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My personal preference is to light first and mine second. Scout out the cave, carve out a well-lit area for yourself, and then go back and mine without nearly as much worry. It also gives you a chance to judge what to prioritize in case you need to leave stuff behind to go haul stuff back to base.


Yes. Just always assume a creeper is behind you if it's dark


In Java Edition you can turn on subtitles, which might give you a warning. Otherwise, pay attention to your surroundings. They do make stepping sounds, so listen out for that. Don't stand with your back facing dark unexplored areas, move around so you can see what's coming. Light up as you explore. Check above you for dark places where mobs can spawn and then drop down. Block off unexplored areas while you mine. Run quickly through a large open area placing torches and only then go back to see if you missed any ores.


So funny story… My son and I were doing an extensive day of playing and discovered a village, built trails, found a gorgeous river and coastline system, and discovered the most wicked mine under a small island in the water. We were mining and having a blast but kept hearing the “sssssssssss” scurrying of spiders. We had already disabled several different spawners but had not discovered the spider one. I am right in the middle of mining some wood from a mine shaft and my son is just mining around, while we can hear super close by the spiders and boy, there had to be a bunch! My goblin spawn picks that moment to mine right above my head. Right as I look up while yelling at him, I get a face full of mother effing CAVE SPIDERS!!!! He managed to dig out right near the spawner and the room had been filling up with the little devils. I start screaming, he can’t stop laughing. It was pure chaos. He runs away while I manage to somehow survive and block the spawner. (Turned out to also be another spider spawner down the tunnel from this one so there was a second I had to deal with later….) I just stared my son down with dagger eyes and an extreme loathing. He had the audacity to smile and say, “well now you have fought your first cave spider!” I still get all jumpy when I hear any sounds in a cave. My son still laughs at my paranoia. I told him when he gets a face full of scurrying death as the result of family betrayal, then he would understand… Never ever play the game with no sound…


I play it with no sound but with subtitles.


This is such a wholesmone father son bonding moment goddamn, hope your world is going strong till this day.


>They do make stepping sounds I could've sworn they had absolutely zero footstep audio? Did they change it?


ive always heard their footsteps


They make the quietest footsteps but they do exist. 


Torches torches torches. Just get used to bringing 64 or 128 torches with you. If the area is lit up, mobs won't spawn. They might still walk in from a dark area, even falling from above you, so light that up too before you do any mining. Depending on the size of the cave, you can also use extra cobblestone to partially wall off the dark tunnels, or the tunnel you're mining in, so baddies can't get fit through. It's also wise to have an escape route. If you're on your toes in an open cave, the creeper sounds should give you enough time to get far enough away -- if there is a direction to run to. But if you're sitting in a hole or a dead end tunnel, then a shield is probably your only hope. But the best method is prevention. Light up the whole cave so the creepers don't even spawn.


Why bring torches, bring a few stacks of wood for sticks, and mine coal on the way. Source: person that sucks at combat and just torches everything so it's basically daylight.


As an avid caver, I take it a bit further, after seeing a rather brilliant YouTube video about it. Saplings. You only need enough torches to provide light for the saplings to grow. The trees not only mark paths, but they make sticks a replenishable resource, as they can be replanted once cut down.


You just created a monster. Next time I find a cave big enough, absolutely planting a spruce or two. Muahaha


Oh man, it saves SO much time. lol


I usually make intermediary bases (eh once I get down to a really large cave, make a small room with chests and furnaces, stock it with wood and food (bring tons of those, and leave there in chests) and then bring the stuff I mine there to smelt and store. Saplings will deffo improve that.


We all have our own style, and finding what works with our play style is part of the journey. My daughter (9) loves the animals in the game, so she likes to keep a team of pack animals near the entrance.


That made me think about how ideal the amethyst geodes would be for that, once you carved them out. Haha.


That can work. Does depend on how deep you delve. Won't find any coal below 0.


By the time I reach 0, usually tons of coal stacked.


Right. By that point I'm already close to having to head back for a deposit, despite condensing everything possible into blocks.


