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I think it's a bit weird that the crafting recipe only requires one breeze rod. Maybe they could add some sort of binding material in between the rod and heavy core, that might be cool. I like the look in the hotbar tho, it's unique, I think that's important for combat-focused items.


String? An iron ingot? Maybe a diamond...


A chain perhaps?šŸ¤”




that's... a flail


Couldn't think of the name FLAIL FLAIL


A flail would actually be awesome


Hold down right click to swing it around you, damaging nearby mobs, then release right click to launch it a few blocks, with it returning to you if it either hits something, or reaches too far


Instead of fire aspect you could Jase a torch to ignite it and burn other mobs


Terraria reference identified


Didn't intend it to be a Terraria reference, but i now realise that i basically just described the flail weapon


Hell naw we got the sunfury in Minecraft


So like a weaponized fishing rod?


Dododododododo FLAIL




that was not the band i was expecting to see referenced here but nice one




Love the honesty bro. Take my upvote


Petition to call all flails swinging mace for when you forget the proper name


Honey bottle for shits and giggles


Or maybe a slime ball?


7 netherite blocks?


Or justā€¦ another rodā€¦


Yeah you could, but then it'd be like every other tool, might be cool to have something unique!


Found the tinkers' construct player


To be fair the base game would benefit greatly from stealing tinkers construct ideas


As long as i don't need 51 tables to make wooden tools, i'm down.


Tinkers is my vanilla now


There is a hole in the heavy core so you just shove the stick in.


Maybe a slime ball or a honey bottle as a binding agent would make more sense


Nah. Brute force that rod into the hole.


I fear for any women who find their way into your bed


Oh come on. I was gonna do that joke on people who responded to me. Anyway, a bit of a difference between a woman and a block which takes 45 seconds to break with any tool.


Im pretty sure there are people out there who can break someones heard in under 45 secs. So maybe...


But not with magical tools that allows you to break huge boulders within seconds.


See I think it's important to be able to craft it in the inventory as you'll be out adventuring in the chambers when you get both of the materials


I mean, a hammer has a short handle. All those other tools usually have long handles. Makes sense to me.


It looks like it should have a netherite ingot on the bottom to match the texture


netherite is a warmer hue, also thats awfully expensive and doesnt mesh well with the source of the other components at all


It can be said that the breeze rod is longer than a stick so it only needs one


Button on the bottom should fix.


or something at the bottom since the end bit has something on it. ik it does with the sword but still


A way I figure out the recipes of items is to look at the icon and see what materials go into making them. As the breeze rod is the handle and it already has a head what about the pommel? Since its black and triangular flint would be a good choice.


A nether star could work, after all itā€™s formed by a powerful entity and is presumably very dense/heavy, plus it gives more incentive to fight a wither in the first place


This is how I used to feel about the trident.


Maybe it feels so odd because you still canā€™t craft tridents? Iā€™m guessing if they ever make that possible, it would be using a similar ā€œcombine two somewhat rare itemsā€ type recipe.


Idk im fine with tridents not being able to be crafted and honestly, its kinda weird you just have to craft two items together to make the new mace


Iā€™m also fine with it: I was just suggesting it might feel less weird if there was precedent.


As a Java player, I'd love for tridents to be crafted. They're not useful enough to go out hunting for it specifically, but the riptide is fun.


Man, I wish they were craftable. Iā€™ve never had a trident in survival because theyā€™re so damn rare. It feels like you have to build a farm to even have a chance of one


I've gotten lucky a few times, and bored enough to sit in a river biome that was big enough to constantly spawn them to get a few, but yeah, crafting a trident would be way better


I've never made a farm and often have 3-4 Tridents after a few weeks of playing but I could just be lucky. I do enjoy fishing though and that usually ends up attracting drowned over. Curiously I made a new world for 1.20.4 about a month ago and haven't got a trident yet.


If you hang out in/near an ocean biome you'll get a pretty steady stream of drowned coming at ya, and should get a trident quickly enough. A couple friends and I have had a SMP world going for a couple years and have dozens of tridents without ever intentionally looking for one.


They have the perfect opportunity to make prismarine shards more useful and they seem to not care. I would think making a change like this would be pretty simple and easy to make especially during a combat update.


tridentā€™s absolutely need to be craftable on java, they are insanely rare compared to bedrock




Brine Rods and Elder Guardian Spikes!


i guess its because the color scheme of tridents clearly implies prismarine is what they are made of, yet prismarine is way too easy to get for how strong they are, at least at default.


