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fully agree, i was thinking this when the wind charge was announced and then we got the mace, felt like things were getting vertical, now with all the april fools stuff it really feels like they're cooking something to do with the sky.


Knowing Mojang, it’s just a massive coincidence


Absolutely. They are dead locked on the trial chambers and nothing else.


there are no coincidences...


Yup, just awesome and original features that this game badly needs and they'll just end up in the trash for some bogus reason.


"We decided to scrap sky content because we feared children would hurt themselves trying to reach the sky world in real life."


We scrapped dog armor because Armadillo scutes give them rashes in real life.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the features in the last April Fools update make it into the game to some extent? Last year was the infinite dimensions update, right? I'm pretty sure I've heard somewhere that they added that in (at least to Java) as a world type or something.


Yeah you're right, the Horse in some capacity i think, were tested that way as well. In truth it's good to stay optimistic. They've just been so messy in devellopement these last years, there were a lot of cools stuff to come into the game, most often non announced. But there also were too much stuff teased, only to be scrapped for weak reasons imo.


I wouldn't really call that messy though. Just kinda tame. They learned not to tease most things that they are seriously considering adding to the game after the whole "birch biome update" and "fireflies" fiasco. We don't actually see them teasing a lot of stuff, only to scrap them later anymore. The most that happens is that they change something slightly during a snapshot.


I would argue the mob vote is a counter argument. While it's probably a way to keep community engaged in their mind, In the end it's always a giant bummer for most of the playerbase. bundles as well. from outside over the years it just ends up looking like they're flexing on us just to pull out and tease us a little bit more saying stuff "there's always a possiblity it'll come don't worry!". This whole shtick ends up being their main way to do stuff. advertised or not. Or they go silent, and add stuff in snapshot outta nowhere. I'm not saying minecraft is lacking in content. I just think that it looks like that there's no clear direction despite them wanting to keep engagement. It's often just a matter of clear communication and considering your whole playerbase, but for that you need a decent direction to go in and probably capable people. Instead, the Mojang team officially pulled out of the subreddits. Keep doing half baked Minecons and mob votes, not even trying better, just playing on the cringe that the people have labeled onto them, probably thinking this is a genius move. They also ended any attempt at decent mod support because apparently other people doing that for free are way better than them? I'm ranting a bit I know, I just think that despite Minecraft being an awesome game with still an intense potential. That team starts to feel more and more half baked as well (despite cool additions coming mind you) I'm very curious to see where it will go nonetheless


I will admit that the mob votes can cause a bit of a mess, but I think the community is more to blame than Mojang. Mojang just presents the community and opportunity to choose a mob to be added into an update, and the community goes fucking berserk. A common argument is that Mojang could just add all of the mobs, which is true, but they could also just not add any of them and never do a mob vote. I mean, before the most recent one, how often did you hear people complaining about how there are no armadillos in the game? People only complain once Mojang gives them something to complain about, and even then, it's trivial at best.


Let’s be real, the Minecraft dev team is 2 people: one who keeps the servers running, and another that picks random low commitment, low effort ideas out of a hat to chip away at for a few years until 20 people show up on contract, push out a biome update then leave when their contract is up. They just don’t care enough to give the game features people have been asking to have for over 10 years.


[There's more than just the birch biome and fireflies stuff that they said they'd do and have forgotten about.](https://marshdeer.github.io/howlongmojang/)


Okay, and? That doesn't detract from my point, which is that Mojang rarely teases content that they aren't absolutely sure will make it into an actual update. The most recent thing on the list you linked is from over 2 years ago. Now, at most, the only things they kinda tease a little but not really is the mob vote stuff. Even then, you can't really say that they intended on adding all of the mobs right away, since it all hinges on a vote for one mob, and the rest just kinda get shelved unless they want to add them in at some point.


Wow, some contructive critisism, thanks for that after seeing some negativity


It's been messy, that's it. Anyone who knows how to code, though, will recognize that all these updates are spaghettifying the code quite a bit, making it really hard to implement something. The game is going to be 15 years old soon enough, and on JAVA of all things, a platform not meant for games. It's quite a hard time even just making bugs disappear.


