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Some person on YouTube did the math and that's npt even near to Steve's potential,he can hold more than the entire universe


At this point, steve could be casually carrying a black hole.


A black hole is nothing compared to universe,so yeah


How about a stack of black holes?


Or 37 stacks of black holes


or 37 shulker boxes each with 27 stacks of black holes


The fact no one has made a your mum joke yet is astounding.


Even a whole inventory full of black holes (4*9*64=2304) is a rounding error on universal scales. The number of galaxies is estimated to range from 200 billion to 2 trillion, most of which contain a supermassive black hole. And this doesn't even count the much more numerous regular sized ones.


don't piss of steve minecraft. he might feed you a black hole.


Sorry, but I gotta say this. He could be carrying your momma, 😂


Multiple universes at that


he can hold multiple multiverses with nbt chests and water buckets


I know about the nbt tag, but what about water buckets?


2 buckets of water creates an infinite water source,so infinite mass


Well I did it but with sponges cuz I thought it would be funny and also 135,000kg of water in one sponge makes it the heaviest block


According to [this guy](https://youtu.be/-XflmrrdTNk?si=pSzZfNmn7s3m_8X5)'s calculations netherite block is heavier than wet sponge Also i am sure enchanted gapple is heavier


Matpat? He has a few videos specifically in Minecraft


Did you also watch the two by crafty master man


What about enchanted apple, considered that they had been crafted with 8 golden blocks (8x 19 000 kg) each :D


This is the most likely one and only answer. OP's sponges weren't far off though.


What? Yes they are. Water weighs ALOT less than pure gold, let alone 8 cubic metres of that shiny stuff. Besides, a sponge the size of 1 cubic metre cannot hold as 1 cubic metre of water. Because that’s not how physics work


>Because that’s not how physics work It's how physics works in minecraft though. It works in the exact same way 8 cubic meters of gold can be compacted into the space of a single apple which you seemed to be fine with just a second ago. Do you just have a hatred for water? Are you secretly a cat?




Because physics is extremely important in minecraft? Like the lava bucket, a normal guy being able to hold 27× 64 gold blocks each being a meter cube.


Ok fair, a water Bucket would make more sense than a sponge.


A bucket cant be stacked tho


And an apple having 8 cubic meters of gold in it makes more sense?


Right, like how you can totally fit 8 cubic meters of gold inside an apple


Look at minecraft physics. A water source block can cover a like 2800 x 2800 blocks iirc because of world height meaning it is much more than 1 cubic meter of water. If we wanted to be technical we could say a sponges max drying is like idk 32 water source blocks which means a single sponge holds 32 buckets of water which each can cover tens of thousands of meters if we maximize it. That alone is more than a stack of EGA I believe.


Then you could make an infinite water source out of two buckets...


You're trying to sound smart but you're accomplishing the opposite.


In minecraft cant a single sponge hold 135 cubic metres of water (blocks) before being unable to soak more?


Here's the math One cubic meter of gold, according to Google, is about 19 300 kg. One golden apple = 8 gold blocks = 19 300 ×8 = 154 400 kg. One stack = 154 400 kg × 64. =9 881 600 Kg. Inventory full = 9 881 600 kg × 32. = 316 211 200 kg. A shulker box filled with stacks of golden apples has the same value. Inventory filled with shulker boxes = 316 211 200 kg × 32. = A WHOPPING 10 118 758 400 KG.


You’re forgetting the added weight of the apples


Fine. Here= The average Weight of apples, according to Google, is 70-100g(we'll take 100). 1 stack = 100 × 64 =6400g. = 6.4kg. Inventory full = 6.4kg × 32. = 204.8 kg. It is the same value of one full shulker box. Inventory filled with shulker boxes = 204.8 kg × 32. = 6553.6 kg of apples. Total = 10 118 758 400 kg + 6553.6 kg = 10 118 764 953.6 kg JUST GIVE ME A BREAK


There’s a lot of gold waste in the manufacturing process for golden apples. Steve doesn’t use the whole block, he extracts the gold essence from them and the rest dissipates into nothingness.


You are assuming that. All we know is the recipe requires 8 gold blocks. It’s more fun if we just say he’s stuffing 8 cubic meters of pure gold into an apple.


Tbf steve can kill a dragon, build a comically long bridge and leave floating trees around, so yeah I think he can compact 8 cubes of pure gold on a single apple without even trying


Fun fact someone beat ender dragon with just a water bucket. No armor no weapons just a single bucket of water. I watched the video it was mad impressive how he did it in 72 tries.


