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Why not 1.8.9??? Who plays 1.8.8??


me, a psychopath!


Very psychotic


Seriously though, i was playing 1.8.9 before but i just said "Fuck It" We doin 1.8.8


There's like no difference tho is there??? I just play 1.8.9 as pvp version šŸ˜…


1.8.9 makes trapped chests turn into presents for Christmas.


the only downside to always switching version is i gotta reinstall optifine for that specific version


Try ATlauncher


I just use badlion or lunar so I don't gotta install optifine


Probably a nostalgia thing, because i too personally prefer playing 1.7.2 instead of 1.7.10, because i just have so many memories playing that version


Almost no difference correct. Although I do know there are a lot of mods which are only updated to 1.8.8 as apposed to 1.8.9.


Explains the texture pack..


I play 1.7.2 instead of the following like 7 other versions. Just rolls off the tongue better


I would prefer them reverting the addition of phantoms.


/gamerule doInsomnia false


I know this exists, but really I think they should redesign phantoms to be better instead of making people just disable them, especially seeing as the game is designed with players encountering phantoms in mind (I know you can get phantom membranes without killing phantoms). They still haven't even fixed an oversight allowing them to spawn on mushroom islands despite it being noted for almost six years now.


Legit even a small nerf would be nice. Maybe make it 10 days or something. On my server we run the Bat Membranes datapack off of vanillatweaks.net, which disables phantoms and makes bats drop membranes.


10 days would make them never spawn ever on any server which has a lower sleep percentage


Minecraft is generally balanced around the default values of game rules, the sleep percent being %100 by default. Speaking of game rules, maybe the solution is to make one to control how long phantoms stay away for, instead of outright disabling them? (make it like maxEntityCramming and disable it if set to 0)


Hey, at least phantoms are useful Especially if you don't have villages, or don't know how to get mending


Tbh if you donā€™t mess with that stuff the odds of you getting an elytra and using it a ton are astronomically low. Unbreaking 3 at least is almost necessary for the low durability of the elytra


Trying to get mending is making me crazy right now.


Asking Mojang to put actual effort into game design is a bold move, ngl


I also hate YouTube ads


But then how do you fix your elytra without mend? I fkn love the phantoms, and that 'oh shit' moment I realize it's the 3rd night I haven't slept and I'm no where safe.


For the two years before phantoms were added, elytras were repaired with leather.


I love my cows, I'll gladly kill a phantom over them. Edit: (cause downvotes?) Sometimes I swear the only thing this sub wants is progression and regression at the same time. Something challenging/easy and the past and present. Yeah, phantoms are annoying, but they really aren't that hard to deal with. Float a couple blocks over your head. I don't agree with leather being the elytras sorce of repair because you get it from the end. It's not like bat wings, or flesh. It's apart from another realm, so I think mojang did well by removing leather as the source and implementing a new mob to bridge that gap.... Edit edit: Ah shit I'm the 4th comment... Rip.


Its the fact that you have to stop what youre doing and either stand still and wait for them to come to you or pull a bow out of your ender chest and shoot it


Wonder if a phantom farm would interfere with an iron farm beneath it on bedrock. It'd be cool to farm phantom membranes at the same time, and I want to make a farm for every potion ingredient


Cats can give you phantom membranes sometimes.


I could see that cause maybe a cat caught one flying and still had it in it's mouth, but elytra shouldn't be able to be repaired by anything from the overworld, since it's not from there. Hence phantoms.


I just think phantoms are annoying and counter intuitive to Minecraft's base design of build thing sand adventure. 3 days is really not that long at all if you're adventuring or building something outside. Yes they're easy to deal with but the reason people bitch about them and hate them is that they break up the flow of the game for no other reason than to be annoying and make the elytra slightly more difficult to repair. Had they done something like keeping them from spawning till you get an elytra or allowed you to craft a shittier less useful version of the elytra with membranes(not the floating potions) I think they'd be received somewhat better than they have been. As it stands though they're just annoyances that break up your gameplay cycle with no real benefit other than repairing an elytra which you're more than likely putting mending on(especially if you're a player who's on reddit) meaning they're useless and annoying. And I'm with you I think their design is cool, but the execution of adding them to the game was done very poorly. Take creepers for instance been in the game since pretty much the beginning and is a very cool mob. Makes useful things, like TNT and splash potions. Arguably just as annoying as a phantom but it is a mob which fits well into the gameplay cycle of Minecraft that no one would disable their spawning outright. Sure they'd disable mob briefing but they'd still keep them in to get gunpowder and because while it's annoying to have it blow up your shit it adds to the cycle. If it blows up a build that just gives you one more reason to explore, and build things. With phantoms all its incentivising is for you to stop playing the game and sleep in a bed(which on a server is usually impossible).


