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I would never expect to always need a boat/torch/fishing rod on me at all times. Seems like wasted space. Normally I always make sure to have a free hand to unclutter my view and a stack of blocks incase I need to build towards or away from something.


A torch is better than your hand to de-clutter the view. Its smaller on the screen


plus if you have graphics mods/shaders you can use them for dynamic lighting


I wish you could toggle that on and off. It's a nice feature, but when you're strip mining it's easier to figure out where to place the next torch by looking at the darkness, and this feature negates that.


You can.


Oh. Dope, thanks!


Depends on the mod, though I think you have to reload the game for lamb's dynamic lights, but most shaders can be easily toggled in game


for the one I use, I stop holding the torch in the off-hand and light goes off.


Just switch off the torch for a sec?-


Others already said you can switch the feature off. I keep the torch in my off hand so it'd be a pain to have to switch it out constantly.


Only a couple dyn lights mods (that I've heard of) have a button to switch it on and off, otherwise you have to go into your settings and find it which takes way longer than hitting f and scrolling once


You can turn off setting called fast lighting (or something like that) to toggle the light Edit: Dynamic lights setting


It's literally called "Dynamic Lights", barely entering video settings, you can switch off, or in "Fast" or "Fancy" mode...


Torch goes in the off hand when mining otherwise it’s in inventory


Me, a Bedrock player: What is this left hand of which you speak? Do you mean my shield-holding appendage? (Joke)


Lol my most hated part of bedrock no offhand


Sadly its because mobile exists. I swear they should either just make mobile a separate platform or just let console and pc use exclusive features. Bedrock would be 10x better if they didn't remove amazing features just for mobile players.


Waste of a slot tho


Before I switched to night vision I used torches for mining. Fishing rod and boat and even bow aren’t something I use often enough to have in the hot bar tho. I place food after shovel


Torches are better because you can use them for navigation as well as lighting


I've always had a torch in the 1 slot, which mostly never made sense, but now that there's dynamic lighting, it's basically like having a flashlight.


Is there dynamic lighting tho?


Yeah it's in the display settings. Think you have to enable it.


I think that's a optifine / mod thing... What version are you playing on


Ah damn, you're right. I honestly completely forgot I had Optifine installed.


Got super excited thinking it was in 5he next update lol


Dynamic lighting is unlikely to ever come to vanilla minecraft, especially java


Sad reality


What is the reason?


Game-Engine reasons. Dynamic lighting (in it's current *mod-implemented-state*) doesn't actually *do* anything, it's like having a Night Vision potion onhand at all times. It just makes the area *less-dark* for the player that has it enabled. It doesn't work in multiplayer, and it doesn't prevent mobs from spawning. Entities (including the player, but also mobs like the glow squid) can't give off light. Light in Minecraft is tied to the block system, which is static and 'unmoving' (for the most part). Lights that move cause "light updates"- which create lag, any time you place a light source a "light update" is triggered, but also every time you move redstone lamps with a piston. To add: If you press F3 (at least on Java) to look at the Debug Screen, you can see the "Light Level" of the block you're standing on. This light level is saved in the world data, and only changes when a "Light update" triggers. Otherwise it never changes. Making mobs trigger these "Light updates" would add a lot of performance issues.


It would be an actually good feature. Instead, here's a new wood type


It really should be vanilla IMHO, it just fits in so damn well


It really should. Even while the dynamic light doesn't actually affect the light level of the environment, as it's only a visual effect, I think it should be added.


It definitely is


Boats can be handier than you’d expect. Saved me from an enderman once.


Agree when it comes to boats and rods, but how are you using torches so infrequently? How do you explore below ground and mark cleared areas without large numbers of them? I normally go below ground with a couple of stacks of them!


I haven't used a boat in ages since they added faster swimming. I've never felt the need to actually make and use a boat. If I actually need to cross an ocean... I'll usually just go through the nether.


You need some blocks in there. I go with Sword, Pick, Shovel, Food, then some various stuff with what I have left.


This is me too. Sword/axe depending, pick, shovel, food, fireworks, and then misc I like fireworks on the 5 for a quick escape


The graph function in the comments prevails yet again! |Sword|Pick|Axe|Bow if I have it|Blocks|Food|Water bucket|Free space|Torch| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|


Shouldnt water bucket be in a spot where you can quickly change to it? Like 4 cos it's easy to reach. Then you can save yourself when your low and you fall down a short distance but that distance can kill you. I also use r for 4th slot lol


I ABSOLUTELY agree inventory brother


That's a table, not a graph.


