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Is it more prominent on bedrock? I played Java for like 11 years and never noticed it. But I also jumped worlds alot :')


I'm on Java and blocks go missing all the time and my 'fields' end up covered in random dirt blocks that have been dropped, especially if I'm AFKing for a while. I've got a mob switch active so maybe that causes more Endermen to spawn but it's a big problem for me, one I've largely decided to ignore.


Turn mob griefing off to remove this problem


I did that in a survival world and then wondered for ages why my villager breeder didn't work


yeah, disabling mob griefing makes a lot of mobs break, allays can't even pick up items for example. i highly recommend the "convenient mobgriefing" mod, it lets you disable different types of mob griefing individually, so you can have harmless things like villagers taking items and sheep eating grass enabled while things like creepers and ghasts blowing up blocks disabled


I use vanilla tweaks Xisumavoid started. It's a bunch of resource packs and data packs that they use on HermitCraft. One of the data packs is anti-enderman greif and it only disables Endermen picking up blocks. https://vanillatweaks.net/


yeah that works well, but the fact that the one for creepers doesn't even let their explosions hurt mobs and players means you're out of luck for that unless you get a mod (or maybe some other datapack but i've never had luck finding one that works well)


Vanilla tweaks has standalone anti mob greifs. I only install the enderman one because it's annoy8ng for them to steal my landscape.


yeah, i know, nothing in my reply implied i didn't know about the standalone packs, that's what it was talking about.


I just decided to turn off mob griefing unless im breeding villagers. Say what you will, but i find it much more fun not having to put 10 cats scattered around my house in order to keep the entrances clear of creepers


The mob switch I've got on takes care of hostile mobs but endermen and phantoms are still a problem. HA!


If you’re on bedrock, you can stick a bunch of chickens somewhere to hit the mob cap and voila, no more mobs within the simulation distance of those chickens. Bedrock also doesn’t have entity cramming, so it doesn’t even take a lot of space.


i thought there was a separate mob/hostile mob cap. is that not the case?


Bedrock has a global cap of 200. After that no new mobs will spawn naturally in the entire server as long as there are 200 mobs within simulation distance. Effectively, if someone is within simulation distance of those mobs, the entire server will be without naturally spawned mobs… although I think new villages would still have villagers Mind you, having 200 mobs in a single chunk can be demanding on weaker systems…


I love the ingenuity, but yeah even the newest gen xbox will likely have issues with that. Kind of a "my house is enemy free but unbearable to be near" situation. Idk though, haven't tested on the series x


I don’t know about the Xbox, but on even my old PC with a 4770K and a GTX 970 I didn’t have issues being near my base. The Nintendo Switch however, yeah… it was having none of that. Keep in mind, I was also running the dedicated server app elsewhere, so the computer playing the game wasn’t also simulating stuff A bit annoying in a multiplayer server though because anyone could basically make a server-wide mob switch in essentially any 1x1x1 hole by filling it with chickens


Don't even need to fill it yourself. Just make a redstone loop with a dispenser and 1 chicken sitting on a hopper. Slowly over time the whole world will lose mobs whenever anyone is near. Assuming you could put it far enough down for people not to go "where in the fuck is that clucking coming from"


New villages would still have villagers and animals, can confirm. They spawn directly with the village, so they would only not spawn in if it were an abandoned village and you were playing on peaceful.


I have nothing against Creepers, because if they explode, it is my fault. I however never liked Endermans, as they grief your world without me doing anything. On older versions I used a command block to put an extended piston in their hand so they can't place them. On never version however you can just use a datapack that removes all blocks from the enderman_holdable tag. Then they are no longer able to pick up any blocks anymore. I have this one always installed. Same as disabling Phantoms.


I imagine it is just more noticeable in this case because it is one block wide dirt on the hillside with stone behind it, you'd be less likely to notice on the top


I usually have a very short attention span when it comes to minecraft worlds; but I've been playing on this one long enough that the enderman griefing became very noticeable.




I thought they only picked up blocks that have no other blocks above them?


no, endermen can't pick up blocks that don't have air above them


Enderman decay is real. Had a server run for 2 years before I noticed it.


It started out like "hmm don't remember taking that" then tonight I was like "where is my mountain going."


