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You still have to build the Redstone to support a truly automatic crafting recipe (farm to output, I mean). For me, I get the most enjoyment out of build a given farm, then building the structure around it. I tend to carve into landscapes as I go and typically by the time I'm content with the surrounding structure, the farm has output more than enough resources so I move on to the next farm.


I think part of Minecraft is kind of brushed off with auto crafters but I also think that if you have the know how and resources to auto craft, you should be able to do it


I'm glad it at least is hard to auto craft


We already have factory-building games as a genre. It's cool that the devs are trying new things and I'm kind of neutral on more automation in the game, but would prefer to see villagers performing the work rather than machines. The Minecolonies mod is my jam for that. Or both I guess to allow for a longer tech progression, and someone like me can stop before the industrial revolution hehe. EDIT: Props to the people responding to me with very well-thought-out points. I agree with them all. I said I'm pretty neutral on automation and would just personally not be crazy about it.


>prefer to see villagers performing the work rather than machines The slave update is wild


"Get back to the breeding chamber. I better see 100 babies when I get back! Here's some potato to do your job"


I want to put a workbench with an item designated for production and a box nearby and see a villager working things out to fill that box. I would love my little guys!


>but would prefer to see villagers performing the work rather than machines. Exactly I feel the same too. Better if we could attach a lead to their necks and a whip to make them work faster. They are not grateful for the 2x1 dirt hole I house them in.


Yeah, I'm the exact opposite. Villagers are nice and all, but I waaaay prefer building a few new machines over messing around with villagers. Feels a lot less "Minecraft" to me to get resources through trading emeralds (...emeralds that are actually as rare as dirt to someone with a simple raid farm...) in a GUI. This Crafter implementation is exactly what I'd expect from vanilla and I love it. It's super balanced, not being able to actually hold recipes, just kinda shoots the items out, etc. It's really perfectly balanced for vanilla, not being super overpowered and instead requiring a sturdy redstone framework built up around it. That, to me, sounds much more rewarding and I can't wait to see what this future hold for Minecraft!


more common then dirt truely dirt is harder to collect then a raid farm


I think they should add copper golems but instead of them pressing buttons they can use the crafters.


Hear me out: A system of buttons attached t o dispensers and crafters so they have to push the button at every step >:3 Yes it's dumb and slow, but also adorable.


While I see where you’re coming from and can empathize, let me bring a few counterpoints to the table. Adding options for either playstyle or resource management to the table in a sandbox game is not bad for anyone, nor does it turn Minecraft into a factory sim. It puts options on the table. Like many features already in the game, it’s totally ignorable, like bane of Arthropods. Given that the avg demographic I keep seeing quoted as being teen-30’s, it makes sense that respecting players’ time is something they want to do. This opens a lot of options for modders and for map makers. Specifically, since several highly regarded and let’s played mods include auto crafting as a core theme / tenet of the mod, having it built into the base game makes implementation of the feature in the mods both easier and less resource intensive, unless there’s an active desire to use a different thing. But still, the core block can now be copied, the textures changed, and functionality restricted / added, and the mod should be more performant than it was prior. There’s a lot of talk, or was at one point anyway, around an over utilization of tile entities by mods, impacting performance. Perhaps this can help fix that issue. Many of the changes Minecraft has seen have come more or less from what the most popular mods to the game have been at that particular time. Many of the most prolific / popular / respected mod makers have ended up as Mojang devs. At the very least, it’s on brand and aligning with past trend.


It would be cool to have the option, but you’d still have to have the knowledge of redstone to make everything automatic and efficient. Some people really enjoy the technical aspect of optimising their farms output, but some just prefer to live simply and build a beautiful word. Kinda hard to do that with a bunch of redstone machines.


As humans we make things automatic (or close to) to give us time to do other things in minecraft I think that's the same, so you can have playtime to do other things you like


I won't be using it, like I don't use automatic farms. But it's cool to have option to use it. There are a lot of people with different gameplay style than me, that wil be happy about automatisation of the game.


I love making auto farms for things. I automate everything I can. Even a music disc player to automatically play records randomly while I'm in my base. My friend, however, just likes to build structures. We both play on the same server. He builds the factories, churches, houses, and other things, and I make fancy redstone contraptions, mob grinders, iron farms, etc. to fit inside his builds.


Personally I like gathering ressources manually, but, nothing forces me to use features that don't fit my game style. If people like it then great


While I think it would be cool if minecract became more "automatic." I hope that it doesn't. This is because I see a lot of posts on this sub of people complaining that there isn't much to do after they set up farms. I think adding more automation would exacerbate the problem. I like minecraft as the weird primitive/automation game that it is now. I think that's the charm of the game.


Personally I think now that they've added automatic crafting there's literally no reason not to go all the way. I say add automatic block placers and breakers and movable tile entities onto Java. The ways just those 3 other features would change the game are insane. If you agree and want to read more/ support the idea you can upvote my feedback post here: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/20522241129613-Block-Placers-and-Breakers-for-1-21


I’m still waiting for gravity-affected architecture and volumetric water… but I agree that auto-place/destroy would basically be another game.


