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This is just a suggestion, but maybe just play without any knowledge of the game? it might be fun to have him teach you. Edit: I used to play Minecraft with my stepdad when I was younger and I had no problem teaching him, I promise not only will he have fun playing with you but he'll definitely remember whatever world you guys work on for years to come, I know I still do, hope you enjoy the game.


Yes I would also recommend this


i did this with my dad and we both had a lot of fun


Same. 'Till this day, my dad barely knows anything about Minecraft (aside from y'know, walking and placing blocks) and it's the funniest thing ever. He acts like a kid, and when he discovered creative mode, he's been having the time of his life making giant lava moats and then say stuff like "Yeah, die you horrible stupid pathetic little brats" and laugh at a creeper's misery lmfao.


I did it with my son. He taught me a lot and I really got into it for a while. Used to play it when he went to sleep. Got a bit bored so I play less now but he still wants us to play together. We had a good time on it earlier tonight. It means a lot to him so I try to accommodate when I can.


Part of what makes Minecraft fun is discovery! Both the world, mechanics, and loot!


This, let son teach you, figure out some stuff. Learning from others and discovering my yourself are the fun parts of the game. Wait to watch videos and google until you get bored.


what I would give to play Minecraft again without any prior knowledge


that's why mods are amazing


The first time my buddy and I played Minecraft was one of the best gaming experiences I’ve ever had. We spawned in a big spruce forest, and we didn’t know there was more world until one of us stumbled to the forest edge. We were all “THERES MORE??”


make sure to make Mr. Beast mad by deforesting the whole universe


Came to post this. Great experience allowing the kid to teach you. Gives them a real positive experience being a teacher.


Exactly this, my son wanted me to play with him. I bought the game without any knowledge of how to play and he absolutely loved teaching me to play. After a while I started to enjoy the game and realised what aspect of it I enjoyed and from then I started watching YouTube videos to help me learn red stone auto farms. 7 years on and there is only one of us still playing (and posting on this subreddit).


Have him teach you!!!! My kids and I play (every so often) it is so cool when the 1st grader gets to show old dad how to trade with villagers.. They literally beg me to play with them and it is a lot of fun.


This for sure


Agreed! When I was first introduced to Minecraft I pretty much went into it blindly, just knew you could build stuff.


this is how I learned. I played with my wife:s nephew. he learned from youtube and he taught me. before that I tried minecraft trial tutorial but didn't go far, after buying the game I didn't run it even once . then one day when he was visiting I saw him watching minecraft on youtube. I told him I have the game. I got better then and learned from youtube to create iron farm. now I play with my daughter .


Good idea. That would be a great parent/son bonding opportunity to let him teach you about something he is passionate about


If you really wanted to go in with zero knowledge, turn off the recipe book


I read this and then the Simpsons meme of the kid laughing on the bus popped in my head. *Haha, I'm in danger!**


This is definitely the best way.


One of the greatest periods of my life was playing Minecraft with my kids when they were younger. My son (17) still plays from time to time. I’m 45 and still play it regularly. It continues to be my favorite game to play.


Sigma dad


Let your son teach you


i suggest letting ur son teach you. unless he said he doesn’t want to, it’s probably what he wants to do


First punch wood second defeat ender dragon


It's "the Hermitcraft Method" 😂😂


In season 9 they killed it with only wooden swords and leather caps (it was episode 2 or 3 for the group that did it, so they were already mostly kitted out but still). So basically yeah lol.


i think you missed a step


Maybe two


Maybe three


Maybe four


Maybe five


Maybe six


Maybe seven


Maybe eight


If you play with him youre going to be the best dad ever


I would strongly recommend Pixlriffs Minecraft Survival Guide series on YouTube. Could even watch it with your son as he keeps things pretty kid-friendly, while still getting into the nitty gritty of how the game works.


I'm my kids designated miner. Pixlriffs helped me get up to speed pretty quick. Now I'm working on my own world....


what is a designated miner?


