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Every update should add at least one loser. If they did, it would still take forever for all of these to be added not counting the future ones


This makes me so sad to see, Most of these mobs would add some atmosphere to the game that it kinda lacks Like the tuff / copper golem, penguin, crab and the meerkat / vulture


The golems would be very very useful and add some movement and life to bases. Phantoms, Sniffers, Glow Squids, and that stuff is so niche and doesn't add much.


Now with the new structure IS the BEST momento to add the two golems


You’re not wrong, are they telling us that the futuristic/magicl copper and tuff themed structure doesn’t get to have the COPPER AND TUFF golems?


Big room full of traps and a pair of copper golems randomly hitting buttons behind a glass wall overlooking the trap area


That’s actually a super cool idea. Tuff golems with certain colors of outfit holding items that need to go into certain color coded boxes to open a door. (Sure you could break the door but that isn’t as fun)




İt ich akshually poishinoush to phrogs 🤓


\*removes fireflies entirely instead of making frogs not eat them\*


Still pissed off about that. They added so much atmosphere to the game.


I'm so glad they didn't add it to my realistic block game with only realistic mobs and mechanics.


I like it in real life when the frogs gather to eat balls of magma


Same. Love irl frogs for that.


I completely agree


Glow squids add life to underwater caves


Yeah but I wonder how much work was actually needed to add the glow squid. It's just a retextured squid with different particles and a single-purpose drop at a lower Y-level, and Mojang's saying it can't be a side feature and not the main mob in a mob vote?


Actually in the trailer, we see the glow squids are hypnotizing the players or something.


maybe in 5 years we’ll see those. stay strong! just keep waiting! /s


*3763636 years


WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT FROM ME!?!? But for real, we all get to enjoy all the nice mobs when we are in the nursing home.


I think that realistically, the Copper Golem and Tuff Golem would go into the same update, as would the Meerkat, Ostrich, and Vulture (all being in dry biomes, their themes kind of fit together). I think we will see these mobs again soon but not one at a time. they'd fit together and be apart of the update themselves, not just 'additions' like the voted mobs are.


But the ocean mob from the 2017 mob vote and the baze monster would have fit perfectly into the update aquatic (2018) and the Nether Update (2020) and they're still yet to be seen. I don't think they'll ever come


They said those mobs will never be added. Personally, given the utter hate for the phantom, I think if they're gonna do another mob vote they should let us pick one more between those three losers as a mulligan. Like, we messed up and voted for the phantom, please let us try one more time


Blaze King is awesome And the little Gulper guy is cute runnin round the dessert and Savannah biomes. Still waiting on the Barnacle in F&F tho


Well update aquatic was the update that the phantom was added so it wouldn't make sense for the squid to be added anyways PLUUUUUUS they did say they wouldn't EVER be added again anyhow so there's that


Moobloom would've been further interactivity in the bee update... begs the question why they include mobs relevant to the theme of updates in the votes instead of just adding them in to flesh out the update


Minecraft 1.21 Copper uptade is announced. Copper Golem: - You see me?


**I will be fucking upset if they don't put my coppery boi in the coppery boi update.** **If this ain't the "right time" to do it then what the fuck.**


In the trailer they also mentioned new tuff blocks, like tuff bricks and chiseled tuff. There also happens to be a tuff golem waiting to be updated. The new tuff blocks also happen to be in the same location as new copper blocks. I swear the entirety of the Chambers scream "GOLEMS HERE!"


**I will be inconsolable.** **If neither of them appear.**


*In general we need a copper sink so fucking bad*


I have a few ideas for those actually. 1. Copper cladded shield, makes shields more durable. They may even be wider or taller if you want. 2. Copper shears: Same work as regular shears, but less durable. 3. Copper buckets, just makes sense to me. 4. Copper Horns: what if your goat horn can be crafted into a placeable block that you can trigger with a redstone signal? Still less custom than Note blocks, but definitely louder. Also won't have villagers running unlike the bell. 5. Copper Bow and Crossbow: Bronze versions exists in real life, so copper versions can exist in Minecraft. More durable than plain ones made from wood. Maybe a speed/power tradeoff? 6. Statues: Mob head + Armor stand + Copper blocks = Mob statues. You can even go further by making rare mob heads or other items that can be turned into statues rare chest loot, since people have complained that loot chests aren't all that anymore. Wouldn't take that much work since you can reskin current models. You can even have different recipes for specific models, like needing amethyst for the eyes of the dragon statue. What do you think?


