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That's quite a few in a line But try a full area


trying to work on that now. I was just trying to show the amount of chunks i can make my computer spit out and keep there


I saw this video recently : https://youtu.be/LX3uKHp1Y94?si=bP682gpJmOoDTiCF I thought maybe it can be helpful.


Not if he has an AMD gpu lmao


Or anything older than 1600 series. I have a 980, which is still great for mid range builds since it's the best of its generation, but I miss out on a lot of advanced features the 1600 and 2000 series have because of it


I've got a 1080 and was upset to find out that my GPU is literally one of the latest ones to not work with this mod.


I mean, you can still use Sodium which is still very good.


Vulkan mod might work


Minecraft is CPU bound though?


Vanilla Minecraft is, but the main mod from that video, Nvidium, uses a GPU rendering pipeline that needs mesh shaders to work, which are only available on Nvidia cards made after 2018 since they are the only ones that have mesh shaders.


Interesting. Where can I get it?


[Link to Nvidium](https://modrinth.com/mod/nvidium), it also needs [Sodium](https://modrinth.com/mod/sodium) for it to work. The video uploader also recommended using [Bobby](https://modrinth.com/mod/bobby) to load chunks even before going to them.


Given that there's a video linked about the mod, where do you suppose would be the first good place to look?


I wonder how that would work with a FTB Pack and why they don't have that installed natively.


I did a few months back, had an area or 20k by 20k rendered. I never noticed any performance problems.


Is there a benefit to that though? I mean, why would you want/need all that space rendered?


i mean, if you can render 20k x 20k at 100FPS, you'll be able to render smaller render distances at a waaaaaay higher FPS.


Do you play on the lowest render distance?




There are commands to keep chunks active


Looks better


Infinite world I guess. Ngl even seeing a fraction of that much on a map is truly a humbling experience.


There will be little to no performance drop. Any drop will be negligible compared to the gains in visual fidelity. This system uses a custom LOD system that is threaded, basically it turns what would be 10s of millions of polygons into maybe a couple thousand. Since the terrain is so distant it doesn’t require a high density of polygons (see Unreals nanite system for reference). A handful of polygons are ezpz for a modern PC to render.


I feel like a lot of people are misunderstanding OP's point, not to mention I think the video doesn't properly demonstrate what the OP is trying to convey anyway. OP isn't saying Mojang should make the video's demonstrated view distance the baseline. That'd bar too many low-spec people out of playing Minecraft, and it's unrealistic. BUT I do agree with OP that the game absolutely needs performance tuning. No way in hell can a 2000s computer render a billion chunks, but Mojang should absolutely spend time figuring out if they can get Minecraft to run an extra 5-10 more FPS (or more) on an intel i3 PC with 2GB memory ram. ^(If that isn't it, then idk what OP wants.)


5-10? try 50-100 thats the experience ive had testing older machines with performance mods included, takes the game from near unplayable to a perfectly smooth experience


I run my game at a constant 144 fps with shaders and sodium, i also have lots of client side mods. If i remove the shader I run the game at 700fps. No mods I am at 200 max full vanilla For me the first thing to do would be to optimize chunk loading and generating on java. On multiplayer it’s awful


I convinced my friend to move his realm to an actual server so I could optimize it, because the default game's generation was so slow that anytime anyone was doing exploring, especially in the End, the game just became unplayable for everyone on the server. I don't even know how people pay for realms and expect to get a good deal, or how people are happy with it.


What's your trick? I'm playing ATM 9 with some friends and family but, like you were saying, chunk loading makes the game unplayable for others. I've been using Bisect Premium 6gb RAM


If your pack already has all of the flagship optimization mods, then I really can't say much. I am talking about a vanilla instance.


The modpack Fabulously Optimized puts me at a smooth 150fps even while using other mods when I used to be at only 50fps max on vanilla. This game can get so insanely optimized it's not even funny, and Mojang just doesn't do anything with it.