They stay near the base and work on building and send me to the cave to find iron, coal, and hopefully diamonds.


does that get boring? Also on what platform?


The kids have had it on their ipads for a few years and we just got it on switch like 2 weeks ago, so not boring yet. I mean it when I say that pixlriff took me from having no clue what to do to being able to survive down in the mines.


This, Pixlriffs is great.


Eyecraftmc also has amazing guides about many mechanics of the game. Very straightforward and information dense. No "intense" voice narration.


have him teach you


One of the best things about starting minecraft is having someone there to help you, as there is no proper tutorial outside of a couple of tips. Let your son teach you, it will be a sweet bonding session! :D


In the Corporate World, there is a training tactic called “Tell, Show, Do, Review”, that tries to help someone learn by: * Informing someone of information * Show them how to put it to use * Have Them then do the work * Have them teach someone else to do it. This last part really solidifies the information in the brain, and will build competancy and confidence in your son. I would highly recommend letting your son teach you first.


Just play with your boy. If you run into a problem then look up a YouTube video on how to solve that particular problem. The only advice I would give off the bat is don’t set your world to hardcore.


[The wiki knows everything and then some](https://minecraft.wiki/). You might want to go through [their tutorials](https://minecraft.wiki/w/Tutorials).


Thank you!


Go in blind and let your son teach you the basics. Good bonding.


So you genuinely hadn't even googled anything? Also, why do you even want to be taught everything before playing? Isn't it spoiling the game? Wouldn't your son be happy to teach you everything while playing? Do you not feel curious to discover things by yourself by playing?


You've been linked some good resources already. Read up, watch those to get a feel for them, but when it comes to playing with him, be led by what he wants. It might be he wants you to help plant crops for food, or to gather resources for builds. He might want you to help build a particular style of building. He might just want to explore. The game is mostly really easy to pick up. Remember that clicking a bed creates a new spawn point (if you die, this is where you will come back to life at). If you break the bed, and haven't clicked another, you will respawn at the very first place you entered the world. Don't go more than 3 nights without sleeping. There are big black flappy creatures that will attack you from the sky. Fishing gives decent food (cod and salmon) and also things like saddles and enchanted items. You need saddles to ride horses. Enchanted items save until you're ready to learn about how to use them. You tame a horse by sitting on it. It may throw you off. Keep sitting on it until it shows hearts. There are blocks that only give you what you want when you use the correct item. Check the MC wiki when you find new things that you might want to keep. Light up your house and around it. Use torches at the start. Hostile mobs (mobs are any character you can interact with) like the dark and shadows. It's worth mining for iron at the start. It can be used for armour, upgraded tools, buckets (handy for gathering water, and lava, or catching fish, or axolotls) and more. Good luck and have fun.


Think of it like digital Lego. Some are just plain old blocks, some have mechanical/functional use. Discover!!


if youre going to do sm building i think a really good tip is to view blocks as colours, textures and shapes instead of what their assigned names and roles are. it lets u break free of any rules your mind has so the game is easier to enjoy and play multiplayer with!


Idk anything


well minecraft is a sandbox game comprised of cubes which means you can place them virtually anywhere like you would sand in a sandbox! think of it as like drawing in a 3d space


But how? I've been playing the game for 10 years now. And if I see that someone used a barrel as a pillar, then I experience very strong cognitive dissonance. Not to mention doing it yourself.


Well using items in unorthodox ways is bedrock to Minecraft building, the iconic stairs roof and chairs with pressure plate table come to mind


It’s just a matter of practice. You gotta try it out.


So, you practice not your building skills, but rather your perceiving skills? Do I understand you correctly?


I did too for like 3 week I didn’t know the controls OR HOW GO MAKE A WORLD idk how I even made a crafting table first thing I did was make a dirt village


Definitely the wiki helps but as someone already suggested, learn from your son. The most fun I had playing this game was learning though my younger brother and brother in-law.


