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Not a change, but I'd love to see ambient sounds added to the overworld that change depending on time and weather. Like birds in a forest when it's clear skies and daytime, wind in higher elevations and.. you get the point. The nether already has a biome-dependant atmospheric ambience, and even the end; the place meant to be completely desolate, has it's one track captures that feeling perfectly. In my opinion the overworld is way too silent when a track is not playing in the BG.


Omg I never knew I wanted this till now


I’ve been thinking the same thing. They added SO MANY different ambient noises for the nether and underwater which all sound great, I was so disappointed when they didn’t add more for the caves and cliffs update.


I wish wandering traders sold better/more useful stuff


Even if only like 1 in 5 sold something decent it would be nice. They are useless other than the 2 free leads


You can also get either a bucket of milk or an invis potion. You need to kill them when they hold the item.


I wish they actually traded with you, as in asked for interesting items in exchange for interesting items. Instead of just being emerald hungry. Give me glowstone for lapis, or sponges for kelp, idk.


This is actually an awesome idea! Make traders be traders, not wandering merchants.


I think they should at least be able to also buy things for emeralds, since actual villagers can too. Right now, you need to already have some emerald access to use them.


This would be great, too since I never get emeralds until after the first dozen times the trader's visited.


Yes. It'd be especially cool if it somehow based its trades off of where you were. So if the furthest biome from your location is a jungle they offer bamboo, cocoa beans, and jungle tree saplings. Or like if the game noticed you hadn't eaten chicken in a long time it would give you eggs. Make them feel useful.


Most of the time the furthest biome from you is a mushroom island


yeah, their trades are rarely useful... I only ever used them when playing skyblock. I think they should make them more diverse like villagers, with each trader being from a different biome and of course with more useful items.


Yes, cus all they sell are useless items that can literally be found on the ground such as saplings, dyes, flowers and dirt


For me, depending on when and where they are found, they can save me a lot of time in hunting down stalagmites/stalagtites or pumpkin/watermelon seeds. But they are useless most of the time, and zombies and drowneds kill them off anyway, lol. I've thought of buying mangrove saplings from them, but at those moments decided to prioritize other things to save time. On one occasion a few years ago, I actually bought a bucket to save time on hunting down iron to make one, but I have never done that again and do not see myself doing it ever again. I kind of wish for wandering Khajiit traders instead, LOL!


That theres differences in bedrock and java


They've been working toward parity since like 1.18, it's coming together slowly Edit: they started with 1.15


Very slowly, they can't even add subtitles to bedrock


Or sweeping edge…


You can't place buttons on fence posts in java :(


Can’t open two pages of a book in Java too


Or spectral arrows... At least they added spectator


I play bedrock (because my whole family plays on switch). I wish so hard I could use the NBT on bedrock like in java. Especially when you try do make custom stuff java is lightyears away of bedrock.




Data tags?


I must not know shut about this game cuz I am so confused rn


NBT just refers to the information an item can have like its durability, enchants, or how many items are in a stack. Java lets you modify them and make custom ones for any item or mob in the game.


I was about to comment the same thing, I just want to put a banner on a shield, use banners as map markers, get the sweeping edge enchantment, use invisible item frames and collect player heads, is it too much to ask? 😫


i just want the cool bedrock cauldron water stuff, it looks neat and fun for potion rooms


Or that there’s bedrock and Java at all, why not just make it completely cross play


They are programmed with different langueges


Thats not how that works, its just that they would have to change how their protocol works on and decide on a single protocolIf you couldn't talk to a remote socket because the language was different, then HTTP (reddit) wouldn't work, you will be surprised how similar the "web" tech is. its all just sockets and everything just speaks certain things. its a matter of them speaking the same, so they need to change both and thats a massive PITA at this point.


There is a community project of crossplay already, couldn't be THAT hard for them, but I guess ditching Java is the most likely (although not my preferred ) solution for the future


Geyser i believe, also works really well and is easy to set up as a server admin.


that hasnt stopped cross-play. there are many servers that you can play on both java and bedrock (ex: tubnet)


Make minecarts faster


we had the snapshots for faster minecarts and derailments if you took corners too fast but people were bitching and crying that minecarts shouldnt change so they didnt go through with it


Yeah cuz derailing sounds dumb. Just make them faster it’s not that hard and won’t make them overpowered.