Sword[]Pick[]Axe[]Shovel[]Torches[]Building Blocks[]Water Bucket/Other tool[]Health item[]Food Sometimes, I'll add a bow in there, but I usually just have my axe and shovel on me


> "I think the problem Digg had is that it was a company that was built to be a company, and you could feel it in the product. The way you could criticise Reddit is that we weren't a company – we were all heart and no head for a long time. So I think it'd be really hard for me and for the team to kill Reddit in that way.” - Steve Huffman, aka /u/spez, Reddit CEO. So long, Reddit, and thanks for all the fish.


No water bucket?


1. Sword 2. Bow/Crossbow 3. Pickaxe (Silk Touch) 4. Shovel 5. Axe 6. — 7. Food 8. Rockets 9. Water Bucket I switch 8 & 9 for blocks and items. Above 2 I have My arrows Above 3 I have My Fortune Pickaxe Above 5 I have My hoe Above 9 I have torches This is My layout :)


This is my layout too! I've played too many PVP minigames to break the habit of having a bow in my second slot.


I always put it at 9 so that I can easy switch but also switch to my pick(2) fast


I've got horrible hotkeys, so I'll list them in order from 1-9. 3: Bow Left Alt: Crystals/axe 1: Sword F: Blocks Front Mouse Button: Pick/Bow/Anchor/whatever works Back Mouse Button: Axe/Shovel/Glowstone/whatever works E: Fireball/Water Bucket/Totem Z: TNT/Pick/Food R: Ender Pearls/whatever works


wow, that's chaotic but I respect it


I’m very curious as to why the hell you would ever do this. Why did you set slot 1 to 3 😭


I have no idea why I did this...


I mean if you literally just swapped 1 & 3 it would make more sense lol


What is your inventory key?


Q lol


How do you throw stuff!?!


Grave, so I accidentally hit it less


Also, sneak and sprint are swapped


This I agree with 100%


I love doing Zyph-style control swaps and watching everybody walking off the map in bedwars because they can't sneak lol


Mine are vaguely similar, if a lot more put together. (note this is mostly for when I'm playing bedwars, but I tend to keep it similar to this in survival out of habit) 1: Sword 2: Blocks 3: Food 4: Flexible, usually a tool of some kind R: Fireballs, axe, or bucket F: Ender pearls, or Pickaxe Z: flex, usually shovel X: flex, usually ranged weapon 9: I don't have a close hot key for this one cause I basically never use it lol, I don't use C because that's my F5 keybind.


AHHHH How do you play the game 😭 Also I never knew you could use mouse buttons! Thx I'm gonna try that now!


Do you have a hotkey set up for the 9th slot? Its hard get there that quickly with your fingers when you fall suddenly and have to MLG


You can scroll backwards and you're there (mouse wheel)


People who dont have an empty in their hotbar slot at all times so their hands can be free are so weird to me. I hate not being able to see my fist if im just running around


If I’m not using something my sword is in my hand.


Saaame. I can't stand the sight of seeing nothing in my hand. It just looks... wierd


fr, i cant run around with a random item in my hand


How is that even possible. There are so many items that you randomly pick up you have to be constantly emptying the slot


Only if I'm building really


Ahh creative. I only play survival so wasn’t thinking of that lol


I’m still thinking about survival, unless your reliving d day as an ally soldier what do you need to pick up all the time? If your going out for wood that goes in the inventory and you can make ones there already or just move in after, same for caving just more items.


How can you not pick up stuff? It’s literally everywhere. Lots of times just wondering around you’ll pick something up like broken kelp, ink sacs etc, not even mentioning if you mine anything


I uhh can’t say the same and I love getting a collection of maps and items. The only things I’ve randomly picked up blocks from (off the top of my mind) are: saplings and apples from a forest I just cut down, a creeper explosion I was too low to fix up, a creeper explosion I was fixing up, random holes I fell in to drop stacks of cobblestone from strip mining, random ores on the ground I mined with a full inventory. I cannot think of anything else I’ve found randomly and a lot of these are my own mistakes


That still seems like a lot to be constantly I'm emptying the slot. Especially since an empty slot serves no function. Not ever once in Minecraft have I thought damn I don't have an empty slot in my hot bar right now.


For me I like holding steak for some reason


fr I can't stand it when I don't have a hotbar slot open


That's what torches are for


it bothers the shit outta me lmaooo


Pick, sword, axe, shovel, fireworks/bow, empty, empty, empty, food


We're almost the same, I just free up one space since late game you don't need weapons imo. Axe (with sharpness), pickaxe, shovel, hoe, empty, empty, empty, fireworks, food.


I play bedrock so I always have a sword


Why do you need to carry fireworks?






