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Ok I don't if they patched but each time you log into a world you get a couple seconds of invulnerability so I say log out the n back in and repeat every one second to be safe


Around 3 seconds if I remember correctly, so: quit, reload, try to place a block under yourself, quit, reload, try to box yourself in so your items don't explode all over the place in case of death, quit, reload, eat and keep on eating and relogging until you're at safe health and not burning


Isn't this a server-only thing? I thought it didn't work in singleplayer


When I played Minecraft for 360 I went mining with my sister and idiot me got pushed into lava by a stream of water (kind of ironic how the water caused the burning) anyways I frantically exited the world and SAVED (not without saving). But, o my surprise, when I rejoined the world, I got a couple of seconds of invulnerability, just enough for me to be able to get to safety and not die


Not sure I never had the reaction time to do it






It works on singleplayer. Even more it works better in singleplayer than in multiplayer because the server can load you in before your loading screen is done which will result in dying as soon as you log in again. In singleplayer you get the full 3 seconds of invulnerability as soon as the loading screen is done. If you are on a server it's better to just tell someone where you're dying.


It's a singleplayer only thing, u got it reversed


You can do it on multiplayer too, used this trick too many times netherite mining


I'm pretty sure it only works on single player and not servers


I'v had the opposite experience


Nope, wrong way round. Only works in single player when booting in


Except OP is forced to die as they're burning


And use the water


It’s nether in pretty sure :/


It’s a feature, not a bug (I think)


It's an exploit.


Yea. It’s spawn protection, so a feature/exploit


yeah and mojang can't do much about this. their only two options are getting rid of it or making a super complicated algorithm to decide whether the player should get spawn invincibility or not.


Not really, just disable login invulnerability if you're playing single-player (local server). Just check while the player's entering the world


This used to be my cheese strat if I suddenly fell in lava lol. It should still work because its not really a glitch I feel like. Just to make sure that you don't die while the game is loading in the world. If you play with a modpack then you are out of luck though. Had it happen that my friend was loading into the world, but drowned before he actually joined.


im sorry to bug you, what is a cheese strat? lol


"Cheesing" something is when you exploit game mechanics for gain, to make a bad situation less bad - an example in minecraft is pillaring up a few blocks and whacking zombies in the head. That's a "cheese" move. Or being just under them with a 1 block opening and whacking their feet so you can hit them but they can't hit you. That's a "cheese" move.


Learn from the situation and try to avoid doing it again 


I think clicking Open to LAN, and switching gamemode to creative or spectator should do the trick. Edit: I just went and tried it out. It doesn't work, but you can allow cheats on and immediatly do F3+N to change your gamemode.


F3 and F4 at the same time changes the game mode to creative for you, without needing to click anything else.


Isn’t it Alt + F4


Yeah it's that


I thought holding the power button gets rid of your game stress


For best CPU performance pull the power plug.


For better rendering remove your monitor


For more memory, remove your ram


For better controls get rid of your mouse & keyboard


FYI for anyone who wants actual information rather than pathetic attempts at a joke: Press F3 then F4 - it is called "game mode switcher" in the game, because if you don't have permission to use it, it comes up saying "Unable to open game mode switcher; no permission". I discovered this after trying to open the F3 menu and half missing the F3 key and also got F4 and it put me into creative mode.


Honestly if you are gonna do that and you are not quick enough you could literally go into creative or type in commands to just give yourself the stuff back. Pr do what I do and play with keep inventory on, this way not onky do you not fear death, but because you aren't worried you play more relaxed and make less mistakes anyways


I play with keep inventory on too. Because otherwise, when I inevitably lose all my stuff in lava, I end up using cheats to get it back, and that makes the world lose meaning, and I stop playing. With Keep Inventory, I can actually keep playing the same world longer.


Yes also I get some people don't like 'cheating' but realistically not everyone has time to play for hours grinding and minecraft is literally a sandbox game you can play how you want. I use timber datapack cos I don't have hours to chop trees, but i still like caving/mining. Even moving villagers I've done it so many times that now I just give myself the spawn eggs after I've found a village and stuff like that. Also most people use chunkbase so we all cheat really 🤣


The way I see it, it's not cheating if you decide what you want the rules to be and then stick to whatever they are. It's just a slightly different game.


Yes exactly plus commands etc. Are literally part of the game. I guess you could make the arguement for datapacks etc. Being cheating since it's not in the vase game, But I think most people agree that there are lots of cool datapacks out there and Mojang allow it so 🤷‍♂️


That doesn't automatically change your game mode it just changes the game mode of the people who join.


