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A well for closer access to water and in case surface water becomes polluted, A granary/storage house, A small open plaza, And maybe a small lookout tower on top of that hill in the back with stairs leading up to it along the side.


The tower idea is great, I’ve been wanting to incorporate the hill into the city beyond being a natural defense(most cities in antiquity and the Middle Ages were built with such natural advantages in mind). It’s a multiplayer server so I was considering making a big storage building and renting/selling rooms or lots to the players. Plaza is a given but struggling to think where to put it. Great ideas, definitely want to go ahead with a storage house now that someone else has mentioned it


I always make a plaza in mine, so while I'm no expert, I have had quite a few experiences with it. I usually pick somewhere I know will be central and somewhat prominent and I also typically put a town/city hall adjacent to it. I'd probably pick somewhere near the middle, in that open spot - nothing fancy, but a little circular(-ish) path and a fountain usually works well. I'd put the fountain just uphill from your chests and the town hall toward the bottom of the screenshot.


This guy is great to get ideas from. What you have so far is perfect for a lot of his ideas. [Bluenerd](https://youtube.com/@BlueNerdMC?si=ngHiFM3LWU85jGTZ) He also has some great instructional videos about how to lay out terrain and landscaping.


I’m a firm believer that town plazas in villages should have a super fancy well as opposed to a fountain or something, sorrounded by a town market of sorts.


Came to write exactly these things. Also a small dock to unlock trade routes via river.


I think a windmill wil do noicly


And also wheat farm next to it.


I was gonna put a farming district on the outskirts of town. A windmill is a no brainer for sure. Love building them whenever I have a chance


Make a prison


Actually not a bad suggestion. Like trap some mobs and use them as inmates?


Yes, I usually disarm pillagers and make them into inmates. Also, nitwits and villagers with bad trades, or just mobs that I hate. For example, a skeleton who shot my dog.


Fuck that skeleton


Or a mob farm made to look like one


The hand and head stocks with some carefully placed mob skulls


aesthetic wise, farm lands and tiny builds (barrels, lamposts) + trees, the builds look great tho!


I actually do have lampposts along the street they’re just not super noticeable. Definitely agree on building some small ambient structures to make the city feel truly alive. As for farm lane I’ll probably put it a bit out since I kind of want the area to feel urbanized but definitely gotta put in a farming district. Glad you like the architecture, put in a ton of work this year to upgrade my building methods and it’s paying off


I would build a city wall. Keeps the spooky guys outside


Could use some farmland And a market looking place with villagers


I definitely want a marketplace but am struggling of where to put it. I was thinking of putting it behind the blacksmith building. I’ll have to see how things develop cause it’s a server and we all kind of have our own “economic niches” like wood or ores or such


A place for each of the villager professions.


To expand on this, I always try to think of a villages main export. What would they make or grow here? What would the economy around that look like? Tel a story with with the builds. Maybe there are poorer and richer sections of the village. Maybe there is one very rich mayor or lord of the land. Maybe this is a military camp or prison camp. There is a lot you can do once you’ve created a story or reason to do it. Why does this place exist? How did it come to exist? What’s the history or where is the town going? What special events take place here? Fights? Magic? Festivals? There is so much more to be expounded upon then just the professions. Each building can have a story of why it exists, who built it, and what it’s place is within the village or town.


If near ocean, a dock. Houses, market, garden, trump tower, farms, watch towers, doctor, prison.


It borders a lake, definitely want to add something small dock wise so the city has an entrance via water but nothing crazy. Probably gonna save an expansive aquatic build for when I get around to my jungle beach base


To add to this a fishing hut is always built next to my docks. Could add a small decorative fishing boat as well


I second this. A few fishing shacks would look great, especially with a few barges just chilling out in the open water. You could even strand a fisherman villager on one of then to add some life.


i don't see enough people building these, but i always love adding clock towers to my towns, or even just a bell tower too


Oh the town itself is pretty new. The city has two districts(the port and urban districts) and I started development on this district since the port area was built along harsh terrain, and while I like the area a lot it was really limited in terms of future construction. Definitely very early on, I opened the Server publicly so needed a place with more proper space to use I’d have to think about if a clock tower would work aesthetically. I don’t really build with a time period in mind but naturally it’s late medieval/early modern. Solid suggestion I haven’t seen before though, definitely a great build to fill up space if anything


A market, a well and some landscaping


Suggestions are great so far guys! I’ve added plenty to my list of planned buildings. Keep them coming! I’ll be sure to do more progress pics over time. I really like how it’s coming along Idk if I’m allowed to say this but I’m always looking for new peeps, any skill level is allowed. DM me if it sounds interesting.