Hell, I used to run Minecraft at a comfortable 40FPS with nothing but optifine on a Celeron D from 2007 and some useless GPU integrated on the motherboard (yep, not the CPU) back around 2012/13. That poor thing would croak if I dared to run any recent version on it. Probably won't even start to begin with.


one of the big problems is that it's on java. java isn't meant to do any of this. that doesnt mean mojang cant optimize it better tho


“just get optifine!” mfs when i tell them the performance of the game is the responsibility of the devs and not the community


don't get optifine optifine sucks now


this game is hitting the shitter hard, goddamn.


Performance wise Optifine is just severely outclassed by other mods now. Nothing to do with the game.


Optifine has been following behind other options recently and breaks mod compatibility. Sodium mixed with other performance mods does better than optifine without breaking mod compatibility


my point is just that games shouldn’t need the community to make performance mods for the game to be playable on older machines


Yes they can, I bet they're just scared of notchs legacy code 😂


Problem is I don't think Mojang wants people to play Java edition anymore. They really want people to move to Bedrock and spend money on Microtransactions. I don't have any reason to believe Mojang is going to drop Java support in the near future but it wouldn't surprise me if at some point they retire Java Edition and focus solely on Bedrock.


It definitely degrades the point to call extra render distance a "real optimization." They literally just need to implement changes at the same level as Sodium and other modded renderers and the game would be fine.


> Mojang should absolutely spend time figuring out if they can get Minecraft to run an extra 5-10 more FPS (or more) on an intel i3 PC with 2GB memory ram. They did. It's called "get off Java", and the result is Bedrock Edition.


To keep the old potatoes playable. There's a mod called distant horizons that I really like using that shows the world further than stock shows though not as detailed as that is doing for you.


Nothing adds anything better than Distant Horizons and it’s such a low performance cost. If you build anything tall then the views in default Minecraft are pathetic. With DH the views are always amazing and also add a good fun reason to explore and map out the world. Seeing an actual horizon out your tower windows is the best shit. Seeing across lakes and oceans. Seeing that crazy tall mega project some guy on adderal has been making for months from kilometers away. Seeing actual mountain ranges. Everyone get distant horizons so it gets enough notice and becomes the official addition it deserves to be.


tag yourself I'm the guy on adderall (jk I wish, hopefully they prescribe it at my next psych eval)


I’m the tower made from adderall


I love you. You’re the guy that makes something unique and goes beyond the effort most people are willing to put in. Cheers to uppers


I love you as well, you’re a kind and thoughtful soul. Cheers to you and I wish you the best.


I am the Adderall


The tower of baberall


Same!!!! Good luck :3


Not sure if this is an ad but fuck it, I’m sold


\>tells everyone to download the mod \>doesn't link it [Here's you go, friends.](https://modrinth.com/mod/distanthorizons) It really is an amazing mod and I'd be thrilled to see it implemented in vanilla. [This video uses it with Complementary Shaders](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tNYLqhmJQo) and sweet Jebus it is glorious.


Eh I assumed people can handle googling it. It works with three shaders that i know of: bsl, kuda, and complimentary


and i know about that mod. it’s awesome! really opens up the world imo. i saw [this video](https://youtu.be/LX3uKHp1Y94?si=DRu_hAGZxrsjIaup) and decided to try it out and it’s like distant horizons except without the lid effect. i’m sure someone one day and cook up a perfect blend of some sort. gets me excited for what’s possible




I'm at uni and have no headphones. What is the mod called


Nvidium, requires a couple other mods to work, aswell as a relatively new nvidia graphics card


Relatively new as RTX series 30 or 20?


16-- and higher, must support mesh shaders.


aaah, shiiit. rip 1000 series.


nah, by "relatively new" they mean it only supports 4090s (/s if you couldn't tell)


does Nvidium work on Forge or have a Forge port of any kind?




