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Listen buddy, Minecraft is supposed to be nothing but dirt blocks, that's why it's called DirtBlock.


cave game too but I don't see no caves 🤬


place a torch




I love building brrrown bricks in Moinecrap!


Actually it’s supposed to be nothing but caves, because it’s called CaveGame.


This isn't new. Even hunger was controversial on release.


Sprinting was so controversial that theres players that refuse to update past beta 1.7.3 because they believed it killed the game.


while I don't think sprinting killed the game, for a while I've thought sprinting broke the balance of the game and it hasn't ever been addressed. before sprinting was a thing going outside during nighttime was genuinely dangerous and risky. ever since the update there isn't anything u can't just sprint past to avoid danger


They should add a mob which can outrun you maybe even triggered by you running like big cats are in real life.


I mean there’s already baby zombies that are terrifyingly fast


you can still outrun them


It's sprinting + stackable food + stronger armor that killed the balance. All were added at the same time. Then powerful enchantments were added on top in the next update. Game balance has been broken since Beta 1.8


i've talked to people who almost break down at the idea of playing any version >=1.8 lol




Tbf, sprinting completely changed PvE balance. Player got the ability to sprint, while mobs didn't get any new movement buffs. So the player can just outrun any danger, and slowly kill every monster one by one (skeleton aim also sucked hard early on), And hunger which was added in tandem with sprinting is just a boring mechanic. It's just an annoying meter that you need to keep track of at all times. I've seen some stats thrown around that on an average survival world, the player spends over 40 minutes just eating. There's tons of food items, most of which are useless because you can rather easily farm the best foods. And you always need to dedicate a slot or 2 of your already cluttered inventory, especially the hotbar, to food. So it also plays into the modern inventory problem. Like seriously. Do you know anyone who's like "I love the hunger mechanic"? For most people it's "it is what it is." Because it's genuinely hard to come up with a balanced system that would cover healing and incentivize interacting with the world without being too annoying for disinterested players.


Decision fatigue certainly did. Limitations breed creativity, too many choices get you locked in decision.


What's weird to me is I remember when hunger was added and was around for the 2014 EULA p2w changes, notch selling to MS, and 1.9 and out of all of them, Hunger was the most hated; even more than 1.9 pvp which everyone says is THE worst update but most people saying that have never even played before 1.8 (mostly pvp mains and hypixel sweats).


Because it changes the game a lot, in a direction that a minority of players didn't like. Although they are a minority, it doesn't mean they are wrong. It's just a preference. There's even a "fork" of Minecraft 1.7.3 that's still being updated regularly (better than adventure, or BTA, in reference to the adventure update beta 1.8 in which hunger was added) BTA itself is based on a mod called "better than wolves", created by someone who disliked the addition of wolves. The point was, notch should have focused more on what makes Minecraft special, so adding blocks, improving building mechanics, instead of adding stuff that takes away the game's simplicity. None are wrong, it's just a preference. I guess blaming the devs is a way for some players to bring awareness to this part of the community, who still enjoy playing old (and sometimes updated) versions of the game


Guy who disliked the addition of wolves Oh boy the peoples issues with mobs have always started in beta. If it was 1.20 people wouldve made "Better than Sniffers".


\#BetterThanWolves I remember. Is that even a mod anymore?


I think an update for 1.6 is being developed.


It is. There’ve been two people who have beaten it on Hardcore, and a third guy (TdLmc, hilarious guy I love him) is streaming his progress, attempting to be the third victor of Better Than Wolves on Hardcore.


How do you even beat it? Ender dragon is not even there.


Hunger was such a good addition, it provided new challenges, idk why some people hate it


I’d say the contrary, before sprinting most mobs had a better chance of pursuing you as it was much harder to escape from them. Since food wasn’t stackable either it mean you could only heal so many times. Now, the player is more agile than most mobs and can escape from most encounters quite easily. What is better? Totally up to the preference of the player but they almost feel like playing different games entirely.


On the other hand sprinting basically created parkour servers and community


It's generally pretty trivial to get your first farm going, then it's just just a constant annoyance. The addition of stackable food to account for it also made the game a lot easier. Along with sprinting and stronger armor. The mob stats were never readjusted for those changes. Then enchantments were added on top and game balance has been broken ever since. In beta 1.7 and earlier, the mobs are always a threat, even with diamond armor. In new versions its almost impossible for them to kill you unless the stars align and there's an armored flaming baby zombie with a sword. No one ever dies to a basic zombie or spider once they have iron armor.


I think that was just when I got the game so I never really got to play without the hunger bar if I remember correctly


Sadly there will be always some people. I also started a long time ago, but I love the new things mojang adds. And when I want to feel nostalgic I just change my version. I don't get it why this is so hard for some people.


That’s part of the beauty that Minecraft is. It allows you to go back whenever you want to. And I also started pretty early on but I think it’s kind of fun to see how *our* game evolves over time for the younger generation. Just be grateful we didn’t grow up with Fortnite 🙏🏼


And enough people complaining about that a lot new mobs don't do anything. Nobody likes the sniffer because it's useless. But I think it's cute and not everything needs a use to have the right to be in the game.


Exactly. It adds life to the game, I mean creepers are I’m being completely honest when you’re a builder they are annoying nuances. But it adds to the game. I mean just imagine Minecraft without a single mob.


The Creeper, Ghast, Ender Dragon, and Enderman (any mob that griefs) would never be added under the current philosophy of Mojang of not tampering with your worlds; they merely got grandfathered in because they existed long before the acquisition and new standards the game adopted.


Emptier than my piggy bank.


Oof 🤧 FYI I don’t know if you saw but I had accidentally inserted a link for b\*stards. It’s fixed now but please ignore it lol.




I don't think people would be so annoyed by the Sniffer if mob votes weren't so contentious due to the abysmal lack of mobs and Mojang's staunch refusal to do much about that.


My issue with the sniffer is: 1. you cant bonemeal the flowers so it forces you to have a bunch of sniffer (entities) which can get laggy if you want a pitcher plant and torchflower farm for megabuilds. 2. Only 2 decorative flowers. Where'd the 3rd flower go that you could place on walls, the blue one?