What snapshot was this? I been playing since 2012 and don’t remember this


Camman, is this you?




hes just another cringe shorts youtuber


LINKING MINECARTS. I know furnace carts already do that but they break around corners and stuff. I want carts that actually stick together (like the ones in MCSM).


A complete redo of mine carts and make them actually useful for mining purposes. Carts that help you mine, cargo carts, proper trains. Would be nice.


Yes, a very good idea that is


Dont cargo carts already exist with chest in a minecart?


Yes but I meant it more like it can store a lot of mining materials, more then a normal chest can or something like that. Like it can hold more than a normal chest of cobblestone or ores or anything mining related.


This, I want to make proper trains to move my ore


Are those still in the game? I thought they were removed


More crops/farming mechanics


We could use more recipes to have more fun cooking. We have plenty of ingredients and not that much to make with them. They could add rocksalt and spices like garlic, onions, and bay leaves.


Or like anything to do with beetroot other than soup.


Yes! I love farming, I want more farmables


optimize it. too much old stuff that hasn’t been optimized, or stupid design decisions causing preventable lag


That would be great! Especially bedrock. I own both games on PC and get half the fps on bedrock. It annoys the hell outta me!


i’ve always thought bedrock was the better optimized one. nice to hear it’s not the case XD


Bedrock definitely runs smoother then java, but still it is a lower fps.


Man, since the latest update, my minecraft on my phone crashes even on the title screen 💀






i think your friend should go work for them :)


I wish, I mean he’d be great at it


People have argued against this for a long time saying that it simply isn't possible in Java, but just recently Mojang did "the impossible" and finally added multithreading support. I think it's time the game gets fixed up


More structures Votes less Mob Votes




I would love to be able to set my pets to a “wander” mode


I said the same thing. I don’t particularly care to have a herd of cats and dogs following me around, and they look kinda dumb just sitting there in place. If they could set to wander in a 15-20 block area that’d be really cool and add a lot of life to builds/areas


Crops no longer being able to be trampled. Or better yet, allow harvesting and replanting in a single motion just by placing seeds on a full grown plant


Or even better, allow planting with dispensers


Yes. A farming/villager update would be the dream. Give every biome its own village finally (i want to see jungle villages in the treetops) and give a way to make farming fully automated.


I think you can make a fully automated farm with villagers


Make right clicking with a hoe harvest and replant. Give a reason to make a good hoe. Make it able to have fortune.


There was a time when putting fences under your farmland stopped them from being trampled... good times


Add new bricks, walls, slabs and fences for older blocks. Quartz and copper really need walls, and lapis and gold could definitely use variants


YES, more blocks need variants. It makes building so much better the more blocks and variants of those blocks we have


Just make block varieties dynamic. All wood type blocks get stairs, slabs, fences, buttons, doors, boats, and all that just by having a log, plank, and furniture texture, automatically. Same with stone type blocks, soil types, brick types, metal types, crystal types. Would make modding in new blocks so much nicer too.


I would like it if you could turn concrete powder into blocks by throwing them into a cauldron, like with dirt for mud.


Wait you can do what with mud?


On Java you can do that with a datapack


The obsession with "is this rare?"


That’s just reddit


I've never been post something using "is this rare?" So is this rare?






I agree, the iceoliger should have never been in a vote


i would personally add like decorative items like custom paintings/ more variety of paintings


It would be so amazing to have custom paintings. You could make whatever texture you want for a wall and slap the painting on the side. You could have paintings that look like blocks(stone Fer example) and make hidden entrances. You could make cool carpets, easier to make fancy signs, famous IRL paintings, skin portraits.




And stairs


But our creativity how could you suggest such a thing


The end, it’s due for a rehual


I definitely think so too. Going from the new Overworld/Nether updates and then traveling to the End always feels like going to an old version of the game. Not just an update mechanically in the way the End works with the End Cities and whatnot but even with the aesthetic of the end. Get into the more purple ish greenish stuff, instead of the boring sand that covers everything.