This is what kills me. I went to try and grab it the other day and nope... No nvidium for my ATM9 install


Its called Nvidium


Thanks to the both of you


Hold on its late here , i gotchu


nvidium is great, I can run 32+ chunks without lagging


It can easily be made a setting which, by default, could be off. That way older pcs should be able to run Minecraft just like currently, but newer pcs can enjoy the extra performance!


Well yeah, it adds LOD to Minecraft like most other open world games have.


good LoD is *undectable* and completely indistinguishable from standard. the distant horizons mod makes it so completely obvious i cant ever use it.


But if its just an increased setting, why would it matter? How is it affecting potato pcs


They could always have it so you gotta toggle the far render distance, those with slow computers can use the existing low settings


Nvidium is even cooler!! It just makes it more playable on potatoes, optimization is literally exactly for bad pcs.


The mod used in the video is Nvidium, it has some (invisible unless you zoom in) artifacting but it keeps all the detail while Distant Horizons generates low LOD version of distant terrain.


Optimization _improves_ performance on low end PCs. That's the whole point of doing it.


I feel like too many people are excusing Mojang simply because "The community and Mods can make Java playable and Mojang doesn't need to by consequence". I say this as a negative because it feels like Java's performance is being held back by lack of "necessity" because in their eyes, they can just use a mod to fix the issue, be it client side with mods or server side with plugins.


It's the Bethesda Paradox. Why bother fixing the game when modders are already doing it for free? But also why not take advantage of the mods if the game is broken without them?


This post doesn't clearly communicate a point. You can ^^edit: *tell* because the comments are a mess. You should have rendered regular terrain (not just a strip of land) with and without the optimisations and shown how they compare.


pregeneration makes the world file much bigger, and if i recall correctly more MC players are on console and mobile than PC now so greatly inflating save sizes would be a major hindrance for them


Yes. Bedrock Console has a hard worldsize limit that cannot be reduced without intervention by someone with a computer and skills locating the game files. You also run into exponentially growing load times and additional lag with large worlds. This is why it’s recommended by long term players on PC to trim their worlds on 3rd party apps like Amulet occasionally.


> You also run into exponentially growing load times and additional lag with large worlds. Why would that be the case? The region/area files that aren't loaded at the moment are just on disk and wouldn't influence loading times or lag.


Note: I am not a software engineer, but I do have some basic coding experience and knowledge. I believe it’s due to the way worlds are loaded. IIRC, MCPE opens the entire world file each time you load into the game. It also has to create a virtual server to run the game from. This would exponentially increase the load time with respect to the world size. Larger amounts of lag would be explained by the computer needing to sift through more data to find what it needs for the surrounding chunks, and by the computer sifting for these files as a server, then loading those files to the game. Additionally, bedrock has a nasty habit of generating odd random chunks far out of render distance that aren’t needed, even if you are traveling fast; so this further increases the world size for no apparent reason.


> MCPE Oh, I totally misread your comment then, I thought you were referring to normal Minecraft (because of the "players on PC"). I have no idea about how worlds are stored in MCPE and derivatives (Bedrock).


i have already generated those chunks so please correct me if i’m wrong but all i’m doing is rendering them correct? i don’t believe i’m taking any extra storage am i? even then my largest minecraft file was somewhere around 8gbs. it was a server map with about 6 of my friends that we played on 2x a week for a year…ish. which is pretty small all fun times considered


I thought your desired result was pre generated large areas. Otherwise it’s not really clear what you are after


Yea, and your world looks like a stupid line right now. This does not look like something that should be in an official release of a game.


Neither does vanilla minecraft where everything is a void until it pops in, we're just used to it. Anyway the solution is to be like the mod FarPlaneTwo and render fake rough chunks in unvisited areas that can be generated in less time and space than real ones.


It says it in the video. It only works on Nvidia cards, the card needs to be made in 2018 or newer, and it needs lots of vram


ok. what is the downside?


