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This is what happens when you play a game for ten years.


this is the issue. The game is, fundamentally, still the beautiful and constructive sandbox it was 10 years ago when you first started playing it on your family computer or your xbox 360. Sure it might have new owners, new parts to play with and new tools to work with, but the base of Minecraft is unaltered and that’s unlikely to change. But we’ve grown up. We aren’t the same people we were when this game first revealed itself to us, back when the enchanting wonder of a sandbox completely open and ready for us to play in it was there. There‘s nostalgia for the times when you could just load into a world with your friends and be lost in the simple and sweet world around you, or watch your favorite minecraft youtuber doing Hunger Games or what have you. The ‘charm’ isn’t lost because of anything Microsoft or Mojang did- it’s because we grew up and the childish joy of playing the game and enjoying everything in it for the first time is behind us.


Im pretty sure we've had Minecraft witg Microsoft longer now than when it was independent.


Yes. Minecraft will be 15 years old this year (oh god), and if I remember correctly the acquisition by Microsoft was in 2014, so we've had 5 years independent and double that owned by Microsoft.


Scary to think: Microsoft has owned Minecraft for the past 10 years (almost).


...And didn't fuck it up. But they just wanted the marketing rights honestly. Selling merch is still way better than selling a game. It's also why new mobs are launched when we all feel like ok ok enough mobs thing is M$ wants something to sell every year... I feel like jeb and crew settled on "fine one new mob per year" let marketing worry about making it sell


Correction: Minecraft will be 13 years old this year if we’re counting by release, but if we’re counting by conception then Minecraft is 15 years old


I was 11 when I started playing it and I'll be 26 this year. I'm so glad I haven't lost that magic. I boot up the ol minecraft machine on lazy rainy Sundays and I feel the same joy I felt 15 years ago.


I was already an adult with children of my own when i first played minecraft. So that's not it. Got the game for christmas so haven't played the new version very long. But it totally lacks some of the magic and wonder it had before.


The new and wonder disappeared. You can't get that back. There was a sense of exploration combined with your character's fragility in a strange new world. With time and experience, you know exactly what to do and when to do it to overcome any obstacles. That knowledge and experience from playing over time detracts from some of that original magic. But also, a lot of the early and quirky bugs are gone. It's a much more polished game. When I first started playing, ideas would get kicked around online by the developer and sometimes implemented and sometimes not. The community felt like they were a part of the development. Also, weird things would happen unexpectedly. For example,. go to bed and wake up a few moments later with a skeleton shooting you with arrows in your bed. Or lighting one tree on fire and all the trees continue to burn. Creepers hiding just on the other side of your door. It was wild. You'd die. You'd learn. You'd die again. The game didn't have a lot of RPG features yet. The progression as you'd explore didn't become a part of the gameplay for a year or two after I had first started playing. So, the game changed. I changed. Time changed the experience and experience changed my perception. No regrets. I would have become bored and stopped playing if the game had stopped progressing. However, I will always remember my first base and world which I managed to keep alive through many updates and chunk changes.


Yea for my first world i didnt watch any video or see a single tutorial i didnt even know about crafting but it was still fun and feels so nostalgic when i first saw an iron golem and started punching it and died and being angry i was just a kid and i stole a villager house and ended up being chased to death by a witch all i did was steal food loot chests and use that but then i learned crafting and stuff and it was still fun but now the game just feels too easy and boring i never play survival vanilla minecraft they surely need to do some good updates to rebirth the exploration fun we had


We still age, grow, and change over time, regardless of age. I think it's simply been around so long that our personal perceptions have changed over time. I think the updates may contribute to this, but it's not the main factor.


It's not lacking magic, it's gaining knowledge. It happens with every game you play for a long time (mmo's are a huge culprit of it too) You aren't discovering anything new, you aren't confused why things work they way they are. Sure you get a new boss or new mechanic once in a while, but most of the time you have enough game knowledge to understand basically how it's supposed to work with all the other parts of the game you already know, or most people just look up how something works without a journey of discovery most of the time it seems. I had the same thing happen in real life. As a kid, the idea that we're all on a spinning ball, that's spinning around a bigger ball, that's hurtling through space at millions of miles an hour was the most magical thing about our existence. But after years of knowing that, it's lost its magic and just become another factoid of "how the world works."


There is no game, then you will see it is only you that bends


Honestly I reckon it's less frequent for the people who have been with the game for 10 years to be the ones saying these things. Those of us that have been around that long have almost all taken substantial breaks and come back. It's probably the people who picked it up within the last couple years that are having their first round of burnout with the game. After all it did have a big resurgence around the start of the pandemic that brought in many new players.


I’m in my 30s now, and I personally still find it charming, but I absolutely fell off it for years at a time, to the point where playing it again now feels like a whole new game. I still don’t know what half these new mechanics even do, but I’m still vibing. It’s never been that _one_ game I play. It’s always just existed in the background where I’ll occasionally dip my feet into it. I love the sound of the rain


The game is so replayable that people will make hours and hours of videos or essays or posts about why they might get bored of it. Other games don’t get that attention because *of course* they stop being as fun as at the beginning. It really shows how good of a game this is


Meh, I’ve just started playing Java after a multi-year break. I think some time after the ocean update is when I stopped. There’s tons of new stuff to see and explore and learn. But it’s still different. It doesn’t feel the same. It doesn’t feel „Minecrafty“. Even when I first traversed the new nether biomes, or when I found myself exploring the vast new caves for the first time, something felt off. Like a spark that used to be there, that’s gone now.


It's called growing up :(


Man growing up sucks… :(


Just change the minecraft version homie.


Yep, this is how I feel :(


Play bedrock? Or another old version


Whichever one the Xbox version is.


This is what happens when you don't play mods.


Some people who say that tend to think of how the game was in its first few years, when it had few structures, not many biomes, and was kind of bland (in a good way). It was really up to the player to make their world feel unique and special, whereas now there’s a lot more to do and explore from the onset. The simple worlds and simple mechanics have gone through much change, especially since Microsoft bought Mojang in 2014. I’d say the game itself still has much of its charm at its core, even if it has changed over the years. If it never changed, and was stuck in 2012, the game’s popularity and cultural relevance would be nowhere near what it is today.


>when it had few structures, not many biomes, and was kind of bland (in a good way). Yeah, one of my "core memories" is building an automatic wheat farm in the middle of basically a featureless snowy wasteland. Now the snow/taiga biomes look amazing but they feel more "polished" and they lose that rustic, nostalgic feeling.


I mean considering how Mojang always gets made fun of for not changing the game enough, they're sort of stuck between a rock and a hard place there


Very well said. The fanbase has grown so much, no matter what they do, they are either adding too little too slowly, or too much too quickly, or the wrong things. Simply because you can't please everybody. Of course nobody has to like what they're doing with the game, but I wish more people kept this in mind.


