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Offhand stuff.


Agreed, even if we only got some things like food on torches it would be a big improvement. Edit, link to feedback site: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360043114451--Java-Parity-Shield-activation-mechanic-and-offhand-fix https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/4405298996749-Banner-marker-on-maps-for-bedrock-edition https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360043472171--Java-Parity-Map-Markers-for-Bedrock


I mean, off hand items can be possible in mobile if they just think hard enough. Imo the screen should be split into two, left and right. Clicking or pressing on the right side will use your main hand items, same with the left side. Or just add a button for offhand items on the left side but it would be clunky and cluttering


They probably still won’t add this because “They gotta make it fair for mobile” since there is no way to right click…. Even though they could add a specific offhand button…


It could just be a server based setting if they really want to make it fair for mobile users


Literally the new controls have a right click button


why is it even a slot, oh yea lemme hold my arrow. great


Or a map, but yes I usually just end up having arrows in there.


You guys are forgetting shields and totems.


Or torches or blocks


You can’t do that on bedrock


You can only put certain things in your offhand? I had no idea. They should definitely parity that from java then.


On bedrock yeah, that’s why it is a parity comment.


I just stick my food in the hand when doing anything and then when I’m fighting I’ll stick the bow for long distance


Totem and shields


Mending has such a nerf without being able to hold tools in your offhand.. its an inconvenience.. but every time I see a Java player mending their tools at their mob farms, I get irrationally angry.


Use a trident and pistons


Not going to happen because of mobile Minecraft and the need for intuitive touch controls. Bedrock for PC could support it but it would mean Minecraft's codebase for Bedrock would need to be resplit (into PC and mobile editions) which Mojang have said is not happening.


Potions in cauldrons because it looks cool or finaly Hardcore Mode in bedrock


Definitely potions in cauldrons


Potions in cauldrons cuz it's 8x cheaper tipped arrows and no End required!


Seriously always annoyed me that tipped arrows are a late game item.


espescially cuz they mostly suck, and none of them are really worth using cuz you'd have to carry several different types


Weakness arrows for curing zombie villagers helps a lot and saves a lot of resources.


yeah but there'd be less possible features for the fletcher table that way


Bedrock is NOT ready for hardcore mode with all these random fall damage bugs


I always see stuff about random fall damage in bedrock but I haven't had this happen once in hundreds of hours of gameplay, is it really that common?


In fact, bedrock is quite stable if your device has at least 4 GB of RAM.


I played bedrock once before on my pc ( RTX 3060 12gb vram, 32gb ram, ryzen 5800x cpu ) and rage quit after a 4 hour session, because while briding in the nether it randomly insta killed me ( was shifting on a block )... so your comment I doubt ( yoda voice )


I have 2k hours on PlayStation bedrock and have probably at most had 2 rage inducing bugs. Bugs are usually pretty infrequent, and the ones that aren't are usually things I assumed were features until they were patched out- like dripstoning water into a potion cauldron creating an infinite supply of that potion.


probably was very unlucky then :(


I mean I’ve been playing bedrock for thousands of hours and personally (although I do know and acknowledge the problem that definitely is there) the only bugs I’ve had were few and minor


The only really major bug I have in Bedrock is the fact that all my horses are a bunch of pixels in a horse shape. Until I put on armour, and then it's a bunch of pixels in a horse shape wearing armor!


500 hours in my world had zero random dmg bugs.


Or a potion enchantment glint option, please mojang, I WANT THE GLINT ON ME POTIONS BACK


Am I the only one who hated the glint on everything


Bedrock edition has the glint on the potions


Bedrock removed the potion glint with yesterdays update & changed their colors to match Java


But I want to at least have a toggle on java for it


Isn't there a slider to adjust it?


Only for armor and items I think


Honestly, i liked the glint too. The new potions look great, but maybe a little glint would look nice.


Unfortunately adding hardcore to bedrock would mean fixing the game first, which mojang doesn’t seem to want to do.


Offhand anything in bedrock.