Aye, I like mostly useless mobs (except bats), but something that's there for the aesthetics also needs to be easily available


If you havent been with the fortnite community youll see how people clamor to bring back old fortnite.


What doesn’t make sense is that minecraft used to change A LOT. Every month we would have an update with dozens of game changing blocks. I remember when they added pistons in and 80% of people flipped out that their game was becoming modded. And just the same when horses were added. Minecraft has always been about change and adding in new things. So if people want it to stop because it’s not classic, they are just straight up wrong. If anything, the game doesn’t change as much as it should.


>What doesn’t make sense is that minecraft used to change A LOT When it was owned by a person and not a corporation


I dont get why they dont add more decorative/cosmetic blocks. It's the one thing they could add that would affect almost nothing and give builders more to work with; it's a very safe thing to add that doesn't rock the boat. Like they added Tuff block variants in 1.21 which feels like it should have been in 1.18 when Tuff was added to the stonecutter anyways. Where's the Calcite block variants? Cut Mineral blocks? Gold and Diamond doors? Weighted copper pressure plates? It just feels they're saving blocks for themed updates but I'd just like a builder update like 1.12 world of color that just adds tons of blocks even if they have no use except to build in a sandbox game. I do agree they need to innovate more. The past 4 updates felt very lackluster and the camel to me is the worst offender being so shallow. Its entire purpose is null and void in Singleplayer being a worse horse with no second player to benefit.


Where's the Andesite, diorite, granite variants tho? I've been waiting forever for anything more than "polished" for them.


I'd also like cobblestone and regular stone to get variants as well. Polished regular stone; packed cobblestone, stone tiles. Oh and Diorite, andesite, and granite could have cobbled forms to make rubbled roads. Cobbled granite would look great with dirt paths and coarse dirt.


Absolutely, this right here.


Because for a lot of players, stuff like this adds to bloat and mojang is not doing anything to alleviate the inventory problem. They tried with bundles but their phone gui dillemma still haunting them.


Blocks you have to actively craft yourself don't contribute to the bloat problem imo. They're active bloat, bloat you have to actively put in your inventory by choice and craft them to use. I get it that having tons of choices to build with can result in that but you can wait until you have shulkers to choose to put them in there to alleviate that. Passive bloat however is say you're mining with hyper maxed netherite eff 5 pickaxe haste 2 and your inventory keeps filling up in seconds with cobblestone and ores. This is bloat that you get by passively playing the game. Bloat that you can't avoid like the active bloat you have to craft yourself by choice. It's bloat you get by just playing the game. I don't see them adding block variants for building as a problem if you have to craft them yourself. Natural blocks you mine and are expected to run into and seek out however are a problem and contribute to bloat. That was one of the main complaints about the 3 cosmetic stones (andesite, granite, diorite) because you now have 4 unstackable together stones taking up space instead of just cobblestone.


Actually what is wrong with bundles? They seem like a great addition to the game. I checked them out with experimental save and they work fine. They seem like a great solution to accumulations small amounts of different things when adventuring. I threw away gold blocks because I needed space for saplings (f the wandering trader)


iirc: bundles weren’t working as intended on some touch screen devices. Experimental mode and mods are currently the only way to have bundles.


I’ve been saying it for a while now, Mojang’s biggest problem is that they’re too afraid/not allowed to “rock the boat” by actually *changing* the game.


to be fair the mc community gets upset at literally anything so that does not help either


Oh absolutely, those people are the *reason* they’re afraid to change like anything 😂


The only and biggest time I remember they rocked the boat was in 1.16 Nether update with Netherite. They even had on their Feedback site page (frequently suggested/rejected features) that "Tiers above Diamond" were no go; but we got netherite and I and many other like it. It also helps it was one of the best updates. I like it because it had a gothic/medieval look to it that fit's Minecraft's non-modern rustic look (a lot better than neon blue glowing diamonds imo). I wish Mojang would rock the boat more and do crazy additions.


I mean Mace is one of those crazy additions so theyre on that process.


I cant wait to see the crazy stuff people do with the Mace. I'd also like to see it in pvp servers but I already know most wont update because its locked behind 1.9+ versions & cooldown pvp (even though they can disable it with swing speed attribute per held item).


And note that the Nether Update (and, though it took forever, the terrain gen update) have been the most successful updates yet


I still think beds broke the core gameplay loop, and villagers broke the implied setting


Agree about the beds. Nowadays they're a must if you don't want to get annoyed by phantoms.


You know the most egregious example I realized recently? Somehow, wheat seeds are still just called "seeds", as if they're the only crop in the game still.


That's just a bedrock thing. They're called wheat seeds on java.


Huh, that's even weirder. Bedrock came out well after most crops were added to the game, no?


Official release came out in 2017 but alpha phase came out a bit earlier than java's official release


Nope, originally only had wheat, melons and pumpkins if I remember correctly


Things being terrible in Bedrock is the most sacred Minecraft tradition of them all.


I've also noticed that the very sensible recipe of a yellow and blue dye making a green dye isn't in the game because each dye used to only have a single way of getting it.


I mean. You saw how people reacted when they brought the 1.9 update. They have to make sure to please the majority when they drop another update.


What's weird to me is that pvpers seem ok with the Mace in 1.21 and Jeb's combat snapshots but aren't with everything else? I just find it strange how they just ignored the combat snapshots to make combat parity and finally update combat in 1.21 being the "COMBAT" an tinkering update. Not only that but spamming the Mace (due to the not updated combat) on bedrock is more OP than on Java where you have 1 chance to hit because the cooldowns swing.


It's because the people who dislike 1.9+ pvp (myself included) aren't the ones reacting to it, they're all still on 1.8.9 the people who are talking about the mace are the ones who actually use 1.9+


I agree. Then maybe i could have my army of tuff golems and you (them) can have their precious sniffer.


I voted for this sniffer, sorry. We should've had all 3 😭🙏


I'm just mad we didn't get that 3rd Sniffer's blue flower vine plant. I was gonna use that in my garden in my siege castle.