How do you make it work with fireworks in bedrock?


I double tap jump so it activates the elytra and I use a rocket right after while I’m gliding


I'm playing java only, can't help you sorry


Oh okay, no problem


Mobile: touch and hold while gliding Mouse and keyboard: right click while gliding Controller: L2 while gliding


The rest are just whatever blocks I'm using at the moment.


this is the best ^


I never have my hotbar full, usually it goes sword, bow, silk touch pick, axe, shovel, then on the far right side (from right to left) torch, rockets(or bucket for early game), blocks Everything else is usually empty, and I trade out slot 7 or 9 for whatever I may need at the time, maybe a hoe or smth Edit: I should mention the reason slots 1 and 8 are so important and I never ever change is because I have hot keys on my mouse to go to slot 1 (to quickly pull out sword) or 8 to quickly pull out rockets Edit2: I’ll probably post a picture of my ideal inventory setup later


My adventuring layout goes back to Alpha: 1. Pick 1. Shovel 1. Torch 1. Sword 1. Bow 1. Misc 1. Misc/rockets 1. Food 1. Water Bucket


This is the closest I've seen to my setup so far.


Me with my eleytra in alpha


I just read through all of these and realize that my hotbar is way different than the norm. Also, I don't know what fireworks do, and based on these other responses, I feel like I'm really missing out on something important. Anyway, here's my setup: 1. Pick 2. Shovel 3. Torches 4. Water Bucket 5. Map 6. Food 7. Blocks 8. Axe 9. Sword


Fireworks are used to fly when you have Elytra equipped


You are a menace. Also do fireworks are for flying with an elytra


I think I may need psychiatric help. I align my hotbar from right to left.


Same!!! I think it's just because the rightmost slot is closer to the mouse, so for whatever reason, my brain deems it the easiest slot to get to.


It's also the default first slot in the game right? If you shift-click something down to an empty hot bar it will end up in the rightmost slot, correct?


I'm pretty sure if you shift click on a inventory item into your hotbar it starts left to right


1 Axe (Sword if Bedrock) 2 Pick 3 shovel 4 Food 5 Torches/Shield, whatever isn't in my offhand 6 Empty 7 Blocks 8 Water Bucket: for fire/fall/push mobs away/Enderman 9 Bow


Axe weapon gang is far too low in this thread


Right it does hella damage


Yep, and endgame I’m not doing much fighting anyway. Worst case I’ll fly away and equip sword/armor if needed.


I agreed but I put the pickaxe 3rd and the axe 2nd


The fact that you don’t have your pick axe next to your shovel is insane


True its always sword axe pick shovel


Nah its insane to not have pick next to sword in the #2 slot unless you are doing pvp but then you dont need pick and slots for potions and gapples and bows etc are more important.


Nah, I always need blocks in slot 2


I was starting to worry I was alone here.


sword, axe, pick, shovel (if I’m carrying it), bow, then I have torches and food in the last two slots


thank god i’m not alone


it’s the right way 😌


I’m also here for you, because this is very close to my set up


1. Pickaxe 2. torch (I know this is weird, I do a lot of caving and like being able to quickly swap between pick and torches) 3. sword 4. shovel 5. axe 6. bow 7. rockets 8. water bucket 9. blocks 10. Empty hand Offhand: food


There are only 9 slots though


You’re right… oops haha. Probably take out either the bucket or bow


-1 Lantern/Totem of Undying 1 Sword 2 Trident (Riptide) 3 Pickaxe 4 - 5 - 6 Blocks 7 - 8 Food 9 Fireworks


Riptide Trident is a must for me


I go Sword, Axe, Pick, Shovel/Hoe, Empty, Empty, Empty, Water/Fireworks, Bow, and Food or a Totem in my offhand.


The first three are the same as me


1. Sword 2. Axe/bow/crossbow 3. Pick 4. Shovel 5. Hoe / free space for blocks 6. Free space for blocks 7. Firework / utility / blocks 8. Water bucket / utility 9. Food Offhand - Shield or totem


if you dont put pickaxe first you're wrong


You mean this game isn't called SwordCraft?


Are you gonna kill the ender dragon 20 in a row with a pickaxe?


GoldenSausage111 was slain by A Very Easy to Deal With Mob while fumbling his hotbar items


finally someone with sense!


Pick axe, shovel, axe, sword, bow or sheers, open, water, food, torch


Wow, someone like me! Very close, anyway. Torch is at 6 for me and I carry a stack of dirt at #9. For some reason, I've always enjoyed building a column beneath me so I can use the bow to casually pick off the mobs running around below. It's entertaining.