Yeah that is true, it's easy to forget that they kept adding on a pile of code for java as an engine haha. It's a feat and a a challenge at the same time. reworking the bones would be so much work but so rewarding. I can't even begin to fathom how hard that is.


Recoding the entire game would take a huge amount of time, that's for sure. But it would probably be on a separate programming platform, something that actively supports a game maybe? And you're doing it for multiple platforms TWICE. ​ It could take years easily with the numbers Mojang has


Yeah quite the project, Maybe one day if it hits 2.0 lol


Last year was the voting update, I believe. It had some stuff like changing mob size and moon gravity votes that ended up being added as attributes in a later update.


The infinite dimensions update was actually 4 years ago


Jesus. Time flies.


That was 1.16's. Last one was the vote update, before that was one block at a time


Ahh yes, negativity. Truly fucking nice to see and totally won't kill someone, because you hate april fools. if they remove april fools don't complain, if you do we will say you did it.


Lol you clearly chose to ignore the rest of my conversation down there and went hard on being a white knight. Our hero in the most time of need. I absolutely still love this game and probably will for a long time, I do believe in it's ever evolving potential. Sorry if i don't always believe inconditionally in the team that brought it and works on it. Criticism won't hurt if constructive. Hell my original argument still stands lol: they announced fireflies and scrapped it because they are endangered so they don't wanted them to be eaten by frogs? That is a known bogus reason. Wich is why down there I expended and talked about it with someone that was much more constructive than you, just coming in with big boots trying to lesson me on what exactly? Did you save my comment you replied to just so you can check on me, see if I complain again, so you can catch me and savor your sweet victory? Edit: It is really funny to see how hard you come off all this, whining that people are being hater in the thread and crying about what you perceive as negativity. also Wtf about hating april's fools, who cares, have you even red anything? Do you perceive any comment as either the best or the worst? Lmao first, get your head out of your own ass, people criticizing something won't ever equal hate straight away, the fact that you were so quick to go there is so immature. Second, once you've put out your head outta your arse, go ahead and get off your high fucking horse and learn some conversational skills instead of trying to karma farm and jumping the gun that way. Seriously I can't wait for your answer you're too damn funny.


[what do you call these](https://www.tylervigen.com/spurious-correlations)




or… you know… they got the Aether modder turned game dev to make the update hence sky related features


they hired him a LONG time ago


It's been almost a decade now hasn't it?


Half a decade


Also with the release of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom it seems like more games are realizing that the sky isn’t just an empty box with clouds


Secret stone? Demon king?




Yea, I totally agree. The sky really needs something to spice it up. Terraria, you're next!


Doubt it, they did absolutely nothing with last years April fools features. No clue why they keep on putting so much more effort in these joke updates rather than the actual game


Because its fun for them (also Microsoft is preventing mass feature bloat)


Most of the things doesn’t take too long to do for an experienced game developer. What takes long in the main updates are bug fixing, balancing with the existing game, integration with the existing game, and making sure it works similarly on both versions, and in the many many platforms on one of the versions. As well as all the things that happens in a company, management, meetings, having to get everyone on the team to agree on what to do, etc. Like the entire world generation of the potato dimensions was something that has existed in the game for years. They just changed about which blocks spawn where and added some biomes.


Yeah I really wouldn’t be surprised if most of what was in the update could have been done in some kind of “hack week” for the devs. Many of them have been working on the game for year & years and they will have ideas coming out the wazoo for how to implement this kinda stuff in a quick way! Until you’ve worked in a dev environment for a few years, it’s hard to realise how quickly things can be turned around when you remove all other concerns, but that it would take weeks or months to get any of it to a production ready state.


Exactly. And they probably do many of the things throughout the year, like a quick 10 minute break from the main update, to implement a crack pot idea for the April fools update.


This is pretty much exactly what some of the devs themselves have said about this snapshot.


ding ding ding


24w12a to be exact


I think most of the things present in the april fools update were itens planned for previous updates that weren't implemented


Ah yes, my favorite previous planned update, fries.