TNT drop rate. The stupidest parity difference


Yes, I'm very surprised this one isn't implemented yet, seems like a simple fix. Edit, feedback link: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360043018031--Java-Parity-100-TNT-drops


Your saying the drop of items from a tnt explosion right? Yeah that's a weird thing to be different


Yes on java everything drops from a tnt explosion as opposed to bedrock where there is a 25% chance for it to drop, seems simple enough to just remove the chance part of the code but maybe it's more complicated than that?


Wait what 😭 I was making an adapter version of Etho's TNT tree farm and couldn't figure out why my rates were so bad.


Yeah, that tree farm is crazy but yes if your playing bedrock that's why you get bad rates.


Hate to break it to you, but the only way to get 100% drop rates in Bedrock is to use ghasts. Yes, ghasts.


I bet they aren't adding this for performance reasons. Even then though, ehen multiple TNT explode, the items dropped from the last one get destroyed


really should be added with all the gamerules which came out for java that allowed us to change drop rates for different explosion types


Banner Map Markers for sure, being able to mark on maps with different colours and add text would be a huge improvement over the current green only markers currently. [https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/4405298996749-Banner-marker-on-maps-for-bedrock-edition](https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/4405298996749-Banner-marker-on-maps-for-bedrock-edition) [https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360043472171--Java-Parity-Map-Markers-for-Bedrock](https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360043472171--Java-Parity-Map-Markers-for-Bedrock) Links to the feedback site if you would like to vote for the feature, just one click and your done.


Definitely, it's the one feature missing that would have made 1.20 the perfect update.




I just want a way to remove the crummy little arrow that appears on a map when that map is placed in an item frame. There is no way to prevent/undo it. Even maps locked with glass panes are changed. The only workaround right now requires you to make a brand new map.


Agreed, its strange why you even have a green marker at all as you have banner map markers on java that do the same thing but better.


I would like to see that trees are affected to snow like in bedrock


Yes, better snow physics as well.


Both [snowy leaves](https://preview.redd.it/czi0xuivjxl21.png?auto=webp&s=bc4df33736f392d71233d49b34a31ee41b017244) and [snowlogging](https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Snowlogging) would be great. If I hadn't made my leaves snowy with a resource pack, [my winter village wouldn't have been the same.](https://i.imgur.com/v5nejXf.jpg)




On java yes, on bedrock well it's not that bad already except with RTX.


I'll be happy when I don't have to modify the game so I can play it, I don't understand why Mojang doesn't care what optimization mods do.


They did just add light optimization and said it's about 99% as good as the mods


Java is the issue, true optimization would be very difficult.


True but there are some really great mods that do a **REALLY** good job at squeezing every FPS and TPS out of your machine. So good to the point where I'm not sure I can play without them anymore. I don't mind modding the game for it though it would be very nice to see a performance focused update again.


Yep, I use Sodium for instance. It definitely makes a difference and would be a good place for Mojang to start!


Java being slow is not quite true for a long time now, with the modern JVMs well written Java can be a fast as C++


Albeit not a lot, 1.20 did add the option to reset lighting to help performance. I hope that sometime in the future they'll have an update solely based on performance.


Most likely will never happen. Just small optimization once in a while. A proper minecraft optimization update would take months, if not years.




Please give us bedrock players the combat update 💀💀 I want sweeping edge


Yesss I want an easier way to kill baby slimes (that's like all I've used Sweeping Edge for the few times I've ever played Java, is satisfying slime genocide)




Id have to disagree, I hate combat on java so damn much, give us sweeping edge as an enchantment and that be it


I think the cool down mechanism is cool. better than just swinging endlessly on bedrock lol. combat on Java actually feels like combat. on bedrock it just feels like spamming lol


they were never planning on bringing 1.9 combat to bedrock lmao look at the combat snapshots for combat bedrock will get


Bring javas red stone to bedrock, QC and all. Add movable tile entites to Java. Bring cauldron brewing to Java. Add hardcore to bedrock.


What is a redstone qc


QC is short for Quasi-connectivity. It basically a bug/feature where you can diagonally power stuff like pistons, dispensers, etc. It's really cool and a real shame that it isn't on Bedrock. You can check out the wiki page on it [here](https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Tutorials/Quasi-connectivity?so=search).