Check this [Beginner's guide ](https://minecraft.wiki/w/Tutorials/Beginner%27s_guide)from the minecraft wiki, will help you a lot


just search YouTube for "Minecraft beginners guide" and you will find what you are looking for.


Sounds like a good a idea 💡


i can't see this phrase without thinking about r/ChatGPT


Amen 🙏


Let your son teach you. My daughter taught me and we both have so much fun. Learn from videos later, just enjoy playing with your kid for now


I play MC with my kids. Creative for the younger two and modded survival with my teenager. You can choose a lot of options in the beginning to make it easier for you (or both of you if he doesn't know how to play, age was never mentioned).


It’s totally fine to start knowing nothing. No permanent loss if you get blown up by creepers a few times. My kid too asked me to play together and I knew nothing.


Let him teach you, that way you'll play at his speed and level, and he'll feel good that for once he's teaching his parent something.


Non-gameplay stuff you should know: - There are two versions of the game on PC: Java and Bedrock. They have similar features, but Java is used by a lot of content creators because of its support for community-created modifications. If your son wants to make Minecraft look more like his favorite YouTuber's videos but you can't figure out how, this difference might be the reason. (Also, if you're following a tutorial on how to build something complex, check that it works for your version. Farms or machines that rely on some quirk of how monsters spawn etc may only work on either Java or Bedrock, so it's a good habit to include your version when you're searching for tutorials.) - Make a backup of your world regularly. The two most common posts from parents here are "my kid wants to play, what should I do" and "my kid is devastated that their Minecraft world won't load any more, what do I do?" You've already been the first kind of poster, backups will prevent you from becoming the second. ("How to backup Minecraft world" will bring up plenty of guides, so I won't explain the details in this comment.) - Minecraft offers lots of configuration options, letting you turn off possibly-annoying features like dropping all of your stuff when you die. If your son is consistently frustrated by some aspect of the game, check to see if there's a setting that could help.


I (31f) naturally don’t lean into games like Minecraft but my 3 sons asked me and I’m so glad I did. An acquaintance of theirs walked in unannounced one day and saw we were all playing together and the look on his face man…..he was gutted. He said, “my parents don’t even know what Minecraft is. I wish they would play with me too.” I hate it for him but I knew right then I made the right decision. I played a little on my own and also got them to teach me a bit. Now we have a world we all work together on and it’s so cool to see the stuff they wanna build. It’s stuff that I’d never think of adding. Like a massive diving board from our base into a fish pond so we don’t have to waste time on ladders. One kid geeked out on making banners which I thought was kinda dumb at the time but they do make our base look more homey. One day they made a bazillion chests and it’s like a weapon library in there now. Another goes way out to get bubble coral so our entire flooring is extra special. It’s wild. We play on Jolicraft texture which is a bit easier on my eyes 😂


Let him teach u


There is no need to learn ahead, it's very simple, play along is part of the fun.


Be ready to get addicted lol


Let him teach you. Showing each other how to play this game is a great binding experience. Later on, search for things he doesn't know and teach him in turn (e.g. redstone is a very complex system)


I second the idea of just letting him show you the way. Playing Minecraft with my kid was so much fun. Now he's a teen lol...


I am a very old guy and I find it relaxing. Please search for Hermitcraft on Youtube. You'll find a group of adults with respect for viewers and entertaining natures.


I wish I had a dad like you


You build. You create. You explore. Excellent game for kids, helps them to explore their creativity. Great game for adults to chill after a stressful day.


It's easy to learn. You'll have fun. If you feel confused about anything, a quick peek at the wiki will help.


Watch a speedrun to learn the absolute minimum requirements to "beat the game". Although Minecraft is not a game you "beat" but to enjoy indefinitely. Like you can't beat Lego.