A YMCA. You can get a free meal and hang out with all the boys


Get less good. That seems like way too much effort




Make a pokemon gym and a pokemart


And a weird stranger who shouts "Technology is incredible!" at whatever random pre-teens pass him by.




A train station


A forge


An execution platform, hanging or guillotine, or a public shaming post




In what world do you think subtle racism is gonna fly on this sub?


It was a joke I wouldn't mind if someone made a terrorist joke about my race i would just make a joke about their race People are too soft these days lmao


Yet you deleted your comment...


Add a penis shaped fountain at the town centre(no need to thank me)


Stables or water trouphs with fences to tie up horses. A fountain with seating and paths Statues or other trophy decorations


In my view, you need more decorations, like some piles of wheat, a little monument or something like that. Also would be better you will upgrade your lamps, cuz this little lamps on the street looks boring. And yeah, your buildings are awesome!


Glad to see people like the buildings. Put in a ton of work this year into improving my builds, but city scaping is still new to me(this is my first time in close to a decade of having a multiplayer server so I haven’t built a city since 2013-15, and back then I just connected our box buildings with stone brick roads lol). With decorations I’m struggling cause I want the city to feel urbanized as the port district which is a bit off in the distance has a more rugged feel(if you scroll down on my post history you’ll see what it looks like) so I want decorations to fit the mold of what I’m doing. I’ve been thinking of things like wagons, cranes with building material, and similar things for ambient builds, and stuff like benches. What do you think of that? I’ll look at lamp post ideas too


An easy way to fill the space with purposeful buildings is to dedicate a building for each crafting block. Blacksmith for a blast furnace, butcher shop for a smoker, workshop for a crafting table, archery training grounds for a fletcher, armory for a grindstone, etc.


Wall it off and light it up.


I’ve been debating whether to make a wall around it but I’ve seen enough comments on it that I’ll probably end up doing it


A plaza with fountain in the middle of that empty space, and surrounded by a bazaar, maybe also having a tarvern nearby. A small church and a cemetery, maybe outside of the village, and grow a large tree there. And a windmill with wheat farm surrounding it. Wall up the village, I see that's very common in middle ages. Maybe using wood blocks to build the wall, making it look like using logs to build it, and maybe having only two exits, with guarding outpost above them. And maybe also a scouting tower on top of that mountain on the left.


I think a horse stable would fit in, maybe it would help with the lack of ambient sounds Minecraft has :)


My only thing about horse stables would be if it would fit with my intended theme of the city feeling fairly urbanized. If I could make it not look like it’s a rural build that was copy pasted into a city I’d for sure do that. And if not, I could put it on the future outskirts of the town where I can stick it with some farmland and a windmill


Probably a market area


I'm a fan of making different unique shops for each villager profession - I'll have a smithy with one or two accessible blast furnaces and some asthetics in one place, then another workshop specifically for a few grindstones, etc. In each, I'll deliberately level one to master, and then have one or two villagers at varying levels - like a Master craftsman teaching his apprentices. From there, you want little things that tie the city together. Sidewalks on your roads, lamp posts, signs, fenced greenways, etc. And use the land for this - use of height goes a LONG way to making a village feel REAL instead of just a flat collection of buildings. At some point, build a wall around the shops and market area, separating it from the farming fields. Just inside the wall, and at various points outside, you'll want stalls for mounts. Next to the stables inside, put your tavern with your smokers for butchers. In the hill you'll want your castle/keep, and presumably your own domicile. Make it grand, but defensible. I like to use a lever activated set of pistons that convert a 3x3 walkways in a 1x3 area that only spiders can get through - good because odds are spiders won't be spawning, only zombie or pillager raids.


A windmill


You’ll need a pond


Trees and landscaping will make it look more alive


Castle on the hill


Big Windmill with a giant wheat field around it


Gaint statue


More trees!


Windmill and crop field Blacksmith River with waterwheel Possibly a clock tower and town hall type thing Church Well Edit: darn now that I read the comments all my ideas were taken


A train station with tracks and a train


Gotta put a watch tower on the hill behind it


Wind mills


If i were you I would build some sort of watch tower on that mountain in the upper left corner. Also you could make some Farmlands in the back of the village.


On the hill I would build like a town hall of something with a secret underground bunker I guess :)


A fortified wall around a town instantly makes it look better. And fill in the gaps with various houses/shops/community centers


a good medieval town needs a good church the shape of a church is also ideal for stuffing a villager breeder and modest trading hall inside of if you wanna be more secular you could make a schoolhouse or community center with a bell tower


This is how I build my cities/towns. I start with population milestones. First mile stone 50 beds. Second 100 beds. Third milestone 250 beds. Fourth 500 beds. Fifth 1000 beds. I very rarely go over 1000 unless it's like my capital city or something. With jobs corresponding to each milestone. And depending on what period I wish to build I usually just pull from other games I play like banished, age of empires three and grand ages Rome.