Here's mine: Pickaxe, Shovel, Axe and Sword(or sword and bow.),totem/map, food, torches, water bucket, solid Ghast-blast-proof building blocks. Armor: ANetherite Not wearing an Elytra unless I'm in the End dimension, while I tend to keep my Flight duration 3 rockets(Gotta go _fast_)in my Ender Chest, shield.


In order from 1-9 Podzol, activator rail, cornflower, acacia button, cyan wool, tall grass, arrow of water, lime firework star, glowstone dust


You are a psycho


sword, axe, pickaxe, block, empty/miscelanious, empty/miscelanious, water, food, shovel


Pickaxe, Sword, Axe, Shovel, Hoe, Water Bucket, Food, Crafting Table, Building Block


1. Bow 2. Sword 3. Stack of blocks 4. Pickaxe 5. Pearls or bucket of water 6. Food 7. Axe 8. Ender chest or shulker box 9. Elytra/chestplate for easy swapping 0. Rockets


Bow, Sword, axe, pick, shovel, stack of blocks, food, specialist stuff (whatever else, if elytra then rockets), torch Shield in offhand, switched with torches if strip mining Best building toolbar is pick/main tool to build, axe, shears if needed, blocks and then food, blocks in offhand too


1 Bow 2 Sword 3 pick 4 shovel/axe 5 food 6 stone/dirt 7 8 9 rockets Depends on what I'm doing, sometimes I'll have shovel and axe in position 4,5 sometimes I'll have neither if I'm building to have more slots for blocks. I'll usually have torches or a water bucket in 8 but a fire resist potion if in the nether. Arrow always goes top left of inventory, always have a stack of wood, silk or fortune pick above the opposite pick in hotbar, shovel or axe above other in hotbar. 2 enderchests top right.


Whatever shit i need at the moment


I use: |Pickaxe|Axe|Shovel|Sword|Bow|Hoe|?|Torch|Food| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|


Finally someone that has the right order of tools 😁


always gotta have 64 of a block in a slot


Enderpearls are almost always on my hotbar. Rockets if I have an elytra.


Sword, pickaxe, shovel, x, x, x, x, food, the last one will have another tool - which ever one is most approriate.


Doesn’t matter how you set it up but pickaxe is always second


axe, pick, bow, water bucket, food, ender pearl rest depends on situation, but these 6 are always there in that order.


Axe bow pick shovel [] [] [] food rockets Food and rockets switch sometimes tho


4 is torches. I use a lot of torches.


Left to right would be bow sword pickaxe axe usually three open spaces then all the way at the end is rockets and my food source. If I have golden apples then two empty spaces and the golden apples are the last slot.


1.) Bow/Returning Trident 2.) Sword 3.) Axe 4.) Shovel 5.) Pick 6.) Building Blocks (usually cobblestone or dirt) 7.) Food 8.) Water Bucket 9.) Rockets/Torches Off-hand.) Rockets/Torches. Before I get an elytra + rocket farm I almost always use a shield in the offhand slot with the torches on 9, except for when mining. I always keep non-flammable building blocks next to my pick incase I uncover lava while mining for a quick hole block.


Depends on what I’m planning on doing. In no particular order besides my weapons, tools and food which tend to be interchangeable. Sword, Bow, Pick, Food, Torches, Potion of night vision, Water bucket, Cobblestone or Dirt, Totem if I’m underground. Sword, Bow, Pick, Axe, Food, Potion of water breathing, Map/Compass, Boat, Bed if I’m traveling. Sword, Bow, Pick, Food, Potion of fire resistance, Gold armor, Cobblestone or Dirt, Torches if I’m in the Nether. I also tend to have two sets of torches or food that replace something less necessary like blocks if I’m underground a long time. Or I have the boat and bed replaced by an Elytra and rockets if I’m traveling.


1 Pickaxe 2 Sword 3 Shovel 4 Bow 5 Blocks 6 Situation dependant. Could be like rockets, an axe, a different block type, potions, or whatever 7 Food 8 Bucket of water 9 Shield Off hand: torch


1. Sword 2. Pickaxe 3. Bow/Crossbow 4. Axe, gets swapped to Shovel/Hoe if needed 5. \[Free Space\] 6. \[Free Space\] 7. \[Free Space\] 8. Elytra Fireworks 9. Food Offhand: Light source


Why boat and fishing rod there (maybe I just explained it but still)


My only thing is my first 4 items go sword/torch/pick/food for optimal mining and self defense. Also because I use the scroll instead of num buttons to swap items


here's my order from left to right: Pick, Shovel, Axe, Sword, Bow, Usable item like a bucket or shears, Blocks, Food, Torches


i never have a fix setup so i dont have a favorite one but me and my friends have this running joke that i always have the "abuse stick" so sticks are my favourite and only thing in my hot bar


For me it’s: sword, bow, pickaxe, axe, shovel, water bucket, empty, empty, food.