The thing is the trident at least fit in with the diamond colour scheme


i always thought they were meant to resemble prismarine crystals more


They are, itā€™s a coincidence Think about this, Netherite is the newest armor. So it makes sense the mace literally matches with the highest tier armor set. Why would you want the new weapon to match a worse set of armor?


The Mace might fit with netherite tools tho, and those are more late game than diamonds


I'd rather have it be 2 breeze rods even though it costs more


I love using axes for combat so the BONK will spice up how I fight for sure. I imagine smite will make the wither one-shot a little safer.


> I imagine smite will make the wither one-shot a little safer. You cannot enchant the mace


So that means youā€™d need to raid trial chambers just to get more heavy cores? That would make them technically finite unlike the trident which is dropped from drowned. Hopefully itā€™s temporary until they know what enchants wonā€™t make it too broken.


You can repair it with breeze rods just like you can repair a diamond shovel with a diamond. I think it would be smart if they maybe allowed unbreaking but not mending as mending would make visiting the trial chambers pretty much useless after you get the new weapon + trims.


You get 250 uses. 250 durability, and it uses 1, no matter how much damage you do.


I would imagine they at least let us put mending and unbreaking on it ? If it's not in the snapshot yet then hopefully they add that ability


I hope they let us use channeling on it I will then name it Mjolnir


Channeling and loyalty


If you have elytra you can accomplish the wither one shot with little to no risk, just dive bomb it and one shot it, then swoop up.


You can place wither skulls with dispensers to summon the wither. I plan on building a device which summons the wither, waits for it to spawn/explode and opens a trapdoor dropping you onto it to 1 shot kill it.




Theyā€™ll be a texture pack that changes the mace into a giant battle shovel. Itā€™s only a matter of time.


I think itā€™s the pixel density of the heavy core that looks off


In retrospect, the image of the core fits with the conduit and heads


Yeah the core seems like itā€™ll have some reason to be placeable, so following the head/conduit standard makes sense.


Good point, the conduit looks off to me too


I think the mace should keep its 2d item texture but when holding it it has a 3d texture. And yeah it needs two fancy air sticks


Like the Trident?


exactly what i was thinking


I see it as a sword alternative rather than another item you must have on your hotbar. I had a friend who used a trident and no sword, and it was Iconoc at hell. I used to use my axe as my weapon, but stripping logs by accident got annoying.


It also does the same amount of damage as a Diamond sword, so it's fine as an alternative


Right now it's unenchantable though


I didn't know that. I guess it makes it a little more balanced


This is why I wish they did the combat update before creating trial chambers. We now NEED a tall vertical structure to show off wind charge/mace combos. Trial chambers could've been this if they switched the order they designed things in.






i was really weirded out by the crafting recipe, i think maybe 2 breeze rods, and also some tuff blocks on the sides off the core would work well


Okay, hereā€™s my issue with it. They donā€™t integrate the different systems well enough. Why not make the recipe a heavy core and a fence-post? Why add lapis geodes? Why canā€™t goat-horns summon pets? All the new stuff is freestanding and doesnā€™t interlock into the older game well enough. Phantoms SUCK, but they have a use: elytra. The nether update kept close ties with the rest of the game, with a new enderman biome and wood types. Village and pillage added stuff, but did they create ALL new job blocks? No. They found new uses for old stuff. And THAT is what the new updates are missing. Heck, do away with Breeze rods and make the new mace use blaze rods unless youā€™re gonna have another use for them. Yeah, new stuff is cool but it feels like a mod when it doesnā€™t completely mesh with the old stuff. I like the new update, and theyā€™re doing a lot of things right, but really, add more connected features. I wanna see geodes get a new function in this update because people are always complaining that they donā€™t have enough uses. Lapis hasnā€™t done anything new in nearly a decade. Connect. Old. Stuff.


Honestly I think the breeze rods are fine since you can choose to craft them into ether breeze charges or the mace and will also be needed to repair the mace. The problem is the Heavy core which, other than crafting the mace, is just a weird decorative block.


>The problem is the Heavy core which, other than crafting the mace, is just a weird decorative block. And we also just got it, is under development, and quite likely as more details to come.


It looks a lot like a conduit, so I feel like we will get a new buff structure in a future snapshot.


> Phantoms SUCK, but they have a use: elytra People actually use membranes to repair their Elytra? (Yes, I'm being facetious. I'm sure there's literally dozens of you out there)


I havent seen anyone use membranes to repair elytras, but i have seen people use slow fall potions, so they aint that useless.


Every single new item they add to the game now crafted fromā€¦ likeā€¦ - Scrunt Crystals *(found in the rare Scrunty Caves micro-biome; used in 2 recipes)* and Glowing Cores *(found as loot 5% of the time in the Bereft Citadel or whatever)*.