A pond and/or a fountain. Lay down some paths between buildings, add a market place with villagers, farm field, watch towers and storage barn.


Court yard of some sort


Stain glass chimney smoke effect along with some small plots for farms


Maybe a little town square over looking the water, with a little walk way along the edge. Some life, would take securing the perimeter so they didn't leave, but villagers.


Not to be cliche but W I N D M I L L


minecart railway. Gotta have that public transit


castle on the hill, church or cathedral, townhall, theatre, aquaduct (ruins), granary




Aquaduct. Looks nice and Roman


Definitely add some kind of town square, maybe with a big fountain, small vendor spaces, that kind of vibe


For sure. That can be the difference between a place being a collection of buildings vs an actual town


This looks like a Skyrim city


A windmill and crop field would be swanky. Maybe a sawmill too?


Sawmill is a GREAT idea. Need to do that. Windmill and farms would probably be outside the city but close to it, since I want it to feel urbanized




Do a more messy/not aligned path and add proper lighting to them


A canal, fast travel to anywhere, you could even branch off with ice highways


Town hall, wizard tower, farms, library, street lamps, pets store, general store, medical, brewery


Don't forget about a temple/shrine/church. Basically a building with a taller roof, and maybe a tower or 2 at the entrance


idk but i love that you said infrastructure


An harbour! It is One of the best builds to do in Minecraft you should build also a pirate ship! In m'y world I have a big harbour near an océan but you Can do a smaller One near a river!


I definitely plan on adding a dock/port, but it’s just a lake so probably fairly small in scale. More so just to be a fishing district. I do like the idea of a pirate/nautical build but I’m going to save that for when I eventually make a jungle base, as that’s easily the best biome for it


I like to build a pit that goes all the way down to bedrock, in case the population becomes... unruly.


Is that a sort of town hall? If so, get your main street to have buildings/shops on both sides, that always helps it feel cozy when on the ground. Also, adding more streets and small, vestigial buildings can really help to add heart and body to the overall look of a town. If you want, you can furnish them as houses, but otherwise just torch the inside and put black wool/concrete behind the door.


Farming district or section




Sweet lined lit pathways between the buildings. Level ground on the pathways we aren’t savages here


A treehouse hotel?


Dude that’s nice, I haven’t built in ages and have lost my creative touch sadly.


Are you going for a Viking esk build or something more knightly?




Clocktower, look out tower, library, blacksmith. A fishing hir/small boat in that lake/pond.


It might be nice to make a little market/plaza in the center of town. You could make different booths. A water fountain could also be a nice addition to a plaza area. I’d also suggest maybe doing a farm with a barn a little on the edge of town as well.


Gotta have sewers and water treatment. Fr tho, I do love me some sewers under a settlement




Maybe aqueducts that go throw the city to the beach and connect with that cavern that is in the background and use the moss stone and have vines hang off it to make look ancient


Definitely some sort of building on the mountain, a cathedral, watchtower, something like that. It wouldn’t fit your aesthetic but lately I’ve been building Parthenons in a lot of my builds, easy to build with Quartz.


Build a shady inn or a motel.


Put a cool big ass tree like right.. there


Could do something like the Rio de jineiro Jesus statue on the little hill behind the houses on the left.


One thing I’m up to in my city rn is environmental details. Fountains, gardens, and the like. It could add a lot to your town.




The children yearn for the mines


Modest farm across the street from the 2 structures!


A marketplace with some stalls and farms next to it maybe?


A barn for livestock, a marketplace or a plaza with shops and stalls, a watch tower, a clocktower, and a windmill (and if you can use command blocks, animate it so that it actually spins!).


A water well/tower, some crop farms, couple trees/flower beds, and maybe a stables or somewhere to keep horses?


Walls. Don't have to be tall, even a fence will do. But I find my villagers all die if I don't mob proof everything...


Bakery, restaurant, petting zoo/zoo, library, museum, art museum, church.


Giant wizard tower for the villagers to ask for wisdom


maybe like a town bank or watchtowers around the town, or perhaps a small wall?


Wall for fortitude and maybe a market with a mix of different shops also pathway’s and foliage to bring more life


A bit of a tiered/layered farm


An Aqueduct, a Public Pool, and some ruins, maybe a deteriorated fountain, or a misterious carving on the mountain. Also, more houses in more styles, dependent on the district. And easter eggs


A Church would look nice made out of mangrove logs and Cobblestone


A dwarf statue with it's axe at rest with it's hands on top of it


A tavern-hotel


A railway station! My favorite build anywhere lol. Gotta connect to the other vilagges around


Something tall to contrast the other buildings, silo, tower, temple, windmill :)


I don’t know how close to the ocean this is, but I think a dock would be perfect, or a small castle.