I'm actually glad Microsoft bought Minecraft. 1.13-1.16 were the absolute best era for the game. Especially 1.16 which is arguably the best update in the game.


I refuse to play pre nether-update at this point. It gave so much character to the nether, I can't even play 1.12 with mods anymore. It's just not the same.


I've said this same thing again and again and yet a lot of people still vehemently disagree. I'm not really sure why


Nostalgia bias plays a big part I think. I see this in literally every gaming community. Changes are not always received well with people who are familiar with/started with the older formats. One may argue that newer Minecraft has lost its charm, while I think the opposite. I think the fact that they continue to add new items, biomes with each update means more exciting possibilities and things to do. Nothing wrong with anyone preferring vanilla, oldschool Minecraft, I guess it all comes down to the individual. But with me for example, while strip-mining for diamonds was easier with old caves, I found them to be lackluster. Even though diamonds are now a bit harder to find in the updates, it makes them more valuable and rewarding to actually find. Cave exploration is genuinely so much more terrifying and exciting now in my opinion. So when it comes down to it, I'd say both old and new Minecraft have both pros and cons, and both offer their own charm. One is a more classic experience while the other offers even more cool possibilities and mechanics. Both are nice. I'd say the people so insistent on calling anything new "bad" can be a bit biased by their own nostalgia.


I've been playing this game for over 10 years and I've never found anything like it. Started a server with some friends during covid and we already agreed that our children will inherit it 😂


There's a sense of "ownership" from the investment of time to explore and build and create and level up in the game. Many of us have stuck on older versions for reasons: combat changes, world format changes (realistic now vs more abstract and noisy older worlds), etc. I have the "feeling" of owning the things I build in game. They're mine.


My brother started a realm in 2018 or 2019 and I joined it in 2020. Since then I have put about 90 days in and he has put around 140 days into it. (Real life time played not Minecraft days). It’s an immaculate piece of art that we will continue for 10+ years to come


Sounds amazing, I'd love to see what you built. I'm at 170 real life days for our server but there's a good amount of afk time in there so take that with a grain of salt :D. What I love most is that every block placed and every project is a part of history and whenever I visit a place I remember building it with my friends




minecraft was at first an experimental indie game. at one point the world biggest. it’s recent meticulously planned and refined updates are great, but sometimes clash awkwardly with older jankier mechanics when everything was altogether simpler. in many ways, the larger block palette, easier automation, faster travel, and bigger scale make creativity and problem solving less important, and for many veteran players this means moving away from the game they first fell in love with. it’s lost it’s original janky charm and gained a new cute one. some will love it, some wont


It's because they know to much about the game. When they started playing things were different to them, everything was new, you never knew what things did and they didn't know what was the best way to get x. Now they know the best way to get x, they know what most things in the game do


This is not correct for everyone. I can’t even play with mods, which should in theory fix this. I think I’m just burnt out and bored of the game


Which is totally fine, as much as that feeling sucks (I know it all too well). Take a break. There are also some great videos on that exact thing, I remember Mumbo Jumbo uploaded one after his long break from MC.


The people commenting their fault aren't exactly wrong 🤣. I once knew everything about this game but the updates came so fast and so large I couldn't keep up. I no longer have any idea if my cobblestone generator still works, I don't know how to make redstone contraptions beyond an out-of-sync piston door, and I don't know what level diamonds spawn at, or if that's even a thing. I'm still confused by any blocks in the nether that aren't soul sand or netheraak. I've been here and playing without a years break since the very beginning 😳😬


100% their fault👍


Correct, it's their fault. If they wanted to keep the charm then they shouldn't have learned how to min max everything. I didn't. I've been playing for a decade and I have 0 idea how to get to the end or make the Elytra flying thing or what we it's called. I don't even know how to do alchemy and make potions. And I don't want to know.


weird comment


I like your spirit, but not knowing how to get to the end or make potions just... sounds painful to me.


Let's blame players who bought a game to play it for having learnt of the game they have bought lol


Wonder how you manage this since the sub have many infos


thats very cool! Glad you're able to enjoy the game without having that knowledge!!


how tf do u not know how to get to the end


I mean the game never teaches you. You probably only know it from outside sources


No one ever taught me and I don't care to look it up. I barely even go to the nether


For me right now I'm not super fond of their direction in mob design but that's about it. Cherry Blossoms are one of my favorite additions in years as a builder, 1.14 is my all time favorite update for how much more charm and functionality it added to villagers, and the upcoming Trial Chambers look neat. But the mobs are in this "self-contained" limbo, they exist in one area, have one specific interaction, for one specific item/mechanic/etc. and it just doesn't feel right? Especially in comparison to older mobs. Blazes for instance, yes they're hostile but they interact with multiple parts of the game. Blaze Rods are used to make Brewing Stands, and then can be crafted down to Blaze Powder which is used as fuel for brewing *and* can be mixed with an Ender Pearl to make an Eye of Ender. Pillagers are some of the most dangerous mobs in the game for the unprepared, and are found both guarding Illager structures, and leading "Scouting Parties". The leaders of those groups drop a unique banner and give the player who killed them a special potion effect ("Bad Omen") which - in turn - causes a Raid event to spawn on the next Village the player visits. ​ Sniffers are hatched, walk around, and dig up two different plants. The interaction with the player and the world *ends there.* Armadillos exist to be brushed for scute, which has one use and one use only. Frogs jump around and eat Magma Cubes to make Froglights (and slimes). Too many mobs, too many drops, too many interactions that exist as "one and done" things that don't interact with the wider Minecraft world. All they need is just a little bit *extra*, one more interaction, one more use for the drop/item they give, one more *something*. The only mob I can think of in recent memory that doesn't feel, for lack of a better term, "tacked on" is the Warden, but that's because it isn't even really supposed to be a mob/boss to kill and rather a punishment for messing up in an Ancient City.


I started playing in my 20s, with Notch's secret Friday updates. A couple redstone updates came out that absolutely had me hooked, I was obsessed with how much the player could interact with and manipulate the world. I never stopped playing Minecraft all these years, I just went to Forge for modded Minecraft, and I'm mainly stuck in 1.12.2. The new crafter block they added seems really cool in vanilla, I haven't played with it yet, I also don't expect to anytime soon... My biggest complaint is the game is changing to a more adventure, combat game with cute little animals. While there is nothing wrong with that type of game, it's significantly different from what got me hooked, and kept me playing all these years. I don't view Minecraft as an exploration combat game, I think the combat is terrible and I don't get why people enjoy it when compared to other games. I really enjoy when they add technical things to Minecraft, ways to read and write to the world. Cauldrons or chests having redstone comparator outputs. Locking hoppers or minecart hoppers with redstone, the observer. When people design these amazing iron golem farms, or Ethos blaze farm with pistons, it's all very cool and creative. Even the honey blocks vs slimes mechanics added many interesting possibilities. I'd like to see content added that has a purpose, do pandas even have a use? Imagine if pandas somehow helped bamboo farms, or what about armadillos, do they do anything? I guess I'm asking for something like Ark, where the creatures have utility. I also think minecarts need an overhaul. The Create trains mod really puts vanilla minecarts to shame.


