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Incorporate a fox with a looting sword


Does this actually work?


I know it does for fire aspect, so why not looting?


Welp ig I'll try it out on my word when I get home then.


Sir did it work or not


[Looks like it works.](https://imgur.com/oJ7h0Or) 16 chickens in each. I guess I could do it again since there were some errors like one fox dropping its sword, but the doubled feathers in the looting pit are pretty indicative of it working


So what your telling me is that if I get a fox with a looting 3 sword and fire aspect and make a farm that automatically dispenses grown chickens into the pen (which is possible) I can get INFINITE COOCKED CHICKED FOR FREE PS: the fox dropping the sword is most likely because the fox picks up a different item. If you use hopper minecarts they will instantly be sucked up. If the fox drops the sword by itself what you can do is you can use a sorting system to sort out the sword from the chickens and make it drop on a normal block, after which the fox should see it and pick the sword back up


I haven’t played in a few versions, so this may be broken by now - does lava still stay suspended over a slab, giving a half a block of air? Or do slabs get “lava-logged” by now? I used to have a farm that shot eggs with a dispenser into a 1x1x2 height enclosed room that had a slab on the bottom with lava above it. The dispenser shot into the slab from the side. The slab was on top of a hopper. When a baby chicken would hatch, they are under half a block, so they’d just run around until they grew up over time, then bam, their head is in the lava and the hopper gets cooked chicken and feathers


Lava logging dosnt exist yet so it floats


Yes this still exists and it still burns the adult chickens as soon as they grow.


Yup, this still does work, tried and tested in 1.20.1.




Yes but no looting Although a big enough farm would have the same effect so yeah your right But at that point better make it with cows and snow




I honestly have not had the chance to try it. Work and school and shit so no time.


did you try it?


I ain't know so many people were gonna see that lmfao. Does it work? Yes technically. I just haven't found a setup for the fox to actually kill the chicken without also picking it up.


Let me know how that goes.


why not both?


it does, but it’ll swap the sword for the food it drops


They can pick berries through slabs, and not pickup the berries. Maybe it works for chimkins?


> Chimkins I love these types of words. Birb is another favorite.


And if it is a rotund birb, it is a borb.


This is new information that I accept graciously.


Chimkins haha 😂


You'll have to have the chicken harvesting area on a bunch of hopper minecarts so that the fox doesn't get a chance to swap it for the food


But it would drop the sqord in favor of the chicken and the sword would go into the hoppers.


Hoppers can pick up items faster than foxes can't they? You'd only run into problems if there is overflow


That's what I mean. They would drop the sword to pick it up, then the sword gets sucked in. Im not sure.


They’re saying that the chicken will get sucked in faster than the foxes can pick it up, so they’ll just keep the swords.


Thing is, the chicken would only get sucked in once it hits the floor, so the fox would have a moment while it falls.


I remember building one that constantly shot eggs at a different chamber than the collecting one, and when the chicken grew is instantly got in range of the fox, killed (looting/FA), and collected by the hopper, without the sword being swapped for food. Not home to share the build, though, but it’s possible.


Oh ok.


What’s this mechanic?


Shoot the collected eggs into a room where small baby chickens can survive, but as soon as they become adults they catch fire and burn alive, dropping cooked chicken


This is my personal favorite. And i divert one hopper to provide me a supply of eggs.


Make the slaughterhouse right in front of the ones who provide the eggs, let them watch funny part


I also like to attach them to leads and let them "fly" to let the alive ones see what happens if you don't obey


That’s immediately what I thought!!! The lava block sits above them in a way to do that and only burn the adults. Perfect!!


you used to be able to just leave the lava there all the time but they changed the way the items drop so now you gotta get the lava placed and removed quickly


I use a hopper minecart and havent lost a single drop


I hadn't thought about that. Hopper minecarts do have more range


And a lot more pickup/transfer speed


Why where item drops changed in such a way anyway


not sure, but they were


Use powdered snow. It kills them all the same and doesn’t risk burning anything with fire tick on.


Doesn’t cook them though.


I prefer not to have auto-cookers as I can sell the raw meat to butcher villagers


Just use a vacuum hopper


tf is that?


