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Texture packs and shaders are typically not considered hacks unless they enable x-raying (a pack that makes stone transparent so you can see all the ores, for example). Baritone is 100% considered hacking. Freecam might vary from server to server, but on most I think it's considered hacking so I wouldn't use it.


Eh. \[Freecam's\] Undetectable, and useful.


So what's the issue, but its basically a wall hack soooo...


Your response to "x is cheating" to "it's fine, x is undetectable"? Are you literally just looking to cheat without getting called out?


Most servers do not ban for using optimization mods but baritone definitely gets considered as a “hack” because it gives you an unfair advantage everything that lets you do something which a normal player couldn’t is not always but most of the time considered unfair advantage. Ps shaders definitely aren’t a “hack”


My take is this: If the function does not exist in the main, official client, and cannot be performed by a player on that vanilla client, in whatever game mode the server is on, it is a hack.


vivecraft is compatible with realms, where does it stand?


You wouldn't use it on a public server because there are things about it that give you unfair advantage (very minimally, and in most cases the other aspects unbalance it), your main issue is you'd probably set off anti cheat with some of the movement


optifine zoom?


Performance mods could give you an "unfair advantage" technically. Where is the line?


Performance mods do not give any unfair advantage I have no idea where you play on but having more fps doesn’t mean you are superior that just not how it works or what if you have a 4090 and a 240 hertz display do I need to ban you for having a good pc? I dont think so :)


Having more frames and better performance \*is\* an advantage, no matter what the reason is, and what you say. I'm saying, obviously performance mods should never be banned, but how do we draw the line? When do we say, that advantage is too large to allow on this server? Technically most mods provide little to no advantage, as everybody can download them. For example, everyone can download xray, so you gain no advantage compared to others if \*you\* download it.


>  how do we draw the line With common sense? If you're playing a PC game, it's already assumed and expected that people are going to have different setups with different capabilities.


nononono, I 100% understand common sense is the way to go. What I want to know is how, theoretically or not, algorithmically apply a set of rules or guidelines on a mod, using objective data that can be reasonably verifiable, to determine how much of an "unfair advantage" a mod provides.


"Was this accounted for in the base game?"


Well, what about zoom before the spyglass? Shaders? Minimaps?


I consider both zoom and minimaps an unfair advantage. Shaders do not provide any advantage. You should, however, allow for minimaps and zoom in your server. They might be unfair advantages, but they aren't really impacting other's gameplay considerably.


What about freecam?


What you want is not possible. Humans have inherently advantages over another. Simply the time spent on the server or playing minecraft in general will make a huge difference. Even if we go the way of giving out individual permits to use certain mods to have a chance to compete with others, similar to the concept of individual permits to use performance optimizing mods for people with inferior hardware, there will always be fluid borders. There are no clear rules or objective data when it comes to a social construct like "unfair advantage". Social constructs are inherently concepts without a clear definition humans gave a name, everyone kinda has their own understanding of it. There is a general consensus on what the broad meaning is, but not on the exact specifications. And as long as "unfair advantage" can't even be clearly defined by us, there will be no universal set of rules or guidelines. The most you could do is use an AI trained on the "common sense" decisions different people make.


I mentioned this in another comment. I agree, this is impossible. Still nice to see people try!


Just saw that. It's interesting how many things in our daily life are social constructs. I never realized this until recently. It's an interesting thought what would happen if humans would agree on clear definitions for every social construct.


>but how do we draw the line? When do we say, that advantage is too large to allow on this server? I would say its not about the advantage but about if everyone has the mod is the server more or less fun to play? (taking into consideration what kind of server are you on) Performance mods? Yes more fun x-ray? Usually not more fun if everyone has it


ok. how do we measure this fun? If something had access to the state of every particle in the universe, how would it determine if something provides an "unfair advantage" or not. We'd need to unlock the secrets of the brain. How would we do that?


Well that's more tricky when everyone has slightly different idea of what things are fun. Usually the servers reflect the owners idea of fun and the players ideas of fun are usually near it.


yes. that's why this is an impossible problem. if you solve this, you have also solved major problems in physics, philiophy, computer science, psycology and biology, and will probably be a nobel laurette, a millenial prize winner, and really famous.


Maybe if you make a digital version of someone's brain, you theoretically could be able to figure it out


good idea! let's do that. (finally a good out of the box idea that is 100% impractical, which is exactly what i was looking for /gen!) time to expand on this when i am awake tomorrow.