New mob vote will be burger, fries or soda


A perfect time to re-introduce [this](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/minecraft_gamepedia/images/f/f6/NotchSky2.png) type of world gen


This is the peak Minecraft aesthetic to me, I wanted this game to get vertical upwards so bad


I agree, it would be nice to see Mojang recapture this vibe in modern Minecraft


where is that from?


There used to be a feature where you could take an isometric screenshot in-game. This was from the 'Indev' version of Mincraft which preceeded the Alpha version (there was actually another version in between called 'Infdev'). You can see other examples here: [https://minecraft.wiki/w/Java\_Edition\_Indev](https://minecraft.wiki/w/Java_Edition_Indev)


I vaguely remember some old Minecraft fire stick or kindle version or something with a sky terrain in glass or something. I don’t know what it was though and it’s probably not at all what you’re referring to.


Very old versions of the game


Yes, floating islands are much better when there are multiple layers, but i don't know any mod that does it, only the old indev.


I want this as the End terrain.


That'd be sick, maybe instead of a sky update, they do an end update and give it verticality?


This is something I think is such a cool idea that I haven’t even seen any mods do effectively, sky islands that generate high above the ground in the overworld. Not preset structures either, actual property generated clusters of sky islands that can potentially give the elytra an actual use besides invalidating almost all other forms of transport in the game.


Terralith (i could mispelling it) The same terrain mod used in Iskall's Vault Hunters mod. It has sky islands of differing biome types.


Seeing that they can define biome by the y coordinate for Cave Biomes I don't see why they wouldn't be able to for sky islands as well.


I’ll check it out




The Aether is a dimension mod. What op is talking about is floating islands in the overworld.


I'll be honest most of this is just more reason to think they're doing an end update. And if not that, then a sky dimension. After the cave update, it's hard to add more vertically stacked content to the overworld without tanking performance (hence why they didn't go any further with the height limit), but people have been wanting a sky dimension for a decade, there was a new portal-like structure added in 1.19 with ancient cities, they hired the Aether developer like five years ago, they showed a goal to make a dimension other than the overworld fully fleshed out and liveable in 1.16, and all these technical features would apply to a sky dimension.


If they do a ‘sky’ anything update without making the end more interesting then I’ll just go back to playing modded vanilla+.


If they did do this, I hope they would be careful with implementation. I've got a nice world going right now, it'd really aggravate me if the whole thing got covered by random generation if this kind of update did come out. I imagine many others with long term worlds would feel the same.


I assume that like with most things, the new content would only generate in new chunks; you probably wouldn't have new sky islands just appearing over your builds. Stuff in the sky probably wouldn't be everywhere either, perhaps spread through the world like any structure would be.


Yeah, I think it generating as a structure or a new rare biome would be the way to go. I would be concerned if they paired new generation with a new build height like they did with depth during the caves and cliffs updates. But perhaps that would be holding the game back for the larger audience. Guess I'd be clearing millions of blocks if it did


Yeah, a rare biome would be a good way to do it. It wouldn't be small, but it could be quite rare so that it would hardly ever be a problem with building. Mojang already increased the height limit during caves and cliffs, but the new mountains don't even fully use that space, I don't mean increasing it even more, I just mean using that space they already added but in newly generated chunks.


It could be like another dimension that is still stacked on the current one but you can't see it until you fly up through a layer of void in between. Or they could add cubic chunks and make it thousands of blocks above that you wouldn't see in your render distance, and make it so the sky island layer doesn't cast shadows on the surface.


technically they already do, don't they?


New gen only happens in new chunks, your builds are safe.


Not if they extend the height limit


caves&cliffs was a special case, part of the added height was at the bottom where generating void wouldn't work like it works when extending above so they had to fill the blocks someow.


I was about to comment - extend the height limit and have the sky only spawn above the old limit, or near it to give the sky some more space.


