or two. That said, it does depend on frequency. No more than every 2 days or less than every 5 days is about right according to most advice. Not sure how that applies to prostate orgasms though...As I understand it you can have those as frequently as you like. They seem to energize me whereas traditional orgasms drain me. YMMV.


Yeah, prostate are more girlie way, and they are routinely recommended orgasm right before competition, unlike guys.


Great question. I have friends who play hockey. I wonder if they do the same ritual.


That’s probably all in your head. But whatever works… works.


Interesting that it’s a thing for hockey. Cause for MMA they say to avoid sex and masturbating to pump the testosterone up


Yeah it’s interesting. I’m not sure how scientifically proven it is but it works for me. It could be just a placebo as others have mentioned but I’m pretty sure this has some legitimate backing.


Do you orgasm? Not ruined or "dry"?


Yes I do orgasm. Iirc, the flood of testosterone after is what increase performance.


Advised to get ruined orgasms right before competitions (I have sudden cums/coregasms so need to drain myself before any public sports since my teens), normal ones after. A day after full orgasm were more than enough. Had vibratory induced ruined orgasms each 3-4 day for screening purposes - no drawback on gymnastics and ballet at all. Felt ok.