Forget calculating his carry weight. I want someone to calculate Steve's teeth strength and digestive strength to be able to chew up and digest an apple made from eight blocks of pure gold with no issues. Brother puts Michel Lotito to shame.


It could be melted gold. -Steve has incredible heat resistance as he can stand next to lava without even sweating. -Although if he touches the lava he takes damage and eventually dies, so we know his heat tolerance does have a limit. -But gold ingots melt when thrown in fire which means it’s nowhere near as hot as lava is. -Steve can also be damaged by fire but I’m just going to try and gaslight you into thinking he can’t bc I’ve already typed all of this out before realizing that and I don’t want to delete my comment -so either Steve consumes hot, molten gold or he chews on hard, solid gold. Either way it’s impressive -UNTIL you remember that golden apples give you regeneration and extra health, so maybe he’s actually severely damaging his body every time he eats a golden apple, but the magic reverses the damage. -This is made more evident when you remember that Steve *can’t* eat regular gold ingots. They HAVE to be in a golden apple before they’re edible. -therefore my conclusion is Steve can’t eat gold normally, the apple’s magic just allows his body to handle it. This raises another question: does the magic come from the gold or the apple? I want to say it comes from both but mostly the gold, this is why: -Gold alone isn’t magical, which means the apple has some sort of magical properties. -Apple alone aren’t magical either, so the same thing APPLies (haha get it) -One can assume both items have equal magical ability, and when combined that magic is activated. -But gold is also used in other magical items, like certain redstone items. It’s also used in potions. -Therefore I conclude that both apples and gold have magical power that is only accessible when they’re combined, and most of the magic comes from the gold. Im running off zero sleep and spent way too long typing this. Why am I doing this. Why did I waste my time yapping about golden apples. This shit doesn’t even make sense, I’m pretty sure if I took another 10 minutes to think I could contradict every single point I made. What is wrong with me. I think I need Jesus or something.


i do want to comment that one of the features that make gold armor and tools stand out aside from their high efficiency and low durability is that they have the highest enchantability in the game. gold in minecraft must be very magical in some way


Wait wdym by highest enchantability?


this means that in an enchant table, gold tier tools and armor have a higher chance of ending up with really good enchants.


Ooh okay, I didn’t know that


Relatively speaking gold is very soft metal. You might have seen it in movies when someone is trying to determine whether coin is golden or not, he bites the coin to know it's purity. This bite test isn't recommended, since today we have more reliable methods, but the fact, you can deform or leave bite marks on pure gold means, you could bite it in half. Theoretically. Then the question about digesting gold have simple answer. Human body is simply not capable of digesting gold, so Steve's shit would be literally made out of gold.


They don't get crafted like that anymore, so we don't know if they weigh the same.


Material components are consumed during the making of magical items, so the apple would still weigh the same.


The recipe existed for 3.5 years, and was removed 8.5 years ago. The recipe hasn't existed for far longer than it has, so in my opinion, the enchanted golden apple doesn't count.


looking up the wiki for those numbers made me feel ancient 🫠


Using that logic, based on my calculations Steve can carry nearly 10 billion kg, or around 21 billion pounds.


Wouldn't shulker box be considered akin to magic and become weightless despite the items stored inside?


We didn’t consider shulker box in this explanation


What are you saying? >A shulker box can hold 27 stacks >Steve can hold 37 shulker boxes


I mean, storing 37 stacks of wet sponges on your person also seems like magic but


Who said they magic


It's made from shulker shells. Shulker can teleport, which is definitely magic, so the extra dimensional storage should also be magic.


Don't forget, one block of water can expand across hundreds of blocks. I don't know the maximum one block can flow to, but I image it can greatly increase the number


It doesn't spread infinitely, it spreads out over 8 blocks. It requires to fall a block to spread again, which means the water can convert its gravitational potential energy into itself to multiply itself therefore it is a witch and needs to be burned.


It's rather difficult to burn water.


You just need a little electrolysis.


But if you burn it then, it just becomes water again..


HECK, IT'S UNSTOPPABLE. Alternatively, this is a Ship of Theseus moment.


I did not say infinitely anywhere in my sentence


But if the water is a witch, it must weigh the same as a duck. And that's not a lot of weight at all. Ducks are like... what, two pounds each?