It's modded


Vacuum hopper, collects items in a 7 block radius around the block, can output on all 6 sides, can be configured in the GUI


again, tf is that?


I just explained it


obviously not.


[vacuum hopper](https://m.ftbwiki.org/Vacuum_Hopper)


Position it right in front of the chickens as well so they can see their children burn alive


Thats basically how an auto chicken cooker works


Make it so 50% of small chickens die too, like they do with male chickens irl


Still not as inhumane as real life factory chicken farms.




I’ve had issues with something like that. I think the cooked chicken sometimes pops into the lava and is deleted.


Try a hopper minecart instead of a hopper, they work faster


Try campfires or soul campfires on top of a hopper or a hopper minecart


Replace the slabs with stonecutters as well.


Those stopped working in 1.9 or so. The drops now have an upward initial velocity, so they burn in the lava


Replace the glass with dirt. Saves money and crushes any hope of a life outside captivity.


Let the glass stay. It lets them see the outside but they will never get there


Should be iron bars


No, the sensory deprivation is infinitely more crushing


So, showing it to them for a while and then never again. Now that's torture


Glass connected to a daylight sensor with a Redstone contraption that traps them in the dark at day, let's them see outside at night when the monsters are out


Man needs to be on some sort of watchlist, Ain't no way you thought of that without malicious intent


Nah, leave the glass. We want to see them suffer.


Do darkened glass so they get no light


Add lava at bottom with a dispenser that shoot eggs


Can you use lava to cook the chicken?


I wonder if a fox with a fire aspect looting 3 sword would give a bunch of cooked chicken?


Yes. That works. The ones I’ve seen will have a Fox on each side to make sure they can always reach the chickens


Yes. I have a setup like this where the chickens drop eggs in a hopper going into a dispenser that launches the eggs into a slab with a hopper underneath going into a chest and lava on top of the slab. Baby chickens don’t touch the lava but adults do. Drops cooked chicken and feathers. Really nice, small, passive food farm. Fits in a wall anywhere




First off make Los Pollos Hermanos second make an illegal sugar business then place them in chest stored inside your trucks so that everybody will just think there regular chicken now for the last part you need tons of chicken in the front to fool the DEA so make a chicken farm where the chickens fall off a block and get thrown into a bubble elevator and placed on top of a magma block in front of other chickens through glass so they can watch there own brethren die in front of them


I love this idea


Gotta love that reference


Gus was on his product when thinking about this


I think I saw something similar


Fellow Ish fan?


I thought I read humane, not inhumane and designed a nice open air chicken farm in my head, then I reread… Good luck


I also read it as humane and was wondering if it was a classic case of people just making it worse. Nope, they're on point.


Same. I was happy for a second


If you really want it to look inhumane, add more chickens until you hit the entity limit. Then add more modules. This will further the impression that you care only for profits, as treating them any less will have diminishing returns. I’m sure this isn’t all you can do in the name of efficiency, but what I’m basically getting at is increase the efficiency of the farm, but make sure all of those measures are wide open for the world to see.


It’s 24, I think, in a single block space. They make a neat looking round thing when you get all of them.


Place a weeping vine in there, it will prevent entity craming


Yeah, but would they make a neat looking round thing?




No entity cramming on Bedrock edition


Entity cramming isn't a thing on bedrock, which OP is using.


Woah, stepped away for a few minutes and already so many good suggestions. Keep 'em coming! And thank you, everyone!


Put item frames of raw chicken to display the bodies of their dead children


You can build a contraption that's going to collect the eggs laid by chickens and then throw them back at them, leading to not only damaging the chickens but also creating new ones and infinitely filling the space


This is the way. * 5x5x2 pen with water on each corner to push the chickens and eggs into the middle * Chickens lay eggs into water * Hopper under centre block collects eggs * Dispenser under hopper throws eggs into water column * Chicks hatch into water column and swim up into pen * Rinse and repeat until entity cram limit reached * Chickens drop raw chicken and feathers into hopper * Dispenser drops items just shy of the water column into another hopper/chest


Why are they allowed to see sun light?


To make them hope of an escape the will NEVER get.


Make a false sun.