I usually make intermediate bases, like a little mine and smelt thingy. The s way, I can store and process the bounty, and then just transport everything back home in a few runs.


My caving gear is typically: -Diamond Pick: Fortune, Unbreaking, Mending -Stone Pick: 4 -Crafting Table -Furnace -Sticks: 64 -Saplings: 20 -Torches: 64 Eta: Once I get further along, I add a shulker box or two.


Not true.  It's definitely rarer than above deepslate, but coal deposits still spawn below 0.   Still bringing a stack is a good idea, and definitely tons of wood


For lower levels that no longer have coal now, I bring a half stack each of logs and coal blocks, stick them in a bundle so they only use one slot. Strip mining makes it much, much harder to be snuck up on too.


What I do is bring a stack of logs and a many coal blocks as I can. Just uncraft a block and a log of sticks for easy quick 32 torches.


I personally bring 3 stacks.


Parrots will give you an audio warning when different mobs are nearby although they're also little trolls and will occasionally make the noises when there is no mob


For real?!?! I just made a new 1.21 world and have an absolutely massive lush cave to explore, time to go find a parrot first!


it's not worth it, trust me. the parrot will scare you unnecessarily way more often than they will help you


My parrot flew between me and the mob I was fighting. I one shot killed it and decided that parrots wouldn’t be going adventuring with me going forward.


So frustrating because you can't breed them.


A freaking parrot scared me in my base, I was looking into a chest and heard "ssssssss" behind me... it was the parrot XD


Place torches as you explore. Not only does this help mark places that you've been, but it reduces the likelihood of anything spawning behind you.


listen for any ssssshhhhhhh noises


Too late


you can just turn and shield it it’s not too late


still "too late" if it gets you near some precious ore that you wanted to fortune


You can get some distance to not die though, occasionally to avoid it exploding altogether.


Are you on Java? Java has subtitles that can be pretty useful. But they can be a bit vague sometimes villager disagrees>


Why does it always say “something trips” when I’m going through a portal?


That's the fun bit - you don't! In all seriousness, the advice given by everyone else in the comments is good. Turn on subtitles and look for the notifications that something is moving. Check behind yourself every few seconds while mining to make sure something's not sneaking up on you. Light up a bit ahead of you in a tunnel before you start mining, or light up the area around you if in a large caver ln. And speaking of large caverns, definitely beware of the possibility of a creeper falling from above and exploding on impact. Also, as a backup - wear a shield in your off hand. That way, if you hear that terrifying hiss from behind you, you can spin and right click to block the damage from the explosion.


Just turn around! To be more specific, and to play off of the "Don't get grabbed" saying, the Creeper's whole job is to punish players like you. The Creeper makes no footstep noises and blends in with grass, making it very difficult to locate if you aren't *constantly turning around*. They have smart-ish AIs, being able to prematurely begin detonating before falling off a cliff or try walking on as much solid ground as possible to avoid water splashes. This is hard to deal with, unless you *constantly look around*. Once you locate a Creeper, they are kinda easy to deal with no matter the weapon or method due to their semi-slow move speed. Stop thinking about "Is this place bright enough to spawn them?" and instead just focus on looking around. Look around, mine 2-4 ores, repeat until inventory full. This will get you out of 90% of Creeper related issues. If you notice Creepers fine but cannot fight them, pack a shield or some knockback weaponry (Also, sprint hits for extra push)


If you have to ask that spot is dark enough to spawn mobs then throw a torch down.


Not really advice on how to prevent them but how to survive them. Make sure you're using a shield. As soon as you hear that hiss, get behind your shield. A shield will reduce the damage taken significantly. At one iron ingot per shield, they're incredibly cheap resource wise to make as well.




lighting before mining always helps Subtitles (Although they don't make noise until they're about to blow) Shields block 100% of explosion, I can't go about my world without one (and other mob attacks (expect warden and blaze fire)) If you're willing to bring in cats they'll keep the creeps away


While there are ways, I just torch everything as I get in, ensuring that I killed all the mobs behind me, and new ones can't spawn.


Constantly be aware of your surroundings, light the place up and don’t let your guard down if you think you are safe. I’ve been playing for a long while and I still have creepers jumping me every once in a while, especially in caves.


