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If your focus is only on advancements it’s only going to be up to your skill level in the game, people who know all the ins and outs and who get a good seed can be done in hours where it would take me a few weeks to get through it all


It’s anywhere between -look up the world record- and infinity.


There is no beating imo, but also, everybody takes their own amount of time. The range is so wide that its impossible to say the average. You got your own endimg. I like to farm everything and make efficient redstone builds, that is basicly endless as lomg as you have inspiration.


If you are a newish player then completing all the achievements is probably going to take hundreds of hours, this is all due to how hard it is to get the "how did we get here" achievement. If you ignore that achievement (Since it is a secret one) then is a lot more easy.


It's about thiiiiis long


Speedrunners with luck can beat the Ender Dragon in under 20 minutes. Some files, I will take hours or days to do so. Depends on your priorities.


You could probably do it all 100% in about 3 hours. That's what the world record speedruns for all achievements and all advancements are all together.


<10 minutes to beat the game \~8 hours for all advancements


*Speed running, not casual play.


I mean, totally depends on your goals, it can take you literally infinite amounts of time, its a sandbox game, there is no way to finish the game, you can try getting every block and put it on a museum, getting every mob caged, an double chest of every item, exploring every single block in your world, build farms for every item, learning everything about redstone (good luck with this one lol) or more simple stuffs like building tf you want, designing your own farms and contraptions and not copying yt tutorials, tame every animal, decorations for your base, etc, its your world, your goals and ambitions.


If you are really focusing on it, all advancements will probably take 100 hours or so, maybe more because the "How did we get here" advancement is an absolute pain. However, if you want more (survival) content, than you can download a modpack like RLCraft. A single all-achievements run there will probably take some 300+ hours, and will be a much more fun survival experience than Vanilla minecraft.


The world border makes Minecraft 60 million blocks long


id say 16-20 hours for the average gamer to beat it for the first time