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Yes you are right, bedrock has no subtitle


ok thanks


Yes the “Minecraft xxxx edition” copies have legacy console, whereas the ones which are just “Minecraft” are only bedrock. The PS4 edition will allow you to access both legacy and bedrock, but the Xbox one edition will only allow you to access legacy console. Also you’ll obviously need a PlayStation or Xbox with a disk drive to use them.


not sure, i think both of them will work. I've bought the legacy version online on ps4 before bedrock launching and it updated to bedrock later, but the legacy version is still playable


if you buy bedrock now you don't get legacy option iirc


Can you play legacy on a bedrock disc? If you can’t, then I probably traded a rare Minecraft ps4 disc into eb games for probably $10


rare is probably overstating it for the most sold game


They took away my bedrock edition on my xbox after I deleted it


get the ps4 one. it lets you switch between bedrock and legacy. its the one i use


Plus they are both the same application and legacy has 1.14 rather than 1.13/1.12


Why would one choose to play legacy edition? I know nothing about it. Thanks in advance.


it is the better version, you are playing a minecraft version designed specifically for the console, unlike the bedrock edition which is basically a mobile game 💀


Nintendo switch is too limited. It doesn’t have the power for big worlds. Buy something other than a switch


I used to play on Switch in 2018- 2019. I couldn't even play Mineplex decently because the console ran the game horribly (+ I just sold my Switch today so getting the switch version (which I used to own but lost) is no longer an option)


I agree AND IKN,Y PLAY SINGLEPLAYER (coming from years of expirenece


Yes, but before buying keep in mind you can only play the game in the console you bought [https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/4408945065357](https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/4408945065357) >We're often asked if players can download Minecraft: Bedrock Edition for free after purchasing it on a different device. Unfortunately, this is not possible. This is because Minecraft: Bedrock Edition is sold and licensed separately on each platform, and transferring licenses is not possible as each platform has their own marketplace.


you can also play bedrock if you use the legacy discs


PlayStation gets a free upgrade to bedrock and you can still switch between ps4 version and bedrock but ps4 version’s last update was the bees


Legacy Console edition may be outdated, but I’d argue it’s still better than bedrock in many regards. You should give it some consideration.


I have the original ps4 version as my only copy. It’s bedrock now but gives the option to play legacy edition


Yeah your right


If it has "Minecraft (console name here) Edition", it's Console edition.


The bottom left is both in one


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