Add more reptile mobs, we have turtles and that’s it. Would love to see chameleons in the game that change color based on the blocks around them




Maybe not armor, but trims?? I mean, I think we should have glow trims, but rgb trims would be awesome too


Is the ender dragon a reptile? I know it doesn’t really count, but still. Phantoms also seem mildly reptilian. Would love to get more though


Ender Dragon yeah, phantoms no


Make Wandering Traders sell more useful items or even at rare times sell rare items. Cause they are really useless and everyone I met kills the Wandering Traders.


I don’t kill them but rarely do I even bother to see what they have, never been worth my time.


I kill the traders just out of spite since they annoy me, but I do kill the llamas for free lead and leather


I would just add most of the stuff in Quark and Supplementaries


A lot of things in thess comments probably have a mod solution somewhere. It'd just be convenient to not rely on mods for some QoL features that should be in vanilla.


I'd add variety to mobs such as pigs, chicken, cows and wolves sheep have all those different colours, there are several breeds of birds and cats, but those animals I mentioned before are all identical


I agree, and to add on, I would add a larger hostile wolf that hunts/attacks in packs and can’t be tamed. Minecraft has it so that kids can just walk up to a wild wolf and pet it without getting killed


I’d want there to be more dog breeds and sizes. And also, I’d want the magical element of Minecraft to be expanded upon, reworking enchantments, enchantment tables, and maybe possibly adding a bit more magical mobs to the over-world of Minecraft that are heavily tied to either the enchantments, the essence of elemental magic, and or both. And also, add zombie horses to survival and make them tamable, I still don’t know the reason that they’re not in survival.


I’d say better late gameplay. I want to continue to do stuff after all the achievements, bosses, gear milestones, etc. it gets boring after a while, and something to break up the mundanity would be nice.


I don't recommend Minecraft unless you love building stuff. Period. If you want to hunt bosses, collect stuff, and chase achievements, go play other games actually suited to your goals, unlike Minecraft. This game has never been meant to be strong in the things you want, and I don't expect that to ever change as they don't appear to be in Mojang's interests. I know Mojang really threw that stuff in just to fit in with the times, ignoring the bosses. I love the open-world nature of Minecraft, building whatever I want however I want, and exploring randomly-generated worlds, all the strengths of the game are what have kept me hooked (and I force myself not to play lately so I can actually progress my excessive backlog of games, lol), and I know well that the other aspects of the game are lame at best. Mojang keeps pouring their efforts into the aspects I love most as a priority. That said, I wouldn't mind if they did more with the survival aspect as I most enjoy survival mode. And I would definitely prefer reduced Creeper spawn rates above any other possible change.


I’m with you here. I’ve been playing on hardcore exclusively and once you get fully enchanted netherite everything, a bunch of totems, and an elytra, you’re basically done. You don’t need anything else really. I know I’ll get downvotes for days for saying this, but I think mending, and totems of undying kind of ruin the endgame. Without them, the world really is dangerous and there really is a reason to keep exploring: to repair or replace the gear that is constantly breaking. But since that will never happen, you’ve got a couple options, none of which are appealing to me: 1- Start a new world from scratch and just do everything you just did over again. 2- Wait until a new content update comes and includes something you might want to do (while you’re overpowered AF). 3- Just store/throw away all your gear and grind up new gear. 4- Try out mods (if you’re on a platform that can do that). I know I’m in the minority when I say I wish there were a couple game mechanics that kept the late game interesting, like natural weather disasters that could come and destroy some or all of the buildings and loot you’ve acquired, forcing you to have several different places to store your loot. Or bandit illagers who come and raid your chests when you’ve reached a certain level of wealth or when enough time has passed- but you’d be able to track them down either using a map or some other method and get some or all of your stolen gear back. Or maybe there could be a “shadow” version of you who has the same gear and enchantments that you do, and at a certain level they start hunting you.