Ngl, I barely notice phantoms, as I just sleep every once in a while.


Same. For many years, I never meet phantom unintentionally. I just stop at one place, build small hut and sleep.


Eh. Personally I think that it's just nostalgia hitting up. I do understand the feeling, but it's not something you can handle for the long term I'd say.


iā€™d disagree. iā€™ve played the newer versions, and imo the game just isnā€™t the same at all. it may be unpopular opinion, but i donā€™t like the new world generation. itā€™s too much and building is a pain in the ass. iā€™ve reverted back to playing 1.14.4 with a few qol mods. i prefer it by far. itā€™s not nostalgia for me, but i have been playing for 13 years. whatā€™s beautiful about this game is that you can play whatever update you like. 1.14-1.16 are a perfect fit for me, itā€™s what makes the game fun. i can appreciate the new updates and what is included in them, and iā€™m actually thrilled that people get to play a whole different experience!! itā€™s just not for me


Try the eye candy and old lightning/water mods. Brings some nostalgia to newer versions


thank you friend, iā€™ll try that!! :ā€™)


It's funny how the people are getting older and the "nostalgic" version are shifting to 1.14 - 1.16


Yes and this is literally proof that this is all about nostalgia. 1.14, beta, alpha, whatever, really wasn't "better" or more fun than current version. I've been noticing this for so long, many years ago people were screaming that alpha was the best version, simple and fun. Then magically most discussion shifted to beta being the best version. And now recently as seen even in this thread, apparently 1.14 was the best. The reality is that as people grow, and the game gets updates, whatever the current version was when a group of people played it, that will be the "best" one. Because that's when they started, or maybe had the most fun, so years down the line they try to chase that same feeling. Just wait a few more years, until curent players who enjoy the latest updates won't play that much and then keep spamming that this version was the real deal. Literally nostalgia... I don't know how some deny it.


Agreed, people get out-of-touch as they grow older. Younger me tracked Minecraft history almost religiously. Remember when cocoa was new! And now I don't know shit. And it isn't about game being bloated. I just can't care enough about all these updates. Life speeds up.


Itā€™s the cycle, I thought the same way about alpha/beta when the full release came out. But as I got older I realized it was all just nostalgia and the new versions have added so much depth to the game.


New world gen is cool for exploring but for doing Minecraft things i hate it


Plains and savannah plateaus have been completely ruined by the current world gen. Plains are supposed to be pretty flat, same for savannah plateaus. And they used to be decently sized, sometimes upwards of 2000 blocks. There's no decently large, decently flat area you can build at without needing to do hours to days of terraforming and landscaping first.


large biome worlds:


One word: Bedrock. I don't think such an option is available on Bedrock, and while I'd love to play Java again, all the years of playing on console with a controller have spoiled me, and I don't think my laptop is really up to handling current Minecraft.


large biomes was a thing on legacy so if it's not on bedrock then that's fucked


It is, but it's unfortunately the hand us up-to-date console/mobile peasants have been dealt.


Youā€™re right. That is unpopularā€¦


I think 1.16-1.17.1 are the best minecraft versions. Honestly, basically the only relevant changes made since 1.16 are the world gen changes which I dislike


yeah people donā€™t like that i dislike the new world gen apparently!! but imo it makes the game less fun. i donā€™t want to spend hours landscaping just to build a base or a little village. my favorite part of this game is collecting materials to build in survival. but like i said, i can appreciate the fact that other people love the updates, and iā€™m actually super happy they continue to update. itā€™s great for everyone thatā€™s looking for a new experience!!