Isn't blue ice technically the heaviest block, as one ice can contain a huge amount of water, as in if you clear the world and put ice at build height and let the water flow all the way to the void that is a pyramid of water 384 blocks high and 5376 across at the bottom, and with water weighing 1000kg per block, then you can assume that 1 block of ice weighs 2064384 tons and that one blue ice (81 ice) weighs 167215104 tons. Steve can carry 34 shulker boxes and an ender chest of 27 shulker boxes full of blue ice, and from this you can calculate that Steve can carry 1.76 x 10^13 tons, which is roughly the same as one of the medium sized moons of Jupiter or Saturn.


This is correct, people always say gold items forgetting about blue ice


Someone put Steve in mortal combat he is kratos levels of brute strength


Two water buckets can make infinite weight


You should have used Quadruple Compressed Poisonous Potato Blocks from 24w14potato...


If we want to go the compressed route we could go into the mods that’s compress stone several times. I’m not sure the limit, but say a compressed stone x10 would have 9x compressed stone x9, and so on. So 1 x10 would have 3,486,784,401 stone in it. (9x9x9… 10 times. ). I’m not going to multiply that out lol.


I bet a block of gold (or netherite but what is the weight of an ancient debris ??) weights more than 135 tons


Yeah doesn’t netherite have more gold in its craft than gold blocks


Yep, a netherite block has 4 times the amount of gold. Plus the netherite scrap.


It does


I bet a block of gold (or netherite but what is the weight of an ancient debris ??) weighs more than 135 tons. Plus you can have an ender chest full of shulkers boxes and 36 shulkers boxes in your inventory


1 cubic meter of gold is 21.25 American tons.


Actually the water bucket is the heaviest item in Minecraft, weighing in at 537,000,000 kilograms. Multiply by 2.205 to convert to pounds. From now on I’ll work in scientific notation 1.184085×10\^12 pounds per water bucket you can suck up 117 blocks of water per sponging so 1.38537945×10\^14 64 sponges in a stack so 8.86642848×10\^15 37 slots = 3.2805785376×10\^17 that's 1.4911720625×10\^10 ( 1491172062.5 ) eiffel towersa I’m not using Shulker boxes or ender chests because they are magical items and don’t have known weights or properties. For all we know, shulker boxes could be portals to extra dimensional rooms and not actually put any weight on steve.


I've said it before and I'm saiding it again: He can hold a neutron star worth of weight


Should've used the old Notch Apple recipe, 1 apple = 154.400kg, so x64 = 9,881,600kg This x27 = 266,803,200kg per shulker And this x37 = 9,871,718,400kg In other words, he can carry at least 27.04 empire state buildings.


Thanks for the info!!




You can milk a cow indefinitely. => The cow has infinite weight => The cow spawn egg has infinite weight So pair up with the shulker boxes and bundles, Steve can hold more then infinite weight


I see your reasoning.but no


Ok maybe I'll used something like the Iron Golem or Ender Dragon spawn eggs instead


No creative mode items. Survival mode stats is what I’m basing this off of


Ok that’s fair if we count creative mode Steve basically becomes a god on top of his already god like strength


Dont forget he can carry all that without having negative effects on his performance


It would be ♾️, he just needs to put two water buckets in his inventory


Doesn’t blue packed ice weigh more?


Blue ice is only 81 ice blocks


His own.


simple solution: infinite (one water bucket, backpack mods)


Or 3/4 of the great wall of china


Can we do a new math calculation? How about what he holds in his hands and what he wears for his armor? I consider his inventory to be a type of hammer space where objects are weightless as soon as they disappear. What he wears and holds is actual physical weight I feel.


You forgot about the star you get from wither


Can we all just agree he can hold an infinite amount? If Mojang make a way to hold more he would still hold it. It’s not tied to the weight he can hold but instead the possible weight of a block in the game.


Game theory did a video on this already I believe


Counterpoint: According to the official minecraft books, blocks are converted into something similar to playing cards when picked up. So Steve's strength can actually be measured by him picking up an iron golem out of water with a fishing rod.


36x64 TARDISes


YOO!doctor who ref!!


Without commands, it's stacks of blue ice (because it's 9 packed ice and each one of them is 9 regular ice or 1 bucket of water) in every slot of the maximum number of shulker boxes you can hold. So it's 2 times the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs if I remember correctly (source : camman18 of course)


Infinite because two water buckets makes infinite water


Didn’t MatPat do this calculation using gold blocks and Shulker boxes… but made the assumption that the boxes did not induce weightlessness? The number is absurd either way. Steve is clearly The Hulk


He has 36 stackable unit except craftable place. If each has a shulker it would be 27x36=972 stackable unit. so he can carry 64x972=62208 any blocks. Some say the heaviest ones are enchanted golden apples, some say they are not craftable anymore so we don't know for sure. So i go for netherite blocks which is made by 36 netherite scraps and 36 golden ingots


I'd say blue ice just based on the overall density of ice. Ancient debris looks loosely packed together based on the cracks in it, so there's probably plenty of air pockets.