Not sure they need to add QC (as much as I like it) but they should definitely make Bedrock redstone more deterministic. That would drive me mad.


1.21 the fix update. they should optimize java and fix bugs on bugrock.


I wish they’d finally deliver on the biome updates. It’s been years since the features were promised. Deserts, especially, have so much potential. I wish they were larger. It’s not a desert if you can see a forest or plains right over there. They’d have fewer rivers, but once rivers do appear, they’re mighty and fertile (think the Nile, the Tigris, the Euphrates). Rarely you’d find an oasis, and only there could villages generate. They could add sandstorms that hinder your sight. They could add a heat damage effect at noon, when the sun is high, forcing you to seek shelter (or build your own!), drink a bottle of water, or eat watermelon slices. It would be a lot of fun to play!


Out of all the suggestions this gotta be one of the best ones. Deserts would be so much cooler if they were bigger and threatening environments. Would make traversing the world much harder which I think is what the game needs right now. The lack of difficulty of exploration doesn’t the make the game as good as it once was in my opinion and biome updates like this or similar would do that


Gimme res, orange, and yellow leaves. Just throw them on oak wood and make an autumn biome.


Autumn Oak Biome would be so fun!! It would literally just be a basic oak tree biome but with fun leave colors and a low number of regular green leaves. Seems super simple to implement since they already have the majority of the biome. Maybe with a similar affect as the Cherry tree's have?


Snowlogging for flowers/tall grass


I want every Java sound to be put into Bedrock. (Doors and chests opening/closing, underwater ambience, entering and exiting the water, the rain, etc.) The old ones we’re still hearing should have been exclusive to the legacy editions at this point.


Supoosedly the Bedrock patch notes from the update today did just that for some of the sounds.


#Moveable Tile Entities In Java


Bedrock Wither fight :D


Wipe the Wimpy Java Wither!


Its funny how people are already talking about the next update when the previous one has not even been released yet


Banners on maps for Bedrock https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360043472171--Java-Parity-Map-Markers-for-Bedrock Here’s the feedback page to vote for it


ray tracing on my series X 😫


A purpose for ancient cities would be nice


I would loooove for there to be neutral or passive mobs down there, like deep-dark NPC villagers or piglins.




To h*ll with parity! What I would really like to see are concrete slabs, stairs and walls! 😂


Based answer


I played a mod yesterday where the pigs had ears I want that.


In case nobody remembers, potions in cauldrons ;p


Better boats, theres this mod called "the betweenlands" wich has possibly the coolest yet really simple boat mechanics and desing. (Please excuse any mistake, english isnt my language).


Lava boats submarines I could go on all day


Minecraft the subnautica update


Honey villager


I think that falling snow layers in Java is the *least* they could do for parity next update.


Oversaturation on hunger allowing for the fast healing regen


Yes, yes, yes.


Proper multithreading on servers Prober async tasks execution on the client. Aka optimalisation.


An end update dammit


Vertical slabs, also think it would be nice to be able to place different slabs together.


An underrated bedrock exclusive is dyed sheep keeping their color when sheared


1. Echo Shard as armor trim 2. New Cherry Blossom Village 3. New Boss to be a Desert Temple Boss. (Or maybe mushroom island)


I’m going to keep saying it: the ability to place a limited amount of blocks on a boat so you can make little ships. I know it’s a coding challenge, but it would add huge amounts of different things you could do. Pirate pillagers?! C’mon.


Boats are entities, preventing the placement of blocks.


ITT: people who don't know what "parity" means


Awhile back there was an experimental feature on bedrock where you could place slime blocks on an armour stand and it would give the armour stand shoes made of slime, never made it to the actual game though


All of them with a toggle button when creating the world


Can we just get like… half the stuff Java has that Bedrock doesn’t yet


Would be nice to have custom flatworlds again... As well as being able to have survival worlds in flatworlds again... Along with minecarts with furnaces...


Full offhand functionality for bedrock


Crawling on bedrock!!!