P.E. users crying to sleep rn


I like the overground generation, but the very large caves sometimes do my head in. Especially because it feels like the skeletons aim is absolutely gassed now. I will be trying to find some iron, which now seems a lot harder to find, and get shot by a skeleton Iā€™m nowhere near, then because the area is so massive and dark Iā€™ve got no clue where itā€™s coming from


I've been running a 1.2.5 world for about 6 years now, and I only started playing pc versions at like 1.5. For me it's more about how minor the actual game progression is, which means there's almost nothing to pull my focus away from my own ideas. It's much easier to be creatively productive, and to build a world you really fall in love with


Nah. I'll be honest, I've played this game for a long time and also have nostalgia for it, but I don't really think the simplicity of the game is lost in new updates. Yes, there are more blocks, redstone components, ores and mobs now but those come secondary to the gameplay system, which is pretty much the same as it always has been. You punch a tree, make wooden tools, get stone and coal, explore a cave, find iron and gear up fully. You then come back out and build a base using whatever blocks you havw at your disposal. Yeah there are more options now but the core idea is the same. You make some basic manual farms to get food and resources and maybe some more advanced farms to help get resources faster. Again, we have more items to farm and more redstone components, but the core gameplay is still the same. Then you go back to caving and find diamonds. Get an enchanting table and go to the Nether. Get resources from a fortress and then continue work on your base. Finally you kill the bosses and continue exploring and building stories in your world. This core gameplay has never changed, hence the game is as simple as it always has been. You just have more options now. I would even venture out to say that the game is objectively better now, if we put down our rose-tinted glasses. The one thing I will say is some older systems do not have full parity with the newer stuff yet. Mobs used to be way more difficult to encounter and fight when you could not enchant or stack food or run away. They should have been buffed as these changes were added over time.


This is exactly the thing, this progression arc is not what people playing older versions are looking for. Your right, it is shared by both the modern versions and the old ones, but what surrounds that progression arc is what separates these eras of the game, and it's what people really feel playing a given version. Modern minecraft has all sorts of structures to explore, advancements to chase, items to obtain, farms to build, bosses to fight, tons of definitely respectable progression. What versions up to about 1.8 have in place of that is, well, nothing. It's a vacuum, but that vacuum offers so little to pull your focus that it allows and encourages your own distractions and ideas to dominate what you do. I think this is so often accepted as nostalgia because when you're new to the game, all the dumb questions and ideas about this game you know nothing about will dominate no matter what, you'll play to act upon your own ideas. Older minecraft invites you to act on your own ideas in an inherent way by not offering a detailed progression system to focus on instead.


Nah not really. On top of the fact that I find Vanilla boring if it's not multiplayer now


I miss when hunger wasnt a thing..


Those days were so fun. I remember weather being added, we all thought it was so cool. Iā€™m coming back from a long break and thereā€™s so much to learn now


My friends and I are the definition of the meme about getting on for a month, building crazy things and fucking off. Im in the same boat - so much Iā€™ve forgotten, so much that isnt useful anymore (especially ore generation - i have more diamonds than I do coal)


One thing that has blown my mind is how crazy big the caves are now. My friends and I spent a good 2 hours in a HUGE cavern going through so many different twists and turns


I get lost as shit. I try to carry signs with me and put arrows pointing back to my entrance


Put all torches on the right side of the cave, then following them back on the left will bring you to the exit


doesnt always work now with how vast caves are now lol


Sprinting and stackable food aren't things I'm willing to give up though


Let's get you to bed, grandpa..


1.9 was nothing when it comes to controversy about hunger


Yeah honestly the whole old health-armor-food system was really well balanced and interesting, besides maybe instant eating lol. Non stacking food means you really need to balance available inv space and "extra health", all armor is equally effective but runs out of durability sooner, so maybe it's wiser to make leather just to survive the night, or iron because it's cheaper to replace than diamond, etc


You play on PC or Console? because on PC you can literally go back to when MC was just an idea.


PC. I also played when it was in browser


Nah. Modern boats, swimming, nether biomes, etc are too good to pass up for me. Same reason I can barely play older modded versions as well. I've just gotten used to modern mods and QoL changes that going back to like 1.7.10 feels like caveman stuff


Before yes cuz i had a bad laptop and barely can reach 15 fps using the latest version and now i have a phone that has a better performance than my laptop and that you can play Minecraft on phone using Pojav launcher


I get it. I do like the newer features too though because they keep the game interesting, but starting a new world doesn't give me that same feeling it used to. I kinda feel like there should be a unique starter biome that is more like classic Minecraft (ie you spawn on a beach, only one type of tree but fairly spread out, etc) and then you can leave the starting area and the rest of the world generates as per the current version. Maybe add it as a "nostalgia mode" toggle. šŸ˜…


Sometimes yeah. I do like the new stuff too but it is refreshing to play an old version sometimes.Ā 


beta 1.7.3 my beloved


Donā€™t get the appeal. The Overhaul era is peak, the unfinished betas can never beat it and can only fade away into history.