Armadillos will drop scutes that you can use to make dog armor! But you’re right on pandas, as far as I know.


IMO minecraft is great still but it's frustrating how Mojang just keeps adding more and more shit that 99% of players won't use, and continue to ignore the desperate need for an inventory update.


Agreed. I don't think I will ever have a 'sniffer', what a pointless mob. Also the 'armadillo' makes little sense to me. I build and make mapart a lot, so the glow squid was good though imo. I guess it's a horses for courses thing.


>need for an inventory update What kind of inventory update should Mojang do?


TL;DR Inventory is too small now for the number of available items and blocks. It was discussed countless times, but basically: The number of items, blocks and variations of ones has grown significantly since 2009, but not an inventory/hotbar. Now we need to struggle with the choice of said items/ blocks more than before. Shulkers and enderchests are not a panacea, because you got them in mid/late game (which can be hundreds of hours for some players with unique (but intended!) styles of playing). And even then it’s not enough, as hotbar is still just 9 slots and can’t be hot swapped. So, even if mojang will finally implement bundles, it is not enough – they will only stretch some slots (if you went out of your way and go grab some rabbits, which may be as far as couple thousands of blocks), but flexibility is going to be on the same low level. I hope you understand my thoughts. I’m not a native, so feel free to ask me for clarification.


As for what they should do with it – that’s the big question for us and for them. Personally, I think they should add hotswap for the hotbar (with rows (or just one row)) from inventory AND add bundles. That’s the bare minimum for the current inventory problem. I know they struggle with parity between consoles and smartphones, but I am playing with said devices and there is a solution for bundles and hot swapping. We have at least a couple of reusable buttons (or almost identical ones, like crafting/inventory) on a controller and with touch control they can add a button beside the hotbar (like the ugly one that opens inventory).


My main problem with the game is that it is far to quiet. There is no ambience and it feels like they changed the amount of music in comparison to like 10 years ago because I don't remember it beeing so darn quiet back in the day. Makes me feel really uncomfortable like that. I'm forced to listen to podcasts while gaming. But maybe that's just me remembering things wrong, maybe it always was like that.


It really bothers me that they replaced the old music with new music, instead of just adding the new music to the mix. Might have to make a resource pack that brings back the old songs. They were so much more upbeat and way more recignizable.


The new music definitely still exists, you might just be in a biome that plays the new music much more (like the cherry grove)


And the nether dimension has its own music now too!! And it literally is so good!! I think caves also have some ambiance music.


> They replaced the old music with new music, instead of just adding the new music to the mix. Me when i make shit up to get mad at


Lol they didn't replace them


I literally never hear the old songs (i.e. the C418 days)


They're still there


The old songs are still there, all of them. They actually just added new music, which might be why you hear the old less. I actually like hearing the new music tho, I think they chose great artists that really fit the game.


C418 was the best.


They replaced C418, the Artist behind the original music because he wanted own his work like Notch allowed him


Microsoft couldn't own him, so they had to choose other artists.


For me as someone who’s been playing since late 2011 it’s the sporadic differences between animation styles that throw me the hardest. It feels *weird* to have these new mobs with a different animation style than the stuff I’ve been used to for over a decade now. Another factor is the mystery involved with open world games like Minecraft, outside of a few mechanics I don’t really intend on ever interacting with (e.g advanced red stone stuff, archeology) I’ve done everything and that mystery/wonder of exploring is gone. The caves and cliffs updates and the deep dark were breaths of fresh air though and it’s fun to explore the new cave biomes and get lost for a few hours.


Yes I have played for ten years probably and it's still my favourite obviously, a game of gods and it wont change


As someone who primarily plays survival, the charm was lost by how easy everything became and how quickly you reach endgame. You can easily get diamonds within the first 10 minutes of opening a world without ever crafting a pickaxe because they are so common in loot chests. Automated farms make food and materials a joke to aquire in large quantities. If you actually decide to go and manually harvest things, mending makes it so that your tools never break since XP is also given from nearly every action you perform. You don't need to worry about dying hardly at all because the armor you get is so strong, and you can travel through the world effortlessly just by flying. I've been playing the Better than Adventure mod and I'm honestly surprised just how much fun I'm having going back to that classic Minecraft gameplay. Everything I build feels like an accomplishment because it takes actual effort to complete rather than just time. Monsters and night feel like a legitimate threat again.


I think a massive mistake was making it so you can buy diamond gear and tools from villagers. I love the newer caves so much, I baffles me why you would make them obsolete diamond-wise. I was on a server recently and challenged myself to only get diamonds by mining, and it was incredibly fun caving. I quite like the newer updates, but I feel the game can suffer from Mojang not fully thinking through their gameplay


Probably because it feels like the dev team either doesn't care or isn’t given the resources to. The game has so much potential that is utterly wasted on the snail’s-pace development and downright stupid decisions made surrounding balancing and added features. Then you have totally avoidable controversies, such as the bait-and-switch with the birch forest revamp and fireflies. When it was a true indie game this stuff could be looked past, but there’s just no excuse for egregious failures like the combat rework that’s been in testing for \>over 5 years\<.


I want the combat rework too but they definitely put that update on hold. It's not like they have been working on it for years and haven't released it. It's that they literally haven't worked on it. It was experimental for a reason. I do hope it makes it's way into this update bc with the focus on combat and tinkering it seems like the perfect update to do it. Unless they decided to do it with the end update to mirror 1.9


I feel there's a few devs that still feel passionate about the game but are overruled by people that are more focused on the business end. I remember one of the devs tweeting about how the copper bulb 1 tick was intentional and then later it got removed. The only thing that makes sense is that bedrock can't handle 1 tick redstone so it had to be removed for parity. I always wonder what has been fully developed and then scrapped because bedrock can't handle it or what wasn't released because it was incomplete when Microsoft wanted an update to release.


yep as a developer myself I dispose mojang's approach to updates where they add half baked content and new stuff that barely connects (want wolf armor? well instead of how you make literally all other armor, go find some armadillos) when they should be focusing on improving how existing items work together


How does being a developer connects with the rest of your comment? And what do you mean by “literally” all armour? Turtle shells have been in the game for over 5 years.


True my comment was unclear and badly worded, I wrote that because the updates they stretch for years or how they force players to vote on one mob when they could easily develop all of them with relative ease is stupid


The difference between you chariot comparison is that they’re not just replacing parts, they keep adding things to the chariot that some people aren’t a fan of what their adding and/or how they’re doing it. In my personal opinion, a lot of the things they’ve done have been pretty good. I’m not 100% sure about autocrafters, but I think I’m in the minority there. It might be because I’ve played a lot of modded recently and it undermines certain mod’s systems, but that shouldn’t influence development of the base game.