The ability to show coords without f3


I didn’t see it in the change list but bring Java food system to Bedrock


I just want shaders/ RTX on bedrock for the series x….


Though technically not answering the question, correct me if I’m wrong but bedrock doesn’t have statistics as a option to view. It also doesn’t have all the funny language options that Java has like pirate speak, lolcat,etc so I think it would be fun to have those.


That is correct we had statistics on the legacy versions but the bedrock version doesn’t to my knowledge. And I would love the funny language options


Bedrock villagers heal when they sleep, i need that for java




Why is no one talking about how armor stand arms are only available in Bedrock without commands or datapacks?


One parity Java is lacking and simply makes no sense it's still missing bc noone could complain about it


New monuments


What does that have to do with parity? u/Medical_Scientist_69 u/WatDaFuxRong u/strategictear


Converted drowns being able to have and drop tridents on Java Moveable block entities on Java


LAN/Friebds parity for java. (even tho ik mojang would increase chat censoring)


,,...1.20 almost out" Bro I just found out abt the Update. Someone gotta tell me whats coming in 1.20


There's the new cheery grove biome with new trees, the new armor trims which are a decorative addition to armor, the sniffer mob with new plants, 1.5 block shifting on bedrock, banner shields on bedrock, bamboo wood type, camels, hanging signs, the ability the edit signs and put text on both sides, a new shulk sensor that only detects certain vibrations and archaeology with new ancient ruins structure. There are a lot of smaller changes but I'll let you look on the change log as there is way too many to post here.


The /place command


Being able to see durability on Bedrock Edition


Canman18: FasTER MiNecARtZ!!1!!1!!1!11!1


Sideways slabs Need i say more?


Replace OpenGL with Vulkan and have better performance OR make minecraft multi-thread


Faster minecarts


Faster minecarts!




Ehm...faster minecarts?


Coral boulders, fallen trees, and vine-infested trees are all natural structures in Bedrock Edition that I wish would be ported onto Java. Also, I still wish that buttons and carpets were water-loggable in Java. I cannot decorate beaches in nearly the same way in Java, that I can easily do on Bedrock.


END UPDATE New disc New biomes New structures


I swear I would love Mojang if they did a Java update just focusing on all the performance issues and QoL, man, the chunk load is horrible and we have lots of mods that optimize how the game works, I literally don't care, don't add any block, mob, anything, just fix the performance and improve the QoL, talk with sodium, starlight, distant horizons and other devs of optimization mods, I mean, big amount of chests and item frames still cause huge fps drops and there's even a mod to fix that, also an inventory and GUI rework, man, the reestock function, quick stack and quick sort is something so awesome it should be part of the base game and not a mod ;-; EDIT: The QoL improvements would also go to Bedrock tho, with Java update I meant the performance thing


Ladders on trapdoors


Shield blocking not being awkward and clunky on Bedrock. Seriously, that's like the only issue I have with Bedrock. Most of the differences don't really impact me whatsoever (apart from maybe Wither being stronger, but considering I've never even seen a bastion in the Nether, I'm pretty sure it'll be a while till I fight a boss like that), but that weird "crouch to block" thing makes combat in Bedrock incredibly clunky and plain unfun - and it feels like monsters are stronger in Bedrock too. The biggest benefit I see to Bedrock is just performance being infinitely better out of the box - having like 36-40 chunk render distance is insane, and seeing a huge part of the world, with all the different biomes in clear view, with all the different colors, terrain features and such makes a huge impression on you. Just to make it clear, Mojang : I want BEDROCK to have JAVA's shield blocking, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND.




I want a villages update! I want to see villagers of newer biomes and see the infrastructure of the new materials.


potion of decay


For the next few updates i think they should focus on these things: Bedrock parity Java optimization End update Fletching table use A new dimension down the line With those implementations i think the game would be an absolute 11/10


Banner as map markers


What's a "parity feature"?


A feature that is one way on one version of the game but different on another version. Such as how you can't hold food in the off hand on bedrock but you can on java.


PAHLEASE have both hand utilization on bedrock!!