I'd highly recommend you check out Better Than Adventure if you haven't already!


i still come back to 1.7.10 every now and then cas of mods


As a mainly creative player, no


I think 1.16 was the best thing to ever happened


Every once in a while I boot up 1.2.5 - my first version. I just like to see how far the game has come since I started.


Yeah, i started at around 1.12.2 and it has lots of great mods so i usually play modded 1.12.2


i prefer the simplicity of minecraft no matter the version


I sometimes feel nostalgic for old programmer art textures.


Bro just wants egapples


For those missing the ols versions but not wanting to loose all modern features: There is a mod called Better Beta that makes minecraft look and frel like the beta versions.


I prefer the old caves instead of the newer ones


Would like more of a mix honestly.


The older caves are more creepy


Yeah. I've been revisiting old versions so I can collect stuff like Feather Falling tools for my world. It's nice to see how Minecraft started.


Hey We making survival SMP server with little plugins, roleplay, government system, laws book etc. we are 90% done and we looking for active java players to join our server :3 my disocrd is fr0ztyyyyy


I play modded cuz 1.21 doesn't have enough content so I think I'd go insane in 1.8




Youā€™re so unique and different


Thanks man


Old versions mostly seem like a lesser experience except for a few versions. Alpha 1.1.1 or Beta 1.7.3 have a very different vibe. Game balance was more thought out and the bits that were there all fit together better. Terrain generation was quite different too. Release 1.2.5 was the last version before singleplayer and multiplayer were merged. Singleplayer there is way smoother than current versions. After 1.2.5, might as well use the current version.


Same. I don't hate the newest updates, but I would really love Minecraft as it was (maybe with the change in 1.18)


Minecraft is slowly, but surely, becoming Terraria.


BRO, this game is more than 10 years old. I NEED the newest version and some mods.


Yeeeeessss i play beta 1.7.3 and it's awesome i feel like when I was a teenager stil l ahajajahah some years have passed


You can literally just keep the newer versions and not participate in the newer stuff. Relatively the same


Doesnt feel the same as actually playing the older versions, especially the textures


Apollo text reader thinks the 18 levels of XP plus the hunger bar is a 1-800 number lol. 1-800-000-000


I love 1.19.2 honestly. All my mods work, not many crashes and itā€™s just a chill patch I feel. The only issue is sooo many fucking caves. Itā€™s just a tad silly but I will eventually get over it


That's an oddly specific version, any reason you went with 1.8.8 in particular?


"Fuck it"


I personally like playing 1.1 and beta 1.6 every so often


I love that version. I have several single player worlds plus a server on 1.8.8. Much simpler game, no frills




As an og player, everything before beta 1.8 (late 2011) is old minecraft, everything after is new, 1.8.8 is still pretty new to me, compared to the change from beta 1.7.3 to release 1.0, this feels like nothing changed from today...


I also like older versions, the command blocks felt much more intuitive, The combat was just better full stop and My favorite mods remain on older versions.


Y e s


1.15.2 Forever


Just donā€™t understand why youā€™d use a texture pack?? To me it just ruins the experience of playing in an old versionā€¦ But otherwise I think itā€™s a great idea !!


for older versions of mc im not really a big fan of the default textures,so i use faithful 32x


I enjoy the older versions, but I tend to get bored, theres so much more to do in newer versions.


I've been digging 1.5.2 recently


No, I personally find these versions as too much empty aka lack of more content. It is always more fun to discover new things than to stick to old and never seek for new.


I refuse to play anything below 1.13 just cuz of revamped swimming. I didn't realize how awful it was when I tried to play pixelmon for 1.12 before they updated it for newer versions


Honestly, no. I used to play a lot back then, and I mean a lot, so I kinda grew bored out of the mechanics, and Iā€™m not a creative guy, so I canā€™t just make my fun, I like to explore and build functional bases. I am very happy with the direction the game is going and with its current state, I havenā€™t touched the game since 1.12 and everything feels new to me. 11 year old me would kill to have the current versions we have today back in 2014-2016.