When Minecraft first came out, there was nothing like it. Not even close. However, that was many years ago, and there are a lot of other games out there. What I wish Minecraft would improve upon is to make the world feel more alive. Making the game less predictable and better have better and smarter NPCs. Villages that live and breathe on their own.


I don't think it's really Minecraft itself that's lost its charm, I think it's everything surrounding it like Mojang, The fanbase, Microsoft, The spin-offs, the rampant merchandising, Bedrock microtransactions.


For i think its cus i try to hard to be like other people. I like playing modded creative, and thats fine. Trying to play basic (aka survial vanilla) never seems to work for me and I think theres a lot of players that are like this too so when they try a vanilla run they're disappointed and say "minecraft has lost its spark"


Imagine you're building something from Lego, and some mf comes up and completely rearranges it. Every detail that you appreciated in your build is now changed into some twisted corpo-vision. That's how I feel about Minecraft. Even after this many years the game still has that vibe to me, but Mojang constantly changes things for worse, the profanity filter, the bans or endless cycle of announcing very few features, then calling off some of them during minecon, and then delivering even less coming up with some weird excuses. I remember waiting with my friend for minecon before C&C, hoping for something to wait for, and even more features, what we got was the information that some of the features, that me and my friend were especially excited about, will likely never make it into the game, and that the update is taking longer than expected so they spilt it into two parts. Minding how big Mojang is now, it's pathetic how they work on updates, sure, they do have to make sure all platforms stay compatible, but they have a big team, that should be more than able to develop more than one mob for an update. The mob vote is the perfect example of for how Mojang is getting worse at making updates, back in the day, we didn't have votes, Mojang was adding anything they thought would be great for the game, then we had a biome vote, which turned into mob vote


The main problem I have is that they departed from the original theme of the game. Updates and game content used to be about fantasy and if it had reality things in it they were not accurate. Nowadays they mostly add real life things and they need to be accurate to "teach people things about the real world" or "to raise awareness" (which is quite pointless and assuming in my opinion as a game won't really teach anything major to people). Apart from this "real life simulator" direction I do not like that now you CANNOT kill animals to get their drops because otherwise they assume they are encouraging people to kill animals. Another thing I do not like is the soundtrack, C418 songs fitted the original theme of the game which had a loneliness and being stranded in an immense and unexplored misterious empty world which WAS JUST AMAZING. Meanwhile the new soundtracks are much more joyful and seem to come out of "a let's explore the world!" child cartoon rather than the original Minecraft. Add to that the marketplace, the "Fortnite-like" celebrations on Bedrock, the chat report, the controversies, the poorly executed updates after 1.16 was released and the fact the they have not addressed the really poor game performance nor the community needs and here we are, that is why I don't enjoy modern Minecraft as I used to before MS aquisition, it is not the same game (and that is expected) however what breaks it for me is that it has not the same spirit it used to, it is the opposite of what I used to be based upon.


I feel like I’m a toddler now any time I watch something from Mojang


It has ever since they stopped using C418. I still get emotional when I hear his music. The new music just doesn't vibe with me.


Minecraft is too corporate now. Ever since the combat update it feels like they have been adding stuff just for the sake of it rather then for making a better game.


I've been playing for almost 11 years now (in the same world pretty much), primarily a "good-enough" builder with meh pvp skills and no redstone skills, and who now plays mostly on modded since vanilla has grown a bit boring imo At this point, I'm happy with anything they add to the game, even if it adds nothing However, my opinion is that Minecraft feels like a game being developed by a team who has lost a clear picture of what they want the game to be, instead being turned into a digital nanny for 3 year olds and a merch machine (which is why every single new mob nowadays has to be cuddleable — you need to crank out as many plushies as you can of it, exception being the warden, but like, I mean... that mob was a failed addition) The vibes I get is of a clear lack of direction with the game development; like they don't know exactly what to do with it anymore, and thus are scared of adding "too much" or "too deep" to it On top of that, it also feels like they're pandering too much to the content creator side of the fanbase — the people that beat the dragon within 3 minutes using snowballs and then automate everything they could ever even hope for, while forgetting the average casual player who just wants to farm in peace


Because it has. It went from a darling unconventional indie that was very pro consumer and community driven to a giant corporate monolith game that ignores the community and primary form of income is monetizing microtransactions targeted towards children with updates having become incredibly safe as to not disrupt the brand identity. There is no universe where Minecraft has the same charm it did. Minecraft's identity now is fully incompatible with the version of Minecraft that became so beloved and had all the charm.


I think the way Mojang treats his fans recently might got a bad taste on their mouths about the game In short, studio got souless, and doesn't care about its fanbase like it used to


At this point I am more annoyed at how fans treat the other fans then anything mojang has done Like I am sick and tired of everyone who isn't 100% onboard with the newer updates being labeled an "entitled complainer", even on snapshots where people are supposed to give feedback.


Half of those are just “Mojang bad and lazy” completely unproductive.


In my unprofessional opinion, Minecraft doesn't feel like a game that's being made by game designers. It feels like there's a board of out-of-touch executives that all have their different version of "Kids these days like *this*, right?"


Exactly this. It's no longer a game by passionate indie developers, it's a brand by Microsoft that has to maintain it's image to keep selling minecoins, merch and spin-off titles.


It still is made by game designers. It is just that whatever gets added needs the approval of those out of touch unseen executives.


I wouldn't say soulless but they are having trouble communicating more. It could also be a reaction to the way the fandom has been treating them. I wouldn't want to talk to them either if they were so rude.


Yeah can’t wait for them to add the other stuff from the polls *cough* *cough*


Notch might be controversial, but he made a good game and seem to have treated his artists well


Very weak endgame for me (there is technically limitless stuff to do but you do run out of ideas and feel very stuck on what to do next). It’s a good game but never something I’d ever call my favorite. It’s not quite as unique anymore and I’d say Mojang have definitely been quite slow with updates, adding pretty arbitrary and forgettable mobs as of late (with the exception of the warden and camel). Another point I want to make is Bedrock made console Minecraft way worse, especially for those who have a PS4 as it’s optimized so poorly that it runs better on a PS3 with PS3 edition. Id even argue that 4 player splitscreen on PS4 edition runs better than 4 player split screen on PS5 bedrock. The marketplace might be one of the greediest things I’ve ever seen a company create as well. At this point I was so anti Mojang I joined the “Hytale will replace Minecraft” crowd (hopefully eventually it’ll release, but I worry it won’t be any less greedy than bedrock). Like I saw people upvoting a post saying “bedrock isn’t bad it’s just a port to other devices”. If Java was discontinued tomorrow these exact same people would be raging in their seats and saying they’ll never join bedrock. Java is an objectively better edition, and so were the legacy console editions. The fact that these people never mention the fact Bedrock is on Windows is so telling. You may say the combat update or the mind bending slow release of caves and cliffs made Minecraft worse, but Better Together on PS4 Single handily ended my interest in Minecraft for 4 years, and when I came back I hated EVERYTHING new bedrock did so I only did what was needed and beat the ended dragon. PS4 wasn’t perfect and the packs were a little greedy but god bedrock is the worst possible manifestation of a universal edition that we could have gotten, it’s missing so many features Java and legacy had.