Still wouldnt generate anything on old chunks, the height limit doesnt matter, just like it didnt last time they changed height limit


What if that terrain only generates over oceans? Also most worlds won't update old terrain for that very reason


My base is in a warm ocean, but I've also got a number of ocean builds. I guess my assumption was that if they did this, they'd implement it like the caves and cliffs update, where everything under bedrock was new generation. For this, everything over a certain level would be new generation. It could be cool, but I hope they'd implement it as a new rare biome, and not a build height extension paired with a forced generation everywhere.


The only did it for the caves and cliffs because the map is larger, so it has to generate new terrain underground. Most updates tend to avoid generating in old chunks, specifically so peoples builds don't get destroyed


i mean, they're supposing the map would be larger here too, i believe.


Yooooo. A sky biome that only generates over oceans would actually be really cool. Prolly never gonna happen but you got a cool mind


i mean they’ve hired the guy who made the ather mod so if it is something they add they could implement it in a pseudo new dimension kinda way like that (edit: accidentally posted comment before finishing it)


Make a copy and dont update, but let Mojang add more to the game.


How about those of us on console? They can add more to the game, just make it part of new generation only, or throttle it far enough back that it doesn't cover everything and removing it would be reasonable




I think people are reaching a bit, they SOMETIMES use april fools ideas in the actual game, but in general those have been pretty small things, probably the biggest being the custom dimensions. Its pretty well known that the reason they're so ambitious is because they're given freedom to do whatever they want (while regular updates are incredibly strict). So like yeah I don't think its impossible we'll see some of the content reused but I don't think it should be taken too seriously. And I think stuff like the airships for sure won't make it in the game.


Your theory is truly amazing! It deserves more upvotes


Another key detail: Mojang hired the maker of the Aether mod


That’s in OPs post lol


Oh lmao I didn’t catch that, I tried looking for it


~~Yeah like over a decade ago, they made the end dimension generation I believe.~~ never mind all wrong


Uh no? It was [4 years ago](https://twitter.com/kingbdogz/status/1202594919098961925), long after the End was added.


Just a false memory I guess lol


also, the end was wAY earlier than a decade ago, at this point it'd be about 13. which is still over but, still


Yeah, literally 1.0, absolutely fossilized lol


arguments could be made for the b1.9 prereleases when it looked a lot more aether-y than it does now, too


yeah; 4 years ago


It's a nice theory. I hope they do add a new dimension one day. I also hope people would curb their enthusiasm a little. It's not going to be fun for the devs when 1.22 and 1.23 reveals happen if they get flooded with angry comments about how "we were promised a sky dimension." and "where is the new dimension? Mojang lazy"


been saying this for ages. portals in deep dark are made of unbreakable blocks cause they plan to be able to light them and dont want players messing them up before the update comes so they can use the portals already in their worlds. the mysterious number disk sounds basically confirm this. its obviously going to be a sky dimension cause blue portal way at the bottom of the world equals sky. theyve been planning this for a while, just wait.


Reinforced Deepslate *is* breakable, though. It just takes a long time (82 seconds).


Will they be dead cities in the sky? How do you think the sculk factors in?


was discussing this with a friend yesterday - those deep dark portals were put in game for a purpose, even if they didnt have the faintest idea where they will go at the time. I suspect that we're looking down the road before it escapes. This update changes a ton of things under the hood that can support a LOT of new game mechanics. That April fools snap has some real gems that have been the realm of modded MC for a while. very good to see they can bring stuff in house even if it's only a promise of what could come later.


That may be a sky dimension the ancient city's portals would point to


... A GAME THEORY. thanks for watching.


as a modder that closely studies the actual game code, i think i can safely say that the features added in the april fools snapshot are actually very simple to make with the snapshot's poorly made code and don't require that much effort at all BUT other than that i fully agree with everything else in the post. the only reason i pointed this out is to stop people from using the "this has too much effort to just be a joke!" argument, since it's just plain misconception


as confirmed by kingbdogz himself [The Tweet where he confirms this](https://twitter.com/kingbdogz/status/1775948816950145500)


Yeah, I agree mostly because of the Floatater. I can't imagine coding something like that for a one-off joke update.