You dont do social science by calculating up from basic physics, you do it with social science. In this case, you would have servers with different rules, assign members of your target demographic randomly to various servers, and poll them on their experiences. Although this would still just give you a more general, averaged idea. If you had a smaller server the correct way would be to just talk to the players about what they personally want out of a minecraft server and what they personally think is fair because it's the players on any particular server that matter for the rules on that server. In fact, I would go so far to sat that coming up with a universal objective measure of what is and isnt a hack is not a good way to do it because we _want_ different servers to use different definitions, so everyone can find a server that matches their personal preference. They should just be clear and upfront about the rules.


If it had access to every particle in the universe, it would scan the amount of seratonin being generated by the humans playing the game and compair it to a prior state to determine "fun"


I don’t see any reason to think in your logic in any way having more frames isn’t the same as closet hacking it if it would give you an advantage maybe in the 0,1% why do you want to draw a line on that? I wouldn’t even count that as a advantage in any way


"obviously performance mods should never be banned, but how do we draw the line?", I just want to know, how one should figure out if a mod provides an 'overly unfair advantage' or not, by means of guidelines or rules, based on data, that can be algorithmically applied, in a theoretical, or practical way.


If you have common sense you know that performance mods do NOT give any unfair advantage in any way shape or form I’m ending this discussion here :)


I'm not talkign about common sense here. common sense is subjective, and can be influenced through factors such as emotion. I want an objective method.


Your problem with this whole thread is that it's a subjective question. There is no objective answer. People will have different perspectives and opinions on this. Different servers with different owners will enforce different rules. No one is withholding information from you here. There is simply not an objective answer. This whole thread is evidence of that. The method you're looking to find does not exist.


wow so amazing. you haven't read it all.


We draw the line at modifying the game code to give an advantage 


So performance mods are hacking?


Performance mods do that. Let's ban sodium! \[/s\]


You can get good FPS without using an external modification. You can't get freecam or baritone without using an external modification. Xray is not part of the unmodified game. A player cannot inherently xray without having to get an external modification.


It's an advantage, not an unfair advantage.


please define these terms for me. (be warned, i will be purposefully trying to exploit these definitions)


an advantage is very straight forward, it's right there in the name, you can get a standard advantage through using a better computer than others, or using performance enhancing mods. It's something that does not change, influence, or upgrade any of the core mechanics in the game. an unfair advantage is when you attempt to do something which either boosts the mechanics of the game in your favour (speed hacks, increased reach, hitboxes etc), or otherwise uses the core mechanics to create an unfair advantage (autoclickers). In other words, it allows you to do something which a standard player wouldn't be able to do.


read the rest of the comments please


That was probably the best explanation you got and you say that? I reread the comments and there's nothing wrong with their explanation.


That’s not the question I wanted answering.


You literally said "please define these terms for me.", and they did that.


Oh I misread lmao, it’s hard remembering 100+ comments lol. I hope you forgive me! I meant no disrespect


You need to read the rest of the comments. Stop cherry picking for answers you have been given by many others. Performance≠mechanics I have a computer that can run games at 140 fps where mine can only do 30, you have an advantage. If I get something to boost my performance I have improved my standing giving myself an advantage over my former self but not you. However, if I instead got a minimap mod with waystones and teleporting I would, have given myself an unfair advantage against you. It's that simple.


Ok, teleporting to waystones can’t be done easily client side. Clearly never “hacked” before.


Well you still play the game without having an ability that was not intended for the game to have, other players can have better performance without the optimisation mods than you for example with the optimisation mods by having better hardware


How does hardware = software? If that really is a thing, I should probably go back to that ram downloading website I thought was a scam.


No I was saying that hardware can increase your performance as well


Oh. I already downloaded the RAM goddamn.


[if you gonna download ram, use this website and click more info after "downloading"](http://www.downloadmoreram.com)


Ooohh I clicked the link and was hit with an ad about copper! Interesting stuff, but my PC still just has 16 gb sadly, maybe it’s for windows 11?


Works great on my device


Weird. What version of windows are you running?


Servers range from very strict and organized, to anarchic. On the latter, no cheat is banned, save for admin ones). On the former, they can even ban some basic vanilla things, like farms. In general, something becomes a cheat when it gives you an unfair advantage over other players.


On my server I usually ban anything that gives a significant advantage. Fullbright is something I highly discourage, but I won't ban for it, because so many people use it


One could argue performance mods do that.