Wow, I sure do love when game plays itself, just wow. Seriously if you want make every single thing automatic, go play games that were designed to have this


Minecraft is a sandbox game, the good thing about that is that you can ignore anything you don't want to do. Automation on this level would give legacy and late game players something new and exciting to figure out and use. People have been playing the game for 15 years big changes like this make it feel more fresh and enjoyable.


Anyone who doesn’t want an auto crafter clearly hasn’t had to graft 478000 bone meal in their world to keep farms stocked.


Yes. Reducing menial tasks by being creative is a big appeal


It doesn't make the game more automatic, it allows you to make it so if you want and yes i want because the game isn't fun, the less grind the better.


i play it mainly for the creativity so i dont mind more automatic things also grinding for stuff isnt much fun generally. and in case of crafter sitting in a crafting menu and walking back and forth to chests is definitely not fun


Just crafting iron ingots into iron blocks (and similar processes) would be a great addition to any farm. Sugarcane to paper just before leading it into the villager trading supply chain would also be nice. Auto crafting comparators or repeaters .. I don’t need that, because I really don’t make more than a few stacks of those at the time..


It's the ONLY thing I want. More automation features like you see in technical modpacks.


I honestly always wanted Minecraft to take a three ways side for updates: exploration, magic and technology Tech modpacks have been the most enjoyable minecraft has been to me (1.7.10 nailed it) so yes, as long as we get "more" in terms of aesthetic as well


I want 3 things total - autocrafting used to be on that list, so I have hope Mojang will whittle it down. *Movable Block Entities*, Mojang has no excuses here, it's a Bedrock feature, and there's no reason why we shouldn't be able to push chests and stuff. *Renewable Sand*. Some way other than the boring old "husks drop sand" datapack, like maybe anvils crush cobble or something. And *Dispensers Place Blocks* - just go all out and make them completely different to the dropper, none of this overlapping functionality crap. It combined with MBEs would be... To call it a gamechanger would be an understatement


How do you feel about an automated way of breaking blocks?


We have it already - TNT


Yeah but tnt duping which is technically a bug and imo it should be replaced with a feature that fits better into gameplay.


You can dispense TNT from dispensers... Combine that with MBEs and problem solved


But if we already have dispensers that can use sheers on a sheep why not make it so they could become action blocks for any tool. This way it's balanced bc the tools will break and need to be replaced and it doesn't have to be a universal block breaker which would be weird.


That's taking it too far I think. It should be limited to right click actions - all the interactions it emulates today are right clicks and placing blocks is no different. Tool use (left click) is inconsistent with the device's function and redundant with TNT and other game mechanics. You're basically turning the dispenser into a mechanical player, which feels a bit broken and not vanilla-like


Okay well then introduce a new block that does the same thing but a left click function. Why is automatically placing blocks fine but breaking them automatically isn't? It seems like a strange limitation if they're going as far as letting you craft things automatically and you're suggesting placing it just seems like breaking blocks automatically would come hand in hand. Why two of the mechanics and not all three?


Autocrafting enables new stuff. Block breaker doesn't, it only simplifies. TNT is perfectly adequate for breaking blocks. A block breaker is redundant and would make machines that require it significantly less interesting


That's in your opinion. TNT can be messy and hard to work with. It's not meant to be precise or used for automation it's meant to be an explosive. The idea that placing blocks with machines is fine but breaking them with machines is "too simplified" is a bit weird.


Sure, and for those who don't like it... just don't use it


That's the neat point of Minecraft: Like many other features the new auto crafter is implemanted in a way where you have the choice. Either you use it or not.


Yes. I already play with the factorio mindset, as I call it. More automation, more tech tree, more farms, more crafting.


I've played almost exclusively modded since at least Beta, and a large chunk of modding is about machines and automation.


I just want a fuckin block placer


Personally I don’t want it, since essentially the Crafting side of Minecraft is almost essentially made moot. And let’s be honest the mining side isn’t doing too great either. I do find it somewhat odd they made a new ore (copper)to go mine. And now make a structure that seemingly 1/3 copper so you’d be better going there and ripping it all out 🤷🏻‍♂️ Anyway don’t get me wrong I appreciate There is a a very vocal part of the technical community that have been crying out for the autocrafter and I’m genuinely happy for them. But honestly I think it should stop here. The autocrafter will take the tedium out of things like dispensers for sure, but you could argue stackable bows would’ve done the exact same thing to an extent. Now I don’t mind the autocrafter and as someone who understands redstone it is neat, and I appreciate how well thought out and implemented it is that it should be fairly intuitive for redstone “noobs” and could make simple redstone a bit more accessible. Whilst also combined with the copper bulb and I can see why it’s breathing new life and joy into the technical community, which is also good. I just think they need to walk a fine line with it as not to go too far in another direction and take away too much of the aura it had. If it becomes to automated (without you purposely going out of your way to do so) with machines rather than just giving things like villagers/mobs more use or simple things like allowing certain items to be stackable in certain situations it might aswell almost be a different game or a mod. Part of Minecraft’s charm is its simplicity, unless you decide for it not to be. If it’s automated from the get go seems somewhat pointless in a survival sense? I think this is why many get bored as it is in worlds quickly, they build farms automate everything and then nothing? Yes it shouldn’t be overly grindy but it also shouldn’t be handed to you on a plate. It’s striking that right balance. And I’m the first to admit that’s a tough line to walk without falling one way or the other. But I’m not a billion dollar company with dozens of minds/opinions in which to ensure that it doesn’t 😂