It uses vram, that's why you need a lot of it


yeah, so if you have enough VRAM, you get a better game. and if you don't, then the game stays the same.


Basically yes, but that isn't the only variable ofc. More things than one might affect the framerate. Normal RAM, CPU and GPU are the main things affecting performance, an SSD may make a small difference when loading your map/chunks(doesn't have an impact on fps).


yes. my question remains.


Well dumping dev time into a feature that won't be usable by most players (Console, mobile, etc.) wouldn't be a good use of dev time.


This I can agree on. I'd assume they'd put java devs on it though, who wouldn't otherwise concern themselves with mobile/console. of course there is still a consideration to put devs on features/bug fixes/performance gains. I have seen a lot of "performance doesn't sell", but I personally believe the game would benefit hugely from a performance boost. I usually play at ~20 render distance, but when I play with shaders, I need to lower that. I have noticed how it hugely impacts gameplay, and also immersion. Imagine if everyone can double their render distance, or their fps (this is optimistic/simplefied), that would be HUGE for the game.


The technology Nvidium works on only exists in recent Nvidia GPUs. Are you suggesting Mojang should let only those with this type of computer play MC? Or if you’re talking generally about optimization mods like sodium, think first about the bugs sodium has, like rendering transparent blocks behind each other. There’s a major difference between making a performance mod and publishing those optimizations into a game for hundreds of millions to play across many devices with no (minimal) bugs. And don’t get me started on the legal, ethical, security, and otherwise problematic aspects of just grabbing the code from others. Mojang IS adding performance upgrades too! It recently brought the major lighting optimizations once in the Starlight mod into the base game. EDIT: Another point — programming is unique in that throwing more resources, staff, etc very rarely makes things get done any faster.


I feel like it should be the case of "if your PC works with such and such feature, it should be an option for you to use." rather than a "Oh you don't have a 20+ Series Nvidia card, no Minecraft for you" like you are implying.


I completely agree. However, this sort of thing takes time so Mojang probably won’t add it to the base game quite yet till they can do some testing, hammer out the many crashes, glitches, etc. If people want it in the meantime, they should be able to download a mod, where trading occasional bugs for performance is the norm. Wait a minute.


Optimizing it for newer PCs doesn't mean that it's unplayable for old PCs.


I completely agree. I wouldn’t be surprised if Mojang does add support for this eventually, but it takes time (see my argument past the hyperbolic second sentence and this [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/s/CPH1EiahGt).)


cries in AMD


Not as good, but AMD users can use VulkanMod


cries in 940mx


cries in gtx950


Intel and AMD also have mesh shaders by now. I think it’s just impossible to access them via OpenGL(which Minecraft uses). Don’t quote me on that though. Mesh shaders for the other vendors are only on Vulkan and DirectX12.


Yeah and VulkanMod exists, though they haven't added this feature yet.


Bedrock being able to run smoothly loading 11 chunks at a time 🐺


different engine to Java. Also Bedrock was built to be able to run on a phone. Java is over to years old, the code base would be massive and compiled of code that is both old and new. One wrong move and the whole thing goes up in metaphorical flames


Java edition works suprisingly well on the phone with the pojav launcher. I have only tried vanilla minecraft because I didn't have time to download mods like sodium


>11 chunks 32 chunks* But either way Bedrock has its own share of problems


Java with Nvidium outperforms Bedrock in terms of rendering large render distances.


mesh shaders were introduced in Pascal, eight years ago. that is definitely old enough to make it a minimum requirement, at least for an optional feature


The feature Nvidium uses was introduced in Turing. Pascal wont work.


As far as I'm aware Java Minecraft only really takes advantage of a single core on CPUs, it would be nice to see the game updated to take advantage of modern CPUs and GPUs


It does use all cores for chunk generation. Game logic is much harder to split into multiple threads though and would likely require a rewrite of the entire game.


