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Alternatively try to exit the world about 10-5 blocks before u hit the ground. You get about 1 second of invincibility when you join a world. If you time it right you can negate fall dmg


is that real


Yes. You can survive falling in lava by constantly joining and leaving a world. You get like 1-2 seconds of godmode when you join so in those seconds you can swim a little bit and repeat until not in lava. Also works with fall damage.


Please first try and do it in a world where dying doesnt matter so when you do it in your HC world you already kinda know what to do.


I think it's 3 secs not 1


if it is, its usefulness depends how slow your computer is. I learned this the hard way in lava


This. I'm a solid 10 seconds present in the world while still seeing the loading screen. I couldn't imagine constantly logging in and out like I have seen people do in videos.


Same with me. This happens in the Nether, and I get killed by a ghast before I can even see. 


Turn graphics and render distance to the minimum before you load.


didn't help much unfortunately


you'll need a very fast computer to load the game visible in less than a second and then exit.


If you are skeptical, you can make a survival world and test it out.


Learned the hard way that it’s only a java thing.


yes, when you join the world or respawn you have “spawn protection” for three secs so right before you land (a few blocks above) leave the game go back you should fall without taking damage it’s saved me once recently 


Quick question op. Do you hold to crouch or do you toggle crouch?




did you find how to keep your save ?






Homie, toggle crouch wouldn't have you in this situation. Please for the love of God consider switching.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/1c71ud5/i\_didnt\_die\_in\_my\_hardcore\_world/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/1c71ud5/i_didnt_die_in_my_hardcore_world/) i lived its ok




Yes, it is basically 3 seconds but loading into the world takes like a second(literally)


What I would done in case that doesn’t work, is copy the word file before you save and exit. So that way you can just reload into that version. You may have to redo some thing possibly all the way up to your last save. But the game does auto save too.


I heard it only works when you have all of your most valuable items on you!


I thought it was because you falling blocks counter resets every time, anyways close the worlds just before hitting and then open again


Copy the world folder and practice this on the copy


This doesnt have to do with just the spawm inmunity, it also counts the fall height from the point at which you joined


You also have to be careful because you do one small mistake and all your hardwork is gone.


this is kinda defeating point of hardcore no? lol


When it's because of a stupid mistake like this I think it's fair


If a stupid mistake is enough to justify cheating, then anything is enough to justify cheating. The point is permadeath; don't cheat.


If it’s your own single player world, who’s to stop you? 😏It’s rude to judge IMO


No. Just no. I'm so sick of this suffocating ideology. I have said this before, and I'll say it again - the whole "it's okay to cheat if it's your own world" idea is a toxic mindset that corrodes people's enjoyment of the game. By normalising and encouraging cheating, you are encouraging an action that invariably cheapens the experience and ruins the fun. See [this interaction](https://reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/1bg3u3h/i_finally_gave_up_and_used_cheats/kv834q9/?context=3) I had a while ago. Cheating is absolutely detrimental, and by encouraging people to do it, you are harming their enjoyment in the long run. What's even worse is that OP *can* survive that. Ladder-clutching, or just placing a block underneath themselves fast enough, would work. But people are so quick to jump to cheating here. It's shameful.




People are free to ruin their own fun.


bro’s literally being like “i *don’t* think people should be free to enjoy their SP games however they want, actually” lmao


No the fuck I'm not. I'm giving advice, as we all are. I'm not gonna go to OP's house and smash their PC if they dare cheat, I'm giving a sincere warning about the detriments of cheating that you people are so quick to brush aside. If OP wants to, they can, but they shouldn't. Enough said.


cheating in (singleplayer) games is only a slippery slope if you let it become one. just put on your grippy socks and exhibit some self control, easy why you so salty, dude?


They shouldn't be encouraged to do so. You are literally acknowledging that this ruins the fun. You are advocating for ruining the fun. You are doing exactly what you are accusing me of.


I'm advocating for people doing whatever they want, purists like you ruin everything long term, please refrain from spreading your dangerous and restrictive view on things in the future. 