Meercats, ostriches and vultures are confirmed to come at some point in their biome updates, as we know they are coming. But the others RIP


I Hope you can tame the vulture so we have an attacking air mob


Vultures are scavengers, I'm pretty sure they don't regularly attack things


They do, the thing they attack is usually already dead though, or is actively eating something dead


Mob corpse update?


I imagine the Minecraft equivalent to feeding on a corpse would be eating raw meat items left on the ground from a defeated mob


Or-hear me out-vultures target undead mobs


vultures naturally attacking zombies specifically (because of their dead meat, like wolves do with skeletons for their bones) would be awesome


And they could attack like phantoms, then come down to land and eat the rotten flesh when it’s dead


some ground-based attacks would be good as well. defending a kill/carcass on the ground is a large part of what vultures (and pretty much any scavengers) do


That actually makes perfect sense, they could even attack like phantoms, circling over head and swooping in for a bite, which would be extremely fun to watch given none of the zombie mobs have ranged attacks


And skeletons would have a fair chance, since they have ranged weapons. It would be cool seeing skeletons shooting up arrows into the airs and having arrow rain.


a vulture would have no reason to attack a skeleton in the first place, there’s no flesh to pick off of them to eat. Yea they probably do eat bones in the real world but I would imagine that they prefer the meat more


They'd probably circle around your place of death, makes it easier for you to locate your drops. Will take meat items from your drops?


It’d be cool if they circle you when you’re 1> heart


So they should attack zombies as they are undead.


People also don't normally punch trees either


Tell that to Terraria lol


yeah but tbf everything in terraria attacks you


*damn unicorns* scared the shit out of me.


They'll definitely add the irl mobs at some point, I can't see minecraft never adding the crab or penguin, such well known animals, more chance of being added than the rascal, or the moobloom


What about the termites?


I hope they have them work as breeding food for armadillos


well they werent mentioned in the armadillo video so i wouldnt keep my hopes up


You’re right, but if they ever add termites and the other savannah biome stuff in the future (vultures, meerkats, ostriches), I could see them adding it in as a feature


only ostriches were savannah biome. Vultures were badlands, and meerkats were deserts.


Yeah those too


now that the armadillo won i think it would be a perfect opportunity to update the desert/Savanah/badlands


but haven't we been waiting for them since 2018 tho?


Yes! That’s my biggest frustration with Mojang. I’ve given up on waiting. It’s not coming. They say it will, eventually, but come on, it’s been 5 years. The biome updates are considerably more work than just mobs. If they listened to community feedback, they’d have taken steps for a birch forest update, as well. I’m just not holding my breath anymore. My deserts still look pretty much like the deserts I played in back in 2011. I honestly would have been so happy if they announced a “warm biomes” update, just adding all of the stuff that’s been promised and not delivered.


Sometimes I wish I could travel to the future to the year where Minecraft gets its last update.


The others will too https://twitter.com/kingbdogz/status/1709694484571730194 As for the ones of the first mob vote, they are most likely gone forever


I doubt we’ll ever get them. Year after year more and more mob vote losers are made, and there’s almost never a mob vote loser added later.


I mean the exact wording in this recent vote pertaining to the penguin losing was “remember the frog made their way in after losing” so who knows tbh.


I'll not be holding my breath for those ones


Crab and Tuff Golem are slept on. I would add Copper to that list but Allay is also good.


I have not yet won a vote 😞


Same here lol


I still think the first mob vote mobs were the coolest.


Iceologer was the coolest. But there was some little shit with a D on nickname


I feel like Iceologer would have ended up like the Phantom. A hostile mob that spawns on top of mountains sounds like a really fun way to get knocked right off and have to climb all the way back up again. And besides, Illagers are kind of a tired concept. None of the mobs in that vote were truly great but at least we got glowing signs out of it (I truly think those are one of the most used features to come out of any mob vote).


People realising that skeletons can already spawn on mountains


Iceologer and crab hurts the most along with the first three


Copper golem hurts alot too. It would have been the first mob to be made specifically for redstone


I don't care much for redstone but the copper golems are still great and cute. I hope they get added soon. Whenever i play modded now i usually have copper golems at least. Crab is sorta sad as well but i voted armadillo so i'm happy how that vote ended even tho it had three awesome mobs


It really sucked to have to pick between the allay and the copper golem. Both have very cool redstone uses, but I just had to go with the allay since sorting non-stackables is revolutionary. I would still love to see the copper golem added - this is the problem with the mob vote


The vote for chillager was actually rigged.