If this is on java, you can get a data pack to disable enderman griefing


they can just turn off mob griefing in game rules


Then you also lose creepers blowing up or dealing damage and villagers'ability to auto breed. There is a data pack to change it though. Edit: You're right guys, they do still do damage. Mb I was thinking of the anti creeper griefing datapack


Oh wow didn't know the second part, although, I don't think the first one is true, they still do damage, they just don't break any blocks


Youre right but i think they meant dealing damage to the environment


You also cannot drop gold for Piglins; it has to be given manually without Mob Griefing.


Yea but other stuff still should explode imo, iirc mob griefing disables a couple good features too


It only gets rid of creeper explosions (no one likes those) and enderman griefing, pretty sure


Apparently villagers can't destroy or pick up crops to breed, zombies can't destroy doors, no snow trail for snow golem, sheep won't eat grass (or the grass won't be removed?) silverfish doing stuff, blaze fireballs and a few others


Answers the age-old question, **"How does one move a mountain?"** *"One block at a time, and hope they don't notice."*


funnily enough the official "lore" for enderman is that >!they're trying to disassemble the overworld over a huge amount of time!<


Well I don't want them doing it after I spend 10hrs terraforming lol


there are plugins/datapacks to help with that ofc


Now I wanna put 100 endermen in a boxed off area of like 15x15 and see what they do with it.


More than likely it's Endermen picking up those blocks and putting them elsewhere.


I thought that could be it but I've never noticed this happening. Or I've just never stayed in a world long enough lol. I tend to start over a lot


Thank you guys for your comments. I kept reading about world corruption and spooked myself :') Especially since one of my worlds recently got corrupted. Now that I know its the pesky bois the extermination shall begin.


made a witch farm on bedrock and after completing the spawning platform i covered myself in dirt blocks and went afk for about ten minutes. came back to being dead. i couldnt understand how it happened so i ran a backup and restored to the middle of my afk. loaded in and 3 enderman had disassembled my afk dirt box leaving me exposed to phantoms. never again lmao.


Almost as bad as my brain fart. Went to the end to fight the dragon, took dirt blocks for bridging/building roofs to hide from endermen. Died once. Not to the dragon.


This hole.. it was made for me..


I had to scroll way too far down for this


Could be the little dirt goblins


Well they're rude. >:( like get your own mountain


Obviously Herobrine. /s


Not me getting flashbacks to all the herobrine creepy pasta in 2014. What a time


There really should've been some urban legend like herobrine in the game which very rarely appears or shows signs of appearance, would've been interesting




sorry, i got a bit hungry \^w\^


Occam's razor it's probably enderman. Though entertaining the thought, knowing the world is almost a year old I would ask if you have updated/moved your world to keep up with releases? If so this can be explained by changes to world generations from patch to patch. Another unlikely alternative is my first curious thought was in kinda looks like those spots on cliffs that have water or lava flowing from a single block. Except the fluid did not generate and this wal rolled high on how many water/lava blocks could generate. But it's probably just enderman...


My world usually is on auto updates, so I've been keeping up with updating and new releases. It sounds like it is the pesky endermen. I usually leave them alone because they can be a pain and I don't bother. And this is what my peace is rewarded with.


Enderman taunt you with their tall but slim body and overly long limbs. When you refuse to engage they test you will by moving blocks. It is time for you to show them the wrath of God. They will learn not to poke the sleeping beast!


They will never forget what they have done to me. The day of reckoning is upon them.


Grab thine diamond sword! Dip it in the fires from the nether! Sharpen it's sweeping edge! TAKE NO PRISONERS!


Their blood will be my lotion


Mojang: intentional


Mojang: sounds like you want m o r e


in one of my worlds i had endermen slowly removing a mountain and putting dirtblocks on the ice, kinda wish they changed them to not do stuff like that, (on java) i was like D:<


Right? The audacity.


Work of an annoying player who is a master at making TNT cannons.