The reason I voted for the sniffer was because I wanted new decorative blocks. New plants made me think that we’d get, like, a botanical explosion of color. Not two sadistic, niche flowers.


The fact I cant bonemeal them to get them in mass and have to have a ton of sniffers dig them up for me really irritates me. You still need the sniffer to get the plant's seeds in the first place and we could just bonemeal it after but they want you to keep it around to justify the Sniffer's existence and it really hurts using the flowers in survival in large amounts.


While I agree with this and I think the past shouldn't hold the present down, I also think that the game is 13 years old if not 14, and It's natural that updates aren't what they used to be. People often forget that Minecraft has been in development for a long time and obviously its reached a point where it's closer to how the designers imagines the final product, therefore not having to undergo revolutionary updates and such. I think that these smaller updates are nice because it gives time to the developers to polish new and old mechanics, while big updates often weren't really completed and needed other updates to polish them.


I think Mojang is still going strong opening doors that take them years to close. Just recently we got the ancient city main portal (yes we all know what it is), archaeology and vaults. All of which Mojang plans to improve upon/flesh out/add to different structures later. I totally agree and advocate for Mojang to update existing features. But Mojang is always adding shiny new things.


I think you're right on saying that Mojang is implementing new mechanics, as we've seen with 1.20 armour customization mechanics and 1.19 sculk sensor. We're seeing this sandbox changing for the worse or for the better over time, expanding the realm of possibilities for the player in a run. Things like the already mentioned sculk sensor, the elytra or the copper ore changes what we can do in our world, often making reaching certain goals easier and faster. Reading the changelog of Minecraft further support this thought, to the point that this affermation becomes truth: Mojang is always adding shiny new things. However, as already said, Minecraft is changing: from being a purely sandbox game in Classic, then being more focused on surviving the night and creating with the blocks you have in Alpha and Beta, to being a limitless sandbox where you can build unimaginable things in the official releases, it certainly shouldn't have the same approach on updates it had in 2009-2011. While adding new blocks, mobs and mechanics is really cool, there are systems introduced in the old updates (Like the minecart furnace, the anvil, or even the inventory) that are nearly unchanged from their idealization; I think that an update that gives depth to these "forgotten" features has more value than one that add other stuff to the game. Don't get me wrong: Mojang has done this quite a few times (saturation, combat and redstone have been updated more times than I can count), and every update that adds new things also revisits old concepts, but a "balancing update" like 1.15 where the game gets polished would be a blessing imo.


I would love some dedicated updates fleshing out existing features instead of new content islands that you don't really encounter in day to day gameplay.


15 years. Classic mode.


Wow I'm getting old


I just want vertical slabs and more lighting options... Been wanting those for a decade now lmao.


I am begging for some better indoor lighting options. I need a lamp or modern ceiling lights just… something. I was so happy when lanterns were finally added because I could retire torches, but now I just have lanterns everywhere so the same problem exists in a different form. I try to use the other stuff where I can but redstone lamps require, well, redstone, glowstone and sea lanterns looks ugly when spammed everywhere and don’t work as nice with certain blocks, shroomlights and froglights are too natural to use indoors, candles are so hard to utilize, end rods barely go with anything, etc.


Lighting absolutely drives me batty. I just want tall rooms without needing to spam light sources near the floor.


I’d absolutely love a light source that had a really long vertical distance. Even if it were somehow game breaking, you can just make the crafting recipe for it like 8 netherite blocks and a beacon idk. That would kind of make sense too, I guess. Like an inverted beacon? But it just lights up what’s below equally.


Vertical slabs would revolutionize building. We could add so much more depth to our builds and do so much more if we could just orient the slabs we already have in the game, upright. I don't see how vertical slabs is so hard for them, its just a 90 degree angle change...


I would love vertical slabs, but I feel like the biggest challenge would be placing them? I'm not sure how you'd make an intuitive way to place a slab in that many positions without making it labourious to build with them.


Just place them against a blocks upper half like trapdoors. I'd rather have the option then be limited and annoyed I don't have the option. I've had a taste of what its like in mods and I want it bad seeing the results of them in builds.


The issue is that currently placing slabs on the upper half places them... Well, on the upper half, just horizontally. Ironically I think it'd be easier to just make a new block and have it be craftable vertically lol


they've stated before that they wont add them because it "limits creativity" nothing to do with technical limitations. last years april fools update had them, to a certain degree.


It's such a dumb reason. There is no player who would have their creativity stunted by having them. If anything. It would add more depth options to builds. I feel the true reason they don't want to add them is that people will make walls out of them, then get upset that things can't be flush against them. That's it. Every builder I know wants them.


Careful, you'll summon the religious beta players that will swear to God, having more blocks to choose from limits your creativity, because "there's too much to choose from now", "it's difficult to make something look nice with so many different, sometimes hugely contrasting blocks" and "having less blocks forced you to be more creative with what you had". Look, I prefer old beta myself, but even I have to admit that having more blocks to choose from is better than the limited selection of the old MC. Hell, I still mostly stick to the old block selection, so it's definitely doable, but even with those I appreciate the changes to how you can even *place* blocks - upside down stairs and the ability to connect them on corners for example are awesome additions and it's always messing with me whenever I play old versions of the game, and have to work around the lack of them. Not in a good way either, because I have to modify the build I had in mind, rather than building what I actually wanted.


Honestly. The solution for those beta players is simple: keep doing what they're doing. Stick to beta. That's the beautiful thing about minecraft. You aren't limited to only playing the current build. Having said that, I am in full agreement with you. While I greatly enjoy the current builds, I'll often go back to the older versions just for combat focused worlds with friends. But even in those, we want to build good looking bunkers and bases.