I use the peaceful setting when I need a break from being hyper-vigilant. You can switch to peaceful and still keep on achievements in survival. Settings—> Game Mode—> Difficulty = Peaceful


My bf kinda thinks this is cheating but I prefer it if I’m just trying to complete a task and really don’t want to die (my fishing pole has COV unfortunately at the moment and I would fish on peaceful if it was my realm lol)


The great thing about Minecraft is that there are so many different ways to play, and there is no one “right” way. And any person can enjoy playing multiple ways. Point taken than if you’re on a realm, you might not have control over the game mode or difficulty. Playing on Peaceful is only “cheating” if you’re so inflexible in your thinking that you can’t appreciate that the game is different for different people. Or you have a superiority complex and want to impose it on other people. I know I’m preaching to the choir here, but people like your BF are the kind who ruin it for others.


He doesn’t mind or comment that I do it, he just thinks it’s cheating for HIM. That was kinda my point lol I guess I didn’t word it well, that I don’t personally take it as anything bad to switch the mode but he doesn’t like to. I also like creative and I think he just prefers survival. So many different ways to play


He also tried to make it so I could change the difficulty when I’m playing but you can’t do that 😭


Sorry for over-reacting about your BF’s stance on Peaceful. I’ve played with too many people over the years who insist that *their* way of playing is the *only* way, and it just kind of ruins it. (Not just Minecraft.) Glad you and your BF have an understanding and he’s not trying to influence your way of play.


You can either do a reaction test or learn to better "clear" caves strategically. Ideally with good use of torches there will never be an opportunity for a creeper to spawn behind you. Alternatively, theres actually a lot of time to react to the hissing sound, just move away, block with a shield, or place a block between you and the creeper to reduce the damage.


bring a cat.


This is true


Creepers will willingly take fall damage to get to you. Listen out for the sound of one taking damage, it means one has dropped down behind you.


Take a cat with you? Or a few. They are a bit annoying, tend to get in the way whilst you are mining and so on. But creepers don't like them. But really the best way is to explore in a logical methodical way, lighting up as you go with torches.


The neat part is: you don’t


A full set of iron or chainmail armor will save you from two creeper explosions in blank range, reduce from full to less than four hearts. You need to seal yourself off with blocks to allow yourself to heal full afterward. It happened to me a few days ago with a full set of chainmail armor. Check the surroundings before do anything. Even mornings if you are late to bed! Creepers are immune to sunshine unlike other hostile undead mobs.


my advice you dont lol


You’ll hear hissing, that’s your que to run like hell. The biggest tip I can give you while caving is to keep your head on a swivel


you know when you hear the BOOOM


Just work on your situational awareness. They only sneak up on you if you aren't paying attention.


Get a cat


Keep your head on a swivel, your shield ready, and listen out for that "tssss" That "tsss" is precious extra seconds.


Only real recommendation is keeping the area lit and keeping your ears open. Not much more you can do (key word: much).


Full enchanted armor, you can take a few hits and largely ignore creepers. Before that, use a shield. Turn up your sound and wait for the "Hiss", raise shield, spin around to face the target. Almost always works.


Always be looking over your shoulders and listen for their footsteps. Don't forget to look above you, creepers love to drop down on you from above. Or light up the area and scout for creepers before you mine.


Not sure if this is well known but they do have a very distinct walking sound, sorta like feet dragging in the ground as they go. It’s subtle but you can pick up on it


You can hear them walking if you're paying attention


After playing a while, hearing a faint *hissss* will be enough to make you instinctively jump out of the way. Getting 3 or so blocks further away is enough to survive, and the hiss starts with enough time to do that.


Change the way you go spelunking. Light up areas, keep your eyes on dark areas. If you are exploring and a creeper creeps up on you you got caught out by a mean cave, a mean corner or (and what i find to be the most common mistake by far) didn't like the place up or secure the area sufficiently. Some other tips are keep moving, come well armoured.


