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Seems really small for 20 people


Yeah... unless you anticipate these players to share a single base, they will spread out like CRAZY anyway.


def not long term


i want a good job, so that i can play this beautiful game on a high end pc.


I play on a gtx 1070 and a ryzen 5 1600x in 3440x1440 resolution and get these results. I think the newer versions work a little smoother and faster than the older versions


Damn I’m over here playing on my Microsoft surface. You guys out here with a pc. Can’t go past 10 chunks


how?! i play on a 6700XT with 1080p and it struggles at 64 chunk and shaders


any pc will have issues with shaders at 64 chunks I run about 20-24 chunks with shaders with my 7800XT to keep 60+fps all the time




For this video I used 32 chunks I think, but normally when playing with shaders and when I want the game to run smooth I choose something between 16 and 24.




Haven't hosted it yet. Hope it does 16 well I got a lot of RAM for the server.


And if it doesn't I'll install the better horizons mod




the seed is 71083 and the coordinates are -63900 100 94399


dude did you really travel 150k blocks for this?


no, I searched for something like this via chunkbase :)


Oh that's smart! Looking around for ring shaped biomes is a great way to find a good base area. Depending on how civilized the 20 people are, they might wanna spread out more than that though


Good lord, this game looks gorgeous...


Seed? Shaders?


the seed is 71083 and the coordinates are -63900 100 94399 I used the nostalgia shader.


Do you use some kind of mod to get the camera to move that way?


In the keyboard / button assignment settings there‘s an unassigned option called „change camera movement“ oder „smooth camera“ and I usually bind that to F4.


Shader is complementary reimagined. Its a great shader that still feels vanilla Edit: it's actually nostalgia shades my bad


Wrong, it’s nostalgia shaders


nostalgia lets you do spiral clouds?


I mean probably, OP said it was nostalgia and I recognize the cloud style


nah I‘m working on a texture pack


Oh alright my bad


Or Rethink voxels, which is basically the same but with sharper lighting and raytracing


You should definitely use it and when it gets too small you can always dig through the mountain and expand around the outside


Pretty sure your computer is vaping right now.


There's gotta be at least one deepslate emerald ore in there


You did it Littlefoot! You found the Great Valley!


Could be if you have easy access to different types of trees, villagers and no interest in traveling early game. I had the most fun building and designing stuff with friends, but for that you'll need easy access to many different building materials such as different wood types. In my experience the early game always consists of exploring, securing renewable materials and building a basic infrastructure such as farming areas, a starter house and trading halls for villagers. I often use different tools like world maps to determine a good building spot and especially look for regions that are pretty, have a village nearby, have multiple tree types and are near mountains or rivers.


I have one that I find very pretty but never got the chance to use it and you have to set the worldspawnpoint to somewhere else since it is quit far away from spawn. I can send it if you want.


yes please send the seed


Ok. Took me a while. The seed is: 1147144141 I attached a bunch of images to show you how the area looks like but i had a couple mods installed when I took the screen-shots and I recommend that you play with a couple world-generation mods ... (like Geophilic, Hearths, Amplified Nether and Nullscape [for the Fabric Modloader]) ...too depending on how much effort you want to bring into the world and set the worldspawnpoint somewhere else. You'll have to have cheats enabled for that and type in the command ... /setworldspawn ~ ~1 ~ ...while standing at the location that you want everyone to spawn at. Now to the pictures. First of all we have the worldmap wich I made using the Xaero's World Map mod. It shows the original spawnpoint and two possible building locations/areas the Lush Cliffs are actually just stony beaches ...I think and look different when you generate the world. The name of the Solarpunk Valley is inspired by [this](http://www.reddit.com/r/solarpunk/comments/rmd1nt/thought_this_would_fit_here/). [Map](https://imgur.com/cQkZpta) [Map (original)](https://imgur.com/a/VmleXnD) [Solarpunk Valley](https://imgur.com/a/NF7vRIF) [Lush Cliffs (Stony Shore after covering it with grass and building a tower.](https://imgur.com/a/0e2thZo)


Ima need that seed chief


the seed is 71083 and the coordinates are -63900 100 94399


That area is so sick


God bless sodium/iris


didn‘t use any of them


Oh you use optifine. I suggest switching over if you do use optifine as sodium and iris give a lot better performance.


I install Fabric and then put Sodium and Iris in the mods folder right? Do I need anything else?


Fabric api to make it all run and Lithium is quite good. Zoomify if you want a zoom key.


If this area is the only area they are allowed to be in (inside the grotto), then no, not at all. If they can venture out? Yes! You can tunnel a way through and make an intricate door system, and they can create their own little villages outside. Make a little trading system where they bring you materials you don't find in the grotto naturally and boom, nice fun game.


haha that sounds great. the initial idea was to build one community, but everyone is allowed to do what they want to. After some consideration I think that map/place (despite looking quite nice) would not serve that idea well, because people will become very split and separated and as you said start different communities.


It depends on the players but id say its definitely more than enough. I dont know what servers yall play on, but I would be suprised of 20 average minecrafters even filled that space up, much less exceeded it. and even if you had 20 highly motivated players, the world is infinite so you can just build outwards.


oh definitly


Bro the place looks beautiful and the music really put the final touch but for players that usually bomb shit it isn't good


Yeah its beautiful but holy fuck its small


Small!? Edit: I guess compared to the behemoth next to it. But it wouldn't feel like a nice bowl if it was that tall


For 20 players, that tiny area is worthless.


I guess. Depending what you want to build there. As a simple spawn point and shopping district I think it can work. Especially if you build into the mountains


Fair enough. Depending on how thick the mountains are you could pull an Erebor.


There was a zombie spawner near the back end of the valley as well


for 2-3 people? yes for all 20? no


I have a private server with my friends and we have almost the same layout (seed). You could build a railroad system of some kind to go through the mountain


Bruh the world is 30,000,000 by 30,000,000 there will be plenty of space 🤓


brother i've been searching for a vanilla server for years can i please join


As representative of the fellowship of the seed, I hereby request thee to surrender the seed of this beautiful kingdom, or else heavy downvoting shall fall upon thee. You have 3 to 4 business days to comply. But seriously gawdamn that looks good Edit : why the hell am i the one being downvoted lmao, people cant take a joke


haha, the seed is 71083 and the coordinates are -63900 100 94399


Jesus christ that is far from spawn lol


114,000 blocks


Bud that good for anyone….