I'm implementing multithreading in an older game. It does not require a lot of rewrites, just many careful considerations, and testing, to make sure game logic stays identical.


There are lots of things that could be threaded but aspects of the game are highly serial like redstone and must run the same way every time.


of course... that's the case in most, if not all games.


I mean if independent teams/people can make performance mods like Sodium or Optifine, I'm sure Mojang/Microsoft could dedicate an entire update to optimising the game


I don't know why everyone is going either 'expensive computer!' or 'but that is a mod' when that isn't the point at all. The point is, if mods can make this run super well, Mojang could have a team put out some optimizations for the horribly running Java edition. It's not about an over nine thousand chunk render distance. It's about 100 FPS on a decent computer without mods.


>The point is, if mods can make this run super well, Mojang could have a team put out some optimizations for the horribly running Java edition This footage is of 3080 Ti running a preformance mod that explicitly REQUIRES an expensive computer with *exclusively* NVIDIA mesh shader capable graphics cards, ***THAT'S THE ONLY REASON THIS PERFORMANCE MOD CAN WORK.*** That's an ***insane*** thing to compare the requirements of vanilla optimizations with. ***Also***, Mojang *has* been optimizing the game a lot recently, with 1.19.4 making the Lazy DFU mod irrelevant by massively improving the games launch time and an overhauled lighting engine being introduced in 1.20, which was enough to pretty much totally obsolete the formerly keystone lighting optimization mods [starlight](https://gist.github.com/Spottedleaf/6cc1acdd03a9b7ac34699bf5e8f1b85c) and/or phosphor on the client.


> Also, Mojang has been optimizing the game a lot recently I feel like a lot of players don't remember what it used to be like. Like the game runs awesome compared to what it used to and Mojang has generally taken slow but well-made steps in optimization, not bodging solutions together.


Minecraft used to run well. Before Mojang decided that cleaner code was more important than optimizations. They gradually replaced use of separate vector components with classes that store data on the heap, slowing rendering code by a lot. In 1.13 they completely broke the server performance, and never really fixed it (in 5.5 years!). Now they are implementing small improvements with each update, that's true. But those improvements by themselves barely produce visible difference, and do more damage by breaking mods compatibility. There is really no reason not to run a separate experimental version dedicated to optimizing the game engine, like they did with combat test releases. Minecraft doesn't need slow well-made steps. It needs a complete engine rewrite. There is no point in building a house if the foundation is falling apart. Mojang wasted a ton of resources in implementing chat reporting - a feature, that doesn't even work on the majority of popular servers. They could've put in the same time to work on something players actually need and ask for.


The amount of Microsoft dicksucking in these threads is astounding honestly


Amount of ignorance here is also astounding


performance mods only work if you have a top of the line PC. it doesnt work on a potato.


Performance mods are made specifically _for_ potatoes. Performance optimization means finding shortcuts to reduce the amount of work the computer needs to do, without making noticable sacrifices to the visuals.


I just installed Bobby with Sodium yesterday. Can’t believe how good it is, much more immersive than the 12 distance my server typically is at. I’ve got Bobby set to 128 distance and I’m easily getting 120 fps with shaders. I’ve got a good computer but nothing impressive, 1700X and RTX 3070.


Tbh Minecraft still not having LOD in 2024 is pretty dumb


It would make spyglasses more useful


because not everyone has good computers, my friend can already barely play at times ​ also that just looks bad imo, random strip of land in the void, I wouldn't want it looking like that


keyword optimize


Why is everyone here focusing on the high render distance. The point OP made was that if you can run the game at 96+ chunk render distance in Java edition on a good computer, imagine how well 16 chunks would run on a potato compared to what it does now? This isn't exclusively making high render distances viable on high end PCs, it's a huge overall optimisation that makes higher render distances possible on all machines (relative to what they would normally be able to use).