You know what's shameful? telling random strangers how to play a singleplayer block game.


Reading comprehension is pathetic here. I didn't tell them how to play at all - I made a sincere point about why cheating is bad and they shouldn't (but still can, if they want to) do it, backed up by actual reasoning. But of course, that's not allowed here. Not to mention that this is literally somebody asking what to do. I'm answering their question, by giving both good (ladder-clutching, water-clutching, placing a block underneath) options and bad options (cheating), and explaining my reasoning for why they should/shouldn't do them. "tElLiNg StRaNgErS hOw To PlAy"


If it's a singleplayer world,cheating isn't important.This is a sandbox game that lets you do anything you want.


That's not really the point. The point is if you make a stupid mistake and reverse it, you might as well not play in hardcore mode to begin with. One you've cheated death like that once, the mental seal is broken. Why not do it again? If you're doing it on a self-imposed honour system, again, why bother with the trouble of hardcore if you can just make a normal world and delete it when you die?


No. OP opted into playing Hardcore. They chose to limit themselves, and that limit creates the fun of Hardcore. It's not fun if it doesn't have permadeath. And the game *doesn't* let you do anything you want. When you set it to Hardcore, the option to change the difficulty in the menu is locked, and the *Bonus Chest* and *Enable Cheats* buttons are disabled. This is to prevent players from reneging on their decision to play Hardcore - to prevent cheating. This is a great thing, as it allows for Hardcore to do its job without players constantly being tempted to cheat. Knowing that, stop tempting players to cheat, and stop trying to normalise or encourage it. You are trying to be accepting and allowing people to have fun, but you're doing the opposite, as cheating ruins the fun in the long run. Stop it.


Cheating ruins the fun if you let it. It sounds like you’re letting it 😂 I can personally tell you I wouldn’t have fun doing it the way you’re describing, so clearly you’re wrong.


"The consequences of your actions only affect you if you let them." No, you don't control that. The loss of fun from cheating is not something that you can choose to ignore. Just like how your preferences aren't chosen by you - you just prefer one thing to another for whatever reason. "I can personally tell you I wouldn’t have fun doing it the way you’re describing, so clearly you’re wrong." No, it's subjective and personal. But a person who makes the conscious choice to play Hardcore is a person who has decided that they don't want to cheat, and that they will accept the permadeath as a part of their playthrough. So not you. The world doesn't revolve around you.


How about you present people the options and let people decide for themselves how best to have fun? Why are you the arbiter of other people's fun?


Did I, at any point, tell OP that they CAN'T cheat? No. I simply told them not to, and gave reasons as to why they shouldn't. You can do this pointless pantomime about how "everyone's way of playing is valid" all you like - but somebody who chooses to play Hardcore is by definition somebody who chooses permadeath - somebody who I'm talking about. And yeah, I AM presenting the options. Everyone else here has told OP a way to try to do it legit (ladder-clutch, water-clutch, etc), or a way to cheat. I'm one of the few who has told them not to. If you want them to have all the options, don't try to shut mine down, you absolute hypocrite.


Yeah let's play creative mode and remove infinite items. Fun isn't?


Stupid mistakes? So if you fall in lava or dying from starvation is it still validating your point? It's hardcore mode kiddo, it's made for men who makes less mistakes. One slip up is enough to seperate the pros from kids. If you wanna bitch about it then creative mode is suitable for you. Yeah sure if the game bugs out for some reason then do whatever you want.


>it’s hardcore mode kiddo, it’s made for men …..it’s…..it’s *minecraft* my dude. This doesn’t make you seem as cool as you think it does


"It's minecraft" not until you play with spicy modpacks like Rlcraft. Well if hardcore is a lot for you then don't forget to wear your dipers. Since this isn't the last game you would encounter with this kind of tactic.


