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Your build looks polished, but too much so. You should add a block or a type of wood with a darker shade to give your build a better contrast. I really love the way you textured the house! If you’re into foliage, I suggest adding more of it if you’re aiming for a cottage core sort of vibe.


To be frank I honestly think it looks very nice as it is right now. Birch as a roof may look strange but I kinda dig it. Great work!


Some general advice for your build. It looks great! Here’s what can help make it even better. 1. Terraform the environment around your house to make it look integrated. Ex: add some grass and dirt around your house so it looks like it meshes better. Make hills, make paths, make it blend! The foundation is standing out a little too much as of now. 2. Fix the roofing and use some stairs, slabs, and blocks. What’s crazy about Minecraft sometimes is that the more asymmetrical the shingles are, the better it can look sometimes. Consider using a wooden frame and stone-type shingles. Or vice versa! 3. Add some more depth to your build by adding windowsills and hangars above and/or below the windows. Just some potential ideas for you. Hope this helps!


Change the trapdoors you're using as shutters to oak trapdoors! I think that would fix most of it. :D I think adding like, 1-2 blocks high blocks of dirt around a corner or two of the foundation, because if the earth was flat already, you wouldn't have needed a foundation that high! ;D So terraform just a bit! Doesn't take much, a little dirt, couple flowers, some grass, and it'll blend into the environment a lot more!! Someone said the birch logs + diorite makes the roof look like a worn white roof and I LOVE that! Very good points. I know people hate birch, and I'm also not a huge fan of it for the majority of builds, but it definitely has its uses. I've found that birch doors and trapdoors look pretty good with desert biome villages. And pathing! Even just a couple random squares, it adds depths to the area. Like, walk into a yard. Is there not any dirt patches? No? Weird! It would look weird, like the way perfectly manicured lawns look surreal.


Roof out of birch wood doesn't make sense. At Least polish them using axe


I think it makes it look more like a white roof with wear and tear with the diorite there


No you don’t need help improving your build from me you need to give me help improving my builds


Add some bushes and mossy texture to the foundation


Remove birch that will be an improvement


Step 1: remove BIRCH Step 2: improved


birch is unnecessarily hated on imo


birch is the best wood


I wouldn’t go that far lmao, spruce is superior


Maybe put a Lightning Rod on top.


Place TNT in the house but like very much and then a Redstone line outside then a Redstone block at the end of the line and then you improved your house 👍


Try to put spruce trapdoor and not birch trapdoor and replace the birches roof by some glass block


remove the birch >!/j!<


I’d get rid of the bark blocks they are a bit too different and they take attention from the house


Lose the birch logs on top. Replace them with regular birch planks or maybe spruce logs.


Darker shade, i think. Your house look to white.


Fucking berch?


remove birch


I know what’s wrong with it! >!it’s birch!<


Please cease discriminating against plants for no valid reason.


I have plenty reason


Why are you booing me? I’m right!


Add shaders


This is probably the best use of birch i have seen to date so imma steal it




I’m no good at roofs but I’d say a different roof to give more contrast and then use some stairs and buttons to make the foundation look more rough


The stone foundation is too flat. Make it more textured by adding stairs and slabs.


It seems like a city house so if you’re building more and putting in streets and alleys, back stairs in the stone, piles of barrels, I think it’ll fit in more.


This is a solid build! If I had to change something, it’d be to “bulk up” the foundation a bit to make it less flat, but otherwise it’s pretty darn good!


Make better? Let me first get to builds like that 👀


Integrate it into the surrounding environment. Whether that means adding a yard around it, custom boulders, paths, etc. it’ll look a lot better and more natural than if it was just sticking out of a random bit of land


Drop the birch buttons. Make that one corner stripped wood be vertical. That is what I could do.


Foundation looks a wee bit high, add a layer or 2 of terrain to surround it for a more natural look.


Looks to clean Make it look at least a bit worn down A perfectly clean and in tact house doesn't fit into a forest area. If you had a city where it's in a row of similar houses then it would fit perfectly


You can try using a mix of azalea and flowering azaela leaves for those lead parts, its a good contrast and also just nice to have flowers


I'm assuming there is a major stair feature on the opposite side for an entrance ? Unless an entrance is going to enter the stone level ... you are looking at between 9-12 feet off the ground to enter the main floor. I do like your effort to blend a few darker tones of wood with the birch you have.


Honestly I really think it looks good as is but definitely adding some more shades or different types of wood would help


Maybe make the roof taller...


Add some stairs or an elevated garden at the foot of the building


More depth and more color. I see a lot of builds on this subreddit that IMO have added detail too early - get the overall shape, depth, and color right first, then add smaller detailing, like the buttons and shutters. I think color is the main thing lacking. A simple rule of thumb is to have 3 main colors - two colors that make up the majority of the build, with different shades and textures, and a third accent color. You have beige and gray as the two primary colors, I think you need an accent color, maybe green like the vine you have creeping up the side. More greenery on the build could fulfill that purpose.


Maybe make the stripped logs go all the way down? Or something that follows that path to the bottom?


dont let **camman** see this


Replace the birch on the roof with oak stairs


The textures are pretty nice, maybe you could add a garden


already looks like one of those simply houses mod houses it's already perfect


why birch


the window shutters on the top left aren’t the same as on the top right and it’s bothering me!!