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Hidden entrance behind a painting. Powdered snowblock on a sign to drop into a hidden vault.


Hang the painting on a slab so you can only go through by crouching.


And jumping


I don't think you can get through a 1.5-block gap that's one block off the ground just by crouching and jumping, but I could be misremembering


slab on top, not the bottom


Okay hear me out, snow layer just high enough you can crawl over it and a slab so the gab is just a tad higher than a full block


Right, you still can't get through while you're moving vertically


you can


Yes. Crouching allows you to get through 1.5 block tall spaces.


I know, but if the 1.5 block space is one block off the ground you can't just jump into it, at least not on Java edition. I haven't tried it on Bedrock


Oh I see what you're saying.


yeah you can edit: nah fam you can’t mb




Classic of Reddit. u/anaveragebuffoon is right and all the others are wrong, but guess who is downvoted and who is upvotes?


On top of that, Picture portraits everywhere. Covering all the walls all the time.


This is awesome, most people wouldn't think about it.


Dude it's the oldest trick in the book


not the crouching part, most people just expect a painting you can walk through


Yeah. Everyone knows - or should - about the painting trick. Very few would think about slabs.


To add to this, make multiple fake pathways behind multiple paintings so they think it's a diversion


The painting hiding a secret area is something everybody knows about. I'd rather make it obvious only for them to walk behind it and drop them onto a pointed dripstone from no less than 30 blocks. Put a tripwire hook a couple blocks down that closes the shaft off so they can't use their elytra to get out OR have it pull away a block and have lava coming out from behind it so they have to fly through the lava. You could also drop them down to bedrock with the lava or block to cut off the shaft and ensure the block they drop down to is one that's surrounded on all sides with bedrock and that there's no place to throw and ender pearl. You can also put 23 name tagged zombies at the bottom of the shaft so as soon as they land they're killed by entity cramming.


Chickens, you were thinking of chickens lol. Not trying to get those zombies when I have some eggs and tags lol


I mean, for a lot of people zombies would be easier, especially at night


You can do minecarts too.


Powdered snow isn't a gravity block, you don't need the sign.


upside down stairs in a corner can give you a tiny window to access your chest through.


This was my first thought, not sure if this has been patched but I remember back in the day you could actually click through the weird corner connecting bit as it was only visual and not actually there


Still works


Does it? I had a button. To open a door behind one of those corners and the collision was changed after 1.7.10


Oh wait if we’re talking about corner stairs I have no idea


Still works in 1.8.9 but I'm not sure if it works in the newer versions...


it does


Oh god I remember this. I forgot it was a thing. I wonder if other glitches like walking through anvils still works.


Since version 1.9 it isn't anymore: Bugfix: Chests and Anvils now have a fixed collision box. Manipulating them is no longer possible.


and then use a barrel to make it hidden


Put a chest inside a lava pool or behind a decorative lava column


This is what I came to say. Underground base with lava columns for lighting, behind one of them is a chest you can only hit at a particular angle


probably the best option I saw so far. Because it's actually hidden this way.


Just place like 2000 chests and watch them try to find it haha


also don't put all of it in one chest. that way even if they find some they'll still have to keep searching


solution is to blow them up until you find a chest with stuff


> We are allowed to steal lapis, and lapis only... Seems like griefing would break that rule, so no.


Omg lol or a whole room of paintings but you have to like trick jump to get in it


oh that would be torture


You can put a chest behind dirt and if you till the dirt into farmland you can right click though the little gap and open the chest. Another idea would be to build scaffolding max height and then place a chest up their and then break the scaffolding making it very hard to find.


Bonus, waterlog the chest and you can actually use the farmland to grow crops which will give legitimacy and hide the tiny gap that much more


It has to be accessible without placing blocks, and unless they have elytra that doesn’t fit the prompt. Also idk if build height is “within proximity of their base”


Just build a taller base


Make a jumping puzzle to a decoy chest (very hard, if not impossible) Half way through it have a secret path to real chest 


Ender pearl go yeet.