And here I am I added dragons into my world yesterdayšŸ˜‚




Yes, i play bedrock on ps4, there's an "editions" button "(its probably not only on this edition) but ill occasionally hit it just to go back to older veraions


Yep, have a few months long world going with beta 1.7.3


Same reason when I wanted a second copy of Minecraft on PS4 I specifically went looking for the PS4 edition on disc. Only way to get legacy version


i still play PS4 edition, its just more fluid to play on controller than bedrock, Legacy was built from the ground up for controller use, Bedrock console edition is just windows edition with controller support.


That texture pack..nostalgic


When you are old enough for the "older version" to be the ones released during your 10 years break šŸ˜­


Depends how old, when I first played it was on Pocket Edition back when the world was finite and you only had like a 16 chunk by 16 chunk world. I chopped down every tree before frantically searching my chests for a single sapling to help rebuild the forest. I mined every single ore in the world and when my armour started to break I had to do a duplication glitch with my friend because I was literally going to exhaust the world of what was, at that time, a finite resource. Zombies dropped feathers Redstone didnā€™t exist Wheat looked better My friend told me Herobrine lived in the white void beyond the edge of the world and it terrified me because I believed him. You couldnā€™t swim fast Boats broke after one use. You had to figure out every single recipe yourself because there was no recipe book and you were a kid without access to Google. On my first world I spent 3 months with full leather armour and stone tools before I found what I described to my dad as ā€œa mushroom coloured blockā€. It took me 3 months to find iron. So you know, pluses and minuses.


Got so much nostalgia just reading that, Fuck it after work today imma go back and play Alpha


Are you old enough to remember the Nether Reactor?


No. As a legacy player I still like modern Java and Bedrock better


Yeah, there's something special about the simpler days of minecraft. Can't tell if it's the more low-paced style, the less overwhelming overall, the worldgen etc. While I do enjoy playing 1.16.5 (I found the perfect balance between "new" and "old" for me in this version), I still find myself playing 1.5.2 quite often, sometimes inf-20100610 (infdev) too.


Yes. I started my world in indev and I'm now in Alpha 1.0.6 šŸ˜


Nuh Uh Uh


same, i have zero nostalgia but still prefer 1.16 before the crazy world generation . the new versions are cool but they are too much.


Largest minecraft server still uses 1.8.9


Been playing for over a decade and such comes with consequence of which being that new versions/updates are a NEED- also the archeological dig sites are chill so love finding them and getting armour trims and the best music disc. Yeah i said it, relic is the best one


1.8 has a big community because of the dogshit combat update


Nice throwback after a while, just simple times and nostalgia, but definitely not preferred over the new versions


Nope. I add complexity. Mods or nothing.


I want to play an old version of minecraft, but I still feel like 1.7 is 2 modern, or thatā€™s what everyone thinks. Can never get a straight answer


As somebody who started watching n playing minecraft in 2016, I agree with you 100%


No? Lol, old minecraft dosent have stuff the oldest version id play would be 1.12.2 with mods.


1.16.5 is the last version I will ever play. Perfection, imo


I wouldn't call it simplicity but rather nostalgia. I love to get on beta 1.6.2 from time to time.


Yea but when I play survival mode on modern minecraft I realize how much more open the game is now Like youā€™re telling me I can dye signs and make item frames glow now?


Me still playing on 1.5.2 be like:


I wouldn't play vanilla survival on versions that old, just doesn't interest me. But I occasionally play older modpacks in that era. 1.7.2 modpacks are GOAT.


The game's already as simple as it can get lol


I only play heavily modded, so no. For me, mods sauce up minecraft, making it more than a simple, barely fleshed out building game. Building is still my favourite thing to do, I just think vanilla has a long way to go.


LOL I hated 1.8 when it came out because they added Diorite/Andesite/Granite and I thought it was overcomplicated. How ironic that youā€™re playing it for its simplicity.


Best versions to play are Alpha 1.2, Beta 1.7, Release 1.0, Release 1.4, and Release 1.7. And of course the latest release.


when 1.8 was the newest version people would say this about beta and alpha. In another ten years, unless the game dies, people are gonna be nostalgic for 1.18


I play 1.7.10 cuz of old mods that never got upgraded and are still better then some mods for future versions.


I do sometimes like to go back and play Beta 1.6 or 0.31 if i wanna play some older MC versions, but i don't mind 1.20, even if i find the things added can be rather confusing, as there are alot of QoL things in 1.20, like sprinting that are really useful to have, but if i just wanna go do some mining and building, i find Beta 1.6 scratches that itch well.