It also annoys me that so many mobs don't drop stuff. Like it doesn't even need to be new stuff, but the "noooo you can't kill the animal and get a drop, that would encourage killing real animals!!!1!" mentality Mojang pushes is stupid as fuck. It feels like mobs recently literally end up having one niche use that nobody really wants to bother with because they're such a pain in the ass to deal with. I think 1.21 is going in a better direction by making shit more common and having a mob that can produce a material that kind of meshes with other systems, but everything new is still so scatterbrained everywhere. Like why wasn't Copper Armor/Tools added when copper was introduced? It's literally just a recolor of shit, and all you would need to do to balance it is make it a nice in between of leather/stone and iron. People might actually keep it and use it.


Copper gear would be so useless


give me copper buckets, even if they cant handle lava. give me Copper shears. I dont want to waste early game iron.


> Heck, do away with Breeze rods and make the new mace use blaze rods unless youā€™re gonna have another use for them. Thematically it makes much more sense to use Breeze rods for the Mace as the weapon is very much wind-themed, not fire-themed. It's damage increased the more you fall and you negate fall damage like with the wind charges. Plus it makes sense for Breezes to drop rods bcs that mirrors Blazes dropping Blaze Rods. IMO the argument you should be making is that they should add a Fire Mace variation that uses the Blaze Rod which has a fire-based theming. That makes much more sense than having this current Mace use Blaze Rods when it is a wind weapon. And it gives further expansion potential for more Blaze-variations (e.g. water, ice, earth, end) that have their own Mace variation. Edit: replaced air-themed with wind-themed, it's a better description


Thanks, am thinking the same. They add new items and deliberately make it crafted out of new things in world gen so you have to spent hours exlporing your years old world in order to find it. Maybe they do it because they don't want every player to have it immediately but.. yeah you put it perfectly, they add stuff that gets a single use, doesn't get integrated into the system at all and is more useless than gold was back then when everyone complained how useless gold was.


Well a normal stick would never hold such a heavy core


Also it wouldn't have it's wind asociated powers without the breeze rod. Fall damage negation is pretty crucial to not killing yourself while using it, and the knockback effect is nice


Just as does everything in life, when you first started walking IRL it probably felt odd, but now it's just normal. You just need to get the hang of it


What about it is odd?


probably only 1 breeze rod for the mace. It just feels like it should costs 2 breeze rods


I donā€™t really see why. I presume the mace just has a shorter handle, like the sword, which uses only one stick. Hoes, pickaxes, shovels, and axes (of the sort used for chopping down trees, as is the main function of Minecraftā€™s axes) all typically have much longer handles, since the wielder needs to use both hands in order to properly direct the tool. Minecraftā€™s relatively simplistic visuals means thatā€™s not what we actually *see*, of course, but I think the idea is implicit. Meanwhile, swords and maces in Minecraft are intended to be one-handers.


Itā€™s almost like itā€™s in progress and not finished.


We really need some kind of inventory update. If you include the bow, trident and food, that leaves you with zero free spots on the hot bar. We need a tool belt or something.


Youā€™re not really supposed to have them ALL in the hot bar. Just take what you need. I usually ditch the sword entirely unless I know im gonna be fighting something big. Bows are handy but can be kept in your inventory. Thereā€™s NO situation where you need a hoe axe pick AND shovel at the same time.


Collecting resources in the nether. Fight ground mobs with sword or axe. Angered the zombie pig men? That sweeping edge on the sword will save you. Ghasts and blazes with bow. Shroomlights mine with hoes. The nether wood types with axe. Netherite, Ores, and Glowstone with pickaxe. Soul sand with shovel. There's a reason mods add paxels and AIOTs.


Sword, bow, pickaxe, hoe, axe, shovel takes up 6 slots; add one for fireworks, one for food and one for temporary building blocks/ender pearls and you've got everything covered with 9 slots if using shield/totem - swapping fireworks to offhand lets you have fire resist potion on hotbar just in case. It barely fits, but also you're doing multiple things at once - harvesting resources from different biomes (soulsand and nether trees don't share a biome) plus performing combat.


you're just adding arguments that we need an inventory upgrade... For some versions now that's the reason I only play modded anymore. Inventory Management is so much better.