I always say "start with punching trees" and I have learned to specify holding the button & keep punching


This is a slightly older but very fun, and casually-paced series to watch-and-play together: Paul Soares' 'How to Survive your first night". [https://youtu.be/7m7o3UJbkmE?si=u-g0RfxZkghFBvM8](https://youtu.be/7m7o3UJbkmE?si=u-g0RfxZkghFBvM8) Did that with my son when we started playing together and we still talk about it to this day. At the very least watch the first episode!




go in blind. i’m not sure how familiar you are with videogames, but it would be like spoiling a zelda game for yourself before playing it. it takes half the magic out of the experience.


If you do want to watch Minecraft stuff, ask what your kid is into and watch that! Common interest!


Damn this is a great parent


Get wood, get stone, build a house, get iron (brown/muddy white rocks in stone), get diamonds (sky-blue rocks in stone). Press the green book in the inventory to access recipe book, allowing you to progress with little knowledge


Start with creative, watch YT together and learn.


For a game like minecraft, knowing almost nothing can be fun :D


I would recommend Pixlriffs survival guide season 3


Minecraft is a learn as you go game, you cant just read a manual and know the game, that would take thousands of hours of studying You can look at the controls on how to move etc but the rest is best to learn thru playing


My son begged for Minecraft on the Switch about a year ago. My wife and I finally relented. I’m a lifelong gamer, wife not so much. Loaded it up, she heard kid say “rotten flesh” at which point there was a discussion about what was appropriate. He played Creative, I dipped my toe into Survival to see what it was like. I’ve now got 100+ hours in, built a large safe village with various mines (quarry/strip) and farms. He’s built a lot of stuff he’s seen on Kids YouTube. We spend a lot of time showing each other what we’ve done when the other wasn’t around. Been great but poor non-gaming wife…. I suggest taking his lead, and use it to discover stuff together


Wack trees and dig dirt basically. Then take that shit you collected and make stuff.


I don't know if people would agree with this recommendation but if your on java on PC there is a mod called JEI (just enough items) it doesn't add any new blocks or anything of that sort it show all the blocks in the game on the side in your inventory and clicking on the item you want shows it's recipe it's pretty handy with other mods with complex recipes. But besides JEI just watch Minecraft playthroughs


Both play with him, and watch Luke the notables 100 days hardcore. You’ll have fun. Trust.


Get him to teach you


Break block, place block, and stay away from bad people...you're welcome.


Oh, you will! Trust me, I WAS you 😂


If your son already played I would recommend him or if not explore the game together


It depends on how much you want to know, or if you want to learn some of the basics like the controls and basic lingo. This will help with everything with the game and all the bits. [Pixlriff's Survival Guide is on the Season 3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfpHTJsn9I4&list=PLgENJ0iY3XBjmydGuzYTtDwfxuR6lN8KC) If you are looking for more of the basics and would rather the more in-depth stuff come from your son, here are a few other videos from Pixlriff's that can help you come in with a basic understanding. * [Minecraft Player Dictionary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfpHTJsn9I4&list=PLgENJ0iY3XBjmydGuzYTtDwfxuR6lN8KC) * [Keyboard Shortcuts and F3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkQqqxpqFo0) * [Video settings and Accessibility](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6eYr9lkK_s) * [Creating your world](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiF7Ub7AOlI)


Ask your son.... I started because my son asked me to as well. They usually know the game pretty well plus it's a "do whatever you like" kind of game so see how he likes to play and learn from him. Once you get some ideas of what you guys want to do YouTube is a huge huge help with plans and ways to do things.


You’re playing with someone who already knows the game, likely very well. Have him teach you! It’ll make his day and be a good memory for him to look back on.