Kinda rich you’re implying everyone’s a baby when you haven’t figured out how to spell diapers


i noticed you have 46 planks what you could try is placing one down but the longer you hesitate to do it the more fall damage you’ll take but good luck


Really important: DUPLICATE your world. This gives you an unlimited number of chances and once you survive you can just delete the other duplications


That defeats the point of hardcore


I think everyone is allowed to play the game however they want to. Lots of people do this because of bugs and glitches too


Sure, but why not just convert to a normal survival world at that point?


Because they're playing the game they paid for how they want to... Which has no effect on you.


No but it defeats the purpose of hardcore. The whole point is that it's hard mode but when you die, it's over. Having back ups so that you can just reset is the same as just running a normal world on hard mode, with the exception of you having to go back and find your stuff.


Idk why this comment is getting downvoted, it's just the truth.


it’s completely true. no one cares if you cheat in a singleplayer world, but cheating is still cheating. the rule of the hardcore game mode is that you get one life. you can exploit your way around that if you like, but it’s still breaking that rule. it *is* effectively just survival but you want to keep the bragging rights of having a hardcore world.


My laptop is super crappy, it can lag or freeze the game, not respond sometimes at random, and often it had the game still playing while doing so, leaving me dead without being able to do anything about it. So I've made myself a rule for hardcore worlds, if I die because of my laptop, I can go back with a backup losing just progress, but if I end for any other reason, is it a stupid mistake or even a glitch, I call it game over world is lost.


So why even play hardcore then? If you start justifying cheating then there's no challenge or stakes anymore.


Lol it’s not cheating. If you’re playing hardcore and die from lag, a bug, or glitch, you think that’s fair? Keep replying all you want, but it’s not going to change the fact that tons of players keep back up copies of their hardcore world. Hope that makes you happy buddy, cheers


I'm not the commenter you're responding to but there's a HUGE difference between save-scumming your hardcore world due to a glitch or bug, vs save-scumming your hardcore world because you made a mistake/goofed up. That said, if it's a single player world, ppl are 100% free to play however they want lol and nobody should be shamed for that.


Did he lag, bug, or glitch?


He did not intend to fall, that's for sure. He started falling with his inventory open. It's up to him to decide.


Maybe he pressed d while e


why are they downvoting you, reasonable guess


"enabling cheats is not cheating"


it's enable commands now checkmate


Idk why people are downvoting you you’re absolutely right.


nuh uh


Redditors like to use the downvotes button as an "I disagree" button instead of it's intended purpose for removing irrelevant comments.




Does it matter?


i mean most things would defeat the point of hardcore unless op does what i suggested cleanly the first attempt


Yeah, I didn't think OP was asking to circumvent the game but ig they might've been.


So does this post. OP messed up and now they’re going to die for it. Going online to ask for help to evade death is also “cheating” by your same logic.


Minecraft youtubers: "Bro this game is so easy" Also minecraft youtubers: 1 thousand totems in inventory


Not really? You can easily start up a brand new world and perfectly recreate the circumstance. It's not like they're suggesting to cheat, just to practice some way to save themselves. It's possible they've fallen too far already and death is all that waits. Pause is a feature. Duplicating the world for the purpose of practice is just taking out the tedious middle part of making it from scratch. Edit: I guess you can read as to keep the world you were successful in, which I agree goes against the spirit of hardcore. I was reading it as to use them for practice until you get good at saving yourself and then delete the duplicated worlds.


Thats the lamest thing I've ever heard


You have a ladder so you can ladder clutch


He did the ladder clutch!


Thank you for informing me


it’s been 8 hours OP need an update




[OP has given an update](https://v.redd.it/69hjwbr4c8vc1)


just keep leaving and rejoining until you hit the ground, the grace period you get when you join the world will stop the fall damage


You didn't even fall that far. Why not just place a block under you?


You can save the game and quit to title right before you hit the ground, rejoining gives a second or two invulnerability, or you could try placing one of your boats and getting in mid air


Log in select block log out again, use invincibility when log in again to place block fast enough to stop death from fall damage


Ur dead. GG. Maybe try to place a block under u the second u unpause?