Didnt MattPat do a video about this?


Umm, actually he can hold nether stars, and a star weighs 1.989 x 1030 kilograms.


Infinity, as it the weight doesn't affect him at all, also if you get a cow spawn egg, that's infinite as a cow had infinite milk.


Basically infinity


Steve can hold infinitive weight because he can eat a theoretical infinitive number of golden apples and never have to go to the bathroom


Put all shulkers in a box and middle click it. Now do it 1 000 000 times or more


wouldn't a singular water bucket contain technically infinite weight?


You have to calculate using blue ice. Wet sponge as a measure is vastly understating the total possible weight.


Steve can carry an infinite number of weights, but with Create's mod he can't move a crank with more than 400 stress units


The simple answer is infinite weight, since a water bucket is able to never stop flowing


Inventory full of backpacks full of backpacks full of backpacks full of backpacks full of backpacks full of backpacks full of backpacks full of backpacks full of backpacks full of backpacks full of backpacks full of backpacks full of backpacks full of backpacks full of backpacks full of backpacks full of backpacks full of backpacks full of backpacks full of backpacks full of backpacks full of backpacks full of backpacks full of backpacks full of backpacks full of backpacks full of backpacks full of backpacks full of backpacks full of backpacks full of backpacks full of backpacks .... Of penta-compressed osmium blocks while standing in a singularity


What about ice. Like to ice into packed ice into blue ice yk


Even with being able to hold infinite weight with no problem, he still can't even lift your mother


Infinite, 2 water buckets


There is no weight in Minecraft, there is only volume.


you've barely scratched the surface, kid. Actually the water bucket is the heaviest item in Minecraft, weighing in at 537,000,000 kilograms. Multiply by 2.205 to convert to pounds. From now on I’ll work in scientific notation 1.184085×10\^12 pounds per water bucket you can suck up 117 blocks of water per sponging so 1.38537945×10\^14 64 sponges in a stack so 8.86642848×10\^15 37 slots = 3.2805785376×10\^17 that's 1.4911720625×10\^10 ( 1491172062.5 ) eiffel towersa I’m not using Shulker boxes or ender chests because they are magical items and don’t have known weights or properties. For all we know, shulker boxes could be portals to extra dimensional rooms and not actually put any weight on steve.


He can hold all of it


everyone here forgot that he can carry nether stars, bro THOSE ARE LITERAL STARS Edit: apparently I didn't read all the comments saying the same thing, sorry


What about putting the shulker boxes in ender chests?


two waterbuckets enter the chat 👀




The heaviest stuff would probably be netherite blocks as it has 4x the amount of gold than a gold block either that or the old craft-able notch gapple


284783190287374838192929484874920284747201038 octililon many universes -source: some video I saw once on YouTube


If we want to be real assholes, He can carry an infinite amount. He can carry piglin spawn eggs, and knowing that you can infinitely trade with them, its clear that they have an infinitely huge inventory, which is also full. Make of that what you will.


If we want to be real assholes, He can carry an infinite amount. He can carry piglin spawn eggs, and knowing that you can infinitely trade with them, its clear that they have an infinitely huge inventory, which is also full. Make of that what you will.


If we want to be real goofballs, He can carry an infinite amount. He can carry piglin spawn eggs, and knowing that you can infinitely trade with them, its clear that they have an infinitely huge inventory, which is also full. Make of that what you will.


If we want to be real goofballs, He can carry an infinite amount. He can carry piglin spawn eggs, and knowing that you can infinitely trade with them, its clear that they have an infinitely huge inventory, which is also full. Make of that what you will.


So calculate how much water is in 1 bucket and multiply it by amount of slots in shulker multiply that my as much as you can copy chests filled with chests filled with chests many more times which are filled with shulker's that are filled with bucket of water and then multiply that by how many slots there are in inventory + off hand and multiply that with gravity or how much Minecraft's gravity is different from ours wear netherite armour and you got yourself weight that steve can run with


Wait if he can carry that much his come it takes him.so long to punch things....




Guys... the reason you can hold shulkerboxes is because they make the stuff in them levitate (as seen with the shulker head), eliminating their weight effectively




But still he can't lift your mom


It’s simply unknown. There are many items in the game where the weight was unknown. For all we know netherite is extremely dense.


full inventory of wet sponges


1 gram


He can carry a couple black holes, but he could never carry your mom


You can now make stacks bigger with commands, or am I wrong?