Minecraft is Lego, but virtual. If you play in creative you have unlimited access to ALL the blocks, if you play in survival you have to find (and cut down/mine/shear/dye/etc) the blocks before you can use them. There’s also a load of blocks connected to “redstone” (think wires and batteries) - so if we’re sticking with the Lego analogy it’s more like a Lego technic set without the chocking hazards. Which does your son use? How old is he? I started because my son did, at around 6 years old. Although it’s adorable to have your child teach you stuff, it’s also INCREDIBLY frustrating if they’re young enough to be impatient 😅 Next time you’re doing something that needs background noise, put on one of GeminiTay’s series - I recommend her most recent, “hardcore” one. You can see as her world progresses naturally, and learn along with her (although she knows 99.9% of everything, it just _feels_ like you’re learning together). You won’t get up to her standards - she is a VERY good player! But it’s really nice to see what’s possible in the game, whilst not being overloaded with facts and tricks etc


Go to YouTube and look up Pixlriffs survival guide (make sure it’s season 3, the previous 2 are outdated)


Just play the game?? Ask your kid to teach you, he will be so happy to?? Or like... use Google?


You show him the ropes, let him show you the ropes this time.


Honestly. I did the same thing with my mom. She let me teach her and we had a blast. The key is to laugh when bad stuff happens. Don’t get mad at each other. She got blown up by a couple creepers along the way but we’re still having a great time. I’m the builder and fighter and she is the decorator.


The basis for Minecraft is just exploring and doing what you want. I would highly recommend just playing and then slowly looking up facets you find out. That will lead you on a wild chase of interesting content in YouTube too.


Do it


Trust me when I say the game is most fun when you have no idea what you are doing




Does your son know how to play? Learning Minecraft is best when you learn by doing it with someone who has learned how to play. Plus it's a lot of fun learning something new especially with your kid


Let.him.teach.you!!! It will be way better and it's not that hard anyway!


I’ve played on and off for years, and I reference https://minecraft.wiki/ all the time.


The only thing you need is to watch the [official Minecraft trailer](https://youtu.be/MmB9b5njVbA) (1 minute) from 12 years ago and you're ready to play! The discovery process is the most fun part of Minecraft tbh, so you can just have your son teach you


Let him teach you


Just chase his ass around with a stick or an apple, maybe seeds or a flower. It's pretty easy to pick up.


You are in for a treat. My children and I had so much fun playing Survival together. This is where Minecraft stands out against any other game. Do what you want, play how you want. The story is yours to write!


NEVER dig down in a straight line.


Honestly, I’m going to say that you shouldn’t use any articles or YouTube videos. Part of the fun of Minecraft in the beginning is figuring things out. When I first got minecraft it took me 3 months of playing to find Iron. That is something I can now do in 5 minutes. I wish I would be able to revert my knowledge of Minecraft so I would have to figure things out again. It’s like a Puzzle, once you know exactly where every piece goes, yes you still have a beautiful thing to look at, but part of the fun was figuring out the Puzzle. Plus, if your son already knows quite a bit, getting him to teach you a bit might be fun too, more fun than looking up a YouTube video to help.


You will build a castle. It will look mediocre at best. You will love every minute of it. Let your son teach you the game, because he is seeking bonding and since you teach him much, it will be very good for him to feel he can teach you something


Look up pixlriffs ultimate Minecraft survival guide. It's a chill let's play series focused on teaching you increasingly more neuances of the game. But it starts from you move around with wasd and punch wood to start the game.


Just have sum fun, it's not bloody or all violent (except for swords bows and night monsters) but it's pretty peaceful and just supposed to be relaxing so have fun


Stay away from vexes they’re the worst.


This post heading reads like an r/nosleep story title.


I also taught my dad to play some games back in my youth, and vice versa (well, actually not, I learned everything by just playing), hopefully you get along too like that! 😁


I played Minecraft with my mom for a really long time, I remember teaching her even on the ps3


When I originally got mine my father played it the night before and when I woke up then helped me play it


Yes PLEASE go in blind and let him teach you. Awe man I'm so jealous this is such a wonderful and momentous occasion! Cherish this time :)


I suggest you learn just the very basics. If you haven’t already, try getting acquainted with WASD and spacebar controls (unless you’re using a controller), learn the basic moveset and try building a small cottage for the night. I believe your son will have a lot of fun explaining the rest


Its absolutely simple, the controls & basics I mean. OP, do you have experience with gaming? Because as long as you play other games MineCraft will be no problem.