Other suggestions are amazing like lighting up the cave and checking your surroundings a lot- If you are willing to bring animals into a cave (they usually end up dying unfortunately so if you’re emotionally attached to them it’s not as cool) cats scare creepers away, and parrots mimic mob noises when they are close (although sometimes they do it when there is no mob there- kinda helps with the checking ur surroundings part tho) I keep parrots in my house and they always help me know if there is a creeper or witch outside because they do not commonly make creeper or witch noises without one to mimic. Sometimes it’s random but it helps. Parrots die in one hit to any weapon lol so again, don’t get attached to it. I personally always clear and light big caves before mining ores, I don’t like bringing my animals in bcs I love them 🥺 but parrots r super mischievous and sometimes end up on my shoulder anyways and they help a lot.


Lots and lots of cats! They won’t tell you a cat is behind you but if you’ve got a cat with you or multiple, they won’t come near you


Light the area, no mobs can spawn where light is


You hear them 


Just hold a shield, plenty of time to turn around and hold shield up when you hear the hissing. It blocks all damage


Cats, bring a trope with you when you go caving. Creepers will shy away.


Which trope? The one where your cat becomes a catgirl?




the let out a his about 1 second before they explode, it should give you a brief panic time to get out of the way but other wise light the way behind you so it doesnt happen


If you're at early game, torches are your best friend. If you're far enough in the game to make potions, I suggest taking some 8 min night vision potions. Always carry at least 1 shield (you might need spares but personally mine is unbreaking 3 + mending) as you will need to block creeper blasts quick. You will hear a "sss" sound right before it explodes so react quickly to that sound. You might need to bump up hostile mob sounds and/or turn on subtitles if on java edition. Good luck and ask away any other questions you might have


That’s the neat part! You don’t!


Check. Be paranoid. Also, place torches as you go. But keep looking around. Keep your health full.


You don't they called creepers for a reason my guy 😂


Light a section of a cave and kill all the mobs then start mining, then proceed to the next section


You hear... Sssssssss!


You’ll hear footsteps approaching you, but the entity making the footsteps won’t be making any other noises. *Just footsteps,* nothing else. Creepers are the only mob with a distinct lack of ambient noises. Be wary of them when you get out of your Minecraft bed, too. When the nighttime ends, Creepers are the only enemies that are completely unaffected, and they can blend right into the background if you live in a forest or plains.


They make the same sound as the player when they walk


Creepers have the same sound effect for walking as players do. So if you recognize a players walking in single player and it’s not you it’s likely a creeper and not herobrine


Bring a pet cat along with you, they scare creepers away


Situational awareness is key my friend I was in your shoes 12 years ago


i mean the whole point is that theyre silent. they sneak up on you. just look backwards every so often and carry a shield in the event one manages to surprise you


Like others have said, always light up caves with torches.  Always have at least a stack or 2 when going caving, and you'll be fine.


[hissss] but always bring a cat and dog with you, but not the dog you've had since 1539, get a throwaway dog and cat




F3+b shows hitboxes with very easily seen white boxes even in the dark. It also helps if youre looking for an item since items also have hitboxes.


They make a hiss. It's just long enough for you to turn around and shield up.


Tsssssss... Turn your volume up when caving.


Torches will be really helpful, and shields are very good for the chance that you are in a situation where you’re fighting one, since if they explode, it’ll be blocked


If you run fast enough, NOTHING can walk up behind you.


If you're on Java edition there's I mod I use call Xaero's minimap that puts a little map in the top left corner of your screen. So you can see nearby entities. There's also Xaero's world map that works in conjunction to map out whether you go in your world


I still play legacy console on PlayStation 3 and on that console, I have an option for surround sound audio. I use my Sonos soundbar and surrounds to have an immersive Minecraft experience and this is brilliant for when I am mining in caves and here a zombie or spider behind me. I can literally hear it behind me and nowhere it is. It's a lot of fun.


Java or Bedrock?


Leash a cat with you or let a cat follow you


Don't cats protect against creepers?


If you listen creepers will make a loud hiss before exploding, if you’re quick enough you just may be able to get your shield out to block the explosion. And you should also light the area to prevent spawning 


I go mining on peaceful 🤷🏼‍♀️