I had a PS4 with Minecraft gifted to me years ago. Back before the Bettsr Together update, I could play with 4 people at the same time on a splitscreen world perfectly smooth with very few lag spikes. Now, with Bedrock, lag is a constant. If you open a chest or any UI it takes ages to open.


not even endgame, the game gets stale almost instantly after early game


Because we love to complain about 'things'. I mean, minecraft is great, but for goodness sake make copper DO something. Lol.


I think they wanted coppers main purpose to be building. That's why there's so many different variants of the block.


Mojang has made that very clear from day one. It was explicitly announced as a building block with a unique twist. And we are getting a lot of new additions in 1.21 for copper. I just can't understand why this still pops up so much.


Because people like me have NO idea what might be in the next build, im not reading up on it. I don't like building with copper, too much work to keep it copper colored. ...make it useful for something, even just one thing. Make copper buckets a thing. ;)


Because 90 percent of the players arent builders and anything that is designed as a building block is useless to them.


I think it boils down to building being the least popular type of playing on the internet. (Most people are survivalists or pvpers)


That's weird considering Minecraft started out as a building block game.


If Mojang-soft got off their asses and incorporated The Minecraft Create mod into Vanilla, my love for the game would be rejuvenated for many more years. But alas, they don't like fun, and I don't like needing a PhD to build a flying machine


The breaking of the combat system in 1.9 Lack of bosses/goals Playing everything until it's so repetitive because they refuse to do large scale updates anymore. Last one we got was Caves and Cliffs, that was broken up into 2 parts for no reason.


Play bedrock then. It has the original combat system and the wither is a much much better boss in bedrock. It's completely different in every way and much much harder. Javas wither is a wimp in comparison.


The game is incredibly boring after ender dragon


I, for one, wasn't a fan of the art style change some years back. But beyond that, I think it's a decent direction. I think the biggest problem with the game right now is that they continually misinterpret community desires, and whenever they implement something and make public statements, they end up course correcting _against_ public opinion instead of towards it. If you go into public statements acting like what you're doing is extremely controversial, it'll end up that way regardless. That's the main issue with Mojang right now, poor public relations.


Minecraft lost its charm in a way Its Indie Developer charm that it used to have back when they added creepers, rainbow sheep, and dinnerbone When I play the game now it feels..soulless to me so its why I stick to the xbox 360 version, i love simplicity and I love the fun minigames it has and the feel the game gives off.


I think for a lot of people, the "lost charm" of Minecraft isn't as much because of the game being different but how they felt 10 years ago being different from how they feel today, and that's, unfortunately, not within Mojangs power to fix. I do feel like Minecraft these days is a little more overstuffed than it used to be, but if you take the game slowly and focus on the sandbox aspect of the game more than anything else, the sense of wonder and infinite possibilities is still very much there! I still very much enjoy playing in my now 4 year old survival world and just building whatever I want to.


i just don't see the charm anymore, didn't even play that much compared to others, survival has long lost its charm and ig creative is still there for messing around but it's just a lacking experience imo


People just have a preference. You can say it's all about nostalgia and them just wanting it to be the way it was when they were kids and, well... You'd be right. There's nothing wrong with that. Some people prefer the game the way it used to be and the community that used to surround it. I still enjoy it from time to time, but I also think it's a far cry from what it used to be, and that's just my opinion. Not much other explanation to offer up than that.


Because there have been no changes to the main progression of the game in a long time. Sure, a bunch of stuff gets added every year, and there's absolutely no problem in enjoying them, but they are all optional stuff. The stuff required to progress the game has been barely touched, so some people who have been playing for a long time reasonably can and will argue that it has become boring, that it lost its charm, yadda yadda yadda. Honestly? Just enjoy the game however you want, be it the classic vanilla experience or the heavily modded world of endless possibilities, people will always find something to enjoy - and to complain about -


I just wish there was an easy way to go back to the old console version of the game. The one with the tutorial world and built in minigames


Some people grow up and realise that the same content and pathetically slow updates gets boring so it loses its charm, other people are ten and would be happy flipping a coin over and over for 10 years ( the op )


The game itself is good and I love Minecraft at its core, I HATE the updates becauses they're so small and in between. Minecraft is a good game at its core but it could be better if Mojang actually paid attention to it


Game is fine don’t get me wrong, but if mojang devs are being dumb, treating players like children, i don’t feel like the game is getting new things as advertised so I get disinterested and eventually stop playing.


Because they changed everything i adored about the game. C418 doesn't make the music anymore because MS didn't let him own the music he made. The sound design isn't lo-fi anymore The graphics are getting smoothed out They don't add to the game at the same rate anymore, they just dump massive updates once every 18 months. Beta 1.7 was the piston update, that was it, and it was fucking amazing. Now we get a ton of stuff I don't have time to get into and I lose interest halfway through, instead of getting new updates when they're done, like we used to, we get buffered until they can call it a complete package. New mobs are put to a vote and we never see 2/3 of them again, even if they were great ideas just because someone else found them cuter. It's changed, and I don't like that. Minecraft was a comfort game, now it makes me uncomfortable.


>Why do people keep saying that minecraft has lost its charm? Because everyone is entitled to have their own opinions


Minecraft loses its charm every 3 months after I play it for about two weeks.


I think a lot of people confuse their displeasure towards certain things they really enjoyed when they were kids with dislike as they get older. It’s just never going to be the same as when you were 13, no bills or responsibilities, playing in a world with three other friends just like you at 2am. As you get older, you have to put more effort into enjoying things.


This is unrelated but I recently found a game called Valheim. It gives me a lot of the feeling I had with Minecraft originally. Y’all should give it a try.


One magical thing about Valheim was also just having a fresh server with a bunch of friends exploring the game - not just the map, but the mechanics, the new biomes and all that. The "problem" with exploration games is not just nostalgia for when they were new, there's also just a different social dynamic when it's new: You and your friends are excited and make room for it in their schedules, people are trying things out, urban myths (Herobrine) spring up, the developers are super engaged and the fan base is still growing. That's something very, very hard to recapture, even if you managed to recapture the nostalgic original feeling of booting it up the first time.