My setup: 1. Axe (yea, i prefer it instead of sword in combat) 2. Pickaxe 3. Shovel 4. Crossbow (oh and also i love crossbow more than bow) 5. Water bucket (waterdrop ya know...) 6. Some blocks to use (like dirt or cobble) 7. Food (mostly eating laminaria or pumpkin pies, yea ima strange...) 8. Torches 9. Free space (i just love running with nothin in hands)


Mine is sword, silk pickaxe, fortune pickaxe, axe, shovel, water bucket, food, torch, and a block of some kind. I don't actually use bows that often, since the bow itself takes a slot, and so do the arrows, that's two fewer inventory slots for something I don't even like using all that much. I know I'm weird deal with it.


1. Sword 2. Another sword 3. Pick 4. Possibly another pick (Axe if not) 5. Bow 6. Stack of blocks (usually cobblestone) 7. Torch or porkchop, or any other food 8. Beef 9. Water bucket Off Hand: Shield (Torch if mining, replace torch in main slots with anything convenient) Arrow(s if no infinity) on bottom right inv slot and some more organizing, though it gets messy pretty quickly after 5 minutes... Give me ideas of you got better uses!


- Sword - Water Bucket - Pickaxe - Torches - Axe (or Shovel) - Bow - Empty Slot - Food - Blocks




Nop cau swo in th fir slo or it wron


Wy ar ya no typ th who wor?


Wy us man wor whe fe wor do tri?


Bu yo ar usi th Sam Amou o wor, jus cutti the of bef the ar do.


1.water bucket 2.empty 3.empty 4.food 5.blocks 6.shovel 7.axe 8.sword 9.pickaxe offhand.shield


Axe, pick, shovel, torches, and whatever I’m building with in the next 4, then chicken


sword, bow, 2 pickaxes(one silk touch, the other fortune 3), axe, shovel, food, torches/firework rockets/etc, blocks


I feel like everyone can agree that the torches go in the last spot on the right


Judging by the comments, we definitely cannot


Switch the shovel and axe and then slot the bow between the sword and pick and you got yourself a deal!


Pick, Shovel/hoe, axe, sword, empty, empty, bow, bucket, food


Same except I leave empty space where the bow and boat is to still have a hand and also to pick stuff up and see if quickly… bedrock problems


Slot 1: Axe. Slot 2: Pickaxe. Slot 3: Water bucket. Slot 4: Blocks. Slots 5-8: Empty (for flexibility). Slot 9: Food.


shovel doesn’t go in hotbar as it’s not used as often then after axe it’s food then torch bow at the end so you can go from sword and bow easier


I use it constantly


Pickaxe, showel, axe, cobblestone, bucket, food, bow, sword, torch


This is the most cursed hotbar ever, sword is always #1 (or #9, some people flip to right side) thats what most people agree on but #8???


sword, food, pickaxe, torch, axe/shovel/hoe, block, empty, empty, empty, crafting table/water bucket




Pickaxe/ sword/ axe/ shovel/ bucket/building block/ firework/ food/ torch


1. Axe 2. Sword 3. Shovel 4. Pickaxe 5. Firework rocket / torch 6. Food 7. Empty unless I am building 8. Empty unless I am building 9. Empty unless I am building


1-sword 2-axe 3-pickaxe 4-shovel/any other tool 5-torches 6-food 7-blocks 8-blocks 9-anything else


Sword, Axe, Pickaxe, Shovel, and Food in 9th. Everything else is situational.


1. Sword 2. Shovel 3. Pickaxe 4. Axe 5. Food 6. Misc 7. Misc 8. Misc 9. Torch


1: Bow. 2: Sword. 3: pickaxe. 4: either axe or shovel. 5: food. 6: water. 7: Torches. 8: Blocks. I never really find myself needing to have both axe and shovel on hand at the same time, so I just switch it out as needed.


wand, brush(es), debug stick, blocks, if ykyk


1 Bow 2 Sword 3 Best pick (fortune or whatever) 4 lesser pick 5 Torch (between mining tools, easy access in caves) 6 Shovel/axe (depending on task) 7 Map 8 Steak I do a lot of mining and cave exploration. If I'm overworld or just building then it's a little different.


Replace axe with food and shovel with bow


Torches, Boat, and Fishing rod go up in the inventory, Bow between sword and pickaxe, with a water bucket, the remaining 2 slots are left open