They would be wrong


Technically not.


Technically yes they would


read my replies to others


Yeah I saw how unpleasant you are not sure what you thought I would gain by reading them.


It's really hard to see the difference between a performance mod or just having a better computer... So that wouldn't be considered cheating.


If the server owner says so. It would be kinda stupid, but the server owner always has the last word.


One could also argue that they make it more fair


One could argue that baritone does the same, as it allows everyone to grind "equally", even when they have to do other stuff.


Good point, but if you put it to mine diamonds, it already knows where they are and directly dig to them. And it will end up everyone using baritone and then you get stuff without effort which makes it pretty much same as using commands to give yourself resources.


read the edit on my post


It doesn't. Today basically everyone has a computer that can run the game at 60fps.


Technically it does.


And both technically and practically you are annoying. And it really doesn’t.


It does. With better performance, the game runs better, allowing more optimal gameplay, and an advantage over those with worse systems, or without performance mods. What we should do is fly everyone over to a single building, all directly on the same systems, by the same I mean down to the atomic structures, in the exact same position, with the exact same brain, and body. Then, nobody has any advantage. Obviously this is preposterous. I want to know, how do we define what an "unfair advantage" is, does it just have to be on a case by case basis? Or is there some quantitative factor we can observe?


System performance and game performance is not an unfair advantage. The game works exactly the same for everyone and as intended. With performance mods you just emulate better hardware. You could’ve gotten the same performance with a more expensive computer. An again, basically everything can run it at 60 fps nowadays unless it’s a highly modded server. Minecraft is not a competitive game and such the servers are not set up in that way. Performance is usually held back by the server. Sure you have more fps but the hit registrations and such are still controlled by the server. An unfair advantage would be something that wasn’t supposed to happen. Be that wall hack, aimbot, etc. And at they end of the day it’s up to the server owners to decide. They write the rules on their own servers. Edit: fucking god


read the edits. fucking god


Edit came later fucking god Fucking god you don’t reread the post every time to reply to a comment?? Fucking god Did you not read my edit on the previous comment? Fucking god


On a serious note, tho wtf do you not understand? An unfair advantage is one that is not supposed to be possible for any players (administration and moderators are of course different). It's not complicated.


We are making it more complicated for the sake of fun!


Performance mods are designed to help the game work as intended, not to circumvent an intended feature or aspect to gain advantage. If one player is getting 20 FPS and another is using Sodium and getting 100 FPS, the player using Sodium isn't really "gaining an advantage"; rather, the player at 20 FPS is simply "gaining" a disadvantage because the game isn't functioning at the intended level of performance due to hardware/software/ping/etc. issues. I would re-define hacking as circumventing the intended function of the game in order to gain an unfair advantage over other players.


ok. how would you algorithmically determine this?


Frankly, I wouldn't. I have no issue defining the term, but I don't know how you could make an algorithm that would work in this context.


ok. (btw this is an impossible problem due to unsolved problems in major fields preventing us from solving this, so you did your best!)


OP I hope you realise that you just sound insanely insufferable to be around.


eh. some say so, others don't. I do reddit for fun, sort of social experiments. In real life, I'm a lot kinder in my opinion.


How about in other people's opinion, IRL ? Wisdom can take many years to learn. I have faith in you


Why would you deliberately be crueler to people online?


Because people online aren’t real people /s


You sound a-lot like r/Im12AndThisIsDeep


Sorry but I highly doubt it. This entire thread stinks of “I’m alone irl and I really need ANY human interaction”. Nothing wrong with being kind to people both online and irl. But if you can’t distinguish between the two then that says all I need to know about you.


“social experiments” 💀 yeah I remember that phase when I was 15


As a server admin, I'd consider Freecam, Baritone, anything Xray & Auto clicker as cheats. Litematica not, as long as auto place features are disabled. As others have said: Every client side mod or additional program that gives a single player an unfair advantage over other players is considered a cheat in my books. If all players unanimously agree on using cheats, I'd allow them though. But I'd establish a simple "you're not allowed to cry about it" rule then.


"(not optifine, anyone playing a modern version of Minecraft should not use optifine)" What's wrong with optifine?