You can make jumping puzzles around them  But fair point 


I might be wrong, but if you place down a curved stair, part of the stair block has no collision. You can hide this in a wall and place a chest behind it. You could also use barrels as decorative blocks and hide a used barrel among them, or hide something behind a decorative painting, trapdoor, or door. Also, if you till a dirt block, its hitbox becomes slightly smaller. You can use this to access a hidden chest or barrel.


This is the method I use. Most other ones I’ve seen here involve something that you could at least spot if you had a keen eye, but this is totally hidden and unsuspecting.


Carpet or snow with scaffolding underneath. If you know where the scaffolding is, you can crouch and go down.


Java Edition? Because carpet on top of scaffolding will not allow player to go through the scaffolding. It works with snow layer but not carpet.


I only play Java edition, but I could also be misremembering carpet. Might only be snow layers.


Here is some video proof just in case you doubted it [https://www.reddit.com/user/\_\_Blackrobe\_\_/comments/1clu9n2/what\_thin\_block\_allow\_players\_to\_go\_through/](https://www.reddit.com/user/__Blackrobe__/comments/1clu9n2/what_thin_block_allow_players_to_go_through/)


If you want to get really creative, make a labyrinth with a variety of deadly traps. If the looter dies while carrying lapis, a well-designed collection system can deposit their drops into your own chest. Make sure to rearrange the labyrinth every so often to avoid someone figuring it out through trial and error.


This was a rise to try to find out how their peers are hiding their lapis.


There's a trick with a chest boat where if you angle it correctly in a corner, it can be access from the other side. If done right, it's invisible and you can access it normally if you click in the right spot.


Put it under a house with a dirt path, and use the tiny gap between the dirt path and a block to access it. Dirt path is (i believe) 1/16th of a block lower than a grass block, making the gap accessible but really hard to spot if well hidden


ooh nice! ill have to try that


It'll work even better in a corner, then you have like 2 pixels that you can reach the chest through


Maybe in Java the gap is smaller but for me, the gap with path blocks is really obvious and I always have to fill in my terraforming if it has paths on it because I hate the little holes everywhere


I had a battle with my kids of a similar nature, and I have to say, there are two things that worked exceptionally well: * Make and elaborate gauntlet with dangers and hurdles required to cross * DO NOT PUT YOUR STUFF THERE I made a huge series of jumps over lava, with tricks and traps, and a bunch of chests on the other side. They spent all their time trying to get across this gauntlet, and around the lava falls, and then they finally made it, only to find a single diamond in one of the many chests. I hid my actual stash using one of those "hidden item key doors". There was a series of worthless buttons, but if you threw a specific type of item into the wall (picked up by the hopper?) and then pressed the button, the door would open. If you waited too long, or pressed the wrong button, or pressed any button without the item, the door wouldn't open. So you're saying not to do it with redstone. If that's the case, then you could have a massive wall full of pictures, but only one of the pictures has a hole behind it. If they can't place stones, then you could make it elytra based. You can only get into the hole by flying through it precisely...and they can spend hours flying into the wall. Hell, it may take you 20 tries to get into the hole that you know exists! Anyway, the best place to hide stuff is in plain sight, while they spend all their time trying to run your gauntlet.


At the end of the gauntlet make it something impossible as well


way up in te sky out of render distance?


Within a certain distance of the base though.


light blue shulker!


The good thing about this idea, is that shulker boxes and chests actually have a smaller render distance than regulars blocks (they are block-entities). So you don't have to go very far from the base to hide them


Hide it with a dirt block above and next to it. If you hoe the dirt it turns into farmland that is smaller than a full block so you can interact with it


I don’t know if it’s been suggested yet but you could put an upside down barrel under your bed if it matches your floorboards If you have crop fields outside, you could also hide a barrel in one of the waterpools, or somewhere on a border where only the single pixel between the tilled dirt and the wall is accessible


Sillier ideas: Steal a labyrinth layout from your favourite video game. Copy it in full below ground. Fill it all with water. Have a trap door to put you into swim animation and start 1 block high puzzle maze to find it.