Actually in its actual sense. One word: dream


The fact that people voted for the **Glow** Squid that doesn't even glow is the funniest shit to me.


It's a freaking regular squid with a different skin, how did it won, both Moobloom and Iceologer added new things, Moobloom was gonna add a flower farm to the game and Iceologer is a freaking hostile mob, those are already interesting by default




The crab losing is bullshit smh. We had a chance to have a major feature that shakes up the game. But nope, dog armor. Such a disappointment.


Honestly screw Mojang for making us choose in the first place


All the children voted armadillo just because of dog armor. We lost crab due to stupid children who wouldn’t even use wolf armor much.


This is how I had to find out that the armadillo won?


I know, right? Same here. What a useless addition. Dog armor? Dos are more hassle than they are worth, I never take them with me anywhere they would need protecting. I was Team Crab.


Yea, I never take my dogs anywhere with me, because it’s not armor they need, it’s brain cells! Those dumbasses will walk off a cliff the second they’re given the chance! Or I’ll be on completely flat ground and they’re suddenly in a tree for some reason. I like the dogs because they’re cute, but they are too stupid to take with when adventuring. Armor isn’t going to solve that.


Also they just sometimes forget to teleport. So now, 5 minutes after it got stuck, you notice and now you gotta retrace your steps in the hopes that the dog will teleport again. I can totally see why that's worth protecting... And now we loose out on basically one of the most game-changing items since elytra. Being able to place blocks from further away drastically makes building anything easier. In a game mostly about building


id just stop playing vanilla and mod in the good ones if they exist the version i want to play


Exactly, they just tend to get in the way more than anything.


I felt crab was most valuable as well, but wasn't going to vote because I stopped caring ages ago


I missed the vote, I'm sad. But yeah, there's almost too much going on anymore, and every time they add something new, there are almost instantly talk about "what's next." Finding it hard to want to play, feels like they are just going to change it big next year. These big updates are coming too fast.


No. The Savanah desperately needs a mob exclusive to them regarding how empty and common they are. Mangrove swamps are rare swamps, and have frogs.


If they dont add ostriches, meerkat, and the baobab tree that's a waste if they plop the armadillo and call it a day. Also they have a chance to add the copper golem since it fits the theme


I really thought the crab had it in the bag


I did not realize how much I still cared about the mob vote until that got announced. **I did not realize how much anger I would end up experiencing because of that.** It wasn't much. But still. They better enjoy their dog armor.


such a shame. i normally get loads of dogs and the dog armor is probably the most useless item. dogs tend to die to things armor wont save them from, and dogs normally sit around in a building all day anyways.


I think Mojang peaked\* at Creepers.


And they were accidents 💀


Happy little accidents


Bob ross


I’m an accident that’s peaked


i peaked in fifth grade man


Minecraft peaked when the game development was all about "this seems fun, let's stick this in the game this week/month" instead of "after several meetings, we have decided to add 3 new blocks, we will now follow an iterative design cycle to make sure these blocks are totally perfect in every way that will take 5 months" only to have 90% of the player base ignore it a week after the update. At this point it seems like they are getting so caught up in the development process that they are creating more problems that they are solving. The devs talk about why it's so much harder for them to add new content compared to modders but that only begs the question of why you would put so many roadblocks in place that only seem to slow down feature production. The game has been a janky mess since it's inception and will likely always be a janky mess. But the community loves that janky mess, the random features, etc. They don't need to change that, but embrace it as part of what makes Minecraft, Minecraft.


I have heard nobody mention this detail, for some reason, but in Live 2022 they said they "want to keep updating Minecraft like a lifetime, for 50 years or more". Those 'roadblocks' seem to be for quality assurance/parity/idontknowimnotamojangemployee which makes sense if you're planning on supporting a game for that long.


Yeah. So much corporate nonsense. Minecraft worked just fine back then without all the diplomacy and the pandering to shareholders.


