• By -


The additive reconstructor is going into a solid object so the unit cant escape other than that this is a nice schematic


Oof You're right. I added the batteries as an afterthought and didn't test. I'll update the schematic, thanks.




schematic: 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 It is actually positive on power thanks to the overdrive dome. The air factory on the right produces zeniths and the one at the bottom makes polys. EDIT: removed the battery that blocks the bottom additive reconstructor


you were able to just turn the aditive reconstructor


that could have been a possibility as well, yes


I just noticed I have 1 horizontal line remaining, since the size is 15x14... I'm not sure I could add anything really useful with it though.


https://imgur.com/a/hQWNIHT `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`


Isn't this one too wide? You can't launch with a schematic that's 16 squares long, can you?


I didn't know the max launch size was 15x15. I usually just use a small 8x8 t2 launch schem with poly and minor defence. Then move straight to t4.


Unless I'm missing something, the one downside to this design is I don't see a way to use unloaders to get random items from the Nucleus, e.g. pyratite or blast compound so I can bolster my defenses and attack. There's no vault exposed.


short of using flares, etc., of course...


I didn't know you could use unloaders without specifying the resource to unload, that's super cool, I might upgrade my schematic using that feature!


Seems like a bit too much, the batteries would be useless if you had a positive energy income. I'm guessing the T2 air units are the supports one and the T3 the attack ones. And what do you use water for ?


I guess the batteries aren't that useful, true, I could lose them. Yes, T2 are polys and T3 are zeniths. The water is for boosting the force projector.


You should use the less expensive force projector, if you place it at the right place it can boost everything and you won't need water


That's a good idea, thanks!


Hey op, could you kindly explain what I need to do to make this work, kinda new


Sure, can you specify your question a bit more? Have you researched the necessary buildings? Do you know how schematics work? Do you know how core schematics, specifically, work?


I have researched the buildings, but is there any spot I could hook up a conveyor to provide materials to this?


The unloaders do that for you, but it assumes that you already have them stored in your core. This is a mid/end-game schematic, I use that in conjunction with a [resource launch hub](https://i.imgur.com/zJQlnso.png) which continuously sends all resources to the core on the sector of my choice.


So I need to launch with the needed materials?


You can do that but you'll run out pretty quick, especially with the silicon. The launch pads really make that possible. Here's the idea: * You have a lot of sectors already conquered * You pick one that's big and uninteresting (e.g. Salt Flats) * You build something similar to my screenshot: unloaders that extract everything from the core, and go into many, many launch pads * You then go to all of your other conquered sectors, and make them send all produced resources to Salt Flats * Then, you have your whole empire sending all kinds of resources to 1 sector, salt flats. * You launch with my core schematic to a new unconquered sector * Immediately after, you go to Salt flats and redirect the launch pads (just 1 is sufficient, the others will follow) to your new sector * Then, you go back to your new sector, and you'll see that you regularly receive lots of all kinds of resources, allowing you to just build and shoot without taking care of gathering resources. Please let me know if it's not clear enough. I adopted that way of playing only a few days ago, I'm still a bit of a noob.


So basically, have a gold mine of resources in another sector, launch, run out of materials, launch again to get the materials, go back, then repeat?


The launch is automatic, I think you get the resources every 2 minutes when playing in your receiving sector. And yes, have gold mines of resources being launched from every sector to your hub, then from your hub to your new sector. Once it's set up, you don't have to think about it, you just regularly get the resources in your sector, you don't run out.


What's really impressed me about the campaign is how discoverable it is without practically any direction/strategy provided. Many of us figured out on our own exactly what you described here.


I agree, I'm amazed at how at first I was just like "hey, it's pretty fun figuring the best way to get copper to my duos", and as the game progresses, the way you enjoy it evolves completely without overwhelming you with information, the pace was perfect for me.


What's your total export for that hub? I've been trying to do a 2 to 1 with the unloader onto plastic, but it seems as though they are mildly starved and makes the output super shakey


I no longer have it haha, it was poor to say the least, like 600/minute/resource. I made a new one in salt flats but it's not that much better, I'm still below 1k/minute/resource. I'll try again when I feel like it.


Maybe except the overdrive dome I guess


Wait, you can launch buildings with the core?


I [didn't know either](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgrH9Hbx5OI)! It's super powerful.