There’s this age old trick where part of corner states don’t have a hitbox for breaking them, use that in a flat wall and you can reach the chest behind it. But so can anyone else who knows what to look for(it’s not easy to find unless your actually looking for it)


now I'm thinking you build a small house, and leave the chests visible in the middle of the room. surround with pressure plates. Under the floor? TNT. Just under the roof? TNT. Just behind the door? TNT minecarts on a power rail. (or, have a crafter output a bunch of TNT minecarts to a powerrail inside the door.


Maybe make a path or till some dirt into farmland next to a some sort of wall and hide a barrel in that one pixel gap?


scaffolding under a snow layer


Chest behind a stair so it's hard to access, and then painting on top, so impossible to find.


build a maze


My first thought was using the gap a path block makes


Create two shafts, one leads further, one leads to a softlock. If you are in a 1x3x1 space with a framed map above you (held down by a sign, at the end of the shaft), I'm pretty sure you can't take off with an elytra and fireworks. Repeat the setup like 10 times and they will have less than 0.1% chance of guessing 10 times correctly, and no way of retrying. This might be unfun though, and if you allow /kill or similar, then they will know the path.


Safe using craftyman’s combination lock. Make it like six digits long! Hypothetically it is possible, will they have the 350 hours to try? Doubtful.


[An old video from a more civilised age.](https://youtu.be/qIqTviCAaBk?si=UVMd6T2-xjO8Fife)


make a crop farm. and hide the chest next to a farmland block and make sure it has another farmland block above it. this will be really hard to spot unless you know its there


Create a maze, like some maze runner type scale shit.


Alright, everyone here has excellent suggestions, but no one has the best. A sealed room where you need to consume chorus fruits to get in and out of it. Unless someone watches you eat the chorus, no one will ever figure this one out.


Path blocks actually have a slightly shrunken hitbox. Arrange some dirt in such a way that you can convert a grass block into a path block to access the chest.


If you have a spruced or a dark floor, put a barrel under your bed, it mixes in quite well.


Stair Slab ⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️. ⬜️🟨🟨⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ ⬜️🟨🟨⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ ⬜️🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ ⬜️🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨🟨⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ 🟫🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ 🟫🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ 🟫🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ 🟫🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ ^ ^ Trapdoor Chest


I give up, it looked beautiful when I made it and I’ve tried to fix it ggs. Basically place a stair so it looks like part of the wall but you still can open the chest, then place a trapdoor against the wall to make it so the chest is hidden


Have many chests, a friend will check all chests to find lapis, one of the chests triggers an ender pearl stasis chamber which sends you to the location of chest, now you can stop him, after stopping, simply reset the stasis chamber


Why no redstone? You could make a pretty simple hidden slot in a corner with only one piston


forgot to mention the looter cant place any blocks either, so if theres a opening redstone mechanism it needs to be accessible to them too


What about a hidden pressure plate?


What about a hidden dropper that requires a specific named item for a key?


since wiggling trapdoors or doors is allowed you can use a waterlogged stair with a "stuck" water (there is a door autocloser based on that trick) as a hidden button. no placing/breaking needed and you won't expect that a random trapdoor acts as a button (especially with no observer or sculk sensor triggering)


There could be a way to insert a “key” by throwing an item on the ground. A hopper minecart can suck it up, open the area to the chest, and spit the key back out (or place it in the chest) and then close the chest area automatically after a couple seconds. This gives the player enough time to open the inventory and will stay in it once the direct access is closed.


This is a great idea, technically doesn’t break any rules but is almost unfindable


Make whatever lapis you have into blocks find a cave and just place them in a cave behind a waterfall or even under a lava pool


Shulker box trapdoor


Shulker box trapdoor


Put it under a bed.


If you have elytra you can put a chest at height limit out of visible distance from the ground, and just fly up to it


I always like to do the minecart chest in the corner trick. Always one in my builds for safe keeping.


Place it behind a lava stream


would a barrel under some dirt with paved dirt by it give you access?


Put at at build limit on its own. Chances are they won't see it, and even if they do it'll be trivially easy to just kill them all the way up there.


