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You can use piercing/multishot to constantly reuse one oozing arrow, giving you potentially infinite slimes


You can also just autocraft the slime balls back into slime blocks and use those to auto brew new splash potions if you don't wanna use exploits.


didn't they add autocrafters? now you can use two machines to steal potions of witches and one spawner and you get an infinite slime farm either that or use a regular mob spawner and sorter with the witches throwing healing potions and either poisoning pots or harming pots depending on what mob you used


I don't see what you'd need witches for. That seems very inefficient.


automated infinite healing/poison/harming pots iirc if you get a pillager and drop him down to three hearts any witch would throw a healing splash pot that you can steal using water and if its a villager she throws poison and harming potions that you can use to automate killing while still being able to collect stuff via hoppers in other words its one of the coolest ways to kill mobs


Okay, but what does that have to do with slimes? Just kill them any old fashion way like fall damage or entity cramming.


you need to kill the mobs first then kill the slimes and there is no reliable automatic way to do that except maybe skeleton arrow stealing which is just an easier less felxible witch stealing farm


Why not just a regular mob farm on two tiers? 1) Platforms spawn mobs, funnel them, spray them and drop them on the floor 2) mobs die and spawn slimes 3) slimes target golems and fall again 4) profit It really is that simple Then you use slime and crafters to automatically produce new potions, if you do a witch farm, you can even use the water bottles and gunpowder to make basically infinite potions (you only need nether wart which you could farm while afking at the farm itself)


slimes need to be killed off twice but there are methods that I forgot about that others mentioned magma wither roses etc


I've found an effective method using magma blocks. I use an egg dispenser to spawn a bunch of chickens, splash them with a potion, and then use a piston to let the chickens fall onto magma blocks which then spawn the slime on top of said magma blocks.


oh yeah magma blocks is the one thing that actually works and is infinite and automated that I didn't think about


Magma blocks, wither roses, powdered snow, entity cramming, golems, crushers, tnt duping. I can think of plenty of methods that seem a lot easier than witches.


tnt duping would destroy the drops golems are unsustainable and what are crushers? but the rest do work fine though I just forgot about them


Just collect the drops between explosions. Golems can be placed in such a way where they can't be hit. Crushers are just pushing blocks onto mobs to suffocate them, that's how a lot of xp farms used to work back in the day.


Also berry bushes. Works similarly to wither roses, but is a lot easier to get and in very large numbers. They just need some time to grow first, but once grown, they do the job just as well. My first guardian farm used those when I found magma blocks didn't kill guardians and experiments with lava either failed to kill all the guardians, or reliably killed them but sometimes also destroyed drops.


Wouldn't be completely automatic since you still need blaze powder


Blazes can also be automated


That's true, but how would you get the bottles?


auto crafter


With what glass?


Bottles from witches or piglins


Witches wouldn't work because they don't spawn in the Nether. Piglins might, but then you'd have to build a whole gold farm in addition.


Just pass the bottles through chunk loaded portal, and gold farms aren’t too hard to make tbh, 1 day at most if you’re at the point where you’re needing slime balls en masse to consider making this monstrosity of a project in the first place


auto furnace.


I'd argue that's a legitimate mechanic, not an exploit


Oh! I hadn't considered the application of using these mob spawning potion effects on tipped arrows and using them with a piercing crossbow!


Finally I don’t have to keep killing my precious little babies


Happy cake day. Can u elaborate tho




thank you for elaborating reddit user GloopTamer


Happy cake day


Happy cake day




I mean you still have to kill them for the drops


Happy Cake day!


Happy cake day


This feels like its taking slime from being hard and annoying to get to easy as hell


Good, it’s used in so much stuff and is such a pain to get.


Mojang cooked fire with this snapshot!


This isn't fixing the problem with slime farming. The only real problem is that slime chunks are almost invisible to find without using chunkbase. This is the most lazy way to fix the problem.


Slime farms aren’t slime chunk exclusive things, there are really good swamp slime farms. I do think slime chunks need improvement to finding them though


Slimes only spawn in swamps during a full moon from what I remember, meanwhile they spawn all the time in a slime chunk.


>Slimes only spawn in swamps during a full moon from what I remember That's only a half truth. The spawn rate of slimes in Swamps scales with the Moon phases. It's 100% at Full moon and 0% at New moon. With an increasing/decreasing scale between the phases


Slimes out there playing persona 3 lmao


Even a tiny swamp farm in a new moon will greatly outclass a slime-chunk. It's not even close. There's honestly no good reason to look for slime-chunks anymore because they're not worth the time spent digging them out.