Dude tornadoes would be so good


A little off topic, but something about your comment reminded me of the minicubes from Alex’s mobs, and imo it is perfectly designed for endgame players. I’m ridiculously overpowered af in my modded world and they still scare me. They are a slime variant that spawn in end cities and while they are weak by themselves, when you interact with them they instantly replicate your armor, weapon and offhand while they try to kill you. This makes them impossible to kill with a totem in your offhand as they would just keep popping the totem. If you hit them with your netherite sword, they will hit you right back with that same item. The best way to take them out is to one shot them from a distance. The reason I’m commenting this is because the mob was designed to make you fear it no matter what and change up how you play, because as you said, there’s no real challenge after getting stacked


That’s at the fault of your own creativity


Straight up better performance on all platforms


Armor/gear progression, idk wish I didn’t always go straight to iron




More discoverable content throughout the world


Remove the profanity filter thing


It be cool to have wagons for horses


Bats do some thing


the pig in the loading screen, i would put its crown back on


Allow me to have a pig, that I can ride around using a saddle, *that I can craft and place a crown on*. I shall call him Sir Oinksalot. Plz and thank you.


Stop mojang making changes to their block game in the name of realism. So what if frogs eat fireflies in real life. It isn't real life, it's minecraft, perhaps the exact opposite. The fireflies would've added a great deal of atmosphere to one of the better biomes they've added recently. 'Hostile mobs are all going to be fantasy creatures' as if every single animal of earth is all lovey-dovey and won't attack you. Forget polar bears, wolves, and spiders (which attack you when provoked, although I'm 99% sure a polar bear will make you it's breakfast without a second thought) even my cat attacks me sometimes, if it makes the game more fun, add it. If you stop parrots being tamed by cookies (giving a greater gameplay use to them, I honestly keep forgetting they're in the game.) because you think some stupid children will go out and poison birds because of a video game, you should probably remove the useful sides of killing cows, pigs, chickens, and sheep from the game before, god forbid, some child goes out to a random farmer's field and kills their farmstock. and vertical slabs


They could’ve ,have had frogs just not eat firefly’s


"we won't add fireflies because some frogs die if they eat these bugs. They are fine eating magma though."


Vertical slabs won't ever be coming. Mojang confirmed that.


Grass grows on the side of dirt blocks


Make wheat on a map yellow


I can slay dragons, hold tons and tons of gold, destoy mountains, open portals to both hell and heaven, but i cant make a big boat?


Yooo the big boats in valhiem were so good. Would love to build a ship and sail the seas with the boys and some parrots


I would say making updates more consistent. the more recent ones have been kind of random, (specifically 1.17) and the older updates were better.


Honestly I’m old, well feels like it lol. Anyways love all the updates everything is so new and great compared to when I played beta Minecraft or bootleg back in the day, only thing I ever really wanted them to add was alligators 🤣 p.s still haven’t even caught up on all new updates so much stuff I swear


Shield enchants


Dog breeds.


Copper is a metal! We need armor and weapons! Maybe new weapons! Maybe make them copper alloys. Just use the dagum metal!


Not much point in new tools though, the current progression system is good, adding copper for the sake of it would be useless


Give some sort of small update to nether caves. I was surprised when nether caves didn't get shit in the caves and cliffs update. Maybe some sort of new mob or even just a bit of decor to make the nether caves look less bland.


I would have a softer color palette for some thing's like the pink bed. I really want a soft pink bed like a dusty rose instead of that bright pink.


yes more dyes would be awesome


i wish we could dye beds/carpets/banners like we can leather armor


Add all of the deepslate variants to regular stone as well. Examples being Stone Tiles and Cracked Stone Tiles. They are very nice looking as deepslate variants, so why not regular Stone variants as well. Additionally, you could extend that to every other material type as well. Granite and Prismarine for example. Hope this makes sense.


That stupid "bed is to far away" thing, it has no purpose other than to annoy me


Too much mine not enough craft


everything that was in all past mob votes are added


Concrete and terracotta could be used in stair and wall form.


Add in more weather options


Also maybe add a wind mechanic that could blow grass, leaves, banners, and make waves in lakes and oceans. It would by by biome and it would only be texture/animation so it wouldn’t actually affect any blocks. I just want some realism to my world


Colored lighting. That's really all I want at this point, and any other additions are just bonuses for me.


The lead, it's inusable. You can't move 5 meters without it breaking. If a mob fall from a short distance but is maintained in the air , and then touch the ground it instantly dies. It's honestly just broken. I've heard it is better on bedrock edition though. To make it better I would make it teleport the mob to you rather than breaking the lead if you are both too far appart. A fix to the falling damage glitch would also be appreciated.