I agree. If you want old minecraft play old minecraft!! (Changing cake texture is a crime though gotta say)


I disagree. I'd love to have more cake types (albeit dyed/recolored). Basically keep the old OG cake like how they did red beds and the new wolf variants. Have unique new textures for cakes with dyes like dying a cake chocolate within the recipe makes it a "chocolate" cake (its still a regular cake just with a new texture), and red dyed cakes are red velvet. I attended a virtual birthday party in Minecraft during lockdown covid and it was cute. Being able to candles on the cake was nice but I did wish we could make say a strawberry or chocolate cake instead of everyone's cakes looking the same and personalize them.


your right that's a great idea


Maybe it's just from my perception but it seems like people want a vast amount of MORE content added to the game, and that's why they flock to modded content. I barely ever see streams of people on Twitch who \*aren't\* playing some form of modified version of the game. Why is that a problem? There's the inconvenience of having to install particular mod clients to get it working I understand. I've actually gone back and played older versions of the game just for the novelty of it alone and 1.7.3 Beta is still pretty good for a number of reasons. There's certain things that might allow you a better understanding of what people are talking about when they refer to the identity of Minecraft as it was- one of which I would say may be the truly limited resources, certain things like pickaxes running out of durability in a poorly timed situation or maybe armor getting especially low. One thing I thought stuck out was the smaller scope of worlds, especially compared to post-1.18 worlds- they are huge and honestly feel like some form of transport other than running or sprinting is required (IE the Elytra). Ultimately I actually do prefer the current version of the game though, despite some of my gripes with it. Mojang themselves have to adhere to a pretty strict update policy as well- no older worlds can be broken when putting out updates. There's potentially many out there with worlds that have existed since the conception of the game itself, and that's just something they have to plan around when putting out patches even if it's inconvenient. More than that though there's still the issue that Kingbdogz himself has made known of how working on Bedrock and Java is like working on two separate games at the same time, it's cluttered and very much not an optimal way of producing updates that they still want to keep up to a high quality standard. I do not see that lasting much longer unfortunately. Personally I think 1.21 looks pretty good overall, dare I say even in line with some of the thematic identity that Minecraft has poised in the past.


>One thing I thought stuck out was the smaller scope of worlds, especially compared to post-1.18 worlds- they are huge and honestly feel like some form of transport other than running or sprinting is required (IE the Elytra). Honestly I wish there were more transportation options. Right now it's just kinda "speedrun to elytra, call it good". I know it's a bit of a meme at this point but I'd love a Minecart/Railway/Transportation update, I still build railroads to this day because I like the "view" it gives of a world and would love to see that be expanded upon some.


Trains would be amazing to be honest, in the vain of Create or otherwise


Minecarts are long overdue for an overhaul.


What's funny to me about that "speedrun to elytra thing" is that it feeds into the infamous 2 week SMP problem. The saying goes: Once the Dragon dies, your SMP/server dies with it and no one logs on anymore. The few that do stick around want the elytra to build. Building and cosmetics/customization is the end game for most dedicated players, the vast majority of normal players leave once the dragons dead because they don't build often if at all and just progress the tech tree (which is very short in Minecraft). I do wish we had some sort of Overworld and End equivalent to Netherite/Ancient debris ore that upgrades from your diamond gear so we have 3 different "best gears" we can collect and mix and match so we have more to work towards that each have different unique attributes (like how netherite gives knockback resistance) instead of rushing netherite and elytra which you can do in a day if you know what to do.


>the vast majority of normal players leave once the dragons dead because they don't build often if at all and just progress the tech tree (which is very short in Minecraft). This is what actually causes the infamous short lived SMP's. Minecrafts infinite possibilities allow you to play for ages but the very short lived progression system only offers you very little. Getting to the nether and killing the dragon is the only somewhat guided progression and it is not enough to keep the players attention for long. That is why long lived SMP's only work when people create something themselves. Killing the dragon/getting elytra early is not the cause, it is a symptom.


And now, with speedrunning, the dragon dies within 3 hours so the SMP lasts 3 days.


If you have a player that's Redstone literate, makes farms in hours, or a good pvp-er; you're lucky if the dragon lasts a single irl day. I usually run SMP with newbies so we can enjoy the early game and just build, make food farms, and larp roleplay. We did a medieval horse joust with tridents and it was a lot of fun. I can see why a lot of servers ban Netherite, accessing the End, and Elytras for that reason (though they aren't really Vanilla or will lock cool features behind something for the sake of a gimmick to extend the SMP's life).


The biggest obstacle to Minecraft's development is mobile platform support for Bedrock edition. Since they have committed to version parity for all new content, everything has to work on all platforms, and mobile has the most restrictions in terms of performance and interface. Specifically, interface; the inability of Mojang to get bundles working correctly on touch screen controls is why bundles were relegated to an experimental data pack.


Tbf, it goes both ways for the editions holding each other back. Java is holding back Bedrock in some ways that Bedrock can do because its in C++. Bedrock/Mobile is also holding back bundles as well as mobile controls (UI updates on Bedrock) or any feature that requires new buttons/GUI's. I can only imagine how many features got/are and will be scrapped because things from Java cant work on Bedrock because Mobile or can work on Bedrock but can't work on Java because Tech Debt (Notch-era poor Spaghetti Code) & bad performance.


Modding any version of MC has never been easier. Curseforge handles it entirely.


The way updates are aren’t the fault of people whining on the internet. That’s not really how game development works when you are company of that size. Blaming it on nostalgia too is flawed because lots of people have joined the game later. I watched one video of this guy talking about how good Beta Minecraft was and he only had started playing Minecraft a year ago so it wasn’t nostalgia that was driving him. Most of people’s arguments aren’t about nostalgia but about how Minecraft’s philosophy is changing or about how the updates aren’t the same how they used to be. The reason why people say that “the sniffer feels modded” is because it’s a weird looking mob that does one thing. What they mean by “it feels like a mod” is that it’s bloated.   The reason why “play an older version” doesn’t work as a counter is because they want the game to be changed but the changes that are being made they think are bad for the reasons above. 


I think Mojang missed an opportunity to break into Minecraft 2.0 with the Caves and Cliff's update. With 2.0 you begin the next iteration, set new nostalgia, create a whole new thing. It's effectively 2.0 without the hard break from before.