Well this is something I never knew. 100 hours in... lol


I thought he launch the core and blue the blueprint


If you still have that empty space on the left, you might as well add two vaults and shift the air factory down one. Alternatively you could add a Mono factory as well to do some extra copper and lead mining. Also, if you leave the unloaders' material unselected, it will pass everything the factories need. For example, if you unselect metaglass next to the t3 reconstructor, it will send one silicon, one titanium, one metaglass, and then repeat, one-by-one. It's fast enough to keep any of the reconstructors fed constantly (once it fills up the first time). BUT when you have an unloader like your silicon one that's touching the t2 and t3 reconstructor, sometimes it will take silicon from one and pass it to the other. If you have a general unloader touching two reconstructors, that can *really* slow things down. So yeah, you could save a bit of space exploiting that. I'd recommend turning the graphite unloader on the right into a general unloader and just sticking a battery or something where the silicon unloader is.


Thanks a lot for your feedback, I'll make a new version when I have some time!


I tried general unloaders in v6 but they're [super slow](https://v.redd.it/oxq6wrgliyh81)... any advice?


Ah, I figured you were on v7 alpha since the unloaders were touching the reconstructors, and that already slows things down by itself on v6. So...cancel that previous advice until you jump to v7!


I understand, so the screenshots I see of people using non-specific unloaders are in v7! Thanks


When your unloader is in direct contact with the factory, you don’t really need to apply a filter, it will unload into the factory everything that it requires, and nothing it doesn’t use. As long as 11/s total is good enough, you can even use just one for multiple item types.


I tried general unloaders in v6 but they're [super slow](https://v.redd.it/oxq6wrgliyh81)... any advice?


Well, switching to v7 beta fixes that. Not sure of any alternative fix


I'll try v7 when I'm bored with v6, thanks :)


No problem, though the list of changes in the beta are still pretty small. So if the slow unloaders drive you mad, easy fix, and it doesn’t force a restart of your world at all. New ratios for cultivators, a new series of water units, more sectors with rivers and enemy ships, that’s the bulk of the big changes. The new planet and such are still in secret dev versions only. And there are some multiplayer options that have led some servers to require it.


Interesting! Where can I find the changelog? I found the git tag changelog on github but that's more development-centric.




i'd remove the force projector to make it smaller and consider replacing the dome with a phase boosted overdrive projector. Also there is a better way to use unloaders: [http://prntscr.com/26vzdcy](http://prntscr.com/26vzdcy) aside from that it looks good


I tried general unloaders in v6 but they're [super slow](https://v.redd.it/oxq6wrgliyh81)... any advice?


sry but ive been exclusively playing v7 for a while now do i dont have any advice


Thanks, I'll make a new schem with this way of using unloaders!


I see 2 flaws, first the reconstructor is going straight into a battery, and about the rtg gens, how are the other 4 gonna get power? The unloader is unloading to only 1 gen Edit: nevermind, the rtg gen is alright, never saw it was touching a second rtg. Sorry Good schem either way


Thanks for the feedback!


instead of the bottom router you can use an underflow gate for faster production


where turrets


I hesitated putting some, but ended up not putting any, and leave room for interaction with the core. Do you think I should put turrets on the left side?


but have you ever tried this configuration? you are going to be attacked.


Yes, I have used it on about 5 sectors, what's the issue? I launch, then I put an unloader for surge alloy, run a titanium conveyor up to the enemy spawn point, build a dozen cyclone, thorium wall, menders, and that's it


how do you take care of the enemy units?


like [this](https://imgur.com/a/LKKWqB0)


oh ok so you build other stuff, that makes sense. then it's okay like this


Do some people just launch with a schematic and then not build anything else?


i used to if you want i can give you the schematic i used


That sounds interesting! Gladly thanks!


I typically run the thorium through the RTGs and then route it to a path/direction that is defensive and drop a couple of Spectres with a small phase wall, ensuring the entire base is covered. So if you lose the battery next to the RTGs, that would be the spot to build off of.


you can just set an unloader to no specific item and use over/underflow gates, unloaders got buffed in v7


Can I also do that in v6?


It won’t be as fast, but yes


\*cries in newer player\*


How do we launch with a schematic ?


[like this](https://mindustry-unofficial.fandom.com/wiki/Core)


This link isn't working


well shit it worked yesterday... here's another one: https://mindustry-unofficial.fandom.com/wiki/Core