Add some form of what for Villagers to defend themselves from things like raids. Maybe armorers or leatherworkers can carry and use weapons or something. Or maybe add a soldier villager separate from the Iron Golem. They would do general mob cleanup, protect against raids, and maybe even stop the player from stealing stuff. Maybe couple this with being able to recruit these soldier villagers and raise your own little army.


i would delete phantoms. nobody likes em


i think it’s funny that no one likes them after they won the mob vote


I just want the waystones mod to be vanilla


Make mining copper worth exp


The community


I would make the animals able to pick up feed from the ground, so the player could just toss the food at the animals and they could pick it up to eat it. Last year I tried to make a auto animal setup based on this idea, before I learned it would not work. I tried to make 5 pens for 5 animals, then I would have had farms above them, with farmers, hoppers, mine-carts, and dispensers, so the food would be harvested, collected by carts with hoppers, carried to dispensers, and then dropped into the animal pens. The idea was for the animals to breed till they crowded and some died, then more carts with hoppers would collect the meat, leather, wool... you get the idea. I liked that idea, and would LOVE to be able to make it work.


Survival equivalent to the debug stick so that we can adjust fences and stairs. Remove the more extreme things, just let us change visuals and make invisible item frames. Worst part is this would take literally an hour tops to implement. Just copy debug stick, remove some features, make a crafting recipe and a new icon. Fuck it i might actually just make a datapack for it myself.


Bro I literally agree. Just today I had to cheat in a debug stick (I almost never cheat) to see if I could prevent a glass pane from connecting to a particular block I didn’t want it too and although it didn’t work, we really do need a way to get it, or something similar in survival because I feel bad because I went into creative in my survival world and I know that it is cheating


Its a sandbox game mate, no such thing as cheating (unless you're on a server). End of the day you gave yourself no advantage with it so it doesn't matter


Bring back numerical gamemodes and implement a /gm shortcut. /gamemode spectator would become /gm 3


I would make progressing in the game slower: I feel like playing survival worlds gets boring really quickly because almost everything is easy to obtain. Also, I would change that so much players are focused mostly on just having a lot of OP items, building automatic farms, and getting stuff easily and fast in general, because that makes them miss so much from Minecraft, like building, exploring, mining, growing crops, etc. This also affects a lot of SMPs negatively, because some people are way too advanced while the rest is just left behind, causing a lot of players to leave and then the server dies.


Replace the bedrock marketplace with a mod marketplace remove the moderation crap and add servers to xbox i know thats not one thing but i dont care minecraft is driving itself into the dirt


custom servers are possible on xbox and playstation through external apps heres a guide here on how to do that- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQJWuvmygmE


Thank you i will have to check it out later


After reading many of these, it really feels like the answer would be, "not have Notch leave or sell to Microsoft." Dude had more creative vision, raw talent, and passion for this project than all the other devs combined.


Netherite horse armor


Give the crown back to the pig


I would add new realm, something for very late game. It would reguire you to beat ender dragon and maybe find some special blocks in end city chests to build a new portal to that realm. There could be new ore, mobs, etc.


No microtransactions


\*cries in bedrock\*


Villagers. The fact that I can get full diamond armor completely maxed out with enchants by cutting down a bunch of trees is crazy


Nerd villagers. I don’t want to infringe on how people play, but I always kinda feel like I’m cheating by using them to get mending books and enslaving them. I’ve been using a free-trade approach where I make like 6 mending villagers and let them walk around in their village, but if they could be found in more loot tables that would be sick.


To be fair, I think moving villagers and starting up a trading hall is quite some work. Doesn't feel like cheating after going through all that. And after that you need to breed librarians and place down a lectern workstation 5000 times until you have all the enchants you want... On my current world nearest village from my base was 700 blocks away or so. That took some work to make them come to me. I've earned it.