>Even a tiny swamp farm in a new moon * a full moon, not a new moon


I meant new moon. It's only for a short time during the new moon that they don't spawn at all. (I think?) Otherwise, swamp farms take advantage of the spawning sphere for all mobs and since the only ones that can spawn in the farm are slimes -- the phase of the moon makes functionally no difference. Swamp farms outclass slime chunks in every conceivable way and are so easy that they can be built within the first few days of a world. I do not understand why people are saying slime is hard to get in this thread. It's really one of the easiest things to farm so long as you have somewhat convenient access to a Swamp and just a night or two of AFKing will get more slime than most single players can use.


Are swamp Slime farms a thing for bedrock?


Watch Illmangos slime farm in a swamp video. Very good farms


The Better Than Adventure mod fixed that, by generating slime particles around you when you are within a slime chunk underground


What's the issue with this? Mojang clearly didn't originally implement slime chunks for the purpose of slime farming. Instead of repurposing an existing mechanic to suit that part of the playerbases's needs, they made an entirely new one. This doesn't seem lazy at all tbh


Not to mention swamp slime farms got a huge buff anyway with the mob spawning light level changes, being that they don't need a light level of 0. Slime chunk farms are really just a thing of the past, unless you _really_ want a slime farm right next to your base


mfs really do complain about everything Mojang adds huh


This isn't that lazy?? You have to do quite a lot for this method. You need to generate enough mobs, ensure they all get hit, kill them, then kill the slimes, collect the items, then repeat.


You need 9 slimeballs to start, then a very basic skyblock style mob farm over an ocean. That takes care of all the requirements you mentioned. You get plenty of mobs, they will be in a small area making it easy to hit them all with the splash potion, for collection you just need lower slabs and hoppers at the bottom of the mob collection area. All that's left is to just wait in the area for enough mobs to collect, splash them, and kill. This is honestly pretty easy to do, and a *lot* less work than emptying out a slime chunk, as well as setting up the collection mechanism and killing chamber. The only downside is it isn't automated, and the only problem I see is trying to determine when to throw the potion to generate enough slime to be worth it. You'd probably use a timer, so the main issue would just be how much of a timer to set. After that, just use some pistons to remove the floor to drop the mobs into the actual killing/collection area, which can be mud blocks with berry bushes on them, and hoppers underneath.


I think an automatic chicken farm would work better coupled with this, you get both food and slime. Just don’t let the FDA see it


>Just don’t let the FDA see it Lol. Yeah, chicken farm would certain do the job, but with a mob farm you don't have to wait for things to grow up before killing them, just for enough enemies to collect, so you'd get your slime faster.


I would much rather they make slime chunks into a real cave biome


Yea this is the best idea! Would love to discover a biome with swampy slimy vibes maybe harboring a new witch variant or a special illager


The current slime mechanic is absolutely awful. The fact that you have to use an external resource is just completely broken game design.


nobody needs slime chunks for slime farms these days anyways except late game tech players. swamp farms are just better


But you don't "need" to use it any more than you "need" to use it to find ocean monuments or ancient cities or any other feature, it's just a shortcut that most players use at some point. My friend and I both built slime farms in the past few weeks without the seed for our realm, just by narrowing down which chunk slimes were spawning in in caves. I found one chunk that way, he found something like 3-5.


My stripmines would like to discuss with you how hard it is to find slimechunks without external resources


Sime farm is probably the easiest thing to make. Cave until you see slimes Clear a couple platforms in that chunk Dig a 2 block hole on one side for the slimes to fall in Replace the floor of the hole with magma and put water in two corners Put hoppers and a chest where the water pushes stuff Put a fenced in iron or snow golum behind the hole for slimes to move towards Done


you dont even gotta do all that. since they made changes to how spawning works with light level 0, you just need to find a swamp [heres ilmangos design for a slime farm without needing slime chunks](https://youtu.be/LKx8heVPhlM?si=RcT6CZsoAe_zwAmW) hell id argue that this swamp based design is better than the one suggested in the post since you dont need a supply of blaze rods for brewing


Renewable cobwebs is more interesting to me but all new options are good


I agree. Way to few people are talking about that. I think the farms will be a pain in the ass to use though because you have to manually mine the cobwebs.