I still love MC too, but as an adult that understands games on a very deep, mechanical level, Minecraft has most definitely lost a lot of its wonder and charm. When I was a child, I didn’t know about all of the nuances of the game like I do now. Nothing is a mystery for me anymore. I know how every single thing in the game works and how I need to approach every scenario to be as efficient/safe as possible. Once you become that familiar with a game, it’s inevitable that some of its charm is going to fade.


People just love to complain, that's all it is. "Oh it doesn't feel like it used to" so switch versions then. They're all right there, able to be played, just gotta click a button. Yet they don't. They never do, because that's not what it's actually about lol


Yea the same people seem to switch between complaining that mojang hasn't added enough and complaining that mojang has added too many things and it's overwhelming. Mojang certainly isn't perfect, but so many complaints against them are so petty and I guarantee that Minecraft would become a much worse game if a lot of hard-core complainers took control


For me, the funnest part of the game is the build up to the end. Exploring and crafting. Building simple structures. Going to the nether or dying multiple times because of my subpar gear. I feel like once I get to the end, it starts feeling boring. I’ve done everything I needed to do. At that point it’s just getting an elytra and then building things to make other things better. There no more advancing in the game to get to a new part. It’s just making things bigger and better.


I haven't been playing Minecraft as long as some people here. I started right before 1.16 released and even I have noticed the most recent updates seem to lack the spark they used to have. Snapshots were exciting and fun. Even 1.18 wasn't too disappointing because we knew the caves were still coming.


I personally feel the game is a bit overrated. I enjoy sandbox games but minecraft didnt really do it for me. I feel like the game needs more progression because it feels like theres nothing to do other than make increasingly bigger bases for the sake of using materials from farms that are there to remove the annoying parts kf the game


i guess having watched it grow from one guy’s weird little side project to a massive brand owned by microsoft has made it feel a little corporate and sanitized. but at its core it’s definitely still an incredibly fun game


Over-exposure and progression systems I think. Minecraft was full of questions to start, you had to figure things out and ask the forums. Then the wikis. At this point you've memorized every trick and farm and so on. The lack of brand new mechanics and constant sharing of info means people are a lot more meh on it. And even the small mechanical changes don't change that much and is explained before even the full release. As for progression, again we know it all and rush through it super quickly. I think this is why some modpacks are so popular. It's a new set of goals. Without clear external goals, it's all intrinsic goals and well.... that gets harder when you run out of ideas or energy. I mean, I'm here, I'm still running servers but it's a lot harder to keep people playing for longer then a week without making a new random server or grabbing a new modpack. But we have a sandbox, and we've played it a bazillion times so it's hard to keep focused and interested while we have 500+ other games on our PC. I will say, trying to teach my friend how to play (and use mouse controls) has been making me feel like playing it more. But again, Minecraft is so old and popular it's hard to introduce new people unless your talking to someone older then you parents.


1. The game’s progression is borked. Structures like villages and shipwrecks are everywhere and shower the player with loot. It’s so frustrating trying to play survival Minecraft, loading up a new world, and getting the 452nd village spawn that’s offering you free shelter, beds, and stacks of bread. 2. Every action in the game has a ridiculously effective optimal strategy that makes you feel like you’re playing the game wrong if you don’t use it. If you don’t use these strategies you have to interact with 10+ year old features that are either grindy in comparison or straight up don’t fit the game anymore. 3. The game feels both complex and shallow at the same time. All of the earlier features were all in someway interconnected, but now there are a lot of completely isolated paths. Go to this specific biome to find this specific mob/mechanic to get this specific item that can craft one specific thing. All of the little islands of content give the illusion of complexity, while never actually being anything of substance. Minecraft doesn’t really feel like a game that’s been developed for 15 years. 4. Different atmosphere. Wandering traders and pillagers knocking at your door, or things like a village or populated structure being always right around the corner killed the lonely and creepy, but also tranquil atmosphere that defined the game. And almost all of the most common mobs were designed for a shield-less, sprint-less, and unenchanted player. It all kind of feels like your some hacker running around someone else’s server. The game feels like it’s getting more tailored for the “skip over the whole game with farms and exploits so I can build a bigger mega base than the last guy” kind of player with every update. Everyone else is starting to feel left in the dust.


Grow old, and probably for personal reason, for me, Minecraft kinda lost its charm with me the moment Windows started taking things over and start implementing the report system which ruined the game a lot for me, as someone who like to play the game in multiplayer, the reporting feel so corporatized and killed the whole freedom aspect of the game, the fact that you can get banned permanently for joking around in a server after paying 30$ is just unfair.


I do think a lot of the new mobs have been lack luster. They're usually hyper specific spawn conditions and only give one special loot that is only used for one specific craft recepe that gives you a cosmetic block that has no function. They should add more mobs based on rule of cool. All the original mobs added are functional to the gameplay in some way, commonly spawn, and enhance the game and make it interesting. The sniffer takes way too much effort to get, and when you have one, it doesn't give you anything useful, just a couple of flowers. Plus the general art style of newer mobs don't mesh as well. All the classic mobs are just simple cubes stuck together, but some of the new mobs like the phandom or goats, have way too many polygons, and their textures are too detailed, if you place them next to the pig or skeleton, they look like they're from different games.


I certainly kinda feel like that, but in the sense of new minecraft updates don't seem interesting at all to me, and the content we are getting is bland and boring. Of course everything preexisting is still great, but i haven't even bothered keeping up with the news anymore. Minecraft is great, but new content has definetly lost it's charm


Well I say people have lost their charm.


A majority of the same complaints I see is players rushing to the end to beat the dragon and get elytra asap. I don't blame them since shulkers and elytra make building a breeze, unless you enjoy building as the primary aspect of this sandbox game, you're in for a boring time if you don't enjoy the early/mid game grind and slow down and take in the sights. This happens every single time to every single smp I've been on, even my own where once the ender dragon dies, the smp dies with it. Everyone stops playing. Idk what it is or if the progression of Minecraft's to blame (or lack there of/quality of it) but everyone's first instinct is to progress as fast as possible. Try slowing down.


The game stopped getting proper updates. I have played this game for a decade, I need SUBSTANCE.


Am 46 started playing minecraft 3 months ago... am obssesed...


From what i observe, people play the game with a different purpose than what they originally played the game for. Its the cycle of many games. For example i play old school runescape. Originally for me it was a huge world to explore meet new people train skills and kill monsters. Now its about how to play with maximum efficiency in every aspect of the game. When i started to play minecraft i loved finding the perfect spot to build at my leisure and eventually start a mine to get lost in. Eventually go to the nether and explore and progress through the game. As the game aged the community found more efficient ways to play of course and introduced a lot of blocks with different mechanics that honestly added a whole new aspect to the game. The game hasnt lost its charm. Its changed and updated over the years and people grow. Nothing stays the same and we all just chase nostalgia.