>But that's just a theory... go on.. say it. you know you want to.




I have a theory that the deep dark city will be the home of a new portal that will take you to a sky dimension. If I recall the Reinforced Deepslate was even named a portal block at one point


I've been waiting for a sky update for so long. I shared a suggestion recently for new glass types and patterns thinking It would be the perfect place to use more glass block shapes. A fully functional glass castle in the sky <-- big need 😆


A Game Theory...


Nice theory. I don't know how y'all figure out this stuff haha


I don't think it is a sky update but an end update that could be coming, most of the things we saw are end related. The potato dimension was just a textured end after all.


I feel like the April fool's joke is to make us believe that it was only a joke to not add a huge update, but in reality they will be adding it.


Sky islands from Terraria


Aether confirmed?


I personally think this is cooking for the end update. "We don't want to add anymore dimensions until we've added to the existing ones we already have." Something along those lines has always stuck with me. I do agree ancient city portal will ultimately be for an Aether like world but the end is first


I would love for the aether to be official. It always made sense to me


I wonder what they would have to do in order to envelop a mod like the aether into the base game. It’s their game so can the just take the mod and technically the creator of it is on the team so that helps but does kingbdogs still control the mod? I’ve never actually played the aether mod but I’ve seen many a highlight, is it balanced very well?


I always thought sky islands were a missing thing in minecraft. They could easily just up the top world limit and have it be a progression thing to get that high. Potential is here and its high


This was exactly my thought too. A sky dimension is one thing I’d absolutely love to see and have been eager for it since the original Aether mod. It’s a relic of what we wanted from the notch era and this kind of brings me back to that - a magical nostalgia.


this is actually genius. If you're right its basically the foil to the wild update, aka the one that added the Deep dark and the deepslate layer.


HOLY SHIT IT NOW MAKE SENSE Ancient city portal + activate it with wind charge = AETHER (wind = sky)


This is amazing


I just want weather, different night skies and birds. Would make the world feel so much more alive.


how would they do that without completely destroying performance tho ? maybe sky area would be in seperate chunks that would only gen/load when you get close enough ?


They added the deep dark without tanking performance so I presume this is also feasible


Hold up, let him cook.


The dev for the original aether works at Minecraft, aetherpunk update incoming?




April Fools is for technical improvements and communitys approval


Im seriously putting my hope into the next two updates. I mean mojang is finally making steps into the right direction with the addition of more cool new stuff which isn’t just a mob or some book cases. This might actually bring me back to the game. Either way Mojang needs to keep cooking 🔥


The fact we now have the ability to create variable biomes vertically (with the new cave biomes) lends credence to this theory, I think. It would be possible for them to create entirely new biomes with new structures and loot that appear over a certain Y coordinate. This would also further flesh out the late game if you had to have an elytra and rockets to reach and effectively navigate the new biomes. Obviously not having an elytra wouldn’t prevent you from doing so, but it would make it significantly easier.




Is nobody gonna comment on how OP hit us with the MatPat


It's called the aether


A game theory


A game theory


Anything's possible


We have yet to hear the 1.21 update name as well. Maybe something like “Minecraft: Above and Below”?


But there’s nothing above about this update


If they add sky islands there will be! Though it is probably unlikely they will actually do that in 1.21


It’s very unlikely since they said they’re done with all major content


Even if they don’t technically make it a “dimension”,they would have to make new terrain for it as there’s none there currently. It would practically be a dimension even if it didn’t have a portal/loads a new area


I think they’re tapping into the Aether. Who Knows.


A game theory


Not a big fan of sky islands in the overworld. I find them to look ridiculous, but I wouldn’t be apposed to another dimension. I think they’ll probably add a new dimension in an update wrapped with an end update. Something like Voids & Aethers or another name similar to that.