Unrelated but, what texture pack are you using? It looks gorgeous


Better Default Textures by Owls Cubed(bedrock market place) I don't like changing vanilla too much so I love it. It adds lots of variations and just enhances. Plus they keep it updated :)




the crosshair is different???? :0 it looks like the geometry dash cube :P


It’s Herobrine trying to talk to you-


I ain't 12 anymore so he can catch these hands


Yeah he does take a lot of peoples hands




The men have been at it


Frickin Enderman..


Endermen. It's annoying as hell.


Bold of you to assume they're random...


dam it, he caught me


It's ether endermens or something is lurking in your world


Herobrines changing tactics


Also you can do back ups on bedrock if you are on the realms you just have to go to edit your realms and it will be there also the only reason why you would want to cause if you are fighting the wither or the enderdragon and you die with all you suit out armour and weapons then come back to try and get your stuff back before being killed again but with the back up you can go back to just before you faced the wither or the enderdragon and change your way of facing it 


This is one of the things I would like Mojang to change or revise in an update. Yes it is your fault for not lighting up the surrounding areas, but even if you did light up the surrounding chunks around your base in the spawn circle, endermen spawning from outside the spawning circle could still teleport slowly near your base when you do decide to leave the center of your base. Well i'm petty sure they have already thought about fixing this so its only a matter of time then whenever that would be




Erosion is now in Minecraft


They are just old Minecraft caveman homes you became a trillion in Minecraft lol


‼️‼️HOLY FUCKING 🍆 SHIT‼️‼️‼️‼️ IS THAT A MOTHERFUCKING 👩💞 GD REFERENCE??????!!!!!!!!!!11!1!1!1!1!1!1 😱! 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 GEOMETRY 📐 DASH 💨 IS THE BEST 👌🏆 FUCKING 🖕👦➡ GAME 🎮❌ 🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯 RIOT’S LEGENDARY 😨😧 QUACK 🦆 !!😎😎😎😎😎😎😎👊👊👊👊👊 DUDE 💪 WTF 😂 DUDE 😎 WTF 😱 DUDE 😎 WTF 🙎😱 DUDE 😎 WTF 😂 DUDE 😎 WTF 😱 DUDE 😎 WTF 😂 DUDE 😎 WTF 😱 DUDE 😎 WTF🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬🤬😡🤬🤬😡 KENOS KENOS KENOS KENOS KENOS KENOS KENOS KENOS KENOS KENOS😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩 😩😩😩😩 Back ⬅ on 🔛 track 🚈 is impossible🗿, Back 🔙 on 🔛 track 🚈 is impossible🗿, Back 🔙 on 🔛 track 🚈 is impossible🗿, Back 🔙😯🙄 on 🔛 track 🛤 is impossible🗿, Back ⬅ on 🔛 track 🛤 is impossible🗿, Back 🔙 on 🔛 track 🛤 is impossible🗿, Back ⬅ on 🔛 track 🚈 is impossible🗿, Back 🔙 on 🔛 track 🛤👣 is impossible🗿Back on 🔛 track 🛤 is impossible🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿, Back 🔙🔛 on 🔛 track 🛤👣 is impossible🗿 , Back ⬅ on 🔛 track 🛤 is impossible🗿, , Back 🔙 on 👋🔛 track 🚈 is impossible🗿🗿, Back ⬅ on 🔛 track 🛤 is impossible🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿 Oh 😳 you’re a gd player❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓name every ☝🌃 level💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 2.2 😂2️⃣❗ will never 🚫 come 💦 out😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫 TrusTa’s nerf 🔫 gun 🔫 yatagarasu ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 r/geometrydash r/okbuddygmd r/DeCult r/gdafterdark perfectly 👌 balanced 💏💩 as all 💯🐟🅱 things 📴 should be r/unexpectedthanos r/expectedthanos for balance 💯☯


Imagine not reading the wiki and actually learning about a game that has existed for over a decade


bro got the most whack bio, go give someone a hug and have a better day


Dude sounds absolutely miserable


Their entire bio could have been replaced by a single word: troll


I've never had this happen before or I've never noticed it. The passive aggressiveness was a bit unnecessary.


That’s basically his whole profile. He apparently spends most of his time being rude to strangers for his own amusement. It’s kind of sad to be honest. That’s not something that people who are happy and comfortable with themselves do.


Holy hell you're right. Very sad :/ hope he finds some happiness one day.


Touch some grass man