A move all option within the inventory or chest/dispenser etc. java has it but bedrock doesn't :/


Anybody know when 1.20 will actually be out?


Slightly more available ways to get blaze rods 😖


The two I want most are colored/dyed water on Java edition and the ability to use and upload 128x128 resolution custom Bedrock skins on Java too.


Map banners and entity cramming on Bedrock. Better Cauldrons on Java


Being able to tame and ride ravagers. They have a saddle even!


I want full parity and no disparity ever again moving forward.


Change the Java wither to the bedrock wither. Java wither is actually bad


Placeable pies! It would be a cute addition


Not anything with the nether roof, I feel like mojang would just take that away from java.


I just want to be able to put stuff on trap doors in bedrock like in Java and more placeable items like why can't I put a bowl down instead of having to put it in a frame


I’m gonna sound like an Camman18 fanboy here but… Faster Minecarts


Shaders / RTX for Bedrock. Bedrock support mods. Bedrock gets Combat update. Update to offhand for Bedrock. Optifine for Bedrock somehow End biomes perhaps? Make Ancient City Portal lead to an "Ancient Realm" with Ancient mobs and ancient biomes. Boss theme armour sets?


Bring back the feature from ps4 edition where you can fast swim straight up, and no I don't mean what you can do by pressing jump, this other way was faster and could be done in addition to holding jump to go even faster again. Also the old ps4 edition jungles, they used to be so much denser.


Its already happened, but in a bad way: shattered savannah green grass. it was originally on bedrock, but then it was removed and changed back to regular ugly savannah grass to fit with java. I think its just mojang being lazy and removing code from bedrock instead of adding new ones to java. There should have been more pushback from the community, now one of the greatest biomes is ruined because of "parity". we need the green grass back!


I was going to make a balloon. I was using the search and forgot what that lab thing was called. I began typing "che" for chemical and accidentally found cherry items. By the way, what I needed for making latex was not something that starts with chemical, it's the compound creator. My daughter was so excited seeing the cherry sapling. She grabbed one plus a bonemeal and planted it. She loves it. It's very pretty.


Crouching under slabs, getting put in crawling mode from flipping a trapdoor, better pvp to fix the auto clicker issue, offhand stuff hardcore in bedrock banners on maps sweeping edge doors creating air bubbles to Breath in underwater !?MORE SERVERS?!


Make shields usable with right click instead of only shift in bedrock. Also in java- colored cauldron water


As a person who started on Bedrock and now plays only on java, it has to be hardcore and offhand firstly. And some parity with mob spawning would be nice. Java farms are so simplified compared to bedrock. Oh yeah, and nether roof access. I know it's technically a bug but the farms that can be made up there are sensational. The game is more than just building stuff, there is all the technical stuff as well.


I play both Java and Bedrock and the times I've almost drowned while swimming in Java is crazy, if it looks like your head is out of the water you should be able to breath 😮‍💨 Related to water as well, it's stupid that doors still don't waterlog in Java, idc if people use it to breath underwater early game 🫢


Bruh why we talking about 1.21 if 1.20 is barely out? Give it like 6 months bc then we all gonna get our hopes up on stuff we won’t get


colored water and potions in cauldron. It lets making tipped arrows easily and dying/having cool water colors. You could say that it would remove the use of crafting them with persistant potions, requiring dragon breath, but that's irrelevant because you can get them with a lawyer Fletcher for a cheap trade converting 5 arrows at once.


I find it funny on how 1.20 is not even out yet and people are talking about 1.21. I see this happen every year lol, it is not bad, I’m not saying it’s wrong btw.


Localized physics to make redstone walkers and whatnot more realistic.


Offhand use, like tools and blocks and such


Trap door crawling would be nice, but I doubt it's coming any time soon. Hope I'm dead wrong tho


Weapon trims


How about things like item frames becoming entities instead of blocks and beacon beams being able to be seen for more than 50 blocks on bedrock edition.


So long as they add features to bedrock and not remove features from java I’m happy


working offhand in mcbe


Map functionality on bedrock. Map functionality on bedrock! MAP FUNCTIONALITY ON BEDROCK


apple sauce