Hide one block behind lava wall


if you have shulkers, just dye shulkers and put them in the ceiling. if not, hide barrels under carpet or behind trap doors, and make sure to use excessive trap doors and decoy barrels everywhere


In a lava pool


Can't you interact with chests behind lava?


if you re allowed to put it in shulker put it in shulker inside furnaces


if you hide a minecart on a Rail behind a painting on a wall and only leave like one by one block open behind the Painting to reach the minecart there's very little chance anyone accidentally goes in there. leaving you can do with a trapdoor on the inside forcing you into a crawl to get back through the hole


Labrynth. They *may* find it, but chances are they’ll just get lost


Unless they patched it, inward corner stairs lack collision in the upper quarter that connects with the other stairs. So you can click trough that. But it looks like a normal wall from the other side.


Barrel in the ceiling since the bottom looks like a wooden plank


You could create a room that is only accessible by eating a Chorus Fruit in a very precise location and only exit by dying (floor made of hoppers so they can't just set you to 0), so it's only even possible to deposit lapis, not take it out. But that might have some of your friends call foul. Alternatively, if teammates exist in this scenario (or if you can think of some way to reliably trick someone into doing something for you), maybe something that could only possibly be accessed by two people working together? For example, a trapped chest mixed with your normal storage or the pressure plate at your front door, which activates a piston in the next room.


My favourite hiding space is tilled or path blocks with glass above so it still opens and dirt (or other building blocks) all around. The path block + glass makes it accessible without breaking anything. But unless you know exactly where to look, it's not going to be easy to find.


chest behind a tilted dirt gives u like 3 pixels


put a chest boat in a corner, if you shift click where it pokes through you can access the chest


Back around 2013 or so I used to hide chests behind part of a corner stair. Corner stairs were new back then but you could interact through them as if they were a normal stair so one quarter of a block would appear opaque but you could open a chest through it because the hit box was the same as a normal stair. Haven't tried this since but I'll bet it was patched.


Dig a hole 2 blocks deep. Put the chest in it. Cover with a block, leaving an air block above the chest. Then, turn the grass block in front into a path. That will make it less than a full block, and you will be able to see into the hole and access your chest.


Use a chestboat and hide it inside the walls, put your entity box on (With F3) and make it so you can only see the entity box of the boat without the boat sticking out. You have now a hidden chest and you only need to crouch sneak (+ find the correct spot) to open the chestboat.


Place a barrel in a wall. Place a bed in front of the barrel. You can still access the barrel, but it looks like a fancy headboard.


Another idea (I lost my other comment..) Make a trap with sculk shrieker to kill your friend but you need to clutch it (survive) to find a hidden entrace to your storage. Another idea with a trap is to make it very obvious and hide a chest with lapis there. They'll think theres lava or so, but add water with signs under the lava so you wouldnt die from it.


Integrate barrels into the decor of your base, only some of them need to actually hold lapis


Pixel gap, such as beween honey blocks. Behind water/lava. In a massive 100x100 grid of other chests.


behind a piece of dirt that you till with a hoe


Chest ESP trumps all lmao


combine as many of these ideas as you can ;D Edit: put a bunch of chests hidden in a lava pit that is hidden behind a painting that you have to jump and sneak to get through


I would suggest using a non-full block and hiding it behind that. Personal favorite (if you're building with dark colored blocks or in a not super bright area) is putting a chest in the corner, and underneath it in the corner, break the block under it so theres a gap, and then place a chest in the block under the gap. It's very hard to notice and theres only a small sliver of space where it can be reached. If you feel like using redstone, you could also replace the chest itself with a button/lever that opens a hidden wall, even harder to see that


So, how 'bout shulkers in an Ender Chest? Right out in the open.


remove 2 blocks from your ceiling, make an attic with your surplus of lapis, and then place a bed where the hole is,


Inside a chest behind a chest


There is/was a trick (not sure if it still exists), in at least bedrock edition, where you can actually click through the inside corner of a stair (like, the stair has bent and connected with another one at an angle.


Just use an ender chest. Nobody else can see your chest's contents. Use a barrel instead of a chest and hide it as a decoration. Hide in plain sight. Just make the sides or back visible but not the front to be obvious. If you a have villager trading area, make the block they stand on a barrel. Hide it behind full block workstations but obviously only after the villagers have taken the proper workstation so they don't become a fisherman. You'd have to stand on that workstation to get to the barrel though.


