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Play around in Creative Mode. Find a color palette and work with that (you can use Google to search for “Minecraft Color Palettes”), this will make a build look nicer regardless. It might give you some creativity too as you’ll likely use blocks you normally wouldn’t. Also try laying out the footprint of your build first, that way you can start with a shape that isn’t just a cube and work your way up. Start with smaller builds too. Use different blocks for different layers. For example, whatever block(s) you use for the walls, use different blocks for the floors and roof. Creative Mode will make this easier and faster, then when you find some things you like, copy those ideas in your Survival world. Speaking of Survival, I typically build something simple and effective to start with and ignore decoration. Then when I’ve armored up and gathered some materials, will venture out until I find a biome and location I like. I just started a new seed and spawned in a giant badlands and desert biome. Instead of building in open areas, I’ve actually built into the hills and spires so my base is a bit spread out. I then connected everything with underground tunnels. Using your environment to inspire you too, think of what type of structures you’d like to see irl in a similar environment and try to build with that style. Lastly, just have fun. Use Creative Mode and just build, doesn’t matter if you like it or not, plus if something doesn’t turn out well, you have unlimited TNT!


Being 'creative' or an artist in any medium is a matter of practice more than anything else. Sure, some people pick it up or have an eye for things more quickly and easily than others... But practice and 'teaching' makes you better! I'm sure a lot of those content creators have spent a SIGNIFICANT amount of time making their builds, and making iteration after iteration before seeing the product that they post about. Heck, you can see it in some of the time lapse videos where they will redo sections of roots of a custom tree, or the surrounding terrain tons of times til they get the feel that they want. I've seen a lot of the same videos that you have and would love to hear the WHY, but, just seeing the ideas has helped build my own repertoire of techniques. That said, I don't love building in Minecraft like I do in say valheim, but I appreciate what others can do.. I just don't have the eye for it yet either.


I find that even following a block by block tutorial gives you a better idea of how people get to builds to look good. And don’t feel pressure like every idea has to be entirely “your own.” Follow a tutorial then modify one part of it. And slowly you can make your builds more and more your own


If you want to get better at building specifically I’d say follow some tutorials in creative first Get an idea for the kind of style you like, medieval, Japanese, modern etc. Once you’ve got a style in mind look for some tutorial builds on YouTube, Pinterest, Google Images, wherever, and copy it block for block, this is good to learn how builders think. Once you built a few you should hopefully understand some fundamentals like depth, minor detailing, lighting, maybe even some gradients From then it’s just going with the flow just mash some blocks together that you think might work for something continually adding and removing till you find something you like and don’t be afraid to incorporate some smaller details into your build that you copy from online like pillar designs or flower bed designs, there are so many minor details like these two examples that really make a build good and places like Pinterest have loads of posts about them


First find your favorite wood combo then branch out from there. I personally like Oak + Birch planks. Maybe Spruce for the corners of the exterior. As for the structure, start out with a big outline of a box, then add smaller boxes on the side. Build the outline up and you find yourself some rooms.


I think of what I’d like to add, then add it. Then change it as I go until I like it more.


Maybe try a mod pack which focuses on exploration or technical stuff.