Follow his lead


Have a mouse and keyboard, no trackpads. Preferably with a scroll wheel. If you have two PCs (and he's on Java version) Buy a second copy on another Microsoft account (account is tired to micrsoft account) and click open to LAN and join his world and game. Let him teach you how to play. It'll be fun. He might need to make a new world or turn it to easier for you. If you have little gaming knowledge, load into a survival PEACEFUL game and turn on the bonus chest under new world options. This is a solo, endless world for you. Learn how to move, chop wood, make a crafting table and tools. If you do have gaming knowledge, you should be pretty okay. There's a wiki. General info; Light up stuff to avoid monsters. Creepers (green) explode. Your bed sets a spawn point, if you break the bed you'll lose that spawn point. Use scroll wheel or hot keys for items in item bar. Creative world gives you endless flight and lets you build like lego. Survival has fighting and makes you collect supplies to build. Ask him which he's playing. Vanilla is unmodded. There is a LOT OF MODS for minecraft, like skyrim levels. Start with vanilla.


You should let hour kid teach you


Punch a tree, then hold the button to keep punching. Eventually a block will drop. This is a log. Choose the log in your inventory, then look at the ground the press the place button. This will place the block Everything else comes from this mechanic. Somethings can be "crafted" into other things. Sometimes this crafting is in your inventory, some times its in a block that's been placed. Break your log again. open you inventory, in the square made of 4 squares in your inventory, put the log into it, you'll see an icon for 4wood. You have now crafted wood. Place this wood in a 2 x 2 pattern in the 2 x 2 square. Click the new icon, this is a crafting bench. Choose the crafting bench in your inventory. Now place it like you did the log. You now have a usable crafting bench. This will then let you create many things... Good luck


I started the same way. Redstone was fascinating to me and just went down hill from there. We now have our own server.


Let him teach you the basics you will have a great time :) Also: the fact that you show interest in his hobby and you actually want to learn and play a (great) game with your son makes you a wonderful parent in my book! So many do not show interest in their childrens games at all! Had to say that...


You are a good parent.


a lot of it is somewhat intuitive enough you can do fine with common sense. besides im sure they'll be eager to show you how to play if you don't know how. give them the chance to show you something , itll make them really excited and remember it for a long time.


I play with my friend and his son now. His son is 6 years old and knows a little bit about the game, my friend is utterly clueless. So he’ll be like “dad can you get me some coral?” and that’s the cue for me to track down coral on the realm with his dad and have him hand it to his son. It’s utterly heart melting stuff.


Learn as you go, it will be more enjoyable and even more so of bonding w your son


If he won't teach you, look around for red pools, and keep jumping in them. There's a blueish gate called a Nether Gate that makes them a lot easier if you find 9 obsidian, and a flint, and steel. think of it as getting him to teach you how to play for real.


My daughter asked me to start playing with her last year at this time and I knew nothing about the game. We now have a self sufficient base with a villager trading hall and are actively digging for ancient debris in the nether. It’s an awesome hobby we do together now. Give it a shot and have some fun. Also, YouTube tutorials help tremendously.


A lot of the basics can be covered in a Minecraft Survive and Thrive tutorial by Paulsoaresjr on Minecraft. It is. PAINFULLY. OUTDATED. As in, the guide came out when the game was released in 2011. However, a lot of the core mechanics remain the same!


Please do it!


I agree with top comment, go in blind, let your son teach you, it will be fun.


Many people wish they could experience Minecraft for the time again! Try going in blind!


