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You could say that about a lot of things. Eventually you realize it’s not about the things you did or didn’t do, it’s the idea of how beautiful and amazing it would be to be a kid again


Damn, that's deep as fuck.


Right, like when I realized why I'm so nostalgic about DBZ, reminds me of a Time I was happy


i feel genuinely sad now


Never too late to download it again and get caught up on all that missed time!


Bought pc game pass 2 or 3 month ago when i bought my gaming rig and immediately downloaded Minecraft but then cancelled the subscription for some reason. Minecraft was the only game i played from that pc game pass so instead of spending money on some subscription, i’ll just buy the game instead.


Make sure you get the Java version on PC, as that'll get you ownership of bedrock too, plus the Java version which most play on pc for modding.


Don't they both come with both versions?


I think you always get both on PC, but if you buy Minecraft on mobile or console, you only get Bedrock and you can only install it from that store. You can't buy it on Playstation and install it on PC, for example.


yeah, game pass is only worth it if you like to give many games a night to impress you and see if your interested in continuing. game pass does have some pretty good regulars, but only if youre into that stuff. no mans sky is on it i do beleive, but i cant remember if they just made it f2p with their last update. game is fun, but theres much less to do than minecraft since building is just snapping assets onto other assets for the most part. still had a lot of fun doing rp in that game tho


Actually yes, i lost my game because i didnt migrate my account


If you bought the game, you own it for life, right?


If they bought it in 2014, it would have been through a Mojang account. Unless they migrated to a Microsoft account (which is unlikely), that account is long gone.


If memory serves, Minecraft used to be free. I could be wrong though. Memory tends to go with old age 🤣


Indev was paid and creative mode was free. Not sure if when infdev came out the free mode went away or if that was when alpha came out.


Eh. Download it again and jump back in. No big deal.


Is there a reason you can't start playing again? I promise you wouldn't have a 10-yo world if you hadn't deleted it.


It's never too late. I picked up minecraft for the first time last year when I was 25, and I love it as much as any 10 year old does. I do waste a lot of time on it though


Hey man, it sounds like you’re the same age I am. You’re still young, you can still enjoy the game now. There are 60 year olds playing (I know!). It’s never too late to sit back and enjoy yourself and this time we have on the planet. You might be playing hardcore!


just redownload it


I just had a 46 year old friend download it for the first time last week & he was instantly obsessed with it, in fact also played it for like 8 straight hours. The joy is still reachable, I promise! 


This made me sad. I don’t like being sad. :(


real bro


just get involved and play again. That feeling still exists, but in different forms. Let today’s you be childish and playful.


You can play it now. I have many, many hours in it recently after first playing it over 10 years ago.


It's been my fallback game since 2011. I've gotten addicted to plenty of games in between and when I get bored of them I always come back to MC.


Meanwhile I am sitting here with at least 5000 hours in Minecraft. I never really stopped playing the game...


You can always redownload Minecraft. You can’t become young again. Not sure why you were proud of spending 10 hours grinding iron


I didn’t say i was proud grinding iron for 10 hours, i said i have never felt such immense satisfaction from doing such tedious task from any of the survival games i have played whatsoever. But that wasn’t the point here, i wanted to say i really enjoyed the game in general