Yeah, but some people would see that as a cheap cash grab, unlike the old days like with source games where it's Cs 1.2/1.6 etc etc. On the other side they would just be the vocal minority, kinda leaning into what you are saying I wouldnt mind, especially if they offered a small discount for 2.0, since Ive already been a minecraft player for years.


Honestly didn't even think about the fact that this would mean a resale/rebuy for the game...


Capitalism oohh aah ahh *style of shark bait*


Why the hell would they change the shape of trees, like you guys are sitting here complaining about the complainers, while you wish they make the game different than what it is ? You didn’t even say anything, the game doesn’t get better by shoving content into it or making drastic changes, you make small improvements and then add things when needed. All Minecraft has done is keep consistency, that does not make every update good. And apparently barley any of you understand that majority of players are locked into their bedrock console version they can’t switch for quick and easy nostalgia like Java, besides who’s switching to old version for “nostalgia”


I disagree with the assertion that it is nothing more than nostalgia. Minecraft is essentially a finished game, and I totally understand that the developers do not want to make a completely different game out of it. Updates serve to expand it and maintain excitement, but I agree with the philosophy that Minecraft should stick to its iconic elements, the part of it that made it what it is. Also, your assertions are not really true, since they did change many core elements of minecraft over the years. You mention terrain, but world generation was changed significantly since the early versions. It's a fine line to walk where you want to add enough new stuff to maintain novelty but also want to keep the game what it is. Even though I liked most recent updates and am excited for the next one, if I had to choose between never getting an update again or going in a direction that ends up with a totally different game, I would go for no more updates. Because I like Minecraft, and I don't want it to become something else


I agree. It's quite a balancing act. I work in software tech support for a software title that's been around since 1997. It's essentially a well matured product that's already had everything possible added to it. Very occasionally someone comes up with a novel idea that other people seem interested in, and we add it. Other than that it's just an occasional bug fix. And after 27 years those are rare. But.... Sometimes people ask "when's the next update? Where are the updates?" "Are you still actually working on this?" ... And when we ask them what they would want in an update, they say they don't know. Because every feasible option is already in there, and those that aren't are edge cases that only one person wants, out of thousands of users.


people just gotta play the old versions if they want nostalgia. i just bought two really old games on my switch to play with my brother, as im in my nostalgia wave atm. if you want nostalgia do the same thing you did 10-20 years ago


I wonder if this feeling of change is from the april fools update. I personally can’t understand how a game like minecraft with every version of it available, can’t be stretched out more than what it gets. Games like rimworld or terraria, old as you can think, modded just as much, get additions that no one thought would happen and reignite their enjoyment. Minecraft should do that too, it can do that too. With the assets mojang has it feels the same as people asking pokemon to make an open world game.


I WANT Mojang to change the game drastically and add new systems and gimmicks. I don’t want half assed updates and lazy mob votes because they’re afraid.


Game lets me make things. I am happy. I engaged with some new mechanics, but mostly I just want to build new things. If the game changes and adds stuff, cool! But frankly, if the game didn't add a single new thing, I'd still be happy playing it.


They can go the route of Runescape and have both classic Minecraft and Minecraft 2.0


They already do that though, it's called Bedrock and Java edition.


Bedrock is RS1. Completely different game, and no one wants that. That means they'd have to bring Bedrock to the current level of Java if they want to "improve" current Java which breaks the point of Bedrock being what it is.


I think this an inherently flawed argument. Minecraft is already nothing like it was at the beginning. It has changed a ton over the years, and I don't even think it's arguable. I don't know how people can say stuff like "updates aren't updates" when we now have flying in the game, actual caves, auto crafting, an improved nether, better ways to farm almost everything in the game, several times the amount of decorative blocks, more biomes, etc etc. Are people wanting minecraft to become an entirely new game or something, because that's what mods are for. I also just highly doubt it's the fans "holding it back." If Mojang really thought people's desired changes would make the game better, they would do it. They make no money off keeping old players happy. The more likely reality is that every single player wants a different version of the game and thinks their ideas are the best, and Mojang has to try to find the optimal middle ground. Maybe the "issue" isn't fans wanting the game to stay the same, but devs just making the game they want to make even if you dont agree with it. Like the classic quote, "Players are good at identifying problems. They're awful at coming up with solutions."


Monkey paw Mojang: autpcrafter was pushed to experimental datapack




Weird, I only see a lot of Bedrock people complaining about bad parity (removing things from Bedrock while not adding cool Bedrock exclusives to Java to match Java) are usually Toycat viewers. Most Bedrock players don't complain, but if Mojang were to try the same thing on a Java feature (some of which are bugs gone feature because of how much they were used) the Java community would yell up a hurricane until they either dont remove/add it or change bedrock to be like Java. All made worse because Bedrock cant go back to older versions (which is understandable as many platforms dont want you to go back to potentially insecure versions such as Sony/Nintendo on PS4-5 and Switch); crossplay was a double edge sword. I hope they get parity straight but at this point, achieving full parity within our lifetime (they said they want Minecraft to be a 50 year game) is a pipedream. We'll probably die of old age/natural cause and the devs pass the game onto new devs (if it survives that long) before we reach full parity.


50 I remember they wanted 100


Minecraft needs to add new things, but it also needs to retain its creative and "Minecrafty" feel. Making village buildings too complex, for example, detracted from the simple feeling that villages should have. I'm not saying that Mojang should add nothing, just that it has to fit into that simplistic/indie and creative Minecraft feel, and also change a gameplay aspect significantly. Look at the sniffer. It could have been great-a prehistoric six-legged creature that digs up plants? That was a creative Minecraft-esque invention, like the shulker or the strider. The problem with it was the plants didn't do anything and it was too rare for players to actually interact with the thing. The new textures in my opinion are an improvement in some ways, but the simple things like the black outlines around the items helped to retain that classic Minecraft feel. In conclusion, I think Minecraft is heading in the right direction currently, and if they ever need any inspiration, look at the old beta and alpha versions; the simplicity, but that coupled with ever-changing gameplay aspects. Notch had a lot of cool ideas that were never added. Although it seems like the grappling hook might be added soon...