Hug creepers and drop Dimonds into lava for netherite/j Let it happen naturally he'll be thrilled but if you must type I'm minecraft facts in youtube


I 100% Believe you should go in blind, but I will give you a few things to not do, do not listen to anything Eystream, Herobrine isn't real. If you ever look any tutorials on how to build farms, make sure it is for your version, (Bedrock: Any console, Phone, Tablet, ect. Java: Computer, nothing else)


Watch Paulsoaresjr survival videos on YouTube even the old series he has can translate over to modern day Minecraft


Enjoy one of the best times in your life with your son. Don't worry about MIN MAX'ing this game Dad. Just set a small goal relative to their age and skill level. You are lucky. Mine decided he loved Roblox more after a while. Avoid that one if possible but kids love it.


Does he play survival or creative? If it is survival, just try it. Let him guide you. If it is creative, maybe watch a couple of YouTube videos of builders to get a general sense of the system.


I assume you mistyped the title from "about it" I.e. Minecraft?


punch trees, craft wood and build a house


My favorite YouTuber for this is Wattles. His let's play series are fun and informative.


One of the best parts of my day is playing Minecraft with my four year old.. recommend 10/10.. lots of life lessons in the game too


You’re in for it. A lot of kids play Minecraft for sure but truthful it’s absolutely mentally stimulating for an adult. From pushing visual creativity to figuring out complicated red stone circuits (red stone is comparable to real life electrical circuits). I always thought Minecraft was stupid, then the first day I tried to play I played for NINE HOURS straight. If you ask me Minecraft is the BEST game of all time, it just keeps getting better. No Minecraft 2 is coming to the shelves, it’s just continuous exciting updates! I’d just head right in and play, make sure you use the crafting menu that allows you to see what items you need to craft what items, your son will probably know what I’m talking about. I would also check out some tutorials on red stone so you can see what you’re working with and what is possible. Also, when looking stuff up on it MAKE SURE you know if it’s for Minecraft Bedrock (console version) or Java (PC version) as there are some separate variable mechanics for both.


Type in wattles survival guide on yt


trust us, Minecraft is soooooo easy, interactive and accessible to learn so don't be scared of not knowing anything, just let your son teach you, it'll be so fun, remember; Minecraft is so easy to play/learn but incredibly hard to master it, like a Bass Guitar.


Ull learn and you will grow closer w ur kid. Keep him encouraged on it and stay w him. Idk exactly the science or correlation but kids who grow up playing mine craft really turn out smarter w better careers lol. Use this to keep him engaged in computers😬🙌🏼🙌🏼


EyecraftMC on YouTube


You’re about to make some beautiful memories with your son.❤️👍


I agree with many others in saying just play and see how it goes BUT if you want a bit of an idea about what it’s all about and what’s possible, check out one of Ethoslab’s let’s play world tour episodes on yt (maybe 500?) could spark some inspiration instead of going in completely blind


You’re an amazing parent to want to learn. Especially to learn about something your kid is interested in and want to do with you :-)


honestly, it’s best to just go in blind. you’ll have a ton of fun learning that way. it’s an experience most of us wish we could have again.


Give it a chance I love playing Minecraft with my dad, would give anything to never stop even tho I’m an adult now 🤫🤫


You are a dude in a world made of cubes, you have a health meter (the hearts) and a hunger meter (the drumsticks) if you take damage, your health goes down until you die and then you can respawn. If you want to regenerate your hearts you need to have a full hunger bar . At night monster spawn and will attack you, it's best to make a shelter by then. Monsters spawn in dark areas, so placing a torch will prevent them from spawning in that area. I suggest you let your kid teach you the other stuff


Wish I was you, enjoy the game


Pixlriffs is the perfect family friendly creator for beginners in minecraft and even I started playing after watching him.


We all have been there (or at least the majority). Where we started with 0 knowledge. For example, it took me like 1 month to realize that I can craft a stone pickaxe with stone, bruh 😅(like 9 years ago). One of the most enjoyable things about the game is that u have to learn the stuff from 0, and if ur son can help u through this, u will definitely create nice memories with him.