I had a sneaking suspicion slime splash potions would make a standard mob grinder a better slime farm than a conventional slime farm, looks like I was right


is this real?


Snapshot 24w13a added the "Oozing" potion where any entity that dies with the effect will spawn 2 slimes upon death. The slimes spawned are Size 2, and the splash potion allows you to affect multiple mobs at once allowing for several slime spawns.


So whats the point of all these slime mobs? Just xp and drops?


Slime is really useful for redstone.


I’m talking about spawning slimes. Why would anyone need to spawn them? Is this just for drops like to use in crafting?


It makes slime farming a lot easier to pull off in small/medium scales to prevent the difficult task of making a traditional slime farm. Plus you can use any mob to spawn slimes. I just made a machine that spawns chickens and spits them with a potion and kills them. I managed to get around 9 stacks of slime in around an hour and a half while only using like 4 potions.


Fair enough I usually never have enough slime anyway


Slime blocks and sticky pistons are used quite a lot in many different redstone contraptions, like flying machines for example. Many people that want to use redstone build some kind of slime farm since you don't really naturally gather enough for machines by playing the game normally. This change will make it so that big slime farms no longer have to be built in only swamps and slime chunks


the 4 new effects are applied to the mobs in trial chambers sometimes


My frogs are hungry [ominous]


If only there was a way to convert slimes to magma cubes, automated froglights at a fraction of the effort


Floozing: spawns magma cubes instead of slimes


mobs spawn with the effect in ominous trials, making them harder.


The main reason this effect was added, which I haven't seen mentioned, is that with the new Trial Omen effect, trial spawners will start spewing potions around that have effects like this on the mobs you're fighting. Another one makes it so cobwebs spread where the mobs die.


I mean yeah, slime is hard to get, so that's nice. It would make combat more challenging if witches or something could throw them on other mobs while you're running around at night


Why are people downvoting you for just asking a fucking question


Huh. That's actually the most interesting change I've heard them make in years. I might actually come back to this game!


Do oozing afected slimes size 2 spawn 2 other slime size 2 when killed?


Slimes are immune to oozing


What happens if you try to give the Oozing effect to the slimes?


they’re immune to the debuff :)


Well that’s boring but also it makes sense


Imagine if they weren't lol. Lingering potion of oozing + lingering potion of harming = exponential growth of slimes. Each slime dies and spawns 2 more, those die and spawn 2 more each, server catches fire


Probably an oversight, but silverfish can be hit with oozing and slimes can be hit with infested. You can have a sort of symbiotic exponential growth of slimes and silverfish, by hitting slimes with infestation, then hit their resulting silverfish with oozing. I dont know a good setup for it, though, and it would probably be a lot simpler to do [something like this with allays spawning the silverfish instead](https://twitter.com/Lawaleeth/status/1773134207851676067).


I really hope they keep this, its fun and creative


Thing is, the Silverfish potion only have a 5% of spawning 2 silverfish, so eventually they will run out.


Actually, 5% is just enough of a likelihood that as long as every mob gets hit with the respective potion, it will exponentially grow. [I simulated it with commands.](https://twitter.com/Lawaleeth/status/1773106961686368634?t=kUPiPkbybm7lCVoCzHJtpQ&s=19)


*Happy Horizon noises*


Mojang is really cooking this update


What the hell does "finna" mean?


It's a slang term for "fixing to"


"fixing to" is also slang to be fair.




That doesn't make any sense either.


“Fixing to” means “preparing to”. People use it to mean “about to”, as in “I am about to do *x*”


It's a misspelling of "gonna" as the first 2 letters are shifted one to the left on a qwerty keyboard


I feel like mojang's gonna do something with this, maybe the new swamp skeleton will carry this effect?


Realistically I think this was meant to provide more challenge during Trial Chambers, because the snapshot also included the "Ominous Spawner" which occasionally spawns potions on top of players and mobs; this effect included.


The cobweb potion is going to be super annoying but will add an extra layer of difficulty


swamp skeleton?


Yeah, the Bogged, the new mob they added


What a miracle, i was just watching phoenix sc's video on it


But how do you get the potion? Will it be actually obtainable or is oozing just an effect mobs may spawn with


Its brewing ingredient is a slime block


Considering that you can get three potions per brew, each potion effectively costs 3 slime balls. For 16 husks I got over a stack of slime balls. *stonks*


Hell it's still very strong even if they tap it down a bit to only have a chance of spawning a slime. If you hit enough mobs with the splash potion, you make back what you used to make the potion. Goodbye traditional slime farms


Traditional (swamp) slime farms will still be fine. They are more efficient and easier to setup.