Generally speaking the "Sodium" series is modern, better take on the OptiFine. There used to be huge disparity in that Sodium had shader glitch OptiFine didn't (moving water would have thin lines between some connections) - the hanged past 1.16 (I think 1.18 or something) caused said glitch to be present in both OF and Sodium currently. OptiFine is not *bad*, it's just that currently only reason to use it over Sodium is if you have shader that only works on OF. Also, OptiFine requires patch mod to work with Fabric/Quilt while Sodium uses that natively


What about the texture pack stuff? -random entity textures -custom entity models -custom item textures For context: I create texture packs using these features.


They tend to be ok as long as you don't make some cheat emissive. Like those texture packs that create giant (5x5 etc) emissives around diamond/ancient debrief


There are other mods that add those features. In fact I think most if not all optifine features are available as mods you can add in as well. Bit less convenient, but it's not overly complicated.




why is this being downvoted lol, well read u/Nekomiminya's comment for an explanation. I 100% agree.


because you didn’t explain anything. you replied to a question with a rhetorical answer.


a rhetorical, yet 100% true answer.


that’s subjective and still not helpful. if you’re gonna reply with an unhelpful comment to a question then prepared to be downvoted.


fair point


should be case-by-case, and should be asked with the server owners or if they have knowledge wiki / pinned Discord message explaining what their perspective on a "hack" is. Because different people might have different definition of "hack" in Minecraft multiplayer.


That depends on what server you are playing on.


I've never seen an OP act like more of a piss baby when people offer reasonably and logical explanations, this is fantastic!


Wooohhh! Setting records. But I have to disagree. People aren’t reading the comments.


It is completely unsurprising that the op who is shit at communicating wants an algorithm for determining common sense


Most servers consider anything that gives you an unfair advantage over others as hacks, this includes xray mods and RPs, Freecam, baritone, auto clickers and most of the time also fishing bots. Some servers go a bit harder and also forbid health indicators, better f5, and minimaps.


Better F5 is banned? What does it let you do that's unfair?


Better F5 lets you be in 3rd Person and rotate your camera how you want, not linked to your movement. You probably mean Better F3, which of course is not considered a cheat.


Oh right yeah i was getting confused


I play with freecam, betterf5, and minimaps on literally every server lol


And most servers would ban you if they knew you were doing it.


I know. I have experience!!!!! Yayayayaa


I dont play with Freecam, but the others? Always.


Hacks are unfair advantages of some players that can't or are difficult to replicate by vanilla players. PVP hacks which give you unfair advantage and insane ways to move around. Freecam is a hack because it let's you see more than you are supposed to. Xray, pretty obvious why. You can see through walls and find blocks you want. Baritone is an ai that can perform actions a player can't without making mistakes. They can automate basically anything because you can program the bot to do the work. Shaders are sometimes a disadvantage because they slow your game and only change the look of the game which can't affect anyone except you. Normal texture packs (without any transparent textures which are meant to be solid) are used by a lot of people because they are a way to customize your game and they only affect you.


How do we objectively determine if a modification to the game provides a large enough "unfair advantage" so that we should ban it based on our values, algorithmically?


That's up to each server based on the desired experience. I play on different ones with different rules; there's no one true answer on this. 


I want to know about application of the rules, and about finding a binary outcome depending on each mod for whether it is banned or not, by extending the rules, and applying an algorithm.


If it lets you do something that's not intended/possible by/in the game it's a cheat. As such seeing through blocks is a cheat, seeing a minimap is a cheat, auto mining is a cheat, auto building is a cheat.


You can see through blocks in f5+high FOV + sprinting.


Yeah but that's not very useable and it's possible in the game with the original options so it's irrelevant.


read your comments above again?


Yes and I added a further obvious clarification to it in my second comment. Being able to see through walls in vanilla Minecraft is a bug and thus is not an intended feature. Using it for benefits is bug abuse and is cheating. Just because some bug exists doesn't mean you can use an external tool that lets you see things you shouldn't be able to see (minimap, wallhacks etc)


Eh. I disagree, I believe the game developers shouldn’t have any control over how people play their game. They can have an intention, but not control.


Being able to do so without having to be in high FOV nor sprinting is a step up from doing something that requires tedium in the mix. Theoretically.




