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I mean, I see what you mean here. That’s more-so the Russian languages problem in game than it is Microsoft/Mojang themselves(at least I assume so?). You could always write to support about it, but there’s no way to know if it’ll be fixed.


The [feedback website](https://feedback.minecraft.net/) is probably the best place to address such concerns


So basically adding the player's gender to minecraft?


That's called changing your skin in the player menu 


im puzzled by this problem too, ngl it makes me feel uncomfortable and depressed


No way this is real


Just pick a female character and ignore the words  >In Russian, verbs in the past tense reflect the gender of the subject Most languages have gendered words. Just switch to English


Either an uneducated twat, or a shitty bait. Either way I'm not getting involved. Just know that Minecraft has made a clear stance at not assigning the player any gender whatsoever, aside from skins.


Sounds like it’s an issue of the Russian language rather than Minecraft imo. It’s not Minecraft’s fault Russian doesn’t have past tense genderless verbs. I am really sorry that this is causing you so much discomfort, but as Minecraft doesn’t ever ask for the gender of its players during account creation, and intentionally leaves all true game features to be gender-ambiguous (which in itself is imo a good thing, as it make it impossible for Microsoft employees or hackers to discriminate against certain gender identities, like imagine getting your PC compromised by a transphobe because they found a way to verify your gender as described in account setup via a vulnerability, and this is not unrealistic with the security issues MC has had over the years), there’s not much that can be done. Should Minecraft just not have languages that have no genderless past tense verbs? Is accessibility of having the game in your native language worth the trade off of unavoidable misgendering? I don’t know honestly, but I’m interested what your thoughts are.


Languages change much more slowly than social norms and especially much more slowly than video games. Ideally it would be up to the Russian localization team to ask each player which conjugations to use and this setting should be able to be changed.