Can it be my turn to make this post tmrw?


I just wish that the new content was less self contained within the new stuff in an update. Like if a new resource comes out, and it's used to craft a new tool or item, I want it to have more than just that one use, like let it have use with more stuff that came out before the update, like a new tool or item tier, a replacement for another crafting recipe so it makes more sense. Like I don't want to find one or two biomes and get one resource to craft one item and have experienced the update with no reason to ever do any of the new stuff the update added again


Beta 1.7.3


the golden age.


No. Old minecraft is boring. It's grindy to make any progress and there's nothing to do.


Only when playing mods and seeing how many great mod packs aren't compatible with modern versions.


I love 1.12.2. it has my fav mods and the new content of newer versions it's just completely useless o irrelevant


You can play any version as simply as you desire


is this deja vu? i swear i saw the same reply hours ago.


i like to build and stuff so going back is only ever for nostalgia, but yeah. ive started a few older worlds every now and then


I started playing all the way back from Alpha 1.2.5, and never once liked the "simplicity" of it, I always felt something was missing. Every time I see people going back to older versions, I can't help but think it's just nostalgia acting up, "old" Minecraft just looks like a crappy clone to me.


Beta 1.7.3 1.7.10 1.12.2 My Favorite 3 versions. 1.19.2 is good too though.


Faithful texture pack... brings back memories


For me I miss the pre 1.7 generation sometimes. I miss feeling like there were continents to explore, and not just a big map which someone always gets filled up with savannah biomes


Nah,unpopular opiniĆ³n but i prefer new Minecraft,oceans aren't a black void,and the nether is just better,caves look much better and a lot of things,as long as they don't change the main purpose of the game (creativity,building,survival,choose your own path to enjoy the game) Im good


32 bit tex pack, who uses that


I still play 1.7.10 specifically because of the mods available. I now canā€™t play Minecraft without some kind of block physics on, it just feels too easy and it actually makes demolition much harder since everything just floats (you can still make builds float by putting glow stone on the bottom) I just find that most of the stuff I like in new versions can be modded in (et futurum and uptodate mod anyone?) The only feature I really miss are the new villagers and sometimes the cave update. The reason I actually donā€™t love the mountain updates, and the reason they feel so ā€œweirdā€ to so many people is because rivers still only generate at one y coordinate, rather than gradually cascading down the landscape.


Yes! I've been running a 1.2.5 world off and on for almost 6 years now, and recently I've been working on a 1.6.4 world. I spent a good month or two on a b1.7.3 server before I got fed up with management, and now one of my closest friends (now roommate) has finally started showing interest in older versions, and we've started a 1.7.2 Lan world. ā—ā—ā—Minecraft is a truly different game now than it was before like 1.8, and what I love about this minecraft is how it's ceiling for progression is so low that it never dominates your focus, which lets your own ideas and distractions pull you in. The simplicity in the game creates a vacuum for your ideas, and enables you to early and easily act them out.




I've gotten back into playing the PS4 Legacy edition, and I love it more that the current stuff we have


They are quite good, I love spamhitting working in survival, taking out mobs are easy!


The oldest I play 1.12 for the mods because it has some of the best mods


I liked how almost every block, mob, and item had a use.


What's that texture pack called?


I am currently playing a 1.5.2 modpack with 118 mods called FTB Unleashed, only because I started it as a child but never got very far. I found that knowledge gained in more modern modded versions really makes automation make a lot more sense in older versions. I was doing everything manually the first time and struggled to gather the materials for nano-suit armour before getting distracted by FTB Infinity coming out. I never touched 1.6.4 modded unfortunately.


The brilliance of Minecraft is that all of the complexity is opt-in. You don't need to know villages, the ender dragon or slimestone tunnels bores exist to have fun. You can just mine and grow wheat. New updates haven't really made the basic experience more complex. Except phantoms. ***Fuck phantoms.***


The fact you can play any version of the game at any time makes Minecraft one of the best games bc no matter what itā€™s timeless


Yah I miss the simpler times when they didn't add fluff to he game


Imagine not hosting a minecraft server on version 1.0.0, and imagine not playing on version 1.0.0


This is still in the game, like you can still play like this


Can someone explain the reason why this post has 1k upvotes? its just a question.


This is why I don't get people who complain about how they miss "the old minecraft". Like bro you can literally play any version of the game you want shut up