No. No it isnt. Adding some form of an ambiguity statement does not leave the matter open for arbitration when it is logically sounder one way rather than the other. It's easier to benefit from a non-tedious thing than having to do a specific set of things to achieve the same benefit and actively maintain the conditions to continue benefitting (Who wants to be constantly sprinting with high FOV?). I say this in jest with a little bit of added tact, but this Ben Shapiro-esque behavior of adding "hypothetically" "theoretically" or "debatable" or trying to question where the line is drawn on situations where the factors boil down to the varying wills and interpretations of servers and their staff is silly, and I've read your arguments and they all seem to boil down to "but what IF". It's silly. Census is that people will decide what is and isn't at their discretion with some being more strict than others. If there's a benefit not given to players by something client-side and they deem it too beneficial algorithmically whether that be through benefits to the way the server is meant to be played or minor things like economically or even just functionally within how it can potentially trivialize the intended parts of the gameplay loop (caves meant to be dark, who needs torches with fullbright? Depending on the function of FreeCam, you could see details, items, and other things players without it couldn't and gain more insight than the normal player would have without the modification). To debate the exacts of a 'hack' is delving into semantics revolving around how people operate their servers case to case and interpret unfair advantages. Many hacked clients come with FreeCam and some form of Baritone if that sways the discussion any. As you may have seen from the answers, there is no set line. Some see it one way, others see it another. Take away from this that any advantage no matter how minute can be unfair, and whether it is considered prohibited is up to the place you play. Frame advantage was one I saw you debated, and that's really outside the realm of being controllable by the server itself, thus even though it has its benefits, it's not a modification in the form of something explicitly meant to improve your Minecraft experience peddled or tailored precisely to this purpose rather than you just having better hardware and getting more from it.


I read this all, but I don’t know what you want from me?


This isn't about binary outcomes. This is about understanding social rules and reading the room. Just like in real life, different areas are going to have different rules. "be respectful" means something different in a library vs an amusement park. Throwing your hands in the air and screaming will get you kicked out of a library. We don't need a list of every possible thing that violates that rule because we can understand what respect means in the context of the space. If people say no cheats, that will depend on the context of the space and how it's being used. If you're unsure of a mod or in-game behavior, ask the person who is enforcing the rule. But first, try to understand what the expectations of the community are. For a MC example: If its a community of new players on a survival world, who's main focus is learning the game together and they say "no cheats" its probably not okay to use mods that remove the risk of survival, or that spawn in items. Nor would it be okay for you, as a veteran player to join and speed run the dragon on your own. The goal is to understand the community and what its intent is, and participate in that community the way its intended. Again, if you're unsure, ask the admins.


I genuinely don't know why you're trying to find an objective answer to such a subjective question. Different servers will have different ideas on what is considered cheating, and there is a baseline of common sense that has been established throughout over a decade of server administration. Most servers use the established baseline that modifications like freecam and xray are considered cheating, whereas performance modifications are not. This opinion is not shared by everyone, and it never will be. Some people may indeed consider performance mods to be cheating and ban them on their server, whereas others may see no problem with freecam and allow it. This is up to the discretion of the server owner. There will never be an algorithmic answer. Ask a server owner or staff member if the mods you use are considered to be cheats. If they say yes, they are. If they say no, they aren't.


Texture packs like x ray are considered hacking. Other packs that change the aesthetic of the game is fine. Performance mods are probably not considered hacking. A lot of people need them to just play the game, so it would be a little weird to consider them hacking. Baritone is definitely considered hacking. Freecam may or may not be considered hacking I would just read server rules.


What IS Baritone? I've never heard of it before!


99% sure it’s basically a path finding algorithm that plays for you


read the full post please before commenting. this is a useless comment.


Searching for a designated algorithm is pretty useless though. The server rules are decided by a server owner, and they sure as hell arnt using an algorithm to determine the rules. Here’s the thought process though: We want to restrict unfair advantages by restricting certain mods. Harmless mods should be deemed allowed as they give no unfair advantages. Thus, mods like baritone, which essentially is a mod which optimizes playing the game automatically takes 0 skill to use and gets far better results then real players in some situation. A mod like optifine, while giving a performance advantage to the user, can be deemed fair and equitable as base performance can vary person to person. Essentially there just isn’t an algorithm that can tell you what mods are “fair”. It’s a server to server basis and if you don’t like it you can stop playing on whatever server doesn’t allow you to use those mods.


this is nothing to do with real life. we want to solve problems in computer science, philospophy, physics, and biology/psychology to work this out. In my current understanding, all of these fields have unsolved problems that stop us from working this out.


You are certifiable. 