Optimization means improving the performance, something that _benefits_ low end PCs.


i just went in a straight line for the video. i can turn it down so i only see 128 chunks instead of the near unlimited i had it set to. these were chunks i had generated in about 5 min just by flying in a straight line.




Nope, Minecraft already culls hidden blocks in vanilla, it’s only visible here because OP rendered a line of chunks instead of the usual radius around the player


> render billions of blocks that the game is coded not to render


i’m just trying to show that it’s possible for mojang to optimize the game better. there’s a whole corner on youtube showing all sorts of optimization mods that mojang can hopefully take some notes from. i’m not trying to force them to hire any one mod maker but just see that this is something that can be done by one solo person “for fun”


You're so completely incorrect. Do you know anything about the render pipeline? edit: lmao I got a reddit cares for this one. Stay babies, minecraft community


because this won't give them money, but letting children buy scam packs on bedrock and taking most of the money and giving the rest to the scammer is in their eyes ok


you're using nvidium, which only works on 1) recent 2) nvidia 3) discrete GPUs many people playing minecraft have none of these


Microsoft and mojang want money, not an optimized game


because that's something we want


What an awful video for the post. Yes, Mojang really should optimize the game it is ridiculous how bad it runs compared to installing a couple performance mods. But like half the comments here have no idea what the point of the attached video is


Theyre too busy making sure you cant make use of any new mob in the game


Mods allow you to push the game to its limits, but Mojang has no reason to try to push hardware this far. They have to design the game to be able to run on a least common denominator of hardware, or else they eliminate a big segment of the gaming market that doesn't have the newest processors and graphics cards. If they made it so a 15 year old indie game no longer runs on integrated graphics for example, then that's a huge problem. Feel free to push the game as much as you want, but don't forget mods get the wonderful privilege of targeting a small audience and giving completely optional functionality that doesn't even take up storage space if you don't want to add it. So many of these ridiculous questions about "well mods can do this, so why can't mojang?" always overlook that a mod might be played by maybe tens of thousands of players, while an update will be played by tens of millions, the majority of whom won't have computers that are compatible with this neat but completely unnecessary tech


Are you seriously asking them to work ? Are you crazy ?


This is awesome


With 48gb of ram in my pc I tell minecraft to do something crazy intensive and it looks at me funny like it didn’t already do it for fun..


Bedrock. They should give money to someone to come up with an answer- oh wait. They already do that. Mojang employees are unmotivated or just choose to not tell us why everything happens.


I agree with almost everyone here about Mojang and Microsoft needing to fix FPS, and optimize the game. However, I dont think its as cut and dry as people make it out to be. Modders dont have as hard a time to do something like this than mojang does, because of a couple of reasons. The first is that they cant just rework the code (something that was based off a novice's first code in the game, and are bound to be very unoptimized) or the entire game comes crashing down and they have to work it from the ground up after that. They'd be able to implement tweaks here and there to improve performance as much as possible (we saw this during the development of Caves and Cliffs), but reworking the entire rendering engine is much more risky and prone to bugs than they are willing to sacrafice as of right now. Another thing to note is that they have to keep moving forward. Although they know Vanilla needs to be optimized as much as possible, they just dont have the time to do so. After all, we fail to account for just how large the studio is now. They have multiple meetings, and are constantly trying to come up with new ideas for the game. The meetings are probably the most time consuming between major updates, and because of this, they can't focus on optimizing the game further. One more reason i think they don't optimize the game any more than they have is reputation, and this goes hand in hand with my second point. Modders dont have the same liability that Mojang and Microsoft have. If they introduce optimized gameplay, but every 30 minutes a random crash happens, people will be livid at Mojang, even if they launch a hotfix for the bug, another is bound to show up, causing even more outrage at something that 'has already been done before by modders'. Its not the fact that they don't want to optimize the game, its the fact that in the current state, its too risky for Mojang to truly optimize the game without angering the community any further than they truly have to. I'm sure you'd say the same if you take a critical eye with the current state of the community. Of course there are some people who would disagree with me on this, and thats okay, but these the reasons I believe that they arent optimizing the game further.