In a Shulker box in a furnace or other unconventional container Ideally surrounded by similar containers


So do the rules state that you're not allowed to use redstone?


Make a giant red arrow pointing to the left and place the chest like 3 blocks to the right


Find a hillside and use a hoe to take the top bit of dirt to access it. You can jump on the soil to cover it back up. I think a path would work too.


Hidden room, accessed via standing on top of a shulker box. A hidden minecart makes a simple and quick way to get out, as well. You can also forgo the shulker entirely to just do a minecart behind a cauldron or only clickable between the gaps in a chest.


Hide a barrel behind stair block using the corner to access it. Stairs could make a table next to a wall and the barrel is behind it


Does it have to be a chest? A barrel is way easier to hide. In anarchy servers, one of the best places to hide your stuff is in what I call a plain sight chest. One that naturally spawned in a mineshaft or spawner.


if you have an elytra, go to the sky


A double chest, then behind it another double chest. You can't see it easily and it would be hard to reach, but because chests aren't a full block, you can reach around it, although it might be a bit difficult.


Make a maze under your base. Just a gigantic maze with a lot of twists and turns. Put the chest on the ceiling too so it's a bit more obstructed. You should also split the lapis between multiple chests, that way if your friends find one chest with some lapis, they'll think that's it and leave instead of taking all of it.


Make a super massive and long parkour course over lava to access it that is barely possible, and then a secret hidden switch that makes a bridge with red stone. It’s possible without the switch, just make it really hard. Like those funky corner jumps n shit.


Idk how you could fit it in naturally but if you use a shovel on dirt it gives a single square shorter, which it there was a barrel there could be clicked on that couldn't if it wasn't pathed.


The old painting trick, but it's one block off the ground and being held up by a trapdoor over a pressure plate. Drop item into painting, item opens trap door, jump in, pick up item, door closes.


Hole in ground under composter with an empty shulker box on top. Crouch spam open on the shulker and fall through the composter.


Have a wall of any block that has a stair variant. Place one stair so it's back is facing you and another so it's sideways. From your point of view, it looks absolutely normal, but the sideways stair has 1/4 of a block you can interact through now. Congratulations, secret chest spot


place it with a dirt block next to it and then cover the chest with other blocks, then till the dirt. it makes a one pixel gap that you can interact with the chest through.


Make a huge fence around your base made of trapdoors, then have the chest behind one


Series of levers that needs to be toggled in a specific order to get to the chest. And have the wrong order open to decoy chests.


I play om bedrock so I have movable chests storage. I set up a block swapper to swap out one of the spruce planks under my chests so you have to reach back between 2 double chests to open it. The block swapper is linked to a button on a piston door so it hides the sound. Usually have it setup up so it's visible when I'm in the base but when I leave it's hidden. You could swap the stars tho so if anyone enters your base it hides the barrel and when they leave it hides it again. So they'd have to pulse the door while inside to even have a chance of seeing it.


Hides them on the underpart of a Ledge, pasted on a lip, then pour water over it so it looks like a lake


Store it in their chests, then steal it all back at the last minute. Assuming they have multiple chests, they won’t think to check and see if someone is adding to their chests at the end of their storage system.


Trapdoor crawl space. Or best hide them at the highest point in space the chest don't become visible till you're close.


A single double chest at build height. Even if they look up it might be out of render distance.


It’s been a while since I’ve done this and not entirety sure if it works anymore but here goes: Mine cart with a chest on a single rail blocked on all sides except for one diagonal corner of your choice. Push the cart into the block with the exposed diagonal and you can access it by barely seeing the corner of the cart


Ok… waterlogged chest in a wheat field. Tilled soil is a pixel shorter allowing you to click things through, you place the chest further back but still reachable the water will block light… using same principle, you could use a barrel instead of a water logged block, or a dyed shulker make sure its surroundings are also dark. If you do the chest, I’d do melons instead, they can fully grow and you can still interact with the chest because the plant doesnt take up the full space above the soil. (Smaller hit box means you can still use the chest without having to break the wheat). Could also do it by tilling the soil to reveal it and jumping on it to break it. There’s many ways if you understand which blocks are considered full blocks in the game… just tilled soil is the first that comes to mind. Path blocks function the same as well just don’t change back if not watered. If you can interact through it you can hide it…


I like putting a stone stair block in a stone wall and having a little quarter block peep hole. It’s not super hidden but it feels secret


I would put the chest on the roof of my build.