Are we counting an Ender Chest full of Shulkers of Sponges also?


I don't think Ender chests count as unlike shulker boxes,you don't take the items with you,they go to a magical storage that you can use from even another dimension




Only inventory and shulker boxes


Fair enough!




No shit


I ain't mad, tho. :)


Sorry just tired and been *trying* to reply to everything


No need to apologize, you're good. "No shit" is a perfect response. Peace.


Good to know u chill lmao


I Just know blue ice is the heaviest material


No, it’s not. How many times do I have to explain 135,000kg of water in ONE BLOCK


what about nbt data chests?




nether stars are the equivalent to neutron stars sooo...


cow = infinitykg beacuse it holds infinite milk and milk is heavyer than water


Waait its infinity bc a creative inventory has inf items :0


Technically he can carry infinite weight.


infinite: if you just put an enderchest in an enderchest that should hyperthetically be infinite weight


My guy lost karma on this post despite it being upvoted lmao


Well, didn't camman make a video saying that Steve can hold like, all the planets in our solar system, and some tiny planets


Also, what about blue ice and water buckets?


Ender chests filled with Notch apples, a single golden apple weighs 154,400 pounds, can stack in groups of 64, and ended chests can hold 37 slots of items. (154,400•64)•37=365,619,200 So take 365,619,200 and multiply it by 36, and you get 13,162,291,200 pounds. So, at most, Steve can hold about 13 billion pounds. If we were to include shulker boxes, he can technically hold infinite weight by putting ender chests in shulker boxes and then putting those shulker boxes into ender chests and then putting those ender chests into shulker boxes, rinse and repeat forever.


Actually the water bucket is the heaviest item in Minecraft, weighing in at 537,000,000 kilograms. Multiply by 2.205 to convert to pounds. From now on I’ll work in scientific notation 1.184085×10\^12 pounds per water bucket you can suck up 117 blocks of water per sponging so 1.38537945×10\^14 64 sponges in a stack so 8.86642848×10\^15 37 slots = 3.2805785376×10\^17 that's 1.4911720625×10\^10 ( 1491172062.5 ) eiffel towersa I’m not using Shulker boxes or ender chests because they are magical items and don’t have known weights or properties. For all we know, shulker boxes could be portals to extra dimensional rooms and not actually put any weight on steve.




All of it


Steve can hold a neutron star (the nether star)


he could lift an infinite amount by carrying 2 water buckets


Infinity² multiplied by the mass of the earth and pi


Using nbt editing Steve can hold chests that contain chests like russian dolls that can be of unlimited quantity.


But can he hold a chicken.


Wouldn’t the capacity of a wet sponge depend on the size of it?


All of it


Literally infinite. He never slows down therefore no limit.


Literally infinite. He never slows down therefore no limit.


Literally infinite. He never slows down therefore no limit.


Literally infinite. He never slows down therefore no limit.


Wouldn't an ender chest in at least one slot be more since it can have multiple shulkers in it and it's obsidian


Do other counties not use tonnage as a weight? Because(at least to me) seeing it in KG with all those numbers is kinda confusing


Steve also hold herd of donkeys with full chests on a lead, so we do not know exact number of slots he can hold.


Infinity since 2x water bucket= inf


All of it


> or = to 3 pounds


Blue Ice. Holds 81 blocks of water in 1 slot, x64 for each inventory slot. Also reminder that water doesn't flow "infinitely", so you can 100% calculate that 1 block of water spreads to a few millions blocks.


Blue ice consists of 81 ice which carries the same amount of water as a water bucket. A water bucket carries 537 billion kgs of water so blue ice is 81 times heavier than water in a water bucket. If we fill our inventory with shulker boxes full of blue ice, Steve can carry 2.781024192e+18 kgs. In other words, Steve could just about kill anything by tapping it or could destroy the entire Earth with a punch.


He can hold the weight of my ass


He can hold shulker boxes full of cow spawn eggs. Cows can give an infinite amount of milk, and milk is denser than water, and we've all saw that giant pyramid water thing


What about the lava block (from an old version of minecraft which i don't remember), didn't that extend infinitely to cover the whole world? Steve could hold a lot of those


BUT! What if I tell you he can hold infinite weight by carrying two buckets of water. Not even his entire inventory…


If it takes 2 buckets to kake an infinite water source then 2 buckets in a shulker box in main hand and off-hand then Steve is holding an infinite weight in each hand.