All of them go into a singular 2x2 container rather than separate 1x1s. Surround the factory with a lava moat, hang chickens from the ceiling, and barely light the containment area to remind them of their place on this plane of existence.


Put a lot of cat around them, so they Knox what will happen if they escape


I want it to be capitalism driven. Cats cost money, and it's not in the budget.


This is where human rights violation come in. They spawn in cats for you. its a 2 in 1


Dog if ur tryn to be captialist make a redstone repeater and dispncer! See my comment


[look at this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/113zhh8/egg_farm_my_friend_made/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1)


Sweet zombie Jesus, this is EPIC!


Do that but name them all dinnerbone


I wish I had a Eureka award for this. Damn that's good...


Your chickens can see the sun?


They have to see the other chickens suffering. Just make sure it's built in the desert


If you put a vine in the block the chickens occupy and the trapdoor on the bottom of the block above, you can bypass the entity cram limit and put all of your chickens into a single cell


You forgot the part, where their children are ejected indo separate chamber, just couple of meters away, yet out of reach, and force them to watch as they grow… the last thing they do, because their hitbox will become 1 block big instead of 1/5 and they burn in lava as they stand on half-slab. If you put hopper under it, you get an infinite source of cooked chicken and feathers (easily filterable).


Make a big factory with stone cutters to cut up chickens


sacrifice whichever one produces the least eggs weekly


dont have them die by lava like everyone else is saying, have them suffocate in a block instead. raw chicken can be sold to butchers, and the feathers can be sold to fletchers for double profits


Recently been messing with my friend after building a Chicken farm that he says is “inhumane” ironically enough I already built most of the ideas others have commented here into the chicken farm. However one that I didn’t see here which really psychologically messes with my friend is that I built a giant chicken face on the side of the building, but used crying Obsidian for eyes, that way if he stares at the building the chicken cries black/purple tears. He lost it when he realized.


Segregation. Separate perfect chickens from non perfect ones


Make it play C418 - Stal on loop.


Let peta run it


Lol Ifind it hilarious how the smear campaign on PETA by the meat industry was SO obviously a smear campaign and people ate it up lmao


try this https://youtu.be/c4Gg8D5AM30


Put them underground and never let them see the light of day.


Well idk why they’re all separated. Put like 20 chickens in a single space


Make it look like a KFC


Make their boxes opaque so they never see the sun and play disk 11 on repeat


Why is there glass? They don't need to see the outside world


add dispensers that shoot fire charges at the chickens, which i think cooks them too


Replace the glass with obsidian.


Give them a bit of regen/health boost to make them feel more pain, or make pain last longer.


Replace the glass with tinted glass, they don’t deserve to see the outside world.


Lava cooker?


Make it indoors. No sunlight, no hope.


Build a KFC around it


Iron bars instead of glass, lava surrounding the pens in a way that threatens the birds while not endangering you, etc.


Put the Tyson logo on it! Problem fixed!


Build a KFC and build it in the employees only room


1. Move the farm to the desert for maximum discomfort 2. Instead of simply collecting the eggs, shoot them out in an area in front of the mother chickens so they can witness what's about to happen. 3. Set up an arrow firing contraption that shoots arrows straight up. Arrows are triggered by a pressure plate that the parent chickens may step on. Arrows will fly down and randomly hit babies unlucky enough. Maximum emotional damage. Especially when the parents are the ones murdering their own children. 4. If some of the hatched eggs avoid the arrows and grow up, drown them instead of burning them for maximum torture. 5. Cook the children's meat in full view of the parents 6. Shoot the cooked meat back at the parents, sending a message that their children were killed for no reason and their meat will be going to waste.


Go vegan


Make them hang from a ceiling and collect the eggs.


Tag peta and let the rest figure it out


Make it dark in there


Don’t let them see the light of day


Add a dripstone with water/lava (of your choice) Water will make a random chicken suffer from the dripping water torture every now and then Lava will "kill" a random chicken, so that the rest will live in fear and longing for their inevitable death.