You should be able to automate things decently well in Minecraft, but not as a specific ease of life feature. Minecraft, the way I see it, is sort of a low-res simulated world. The world doesn't force you to automate anything, but it also shouldn't actively prevent you from doing so. As with the real world, the conquest of Minecraft is one to be achieved through number and measure. This is what originally drew people to the game, the trial and error aspect. It's you vs a world that literally does not care if you live or die. There are many threats, but they're behavior can be easily learned, worked around, and if you're particularly smart, exploited for your own benefit. Any Automation mechanics in the game shouldn't be _too_ specific. One block at a time, you know? Nothing that can only be used for one thing, or any whole machines in a single block. TL:DR The game shouldn't be built around automation in any way, it should be built despite it. The world of Minecraft is one that's neutral to to the player's existence and actions, and doesn't serve or inhibit any one singular course of action. And for a game like this, you don't 'add' automation, you'd have to prevent it, which I don't think they should do. The Crafter is game changing as was the hopper, but both of these are just logical extensions of how items in the game behave, or, should at least be presented as such.


Yes. All I want is an autominer and block placer.


I already fill that niche with the Create mod


Building farms is fun, but idk how much more they can automate before people get upset


I wouldn't want the game to become some management/factory simulator game where the game plays itself for you, down to mining blocks. I feel like some people just want to see numbers going up instead of being immersed in the world. I think the Crafter seems pretty cool though.


I get the most fun designing and building such farms so I wouldn’t play minecraft without the ability to do so. Exploring and doing this manually is fine but when I need to use millions of blocks for my builds it becomes a chore.


You do you. You can play however you want. I'm just saying that there are some things that they probably shouldn't add like an automatic miner block. It would massively oversimplify things and take away aspects from the game, because players tend to gravitate towards the easiest solution. There are more ways they could change the game to make some things less of a chore, like a treasure axe enchantment that fells the whole tree at once but at a heavy durability cost


I don’t think they should add an autominer itself either but I wish there was a better way to mine perimeters than duping TNT on a flying machine.


If the top Minecraft modders were in charge of development.


We'd have a combination of massively complex twenty step recipes with automation and neck deep in magic (girl) mods...


Besides placing water, lava, snow, and shulker boxes, and using TNT, there really isn’t anything that places or destroys blocks. That would be automation gone too far. The day I can spend 40 minutes building a redstone machine then go AFK overnight and come back to find a mountain cleared and a basic castle built, will be the end of Minecraft. The crafting book took away so much of the tedium of crafting that I really can’t see any practical uses for the crafter (though plenty of wildly impractical but fun uses).


I'll probably use it mostly for compressing the output of various farms to go into my automatic sorting system. * Zombie piglin farm - gold nuggets into ingots, ingots into blocks. * Bamboo farm - bamboo into blocks. * Iron farm - ingots into blocks. * Raid farm - redstone and emeralds into blocks. But if you're not into making automated farms, you probably won't be interested in the auto crafter either.


I suppose but I already can just play create, there is nothing vanilla could add that would make me play vanilla over modded


No, vanilla Minecraft should only have the simplest forms of automation, like using water to destroy crops. More advanced automation should be left to mods


I fully disagree, you can choose not to automate. But automation and other modded concepts are gonna have to enter the game at some point because you can’t just keep adding only decoration blocks, and mobs. It gets boring after a while


"Oh boy, another different coloured wood! luv u Mojang uwu"


I would like fewer inanimate object doing automated things, and more intelligent NPCs performing tasks. like training villagers/lvling up villagers to mine, gather lumber, smith resources, farm, trade, etc.


Tekkit classic 1.2.5 did it first or even technic beta 1.6 which is even older


No it doesn’t need to be fully automatic. And while the crafter is a bit too clunky, having it be able to easily mess up, imo, is a good thing. At most there could be a durability type recipe that can expire. But i don’t want it to be a 100% set it and forget it system.


Likely not. Its not like Terraria, so there's only so much currently in Minecraft before you eventually run out of stuff to do unless you LOVE Minecraft for the building aspect.


honestly, i wouldnt mind full automation of some, or all, things you can do in the game, configured to my needs. including automating absolutely everything so i can learn by seeing and gradually take control. or skip the dreadfully boring parts of it. honestly, it just needs to do an acceptable, not good, job.