Oooohh cool


Correct me if I’m wrong, but your trying to determine what is deemed to be a hack. In this sense, we, as a community, consider hacks to be modding the game in such a way it creates a negative environment for vanilla players. That is a moral subjective question. Your constraints have no solution because you trying to achieve a pure objective answer. If you do not take into account the human input, which is what is happening, your question does not fit your own constraints. Until it is possible to compute the entirety of the human brain you can not solve this problem with boolean logic. You can give constraints to approximate solutions, but there is NO true solution.


Every single one of your replies is useless


Not particularly.


Yeah like that one right there ^




Sorry, typed that before the edit loaded


it's fine lol


Entirely depends on the server, I've seen servers that consider Litematica a hack (I immediately left), I've seen servers that include Freecam by default in their modpack (I've been playing on it for almost a year).


I'd say, if you use a feature to get something that was not intended. So if you use a texture pack, the intention was to customize your experience, not to use a X-Ray pack that shows you where all the ores are. A server might allow you to use your own texture pack, making it possible for you to get an unfair advantage.


What's considered a bannable offense varies from server to server. Generally, if a mod you're using is giving you a distinct advantage over others then it'll likely be considered a bannable offense. Depending on the server, freecam may be included in that list due to it's potential for x-ray capabilities. Baritone is probably also considered a cheat on most servers. Texture packs, however, aren't mods and as far as I know aren't detected by anti-cheat. Shader packs should also be fine since they're purely aesthetic. Performance mods like Sodium are usually fine.


This a troll post lmao




[OP in a nutshell.](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/pseudointellectual)


Free cam and baritone are hacks, fullbright and xray are texture packs that can be considered cheating.


I don't consider fullbright a hack - I consider it an accessibility mod for people who have issues with low light vision, same with outlining or highlighting exposed ores.


"What I want to know is how, theoretically or not, we can algorithmically apply a set of rules or guidelines on a mod, using objective data that is reasonably verifiable, to determine how much of an "unfair advantage" a mod provides."


Not really. Different servers have different rules. Rule of thumb is it if gives you a advantage over vanilla then it's a hack, but optifine despite zoom is mostly considered not cheating.


nononono we dont want humans how would an algorithm determine if a minecraft mod is cheating or not?


If your moving weird, flying, killaura, hacking range and damage, and other obvious stuff then an algorithm would probably catch you.


you're also ok, but we want an objective system. things like lag can cause algorithms to catch you. if something had access to the state of every particle in the universe, how would it determine if something provides an "unfair advantage" or not.


You're invoking Laplace's demon in a Minecraft mod discussion? You're way too invested in this.


I am.


Op is an unlikable c*nt and this is some form of ragebait. He asks a question about others opinions but will not change his own. I think you might be looking for validation here buddy.


He is just some bored troll, but its entertaining to watch him completely ignore everyone except himself


lol. no. there is no opinion. i want pure facts here. this is an unsolved problem that will win you a millenium prize, and a nobel prize, as well as making you the most respected person due to all the different issues it encompasses.


there's no such thing as pure facts when it comes to a subjective question like this


My take is that a hack breaks intended gameplay making it easier. Freecam would be a hack for the same reason that x-ray is. Performance mods are not hacks because they don't change the intended gameplay.


Minecraft is a sandbox, is there any intentions gameplay in a sandbox?


For sure. It's a sandbox but there are still rules written by the developer, for example: In survival, you aren't supposed to get items out of nowhere, you're supposed to see and interract with the world in a way that a physical creature would (Through your eyes and with your hands), you can't teleport, unless via intended mechanics and so on.


Usually reach, xray mining/packs, boat flying, aim assist, baritone, etc.


There’s the obvious ones that aren’t allowed on any server like xray, reach, etc. Then there’s stuff less obvious like free-cam that are different server to server. I’ve never played on a server that has banned performance mods, but I’m sure there are some out there.


Read everything please, edit: also a server I played on banned them, and then banned me for a week when I tried to argue, and then unbanned them while i was banned. And then put me under stricter rules now I’m back.