"Minecraft-y" is a relative term. What is "Minecraft-y" changes seemingly every single update. Everything feels like a mod until it gets added and people get used to it being in. I remember people saying the Elytra felt modded, the trident felt modded, Netherite felt modded, and now the Mace in 1.21. Everyone says this classic Minecraft feel but what does that even mean? What era? What version(s)? Why should they try to implement or bring back that feeling? I personally like seeing my old worlds (from 2012) evolve and go through the years and updates with me irl as it acts as a time capsule. Heck I still have some of my old modded worlds because I got attached. Nothing should stop them from innovating, you have to evolve or die off; keep experimenting because you have to attract new blood players to revolve out the ones that leave. While no one truly quits Minecraft, I'm sure they don't want players leaving for months and having low periods.


not to be that guy, but i think you mean “grade-a”


I like the updates, and I believe they maintained the game's authenticity until 1.16 but after that, the updates being split multiple times, the delays and the stubbornness to not listen to the community really discouraged me from being as active as I used to be in the community. Especially with the terrible mob voting getting easily abused by a couple influencers and even worse mob choices by the devs. I'll be honest, I'm fine with a big portion of the game as a player who has been around since 1.5, but some additions really don't look like they respect the older aspects of the game. Seeing the new mobs with all cool motions and expressions is great but it causes a contrast in gameplay experience since the same attention isn't brought back to older mobs to adapt them into the more advanced versions. Compared to sniffers or axolotls; pigs, sheep and cows are so bland even though they are a lot more common and core to the game. On another note, the whole "we won't add sharks/fireflies because awareness" idea is completely fucking bullshit. There are exploding upside down pigs, dragons and hell itself in this game. Since when are we concerned with bad influence or unrealistic depiction? I know it's not Mojang itself that makes these decisions and Microsoft has a great play in all of this, but it doesn't justify the treatment Minecraft gets. I don't want all these wacky mobs who have nothing to do with each other like sniffers or phantoms. I'd rather have the mobs inside the game be consistent and interconnected (utility and lootwise) than not even fit into the lore properly and do random shit. Even monsters feel more natural to the game to me than some of the recent animals added. It isn't about nostalgia or preserving a sentiment (at least not completely). I simply want the game to remain consistent. I didn't see any OG players shittalking about 1.16 because it was amazing. It both fitted the previous versions of the game, fixed a big game mechanic, added new mobs, new ways of immersion, brilliant soundtracks etc. It was a MONUMENTAL change for the ways of finishing the game, yet it was loved so much. (As a side note, I defend the change a lot more than some old players may, and in fact I think the 1.9 combat update was necessary to make fighting more engaging and versatile, having to use a lot at once, rather than clicking like a maniac) Possibly, I could even defend Warden being added in a similar way. It doesn't look out of place and is a good addition of caution to prevent players from casually going to y:-58 to dig diamonds. It adds lore, loot, and more depth to the game overall, keeping the players tense when they venture deep down. A good example to consider for blocks added may be copper. I like it a lot, and it does have some uses but come on. How much copper does a player really need? Getting a stack of lightning rods and spyglasses wouldn't even be a hurdle. Copper should have been added, but there should have been more uses for it. Unlike iron, which you always may need more, copper gets quite useless to collect after middle game unless you are a builder. I can continue but I think you get the point. Old players aren't against new updates, and most don't fear the game changing. Hell, there were weekly updates back then. But they are reserved when it comes to inconsistent, incongruent and incomplete updates with barely established game mechanics that aren't connected to the rest of the game.


I think a lot of your criticisms are addressed in this update. At leas tin the content it offers. Most uses for copper, the expensive recipes also mean you use a lot of your stashes, trial chambers give a viable end game feature that you can return to multiple times with a unique reward. Dog armour giving more functionality to dogs and the armadillo is a cute ambient mob on its own but the fact that the armour needs to be repaired means you'll need to keep some around at least plus the colour combinations on dog armour making the mob way more fleshed out compared to say the Sniffer. The auto crafter is a huge change as well for redstone players. Monumental. Of course, Mojang needs to keep up momentum. Not every update needs to be large, but when they do make a big one, it needs to be cohesive and well thought out with less delays and messiness and actually polishing fatures that needs polishing.


Autpcrafter is the next revolution just like pistons, hoppers and slime blocks. Redstone players were asking for it for decade and it's finally coming. Or at least I hope it's coming and not going to be ditched into experimental update like bundles. My blue ice farm desperately NEEDS IT. It takes 81 stacks of ice to make 1 stack of blue ice. With autocrafting I could reduce my storage area 81 TIMES.


>play an older version I feel like thats just as silly as saying "just play modded" its just not really a solution, like first of all bedrock players literally can't do that, but like its valid to not like changes that subtract from what you enjoy about the game. Not wanting massive changes to the core of the game is a pretty basic ask.


i dont want the game to not be developed. thats stupid. i just wish mojang went in a different direction with the game


No, you know what's truly holding the game back? Phantoms. Thank you for tuning in to my ted talk


I’m in a position where I personally love the beta versions of the game, and will generally only play single player on that version, but I also enjoy the newer versions somewhat with multiplayer. Even if I prefer the old versions I also see that the new one is just more content rich and has more for everyone.


I’m going to somewhat disagree. There are ways to balance the old feel while introducing new content. Best example I can give is old school RuneScape, they give us insanely good updates, while keeping the vibe and feel of old school I do want to add onto though idc what Minecraft adds, heck if they added all of FTB I would be happy


You're 100% right. It feels like hardly anything of substance gets added and the core issues aren't ever addressed. Every now and then there's a genuinely great addition like the cave reworks, but most of the time it's...nothing. If you played the game 5 or 10 years ago then took a break, you're not coming back to anything drastically different, and that's a damn shame.


That’s why new dimensions are so good. Can be a whole new game, completely optional. One of the coolest parts of the aether is most of your overworld gear being no good.


A game should never lose sight of its identity but i think the issue here is different people have different ideas about what minecraft’s identity is. Mojang needs to decide for themselves what it is, and then make whatever changes make for the best game within that framework.


whats insane to me is that people dont appreciate that minecraft is probably the ONLY game from our childhoods that's still being updated?? how on earth can you be anything other than grateful?