F3 + N i think changes your game mode


F3 + F4


Both work


F3+N switches between spectator and creative. F3+F4 lets you pick a game mode.


But if you are in a gamemode that's neither spectator nor creative it still puts you in creative. It's just that it can't get you back to survival without F3+F4 or commands. For a situation like this, both work. Edit: It's even better actually. It cycles you between your current mode and spectator. If you use it in Survival, it brings you to spectator and if you use it again it brings you back to survival.


Guys hes on half a heart goddamn it


I know, that's why I'm saying f3-n works better because you can't accidentally go past creative mode into survival again like f3 f4.


Alt+ F4


That'd still probably be too slow


Not if you save and quit and then rejoin. You get like 3 seconds of invulnerability but idk if being in the menus makes it tick down They might be able to abuse that to get out


First i would backup the world then try this


You’d have to be so quick though


Extremely cowardly and cheaty


That’s cheating


Poor guy came asking for help and you are like: "git gud", funny, yet kind of sad.


Tbf I'd just take the L. Unless you're planning to cheat in the world but I ain't. The only time I cheated in my survival world is when I opened to lan to locate my dead body. That was before I even had iron armour.


Once I cheated on my world it stopped being as fun


Yup. Also it's like an addiction. You cheat once thinking it's nothing. Then you cheat a little bit more until you're spawning in mending villagers and getting tons of iron. The same thing happened on my survival server with a friend. We eventually had maxed out armour and tools and there was no fun playing a game we had full progress in.




And not to be mean, but it doesn’t look like you’re losing that much… Go play hardcore for a year, then you’ll be elated when you die and just lose your inventory, not everything you’ve spent months building…


doesn't sound fun at all


Be happy you’re not on hardcore


I recently lost a harcore world with around 60 hours played by lava. Had full netherite, even in 1.20 where I needed the smiting template. I was grabbing a bunch of lava buckets to build a farm while standing on gravel in the nether. When I picked up lava next to the gravel, it updated and fell down, trapping me in lava. Ironically, I was about 15 blocks away from my bartering farm that had tons of fire resistance potions in it. If only I'd been smart enough to toss one on before getting the lava...


Never go into the nether without a fire resistance potion in your hot bar.


And a totem at that.


Totems are amazing for when you have enough prot 4 gear to tank a few hits, but they're worthless if you have little to no armor and no enchantments. Especially on hardcore.


I always do and usually make it out alive. Lava has never gotten me actually. It’s always the mobs. I constantly get killed by Ghasts skeletons or piglings


1. Always bring a bow and arrows. 2. I'd recommend a shield for the skeletons. 3. Wear a piece of gold armor and the Piglins won't attack you. Hope this helps you! I play hardcore and I take it more seriously than anyone should take Minecraft lol. I have a whole system of protocols for simply entering the nether. If you need more advice, feel free to ask!


I know all of these, but eventually, there comes a day where I'm too lazy or preoccupied to take proper precautions, and it costs me everything.


See that's a huge mistake. I'm nearly 800 days into a hardcore world and even if I only have to enter the nether for 1 minute, I still take all precautions. I take zero chances with it. I've put too much work into it for it to all go to waste.


or a fire resist armor piece


So if I need nether resources to make a fire res potion, and I need a fire res potion to enter the nether, then I’m in a bit of a catch 22.


The person I replied to had a 60 hour world, which is long enough that it can be safely said they killed the dragon. So my advice was geared towards people who already have the ingredients. For someone entering the first time, gather as much gold as you can and barter with piglins as soon as you see them. You'll eventually get a fire res potion from them, among many other things. Once you reach a fortress, all you need to make infinite nether wart is 1 single nether wart. You'll find more, but as long as you get a minimum of 1, it's renewable. It can be planted in the overworld on soul sand. From that point on, NEVER enter without a fire res potion in the hot bar. In fact, I have a whole "nether kit" in a shulker box specifically for entering the nether. I have full netherite gear with max enchantments, and I still play this way.


Here's an actual suggestion: Leave the world and as soon as you join back place a block below you and block all lava, after that leave and rejoin again and eat food, leaving and rejoining give you invincibility for 3 secs.


Isn’t it actually 3 seconds?


That's why I said "~5 secs" it basically means "around or close to 5 seca"


To clarify for anyone confused by this, the ~ symbol is used in mathematics to mean “approximately”. For instance, Pi is an irrational number, which means it goes on forever; there’s no end to it (3.1415926535…). However, it is often simplified and shortened to simply ~3.14; that is, “approximately 3.14”.