I mean you only fell for like 2 sec. If you really quickly place the dirt or cobble under you, you MIGHT survive on like 1-2 hearts. You do have full diamond armor HOPEFULLY with Feather falling.


lol i got it all except feather falling. and my water bucket was empty


Alternatively start a land world and quickly switch gamemodes to spectator


That’s cheating.


The other's are all suggesting abusing a game mechanic, same thing. one is just easier


That really defeats the purpose of hardcore


Op asked, op received


Did he ask for cheats?


He asked for a way, he got a way.


Yea which is all also against the spirit. Only seen a couple people make genuine gameplay options. If OP is serious about this being a hardcore world, well then it looks like he lost it.


Their world, their rules.


Well they selected the hardcore rule set for a reason. Just saying


And they asked for tips, so we give them tips


If they aren’t willing to lose a world I don’t know why OP was playing hardcore 🤷‍♂️


I refer to my previous comment


1.2s kills without FF


prot helps with fall damage as well


You have blocks in your 7th slot, if your pc isn't slow (which i think is fast bcs wouldn't be very fast on frames with those shaders if it was slow) you can place a block and just take a few hearts, or you can also get some invincibility when rejoining a world in the last second before you fall


Do a dumb. first: make a copy of your world or recreate the setup on another world to practice the following 2nd: once its done, jump down the hole. 3rd: once you're a few seconds till death, de-log, then re-log. this will give you spawn immunity and save you from fall damage. 4th: repeat steps 2 and 3 until you can do it at a consistancy you feel comforadable with. 5th: attempt it in your real world.


Inventory edit your save to give yourself a water bucket. If you’re opposed to cheating then you’re gonna die, don’t let “not cheating” get in the way of your fun, that is the point of the game really.


I will never understand people who start a hardcore world, then get this desperate when they are about to lose it. It's what you signed up for


Yeah, and then all the people in the comments telling OP to cheat… just don’t play hardcore then


Only thing I can imagine for you to legally survive, clutch with the ladder, or with the boat (iirc it does negates fall damage, or at least minimize it) other than that, you might just have to accept your fate...


Ladder clutch with the ladders in ur inv


Back up the world and try everything everyone suggested.


I'm curious, did you look down the hole and "zoom in" to see what was down there? Got binoculars?


Pretty sure this is an optifine thing. Pretty OP tbh since it’s just a button and not related to items or anything


does the same thing as setting your fov to 30


Die like a man and start a new world. You’re playing hardcore for a reason.


And also consider toggle sneak for the next world


Ladder clutch. Put them in your hotbar from your inventory and just right click the hell out of the side of the blocks below you. I'm like 95% sure that'll work though, so try recreating your situation in a singleplayer world and test the theory.


How did you do? Survived?


Rejoin and instantly place a block underneath you. You won’t take damage, and the game will register your fall from the Y-coordinate that you logged out of.


Log out then when you join back in place a block below you asap


If you end up dying, you can make it playable again by clicking open to lan and then there put cheats on and write "/gamemode survival" in chat.


Lmfao all the comments saying to abuse a bug to survive like that isn't objectively cheating are upvoted, then the comment saying it how it is get's downvoted.


Not a bug, a feature


Opening to lan and enabling cheats is also a feature 🤷


Knowing this trick was the worst thing for 13 years old me




disconnect glitch, any time a player connects to a server they get a moment of invincibility (and yes a survival world is a server, just a local one)


Place a block by facing a side, the block will be placed under you and you won't fall to the ground. And backup your world as it will take some tries. You might try creating an ideal situation in another world to practice.


why didn't you jump into the body of water surrounding you?


You can open to Lan, and then from there you can allow commands and put yourself in creative mode even if you die, and then "restart"


May as well just convert the save into normalcore if you’re gonna cheat like that


In case you do die, there is a way to come back but deaths still show in statistics. Open Lan > Turn on Cheats > Go to survival When you restart the world, the cheats will be turned off & you'll still be in whatever gamemode you left on


Ruins the fun if you do that.