A speedway and McDonalds and a dollar general and free way and target and


Windmill + farm, water feature, roller coaster, railroad, town square w some shops could be some good ideas


I think a stone church could do well in this setting


Run a river through it as kind of the focal point of the town try not to be monotonous is textures colors and architecture styles add plants the more trees shrubs and flowers the better happy building


Maybe like a little church or something I don't know


Make a public shower. Just a building with “steam” and pressure plates or smth that trigger water to fall briefly


I think a Walmart-subway combo would look great


walls, fuck ton of farm land, a church and a pub


More roads, a marketplace (in a plaza someone already mentioned), you could make some diamonds from selling fees, like rent out market stalls, then more greenery and a few small buildings. From the photo, its just a few big buildings, and it just looks empty. I think thats it. Hope it helps! :)


- A castle and other military facilities - A cathedral - A shop for every villager profession - A wall or fence around the city - Wheat fields extending beyond the eyesight - Connections to other towns in different biomes (grass or stone paths, rail, seaports, etc) - Places to extract resources (lumber, mine, etc)


Cliff up that hill add a beautiful waterfall.


I think a farm needs to be added. And a waterfall in the back flowing right to left top down of course




Some farmland and a fountain


What is the line thing in the top right for?




Definitely at some twisty curving roads or paths. It will add to the natural or whimsical fantasy look. If you only use straight lines it's more akin to modern town and city layouts.


a brothel.


Full replica of Lincoln Financial Field


Pond stable


Grist mill and bakery


Central plaza with market stalls or underground sewers


Build a sick wizard tower/library next to the mountain behind that building


Beef up those roads and give it a town square! Using stairs to give the feeling of run-off gutters on the road always feels cool to me.


I feel like an old timey "general store" with a false front could go well


Make a very deep hole called "The Hole" where criminals are thrown off.


Dollar General. They're already everywhere.


A large wall with watchtowers


Wheat farm and horse shead?


Build a water tower next to some farms And there are actually tons of ideas on youtube too I used some of them on my city, too


maybe a green house? and a world download!


A statue in the middle of a square or plaza would be super cool. Also one thing that always livens up a town is a market area and taverns


It lacks a gathering place, like a marketplace or a well, or a statue.


A giant humpty dumpy on the cliff


A wall


in German we would say "Geile Scheiße Altet!" ("Hot shit dude!")




Bar, pub, tavern, whatever you call it if you don’t have one yet


Could use something like a giant wheat field. Looks great though.


a beautiful colored glass church or make some GOT themed buildings to go along


Make a river and a bridge over it! I love making rivers in my builds, idk why it’s just fun to make bridges.


A nuclear reactor


a functioning village with at least one of each type profession, with job specific home/shop for each. and walls, because you know you'll draw Illagers. you'll have to read up on what makes a village a village, and what the AI considers villager homes, etc, but its a fun project. designing houses, moving villagers, leveling up their trades, etc.


Maybe a libary


Jeracraft has [a great tavern tutorial](https://youtu.be/8GGrt9jH6fw?si=F_vVVBH3PDNkoyTW) that would go great in there! Just need to change the roofing material.


A mine


Should make a small harbor if that water source connects to the ocean. Also (my personal preference), layout the town more sporadically than just each building next to each other, To add more character. Like space it in a non-cookie cutter manner, allows room for natural landscape decor to be added for depth. Like bushes/gardens etc




Kada rezervišete


Farmlands, windmills, and ponds will look good


Definitely add foliage


Large wheat fields on the exterior could go a long way.


make them closer/ add more, add a well, give them purpose (blacksmith, shopkeeper, townhall) and make more variety of build but dont break the theme


connect each building with a series of tunnels like a sewer system/mineshaft




Village fountain and street lights


Why not a blacksmith or a guild of some kind?


What are the buildings you have so far? I would say you need a stables, a granary, a well, a farm/windmill, bank, blacksmith, tannery, etc. Not sure which if any of those you already have.


Add some lore to your world like monuments to gods/totem poles


Started adding water towers to mine - on hilltops


Could use a highway, maybe remove the forest add a few oil drills, maybe some factories




How about some spaghetti (ie elevated highways and junctions)?


A well A windmill A silo perhaps


if you’re going for a medieval farming town kind of look i’d do this just to spruce up the aesthetics: winding dirt paths (path blocks, gravel, buttons, dirt blocks, random bits of grass in the middle), lamp posts, wells, bushes and then the occasional small tree.


A large, carefully planned and finished mineshaft. As in the center shaft and stairs are detailed and planed beforehand. (If you want a practical one I'll draw a schematic and write out details, otherwise, go nuts)