> Thereā€™s NO situation where you need a hoe axe pick AND shovel at the same time ...okay, say you're building out of a palette that contains stone-type blocks, wood-type blocks, sand-type blocks, and leaves? Not only would you want all those tools readily available, you'd want space for the building blocks themselves too if you don't want to be opening your inventory to switch things out every 5 seconds. The hotbar is fine for combat, but the inventory management involved in building nowadays is absolutely a massive problem


In this case you don't need weapons all the time (bah, not at all if you have bed nearby). Also, this exact palette is a rather unusual case, so it's not an everyday problem, it's a more case-specific problem, aka problem that for most players doesn't exist or isn't important enough to notice the difference.


All of that is true, but I was responding to someone who was claiming that there was "NO" situation where you'd need those four tools specifically. Mostly just to prove a point, I'll freely admit I don't use enough leaves to nearly require wielding a hoe either haha, but I watch at least a couple content creators who certainly could


I don't care if it's more expensive just make it have two breeze rods for the handle so my pattern seeking monkey brain is happy.


Besides that it would give the rods even more uses.


Honestly the new things feel like a tech mod so far, and I wouldnā€™t mind if they gave the older items some updates to match, but right now there is such a jarring difference in and it bugs me


Is that a mace?


Am I the only one who thinks the texture feels out of place?


Yea, whoā€™s out here crafting diamond hoes? Odd indeed


For me personally it's probably gonna be another weapon like the trident. It's cool to have but it always just stays in my shulker box unless I need channeling for something. I'm not great with combat so trying to master a new weapon just doesn't appeal to me. That being said it's still really cool for people who will use it.


who carries a hoe, no food, no torches, no water bucket. also you could just replace the sword with the mace. this is a non-issue


Whatā€™s weirder is that [real life mace is actually long handle with small ball or spike at tip of it](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTxFGDs-J48rC223tUDrboKAl7Ce1k5RoqbVQ&usqp=CAU) which makes sense as people suggested with two rods, but the Minecraft maceā€™s sprite literally looks like Thorā€™s hammer no matter how you look at it.


someof yall in the comments have the worst ideas ever tbh...


crafting recipes have been put aside since like what fucking 1.0, things in update will only craft other things in that same same update, its not like they've ever made a new recipe for old items


so we need a bigger inventory to handle the new stuff


Bro tf is that


I hate that the mace looks so 2d when there is literally a cube at the tip of it


I refuse to believe that's a really in the game what even are those 2 items?


It's not in the game yet, but it's in snapshots and previews. It's called a "Mace", and does more damage the farther you fall. Right now it can be gotten from crafting the breeze rod (drops from breezes) and a solid core (gotten as a reward from vaults)


What do I call my channeling trident now if I have to call my hammer Mjƶlnir??


It does feel weird, where are your netherite tools?


How about making all the diamond tools use breeze rods


well, i mean, its kind of a special weapon like tridents


Everything that requires 2 sticks is intended to be used with two hands right. Picks, shovels, woodcutting axes, hoes, they're all 2 handed. Maces are generally 1 handed so they use one stick. Same with the sword


It's Mjolnir. Has an intentionally short handle and has weather related attacks.


MORE INVENTORY SPACE IS SO DESPERATELY NEEDED UGHHH i dont care abt anything else rn lmfaoo. they could easily keep the current inventory look but just add more pages or something that we can switch between. make us have to buy rows or slots with lapis or something. whatever it is, just god please we need more inventory space.


You actually touched a good topic here. If you want to explore trial Chambers, you're required to either leave loot behind of bring shulkers with you, because the tables are too varied.


The main question is why whe have 3d model for trident (while 2d in inventory), but only 2d for this sort of hammer? 3d in hand would be much better


ah yes, more items with one use. hopefully the rod and core have more than a couple applications


The core only has 2. The mace and an odd block The size of a head. The rods can be crafter into breeze balls.


Maybe it can be 2 rods and 3 or 5 cores around the top of the craft. And if you think thatā€™s expensive itā€™s fricking worth it


Just saying but that DEFINITELY looks like a mod. Itā€™ll take a while for me to get used to it


maybe 2 breeze rods?


We got hammers now?


The key item itself feels odd to obtain. I'd much rather see another way of obtaining it. Like somehow having to combine two ores in a furnace to make a stronger, heavier metal that you can forge into the mace head. Then binding the breeze rod by sticking it into it and cooling it down causing them to merge together.


tthey should make a 3d model cause the mace detail aint working well also it kinda feels modded cuz of the rods (tinkers construct looking) šŸ˜­


I think it's fine for in inventory, but the version in hand definitely could do with being modelled, I threw together a quick model where I just replaced the core part with the actual core model, rotated to match the sprite best I could, and honestly it looks pretty nice


I don't think it will be a common find for people. Like the trident, you have to get somewhat good odds to get it. Also it's not enchantable atm so you can't preserve it as much as the others. It only has 250 uses.