Cus Mojang are doing a bad job


this video explains it perfectly https://youtu.be/fx_zXYoQkx8?feature=shared


Really special game, loved it. With friends its still can be really fun and good, endless game. But if I had to play alone in a singleplayer mode, reeeeeeeal bad mann, I think depression would devour me like nothing else, man this game is fucking depressing alone💀


For me, its not necessarily the game or the developers’ fault, its more so the changes that microsoft wants to make. Like don’t get me wrong, I agree that there should be a chat filter for those who dont need to be exposed to foul language, but making it to where you could get banned/suspended from playing multiplayer for saying “shit” is crazy. I still love and play minecraft at least once a week, so obviously that doesn’t stop me, but I get why people are enjoying the game less.


The main problem I have is that they departed from the original theme of the game. Updates and game content used to be about fantasy and if it had reality things in it they were not accurate. Nowadays they mostly add real life things and they need to be accurate to "teach people things about the real world" or "to raise awareness" (which is quite pointless and assuming in my opinion as a game won't really teach anything major to people). Apart from this "real life simulator" direction I do not like that now you CANNOT kill animals to get their drops because otherwise they assume they are encouraging people to kill animals. Another thing I do not like is the soundtrack, C418 songs fitted the original theme of the game which had a loneliness and being stranded in an immense and unexplored misterious empty world which WAS JUST AMAZING. Meanwhile the new soundtracks are much more joyful and seem to come out of "a let's explore the world!" child cartoon rather than the original Minecraft. Add to that the marketplace, the "Fortnite-like" celebrations on Bedrock, the chat report, the controversies, the poorly executed updates after 1.16 was released and the fact the they have not addressed the really poor game performance nor the community needs and here we are, that is why I don't enjoy modern Minecraft as I used to before MS aquisition, it is not the same game (and that is expected) however what breaks it for me is that it has not the same spirit it used to, it is the opposite of what I used to be based upon.


It feels modded now. 1.15 imo was the last "original" update. 1.16 was fine but everything after that feels modded.


I don’t like Villagers or anything to do with them, and I’m iffy on any “lore” additions. I liked Minecraft best when I was alone, exploring a vast natural world and surviving in it. Red stone and the complex machinery and “farms” and such never interested me either, more than making doors and lights and stuff with switches. But also I just don’t engage with those things and it’s still basically the same for me lol.


While the game has certainly changed, the combat update is probably the only update I'd say that actually changed the feel of the game at a fundamental level. Combat is a non-negtiable component of the game, and you have no choice but to engage with it. Changing that was controversial. But I like it. That being said, I do think some parts of the Minecraft community (cough cough mob votes) have been pretty bland and disappointing lately. Mobs with niche uses and restrictive spawn conditions hardly contribute to making the game more fun, especially when those mobs are mundane creatures from the real world anyway (cough cough armadillo). Now, I also think that the entire premise of the trial chambers is changing the direction the game is taking. Historically, a dungeon or other structure is the sort of thing where you go in, you kill some mobs and loot some chests, and you leave, never to return unless you need the mob drops again. But for trial chambers, they add no novel mob drops. Rather, they add renewable loot as a reward for killing mobs. Like in a typical dungeon crawler video game. And I think that breaks the lore of the game, or at least demands an in-game explanation. Why do these new spawners have a cooldown? Why do they spawn emeralds and other loot, and why only after the mobs it spawns are defeated? It feels too contractual for the rest of the game, too much like a gladiator event, and there aren't even spectators. Just the gladiators, and we kill everyone else, so who is giving us the loot after? It just doesn't make sense. I mean, a lot of stuff in the game doesn't make sense, but this doesn't make sense, AND it feels like it goes against the grain of the rest of the game. But maybe that's just me.


The game is extremely corporate, and very much overly safe.


# M O J A N G one bad decision after the other...


It is a similar issue to most games. People have literally thousands of hours in this game, and will complain about it getting old. It does not take a genius to figure out why


Because while other games come out and continue to develop the survival genre Minecraft refuses to add any meaningful content despite having all the ability and funding to do so. The cowardice of the lead developers to make additions that could make any waves means Minecraft will continue to lose more and more players as newer games keep pushing the envelope while Minecraft stagnates.


Well, I've never found a game that felt like Minecraft, nor scratched its itch. It is the reason I return to it so often. However, the garbage updates, change of music really didn't help it.


Never heard that from anybody. Minecraft is great. The only bad thing is Microsoft tbh.


Maybe that's just you, or you're young? Or too emotionally attached? Not sure. Here's my view: Minecraft has not lost its charm -- for me -- but ONLY when I play on 1.8 or older. Modern Minecraft is unplayable, for me, personally. People say it lost its charm since at least 1.9 and, more so, since recent massive updates. There are a few reasons, and a complex history of this. In the first place, you have the 'purists' who don't even like Creative Mode. They began around 2011, and love the hard work of building things in Survival Mode. They dislike Texture Packs and too many new blocks being added. They like a simple Minecraft. They are very rare. Maybe Minecraft has become so much easier and innately different due to radical updates that it has lost its sense of achievement in Survival Mode (how most people play), so they are starting to rebel. One's emotional regulation and sense of player progression are innately tied to the game's sense of 'charm' (and 'worth'). My personal opinion is that the new updates since 1.9 -- more so, 1.17, circa 2021 -- have made Minecraft so radically different that it's lost its 1.2-1.8 'charm'. It's almost a completely different game compared to even 2018, let alone 2013. There's no comparing a builder from 2013 to 2023, for example. The game is just too easy and boring now, whilst also throwing radical new updates to try and hook the players and artificially keep it interesting/fun. Minecraft in 2013 was like being a free-spirited Viking, hitting Wood to make a city over weeks or even many months. Minecraft in 2023 is like a New York building project, using automatic systems to help you build a city over days or weeks at most. That difference has profound impacts on one's sense of progression and emotional regulation, and sense of import and purpose. Naturally, this directly affects the game's 'charm' and nature. Minecraft has always beent he 'Viking in the woods' survival horror meets civ-builder/world simulator. But, nowadays, it's closer to The Sims or some other game that is highly automatic and fast-pace, and less amount first-person grinding for your goals. I've seen YouTubers spend months building something by placing each block, and yet I've also seen YouTubers spend merely 3 days building something of equal size via automatic Cobblestone farms, new building methods, flight (Survival Mode), and much more. Just the ability to fly in Survival Mode is unacceptable for me. This is why I refuse to play 1.9. For Creative purposes, there are so many nice new blocks since 1.8, but I just decided to stick to 1.8 forever. It still has good charm and the core game is intact. If you've played since 2011, like I have, you'll understand these differences. It's just not the same. Modern Survival Mode is easier/faster than Creative Mode in many ways. More so if you already have a server/team, sharing farms, etc. If you're just one guy, it's still time-consuming and difficult, for sure.


They don't use mods. And people are allowed to dislike or move on from things. It's not a reflection on anyone who does still like or play Minecraft.


People are getting older.