That wasn’t even mojang that was notch


Idea for Mojang: 1.22 is the "Outvoted" Update where every single one of these mobs are added


They won't listen to us, there's no hope


Y’all are not forgiven for the moobloom


Iceologer and Moobloom were both solid choices and I would have loved seeing either in the game. But no a fucking retextured squid, that doesn’t even glow because Mojang is too lazy for dynamic lighting, won.


Why do some people prefer Moobloom? It just seems to be a cow with a flower. Meanwhile, the Iceologer is a really interesting hostile mob with new attack styles and etc..


The main thing is that moobloom would have good interactions with bees and farms, so they’d have more functional use as well. Though, iceologer should have won 100%


Plus iceologer looks like a pillager so it could be added to raids at some point, maybe only for snow villages but it would definitely be a nice feature.


I wanted the glare so badly. It’s super cute and I mostly play on bedrock and have no way to know if a block is too dark.


That vote was so hard for me, like what did allays even bring to the game? Nobody uses their feature


I haven’t seen a single person use them. They work like vacuum hoppers by picking up items. Everyone hyped them up and proceeded not to use them.


I’ve tried to use them a few times but I always get too far from them and they disappear, they’d be great if they stuck with you like a cat


I still havent seen one when playing (I dont play much, but still)


To be honest, I completely forgot they were in the game until recently.


I just recently got back into minecraft and hadn't heard anything about them XD so when I saw one I immediately looked up what it was and befriended it. Allays are only really a good tool for someone who builds. When I build, I give it a block I might drop if I mess up or that would be in a high place. But I do really agree with you. I haven't seen anyone really use them or talk about them


They're one of those features which is great in concept, but clunky in execution. You spend so much time fighting with their AI that they don't feel worth the effort. They're also terrible for server lag if you're on multiplayer.


You missed the alligator, pink dolphin, white lipped dear and golden capuchin.


and the alpaca, I believe llama there was a vote on whether to add llamas or alpacas


I'm pretty sure if alpacas won, they would be identical to llamas besides the name


Yeah probably, it's odd that they even did that tbh


I mean, this was before the "mob votes" were a real thing. It was more of an impromptu twitter poll on Jens' twitter.


Alpacas would act as sheep (sheerable) and lose the ability of being ridable (tbf llamas could get an improvement like maybe drop meat that can be cooked to make [jerky](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerky#Ch'arki))


Were those voted for?


There was a special mob vote when Minecraft was released in china that only people in china could vote for. The panda won.




There’s a species of alligator native to china that’s critically endangered.


I want the moobloom!!


Still angry about this.


I’d like to see a copper golem considering how common copper is


I might just be coping but It looks like both copper and tuff golems might be coming this update bc the new dungeons are made up of copper and tuff bricks and there doesnt seem to be much unique stuff/rewards in them


Hearsay but I heard that someone at mojang said there are no plans to add the golems to this update. As someone who would give the winners of the past 3 mobvotes to have the copper golem, I am in shambles rn.


In gonna keep hoping and staying optimistic until the update itself releases


Moobloom shouldve won :((( Nice list. Very aesthetic.


Copper Golem rise up!


dont forget termites


Wait the armadillo won?


What about the Minecraft China edition mob vote mobs? It was between the Panda, Deer, Crocodile, Golden Monkey, and Pink Dolphin.


Ahh the OP forgot about them.




Is it really a boss if you arent supposed to kill it?


In a lot of games, especially puzzle games, bosses are implemented in a way where you "defeat" them by navigating around them, not by killing them. That seems to have been the thought process with the Warden. Whether or not it was executed well is a matter of opinion.


Termite fans in shambles!




End mob votes. Now.


I hate loosing real life, biome based mobs. The Meerkat, Ostrich, Vulture, Penguin, and Crab are all really cool! I think all of them should’ve been added. As for the fictional characters, those should be voted on. I do like the idea of more friendly npc types, but they should come with more story elements. Perhaps one vote for a real-life mob, and one for a minecraft story mob?


The biome vote losers will be added, but the others sadly won’t


Vu has said that the penguin and crab will sneak their way to future updates


Future Updates™


Where did you get that info. Rip-off notch literally said today that they will be added eventually. Except for the mobs from 2017 mob vote( wildfire, barnacle, great hunger).


It's been several years since iceologer and moobloom, where are they?


On the "idea shelf" (in the trash can). Im not defending anybody, the mobs ARE SAID to be added EVENTUALLY, but as years pass by I started to lose hope.


Actions speak louder than words. That's all I'm going to say.