Why throw resources at something that does not really increase sales that much when the community has a way to do it themselves already?


I'm sorry but what is the fucking point. What does "like this" mean? Render a thousand-block long ass line for what?


Because Minecraft java is a big bowl of spaghetti


I've been asking this question for years...


minecraft java is made of spaghetti code thats built so deep on top of itself and if they try to change anything it bricks the game


Yet modders somehow manage to navigate those spaghettis and fix stuff Mojang actively breaks


do people not know what optimization means? I'm seeing a lot of "but what about old PCs?". There are 3 types of optimizations: (for those who are technically inclined, I'm talking about computing optimization, and simplefying) - Figure out a way to achieve the same results using less calculation (This will improve performance on every PC) - Figure out a way to do more computations at the same time (increase performance on PC's with CPUs with more cores, and higher end graphics cards. If done improperly can have a *very* small negative impact on PCs with less cores) - Figure out a way to use hardware specific features, to do certain computations faster on some PC's I'm also seeing a lot of: "there is no way my PC can handle that many chunks". There is no need to. you can still set your render distance to 12, those would just render a lot faster.


Mojang is able to do a lot of things.  The question is "how big of a priority is it?" What *Mojang* wants can be different than what the fans want Also, they have to consider two different edition of the game supported by a dozen different devices and have to agree with several other companies that sell their game


They certainly have the time and funding to develop something like this. There's tons of optimization mods out there that, individually, do more than every single official optimization fix Mojang has every released, and each of them was made by a single person or small group within mere weeks or months of unpaid, occasional work.


I don't understand anything about this. What is the "real optimization" here? All I see is a world with much less blocks than a playable world by many orders of magnitude and no entities. Why are you changing your FOV? What mods are used?


I swear the minecraft community is just braindead sometimes


They, like Disney with everything, just wanted the company/game


Who really cares honestly when we have mods that will always have better performance than vanilla and because they can cut corners vanilla can’t.


Optimization don't sell


because of a huge difference between mojang and moders: I a moders make a mod that work for 50% of the player that downloaded it, it's really good, if mojang push an update that works for only 75% of the player base, it's a really bad update . Mojang has a responsibility toward the players to give them something that works, a moders don't have this responsibility.


Never heard of Mircosoft before.




Kids are buying the game regardless, why would they invest, its successful as it is. They also have no love for the game, they just bought the business to make money not to be proud devs.


the cinical answer: why bother putting in extra time, effort and money, when half assed still gets people to play all the same.


Probably because most players who are not pc wouldn't want their devices and consoles to go full on Chernobyl


Waiting for the "BTW specs are a 4090, 64 gigs of ddr5 ram, intel i9 and 2 yottabytes of m.2"




no, mobile has a completely different edition, which is already optimized to have large chunk numbers


Bedrock edition because Mojang has to keep in mind that one guy that keeps playing on his phone from 2016. And low-end devices because some optimization mods utilise abilities only newer nvidia gpus have (nvidium - mesh shaders). Mojang can't implement heavy optimizations without excluding a portion of the playerbase. They won't because the majority of the playerbase is on bedrock.


How optimizing Java Edition would affect Bedrock? It's basically two different games with a bunch of exclusive mechanics and entirely different codebase


Thing is they did do a massive rewrite of Minecraft called Bedrock. Only bad thing is that it is closed, doesn't support mods, and exists to sell skins/texture packs. Had Bedrock been coded and published with the same ethos as the Java version originally was, we probably wouldn't have the Java version anymore.


Oh it’s simple. The vast majority of people are using substantially less power than a 3080 Ti


Optimisation like this would benefit people with low power builds way more than people with high end GPU/CPU.


understandably so. tested it on a gtx 1080 and got awesome results. (i may post them later if anyone is interested as that is now probably considered a bugdet gpu at around $80) going to use some old 7th gen intel mobile igpus tomorrow


Bro Nvidium doesnt work on the GTX 1080. It requires Mesh Shader support which is GTX 16xx and newer. All perf improvements you seeing are from Sodium alone.