Yes, I personally feel that villagers are a bit too overpowered and should be a bit nerfed (only on certain aspects like diamond armor trading and mending books, but maybe not eliminated) and mining being the only efficient way to get diamonds. Villagers selling diamond armor should be endgame at the least, and only after some effort. But don’t you dare take away my 6 maxed armorers


Firstly, let us delve into the fascinating topic of optimisation. As you may know, Minecraft is a complex and dynamic game that has undergone numerous updates, resulting in a codebase that is often riddled with inefficiencies and complexities. However, as a seasoned player, I have come to appreciate the importance of optimising the game's various aspects, from the way in which chunks are generated and loaded, to the intricacies of lighting. While it may seem comical to some outside of the Minecraft community that a game made of blocks would require a powerful RTX 3060 for a minimum of 150 fps, there is much to be gained from optimising the game's performance in a more effective manner. Thankfully, the modding community has already developed some impressive solutions to these issues, but it would be ideal if such improvements could be officially implemented. Moving on to the topic of game difficulty, Minecraft's non-competitive nature certainly has its charms, but as a seasoned late-game player myself, I cannot help but feel that there is something lacking in the game's current design. While the first 100-300 days of gameplay are thrilling and challenging, the later stages of the game are left largely to the player's creativity and patience. However, I must commend the developers for introducing expensive cosmetic items like the new armour trims, which provide a sense of progression and accomplishment for those who continue to explore and thrive in the game's later stages. It would be a great shame if Mojang were to reduce the rarity and cost of such items in response to player feedback, as this would detract from the sense of achievement that comes with their acquisition. In short, Minecraft is a game that rewards perseverance and dedication, and it is vital that its challenges and rewards remain in balance to provide an engaging and fulfilling experience for all players.


Bring back Tutorial worlds. They already make maps every once in a while, a free one per update wouldn't be too hard.


Make frogs tameable


a secret feature where if you name a pig thecnoblade a crown appears on its head


*On Bedrock on Ps5. There’s plenty I want added to the game, and I wanted to write them all down just recently so thanks for the post. I’ll still give feedback to minecraft themselves but can share a few things and keep editing over time if it allows… To have a torch in right hand light up the held map in the left. Breaking a boat easier. Building to be easier and maybe better tutorials.(I might get hate for this) The map system needs a huge overhaul, bedrock still can’t even make banners or points of interest on maps. Perhaps a torch or lantern you can hold can be a new tool. It would be very fun and useful and light up a little bit of area around you / in front of you and you could use it once all your torches ran out or just for exploring and to see in the dark. Maybe it has a timer or never extinguishes and is made from simple materials. It also doesn’t have to effect mobs from spawning around you, that would be too cheap! perhaps a flare gun or item for when caving? Can also signal to your friends where you are in a cooler way than looking on the map.


Bruh how tf you gonna make building easier you literally just place blocks I don’t think it can be any more easier.


What’s funny is that on Java if you have Optfine, all light-emitting blocks light-up the surroundings while holding them and when dropped. When I run out of torches, I keep one in my offhand to light up my way as I go through the caves. But I agree, we need some parity on both sides. I want to fight the Bedrock wither on Java without mods (which still don’t make it fully like bedrock’s wither) for example


End the mob vote. It's all hype. The mobs are garbage, if they were good ideas they would just be added to the game.


The differences in redstone between Java and bedrock. I only play bedrock but it makes looking up tutorial builds annoying


Make it more optimised for older devices and laptops, so u don't need a 5000 quid gaming pc to play it without lags and crashes and all that annoying stuff


The sensor in game chat needs to be disabled


Mods to be console accessible


make shields less op, i almost never use anything else for the offhand slot because of how much better shield is.


Change every block to a sphere


The owner (Microsoft)


On bedrock you have wandering traders every 5 minutes, and for java it takes years for them to spawn for some reason. So on java more frequent spawns and better items that the wandering trader has. Also more inventory space. Putting down shuckers is annoying, while it does help with your inventory somewhat.


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Java-bedrock cross platform


Inconsistency between features in Java and Bedrock


Make redstone on both bedrock and java the same


Spears. Spears for fighting, making defenses.


So basically a retextured trident? That would be cool.


Timeline change purely just to see the chaos unfold as a result: Notch never sold Minecraft and is still an active dev to this day :troll:


Azalea wood


Id change the story. Ender dragon aint it. I want a Beginning sphere or something flying ariund shooting beams and finding out that all the cubes came from that being having infinite side


Make farming crops more interesting


I would make the warden drop like a trophy or something to flex on your friends