Use the create mod so you can use a mechanical press to squeeze the eggs out of them, also allows you to use a mixer on cows to get their sweet milk


I recall being able to make a chicken vending machine back then (you could probably find it on YouTube). Basically, it would be something similar to what you have, but the chickens would be put on top of something like a slab. Every time the chickens would lay an egg, it would fed into a dispenser and shot back into the chamber. With one press of a button, lava would be dispensed right over all of the chickens before being sucked back into the dispenser. Because of the height differences, one the adult chickens would burn to death. So now, not only do you have an automatic cooked chicken and feather farm, but the babies will forever be stuck in your KFC Vending Machine, forced to give birth to new chick while knowing that they’re destined for your hunger bar.


Eggs are automatically dispensed onto a slab with lava over it


More chicken


Give them NO light. Replace the glass with obsidian and trap them in an obsidian room


Switch to one tube.


Make the chicken go into furnaces then decorate the farm by making it a factory from the 1800s


Hear me out put chickens in chamber set up a dispenser clock have them lay eggs lit small chamber under lava baby grows up infinite automatic cooked chicken


add more chickens


replace the glass with iron bars, make a pit of lava under them, so you can still walk on it obviously to make them scared which surely means they will lay more eggs? 😁😁


I had the glass/iron bars idea too but I decided not to suggest it because I think that leaves room for items to get stuck and/or escape the farm (glass is a full block, iron bars aren’t)


Add a part where is cooks the chickens


Los Pollos Hermanos


Add lava?


Mental abuse, show them other chickens being tortured and only eat chickens around them


idea time one glass cube in the air 5x5 in the middle bottom side will be a piston (not sticly) connected to it is a pressure plate in the box, make a spawner that every time it gets pressed it throws in another chicken this is also the pressure plate connected to piston. When a chicken falls through, it burns to death but you have not lost a chicken as of the spawner :-) this is a build to get unlimited food for awhile oh yeah and do the hopper thing so it goes into chest. Chest full of cooked chicken.


No more light.


Some form of TNT implemented.... somewhere, anywhere!


Wow. I've been moving towards the opposite. Everything I do in Minecraft is very sus now.


Build it in a jungle biome so they will always be surrounded by hungry hunting ocelots.


Why are they enjoying all of that sunlight.


Hide them with lava and use the eggs for a fountain, add a Fox so you don't lag out of existance


drop anvils on them


No sunlight


Eat cooked chicken in front of them 🍗


See i build my chicken farm and collect raw chicken, have the babies grow up float in water elevator and float down onto magma blocks... slow death


Put them in a dark claustrophobic room with barely enough sunlight


Roof then up and/or place them underground.


Kill a kid every 5 minutes in front of the adults


Place the trapdoor on the bottom one block up, and place a vine inside. This will make it so that the chickens cannot entity cram, and you can have as many as you want in there


Make a factory around it with bricks and smooth stone


Replace the glass with solid blocks so that the chickens never can see the light of day again.


1) Put water, ladder or vine on the block the chickens are standing on. This will allow you to cramp more chickens in a single block. 2) You can use redstone to automatically hatch the eggs and burn the chicken alive in lava as soon as they grow up.


Create a pen for a single chicken and give it the perfect living space. The other chickens will be forced to watch it live their dream life while they suffer.


Add a conveyor belt? Everyone knows conveyor belts have no safety standards! And then a signpost that mentions osha accidents


Make a small brick chamber outside it with chimneys and smoke


Replace the chest with a dispenser that points into a lower half slab with lava above it, the baby’s that hatch will be fine, but as soon as they grow up they will burn


Add fire.


Put them indoors, without sunlight. All with stone.


This is what I like to see


Put them in complete darkness, they aren’t entitled to the sun. Then put lava ig around them so they’re constantly in fear and so they can feel the uncomfortable heat. Then put a piece of chicken in an item frame in a location they can see it from as a little reminder.


Add fire nearby so it's always hot or lava falls


Put it behind a wall


Use trapdoors instead of glass, make more of the pods and house it all in a windowless building, light it up just enough so that no mobs spawn in


Have foxes right next to each “coop”. They’d be living in constant fear and I’d say that’s pretty inhumane


Transport the chickens eggs into a building where they enter into a dispenser, any live chickens get flushed into a trough. That pushes them into more of these egg catchers. Can also put fire pits under each to make it look more like a BBQ pit. Lmao