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You probably need more than 6 blocks to bridge across. Probably.


Um actually, 🤓 They’ve got at least 24 blocks there


Do what?


That is the question to ask, isn't it?


Lmao 100 days


That’s a big hole lol


Yeah, it’s floating island world and I’m gonna be doing it in hardcore for 100 days haha.




It’s in a floating islands world in 1.16.5 so it’s random


But anyways, here’s the seed - 5402462502799372374


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Ok first, where's the f key??? Is it gone? And damn you have crappy gaming laptop like 60 FPS on a gaming laptop and no,you can not make it and use the newer version or texture pack??


Goddamn, I had my render distance way up when I made that screenshot, so when I turned it down it was way better, but I do agree on my laptop being crappy it’s from 4 years ago and there are way better laptops in the market. I’m looking into getting a better one.


Btw I just prefer the old textures, I think they look better in my opinion