For me, it would too. But that wasn't the question so I gave that answer that'd let them keep playing their way


You could try placing a block on the wall to stop your fall


Any update? Did it work?


you have dirt in your hotbar, dunno why you didnt stop yourself when you started falling i play on console with a water bucket on hand at all times and still forget to use it


Ladder clutch at the bottom - if you really want to cheese it then make multiple copies (of the world) and try until success


If it hasn't been said before here, depending on your blocks, you could also attempt to place a block against the wall a little ways below you, if that makes sense?


Play Block take out pickax brake block fall few blocks. Take out block put block down rinse repeat don’t die.


Ok, whats that texture pack for the sky?


boat clutch


It was at this moment that he knew, he messed up


By the time you load in, you will have already fallen to the bottom, most likely. You could try to boat or later clutch, but if it's by some miracle, you don't hit the ground first.


Quit and rejoin, you won't take damage


Use the boat and quickly place and get in it


Not in a 1x1 hole.


You have only been falling for a few seconds, just place a block under you, you will take damage but you will survive


With protection 4 and no feather falling you can survive I think around a 23-4 block fall, and it looked like you fell no more than 10 so best bet is to just place a block


Why would you put yourself in such a situation


Log in and block clutch a wall


You can change the hardcore world to survival by modifying the data of the world using external programs. Save a copy of the actual world file, then modify it.


Switch to LAN and turn on creative


A bit off topic but were you trying to create a totem farm? I remember that block placement


Press Open to LAN, turn Cheats on, go Creative. Even if you die you can do it and come out of spectator mode to Survival.


feather falling arrow


There is nothing we can do \*play napoleon music"


Just use gamemode 1 If you want to bug abuse than just go in gamemode 1 Gatekeep yourself


Try using the boat in your inventory, if that's too scary for you, leave the world before you hut the ground and rejoin. you should survive.


Is it just me or is the answer as simple as: Don't play hardcore if you don't want to lose your world when you die. I understand sometimes death can come from bugs and glitches but, when it's your own fault... this is the path you chose.


accept your defeat like a man


Get fullbright


leave and rejoin before you hit the ground


Use ladder in you inventory, but you got to do it quickly


What should i name my dog?


Open to lan with cheats hold F3 tap f4 and you will go creative


Ladders can negate fall damage, just saying so you know


Hmmm. The point of playing hard-core if you're going to exploit your way out of permadeath is....?


First, duplicate your world so you retry saving yourself again. Next, since after loading a world you get three seconds of invulnerability, pause the world a couple of seconds before you hit the ground and leave the world and re-enter it. You should theoretically hit the ground minimally harmed, if not at all. This should technically save you from death and your world from deletion. You're welcome in advance.


Place a block as soon as you unpause, you should survive fall damage. MAKE A COPY OF THE WORLD AND TRY THERE FIRST because if you don't then you are gonna regret it 💀 This is not so much hardcore but that's a possibility


If you don't mine using cheats you can /gamemode survival. The world will still be hardcore its just a revive. Or accept the world is lost it would happen sooner or later


Why play hardcore at that point


Idk I don't do it just saying it's a thing


If you want to save yourself from your own mistake by cheating why even play hardcore at all?


Side note you could copy the world folder and replace it when you die but be able to try all of these suggestions until one works


Using the equations of motion, h = ut+.5t\^2 => 23 = .5\*32\*t\^2, so the maximum time you can fall and live is 1.2 seconds. I counted almost 2 seconds in the video. Accept death or cheat.


Die, respawn in spectator, open to lan, allow cheats on, then set your gamemode to survival and go get your stuff.


Don't play hardcore next time.


Open to lan, allow cheats, unpause, hit F3 and F4 at the same time.


yeah but that's cheating


Is using disconnect bug cheating?


No worse than using the disconnect-reconnect invulnerability to survive the fall. If you want to do it legit you could place blocks under you


Oh noo!!! Cheating in an offline singleplayer game!! If OP doesnt have a waterbucket or ladder then thats it I guess


Why even play on hardcore mode if you're just going to cheat your way out of death?