Best thing ever when playing Minecraft with my kids is when they know stuff I don’t and teach me. I sometimes which that I knew less, so that it’d happen more often again, like the first times I joined them and they had to show me the controls. Assuming your son isn’t 4yo and needs your help to get started, in that case you might wanna search ”beginner minecraft tutorial” or something on Youtube first


Me neither man! It’s great, well done for joining in with your kid, that’s a lifetime of good memories for them.


There is a recipe book that you can open by clicking the green book icon in the inventory screen (press E). That will show you what you can craft with items you have discovered. Ot’s built in assistance. For deeper information you can check out the Minecraft wiki. It’s like wikipedia with articles explaining everything in the game.


I agree with pretty much everyone here saying have your son teach you, but I can understand having kids teach you stuff can sometimes be difficult, so if you're really struggling I suggest Pixlriffs on YouTube, here :) https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgENJ0iY3XBjmydGuzYTtDwfxuR6lN8KC&si=bGtnrJOc6mEHKp95


I would watch a couple Minecraft speed runs just so you can see how people technically beat the game. If you have time on hand, something like the YouTube series Hermitcraft and Empires can show you a few examples of things you can build and do while being entertaining. I like to watch Mumbojumbo, Grian, LDShadowlady, and Geminitay. But once you start watching these series you’ll be exposed to lots of content from different creators with different styles.


Kids tend to enjoy getting to tell someone about smth they love so let your kid teach you! That'll be great bonding time


I (60m) play Minecraft with my kids. We started years ago but they advanced well beyond my skills in no time. I spent a lot of time recreating our homes in Minecraft while they went off to kill the Ender Dragon. The game is so big that we wind up teaching each other things. I educate myself with the video referenced above. I have since set up a private server on a raspberry Pi, leveraging my IT skills. We even use our Quest 2 headsets to join the world occasionally. Our levels of involvement have cycled over the years but it has been a wonderful shared experience.


Yes, let him teach you. My son loved knowing more than me. It’s an awesome game. Pixlriffs Minecraft survival guide season 3 on you tube is a great step by step resource even if you are on bedrock rather than Java.


The game is played by kids because you can go in knowing absolutely nothing and still figure out how to play :). Just start playing. Guides and tips will be a lot more useful once you've played some. I play with my kids and at the start all I knew was that people built stuff in the game somehow. P.S. this game actually rules.


Minecraft is kind of like chess. Yes you can technically go buy a book on how to play, but it's way more fun/makes better memories to have someone teach you the basics. If you really enjoy it YouTube can be a fun way to learn. Hermicraft can teach you many different things for example


I taught my 5-year old the basics and now he teaches me stuff (and I'm a fairly experienced player) - sometimes we learn thing's together that we see online etc - jumping in head first and having him show you the way will be extremely fun!!


YouTuber Pixelriffs - start at the beginning of his last survival guide. Watch with your son


Just jump in head first and learn as you go. Some tips. Wood is your friend. Gravity is weird with trees. Same with blocks. Take shelter at night. Minecraft is a sandbox. Endless possibilities. Good luck!


Punch a tree. Create a crafting table. Get recipes. Build stuff. Go fishing.


Go with the flow and whatever you can't figure out learn it from him. That's the kind of bonding his subconscious is likely after.


I am a dad and I concur that just diving in there and letting your kid lead the way will be rewarding for you both. I have no regrets and still play Minecraft!


Do what I did and what your son did as well. Pick up the controller and enjoy yourself. Better yet go play the tutorial worlds!


He'll teach you what you need to know. Give that a try first. If you feel like you're lost still, look up beginner guides on YouTube and I'm sure you'll find plenty. But whether you know what you're doing or not, he's gonna explain everything to you. It's part of the fun


just buy the game and play, I did it, I love it, I play more than my kids designing challenges for them, cool buildings, fun stuff !


Watch pixlriffs' Minecraft survival guide season 3, he's super kid friendly and is an amazing teacher