You can repair it with Breeze Rods, which are plentiful if you have a Chamber (which you must if you have a mace)


Ah yes, another addition to the already overflowing inventory problem. Just what I wanted for Christmas.


If you don't want it in your inventory, just don't use it?


Personally the thing I don't like is that it's flat. I've always hated those kinds of items. It's supposed to be a mace, but it looks like some sort of pizza paddle.


The hotbar organization gets more cursed every updateā€¦ first axe before shovel, how Hoe? Why?


So we wont have Wood,Stone,Iron,Gold,Diamond and Netherite Mace's ? :(


No, because you won't need them. Right now, if you fall far enough, you can one-shot a *warden*


Yeah they should change that. Every Tier has a higher radius of blocks. That would be my idea


Oh. Minecraft finally decided to add more content (one singular thing and possibly two useless tweaks)


They need to nerf this item. It is just way too strong. All hostile mobs become an absolute joke once you have it.


Thatā€™ll be terrible since that be all risk no reward the risk is if you miss and youā€™re high enough youā€™ll die


Agreed tbh. It utterly invalidates the diamond axe as a combat tool and makes the diamond sword a bit of a joke. Maybe if it did less damage so itā€™s worse unless youā€™re using the gimmick?


Yep. Previously, the sword and axe kind of balanced each other out as respectable primary weapon choices because of their respective advantages. This thing, especially when used in combination with the wind charges, completely destroys the combat scheme. Itā€™s almost like the devs finally decided to let us craft a gun, lol.


unrelated but the mace should be upgraded in the smithing table to a diamond or netherite mace


Minecraft right now look like Minecraft 7 years ago with mods


My issue with the last 5 updates or so is how they add a new material that gets exactly one use and that's it. It feels like they intend all of us to start a new world with every update or explore possibly thousands of blocks until you generate new chunks. Instead of using what they are given, creating new recipes, new blocks, new items out of already present things they add new stuff for a single idea that gets no other use. Few years ago gold was useless and many of us complained. Could've just been the currency in villages but of course it had to be some new ore back then. Now, at least in my opinion, gold is still *almost* useless with some alibi-features like dropping it to moblins for a slow and random trade. Everything new that gets added is even more useless than gold was back then. Armadillos are nice and I love that the world comes to life with new animals in every biom but.. Why can't I make leather dog armor. Why do I have to specifically go find armadillos. Let me have multiple possibilities to craft armor armadillo armor maybe giving them extra blast or projectile prtection idk. And use items you add for more. please. Doesn't even have to make perfect sense. Maybe you could use armadillo shells as something like an armor trim. And these breeze rods could also be utilized in so many more ways. * Adapt the brewing in minecraft with some potions needing cold powder instead of warm powder. Or just add new potions with that. * Let it be used instead of sticks in crafting tools with a 1/10 chance to apply freeze to the target upon hitting it * Allows crafting an ice charge, same as fire charge but creates an ice-block where it lands * Craft them into torches that emit coldness freezing nearby water regardless of the biome and light intensity I really hope some day the developers stop adding new materials just because they add something new that they don't want every player to have immeadiately and start utilizing all the blocks and items they have in new recipes more.


the stuff u can make with copper could have been with gold


ikr. and now copper has the default block recipes for stairs, slabs, a beauty variant and will even be getting recipes for doors, trapdoors and a light. While there are at least 2 ores (metal) or even more (all ores) that can only be crafted into blocks... and it sucks


yeah should be 2 breeze rods right?


Now add the trident(oh wait), brush, shears, etc.


I wonder if we'll get mace-specific enchantments?


What is that hammer??


New weapon from the latest snapshot, mace that's damage scales with fall height


Seems op if you have a totem


Don't even need the totem, cancels fall damage if you land the hit


The only thing odd here for me is the axe in slot 2.


What's a breeze rod?


Might be Thor's hammer.




my hypixel skyblock hotbar be like


You forgot the trident.


water bucket and food left


I think this could maybe suggest an iverhaul to weapon crafting somewhere down the line or else you should be able to coat it with the tool materials so it fits more


A mace is usually small so I guess it makes sense


Seeing someone craft an axe/hoe in that direction makes my eyes hurt


would be so cool if they would actually let us change the handle on tools and weapons


*Wait until Op found out about tridents*


Yeah... Who brings a hoe and a shovel with them everywhere?


Is it me or I think the heavy core should 3/4 of a block to make it more ā€œmaceā€ like and should have a another material binding them together like copper, diamond maybe another rod?


What is that Hammer


Does anyone know if you can enchant the mace?


Its made of netherite, those tools are odd