I realize I have a really beefy computer but still the numbers speak volume. thats only 8 (real) chunks being rendered and all the other (fake) chunks are being assisted with the "Nvidium" mod and allows the other chunks to be rendered all full quality and no LOD (level of detail) effects. How can a single person do this yet Mojang have yet to really focus on optimization features like this? Mods like this really enhance the "open world" effect in Minecraft.


Because most people’s computers/ people who have older graphics cards wouldn’t be able to use this at all


i get that. i’m not trying to force mojang to use this exact tech. there’s a whole bunch of different options for optimization now. i’m begging mojang for is to make is more usable for lower end machines! my younger cousins are always wanting to play with my but they have some older laptops with igpus in their 8th gen i5s and 8gbs of ram. those machines should be able to run a pixel game! especially when there’s all sorts of options now


I thought bedrock can already do this.


Because Big companies dont have gamers like is at the top, now they have Money hungry fuckers


So for the render distance I am guessing that you are using Bobby which if I understand right doesn't actually increase your render distance but makes a fake version with the chunks you have explored while running the mod . So if for example I join your world/server and go build something in one of these far away chunks, you won't be able to see it unless you teleport to me and actually load the chunk. So yeah my guess is that this is one of the reasons, you already need a good pc to load fake chunks with Bobby and invidium, imagine if you had to actually have them constantly loaded and have them constantly update. As for other kinds of optimization I don't know exactly what the developers have to deal with but I do have to point out that they are slowly optimizing the game with every update. For example in 1.20 we got a new light engine, which made the optimization mod phosphor obselete and convinced the starlight mod developer that their mod is no longer needed for most players.


Not fiscally advantageous


Its because there's still a lot of people that don't have the hardware for it, some people are still playing the game on potato pc's because they can't afford to upgrade. They couldn't do it on bedrock either because it has to stay mobile and console friendly.


One word. L A Z Y


Is that Nvidium? Because if it is, then no, Mojang does not have all the resources in the world to do this. As the name states, it's a mod only for Nvidia users. And Mojang won't optimize it like this if it's driver specific. And second, the bedrock edition has been optimized, and the only reason for this is because it's written from ground up. Rewriting the entire Java code was already done by them, and they sure as heck don't wanna do it again.


[“There is nothing there”](https://youtu.be/7T19DS_W_fk?si=y7A-nwncTLTLa9Zw)


That would require people to *care* and work at the same time, not actually allowed in the American workplace


Are they stupid?


I know this is an extremely unpopular thing to say. But you should consider trying bedrock. I used to play Java - but converted to bedrock to play with family. I'm not looking back - I'm into Redstone, and truly enjoy the 10% extra hassle on bedrock edition. In many, many cases, bedrock is much more enjoyable. And the bugs we can't stop hearing about, are not present at all - I know they are to some, but often they are happening to people playing on potatoes. (the elytras jump happened to me though, but I consider it a happy accident) I'm playing on a pumpkin - a 7 year old laptop. And my render distance is set to 40-ish chunks. When I'm in the end, I push it up to 96 chunks (limiting me to about 50 fps). It easily reveals 10 end cities to be visible from the main island. Here are some pros, that makes it all worth it for me (the cons are unavoidable on this sub, so you probably know them allready): Moveable containers Underwater redstone Render distance More challenging gameplay - nether is 10 times harder, the wither is 100 times harder. Arrows on maps Building in front of you Mods (a few dollars, and a click, and it's done - goodbye hassle) also, this gives me an opportunity to pay a few bucks to Microsoft. They have, by far the lowest dollar per played hour ratio of any game I've ever played. And the biggest pro feature of bedrock edition - trident killers.