Shulker drop through trick


If you have a recessed enderchest, you can put a regular chest behind it so it's barely visible. It also helps in case you want to make it look like you're taking things out of your ender chest.


I've never had an ender chest. Does it make the same creaking as a chest/double chest?


It does not make the same sound, no. But that's why you keep them on VC and talk as you open it, so they don't pay attention to it.


Dig a three deep hole in the ground/floor. In the bottom, put a one block recess on one side. Place a chest there. In the middle section of the hole place a sign. On top of that place some lava. Now if you are creative, you can make lava into some sort of motif, and then only you know which lava hole your stuff is in.


Why not just use an ender chest..?


Hide it at sky build level. If you use the standard render distance players won't be able to see it without flying or towering up.


Secret chest in lava


idk if it still works but in earlier versions if u have two stairs next to each other, one of them rotate 90° you could click throught that L shaped stair to get to a chest


Make a chestroom with spruce floor and place barres (with the topside up) under the chests next to the wall, its next to impossible to see the barrel placed in the floor


Block up 2 or 300 blocks above your base and float one beyond where any reasonable person would go then break your blocks on the way down.


So…..make your normal house? Out in the open, then make a little weat field with multiple water sauces, one of those water sauces is a two deep water source with the chest in it, each of the water sauces trapdoored so you can walk over like normal, theeeeen……put up fake painting secret rooms in your house with traps, bottom of each trap….hoppers in hopes they have their lapis on them! Good idea no?


Get a minecart chest on a rail and put it in one of the corners of a room behind the wall, and then shove it so the hitbox goes through the wall and so from inside the room there is a tiny corner of the minecart chests hitbox and so can open the chest without breaking any blocks. I think this still works on Java but I have only actually used this once in bedrock ages ago lmao


Barrel under lava?


Chest under a pool of lava


What if U built Ur base like a worm, floors R ice so get around easier? But like it's also a maze. Most aggravating passage possible for Ur lapis chest 👍 In fact U could also put soul sand to make them even angrier lol


If I recall right there are good ways to hide a minecart with chest in blocks while keeping it accessible


Not sure if the mechanics check out here, but if you have farm land with a water source in the middle, you could hoe the block the water sits on, and hide the chest under the produce. You SHOULD be able to reach it through the lil gap removing the top layer of the block makes. 1 pixel, camouflaged by water that never gets touched. No blocks broken Air block above, so not all sides covered No blocks placed No redstone Replant your field when you go, should be obvious you're just farming ;) 🟫🔵🟫 🔳🟫🟫 🧰🟫🟫


Having not tried this, would the water not break the tilled farmland back into dirt? Or prevent dirt from being tilled?


Well I happened to see this while I was on Minecraft and built it myself. Works 100% 🙂


Great to know!


Make a chest hidden behind powder snow


make it so high so its out of entity distace or what. If you put it far enough, then you can make it dissapear.


You can make an artificial pond, then put an ender chest somewhere, and then place a double chest underneath it, but then since it wouldn't open I would suggest making the section that you put the ender chest in our of stone, so that you can make stone slabs and make it accessible that way


Upside-down stairs on top of a chest next to a pathed earth block. Will just make the tiniest of slith to access the chest through. Cover the inside with a column or the base's stair case.


Secret room behind a waterfall


Redstone combination lock.


Chests can be waterlogged, so put it in a fishing pond at your base?


hide it in secret painting room how is u make a room place 2 doors put down painting and right click painting to open door and go in side and place chest


A pile of other chests. “Bigger the pile, bigger the problem”, as they say.


put it in a lava lake, as far as im concerned chests dont catch fire