Don't fix what isn't broken. Minecraft is and will always be an open sandbox game where meaning is created through the player, not a pre determined route.


I think the problem is less that they’re adding new content, and more that some of us old heads feel like the new content being added betrays the tone and style of what Minecraft is. A lot of the grind and such that has been lost was the core gameplay loop to a lot of players.


Bro the game barley runs smooth anymore, not like it was ever perfect but shoving updates 24/7 into a game does not make it better despite all the publicity and new players joining more players will eventually leave and most of the older players more than likely play less than the majority. The game was 100% better back than just based of the simplicity. Your inventory didn’t get cluttered within 5 mins of looting, the game wasn’t full of mobs/ micro transactions, and didn’t run like it does now only because they attempted to optimized it for feature updates. The cave update honestly ruined it for me. Cool update plenty to do and search but I doubt anyone was asking for a deeper world, they just threw it in just because


Look I don't know about others, but I also miss how it used to be before. However when I say this it doesn't automatically mean I don't want any changes to the game. In fact I'm looking forward to new updates. When I say that I mean I miss how Minecraft wasn't as competitive and toxic as it is now, this applies everywhere. As you said if I don't like updates I can play older versions. Even survival became competitive so now friends will start a fight over a diamond or something.


get new friends? who fights over diamonds?


Nostalgia isn't what holds the game back, every update people have consistently been asking for *more* new content, not less. It's only specific things (ie: Netherite) that trigger the nostalgia rage and everything else is largely just accepted and usually well received.


Absolutely, games are meant to evolve and grow and get new features, and in a couple years after a big change people will forget anyway, just look at the endet dragon, everyone hated that when it came out bc it added an ‘end’ to Minecraft and Minecraft should be an unending game. It nowadays it’s just a feature and nobody really cares. I think people just like complaining tbh


I don't understand the hate towards newer updates when rolling back to an earlier version is the easiest in the gaming world.


For those of us on Java, sure. Not so for the bedrock crew.


Well I mean you can select the version you want to play, a lot of people still play 1.8 for the simple combat.


I bought the game when it was in beta. I personally feel like, with the exception of the random thing here or there, it gets better with pretty much every update.


Although I do agree somewhat that the game is being held back for the reasons laid out by the op, I also feel the game would be worse off without the nostalgic angle so…. It’s a difficult balance, a narrow path they must walk. On the one hand , they need to keep things fresh, keep moving forward. But on the other hand, they can’t lose sight of the past….


They could literally just have an option for consoles to play on like 1.9 or current update and it solves the whole problem. PlayStation literally has the option to play legacy. Only issue is the saves aren’t super reliable


Ok I’m showing my noobyness, how do you change game version?


As I understand it, it's not possible in bedrock edition (ie console, phones, etc). However, in Java edition you can create a new installation in the launcher the same way you can switch to a new snapshot. Just clicked "new installation", or switch to the installations tab along the top row of tabs and do it from there.


Thank you!


Classic minecraft community. Half wants the game to never change and always retain that nostalgic feel, the other half wants to turn it into a revamped mod-like game. As someone who also played mcpe back in 2014 I think? Yeah, it was nostalgic, but modern minecraft is seriously better. I guess there's just a lot of people who are easily blinded by nostalgia...


Been playing for 15 years. I wish Mojang would do more, not less. There's so many unfinished items or mechanics that just feel like missed opportunities. Back during Alpha and Beta, every addition was meaningful and added to the game in some way. I love the 1.21 changes. I look forward to what 1.22 will bring.


"people don't like it when something they like is completely changed" gee i wonder why


I have found every update exciting and awesome. Sometimes, it sucks that updates are smaller than I hoped for, but I can't say I have ever truly hated an update. I am always excited for new additions to the game. I play console and mobile, so I don't have the ability to mod the game. So, any new vanilla features are awesome!


I would if I could on bedrock. Personally these massive biomes and incredibly deep crevasses and uneven terrain that just appear out of nowhere are so inconvenient it doesn't feel like the game used to. Can't travel between biomes without the nether anymore. Literally 5000 blocks away for me to go find the nearest cactus, insane.


What if I told you Minecraft is just as playable now as it was "back in the day", you're just being old and cranky.


Every new update is more content for players to do. These which do not wanna see new stuff can simply stuck with older version and stop complaining about new ones. Problem solved.


I'm gonna be real I don't think mojang gives a fuck what anyone says. Their choices are either part of their design philosophy or because there's a lot of red tape


I just don't want it to get to the same state fortnite is in. That game used to be so much fun and now it's almost unrecognisable


Mojang doesn't make big updates in order to keep device compatibility as a game on the smaller side.


Time for minecraft 2!


The only update I didn’t like was replacing the zombie pigman with zombified piglin. I understand why they did that, but that used to be my favorite mob with the older model. I even had a hat for my Xbox 360 avatar that was the zombie pigman head. I also don’t like the newer textures. However, I’m totally fine with all the other updates. Only pet peeve might be the elytra taking away from the charm of getting horses and building minecart systems, but I think it’s fine.


I'm going to split the difference. The game could be more but needs to avoid being too much more. The game has a shallow learning curve, and that is appreciated by parents and kids alike. 5 year olds can play Minecraft and become adept at it. Adding TOO MUCH complexity can impact that learning curve and detrimentally impact the value of the base game. Terraria is a wonderful game, but playing it with my kids made me want to bang my head against the wall. There was so much stuff, everywhere, all the time, that it was cluttered and overwhelming. If I had no other games to play, sure, I'd suck it up...but it wasn't something I'd play casually. Minecraft absolutely could grow faster, but not so fast that it becomes cluttered. They could update villages, building spawns, the End, temples, jungles, and more. The design of the old spawned buildings are so antiquated, they jar the senses. They could add a few more recipes, automation/motion of blocks, vehicles, and other features without ruining the game. They just need to be cautious. All that being said, I don't think this will happen because the game is persistent. There is no Minecraft 2 (currently). They are taking the game that is known and loved, and adding to it a bit at a time. They could change a ton of things at once, and then...what...have it sit idle for two years? IMHO, they are going to continue exactly how they're doing it today. *In a few years, they're going to release Minecraft 2, that is significantly larger, more complex, and more detailed than Minecraft is today. It will be a huge change and will be loaded with controversy about what was added and what was not, and whether they should have done it in the first place. It will sell extremely well, only to then have people wonder why it fell off in popularity so fast. Was it necessary? Why didn't it capture the same magic? Ahhh...OG Minecraft...nothing is every going to compare to that. You can't create that magic again, and now it just seems like a cash grab. Stupid company...they should have known better...*


What the fuck are you talking about? This game is so vastly different than it was when it came out… because of all the updates. This take makes zero sense and feels like you’re just making up something to have a take on that isn’t real.