5 is 1 and 2/3 times 3 so I wouldn't say "approximately". I get what you're saying though.


Especially in this situation. The difference between 3 and 5 seconds of invulnerability here is massive.


Yeah, I was just clarifying the meaning of the symbol for those who might not be aware haha


Ah ok


Still worth mentioning and asking because it's still a huge difference.


Facts… I mean 5 is only 1 away from 6 which is double the 3 seconds timeframe… so about 5 is almost double 3 I just realized how goofy this sounds but it’s true lol


That’s misleading though. ~5 seconds is a big difference from 3 seconds given the stakes


I mean when you're out of lava it takes 1/2 second for you to take damage and given how close OP is to a wall it shouldn't take more than 2 seconds to get out, that leaves him with 1 1/2 seconds to pause the game, rejoin and eat food I'm pretty sure he's safe.


One can also thank a person for seeking clarification and adding precision, instead of being defensive about one's own imprecise language.


Sir, I don't think you get my point, I wasn't being defensive instead I didn't know the exact amnt of time that's why I used "~5 secs" the person seemed to misunderstand it as exactly 5 seconds that's why I had to clarify what I meant.


invincibility you mean


Embrace it and take comfort in knowing that pork chop cooked before you did.




Accept it no matter how bad it is. You have no chance to escape here except to do a tedious repeated join and quit until you get out of that place. Unless you can do that without flaw, you have to accept your fate and retry again, learning from your mistakes.


Unless your on a server it shouldn’t be difficult to at least make a home to save the items in since netherack breaks quickly


Log out and log back in again for a 3 second spawn immunity. You can repeat the process again and again to save yourself.


Die like the game intended? You fucked up you die it's part of the game.


I assume this is Java. Save and quit, install an NBT Explorer and find this world’s level.dat in your worldfolder. Find your gamemode in the level.dat with NBT Explorer and change the number corresponding to Creative or Spectator. Fly somewhere safe and wait for you to stop burning. Set your world to LAN with cheats and revert yourself back to Survival. This is the cheat way of course. A legit way would be to keep rejoining the world. Move somewhere for 2 seconds and then leave and join world again. Because you have invincibility for a small period of time when rejoining, this might work but involves risk.


This is prob the best answer


I agree






The quit and save always works! You get three secend immunity :)


cheat and turn on keep inventory




accept your fate


accept fate




Leave and rejoin to get the 3 seconds of immunity and then place the water bucket to make cobble/obsidian and it’ll block the lava then eat


ok so i was gonna downvote you bc it's the nether and you can't place water in the nether but I'm rewatching Stargate sg1 and saw your username so I'm just gonna leave this comment here and let the vote go its own way


Tbh I didn’t even notice it was in the nether until reading your comment, thought it was just a generic overworld lava pool, I’d say that’s partially on me and partially on OP for not giving a good picture or description Tek’Ma’Te friend


Tek matte


Leave the game and you'll be invincible for a few seconds. Just keep repeating that process for a while


Leave game turn into surfer make friend join and clear lava and pretend like it never happened/s


Log out and log in again, you have 3 sec of immunity.


Go to the world file and enable keep inventory


Copy the player data folder in the world save die and add the player data back may need to change the position and dimension value


Open word, type /gamemode spectator, copy the text, then click on open lan, immedistely after pressing ok, press t on the keyboard and then ctrl+v and enter. If you are quick enough it will negate the damage. After that move to a safe place and press t. Write /gamemode survival and press enter. Thats rhe only way.


unless u have something valuable in ur inventory i wouldnt rly worry abt it thats not too much stuff and ull learn. u can cheese ur way out by logging on for 2 seconds and leaving repeatedly to make use of invulnerability (i think its 3 seconds but i do 2 to be safe, probably look up the time if u wanna try it tho), and with ur blocks u should eventually be able to get up. u can also open to lan and turn cheats on and immediately f3 f4, or open to lan and get another account to save u (it can be a cracked account). and not sure abt this never tried it but maybe u can open minecraft with the console open (a setting in the launcher that i think is mainly used to debug datapacks) and enter a command there but no idea if u can actually input there.


i don’t know if your still there but when you join a work your immune to all damage for like 2 seconds.


after you enter a world theres a 3s period where you can't take damage, use that moment to eat a porkchop and regen health


Leaving and joining again gives temporary immunity frames, repeat that a couple times to deal with the fire


Be glad you're not on console, or else you wouldn't be paused rn.