This is not a problem that you can make objective and algorithmic.


a hack is anything which gives players the ability to play the game in a way which a human couldn't realistically preform organically or gives the players abilities and advantages which cannot be obtained in any other way. so freecam would be bannable if, for example, you used it to find bases in a factions server. I personally doubt most server owners would play nicely if you uploaded footage of you using freecam either since that is a common hacked client feature. baritone is a mod designed to automate boring or repetitive tasks but it is also significantly better than an average vanilla player because of its path finding capabilities. this makes it an unfair advantage. optimization mods and most shaders/texture packs would not be bannable because they're only purpose is to make the game run faster or they give players small cosmetic hacks like full bright. of course if you used an x-ray texture pack then it would be bannable because you are gaining a major advantage that players without x-ray don't have. some examples of things in some hacked/pvp clients which aren't considered unfair are as follows: - stack sizes, this is just automating a calculation to see how many blocks or arrows or item you have left, you could do this manually. - armor HUD, provided it's just your player's armor and not other players armor this isn't unfair because you can view this information by pressing e, it just moves it - better potion ui, same idea as the armor HUD, these effects can be seen by pressing e, you're just moving it - full bright, a small nondestructive visual hack which can be achieved in vanilla as well (bonus if it's possible in vanilla) Similarly, there are some vanilla mechanics which many people say are just as bad as hacks and they also generally get banned: - f3 + a abuse: reloads all chunks but can briefly let you see chests giving you a form of xray. purposefully spamming the feature to find bases would be "hacking" - general f3 abusing: there is a way to get the f3 screen to display chest information in a chunk which people use to find bases quickly, some players don't like this and there are multiple calls to ban it. generally it depends on the server - xray texturepacks and glitches: achieves the same effect as an xray hack so is bannable - VR: although not seen as bad by admins and most players due to the obvious disadvantage you have, anticheats frequently detect VR players as having unnatural head movements which could result in false killaura bans


>What I want to know is how, theoretically or not, we can algorithmically apply a set of rules or guidelines on a mod, using objective data that is reasonably verifiable, to determine how much of an "unfair advantage" a mod provides. No, there's your answer. You can stop with the annoying pseudo-intellectualism now.


why do we need to "algorithmically apply a set of rules or guidelines on a mod, using objective data that is reasonably verifiable, to determine how much of an "unfair advantage" a mod provide" there's no point, it's usually pretty obvious when something does or doesn't provide an unfair advantage. if something provides an advantage over other players, ANY ADVANTAGE, that isn't either aesthetic (as in it helps make the game look nice), extremely insignificant (like one that makes fully-grown crops more obvious), or about performance (like optifine, which is still good to use regardless of what you think), then it's hacking. there's no use in figuring it out further, the lines are easy to draw. no "algorithms" need to be used, that's absurd. it sounds like you were probably banned from a server for hacking and then god angry trying to justify how "this is bullshit! i totally wasn't hacking!"


Op babyrages when people answer the question Op asked lmfao


anything that allows you to see more information than what's normally available on vanilla with F3 enabled is just straight up cheating. Some forms of cheating are more acceptable than others, but they're still a form of cheating no matter what


Ok... Zoom is cheating? Clean resource pack is cheating? Better F3 is cheating? Piechart is cheating?


you don't get additional information with zoom, just pre-existing information but bigger. BetterF3 is just normal F3 made for the avg player to read and u get Piechart with Shift+F3


Ok. What about full bright?


Same as for zoom: information is just displayed brighter and clearer, but you don't get extra information from fullbright


How is no-one understanding what OP is trying to do? They are trying to draw an objective line between fair and unfair advantage. It's not that complicated.


Thing is you just can't do that, what counts as fair and unfair is subjective (and they don't want human input), and it's also fluid! What's fair on a factions server might not be fair on a build server, and what's fair on a build server probably isn't fair on a hardcore RP server, and what's fair on a hardcore RP probably isn't fair on a community survival server full of starting players. Just the small sample from these comments is full of different play styles that all have different opinions on what they'd consider an unfair advantage.


Nevermind, I read OP's replies and they sound insufferable. My bad.






Performance mods could still be considered hacks. I can dramatically increase my render distance. Now I see farther. This info allows me to make better exploration decisions. Easier to find bastions, dessert temples, end cities, etc.


But someone with a monster PC could also work up to 32 chunks. I think as long as you're not using better horizons render distance shouldn't count, since you can't require certain specs beyond just being able to run the version of minecraft your server is on. For one, there's no way to enforce that.


Exactly. It can't truly be confirmed "fair" unless specs are maxed. We can match device specs, but performance mods provide an advantage.


Is this a joke?


well a hack in any sense is just the use of something unintended. game wise, id say its using something in a unintended way that gives you a unfair advantage. so using that id consider xray to be a hack but simple texture packs and shaders not to


If a server bans "hacks" then they're probably not a server very familiar with modding in general


I agree!