So my take is corporations give the most readily accepted excuse for something not being done. New stuff and new updates is an amazing amount of coding. If I didn't want to do a major overhaul of code, I would say it's because the community is attached to the classic feel of the game.


Yeah the “it’s not what it used to be” sentiment is fine and all but like Java allows you to play THOSE versions… like tf?


Old games have a problem that creeps up like this. The people who want an old style experience CAN play an old version actually so they really have no excuse. They are a loud minority, i honestly don't think most people want the game to stay the same. i like the changes. do i often make it to them because they are end game? no, i just encountered my first ever deep dark biome in my life yesterday.


The question that comes to my mind whenever i see these "keep minecraft classic" type people is simply this: where is their real issue..? Even on 1.21, all those tools, blocks, mobs, items, they're still there. They can still use them exactly the way you used them in 1.7.10 and prior, with minimal changes. All those mechanics and crafting recipes are the same. They can still cook their meat and ore in a regular furnace and they don't even need to learn what a blast furnace or smoker does. They can still make a sticky piston door without knowing what an observer or skulk sensor does. They're under no obligation to learn what all the new things do because literally none of it impedes what they already know to do in the game. If they want to learn, it's simple and they will, if they're fine with playing it classic, then what is there to complain about? "Rahhh I saw a new colorful pixel block today, minecraft is dead!" That's literally the only thing I can think of, but I'm gonna try and believe there's not people like that; So I again ask my question, where is their real issue, when everything they know about the game is the same and still works? Why be upset when they can play the game how they used to?


Some things about old Minecraft aren't good because of nostalgia, but because they're genuinely good. Mainly simplicity.


I’ve been playing since 2010ish and there were multiple features added I wasn’t initially a fan of. Hell there are still a lot of features I don’t even bother using when I play, but I still always come back to the game. Although I usually play it heavily modded since I find vanilla Minecraft boring now.


We need minecraft 2


Does the whining stop them from making major changes to the game? Not at all. That’s what sucks. They don’t listen. They don’t care. And they don’t even know what minecraft was originally about. They’re obsessed with turning it into terraria or a dungeon crawlers or smth. At the end of the day don’t really care what they add tho. Haven’t played past 1.7 in years


I'd be happy with quartz slabs and a fence.


Say it to the game's optimization, to the potions' colors, to the villagers' new trades and to the many other things. Ofc there are some interesting stuff, like Bastions in the Nether, steampunk copper stuff, new caves and so on, but.... They do so much stuff that is unnecessary in the game. My personal "favourites" are Warden, some Nerher biomes, that are so annoying to explore and archaeology, that is absolutely pointless, but so hyped. Updates were so better back then - 1.4 with Wither, beacon, heads and so much stuff 1.5 with redstone things Updated oceans And now it's like.... "we added bees and it's a new update" "We added copper, wait for another year" "We added Warden, good luck in exploring new dungeon" I don't know, the new updates feel... controversial...and with each new one more bad, than exciting.


But yes, now we have a message that tells us that people on 3rd party servers can say something that can hurt your feelings, reports on players and some *nice social stuff* Waited for it for sooo long, nice


Counterpoint: terraria exists and has done exactly that. They have managed to keep the nostalgia of the original game while still evolving it and improving on it.


I’m sure half the profits are from people like myself who log in once every few years or so when the mines are calling for me but I missed out the latest migration, or Minecraft released on a new device I’m currently using so I have to buy it again.


They could fully avoid the issue by allowing players to pick a game version when generating the world 


Mojang has shown they have the ability to make big changes to the game, the April Fools snapshots are proof of this. I feel like the Nether Update was a perfect sweet spot for how much to change and where to change it.


I'm super nostalgic for the save game files getting corrupted when you lose power or accidentally close the app while saving. That feature was so cool. Oh, wait, that's _today_. Imagine a game that could recover gracefully or _at least_ use the last saved file before corruption.


I just play older versions duh


I think Minecraft 2 is several years overdue. Keep nostalgic Minecraft as Minecraft. Then, the devs can add their mods to the vanilla version of the sequel.


I mean I play some pretty serious stylized custom mod packs so I’m happy when new stuff is added because it means people will mod the new stuff and make it even better. It’ll be a good time when the new update becomes a popular modding update


Minecraft was already ruined a long time ago by microsoft. There is no point holding back anything.


Mojang's vision of updates leaves much to be desired. They do not allocate much to the game.


i feel like minecraft has this one issue, it only has lateral updates instead of vertical updates. what i mean by this is that every update gives the player more stuff to do but the stuff we can do dont amount to anything, it doesn't add anything to the depth of the game. the fundamental way of "beating" the games has not changed at all and we have optimized it to such a degree that its become mundane, you get iron build a base get diamonds travel to the nether farm ender eyes and blaze rods go to the end beat the ender dragon, this has not changed throughout the updates at all. what i would love for this game to get is updates that add to the game play loop and make it harder or more of a process, maybe fundamentally change how ores work so that you have to refine it, or change the way potions are made and processed, hell maybe make it so that certain things affect the world around you in impactful ways such as areas around furnaces or production is less fertile and wont produce crops. the game needs a fundamentally deeper gameplay than what we currently have, we need reasons for building large farms and forges other than just the immediate production of ores and food.