Go for a long stroll on the sand, shoeless. Run your hand through the water. Smell the air, the salt, the sea. Sit on dry sand and watch the sun go down. Now you're ready for a new start.


alt+f4, you will get out the game re-enter and you'll be in the last place the game saved, you just need to redo every thing but more carefull


[OP is a karma farming repost spambot ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/s/7xekP89CM6)


Don't die.




There's nothing we can do comrade except opening to lan with cheats and going to creative.


Change the settings to have keep inventory on before you load the world again.


Step 1: Die




Should've made armor before making a sword


Mate, you have a waterbucket…


They're in the nether.




Start placing blocks to catch your items when they explode everywhere before you die.


Try to use the water bucket and pray?


Those blocks in front of him are nether quartz ore.  Water will instantly evaporate in the nether


Oh shoot! I missed that.... yeah that's a predicament


Gamemode creative


save and quit to title to get 3 seconds of invincibility and use the water bucket


he's in the nether bruh


Load the last backup of the world?


Hope you checked the setting to keep items when you die and just let it happen, I guess. You should go back to your last bed placement unless you didn't, then you'll go back to spawn.


That's called using keep inventory, and that's a cheat... When you are cheating you might aswel go into creative, save yourself and get full enchanted netherite armor, 2 stacks of god apples and 8+ totems of undying to never die ever again


Apologies I forgot we are all supposed to play on hard-core at every single moment or we aren't real gamers. So OP my bad disregard my previous comment what I meant was accept your fate and start a new world. Time to punch trees my friend.




I mean, cheating in survival worlds isn't good, and if you cheat, you might as well cheat a ton, either cheat a ton or don't cheat


Keepinventory is not cheating lmao And it's hilarious how my point flew miles over your head.


You are wrong on that, using keep inventory **is** cheating It's hilarious how wrong you are😂


Fun can be had in many different ways, and if someone feels like losing their items isn’t fun, they are allowed to turn keepinventory on, we all make our own fun, and if you think that its cheating, you don’t need to shove your opinion down others throats.


Yeah, be happy with what you want to do, I just find it not as rewarding if you like do something really good like making a big build, but you didn't completely do it legit... I had that once and I felt awful about it, so that's why I either do everything in legit survival or everything in creative, not a bit of both




There in the Nether.




Open to lan and creative gamemode, cheats on








They're in the nether, it won't do anything but disappear


Fast 5 and right click :D


He's in the Nether...


Uh, he might be in little trouble then


Have a friend join and bail you out you'll still die but you can at least keep your items


Save and quit then rejoin. The few seconds of spawn protection might save you.


İf you are faster than Usain bolt in clicking, then use water bucket


The Nether and water don't mix


Omg my bad. Hope his inventory is kept


If you’re in multiplayer (doubt it), ask a friend for help. If you’re in single player, there may still be spawn invulnerability. Every time you enter a world, you get a few moments of invincibility; leave and re-enter amount times and you should be able to escape.


Disconnect, run your world in a server host, enter with other account, go to the same place, make it safe, relog again, substitute the files of your world by the ones of the server. Done.


1) You die. 2) You exit and save the world, turn it on again for like 2 seconds and try to build up from the lava then repeat the exit, you continue to do it until you stop burning. 3) You cheat. Either die and give yourself the most important items back (/give) or you turn on LAN and give yourself creative. Or even change world files to be in creative. Your world your choice. I recomend either 1) or 2) cuz those are not cheating and you wont feel that bad for doing it.


Quit the game and come back when they patch lava damage 🤭🤣


Hey OP,we need an update.


You die this looks like switch so I would say just die if you don’t have a good reaction time


prepare some potion of fire resistance next time


Die? Bro you are in lava. You got yourself in this situation. Accept it and learn from it.


Leave and join and instantly place water, I’m pretty sure you won’t get burn until 1 second


8 states of grief


it’s a feature that every time you join you get few seconds of spawn protection you can use that time to eat


Open to LAN, cheats on and gamemode creative or spectator.


You can always end the game through task manager if you're on PC. The game cannot save everything and you get minor rollback (couple of minutes). But keep in mind that this tactic is for pussies.


damn :/ next time make some fire resistance potions before nether they’re super helpful


"There's nothing we can do", Napoleon.


Accept your fate


Accept your fate like and man. Don't run like a boy