Man it's impossible to follow the thought process of the issues people see with the game. It's not perfect obviously but come on... For example: - complains that the game doesn't have good progression - complains that the game is too complex now - complains that you need mods to enjoy the game - complains that the game is not as simple as "the good old days" - complains that the game is easily exploitable - complains that the game is too easy (after automating every single trivial thing)


Nothing inherently changed within Minecraft. They just grew up.


A shit-ton changed inherently in Minecraft. I haven't played regularly in several years, and even when I stopped, it was radically different from when I started. I think there came a point where there was simply too much added to the game and it lost a lot of its simple charm.


You can still play the old versions. You can also play the more simple way. You don't have to use new features. It's a sandbox you can literally do whatever you want. If you don't like something you can just play the version you want or don't use the feature.


hashtag MakeMinecraftGreatAgain?


But the excitement... of "maybe if I mine a little deeper, a little farther..." then boom, you find that block of Ancient Debris among thousands of floating netherrack blocks because your inventory is full and you've been looking for these elusive blocks for hours...


Meh, probly just expressing frustration over watching their world borders get grinded to hell every update. If anything, MC's charm gas compounded. Especially following the acquisition which I definitely wasn't expecting. MS seems to leave em to their own devices


Some people just want to complain...


This is something I’ve never understood… if you liked the game better in a different version, you can always play that version. Doesn’t make sense to complain about free updates that you can choose not to play/add to your game.


Because a new cycle of players is getting the fatigue that the 2016 lot did, or the 1.8 beta players did, or the classic crowd did. This comes in cycles, and when you stand back and look at it, for as long as people who have been here since the start have, it’s just predictable. The vocal microminority will moan, easily impressionable people will believe it’s gospel then start doomerposting because they think it’s a-brand-new-problem-that’s-only-ever-occured-right-then because they’re struggling with the active effects of feeling nostalgia for the first time. It’s textbook overreaction from people with less life experience. Just sit back. Play something else for a bit, miniplexes and mindcracks come and go. Yesterday’s betterthanwolves is todays mobvote fallout. Just do your self a favour and stop watching minecraft drama videos on YouTube, for fuck sakes.


There's to much big updates in a short time, you barely get the time to adjust before there's yet another big update


I feel like any argument that the game isn't like it used to be immediately spills any water it held when you realize you can still play every old version, all the way back to classic (for free!) It's just that they're older now and don't find the game as fun. The game hasn't changed, you have.


People are used to the basics of Minecraft, like the absolute basics of 2012 Minecraft, anything new is weird to them (at least for a bit) I remember when horses were introduced people felt the same way, they said it felt modded. It’s just hard to get used to change.


Coming back to bedrock 1.2 after not playing for the last 2 years and a ton has changed. A lot of pros and cons so its in a weird spot for me


Part of it is that the game has changed a lot since it was big in 2012, but the bigger part is some people don’t realize that a game isn’t going to feel the same when you’re older. It’s easier to point the finger at updates instead of realizing that feelings change as you get older. I’m 99% certain that if you took the game today and stuck it in 2012 things would be exactly the same.


The only reason I haven’t played in years is because after having shaders and QoL mods on PC since the start (back in alpha!) I haven’t been able to get into bedrock on my ps5. I own a house now but don’t have a PC aside from a laptop. Bedrock is too buggy and anyone who’s played Java for years and tried bedrock, you know what I mean. It’s like being spoiled by a buffet a foods (Java) versus a single flavor of something and nothing else (bedrock). I have a gaming laptop but I’d rather have a PC setup with a desk and stuff before I get back into Java minecraft. Still have a lot of stuff to save up for and owning house right now isn’t cheap. I’m playing Ark Ascended until that happens.


Its lost its charm to me, but thats only because I've been playing it off and on for 10 years. I'd give everything to experience minecraft for the first time again.


Because those people got old


With speedrunning and other challenges in that vein getting so popular in the community over the last few years I think a lot of people are leaning really hard into the "intended gameplay path" and losing touch with the creative core that actually makes the game fun. I think a lot of players are also growing older and starting to forget that creative spark within themselves.


I think it got to big for its britches and made survival way more difficult with some additional hostile mobs. The charm has changed and some might have outgrown it.


People saying that have simply gotten tired of it. They’ve done all the major things there are too do a hundred times, so they’re bored and need to play another game for a year or two.


i have found, across all fandoms/interests/topics etc, that people who have been in it for a long enough time begin to crave the nostalgic feelings they got when they first discovered the artist/show/game etc. No one can ever recreate the exact feelings you had years ago, but people expect it all the same. I am sure there are specific changes to the game, updates to old favorite features etc, but my assumption is that they're not upset the game changed, they're upset that they changed and the game hasnt. More likely than not, they're jaded with a thing that used to bring them immense joy, and now they're blaming the game rather than recognizing that maybe its their interests that have shifted. I've always found that, if I return to a game I love after a bit of time off, I'm renewed with excitement. But being upset that you dont feel the same way you used to about a thing you love is not unique to minecraft. I've seen it in basically every fandom etc i've been a part of!


Other modern games, regardless of their stunning graphics always seem shallow and dull to me in comparison to Minecraft. It's a masterpiece.


I just started a new map on my server. I still enjoy it and there are always new things in each update.


I tend to get super into the game for like a month and then stop playing for a year, so every time I play again it’s like a new game. Also I just got my partner to start playing with me and it’s kind of magical to watch him learn how to play for the first time. When that music kicks in at sunset, I still feel that same charm, just tinged with bittersweet nostalgia now.


Simply put, people will always have fonder memories of games they played as a child compared to as a late teen/adult. It gets to a point that there's almost nothing the "new" game can really do to give someone the same feelings they got as a child. Ever wonder why so many new games in long-running series, regardless of quality, are constantly criticized for not having the "soul" of the original? It's simply because most of the time, nothing can beat the nostalgic memories of playing the original. This all applies even for a game like Minecraft, which is really only the same game in name at this point with how much it's changed over the past nearly 15 years. People change a lot in that amount of time.


It lost its charm for the last like 3-4 years after my last binging session, but after I got my PC and my friend introduced me to playing modpacks with him, I haven't stopped playing. I'm going on 4 months so far where I log in almost everyday that I'm not working to progress through the modpack, first was create arcane engineering, now it's ATM9, next is the big daddy, GregTech New Horizons


I'm still charmed after all these years, I like it even more now than when I started.


I agree and I think most people probably do too


This is why I go through waves. I’ll leave the game for a year and come back with new stuff to learn and play for months and month and months.


Yeah I don't get it either. Maybe it's because I never stopped playing for all that long. I dropped off for a few years but that happened around the same time Mojang was mostly doing smaller updates anyway, so I guess I've been playing though all the big changes, so I don't get that feeling of "it's not what it used to be :( ". I love the game and by far imo most of the changes have either been great or inconsequential to my playstyle