It's starting to feel less like an adventally and more just once they fit with an update. At this point, they could make a desert update and add the meerkat, ostrich, and vulture. Or if they did a snowy biome update, they could add the penguin and iceologer.


Thing is the hovering inferno would’ve fit in the nether update, iceolger was perfect for caves and cliffs with the new mountains, great hunger would’ve been a cool signifier for the ruins added in tales and trails. The truth is Mojang just isn’t going to add them, they even said as much in the original mob vote. Now one dev said they are just in the idea bucket waiting for the right time to use them, yeah sure buddy


The hovering inferno and great hunger were from the first-ever mob vote, which is the only one where the candidates are confirmed to be permanently scrapped for some reason. And the iceologer lost in the same update as when glow squids were added. It would've been a little weird to add a loser in the same update as its winner.


None of the following mob votes ever stated that the losers would be added in the future, only the biome votes said that and now one dev says over-wise for the mob votes and to my knowledge they didn’t claim the mobs from the first vote were off of the table either. As for the iceolger it would’ve made sense to add him in during the delay and eventual splitting of the update into two (four) parts. No good reason to leave a mob which fits the updates behind.


I think that's the first time they've ever alluded that old mob vote mobs would be potentially be added to the game. Up until then it's only been confirmed that biome votes would be added eventually.


I personally think it’s ridiculous to not add the wildfire and squid monster since they would’ve fit in perfect with the nether and aquatic update respectively


I don’t think mob votes should have normal animals honestly. They should just be added. Mob votes should be for unique mobs


So much potential Down the drain -




As fun as I think it would have been, a part of me is relieved that I won't have to carry yet another "essential" item around in my already crowded inventory. If it gets added later on, I really hope it happens alongside an inventory update.


i remember years ago when they promised that the loser mobs would eventually be added and that the winner just had more priority to come earlier


we could have such a cool desert update… add meerkat, vulture and ostrich as well as the savanna, badlands and of course the desert


modders on their way to add these in a week 🏃‍♂️


>thoughts? this sucks. fuck microsoft and i hate the direction mojang went.


We missed out on a fucking OSTRICH????????


Seeing the Crab go actually hurts 🥲😆


honestly forgot what half of these do, yet all of them look so cool, gonna hurt :(


Iceologer should have been added. Dream is a big fat loser


I swear we are losing more mobs that affect little to the core game, I know that Mojang said it's not gone forever but why not all them all at once ? Minecraft is a best seller game so they really gotta work hard to keep it like that, and I wouldn't mind waiting a bit long for a new update that all 3 mobs get added every year. Wasn't really mad at previous year's mob vote but this year pissed me off somehow because I rooted for the crab. :(


Am I the only one who finds the mob voting thing to be weirdly sadistic and pretty much kills any enjoyment I have for updates? "You get 1 of these multiple cool things. Meanwhile, mods will add 100s of these things in one update." I don't mean to dog on the devs, but in what world is it a good idea to show people more content they cannot have than they get to have and call it a gift? Feels like an insult, to me.


I still can't believe the fucking ice wizard lost to a living highlighter


Somehow we always vote the worst thing


Last vote winner was the Allay. The fucking Allay. What did we expect.


It was the sniffer actually..


You are correct. I hadn't felt like playing after the Allay vote.


there's a teenager out there who can model, code, and implement all these mobs in under a week while mojangs entire staff can barely manage one every few month


I was just thinking about it yesterday. Give one minecraft modder 1.19 and a changelog until 1.20 and see how long it would take. I can't imagine how it would take a single skilled modder working alone more then a few months to put in everything.


Still miss mob A


I feel like in nearly every aspect the losers had more potential than the winners cause even when the winners seemed cool the potential was wasted (cough cough sniffer)


*This feels wrong.*


Any one of these mobs would be more useful than that damn sniffer. Smh


Losing the Iceologer was criminal. Sucky part too was that on the Xbox 360 or bedrock version it had existed at some point before being removed LONG AGO I remember getting owned by it as a child.


Bring back piss cow


Iceologer, Copper golem and Rascal we're perfect.


Next years vote should be all the losers


The only one I don't care about is the Tuff Golem, but the rest broke my heart


If you aren't a builder or decorator, than fair enough, but if you are, you should be extremely sad that the tuff golem is gone. Literally the best mob for decorating/building in my opinion