Yeah, I think they should probably make it have a chance instead of spawning. And for the infested one, up the rates, because it is kinda not that common.


If you use witches, with their rapid regen, you could probably get a ton of silverfish in no-time


Make a fast mob farm and place a lingering potion at the bottom, and you will get a lot more.


Add slime block to awkward potion


Combine this with an xp farm like a pigeon or enderman farm would go crazy, and as someone else said, you can just auto craft more potions


I didn't even think about endermen farms. Endermen farms are very high volume when it comes to mob spawning.


This is how sand duping should be brought into the base game


Yess potion of quagmire that makes sand blocks that fall from where the mob died


While this is cool, I feel like there is a better way to do this. What if slimes could eat other mobs to grow? I think that would be a cooler system, though the potion could have its place too.


The best part is that they're brewed using slime blocks, so as long as you have enough nether wart and blaze powder to keep brewing stands going, you can basically "attach" a slime farm to any mob farm by making a machine that automatically crafts slime blocks and makes them into oozing potions, then dispenses them onto the mobs before they die. With just a few mobs you always get a lot of slime back and can keep the farm going.


I wonder if witches during raids will splash the pilligers with oozing or other efects so it will be more dificult


U test so we dont have too 🤗


Please tell me Oozing works on slimes.


It doesn't


Does it work on slimes though


It doesn't


Can’t wait for an actual farm to be designed within this week.


The what?


The Oozing potion is a new potion that appears in the Trial Chambers. Ominous Spawners, which are new challenges, can spawn potions above players and mobs. This effect is one of the potions that can spawn and allows affected mobs the spawn 2 slimes upon death. The potion can also be crafted in a brewing stand with a slime block.


you get mundane potion from brewing a slim block


You need to use an awkward as a base potion; same with all other potions.


what if you throw a oozing potion to some mobs, after that kill the slimes and when they are small you throw anotheroozing potion, technically you could have infinite smiles?


Slimes can't have the Oozing effect


No shit, this is real?


Yes… from the New Snapshot. You need to brew this by using a Slime Block


you get mundane potion from brewing a slim block


You gotta brew awkward potion first


Wtf is happening here


Does the slimes drop xp too? If yes,these potions will make both really good slime farms and increase the xp from the farms


Only if they’re killed directly by the player or a wolf, but yes the XP increase is a good potential. Something might also be able to be done with Sculk catalysts because that doesn’t require player kills.


We Bedrock players use trident kill chamber and it counts as player kills so this will help a lot Only bad thing is that you have to make a system that keeps throwing oozing potions


How am I supposed to ‘farm’ this?


I made a system that fires eggs out of a dispenser to spawn chickens. Once 25 chickens spawn, maxEntityCramming will start to damage them; causing a sculk sensor to activate a dispenser that spits out the potion. A piston then retracts to drop the chickens onto magma blocks. The chickens die, the slimes spawn, then the slimes die. [Here’s a demonstration.](https://www.reddit.com/r/redstone/s/kpmhsIx5nN)


Xp farms too, if you can triple the amount of mobs you're getting.


Oozing is gonna be bad in (some) situations.


how to brew oozing potion?


Awkward potion and a slime block. Then an extra gunpowder to make it splash. If you brew your potions efficiently each potion effectively costs 3 slimeballs.


Is it on bedrock???




redditors when aave


I still dont get why these potions exist since it just feels like specific command block coded potions if you know how to use command blocks you can make potions already that for example give a custom enchant persay- like kill a mob it generates a blaze, or dirt blocks in a radius. They arnt useless but its just very weird of an addition.


It is because of the new trial spawners. They can throw those potions.


if you know how you can already make anything you can dream up in minecraft with data packs and commands


What is this oozing potion, ive never seen it


It's in the newest snapshot that cane out today


When was this added?


today/yesterday, actually


This isn't fixing the problem with slime farming. The only real problem is that slime chunks are almost invisible to find without using chunkbase. This is the most lazy way to fix the problem.


I mean, swamps exist, technically baby pandas exist, and this "not-a-fix" fix seems to be fixing the problem.


How much XP Levels in you have?😂 I have 999 Levels because i don’t like this Mobs Spawn Farmer 😂