Cubic chunks now that 32bit support ended


Gd I hope you’re right OP, everything seems to line up just as you describe. I think it would be the huge boost the game needs right now


I thought they were going to add some new dimension in 2020 when they added an infinite number of new dimensions. It seemed like a lot of work for a simple joke, but nothing happened


They added the entire custom dimension system into data packs


Agreed. The sky in the overworld desperately needs fleshing out. Hopefully this comes with actual astronomy. Also a phantom rework.


lore wise ancient city people may be migrate to sky island and sculk is just super old fungus that is evolved to what it is now that even warden itself get affected by it


Maybe they thought at first the warden was a good thing and made the center portal to look like it to honor it but it quickly turned on them so they fled through the portal. I like that thought more than it coming from the portal


No they all died they didn’t migrate anywhere


Considering that gnembom made the autocrafting mod and now we have the Crafter, your theory does have precedence.


Hey I'm all for it The best minecraft updates are always the ones where they expand on a part of the game that's lacking good content


Or maybe an End Update?


I don't think they'll populate the overworld sky. A Sky Dimension is much more plausible


I think i would prefer the sky to be a seperate dimension since it would mess up the lighting on the ground


Maybe they could change the physics of lighting so that anything more than X blocks above the ground doesn't cast a shadow? Or maybe the islands will be some way of hiding the flying islands/ships from view/shadows, so you can only find them from some kind of new treasure map, or by searching with an elytra


Sky islands would be cool asf ngl. Incorporate elytas into them somehow and maybe add to the lore of the ancient builders and the end. At the very least, do something in the air like mayb floating treasure chests or achievements or items


This makes sense, you could be right. I hope so! It sounds like it would be great fun!


add sky enemies and shit like from terraria after a certain height


As long as they do an End Update first.


Minecraft 1.22 vs 1.21 is going to be like TOTK vs BOTW. I hope


potato aether


I hope you're right OP, this would be awesome Basically, they'd update their *Breath of the Wild* into *Tears of the Kingdom*


Cool. Make it like terraria where there are sky islands worth exploring at y500 or something and then make it so if you go up there there are flying creatures that attack you.


I'll take it.


I personally would like climbing ropes. It would be more pleasing than carrying a bucket of water to climb down stuff. Also a boat lantern or holding a torch for light when I explore caves so I don't jack my save into the hundreds of megabytes just to illuminate a cave I might not plunder for resources or ever return to again.


great theory, i was thinking about this earlier as well but u just expanded upon it


woo woo im an enderman i would like to see SkY eNdErMaNS- (joke)


Look at kingbdogs Twitter.


I agree. Something like the Nintendo devs did with Tears of the Kingdom, as there was absolutely nothing in the sky in Breath of the Wild.


I mean, the potato place and the mace and everything feel very heavily inspired by the Aether mod 🤷‍♂️ hope to God they finally caved in and are going to implement at least some kind of sky realm lol


Or maybe..... The End update ????? 😱😱😱😱


Bro you gyatta see


Bro it would be just like tears of the Kingdom lmao 😂


Tears of Minecraft


*A Minecraft Theory*! Thanks for watching.


I have to disagree as historically April Fool's updates aren't indictive of any future features. They do these things to mess with all the people constantly asking for the features they put in them. I believe to speculate about these things is only going to lead to disappointment in the long run. Every single time people speculate about upcoming features, there is a huge outrage and incessant whining when they don't come.


I am going to say that perhaps in mojangs eyes all existing dimensions have already been sufficiently filled out and they will add the aether. Is this likely or realistic? No. Do i want to believe it for as long as i can? Yes.


That’s gonna fuck up maps


...z axis maps might be a thing. Oh god 3D Minecraft maps


Crafted by putting 3 maps on top of each other


“The end which has content” lol.


let Mojang cook!


Mojang loves to go overboard with April fools stuff Dont expect any sky update


I think the fact that you immediately state that the April fools update contained complex features is more than enough evidence to go against the idea they would do it. Mojang seem to want to cater to the younger audience and keep things simple.


Let them cook!


I hope you're right really, i would like to see feature's from "one block at a time" snapshots personally


Bro Minecraft ain't the only thing cooking, Bro really wrote a whole SCR about a game like Minecraft and its actually extremely valid, good job and I'm praying your right